Nephew a'lii - Reports From The Statesman's 78 Community Correspondents Salem, Oregon. Wednesday Morning. September 2. 1S42 PAGE TESTE Tillamook Folk Visit Star Rider of Circus '1 CI- Engagement of the Hon. Gerald Lascelles, 18-year-old nephew of Kins Georre VI, to Jane Morris, 17 year-old canteen worker, was announced In London by the ; girl's mother. Lascelles, shown above at work In a munitions ' factory, b the son of the Earl of Harwood and the princess royal, only sister of the king, (As sociated" Press Telemat.) ii . f , Amity Families Ilosts To Visitors From Many Distant Points - AMITY Mr. and Mrs. Harold I Newman of Tillamook were re Cent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Newman on Getchell street.- Mr. Newman is. a brother of T. V. Newman. Mrs. Sarah Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hicks of Yamhill attend ed the funeral of their old friend, I Mrs. Julia Coulter, held here Tuesday. v Dr. and Mrs.' Charles W. Law spent S u n d a y in Portland and Hfllsboro. : They attended the fu neral of a Mr. Merrill in Hills bora Miss Clara Adams and niece. Jeanne Vannice, spent Sunday ati the home of Miss Vannice's par-1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Van- nice. Miss Vannice is employed in Portland and Miss Adams teaches in the Behnke - Walker business school. ; " ' " Mrs. Leon Farmer and two children and Mrs. Ross, all of Boyer, on the. Salmon river cut off, were guests Friday at the home of Mrs. Farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Yarnes. Her daughter, Jerry, who makes her home here with her grandparents returned' to Boyer Friday for a week's visit Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Benson' and son Clark, ' and Mrs. Eliza beth Abraham of Portland were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. . J. M. Umphlette. Tney were enroute to Portland after a weekend spent at Seaside, Cannon Beach and Tillamook beaches. Sunday guests at the' home of Mrs. Martha E. Brown were her nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Misenhimer, Mrs. Burt Rad- Many Honored On Birthdays BUENA VISTA Mr. and lirs. Parm Weigel and family, Harold Jordan and- family, Mr, and Mrs Kenneth Weigel and daughter, Mr. - and Mrs. Marvin Jordan and daughters of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Graber and son, Mrs. Bob Wells and family enjoyed a pic nic dinner at the Jonas Graber home Sunday, honoring those hav ing birthdays in August. . Lillian Hall entertained several little friends at a birthday party Sunday. ." '" , Mrs. Alma Bratton and children are vwiung ner parenia, . mu. i a ma cher and friends all of Fort- fj . , Mrs. George Wells. ' f! land and Rev., and Mrs., William t eriOrillclllCC xaigene uara, w oieveus, visiieu Morse and son Billie of Amity. A F'yy XJ: r- III I : Ernestine Clark (above) Is a bareback rider with the Cole Brothers f circus, coming here next Monday. I Girl Excels In-Riding several days with his sister,, Mrs. Wilbur Gray and family. 1 Wallace Cobine is working in the shipyards at Vancouver. : Nana Dell ; Wheeler returned where- she" Visited several weeks fK hor !tor ' . - ' ' U N I O N V A L E An all-home Bill Grey had the misfortune to products barbecue for ; 1000 bean break a bone in his arm when he Bean Pickers Entertained fell down a flight of stairs at his home Sunday, u ; r Mrs. 'John Lindow and June are vacationing on the coast with Mrs. Lindow's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A.Hulbert Claude Johnson has gone to Salt- Lake City on work with the con tractor under whom he has been working on the cantonment. Edwards Rites Held Tuesday The greatest of all equestrian stars ' in . spangl eland, is the way "who's who" in the realm of the "white tops", characterizes. Ernes tine Parley the dainty Australian girl whose accomplishments on the back of a galloping horse eclipse all past riding achieme- Dickers at the U.S. Alderman farm ments. v ' 1 : . . in the Unionvale district was held - The list of Miss Clark's accomT Thursday. ' '-' plishments is a long one, but there In addition to a whole barbe- are two things in which she ex cued steer, roasting ears and green I eels. She is one among the very vegetables from the farm, Mr. few, either men or women, who Alderman served potato chips can do a forward somersault on made from potatoes dug the day the back of a running steed, and before from his field and hurried she wears a beautiful smile while to a Portland processing plant as she's doing it a special order for the feast I Miss Clark is of a family of A shower during the noon hour, famous riders who compose what of course it was also a SDecial or-1 is known in the cities of the Brit derj ' made afternoon picking im-1 ish Isles as tlW "royal riders of the possible," &nd all pickers ; assisted ring," meaning that she is a de- with clearing the after-dinner scendant of a, long line of circus work. riders. -She is of the fifth genera tion of bareback riders. She will be seen in solo riding numbers in which she will perform her most difficult . feats, when : the huge Cole Brothers Combined circus comes to Salem next Monday for performances at the Leslie school Tucson Woman Visits Friend r C L O V E R D A L E Madeline Spain, Tucson, Ariz visited last week- at : the home of Caroline Drager. Miss Spain is a Portland teacher but has taught in Tucson for two years.' She is planning to leave in a few days for Tucson as her school starts September 14. - - : Combining grain 'in the vicinity has come to a close after a long successful run. 'Weather condi tions were ideal this summer, as very little rain fell during ' the nearly two months of harvest Mrs. Nathan Williams (Minnie Duncan) Los Angeles, has been visiting in this community. She is a niece of Karl Duncan, Turner; and a cousin of Walter and Fred Miller. She has gone to Salem this week to visit another cousin be fore returning to Los Angeles. William Butzke has made change in the date previously set for his auction sale. It will be September 11. ' nor, Detained DAYTON -Mrs. Roy Edwards, Absent GllCSt of 69, a life long resident of Dayton jj r and vicinity, - died at her home' in lijO Dayton Saturday- &ne is survivea j by her widower, three sons, Ken- ROSEDALE Almon Lehman neth, Lawrence and Lyle Addi-1 was an absent guest at a party in Mayberry,r and five step-children, Trick home. He had gone to Twin " Horace, Edmond, Elmer andVearl Rocks, Ore, for the weekend, ac- Edwards and Mrs. Margaret! compamed by Barbara Bates, Vel The 1942 program lists 367 stars ana performers from all parts of the world, three great herds of elephants. : hundreds of animaii ponies one of America's biggest Fritchi.twobrottersi ;Moi- leda Jrick, Lavinia Brown, Stan- oyer 0 horsesand gareidge and ueu Morgareiage. : . I ley iurnoyn ana xars. .xioya n iSniin umipM wnc'TiiMuu I BatM. Thr returned hnme'withl . at jaacy s cnapei in Mcmuinvmc w uuuwcu ouuiajr ; ai- b Walter n Smith nf R.jttlplmon was detained waiting for his iiuiu - i r lltiV will officiate. Burial at the Mor- car to be repaired, -and arrived MlSSlOll OOttOIll gareidge cemetery, in the Web-1 home a hair hour after tne party disbanded. . - He left Wednesday morning for Fort Lewis for preliminaries be fore being , located ' for ''non-com batant training. "foot district near Dayton. ; 4H Members Hold Community Fair union hill The first local Chandler Fowler Goes community 4H fair to be held in J0 pogt n California the county was neia on sunaay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd WHEATLAND Chandler Fow- T. Fox of Silver Qiff. This was ller who had spent a ten days fur ' sponsored by the Union Hill Ju- lough, with his parents, Mr. and venile grange. Local boys and Mrs. Clyde Fowler at Wheatland, girls exhibited their 4H work, returned to San Francisco. Wayne Harding, 4H county club . P. H. Fowler has Returned home - leader, was Judge of the exhibits, after a Course of . treatments at Grange members and friends at- McMinnville. . His children, Mr. tended. and Mrs. Arch Davidson are car- Marjorie Tate, . Edna . Money ing for him. and Patricia Alexander were in charge of a fortune telling and r i, llln Ttrxr,! ttunt booth. Vivienne and Lucile Jaquet and Agnes Jean Darby had Dies at Aurora Monday 1 v charge of other entertainment.' ' tr.'i:':f:" 'i . At 5 o'clock a covered dish din- ; AORA- Mrs. H e 1 en Rook- a .UK. Mease. . r numc in W C VWt V1KW15 MWM . - " Child in Hospital MISSION BOTTOM Baby Jimmie Hoxsey, son of ' Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hoxsey, underwent a major operation last week at the Salem General hospital and is do ing well. Mrs. Clair Corbett of. Indepen deuce, formerly of Mission Bot toii Is spending some time at the hospital caring for her small son, Fljbyd. He is convalescing from pneumonia. c . ' Creighton B. Jones Is sowing an 18-acre field of spinach to be har vested in November for the can nery. . The first crop of spinach was harvested in July. There are four combines oper a ting on the Jones farm besides bean picking. Wheatland 4H Club Members Win Honors Tier home of Mt . and Mrs. Fox. Aurora Monday after a lingering I . WHEATLAND Byron and Exhibitors included Vivienne r7 v C. V m v " """olu t ;i- T,f a .Tn i in charge and burial will be at and Ronald Finnicum, Leroy Pal- IX tZ mX Vnn n HVat- SteUcoom, Wash. mer and Donald Wiley of Grand vors are the widower', Eu- Island, members of the Grand Is- SarieSfrllJlhoTd ge Rookledge and son Chester land T Calf club, were Winner, a!ley;rT"?S!11: and three grandchildren of Port- at the Yamhill county 4H fair held Fox, jr, Agnes Jean Darby, Scott and Marjorie Tate. Guy land. county Friday and Saturday in McMinn Iville. Community Ticking Is Used in Wheatland - Repair Shop Closed SILVERTON Carl A. Keimer has closed his -shoe repair (shop for the duration of the war! ac- WHEATLAND Hop pic&ing in i cordin to announcement T ntede . the Wheatland district started this week. Thursday with 50 pickers who will work the Magness estate, J. S. Gilkey and Roy Michael com bined acreage in a , community workout, About 15 more pickers will be added soon. Each grower Las a dryhouse of his own. For years some of the growers have practiced the collective method of r.srvestins together and find it IIEU0RRII0IDS (F;!ss) Sack Aimerdvn Impail yeat y""" pom. For 30 wakavaf J aaeomlmlly ti!! taoa. 1 L - Pocifit CmsS Editien Tt3WLl Street J::rn:I THS HON! PAGI O AatCSICAH cusi"ess & n::A?:sE iimd ft, fm umfk mtj 41) Bash St, Sm Faadbco, OEt Mala. M ketpital epara. I ttoa. Na aaaiiaaaaal. Na I loaaaittaMiraatimk. Call V lor wiaattoa a wmmi ioc-f ., fSIS 4aaaxipttT Baaklat. Opaa fraafeffi. Ma&.WwI., fWL. 7 fa K.33 DTb Ca Ja Dala CLJ, PUtUtlam mm4 Sarfa IT. X. Car. I. Baraalda aa4 Craa4 Ava. talaaWa XAat 3ia. rorUaad, Oaaaaa I Former Silverion Pastor " In jured "- SILVEBTON That Vt, Cv L. Foss of Seattle is at a Seattle hos pital with a broken leg was, the word that reached Silverton Mon day. Dt, Foss was president of the Pacific coast district" of Lu theran church for 28 years, retir ing -a few years ago to . be re placed by his son, the Rev. H. La Foss, then of Silverton. Rev. Carl Foss, now an army chaplain in Texas," another son, also served a Silverton congregation for a num ber of years. . The elder Dr. Foss Is well- known here, having been active in the growth of Trinity church in its pioneer years. Re also at local congregation in June. His wife died a short time prior to that time. Many Attend Canby Jubilee SILVERTON A group of; Sil verton people attended the golden Jubilee of , the Canby Lutheran church Sunday . when - President H. L. Foss of Seattle, former SO- verton , pastor, wa, the . guest Oth anerr the Silverton Lutherans had a spe cial interest in the Canby church in as much as the first pastor, the Rev. O. R. Sletten, lived at Silver- ton at the time he assisted in the organization of- that church. Later, Rev. A. O. White, , who served Trinity church at Silverton from 1905 to 1917, assisted in the pas torate at Canby as well, A mes sage was read . Sunday from the Rev. Sletten who is still living in the midwest. - - . Rev. H. L.. Fuhr, present pastor. of Trinity, was one of the pastors who spoke briefly at the afternoon program of the Jubilee Sunday. At' the close of the celebration, the Rt Rev. Foss read the resignation of the present t pastor, the " Rev. N. J. Aadland, who had served the congregation for the past six years. Rev. Mr. Aadland is resigned be cause of ar throat infection' and" will not for the present, at least, be able to continue in the ministry; Rev. Aadland is well known at Sil- verton haying appeared on a num ber of programs here. Also attending from Silverton were L. H. Meyer, Miss Althea Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Thomp son and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Dahlen. Many Visitors Entertained In Salem Heights District SALEM HEIGHTS Mr. P. C Stannard is now reading thi, water meters for Salem ' Heights in place of Carl Harris, who has been working at Camp Adair. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Harris are announcing the arrival of a son on August 19 at tne saiem i r General hospitaL' Mrs. Harris and son are expected to return home within the next day or two. . ' Mrs.' R. F. Gatchell and baby returned home Sunday from Mar cola where they had spent a week visiting " with Mrs. ' Gateheir mother, Mrs. Edith Gates and her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Faust Mrs. S. Wythe White and son Bobby who have been visiting at the home of Mrs. White's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Stannard on Madiona avenue for the past six weeks, have returned to their home in San Francisco. Mrs. Standard's sister, Mrs. R. B. Montague, - mother of Mrs. White who has also been visiting .. .1. MJ.. . . MA. M ai uie , oiannara come leic iot Portland Monday to visit for a week , after which time she also ; will return to San Francisco. Mrs, Egan Improves . SILVERTONMrs. Wffl Egan continues to show improvement at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ernest Kleeman. Mrs. , Egan has been ill for sometime. Many Guests Entertained ROSEDALE Weekend guests of the Rev. Oscar Brown's were his parents, Rev. - and .Mrs.' . T." Cleo Brown, Elizabeth and T, C. Junior, of Newberg, and Mrs. Lowell Hertzell and children of Bend. . Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bear and Charlene of Carlton and .Mrs. Ora Bear of Turner, visited at the Cammack . home Sunday." Mr& I Mary Cammack and Mrs. Laura Trachsel and children will move to Portland this week where Mrs. I Trachsel will prepare to teach in Cascade college this .winter. . Gram harvest is corning to a close but has been a slow season for lack of help to run combines. Several families have been driv ing to the bean yards helping in that harvest.' - ' Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lang- land, Portland, visited in the community Sunday.' Four in Front Seat Gnarged SILVERTON Gladen Clemet- son is slated to appear in Silver ton police court Thursday at 1:38 on a charge of carrying four people in his coupe. Clemetson is from Portland "and advanced $2.50 bail money. He was arrested by Night Officer Victor Grossnickle. Roy C Landon of Scotts Mills gave $12.50 bail money late Satur day night pn a disorderly conduct charge on complaint signed by A. Amo. Grossnickle also made this arrest. Former Amity Teacher Visits j-'---.'"' J ,: --'f ''.'' "' - AMTTYMr. and Mrs. A. N. Arnold of Elk ton were in Amity Friday enroute to Elkton after vacation spent with relatives in Portland, HOlsboro and Dallas. Mr. Arnold was principal of the Amity union high school for. eight years prior to going to Elkton two years ago. ; He resigned recently at Elkton to accept the principal ship of the high school at Drain and will move Jis family' there this week. Mrs. Arnold will teach near Drain again this fall. Salem Funeral Is Attended SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Heath attended. the fu neral Monday morning at Salem for - Mrs. Heath's father, Samuel H. Creasy, who died Friday at his home there at the age of 77. Other survivors included the widow, Mrs. Levina V. i Creasy; two daughters, Mrs. Jessie Camp-I bel lot Portland and Mrs. Gladys Mitchell of Salem; a son, Charles L. Creasy, Ben - W. Creasy : and Harry E. Creasy, all of - Salem; I James B. Creasy of Tacoma; Al-1 fred J. Creasy of ' Toledo ' and Claude A. Creasy of Twenty-Nine Palms, Calif. Rosedale School Opening Date Set ROSEDALE The grade school will open September 15 with Mrs. Ed Caldwell as primary .-teacher. A teacher for the upper grades is being considered.' - " Miss May , Cole and : Mrs. Allie Ellim of Portland spent a "few days at the Gus Cole home. They are relatives of Mr. Cole. ,;1 . Rev. and Mrs. Oscar Brown and children spent several days last week, in Bend with Mrs. Brown's sister, , Mrs. Lowell Hertzel and family. -Mrs. Laura Trachsel returned Saturday from a trip into southern Oregon filling speaking engage ments in- the interest of the: Na tional Holiness association. - A,- YOUH CAR WILL HAVE TO LAST A LONG TIME! PROTECT ITI 6 Ox. Kar Foam. ........... i .. 29c Glass aeanw wltK But-ln Sprayer. ...... . SOe Reg. 39e Glossy Jet Black Touch-Up Enamel. . SO Reg. 39c Chrome and Reflector Polish J ... . . 20e " Reg. 39e CUaner end Polish. . . . . ....... . . 29e ' 10 yds. Reg. 39c Knitted Cloth. ..i........ 20c Reg. 39c 7 Ox. Can Imported PoKshing Was. 20e Reg. 39c Paste Auto Cleanerv.,,!.,.;, j 2!r Handy Spot Remover With Applicator Top. . . . 2e Reg. 39c Tar and Road Oil Remover.. ;....V 20 Reg. 39e Pre-Wx Liquid Auto Cleaner. . ; . 20e Heavy Duty Fender Brush............... 2e Reg. 39c Waterproof iTire Peint; . . W. .V. 'J. 2e Reg. 39c Deluxe Treated; Polishing Cloth. .. . 29e I Pt. Reg. 39c Uquid Polishing Wax 20e DACIC OR FOR TO-SCHOOV VACATION TRAVELERS Tm if Ttnlsi if fl n t la Mii'i IfiM laWarTT.f WjU vwvn wwimwvmtm AIRWAy IaVGGAGXS ligatwaightcanras cTr. Vtikiblt, waterproof Pyroxylin coating. Sasists wear and seaf flag. Kayom taXfata UMd. CNmdn ravhida MndHngs. r 2l"0araHe Cm irHatasd 9m !..... 21 8.05 14.05 14.05 MEN'S LUGGAGE - eesaplete ntcliad mr-reslsUngleataet; Delaza tw&l linlnxs. 12.05 'iWSener.'.. Io05 . ' -! ihii ILi'gB!,.?!-'':l.'!ltat Now picking . . . Tracks will leave Employment Office at 6 A. M. East end of Marion-Polk Bridge at 6:05 A. M. Good trop and good 'camp ground. Store on grocads. i miles west ; of Salem. -'Kd 2i33i cr 21351 ,... - w aawa.wa Model Airplanes JL popular pait-tia for youths and adults. Flaata bave S3 wing-span. ZUusy to Imlld. SOFT DALL COe m Wbite horte bidowitacottoa, cork and lubber coats?. : Fonr-Player Table Tennis Set 29 Archery Set, lemonwood bowr 4.95 WKite Rink Roller Shoe Skates . . .Out standing Talnel 9.95 r;i r.:z u::s cat r.nx-c:D PaHabU Ci. ! 6ril..... CRplfo ArcWy M ' Ui.awoos IW... .. ..... . . .4X3 42 iM" AS-Woof Foetsol or Kuim IUU ...J3X3 is m :, Ce& b cd bt cs fcc!p yea C3 cd your Applictica ht Tm CcticrJsa CerCicsfts J? i n OS V iQUALITY lKnr.iA:i::3j l&EPAininci llany eit etmti engaged h vu voik, can new seeare fire rationing - cartlflcates. If Ta are oligfitla, bo sure to get tae extra mileage . and extra protoctioa off Tirootone High Speed or J Tlresteae Standard Tiros. J( II AY E YOU T R I E D OU I ; V EASY PAY M Ell T PL All 7, 1 N Toe cu yay the vay taafs xaost eea I A TtBleut viiUr. stmi-moataly or ) ttonUkiy. Bay now andsyout of tocomo. OH S A L G A T P 1 Pa E S T O U C J G 7 OR G5 . ) UW L Pcjlrj Per ICO rC3N. LIDEIiTY ST. tart ! tU yU f rtrmttm mt tkmi Crvkt. lfaryarat taaa mm tkm twmttna tvmikmna tn Wia. mmdf th mwtimn mj nrinwnlaia,aaaa; aia nm M. M.CM Wa PHONE 9144 very satisfactory. .- :t :.