r v- Hut OZZGOIf STATESXAIt fcclta Oryxv Seaday I Icts-as. Ceisz-be. IX 1SU PGt 1VX, Bisanuo JL Ml . lntiiis Strictly Private9 Week Closes ' : Stock Average Qff .3 On 7eck; Coals Show Gains . NEW YORK, Sept 12-0P-Buy- tng of specialties helped prop Sat urday's stock market although leaders : generally finished ' ra ther disappointing week without getting anywhere in parti'cuar. Tne Associated Press average of 60 stock wad unchanged at 38.9 dux on roe weeic . was on 2 of a point Transfers of 116.430 shares compared .with 143,270 week ago. J. :.: I . :' .f' ; hjzc V Twin City Rapid Transit Issues gain were conspicuous perform ers. The senior stock ran up 7 points to a new high since 1937, further reflecting prospects of more payments on accumulated dividends. The issue later backed down and ended up 2 points. The common shares held a plus, sign of 1 18 at the best mark In four Tears. The preferred on the week showed a net gain of 20 points. . Pittsburgh Coal, Pennsylvania Coal, Coke and Consolidated Coal were- pushed up on the senate finance committee's vote to ease excess profits tax burdens for mines. Goodyear and Goodrich were un 18 each. lh former at a new 1942 peak, as the synthetic I Produce Exchange rubber outook brightened. There was some cashing in on the re- - cent sharp upturn of U. S. Distri buting preferred and this stock conceded a point. f U4t r--h w car'V . -: , By Quinn Hall Sil vert on Boosts Bond Sale Flans tr.tt.Au fiOKZOSGZft AT ESA. TXW & ftVSSSO pV A IXILE f-cX 4ND VEOT T Vm ASOUT SWFF THE cassa cjt Tat tsa NDriDwm soar tkcs. YDO COM "tD SCUD HU4 1 -MA SILVESTON George Uanolis, war bond sales. chairman at Sil- iverton, is promising a big pro gram for October 6 to pep" up the sales campaign. Outside tal ent will be brought in for the occasion, . says. Mr. Manolis, but reports that plans are not as yet definite. Mrs. Fay Bragg, who is defense chairman in charge of gathering I reading materials in the Silver- ton community for soldier boys, reports that the recent magazines i and books delivered at the camps are being gratefully received. Ma terials of this kind may. be ; left at the defense offices, Mrs. Bragg reports, but adds that ' it. should be remembered that' the word "recent" Is being stressed. She also ! says that boys in camps much prefer Esquire, Popular Me chanics, Popular Science, Colliers and the like to Harpers Bazaar or .Vogues. . ; . ' ,. . . Quotations at Portland I Portland Aircraft Factory Calls Girls. LIBERTY Helen Daseh and Charlotte Flenge McMuien re ceived a call to report last Tues day at Columbia aircraft plant in I Portland. The two girls , recently finished their aircraft sheet metal training in Salem. : TtM Mfeas b) hbbM tat h cal sxobar ara Indleattva f ttta-.daUy uarfcet erlce paid to srowari br Ea- bTm hot are aat suaraataad.Br Tha Etatenxumt : vsoBTaa4.i - CaUferata Cabba Carrota, doa. , ., caansowar. crata . caiarr, sraaa Cucumbers, bottwuaa , 8J , - JM , IMS UM Madtaa i Larf'B- PttliCtS Cheats, uadatgradaa Cokr4 bM Colarad frrerk Lashui a b y d , M st JS M OBions, dry wfalta -Oaiona, dry. tad. fallow Potatoaa. 10 Urn. No. Potatoes mm -RadialMK, dos, Turnip-, katts ----. Ittuca aaw S.H ' - -a- ' jS : 6BUUN. BAT ANO SSXDS (Bartet rrleaa oata, mo. I raad barWr. Oo-cr hay. toa HMQnM tixeossAs BJPO AJimUa har. ton JAM to SOS Dairy food. JO-Uk, bag ITS Hon acrotch load Crocked con Wboat BCTnOL. EGOS AND rOVLTET: AaajMcn't Btaytas Prteo Sobj to chanca withaot natteai BUTT BT AT ,, - Pramlum - ' JW - No. 1 M No. S - : M iron wurrrs A ' B BGOa Extra largo . Medium Standards . PuUets Cracko M M an XI JM reuTK Colored frrs ' CoJored bena - Wbita Lngbana ttr Whlta ijesborn bona anaa craaaaanrs ISubleet to chaago without noUca) Laaco A . L- AX au ax at 1 poultry So aiuva Lag horn bona, orcr tl Iba. Lex bora bona, uador SVfc Iba. vmo roosicra No. LIVES' -taring prtcao tor No. 1 stock. an eonditiona and sales teportod up to spring jamne , o Hoga. top m-i& Iba. lM Sowa. ' UjM9U.0S VoaL top Dairy type oowa . (Hto S30 Beef trpa tJM to t- . t .M to 1 M TM to M Bulla BoLtora Oraaoid veal Hora Buying prions. -IMS contraetat Soadleaa WOOL AND MOMAXS Wool -Uohatr , AS Z At Walnut Growers Seek Amendment SAN TRANCISCO, Sept 1W West coast walnut producers at a meeting here Friday recommend ed amendment of the federal mar keting agreement to permit sale of 6& per cent of the unshelled merchantable nuts of the 1943-43 crop and 'to change 1aby size" nut speHficatlons. . 5 f-.''x' The wcommendationa . will be submitted to the United States de partment of agriculture. : . ; . ' Teacher Buy s ? Farm Property INDEPENDENCE Hersel Pey- ree has purchased the farm south of town belonging to George Kuef, Peyree hat resigned , from the position of Smith-Hughes instruc tor at MolaTla. y ' .. - Viva Couey spent the weekend visiting with Mr. and. Mrs. J. S. Wilson and family at Portland. Word has been received by Mr and Mrs. Ed Kelley that their son, Lewis who is in the marinps sta tioned at Camp Eliot, Calif, that he has been advanced to the rank of corporal. The company Lewis Is with recently enjoyed a week's vacation on the Bing Crosby prop erty at Del Mar. Barbara Westerman spent the weekend visiting with her sister, Marjorie, who is taking nurse's training at tha SL Mary's hos pital In Astoria. Methodists Plan For CE Meeting LYONS A cabinet meeting of the Methodist youth fellowship officers from the Lyons 2worth league was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Clipf ell Tuesday. At that lime a new ben ediction, color, motto and plaque were chosen to be approved. After the business meeting games and singing furnished the entertain ment, after which Ice cream and wafers t were, served, honotinj . Perry Clipfell en his birthday an- Present were Mrs. Alex Bode1 ker, Betty Jean Bodeker, Helen, Marion and James Nye'Mr:-nd Mrs. Dick Powers, Wallace Pow-: ers, laainev Evelyn, Peny End' Mr. and Mrs. Clipf ell. , ? J -J Vhcn Yoa Need C&sh ... Yoa Don't Want Red Tape! Through our personal loan service, you can get money when .yea seed It! Prompt, courteon-, See hew easy It Is to gaiQ toasu.hew st-aple to repay! Far meney In harry see! Shl5 FiC3 (r3. 212.213 Gsardlsa BtJg. liberty State ' TeleeboM ; i Sit. ' t;(: Lle.S-31S M-t2t PORTLAND, Ore- Sept 11 (AP) Produce exchange: Butter: Extras, 43 atandarda, 441,.; prune xxrsta, m; flrste. alii. Butterfat: 8s-4. . tin: Larce extras, 45: atandarda. 40; medium extras, 40; standards 37. Triplets, S3; Mot. aa. ley point: Valley ciover 91? ton. oruona Green, ss-oo Oregon dry 1.40-1JO; Walla WaUa Tak arm iu 90 10. oaxr P PoUtoea, new Yakima, 30-4.00; I Scio Eastern Star Begins New Year Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. (AP) Wheat: Open Hirh Low CHoaed Sept. ' 1.10 1.10 1.10 Ua Dei. 1.11 1.1J 1.1S XOS Cash train: oats wo. z-s 10. wniio 19.00: barley No. 2-45 lb. B.W. 25.00; No. 1 fiax XMM. - ... . Cash wheat (Did): son wnne i.ia; soft white excluding Rex US; white club 1.18; western rea ioa . Hard red winter: uratnary iai; .e per cent 1.14; 11 per cent 1J.6; U per cent U.S. . , Mara wmte isaan: i per ..is, 11 per cent 1JO; 12 per cant 1.22. Today's car receipts: Wheat 15; bar ley 1; flour 19; corn ; oats t, miU ged 8. Idaho AM cental: local. 3J0 cental. Country meats Sellins price to re tailer: Country-killed hogs, best butch era, 129-149 Iba. 20 -21c; -eaters, fancy, 23c Q4 food heavy, iS-l&c lb.; rough heavy, 18c Itx; cannor cows J2V-13c lb.: cutter 13-lic lb bulls. l-17c lb: spring iambs m-nc; yearling lamba. gooa lse lb.; do heavy, U-lSc lb ewea, B-c lb wool 1S4S contracts. Oregon ranch. I nominal, 54-J7c lb4 croasbreds. 40-t2c I PORTLAND. Ore, Butter Printa: SCIOTirst meeting, of Jeffer son chapter of Eastern Star , the summer recess was held Tuesday. Mrs. Hex Hartley, worthy matron, presided. . Reports of members at tending grand chapter at Port ' land were -given and fall and win ter activities considered. Maximum temperature here ap proached 80 early this week, with the mbiimnm in the 50s Nights Portland Produce With aid of crutches, Elmer Limbeck was ' able to be. among friends in Scio a few days ago. j He returned recently from' a Sa lem hospital where be was under treatment several weeks for fractured hip suffered two months ago while working in timber for the Lulay company" ten miles southeast of Scio. Complete- re covery is expected, according to attending surgeons. , W. H. Hickam of Scio is recov ering from a; major operation. Pearl Masonic lodge held - its first fall meeting Saturday after a three months summer adjourn ment. Walter Miller is worthy master of the lodge. J. S. McKin-1 ney, former worthy master at tended the session from Portland .where he Is employed In defense! work, - -'.j: Mohair 1942. 12 month. 45c lb. Bona Seed stock. 1942 crop. 6e 104 wiami, 70c; russiea, esc 10. Sept M AP) A - trade 40c in parchment wrapper. . 5Qe In cartons; B grade 47,c in parchment wrap pers. 49c in cartana. - Butterlat first quality, maximum of 4 oi I per cent acidity, delivered In Portland. 4SW-4SC lb.; premium quality, maximum of .35 of 1 per c-nt acidity. 49-8c lh.: valley routes and country points Se leas than first. second Quality at Portland so under first. Cheeae Selling prices to Portland retailers: Tilhunook triplets 29c lb.; loaf 30c; triplets to wholesalers 27c lb.; loaf 28c lb f. o. b. Tillamook. Eees Price to producers : A large 45c: B large 40c: A medium 40c; B medium 37c dos. Resale to retailers 4c higher for cases, cartons Se higher. - uvi poultry Huyms prices: iw. 1 grade Leghorn broilers l1, to 11. lbs. 26c; over l',i Iba. 2c colored fryers under 2'4 lbs 28c: . 2',i-4 Iba. 30c; colored hens, 23c; colored roasters, over 4 lbs.. 30c: Leghorn hens under 2 '4 lbs.. 19c; over 31,! lbs. 11c: No. 2 grade hens ac less; tux 3 grade loe le roosters. 10-12C lb. Dressed turkeys, selling price, new crop na-aaft in. Rabbits, average country killed. 30c Hay, selling price on trucks: Alfalfa No. 1, 24.50 ton; oats vetch $18 ton. Val PORTLAND. Ore- Sent. 12 (AP) Cattle tor week, salable 25S5: calvi 955; hogs for week, salable 2700; sheep ror week, salable Wsa, Barrows and gilts: gd-ch, 140-160 lbs. gd-ch, 160-1M Iba. gd-ch. lSO-200 lbs. gd-ch, 200-220 lbs. gd-ch. 220-340 lbs. gd-ch, 240-279 lbs, gd-ch. 270-300 Iba. Feeder pism, ad-ch. Steers, gd. 9OO-1100 Cross Word Puzzle I It. l l l I' W V I" " i-,-E "iizziiB IZIl,rIl HORIZONTAL, 1equality . 4--Ulwill " 9 aack 12 organ of . , vision :v.j t3 doctrine 14rrsorJLUty ; 15 sends back IT terminated -19 metallio - 3 goad, . -.; O ' VTCBTTCAI- , S9 outer cloaJC . 1 by means ( 40 brightness 42 cleanse 45 American f i.1 poet v 4S grassy , space in tL t forest -43 4arge tub '. 45 find tha f ; sum of J CO geometrid teems 2-afflrmativa ' . vote '; S--wiUidrew 4 raxor sharpener ; 5- 3uaker ; v colonist , , , , g those la , : power, 7Hrymbol or . ; tellurtumr t S everlasting rH i i . 1 1 r i- U5. mu9 rjDicio element 20 woody plant. 81 epoch 21 fasten -. -. : ' . ' , 1 . ..... .' t3 reeaner- " - ; ilnswer to yesterday's pus-la. ation .. 25 OsLnesa . weight v t7 taffividual ; betij ' ' JS musical : r 'v - ' note -.-: 13 ased S3 yucca-like " . plant . 31 speck 32 behold . 23 tasta v.", Z I unarplrated C! fTiarsjitor ' ' . v , - . C7 clcult Average Kaa af aolatleat 25 aihratea. questlca -Mat fcy Elng Teatiires Er-dicauv !Ai,T ."716 iTIOicT t.UTlTl 1 1 i 1 1 I'll i 9 cover with j,; moisture 10 er 11 Divinity ; 18 "-Russian ( rnountaln , ' range . 1ft neceasltata 20 male voice 21 pilfered 22 claw of a i w bird .-, 23 roUtlnj: -j- part 24 oUtary 25 Urdier ' " 27 migrated J9 Polynesian I garments ,21 merit S3 certsin 24 easy gait 35 rapidty ; 27 beads . S3 yield 43 health ' resort 41 device for - . carrying . " bricks 42 man's . nickname 43 ep'.5ca-nosed s 44 Greek letter - 47 Chinese weigbt Umothy 19 ton; dos. bunches; lb. bag; pickling 16c lb. 'ortland Livestock .$14.00 14.75 , , , 14.5019.10 14S515J3 14.75 15.15 1 M.50O15JW1 14514Q 14.10014.50 - 14.00yl50 lbaS13.TS 0140 dot meL 700-1100 lbs. 10.7S&13.75 do com. tOO-lieo lbs. (.50010.73 Heifers, med 500-800 lbs. 10.00 11.501 do com. 500-900 Iba. 7.50 a 10.00 1 Cows, gd. mU wta. 8.75 9.75 ao mea an wta. isoa s.75 do, cut-corn, all wta. ' 5.500 7-Sol ao. canner. au wta. uoa al Bulla, (ylga. exdud.l: beef, gd, U wts. 1053(311.001 do sausage, gd. all wts, -10.00(310.75 do sausage. ted. aU wts. a 00 10.00 1 do sausaae. ct-cm. all wL 1256 S.20 1 Vealera. gd-ch, aU wts 14.00ai5XOl do eom-med, all wta. . 9.000 14. 00 1 do culL 75 lbs. uo . ejoa 9.001 Spring lambs, gd-ch. $11.5012.00 1 ao, mea-go. io.ooiis do common . 8290 9.75 Yearling wethers, med-gd 8.009 9.00 1 Ewes, shorn, gd-ch. 4.250 5.25 ao eom-med a.oow 435 Stocks and Bonds Sotember 12 (Compiled by tho Associated P BOND AVDtAGES 20 10 10 Rails Indus Utfl Saturday 63.7 103.5 99.9 Previous day Month ago Year ago 1942 high 1943 low 63.7 .62.0 ..62.2 65.S -59.4 102 103.4 103.5 105.0 103.7 8 94.8 96.5 101.8 100.6 93.6 STOCK AVTJtAGES , 30 15 Imtua Rails Saturday 52J 16.9 Previous day 52 8 16.9 - Month ago 53.1 16.7 Year ago, . 1T.4 1942 hkch 56.0 17.7 1942 low , 46.0 ' 14.4 15 utn ; 23.7 23.7 23.4 32.3 27 J 21.1 1 10 rcn 50.8 50.7 I 49.5 49.81 50.71 41S Stksl 34 36.6 36.6 43.5 . 36.71 32.0 Grain Market Has Strength CHICAGO, Sept r 12-(fl)-Except for small gains in corn prices and a slight decline in oats, the grain i market showed unusual stability Saturday as trading volume con tracted for the week end. Price fluctuations in wheat were beld fa, per cent. Flour and milling trade was negligible At I the same time selling was limited. most of the profits on the week's j advance having been taken after the government crop 'report iVas released Thursday.- Brokers' blam released- Thursday.' "B f okers blamed - the market's dullness principally on traders' desire to await price control developments. Wheat closed unchanged to 38 lower compared with Friday, Sep tember $1.22 34, December $1.25 78-34. ' . - . DERBY, Connr-(PHThe war Is making it hard, for Derby's alder- Try ase of Chinese remedie, Anuudns SUCCESS fee I"- years n CHINA. No i-tr w-h what ailment van are W iUCT ed disorders. , saasl a. heart long, liver,' kidneys, stoma h. icers,- dia- tu. eansti nation. Week, fever, sain, femaie ceca- piaints ::.k 0I..rl3 d -2 Cbinesa Cerb. Co, Ottka Boar Only Taea, and Sat. 9 aja. to S p.m- and Son. and Wed, 9 to ISO pan. ) ... i est MTVi'Cfr ftFOJZV- GAL ANO VOU'SZE RETURNtr46 THE Guam OFTMF PQOA MAN NDU RAH INTO THAT N46HT r If El WW . , , tS HE ALLV POOR.- HA CO 60J2V AU-THMONSVl XOU WERE M GfVtNG HIM x? HOP HAESIGAn A $YI OOPBf THAT OriS Hl MOE. -&AAAOATS pea OF f V19L1 r u-aaiT 6AAA0N THAT'S WHO ue iac r ..THT 6PEOAL. ootvoHfYaAMOti ancTthe V VOU . f RACKETECRi FOOLf 1 I !5TE IT AU. f0V -WHiLE OME rVAJLES AWAV.; '1 WAfiT GrVOCTT HOP HARACAM 60JMS HOKAE ON LWCt AIMT AUjOVVTO TC THUMB, BUT IF NCH A UFT. CUMS IN,CrUIM. a t 1 " yjiji TCNtE. .CQR?'V. - vu-wwoTr mi rctU 1 -. i moo ; lULRNEY GOOGLE . . . ' i A , - , V.TkV j- . NWW iiKuieKMClKO.t CX-tvAT "SHVJV' i .. - - enrvf P M Vwa-k Ma a is: lyjgij" '- s---. . -r,. - i ii ni ' ' ' X ( SEEWS TO MB. v - j1 iir THECg'MUST 7 7t BS A WAY xZe C ll "TO GET- ABOUND --ZT " JiN TrBCrrOENI-Cr4 A MICKEY MOUSE AVV- C PIRST YUM TIE THE SUX VV vCi!sT BOPES THAT C50 US Vl U iTO TH?Sr--- v. V k Ti f -pg o'J5Ss-. THE VBOPE THATS : JF ( UNPES? THE LOAX7I Tr' ( THIS END O" THE V TIES ON TO THE V ksEUU- COPE KEt?E THATS FAST TO AXlNWwK7" ' HOBSE-TON THE ,. 1 THIMS-E THEATB& oSI.)! TIMBER! J ia -ii - - - '.. . ---- r mr jfi -e r -a --v THATS XOH.ISEK LUM8ER-FH1.ED ft JACKS t5APUN"?J p - I rftu-r r x ro-ive? 1 V H0ME5TT XRO-OU5T:TP.IWA laOOSC ATTrtATOtO WELt-:L Kt i SCARES ME 7" men to transact their business. At least two monthly .meetings have been called off recently because fewer tnan lour ; aldermen, a quorum, showed up. - i' Tne . missing - oiuaals were working overtime in war indus try plants. mm wzr, m lfe vJri u:r'iA vj f u -v .Ca Si e . V I ...... "-;-, aM. ijttle Ainns r.oo:rr ti CAU5EyE5TCROAI DIDMT5EE "THIS OLD WELL "TIL I ALMOST FELL IMTO IT-- IF I HADNT BEEN LUCKY L MRS. f?AMC ORDEREO EMOUGH TO GRAB A UTTLC BU5H THE CARETAKER TO I TO HAMS OM TO Tia DEBBV PtOiEDM- COVER TKE WELL A LO? TTAAEO-ir IGUE5S TDBEl TIME AGO BOTHE lli!'. -fr 1 -- vaTwTrt-ww ai-f-nj vru- rvM-Ul IDABREtClM CJi . .i.j ,.... int twa Smokt, la, Warkl nmi -T-2- rrv mDrnnO tX?jm Oun TWO VvORfc TtX5THtt Tt ArT tVI Earav tPM aoi of . v wr- 5 fe? 4 ..v 122 N. ComX EL, t-l:rw Cr. ItfWt-fct tvwli "jj -c 1 TcER'.T.:y- Cct r y'78',jj EUKE, lOW TKSy'RS GOMi 4. vi i . . i 5.1 IT5 THAT tAXTeUM rlTX0CKl VIE - BROUGHT .Tf t t:3 - tS WTCrcvri:y- -w L4