- f 2mctcry Moving Scheduled Jor Burial Plots at Adair . v . 'i,- -7.: ;'- MONMOUTH All relatives, next of kin and others In terested have been notified that after October, 2 the US . army engineers, war department, will proceed to remove all bodies ? :Tir1 Tmawt nrrar ronrtvntt within 11 V.t... .. - - - frw.- " Two Sinkings .'1' J Cabmarines . In the' Caribbean sank two ships 'from wider - Coxswain Donald Haskell Ea tea (above) within six days. Shi own American .merehant- - man literally went down an- der his feet while he clang des- - srately to a life raft that - whirled' over and ' over In the down current. An English mer chant ship 'which later picked him op along with some of his 'crewmatest was struck. byan- other torpedo and sank so fast - that It ' pulled' their loaded life boat uder before Tt eonld 'be freed from Its davits. Later, he , encountered a German sab . tommander who surfaced, res- J coed a survivor for them, and I passed around English and American made eig-areUes. Then there followed nine days in an open boat with -27 companions before younr Eaton was picked p by an .American destroyer on Jane IS. . and brought to shore. Eaton recently arrived at the armed guard center at Treasure Island, in San Fran- cisco bay, after a trip to i the west coast on another mer- ehantman, - where he told his story for the first time. , -Robinson Rites Held WOODBURN John Robinson, . si, died at his home at 797 Hard castle avenue, Thursday. He was born in England August 27,-1861 and came to the United States 61 - years ago and settled in New Jersey. He came to Oregon from the state of Washington SO' years ago and had lived in Woodburn for the past 20 years. He 1s survived by his widow, Mary A. Robinson, and a step daughter, Mrs. Mar Caret Lewies, both of Woodburn. ' Funeral services' were held Sat urday afternoon at 2:30 at the Ringo chapel with interment in Belle Pass! cemetery. 'Rev. Gulick of the Four Square church offi elated.; Ringo was in charge arrangements.; of - ' - r Turner Family Is On Nevada Tiip - - TURNER Mr. and Mrs. Fay Webb and daughters: Beverly and Bonnie are enjoying a motor trip to Las.Yegas, Nevada, where they will visit , with Albert - Jensen, former- Turner ' councilman, who Is bow stationed' in .the army there.- Enroute the Webbs - will also visit with Archie Rankin at Camp TRoberts, Calif. Both Ran kin and Jensen were - chiefs ' Of the Turner , fire department be-. fore resigning to enter the service, Edward Hatfield and George Heed re managing ;the Webb garage for several weeks while Fay Webb and his family are on vacation trip. - Dand Teacher Hired KONMOUTH Robert Dexter, grade -school principal at Clats kanie for the last five years, has teen engaged as band instructor for the school bands here and at Independence, lie was graduated at EOCE, La Grande, and has been attending summer school here. General of America Group - Capital Stock Insurance "; ; - '.- at Its Best ,. . . J U J : : insUC2AN"CE 1 i Oregon's Largest Upstate, Agency" wa .. fcj, ica u. VUMUU I within : the Camp Adair canton- ment .'area. - v- ' V-- The government will put-- chase a tract "Of land, probably near' Monmouth, to which, the remains of all these cemeteries will . be moved and reinterred. Arrangements of family gronp Inn will be followed as close ly as possible, maintalnlnc va cant f lots now: existing in the same relative positions,' in the ew location. It was . stated. .A ' Graves in some of these eem- , eterfes date back to 1850, and many craves represent : families ' Whose descendants have moved away,' and whose whereabout are - now nnknown to j local people. The removal and reinterment of all such bodies or remains to gether with all monuments, head stones, pr other markers will be conducted by a licensed funeral director under federal, supervision and in accordance with refla tions of the state of Oregon: and modern practices, the . notice states. : .. . :' .y : ' - All relatives are. invited to co operate in this , necessary action by writing to Elmer M.! Peck, real estate project manager, US army engineers,- Smith building. Cor vallis, giving their consent to such removal and giving the full names of. persons interred In . the following nine cemeteries: .Smith cemetery, near Lewisville; Eng lish cemetery, near Airlie; Butler cemetery, near Monmouth; Mont jfomery cemetery .near -Fedee; Heffley cemetery, on ,;Fairview road I near Helmick state ' park; Liggett cemetery; on the' John W Egett -donation land claim now the property of Edward Dunnett: seph Smith cemetery on Tam- pico-Airlie ' road; family burial plot at.LewisvQle on property of Percy L. Lewis; family . burial plot, near .Tampico school road on B. A. Folks' property; family burial plot, also on Tampico school road on property formerly owned by Mattie Sheppard. Church Group Plans Picnic J EFFEKSON The church .will hold its Sunday school and church services Sunday out of doors at the- home of Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Manela in the Millersburg district A picnic dinner will be served at. the noon hour, followed by social hour. . - Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Jones, who spent several weks in their turn mer place at Newport returned home Tuesday. Mrs. Paul McKee spent Thurs day in .Portland visiting her son' In-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harvey, and daughter Elizabeth. Mr, and Mrs. Claude B. Ray, who have been living in the Chain house in north Jeferson, ha,ve leased the Evangelical parsonage, and , are moving this week. Ray is employed at Tillamook. Bible Conference Meetings Listed TURNER Sept 5 -Rev.-A. A. Loewen of Salem and Rev. J. J. Toews of Dallas will speak, at the Sunday' morning service at the Maranatha Summer bible confer- ence which opened' it four day session Friday. It wiU be held at 10:15 ajn. - Dr., A. J. Johnson of Portland will speak : Sunday afternoon a 2:30. A children's service will be held at 4 o'clock.- Dr.- T. Leonard Lewis- of - Chicago will speak at the t p jov service and again Mon day1 morning at 1:30, ?Dr.Irvin Fox of Salem will be In charge of the bible study or missions Monday afternoon. Rev. J. W, Baker will speak . on the "Boy Problem of Today"; Dr, Johnson will be the speaker at the evening meeting. McDowell Logger Fatally Injured : r LEBANON W. L. Collins, bucker for the McDowell Creek Logging company was brough into the Lebanon hospital Wed nesaay. witn injuries wnicn re sulted in his death a few hours later. He. was caught , by a log which fell when he removed the wedge which held It while it was being .cut.'. .-i".. He bad moved here recently from Seal Rock and the body will be taken there for burial. The fu neral will be held there Tuesday. Reports From The Statesman9 s PAGE TWELVE Grand. Island 1.: C T ; ......"..' Has Visitors GRAND ISLAND Mrs. George Chambers , and grandson, David Chambers, have returned to their home in Oregon City after visiting for a week with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs J H. Tompkins, y-, v Mrs. Robert Hollingswortb and son,:Mortonof Compton, Calif has been fi" guest for the past week in the home of .her mother, Mrs. Frank Sanders6nWhile"here; the three of them visited with rela tives and friends in Portland. - Mrs. Charles Baker ' returned home .Tuesday from. McMinnvflle hospital where she had been con fined for several days. During her absence the son, .Marvin, stayed with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jones.ln the Wheat land district : n" v " ' Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kilpa trick of Merrill visited her brother. Worth Wiley, and family this week. : Mr. and Mrs. ; Ray .Wiley . and daughters of Silver Lake, Waslu Mr. and. -Mrs. Lester Finley. of Chehalis, Wash- and Ray Ander son of Hillsboro were also recent guests in the Wiley home. Turner Woman Return Home TURNER Charles - Stephenson of McMinnville is spending ' sev eral weeks with his grandmother, Mrs."N, W. Hutchens, and work ing in a Salem cannery, prior to leaving for the winter at Santa Ana, Calif. v 7- Mrs. L. M. Small, who has spent the past month at Taft with her sister, Mrs. Olive Catterlin of Sa lem. returned this week to her Turner home. ' The Lester Dowe family are moving this week to the North Santiam community, and are bvsy harvesting their eight acres . of Bermuda onions for seed, south of Turner. . ' Mrs. Guy Dow and Mrs. Nial Dow and daughter of Portland were .Turner visitors Friday,, and looking after property here. Both families resided here for a num ber of years before locating Portland for defense work. Lorena Townsend returned to her home near Seattle, Wash. Miss ; Ruth Helgasen will enroll in the high school following the summer spent here with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Juul and family. Hamilton Funeral Held on Thursday LEBANON Catherine Hamil ton, .'who was born in the eastern part of this county 81 years ago, was buried Thursday in the Craw f ordsvflle cemetery. Elder George Simons read the ritual. Mrs. Hamilton leaves eight chil dren, 40 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren. Her daugh ters are: Mrs. B. McClun of Al bany, Mrs. Rena Alesna in Cali fornia and Mrs. Anna Duniway of Falls City. The acme are: Har vey and Lindley Hamilton, Jesse Davis and C. R. Davis of. Holley and Frank Davis of Falls City, S. V. Barj of Sweet Home is brother and Mrs.: Ollie Rice of Holley is a sister. Missionary Is Home From Arizona Trip - . TURNER Rev. M. B. Madden has been on an extended summer trip throughout the southern and middle SUtes,'in the interest of oriental missions. He. attended, the recent district convention at Prescott, Ariz. He has been mis sionary to Japan for 45 years and has been missionary speaker dur ing the summer at the! various young people's camps throughout tne state, . . - - .: Before School- Begins FREE EXAMINATION Morris 444 Electa SALEM - SILVERTON - EUGENE Salem, Oregon. Sunday Mornina. September 6. 1942 Judspn Jersey s As Help Problem By LILLD3 "Milk "may .'be 'aIongthe' first produce it without help. You can't even produce it with part-time help," says Lewis Judson of Salem,' as, heis preparing for his sale of registered Jerseys to be held at h1iSaKilome on Sep tember 14. CoL J. ,W. Hughes of Forest - Grove - yrtll cry- the sale and M. G. Gunderson of Silver- ton is making arrangements. '- The Jodson - home and the -Jadsod name are . connected with many of Salem's most his toric, events. It was Mr. Jud son's : grandfather, Lewi s H. Jodson, who xame to Oregon as a missionary With Jason Lee. Until his death he remained a missionary to the Indians of the ; Willamette valley. ' If was Mr. Jndson's ancle, David Leslie, who came to - Oregon' from the Sandwich Islands in 1837 with the .'first: regiment f mission-' aries. .He was the . first . pastor of the First Methodist . cherch . at Salem, and later the Leslie Memorial .church was named In his memory. - - - - Mr. Leslie took ' np "a land claim in southeast Salem, and in 1S9 he sold fire acres of this for $75 cash U his 17-year- ; ,old nephew, . Robert T.! Judson. the father of the present Lewis Jadson. Later Robert added ten aeres more 4md f armed these 15 acres, Juvlng dairying as his major , occvpatlon.' It was on this farm that the present Lew-' is Jodson. -was born' and It is .here' that he has con tinned to lire. v.-.'fZ-.. -i-V 'A:'- - A After cranpleting .his work at the Salem schools, he entered Wil lamette university to study law. But when his father became ill he returned to his home and in 1918, 1 he bought his first regis tered. Jerseys, buying them from Stanley Riches ot Turner. From then on, dairying has been his major occupation.? , ... "But when you have to get up at 4:30 a. m. and work until mid night, Judson ; says, "you soon find your hours are too long and your cows are too many. But; I am going to keep four or five cows for the starter of a good herd again when the war is over. The last world war started " me out in : dairying. This one isn't going to see me finish up, but if is slowing me up. I am going to hang on if I have to do my few deliveries with , horse power." . Included In the Jodson . sale win be the twin cows, Scotty Wiaemah - a n d i Seotty - Fawn Wmemah. two years old last May, and the record maker, Ra leigh's - Whiteheart, who pro duced 1068 pounds of milk and 545 pounds of bntterfat In a dairy herd Improvement test for 305 days. Judson's youngest ' son, "Bill,' a junior at Oregon State college, has passed his physical entrance examination and is awaiting his final army call this month. Retired Officer Wbodburii Visitor WOODBURN Tom McCul- lough, whorgrew up in Woodbunr and is now a-.retired master ser geant in the- marines, was here last - Friday - with his rwife 'S and daughter., ; . - ;.'. ' " . ' ';- He may be- called back into the service again .with a commission. He recently underwent a major operation at the veterans hos pital in Portland. Junior Police Patrol Rejected in Lebanon -LEBANON The city council at the last meeting rejected a propo sition that a junior police patrol be organized .to deal especially with violators ol the bicycle' code. The council refused because mem bers felt the charter does not per mit them to delegate any au thority. -- ; - - slave y our ; chHdren's eyes checked up now . so they , will be ready to start the new school year right If glasses are needed we have the cor : rect style for comfort and good appearance. Come in! '' EYE EXAMINATIONS WITHOUT CHARGE EAST CHZDIT TCIM3 Optical Fhone'5523 78 Community War Casualty Gels Acute MADSEN , - lines oi.defense, but you can'i Lewis Jodson,- Salem" Jersey breeder, who will sell herd be cause unable to get help. Dallas Opens -Service Qub DALLAS The Dallas armory was the scene of an open house and a program Thursday when the people of the town 'opened, a ser vice men's dub for use of men in Dallas on leave. v The open house enabled people of the community . to see the new club rooms before put Into use by the, service men. After the opening only . the service , men, qualified hostesses, and those connected with the-operation of the rooms will be admitted. Junior and senior hostesses are scheduled to be present at all times to entertain and serve the boys. Those who served at the opening Were from the junior hostess group as " follows:' Florence Pinkston, Beatrice Benge, Elsie McFetridge, Miriam Price, Frances Jo Green wood, Cecelia Balcaen, Margaret Pick, Dorothy Withe, Margaret Lindahl, Laura Marsh, Edna Mc Millan, Velma Schroeder, Dorothy Fredricks, Martha Jean . Kurre, Grace WahL Ruby Peters, Emflyn Brown and Bertha Miller. Will live Turner TURNER Walter Simkins has sold his grocery business at Portland and is here to make his home with his son, Jerome Sim-: kins, and family-; who reside east of ,. Turner.- The senior Mr. Sim ians expects to construct a home near hir son,-and will assist with the large turkey ranch:' " . ' Buy. V V. S. War Bonds v Every Payday Lil-iLj L-w-1.0 J:"1-' If ' 1 'w V.' V V n vr m I 111 V.-, Busier Brown Shoe Co. 4S1 TK TT AT"". Correspondents Turkey Feed Given Pickers Tnrnex; Growers Unite To Entertain Workers At Migratory Camp TURNER . Bean growers of the Turner vicinity cave a turkev dinner for the pickers at the Tur- ner migratory labor camp two miles southeast of here Thursdav served in the camp's large recre-j' aUon tent as an appreciative ges-1 hire on the nart of "the rowers for all those who assisted in the harvest nt th hn i-mn t I the tables were removed and a dance: completed the entertain ment. - -vt - -- - The Turner camp, which was installed this year,' provider f acll- ties for 140 people, furnishing wood-floored tents, beds, stoves, laundry, ' ironing arid sewing room, .sanitary toilets, hot show. ers and cold" water piped tfrom 1 deep well. Supervised recrea tion has been a feature with games, entertainments In the community tent, weekly commun- Itr - meetiMn. mnvlot smatnir vv The camD is coverned bv a central roit.mitti. rnr n.ar. and various ccmmitteesAtur- sery -supervisor takes care of all children from - two to afar-years old while -tti nnr,t "Work. - . all imder -18 years are provided a well balanced hot meal at noon, prepared . by- volunteer'-' cooks. A trailer clinic is available for med- iral and dmtsl attention with IV. Thvlnm Rtiirlrarr at Rtavton th rflnirt nhvcinun Si.nrfav hno1 . mrwmmj wmm v. and church aervlcoa arc hrfd ch dm9iav Vr.fa,t4a.r.mit.T nvrutnena are borne by r the ' workers ' who - MB.. --. M !t per week for that purpose. In- spections are .made, by medical and government officials who have been reported by the camp as rating high. Camp personnel include J. S, Maughan, manager; Earl Steph enson, mechanic; Lloyd fi. Ewers, caretaker; Anita Drake, nursery supervisor; Lola Ballinger, ; horhe management supervisor for both the Turner ' and West ,. Stayton camps; J. R. Bidgood,"' US farm placement supervisor. Rev. and Mrs. Ellis Marshburn of the Home Mission Council of North America have assisted in the activities of the group. The camp came here from The Dalles where its workers were reported to have saved about 90 per cent of the sweet cherry crop, and will remain In operation here for about two weeks. - Among the local bean growers taking part in Thursday night's dinner were F." B. Metcalfe, J. A. Versteeg, Ollie McTigert, Leon ard Webb, Jr- Harry Juul, Guy Harris, Charles Wertenen, Peter FredAckson and Leonard Webb, sr.' " - - Bend Couple Visits : ' TURNER Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Holt of Bend were recent weekend guests of their -parents. Mr. and Mr- Vester- Bonesj and tho Joe HoltK - - Fcrxny girl C3 1...., .Tho Right Shoe For Active, Growing; Feet Shoes designed especially for Gid Scouts but such a grand - -Idea la shoes a3 saaart gins ut aow wearing thoav Made to strict quaCty ipcciicatioat ' act by Gixi Scoot Hcadquatteft, thrj gire yoa soncthing tpcdal ' ia z, comlbn and style Sec them soon I O.V7B LJ I 'J A I tie State St. Salem Heights To Pendleton for Weekend SALEM HEIGHTS Mr. children left Saturday for Pendleton to visit with anether daughter,-Mrs. Ross L. Carter and family. They -will return Monday. .V. - Mrs. William Maddy is quite ill with pneumonia and pleurisy- at her home on Madrona avenue. Mr. and : Mrs. Roy Fergenson and family have moved into the house recently, purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davis ' on Madrona avenue. Clab Has Session The first meeting for the sea son of the Salem Heights Wom- an's dub was, held, U the hall on Friday afternoon , ' A request from the USO for local ' talent to help with plays for the soldiers was' read.- This is to be turned over to the Corn- munity club.? Anyone willing : to help on this can get In touch with Mrs., H..lL-McWain;c4r Harvey Fashing. A letter from Dorn hospital. Romano, mvixea mempers u w tend the open house on Saturday, September 12-. Mrs. A. "A. Taylor has charge of this for Salem Heights. Mrs. H. R. Woodburn reported on national defense and the neigh borhood leadership : program , re cently set up here. . :- :" Mrs. C A. Graham reported on a trip to the cnuaren's firm home at Corvallisv : ' Miss Francis Clinton spoke and showed samples of canned, frozen and. dried ;fruits and vegetables. The new officers i;"for.vthe com- ,n J" .cuws-. . cwam; vice presioem, aars. Gtyl e "Finley; . secretary, Mrs. I William Gardner: treasurer. Mrs. , . - Auce -wimunason; pariiameniar ian. Miss Constance, Kantner. l wnaing mminees. J o rpine w, v ) A. Graham,, Maude Neimeyer and & -Mrs. D D. .Dotson press. I J..M -mko nitMi m - Mrs. 'Ray , Crittenden; education. Jrs, oy Anaexson-, vising ana flowers. -Mrs. . C. W. .Sawyer and f-.t an -aiewan; legisiauye. Mrs. A. A. xayior, nauonai ae- I fense, Mrs. H. R. Woodbum and I 1 . V I raui uneooww, bocuu, airs. S. H. Douglas and Mrs. Nora Ben- I UVtU ramuT xvciurns nome - iuiomjuj jar. ana Mrs, i-e- 1 ter Fredrickson - and - children -are located in. the former Barr house on Mill creek. They have finished picking -. beans in . the ; Crawford district where they, spent the summer. ITAL j - tor CTOEIY- On oil parts off tho fcoaae froaf th- factory, tho shipyard, ist crfiSaa defensa work y can &a your Job mora ef fkiesttfy if yo caioy ajoad- vistow. , Tftaee why r stow ! sneav fcn art I than ever before that yon ptotact wm4 peaawva y r prioalesa vision.' DonVfc flcap yor yts1it bocswa yem lock tb ready cash ta bay glassaa. Obtain thorn on Libatal Crot Tcnns-tbat cost yasr NOTHING EXTRA ; , r saa"aaa X- ( r; Department pugg LoMfoi ff k trvHi osJt y9? cys viHb at i eblisetiea. Clenet prs-. tcribed eafy if necessary. AH werk MrNtMd . . . frse ftplecemteM mi hrokmrn leases for erne yMr (frmmeUu fUstet excepted), -v. . u . IMUttil sas p.m. TT Family Goes and Mrs. Dwight K Wyatt and SglejWpmai Returns SWEGLE - Mrs. John Swani ; son returned thls week from m t Visit with i her daughter, Mrs, t George Sorenson, at Grays Har bor, Wash. On Sunday the Wah kiakum county pioneer picnic was held on the old homestead that L.. ' J ' .".till J " ".-''tTj" " shortly after coming to this coun try from Sweden. Mrs. Swanson reports the oldest-pioneer present -at the picnic waa a man 93 years old. Mr. and Mrs. Dillion Jones and l, Marie-and Miss Ruby West were - ;.-.... r , r. vl . guesia u uKir auui, .tus. axauiv Churchill :' and V daughter, Mrs. Merle Harris, and granddaughter Barbara, of McMinnville at their cabin near Mt Hood for several days over the weekend. Guests the oast weekend at the home of Mr. and , Mrs.- v. at. - IaeDue were their, son Melvin and wife and grandson .Michael from . Walla Walla. .. : :., Mr. and Mrs.. Harold Holler and i son " Stephen , " and Keith LaDue ' spent last weekend at the coast Mrs. Emmagene Miller left this Weekend, for Hammond to begin her school! September 7. ';. '.. . Mrs. Anna Conklin, mother of Homer J. Conklin, was taken , to the Deaconess hospital Thursday. Gerald Stahl of Ansley, Neb,' , returned home Tuesday night af ter two. weeks as the guest of Miss ; Jeanette Bulla at the homo of her parents on Garden road. Stahl, has been called for army; service.- L J:. i:..-. , : : . Turner Fanuly Home From Oregon Beaches TURNER Mr.- and Mrs. Bert Peebles, Mrs. "Thelma Norris and children, Joanne and Gordon, have returned from, a ten-day vacation trip at Newport. They visited tho Tim Palmers, former residents of Turner. Thelma 'Norris has" re sumed her work as assistant post-maste. BSBON IS . .air. Dr. Semler's In charge of DrTTred Page A ler, registered optometrist; " associate optometrists: Dr. Arthur W." ; Ruhndorf, Dr. , Robert Gilbert, Dr. M. J. Kelly, Dr. Harry Fredericks v : and Dr. Melvin Williams. , - jielsnce K3 II. Cci:crdal - Zdzrx - Did 44C3