The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 13, 1942, Page 6, Image 6

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Th OUZGOII STATESMAN. Salem Oregon. Sunday Morning. September 13. 1312
A 7"sJ -2 4 "v- 4v r
The wedding of Miss Edythe .
Glaisyer, daughter of Mr. end
Mrs. H. B. Glaisyer. end lie
Scott Ira Kill, son of Un. Ira
Hill of Portland, took place on
Saturday, September 5, at the
chapel of the-Westminster Pres
byterian church in Portland. Dr.
Perry C. Xlopper officiated.
The chapel was decorated with
yellow roses and white gladio
luses and white tapers. ' David,
Gibbs sang, accompanied by Mrs.
Byron Shipman. - ;
The bride was given in mar-;
riage by Aer father. She wore a
gown of white satin made "with
a shirred bodice, shirred bracelet
length sleeves and tulle over
skirt The finger-tip veil was
edged with, lace and fell from a
coronet of seed pearls. She car-
ried a shower bouquet of yellow
rosebuds, white bouvardia and
gladioluses. i
Mrs Jack Robinson, the bride's
only attendant, . wore a gown
fashioned like to that of the bride
but of pastel green satin. It had
a matching green tulle overskirt.
She carried a bouquet of bronze
pom-por dahlias. 1 ; ;
Mr. Jack -Robinson, was best
." Mrs. Glaisyer wore aquama
rine corsage of deep plum-tone
gladioluses, each of them was
' centered with a tiny pink rose
bud. Mrs. Hill chose a gown of
ashes of roses crepe. Her corsage
was of gardenias.
A reception followed the eere-
1 mony. Mrs. Evans Hamilton
(Doris Clarke) of Portland, cut
her wedding' cake, Mrs. Byron
Shipman and Mrs. Deo Sprague,
both' of Portland, presided at
the urns. " V '
' Miss Caroline Kehrli passed
the dream cakes.
For traveling the bride wore
a wool tailleur of sand beige and
accessories of turf tan. Her cor-
aage was gardenias.
The counle left immediately
after the reception for a honey
moon at Ocean Park, Washing
ton. Alter September 21, they
will be at rrarne at 2134 North
west Northrop street. Portland.
Mrs. Hill is a graduate of Sa
lem schools and Willamette uni
versity. She was affiliated with
Alpha Phi Alpha, end served as'
president during her senior year.
She has been- with the Lanes
Miles Standish company in Port
land. Mr. Hill is a graduate of Port
land schools, and Is now with the
. Texas. Oil company, in Portland.
Mrs. F. W. Poarawa and Mrs.
Walter Kirk were hostesses on
Wednesday at the Kirk country
place, for a salad luncheon.
As Featured In Mademoiselle,
Harper's Bazaar, arid Vogue
w-- i
V U v.A) !
m v s
Jltrts lift (or your spirit in th alert and kapp
founj styles mnd a lift for your pocleeU
? y qumlity-i&at sares, . -SWa
til il4 Scatri UmI tnl mMS&m oa mrf ctaulaaltaaUr
rhe Smart Shop
115 JV. liberty
'--V: A
-? 1 ? f
v.-V , --':'-S 'J 'C 'Y - -' - ,-
NEWLYWEDS Mr. and Mrs. Rex Lawsan, married at
the First Christian churdi on Suxrckry. The bride is th former
Eileen Rahn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rahn. (Bishop
photo.) i-.
Service Work
'r How funds accumulated for
war service work will be used
during the coming club; season,
is one of the subjects to be dis
cussed by .the Salem Junior
.Woman' cluh at Its opening
meeting on Monday at 8 o'clock.
Miss Hattie Bratzel, new presi
dent, will preside, and Will in
troduce members of standing
committees and department
heads,' i
Membership applications will
be considered at a board of di
rectors meeting held at 7:30 pjn,
preceding the business meeting.
The program following the
business meeting will be based
on a "Vacation" theme, and will
be presented by- the hospitality
and friendship committee. Mrs.
Francis Jernigan is general
chairman of the committee and
; assisting her are ' Mrs.! W. G.
Nibler, Mrs. F. C Gast, Mrs.
William Haskin, jr., Mrs. Verne
Robb, and Mrs. Harry Mohr, Jr.
To Play ;
Oregon's one remaining sym
phony orchestra, the Salem Pnil
harmqpic, will present a full
season of concerts in spite of the
obstacles presented to the or
ganization during wartime, a de- '
cision announced by members
of the board of directors today,
after a careful study had been
made of all factors entering into
the forthcoming musical .season.
"In spite of the fact that w
have lost considerable personnel
to the armed services and de
fense industries, we are deter
mined that that fine community
enterprise be continued,' said
Harry Collins, new president of
the board of directors, who has
guided the orchestra through
several past successful seasons.
We will bring to the people of
Salem and Marion county music '
that will take their minds from
the war for a period of an hour
or two. Music that is a part of
American life win be our ob
jective, he said.
Mr. Collins further pointed out
that among the many newcomers
of. Salem there may be many
persons who would like an op
portunity to perform in the local
orchestra. Those with musical
training are urged to contact
him at 3101 if they wish to play
in this season's concerts. A lim
ited number of places in the in
strumentation of the Philhar
monic are. open and Edouard
Hurlimann, director, is anxious
to bring the orchestra to full
strength as rapidly as possible.
Daughters at
The Catholic Daughters of
America held their meeting at
the Woman's club Wednesday,
New year books containing the
program of activities and com
mittees were distributed. Mrs.
: Gordon Coffey is chairman of
the year book committee. '
, Starting with the October
meeting the court will have de
fense stamps on sale with Miss
Nile duett in charge.
On October 4 the court nenw
bers will attend the mass and
receive communion at St Vin
cent de Paul's church,.with
Father Robert Neugebauer of
ficiating. Breakfast win be
served later. Red Cross sewing
Is continuing' every Monday.:
Officers of the court served on
the refreshment committee with
Mrs. Haizette Guenther as chair
man. Mrs. v Helen White was
chairman of the social hour.
WOODBUXN X e u r e e
enaptcT No. 41, Order of Eastern
Star, w31 open. Its fall season
with: a meeting at the Masonie
temple September 14. Nina Rin
go worthy matron, has an-
nounced that memorial services
will be held with appropriate
ceremonies. '
The . refreshment committee
wffl be the worthy patron at the
chapter, J. Melvin Kingo.
T-r.ntTY Mr. and Ifra. T,
Shuttleworth attended a birth
day dinner in Salem Monday at
the home of their daughter, Mrs.
George Mitchell. The latter waa
hostess, honoring her sister, Mrs.
J. XT. 7est Others in the frailly
party were Mr. and Mrs. George
SundLie and Alden, Mr. and Mrs,
J. P. IkKnrrench and Trieda of
Bethel, George Mitchell, and J.
tT. West.
Woman's club will hold its first
meeting of the season Wednes
day nisht, September-18, begin
ning at 7.-43. Officers will act
as hostesses. All members and
girls who are interested in be
coming members, are urged to
be present.
iWives" of
Officers: .
Army officers wives are plan
. ning for their own entertainment
and -win begin -a- series of get-
acquainted affairs on Thursday
when they meet for luncheon in
the USO headquarters at Ameri
can Legion ball, Chemeketa and -Cottage
streets. ':
.- The luncheon Is scheduled at
1 o'clock and is for, the women
now living in Salem ' and -West
Salem, whose husbands are sta
tioned at Camp Adair or other ;
points near Salem.
No written invitations, are be
ing issued because all" the wives
living here have not been regis-'
tered and are not known, but
reservations may be made by
calling Mrs. aB. Ahrord, 6105,
Mrs. T. C Brooks, 7260, Mrs. H.
R. Miles, 7725 or Mrs. R. L,
Chandler, 7S3S.
Women who have young chil
dren moay list them - with the
committee member when reser
- vation is made, and arrangements
will be made to care for them.
Also planned for wives, of of
ficers is the tea to be given at
-the name of Governor and Mrs."
Charles A. Sprague on Septem
ber 22. A committee from the
Hostess league headed by Mrs.
James T. Brand will be hostesses
to the wives of officers on that .
ReconJed Music
. ' A program of recorded music,
consisting, of excerpts from fa
mous light operas, will be given
in the recreation room of the
YWCA this afternoon at .330.
Mr. Robert Rawson ; will offer
interesting comments on each
number. The public is invited,
' Overtar to "Die nritmimi'
IS moeapoUs Symptacwy orchestra
Cm front "May time" Bamberg
Victor Light Opera company
"Root Marie" from "Boot Mario"
Meteoa Eddr
Gcma from "Countem Maritza
- Victor Light Opera compony
"song ot the Pltac" tram San
of the nofne
Banade of tbo DueT from "Cr
raao 4 BerreW Skiles
JTrom "Toleo t HottaM"-OfJeaboca
OtarmBla's Couplrto
Mihrl Qui I i -Barcarouo.
itiigM Diao)
- IjUcruiO' Borl a4
. Uvnnct Ttbbett
Dopertatto'a Aria 4Tbo mBan4)
Dare Ham JlowiO
Allan Jones -
Tmaii fc Ie-o Soo tram "Song
of the FUii Gcnhwia
Victor Opera
Coma from
Victor light
"The MoaatteB"
Keawa Zddy and male Chora
Soy "Goodbye
To Students
.Mrs. Elmore 111 was hostess
at an informal reception Friday
night for Miss Katberine Hill
and Miss Yvonne Moffitt, both
of whom wQl leave soon to en
ter Oregon State college as
freshmen. Miss Moffit left Sat
urday rooming to spend a short,
time at her new home in Tilla
mook before entering college.
The tea table, covered by a
-fine lace cloth and centered with
asters and candles, was presided
over by Miss Helen Fan ton. Miss
Muriel Chase, Miss Janet Halik
and Miss Peggy Wentland of Re
pond, California. Assisting were
Miss Barbara Belt and Miss
Shirley HilL
'- Some 50 guests called during
the evening to say "goodbye" to
the girls.
Frances Targutie Mettea ar
rived in Salem Saturday after
' a period of piano study with her
former Paris teacher, Wager
' Swayne, who is now living in
San Francisco. The Melton piano
studio is now open.
LINCOLN Mr. and Mrs. E. O.
Crawford celebrated their 37th
wedding anniversary at their
home Thursday with an informal
party. Pastel tinted gladiolus and
' asters were arranged about the
r rooms.' .V.,-. ..
Assisting hostesses were Mrs.'
Lois Crawford and Mrs. Aubrey -Crawford.
The guest list Included Mr.
and Mrs. Harley Smalley, ; Mr.
and 'Mrs. Walter Osborn, Mrs,
C Griepentroc Wanda Spar
hawk, ; George Stafford, Earl
Royal, Mr. and Mrs. ; Aubrey
Crawford and 1 Audrey, Allwya
and Arleta, Mrs, Lois Crawford
and the "hosts, Mr. and Mrs. E. C
' STLYESTOX Theo Smith
Friends, daughter . of Mr, and
Mrs. A. H. Smith of Saverton,
and C H. Elstner, both of Red
wood City, CaliL, were married
at Las Vesas, 'Nevada, Friday,
according to word receiyed here
.by her rrents,"':- : ?
Mr. and Mrs. Elstner will live
in Las Vegas where he is work
ing ia defense work. Mrs. Elst
ner, a former SHyerton girl,
. spent the fore part of the sum
mer at Saverton.
- Mrs. LiTburn'a Musical
. . win open around October
1st under the direction of Mrs.
Walter C Germain, formerly
of ? Marshfield, an accredited
kindergarten and piano teacher,
CaU 4813 for Information .
. - bet . , . even our best friends won't tell -us.
We inadvertently sedd in this column
last week thai we knew a woman who
snapped her white collar on her dress, a
little trick," we stated, feat only a woman's
magazine columnist would be neat enough
to .suggest. All mis week we ve been eating ,
our words, for r leryme English,' co-sodet
editress with us these past six years, always
neatly snaps her collars on her dresses, and
we never knew iL ; - '
Gadabout ". . . Beryl Holt, whom we
- have been unsuccessfully trying to contact
by phone all summer lor any .scrap of so
ciety news she might be able to reveal, has ;
been" on a summer jaunt. She's spent the
whole season- away from home, but never
got more than 75 miles .away except once.
Beach for weeks, Eugene, Portland and then
to Seatfie. ' i . .
Every woman to her talents . . The oth
er day we came gayly into the office, sing
ing at the' top of our voice, and whom should
be at our desk typewriting, than Josephine
Albert Spaulding. ; songbird of our town.
Upon looking at her typewritten story, we
t decided that she types like we sing.
. Clothes do make me man . . V Recently :
Judge and Mrs. James T, Brand certainly
upstanding citizens of the commmiry went
downtown in their much-used gardening
Miss Bendiksen
Tells News
Mrs. Richard Tatro, Miss
Pearl Bendiksen and Miss Tbel
ma Bendiksen were hostesses
at the Tatro home on Friday for
a dinner at which time the en
gagement of their sister. Miss
Virginia Bendiksen was an
nounced. The news , was told on
folders bearing the pictures and '
the names of Miss Bendiksen and
Mr. Jose Gonzalez. No date was
set for the wedding.
Miss Bendiksen is a graduate
of Willamette university and was
active in campus affairs. She
was national and local president
of Daleth Teth Girnmel and held
several offices in'the internation
al dub. She is now employed at
the stau department of educa
tion. She is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. B. J. Bendiksen of Ta
.. coma. -vs'.-., -,eW'
Mr. Gonzalez is a law student
at the University of Guadalajara,
Mexico. The couple met when
Miss Bendiksen spent her sum
mer vacation In Mexico.
Guests at the party were Miss
Margaret Magee, Miss Hermie
Palmer, Miss Jessica Kinsey,
Miss Gladys Windeohal. Miss '
Hope Dowd, Mrs. Steve Ander
son, Mrs. Bob Wilson of Boulder
Dam, Colorado, Mrs. James An
derson of Castle Bock, Washing
ton, Miss Evelyn Bendiksen of
.Portland and the honor guest and
'hostesses. . '
Phelps-Qiplan .
Vows Said
Miss Renee Caplan, daughter ;
of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Caplan
and Mr. Banner Phelpe, son of
Mr. and Mrs. C R. Phelps, were
married in Vancouver, Washing
ton, on Friday. Only members
of the family were present at the
' ceremony. ; i-r;:;::
The bride wore a beige dress
and brown accessories. .Her cor-,
sage was gardenias. She was at
tended by Miss Betty Bishop.
The groom is with the U n i t e d
States marines.
amaJLtary will
meet Monday , afternoon at 2
o'clock in the social rooms of
the hospital for election of offi
cers. Mr. G. L. Meisner will
show the motion picture. The
Free American Way." A guest
towel shower for the hospital
win be a feature of the meeting.
Mrs. D. J. Unruh will conduct
the devotional period. Tea host
esses are Mesdames Janes Gar
con, Henry A. Cross, J. N. Franz
and B. E. Otjen.
Dr. and Mrs. Irving A. Fox
are inviting members and friends
of the First Baptist church to
an informal birthday reception
on Monday night at the church.
The occasion is the 80th birthday
of Mrs. (ox's father, Mr. IL IL
Gill, - who win be honor guest:
Hours arc from 730 ' to 10
The class of the fanler nest
esses, which meets on Tuesdays,
wul not be held as usual this
week, according to Miss M3rion
MitcheU, chairman, but on Tues
day, September 22, Mrs. Georga
R. K. aloorhead wul apeak as
The Baak-a-Mamth dab vQ
meet Tuesday at 1:1V o'clock
with Mrs. Frank Bennett at S
D street A dessert hnvheon
will be served, and later in the
afternoon. Mrs. James T. Brand
win review the book. TBraz-T
by Stefan Zweig. .
Miss Irene Erattebal left Fri
day for Seattle where she will
attend the University of Wash
ington as a freshman.
Tdxher of Piano'
All Grades of Piano
- High School Credit-
Home: 890 Statesman
' Phone 887$
Studio: SC3 N. 5th, Phone 1781
clothes to buy soma tools. Chancing upon a
lonesome poking soldier, they- asked , him
to dinner. Very politely but firmly, he de
clined. Probably his next letter home told
his' mother how he wi&stoad the advances
. of some of Salem's less desirable citizens,
and wouldn't mother have blushed, had she
known how he missed dining at the home
.of one of Oregon's supreme court Justices. "
Perhaps you rer-vtanber ... Charley
Maxwell, Jovial and popular negro who lived
in Salem for many years. Well, in a recent
issue of theBttsburgh CPaJ Courier, a negro
paper, appears a large picture of a very
pretty girl, titled "Soldiers Inspiration'' and
- captioned "1 don't want to gel well, because
I'm In love with a beautiful nurse.' may be
the song soldiers at Ft Huachuca will be
singing when lovely Miss Chrystalee Max
well, general ; hospital nurse and ' recently
, cornmissioned second lieutenant in the army
f nursing corps, reports to . the Arizona post
Miss Maxwell, a graduate nurse who has
been'on the hospital staff for several years,
is popular in the Angel City's social set She
is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Max-
-weiL'' .' .;- . . .; '::-t :
AH our eags in one basket . .' . isn't a
good idea, we and Mickey Mouse found out
We only broke 17, Mickey's casualty list
was 10 dozen. And look at the market
price! , , Marine Buren.
District council.
dub. HiXhfcu
disa hiBca at
TtntSDAT -
. auojourf aindBary. corered dish
ptcnie at X-nno pork.
Central WCTU at ban,
merctel streets, t a. aw
tioa oc otneerm.
Book'A-MonU) riub, with Mrs.
Tiaak BcBBctt. 8SS B -tract. I AS
Writers club.
1M -with
Tiara Tbam
tea street.
Birthday for
Mrs. Byron Cooley entertained
on Wednesday afternoon at her
home on 22nd street in honor of
her daughter, Diane, on her sec
ond birthday. The children
played on the lawn.
Invited were Stephen Ross,
Beverly Stein, Ann Strain, Kath
leen Schmidt, Gloria Schmidt,
Rodney Schmidt, Marie Jackson,
Sylvia Jackson, Sue Ann Barker,
Judith Barker, Linda Loo Erts
gaard, Linda Upham, Fredricka
Wood, Ross Cooley, Diane
Cooley, Mrs. Charles Ross, Mrs.
Gilbert Stein, Mrs. Dudley
Strain, Mrs. John Schmidt, Mr.
and Mrs. Warner Jackson - of
Portland, Mrs. Kenneth Barker,
Mrs. E. W. Cooley, Mrs! Lyle
Erstgaard, Mrs. A. C. Upham
of Portland, Mrs. Charles Wood,
Mrs. E. M. Rulifson, Mrs. How
ard Cole, Mn. Willard Gritton
and Miss Mary Ross. ' 5 !
Hutchinsons to
Be Honored
The Mayflower guild and the
Womens Union of the First Con
gregational church will be host
esses at a farewell reception for
Rev. and Mrs. Robert Hutchin
son and family on Tuesday night
at the church, h
Hours for the reception are
from 8 to 10 o'clock and the pub
lic is invited to attend. Mrs. Ray
A. Yoconv president of the May
flower guild, and Miss Eula Mc-
CuDy, president of the Woman's
Union, are acting as co-chairmen
for the reception. :Y ..
Rev. Hutchinson will preach
his last sermon at his 'church
next Sunday. With his family,
he wm soon reave for Seattle,
where be has accepted the pas
torate at the Pilgrim Congrega-
.tional church.
For Salem and
Outside Schools
Filler Pcpcr
Best quality. , -24-lh.
Large count
Also 10c Packages
, Many Other Supplies
Friced Bight
Coming :
I . Soon .
Circles Meet
Wednesday r.
Circles of the First Methodist
church will meet on Wednesday
afternoon as follows: ,'
South Central, with Mrs. J.
Graham, 481 South High street,
1:15 dessert luncheon.
West Central, : with-Mrs. Ron
ald Glover, 633 South Commer
cial street, at 2 p. m
Yew Park, with - Mrs. Lena
Mickey, 837 South 12th street,
2 p. m. -'"'..'i ' 1
East Centratlwith Mrs. J. Ed
gar Purdy, 546 North 22nd
street, 1:15 dessert. luncheon, f.
Naomi, with Mrs. Carl Ste
vens, 1545 Jefferson street, 1:1$
dessert luncheon. , V
Lucy Ann ; Lee, . with Mrs.
Carle . Abrams, 1547 Chemeketa
street, 1 p. to. dessert hmcheon.
- Pianist -. Teacher - Lecturer
American Study Chicago-rNew York
European- StudjPris--Berlm---Vienna .
Instruction from ihe-Begimiing to Advanced Artistic
Interpretation - Accredited Assistant
Appointment for Consultation i
354 N. Capitol . Telephwie 035
Mondays in Pertland
Margaret Hogg
Accredited Plane Teacher-
Be3inning or Advanced Students " - ,
c,.9r, tea c T rt-,.1-1
T. S.
O Accredited Teach
ers. Piano and Pipe
Term opens Sept. 21st
Res. 505 N. Summer -
It IVon't Be Long Now!
" Our Stock Is Now Complete
We Handlo Supplies In
Top Quality Only!
School Supplies for. v
s All Grades and High School
cnnYCLns : . i 5 c
Lc::LcJ V
: iwwaewaysa-l .
2 and 3 ring..25c tt '
Bine canvaa.35c cy
Pencils, PenhoMerav
Pens, Typing Paper, Pen-;
cianship Papery Pencil
Boxes, Rulers, Reinforce- -ments.
Invited to
Buffet,: l
Suppei ; j '
. Mrs. George Roseman will be
hostess on Wednesday night to
members of the American As-
, soctatioa of University" Women
board of directors and siandinf
committee heads at a buffet sup
per. The affair win be held at the
- Roseman's home on Capitol street
at 630 o'clock. Mrs. Rortman ta
president of the association. 7
- Invited are Mix Melvin Geist,
secretary. Miss. Ann Boentje,
treasurer, Mrs. Lorena Jask. Mrs.
Roger D." Woodrow, Miss Beryl
'Holt; Miss Carolyn Wilson, Mrs.
' Elmer Berg. Mrs. R. Ivan LovelL
Miss Mary Eyre, Miss - Isabel
Child. Mrs. C A. Ratcliffe, Mrs.
Elsie Schfoeder, Mr Custet.
Ross, Mrs. H. E. MitcheU, Mrs.
; Wayne 1 Doughton, . Mrs. Marvin
Lewis,' Mrs. Paul Barilen, Mrs.
Cecil Monk' and Mrs. Dorothy
. CasseUus.
Auxiliary Has -Luncheon
The Lions auxiliary will hold
its first fall meeting at Godfrey's
on Thursday afternoon it 1
o'clock when luncheon win be
served. Following this, a busi
ness meeting will be held, with
Mrs. Laverne Young, president,
' in charge. Plans for the winter's
activities j in defense work will
: -be made. ! " ; -: . i 1 '
Other new officers' are 'Mrs.
J. K. Hubbard, vice-president;
Mrs. Floyd M. Seamster, secre
tary, and Mrs. Douglas Yeater,
treasurer. ; ... i
Kedecorated Enlargi
' Usual Wave L58
Perm Ou
Pssb Ware
Cample te
Open ThuTS. Eva.
' try Appointment
Fheae 8888
i first National Bank Blag.
Phone 178
Ehel H.
IXunning system of
improved music
study for beginners.
Pupils should enroll now".
Telephone 7111
Tlizzr Eldlsn
d law as SI .50
Lc!i:r Zx;?:n
Sfand :
S ring , ,
Oar Capital Braad
Finer Paper aad Tablets
.Are Taps la Qmality .
$- :i . . . " .