i : " 1 1 - The OREGON STATESMAN. Soltm Ongon, Sunday Morning September 6. 1S4I - ' ActUndertheBig Top Monday I i r ; c - A--' ' ' ! j: l J I 1111 sTivwrrir Mi nrre Brent we tUrred In Warner 4 hi tim Rit Sfeten" sbwlsr today at the ElsiMre theatre. The eempanlea feature Is "Sweater: GirL" - - the clewn bids welcome U the spectacles U be seen here Mnday at Cele Brothers cireiu. These rii- r ers are one of the star acts. . y m . i - ' - 1 ' . .. . , . i .-" A HOOFER AND HIS GIRL and a cop whose heart was ttltftr than his cadre. "Broad way," ee-star rinr Georre Baft and Pat Orien, is now puylnx at the Grand theatre wun -rnvate BncKeroa - as the second attraction. The Gay Sisters' Pictures New Best-Selling Novel Circus to Arrive in Morning; Spectacles on Display Twice Once again on the circus grounds at Leslie school, a magic vill cnrinir nn arlv MondaT morn in for a one- day stay this time to house the huge Cole Brothers Combined tircus family 1000 strongwith scores of spangleland champions i who will xurnisn two penorm- mces of thrills and delights for roungsters of all ages. . It win mark the first -visit of the bi show, now one ot the two largest in. the world, to Salem since 1937. and a program in keeping with the, impression it created at that time will be pre sented here Monday afternoon ind night. The mfle-lonr train of drems parks, streamlined m red and yellow, Is scheduled to roll Into Salem abont 7 a. m. It wfll steam into town oyer the South ern Pacifie railroad from Fort land where It Is exhibiting to day, and fmmedlatelT begin the hmse task of smloadlng the knn dreds of handsome horses, pon derous pachyderms', and ' the scores of red and sold warens, cases, dens, floats and tonsas. Hundreds are expected to be on band at the rauroaa siaings on 1 Jth street to watch the ele phants scramble down the ramps from their steel sleepers and the many other exciting sights dur ing the unloading process. Almost everybody likes to see elephants perform in the sawdust rings: But there is another angle to the circus arrival nowadays Those same elephants are work men, too. They help raise ine d: ton and thev soot the heavy wag- trrxTifSftV , Mrs. Fletcher ons on the lot The heavy draft- Partridge of Oakland, Calil, ar- horse teams of six and eight have rived in Jefferson the irst ot all but vanished. In their place this week for a visit at the home are fleets of powerful tractors and of her sister, Mrs. Marion . W. super--powered caterpillars which Hall. 1 ; are used by the show for handling Mrs. Clifford Johnson and the the thousandsof tons of parapher twins who have been spending nalia from the trains to the the summer at the home of Mrs. grounds. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ; A major circus like Cole Broth M. D. Looney, and sister Eleanor ers ' has many modern touches. Looney left Thursday -morning There are thousands of jobs on UUVUCJ Kin rf - ' I Aa- - for their home at Prestott Wash. thV circus grounds that must be Mr. Johnson, who has been em- accomplished quickly. Hundreds ployed in Portland during tne 0f stakes must be driven mto tne summer vacation, will return ground, and tons . upon tons of home with them and will resume aerial rigging must be put in his duties as superintendent of place. The thousands of seats must the Prescott schools. - -, be erected, and the hundreds of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Steiwer animals must be groomed and made a business trip to Portland cared for. All must be done in Monday and visited relatives, rapid-fire order, and systematic Mrs.. Steiwer's sister, Mrs. F. A. ally too. Pease of Seattle, returned with Bat, It will be at 2 and t p. them for a visit. m. Monday, that the real thrills Ktti Chamberlain, and 1 tW nlaee when Harry Me Bob Hope Star9 Capitol Today My Favorite Blonde,' Riotous Comedy, Also Has Madeleine Carroll Bob Hope pictures are always events, but the new Paramount comedy chase, "My Favorite Blonde." the new arrival today at the Capitol theatre, is even more than that It's just about as close to being a laugh not as it s pos sible for a film to be. Hope's co-star Is blonde, beau tiful and terrific Madeleine Car roll who proves 'herself a real commedienne. Bob sails his gags across and Madeleine bats them back with a speed that makes the audience limp. Laugh piles on laugh and thrill piles on thrill in this latest, - fastest and funniest of the Hope pictures. ; : Madeleine, as a British secret 'agent with a kra ( German spies on her heels, touches off the fan when she docks into -the stage door of New York's Paramount theatre. Bob, as Larry Haines, a ham TaadevQ Uan whose partner. Percy, the penguin, gets all the applanse, is Just coming off stage. In a screamingly fanny sequence, too devious to detail here. Bob gets mixed up with Madeleine and the spies and starts for Holly wood with the German agents In furious pmrsoit. - The companion show is "Dan ger in the Pacific" with Leo Car rillo and, Andy Devine. mountain climbing, took, his first lesson in i tank operation at Fort Ord.K;h-v;-',--vj-;v-v.i- msmm WALLACE BEEftT. hard-Wiled tank ecps sergeant kt'TXte settle Sounds, seems aooni so nave iron dm wm aa Main. "Bmgle Sonnds" starts today at the Hollywood theatre. "1 V A , . , , v " n V- v " ' ' t " t ' s " i ' f " ' - L'" S " , S l f 'i : . V : " , - j . r . t . v - : -, . ' v - v - . -ji pany street, stables, steel-barred gates, and anti-aircraft guns. The set was constructed from photo graphs and blueprints gathered by two camera units which lumea actual army scenes, f Actually, it 1st ntf m MnliM t9 mnv- erlncrlaai rwver WaTnor "Rro tiavo nnre a ffain achieved a rrand oicturization 1 but a composite of several. of a best-seUing novel in their excellent adaptation of Stephen Beery, a licensed airplane pnot, m mz - i I imiTT aiitnmnhiT ririvMr. and fn Lonestreevs ine uay oisiers, we screen, aot iiun,. wniui V T 7 . .. . . . . . . i Iventor of a one-man tractor for thing that makes for f ine screen ejitertiinment-- twift-moving story a fine cast romance mingue ana Dnmsmi aiaiogue. Starring in the film is Barbara Stanwyck as the fiery, imperious J JC Am-v HeltlS Fiona Gaylord, head of the ,Ja-l . mous family. Appearing opposite 1 n' Flimillff Ol ' - - - . . . i n her is composed, level-headed u-n r? j George Brent as Charles Barclay. Bugle bOUndS a millionaire civil engineer whose ambition it is to buy the Gaylord estate- and build a- project of his own. but his motive is more than just a monetary one. The picture introduces a new comer, one Gig Young, wno was j acclaimed so whole-heartedly by preview audiences: nai wirnen decided to adapt bis character name as the one by . Uical adviser on the picture, saw be known to movie patrons from ih.mm 1dh- now on ana -." aiatoms - were " foUowed to mai uig xoung miw.n. Th win gam mucn prommence " UtSmuIdertlnmJie.with their tne near nrcure. i mintbi fomni Mm - nf features a ihm .y M.rviri war-th?r niK'k- oi puyuii bjck-d into their shirts be- players, all of whom give grana i low toe first button. It was all .4....t1. n rntrihllt to the I j x. il. n i i oont to un noyie oi.army tui- top-notch quality of the film u jtom, and that's the way it appears s nrltrvl I IL. - - - 1 I L' m Tiiumnv i ivn uic R.HXU vujcu .uj uutn Irving Rapper did a splendid Sam. Filmed with the cooperation of I the US army, "The Bugle Sounds" I starting today at the Hollywood I theatre, shows authentic scenes of the armored divisions at '.Fort I Knox, Ky Fort Lewis, Waslu, Fort Ord. Calif , " and of the i Louisiana battle maneuvers. Capt Arthur W. Fields, assigned I by the war department as tech-1 "The Cay jSisters" fine supporting ' cast MADELEINE CAKEOLL literally has Comedian Bob Hope In her elntehea In the laofh-Udea rum. ravente uionae, piarms t today at the Capitol theatre. "Danger In the Pacifk la the anion show.'' " t ' .j,--. - .: Fire Destroys Chei3serirm daughter, Mrs. Glen Robertson nH m arrived Tuesday from Redding, Calit, j to visit her daughter, Mrs. Raymond Hamp ton. They plan to . remain for about ten days. Mrs. Robertson and son are assisting with the hop harvest at the Krebs yard. Mrs. James Stewart left for her home in Los Angeles Thurs day morning. She spent the past month at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. M- S. Steph- Farlan, the dean of eanestrian directors, s o n n d s his silver whistle and the big concert band under the direction of Victor Rabbins, the noted bandmaster, 1 e a d s the colorful cavalcade . around ' the ' hippodrome . track, ; the prelade to the opening super - spectacle, "Sapa - Inca," and the big shew wfll be en. The gorgeously produced open ing 1 pageant is wrapped up ' hi ti nno - worth of costumes and Marple to Manage Bonneville Office PORTLAND, Sept 5-(P)-The Bonneville administration an nounced appointment of "Warren H. Marple as manager of its low er Columbia district office here Saturday. He has been assistant in the .Bonneville planning and marketing division. He will han dle business negotiations in the district bounded roughly by Hood River, Centralis and Monmouth. ed an air raid alert from l:S3 to 6:30 a. m. Saturday until an un identified target was found to be friendly. At Tacoma there was an alert from 5:53 tots. m. KLAMATH FALLS. Sent i-UPl Fire destroyed the Maun cheese I factory, one of the two Klamath county manufacturers of cheese, at noon Saturday. The plant had ! been devoting most of its pro- ! ducbon to tilling war orders. John Reber, plant president, es-1 Seattle Has Alert timated the loss at sio.ooo, par tially covered by insurance, but said that 20,000 pounds of cneese was saved. He said the plant iwould continue to produce, using facilities of the Klamath cheese plant here. : ; SEATTLE, Sept 5 -(JP)- The fourth fighter command announc- enson and other relatives; and trappings. Things wfll happen in . . a . " f tiMAAma also assisted with toe bean har vest ' . Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Purvine and daughter Doris Jean of Long Beach. Calif., who have been en 4winr a mnnth'i vacation at their summer home at Pamelia Lake, and also visiting at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. John Ter hune, left for their home Mon day. . MONMOUTH Miss Pearl Clauson, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. William Clauson, Mulinoi became the bride of Mr. Arthur D. Stumn. son of Mr. and Mrs. Darrel. B.' Stump, Monmouth, at the three . rings, the hippodrome oval and mid-air, all at the same All of the famed Cole Brothers stars and features will be pre sented here just as presented in Portland today and in Seattle last week. In alL nearly 400 stars and performers from all parts of the world go to make up the nuse 1942 nrotfram. ., : Salem audiences will see ." Hu bert Castle, the world's greatest tight-wire star; the renowned Reif fenach t roupe of bareback riding marvels, and the Flying ThriiiM.- with beautiful Eileen Harold, the triple somersaulting Portland Growth 70,000, Two Years PORTLAND. Sept 5 -V-.A population increase of -70,000 since the 1940 census was estimated Saturday by the Portland cham ber of commerce which said that on the basis ot war industry work ers, new nomes and water con nections, the total was now. 375,- 384. 'y The chamber predicted addi tional increases of 12,000 a month through the early part of 1943. Danel B. Stump, Monmouin, nrz a rur a ceremony in the Presbyterian d .g p.. fTirvfit church at Oreeon City August ?x re""w- T,tJ-i.- vCaCIl IlUrVCSl - . horses, ana . u ; ouu yj uuci rvav horses. The bride was recently grad- the biir top's dome with- uated irom uregon v-ouqs out a net below. Education. Mr. Stump, a native jieTfa 0f performing elephants of Monmouth, was graduated Xhis year presented in a thrfll from Oregon College of Educa- spectacular : "Ballet of and is engaged in farming re gjris are seen riding the ponder- OUS DTUlieS line juj.c7, ' of educated seals, monkeys, dogs, and zebras; troupes of trained and educated horses and the Cole Brothers' famous " sfatteen-horse hitch" driven by the daring Polly Insley; the sensational Libert horse acts, and tne regisierea three and five gaited horse dis ni,T h revival of the noted Uviiij Statues, 'and the gorgeous "Fete of the Garlands" in which -a cnirited horses, each ridden by ways ieiccme. Aerial Ballet, in which the big with his father, near Monmouth, where he and his bride will re side. : ''. -.'. . wootwtrxsr The Presby terian Aid society will meet to lthe church social rocr Septem ber a. The society will ue an other quUt for the Red Cross. Members are to come at 1:30 and hrinsr nppdle. thimble and scis- -!- Mr. W. Scarboiroueh is in charge of the program. Hostess- j GRAND ISLAND Picking of the Rochester peaches has been completed at the orchards on the Louis Wfll farm. Harvesting of the Elbertas 'began this week :' , Peaches are ripening rapidly now with a number of varieties being marketed from the various orchards Jn the district. ; Salem's Only Hom-Owned Thtatrti Two Aco Gits! Continuous Today and Monday 1-11:30 p. m. v top la a maze of flying forms, are in store for Salem circus fans be neath the big top. For the convenience of circus Datrons. fc downtown ticket office will be in operation all day Mon- I day at . the Capital drug ; store. State and liberty streets, where tickets for both performances will be on sale at the same prices charged at the circus grounds. la . ciaoiTi1 ill KSC2XSTI2 direcial iob and told his many- sided story in a thorougn manner, mySnfaining a constant atmos- ; nhr of suspense. Lenore coi- fee's adaptation ox .tne zamous novel left nothing to be desired. I Characters, . situations, and j dia- lnrni were all brought to ine screen In a faithful translation. Th rnmnanion feature is catr Oirl" starring Eddie Bracken and June Preisser. The renroduction of a US armv post covered a two-acre set at the Metro - Goldwyn - Mayor studios, and . comnrised four large bar racks, officers quarters, a com- Centinaoas from If. M. R SQILS3 LESLIE SCHOOL GnoniiD 0)1 o, Royal Blue Tent Now 100 Air Cooled 2 Tiils MM Companion Tea,! Mil iKRoS mm ou t 'ii; MUITITUS2S OF THrtlLUUG CIHCUS WIZARDS jlEVER DEFORE SEEM 1H AMERICA turct-trKTistE " " m k;stcst THE WORtD-S FOREMOST IUORS FROM nrj MEN AND THE HORSE SHOWS Of ALL NATIONS OiU WOMEN IN AN CXKSTiON UNPARALLELED MXIZ riKTOJlVlM 7ha 7 FLYING T! -IILLEtlS tZl?8XllZZ Domno Tf'7m"n?m clovyns c: nonscc j u kj , T1PPnfL-j J-t,TLT-.r. MExrys cwEATffr 3LJELJRS Z ntST OH THtt IASTM CMAMPON COWtOY j.- - p H A NTS Tito Oumoir Cortmwd EQU.NE BALLET oTrr tzrt rr TrSir"if"w huge memagesii ILL rClt tf 1U. U..U..J wild gusTS rnoM su TfOi-fi Of AC0O4ATS. an.TiliH SoM Swi NtW CXANO 3rcQTf.S:mB ELt;LMUTIi:i ; DP.LLE? af"U..;;oc.i Atia i;iGHT daily -rcua rai;n Tickets (Reserved and Admission) on Sale Show Day at , j Capital Drug Store, 405 State at Liberty - ; - - - Phone 8734 Circus Day Only I - Supermani v ? -' ' " Cartoon fj IllTod-Men. Ties. - I Hits 1 1 f Tt ,'l I r . . - 1 v lure i 1 k. y 3 lif Holiday Bits ' Urn Sbnir j A.w.o.L fw nra KtsladT aad Mirth bltad fsrrear 1 UaMiral - ) BreaSway I:1S-4:1S Bvckrr: 3-4:11 1W0PM- f TODAY I CompanioB fin C--t-"" - -n tary Grcni Redding Presentw AND ANN SnEIUDAN -KING'S ROW gkswTsasy .... . 1:00 i r-riTjrrisis eriai: hi Dead Jund: luaa m HI "Jr. G-Men of the Air" TtodayI Vi'M. nOLDEN CLAIRE TREVOH GLENN F0HD , -AND Weaver Ercs. A Eltiry Tuxedo JBnctionw ar uiiv Texts: l:!M:Ct 5 CsittlanoM Shw Patty