I i i ' ? I I' t i Tha CdGON STATESMAN. Sdcm Oregon. CaWay looming, Septecsbw S3. IS3 ' ' I " . . - v . 1 . ... .-':." ' -- f j - j .; " . : . : .. : .- . . . i -.. . . . . . v:. '" :. ..juuhhIj mm j l l mil i ii """""" ' " ' " ' x i ' - I" ' - '1 ' ' ' 1 ' 1 ' - v -, ' .-v jw- ' s ' . . ; , - -1 - - - ...... 4 . - - - . - - - - - . - . 1 - - r f . . - " : K' ' ' - ' , ' 1 ' - 1 v l ' :'- i .'-v 1 - - ' r: - ; vk a; , , - -v . .A . ; M. . :.v,-..-.. J t ' vl ' t. : t f I . , ' , V1,1' "' I ' . " 1 ' ' - ':'! T f -.A-- ' V-::.:'1': it- -"J ' .-...;..-.:..' : 4- . f , .VT-d - . : : . '! il - - j -y- - rf , 7 ::S.:S!:!:;J:: 4 . 1 C 0 M I N C T H ROUGH THE RYE Men walk thronth ft field f rye eoTertof lnjndred. of .Mm f fomjaunoB land at Walton He in, surrey, cjifiano. ion ucwi vi - ----- . .,.. THE BOSS AND RUBBER CZAR War mix tion Chief Donald ML Nelson (left) confers with William If. Jef, fera, president of the Union raelfie railroad and new rabber cur. ,. elsoa called Jeffers Job "ono of 13m IovccsV hi i w iliii JQirtilnan-rffiririV rm fir fmrii r 1 r CHAMP RHYTHM SWIMMERS Martha (left) ; and Patty Brown, 11-year-old identical twins of La Jolla. Calif jelaiaa the Pacific coast duet rhythm swimmina championship Khythm awimminf is swimming in time with music r f MM n N t ' y. v f , ; ' i, - , 1 - r :K-''-4S:::.. 7 4 45 'v. ' r-iTf 5 i I f: J -1 a 1 HONORING THE BRAVE DEA D-offieers of the Pacific fleet stand aboard a ship at Pearl Harbor la ceremonies honorlnr brother officers and men lost la the sinkins of the destroyer Sims in the Battle of the Coral Sea and destroyer Hammann. lost in Battle of Midway. . 'TWIN LAUNCHIN C-Tbe lUkS. laddox (left) starts down the ways of-the Federal ShipboUdiaf and Drydock com nany at Kearny. N. J, as a sistsr destroyer, the U.S.S. Kelson, - . . waiU Ito tarn to tasto the salt water I I I ; ft. ' f) j . . . ; - - n 4 - .f v 1- . . .' Xr-. - : ' -",- I mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmBmmmmm i .1 . is SHIPBUILDER nnry J. Kaiser (abort), west coast ship baildcr, plans to build hut cart planes. HOLDS HAIR-Thlscicar plastic helmet Is designed to keep women's hair from flyinf . . about in war plant work. Xi- s jr I V l I 1 !-,. . i - , - i : . ' ."i. -. , 4 : -i 1 ' . - - :' '- : ' 1. ! i. m . : . . . ...... .". ....-...: . ! t "L "' -v'"'- v: ? .- LAMBS HAVE THEIR DAY -MlSleent rTanBeaumont Tex.; tf!Jj2,t Taw and Joan Ballin. Denver. Colo, (left to right) groom entries at Reading. Fa lamb beanty contest. CHOICE Mary Marlin . (aboTt) wat named ."Kiss Blue, Kibboa" by the California Mod-f els' Guild becaase she haawon so many awardafoc ace eharms. Eht's abo Misa V. S. Nary v . 4 r I- ' 07 r TO MARKET (THAT'S EIXED BY PAPA) Krs. Leon raaiima. wife J tie rrlce aisllstrator. aaJ ixrjikr Lya. cycle to AnnaycIU, KJ, to shop -at Papa'a prists.? 1 5. . MARINES CET.A FICIITER Tomsty Loagbraa (left), retire! anefeaie4 tight hearywe!rtt cr-'"V wears a tebaet and has a g!)To I'sest cp ty LL. CcU 7. Lt: Csl $ ' ijIiljUa where Lot- Iraa stere3 lUariaea as a rrintv t t 11 ' & : '-I 1 t 1 AIRCRAFT'S THEIR ME A "TZrlJ sapors asaa oac of th!r turttl roia-Poa asU-alr? - ' rtfttTK dariaxa pracilco alert on a EriUih sl la a U. S. pert. 1 .f J'- I -I z a f :l- ' '. V '. ... a - " ..... . k . f : - v. f 1