PAGE TKXRTEBI , slling? Trading? Let Classified Do It For You Thsj OREGON STATESMAN, Salem," Oregon, Sunday Morning. Angnst 3D. 1942 . i I 1 i i r I i . i . Classified Advertising . , Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Three taaerUuns per Una 25c Six Insertion i per lint 40c On month per line 1.23 Minimum charge 25c; 3 tt. min imum 35c; 6 tt. min. 45c. Mo refund. Copy (or this pa; - accepted oa til 6:30 the evening before publica tion tor claudication Copy re ceived after th is time will be run under the needing Too Late to Cjassiry. - . - The Statesman a mum no finan cial responsibility for error wbich may appear in idverltsements pub lished in its columns and in cases where this- paper ts at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment tn wnica the typographical mistake occurs. - The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising It iurthet reserves the right to place all advertising ,; under the propel classification A "Blind ' Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dressis for the protection of the advertiser aid must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the- identity of . an advertiser using a 'Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry HORSES MARES MULES LARGE ASSORTMENT of gentle. Chunky, well broke horses and mules on hand at all times. Lots of mated teams. DISCOUNT for cash. CREDIT given. No carrying charge. ALL STOCK PRICED to SELL. Guaran teed as represented. Tree delivery. Bar K Stock Ranch. Harry Kuehne. Carl - ton. Ore.. 8 mi. E. of Carlton. ? mi. W. of Newberg in West ChehalemvaUey. EIGHT yours; cows to freshen in Sept E. F. Whelan, 1 mile west, ,s mile south of Sunnyside School; Auctions MRS. FRED MAHNKES -STRICTLY HI CHADS AUCTION WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 2. 1:30 p. m. sharp, at the residence. 172 Marion St.. Salem. Consisting of 6 rooms of prac tically new modern furniture," dave nos, 1 Burgundy velour suite 4c t early American; 2 9x12 Axminster rugs, I.E.S. lamp, lovely combination Phono c Radio set; swing rocker, 5-piece maple dinette set. full enamel wood range, 2 walnut bedroom suites, box Springs, inner-spring mattresses, break fast set, occasional chair, drapes, cur tains, desk, end tables, mirror, old Easy washer, throw rugs, whatnot, 4 pillows, electric iron, dishes, utensils - and many other items, all good. Ab solutely no junk in this sale! NO TICE! Mr. Mahnke has entered the service. Term Cash. F. N. & GLENN WOODRY. Auctioneers. Ph. 110. 1610 N. Summer St. Hop Pickers "Hop Pickers ROBERTS HOP YARD Transportation facilities leaving each morning commencing Monday, Aug ust 31. as follows: At 5:15 a.m. and at a.m. from Capitols Bones tee le Garage Hollywood Theatre Highland School lanrnr Warenouse Commercial and Center Ladd & Bush bank . Miller and S. Commercial. " - Capitol and D Capitol - and Garden - Read , x Garden Road and Slat D and 21st D and 17th i . 17th and Center . i ' list and Center - - 14th and State Eppley's Store 12th and State Ferry and Cottage. . Ferry and Cottage. Lee and Mission 12th and Mission High and Mission Leslie School ' Commercial and "Hoy t , Jefferson Hcwy & "aneen Ave. Salem Heights School. Yard 4 miles out South River Road. For further information Ph. 8623. Hop Pickers, Attention! Picking will begin in Roberts Hep yard Monday. Aug. ai. . HOP pickers wanted Early. s late bops, starting Aug. is. uooa picsmg. 82 50 per hundred. Camp, cabins, elec tricity, stoves, wood, straw tt etc. In- ouire about transportation. Phone S-2768 Orey Hop Ranch.- R. ft 8. Bx PICKING . LATE HOPS. Minto yard. Monday. August 31. NOW registering i hop pickers for late hops. Picking starts Aug. 31st 4 miles west of Salenv Cabins Ac good crop. Mrs. B. O:. Shucking. Ph. 5730. NOW registering hop pickers for late hop Picking starts Aug.' 31st. 4 miles west of Salem. Cabins Ac good crop. Williams,, it Thacher, Phone . X1331. or 2-I3SLj;v -. j:.J HOP PICKERS WANTED 400 acre -of early and late hops grown on . mver Bottom tana, ncuai long season and paying $XM per 100 : pounds t ree campauig xonunwra Groceries, meats and restaurant at 4 ia sm himi iiliiiiwi and aught We welcome return to, our old piclrers aad SOO new ones. Register ton mediately ana reserve rasnu o ms s .tii 9 niiM itArtn nf Inifmendenee . Call or phone 27 F 2. Indepeadewce. C. A. afCLaugnun nop imca, taavm' nee. Ore. Harold Gw1n, Sprtntn dent ' 5 ----- . Hon Pickers Wanted V 950 -ACRES choice river bottom hops a miles sw ox aaiera. wes w mr picking Store, restaurant buteher Fine" eabnrm. Or free tseawpertatioa to ana Trom yam. iuiswi 147 North Commercial street sw writs John X Roberts at aaisro. phone 94ZX' . . ADviamsiwa . : Vssterrj AdverCsiBj. - - Kepreawrrtatires D Ewiern. AttrertWnff . ReprcoenUtire - WartJ-GriffTth Company fasst V . , Ctucago New Yore- Detroit : ' . Bustoir 4AtlawU . . . . . srfia m XiilassL SHIITn WW , w . - Oreptm as .Second- Class- ? PS- SLtAea every seorwrw ewvp piirr-itat fif- ' lA CtasMrieisJ avrcss. subscription: ratcj " W3 utxscriptioa .Rates ta Advance: Withtn Oreg.; Daiy and Sundav to te cents. Uoe 8300, .1 vear -8 00 -Elsewhere 80 cents eae. t728 fair I year te advance Pet coo? 8 eentt Ty CV.y Ctrrt-r. tl-nfts 4 ansuris fi l3 a veer tn arence tn -iiisrion ana Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE or ohone . 9168t to Salem's oldest - largest bom owned and noma managed finance- tasrttu tion Your n mortal .affairs will a discussed and ioaaa maee in strictest privacy You will be given every eon sid era tion ta - the. tepaytng - of root loan or eranrmg ol extensions I to 12 MONTHS TO REPAY You can pay in full any time to reduce, tne cost. ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers Loans made on turn! ture or note ' SEX ROY" H SIMMONS, MGR. Lie. No M-152 GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION ' Lie No S-138 134 So. Commercial St Phone 9188 First door south of Ladd & Bush bank Convenient ground floor location PRIVATE MONEY ' AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re- due payments Money for .new or used cars. No delay nr red tape You will retain possession of tne venicie 1 to IS MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS - 138 South Commercial Street -v Phone 9168 Lie No M-152 MONEY TO LOAN . ON - . ' REAL ESTATE - STATE FINANCE CO 212-222 Guardian Bldg. Uc. S216 M222 MONEY TO LOAN Wanted, real estate mortgages, loans, city or farm properties; loans made as small as 8300 See us about refinan cing your present contract or mort gage LEO N. CHILDS, INC. 344 State St. Phone 9261 MTG. loans. 44 to 6. Let us re finance your mtg. at lower rates. ABRAMS At ELLIS. Ins.. Masonic Bldg WE LOAN oa farm, residential at business- property Will nuy or contracts. HAWKINS at ROBERTS INC Realtors. Guardian Building. Financial . WANTED -T buy for cash Real estate-mortgages, real astata contracts, merchandise discount oaner State Finance Co. 212 Guardian Bldg. Help Wanted WANTED Men and Women for Defense Work There is employment in Toledo, Oregon, for men having sawmill experience, also those without experience, and jobs are ments of plant. Wages range from 82V2C an hour up. There is also employment for women desiring this type of work. Nearly 100 women are now employed and rates are the same a those for men. LIVING CONDITIONS ARE GOOD AND -THERE WILL BE CONSIDER ABLE OVERTIME. MAKE YOUR APPLICATION IN PERSON OR BY MAIL TO C. D. Johnson Lumber Corporation . TOLEDO, OREGON Hop Pickers HOP PICKERS WANTED TLLXHEE HOP ranch: 4 miles east of Salem, near Auburn school. Big crop. Picking commences Sept. 2. Steve Van Houten, foreman. Phone 22631. HOP PICKERS WANTED Picking starts Aug.- 20th. lasts about SO. dam. Par 2&c oer pound, Good crop, best .picking 'ob in xnUley. Geod camp, aso cabins wun iignts ana stoves, store, dance hall and restaur ant Known as Wigrich Ranch. Write: Golden Gate Hop Ranch. Independ ence. Or-, or phooe 3Q6, Salem. . HOP PICKERS wanted. Brown Island Hap Co.. pnone t 3107. Early and lat hops. Prevailing ' prices. Long fob. Good acconunodatiens. 4' miles S. W of Salem on Willamette River. Help Wanted Peach Pickers Wanted Hour work at going harvest ' wages. 9 hours pef day. Shaded camp ground, tents, wood and water furnished. Three weeks work for men and women, age limit 15 years and older. Nine miles from Salem, transportation furnished from Marion Square. Truck to leave at :15 -a.. m. return at 6 .p. m. To begin Aug. 31 Register by sending card to Beryl LaFollette, LaFoIlette's Mission Orchard Gervais, Ore., Rt I. "WANTED MEN. women or boys 16 and over foi full or part time retail grocery work. Your age. is no bar If you are willing to learn or have had previous experience. FREE TRAINING WITH SALARY. PLEASANT STEADY WORK UNION HOURS. GOOD PAY. Apply - Safeway Stores District. Office. Room -206 ,McGlchrist Bldg., Salem Any day from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Upholsterers, refrigerator serviceman at linoleum layers. H. L. Stiff. r " Wanted Experienced -milker. $123.00 Jt houaa- per mo. Schindier Bros. Dairy, 340 West Myers St, Satem, Ore. , One Kitchen helfMri 2 waitresses aad nurse helpers. Ap.'rfy tn penerw Ore goo State Tuberculosis Hospital. , - " Hop Pickers 3c Lb- . . Mission Bottom Hop. Co. 12 n4 North of Salem on New berg highway.. Long Job. Ph. 22347. Bui Statesman. , Help Wanted Male : Workers hv essftoyed fca war pro ds sheaf apply sad mm net be laaiMeied see wmplsrsass by GARAGE. SERVICE station man, H years up, 809 Edgewater St, West Alt rOH credit porting oa part or full time basis. Must be hkt ' to -troe. Car auwsry.-Hs) tbectioa to Ugrt physical toopair snent. Write wk 2297. BesporudMe snan. prefesaMr draft proof. Nibt -work: not ttevvy -physical work - but must be able - to wandte toys. See Cksrfc ea- CfesrtJa -mt Statea- ZLCZXZZ Money to Loan Follow Uncle Sam's Advice! GET OUT OF DEBT We Will Help Yon! We will. loan you up to $30000 with which to get rid of your past due mils or other obligations ana protect your good credit You can then repay us tn modest monthly amounts so small that they would not go far among many creditors yet large enough to pay off your loan with us to year or less. Come in for free information without any obligation. Cash for Fuel Order -Your Winters Supply Now! For Personal or Auto Loans, See calkins" finance company 313 Court St. Phone 4448 . Salem S -228 Lie M-278 LOANS-S25 to $300 Almost any credit-worthy person who really needs cash to pay off old debts for medical or dental work or for some other worthy purpose can quality foi a loan at Personal John C Heeren. Manager -PERSONAL FINANCE CO -Grouna Fir . New Bligh Bldg 813 STATE STREE1 tAt High Street) Telephone 3191 Stat Licenses: S 122. M-163 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. rra floor guardian building- LICENSE H. II 119 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Wai pay 0 interest. W. H- GRABENHORST as CO. REALTORS. Help Wanted open in nearly all depart Help Wanted Male Wanted Bell nor for full time work. Must be 18 years old. APPty Senator Hotel Help Wanted Female WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL HOUSEWORK and cooking in Portland home. Bos: 2256 Statesman. CHRISTMAS CARDS 1 "Super value' 21 -card $1.00 assortment profit 50c! 8 others Deluxe personals, stationery. LOWEST PRICE personals from SO for S1.00 uo. Send name for SAMPLE. Wallace Brown, 22S Fifth Ave- Dept 9749, New York. STENOGRAPHER. EXP. not neces sary. Write box 2260. care Statesman. HOUSEKEEPER. J children. 81 day. room and board. Apply evenings 1863 N. Fifth., WANTED SCHOOL girl to care for 2 children nights No housework. Phone 9079. ' Want experienced saleslady,, steady position, good wages. Salem store. Do not spply unless experienced. Write box ZZ34 co statesman. ; Business Cards in. this directory not n a monthly basis only. Eate: SL25 per 1 1 a per Auto Brakes. Mike Panek. 279 South Commercial Bstteriea WTLLAAD batteries, alt types, k' fcr Woorisow. 39 Chuirtr--Phone 9609 Bicycles; BUnXXASt New and recortuttSmee Rarty .W Scott, Ml 8 Cco'd P:S1I Chimney Sweep Rorthoesa Chimney Sweep P 443ft Florists stretthaupra est- Owrt : Funeral Directors Hcsm Ph. :Hittm CAPTTOL BXSDDOfO CO. Painting & ' Papcrhaniirs : : IWcMiBocociiKU' I I "Z ''iijill!r j ''.fM 9 A. , k 1 Help Wanted Female Housekeeper 83Q month. Sunday and 1i day off a week. Ph. 3426 Girl or elderly woman to care for small child & fight housework. Good wages. Ph., 7460. . Salesmen Wanted SALESMAN AAA-1 manufacturer not affected" by priorities requires representative to contact business of fices In Oregon area. One who can hold present established business and con' tinue its development. Experience in selling to offices or office exper. help ful but good character and willingness to' work most essential. Give age and brief outline of education and experi ence. Box 2258, rare Statesman. MAN WANTED for Rawleigh route of 800 families Write today. Rawlelgh's. Dept ORH-X58-SA. Oakland. Calif. ' Situations Wanted Wanted, winter's wood cutting. You furnish tools. Statesman Box 2255. ELECTRIC wiring & repairs. R. M. Toler. Phone 22233. after 6 p. m. CHILDREN kept Ph. 6327. 6S9 Breys. For Sale Miscellaneous Sold my home. Must sen 9x12 Wilton velvet rug. davenport, iron bed, li brary table,' 1 lge. & 1 sm. chest of drawers, 50 ft garden hose, lawn mower, tools, single wooden bed. an tique tables full bed, curtain rods, silver coffee set etc. 850 Saginaw, Ph. 8844, : OVERNIGHT CASES In 18-inch sizes. Very smart Beauti ful lining. Strongly built One size at 85.95 up. SHAKER LEATHER GOODS 125 N. Commercial . THEY'RE HERE! The new fall and winter suitings. Have a handsome tailor-made suit made for you.. It costs no more. i ' D. H. MOSHER. 474 Court St "37 2 -DOOR Ford V-8 coach 60. Good tires, new brakes and heater. $300 cash. Owner leaving city. One 32 Savage automatic and shells for sale. Gtxx) shape. A. McFarlane, 1580 Center St. Mornings. CANNING CORN. Choice golden ban tam. Come get it 6 miles north on River road. Rt 2, box 208. Phone 22768. C. C. RusselL DAVENPORT, $13, good cond.. cover worn some. Oak lib. table, very good. Rocker and icebox. Owner route 1, box 34. Phone 3889. LARGE SIZE Super-fed oil burner. Used very little. With 50-gal. drum and pipes. Mrs. E. Dougherty, rt 3, box 591. Phone 2-2879. Two used kneehole desks, each $12.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 273 N. Liberty St Ph .4815 . Gravensteins 25c, 40c and 85c. Bring boxes. Ernest - Anderson. Orchard Hgts. Rd. 1 mile off Wallace Road. Used small size cook stove. $9.95 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty St , Ph .4615 Irsdiet bicycle combination radio tc phonograph oil heater. 1147 N. Coral. Call after 4 P. M. Improved Elberta and J. H. Hale peaches will be on about August 30th. Puritan Cider Works. West Salem. Slightly used Berkey 8c Gay 8 pc. dining suite, original price 3375. now - $125.00 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 273 N. Liberty St. Ph .4613 WALNUT dining table and chairs. Phone 22111. . i Good dress overcoat for elderly man. med. sue. Ph. TOM. Tweed coat with gray wolf fur. Site 18. 773 Mill St ' Used 3 niece walnut bedroom suite , - $49.80 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO, 275 N. Liberty St Ph MIS Crawford peaches. U pick 1 .50 bu. Bermuda onions 5c "b. Bavflett pears and Cravens tern apples now ready. Si beria, Cling. Hale and Muer peaches ripe Sept. 5. Townsend. Orchard, Mis. sion Bottom. BERRIES Himalaya 8c Evergreen blackberries. 1 mile south. Rt i. Box 88. Ph 2-1146. Bring your boxes. Priced right. Used full enamel wood range with copper coils ... $49.80 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. J75 N. Liberty St Ph .4618 Bed springs, mattresses., dressers, dining table. library - table, range, dishes, cooking utensils, fruit jars. 538 Statesman St. Exc. Condition. Davenport 8s Chair 850. Westinghouse Etec. range $50. S piece dinette set -812.50. Cash. Ph. S716 after 8 P. M. and Sunday. Directory Paints and Lacquers Complete line NASON paints Ltberai terms R D Woodrow 394. N. Church Printing FOB STATIONERY cards pasnpMeta. programs, books or any kind of print tag. call The Statesmen Printing De partment 213 8 r CMnmercwt- 1-eie pbon 9101 - - Sawdnst CLEAN, screened, tit sawdust W55 Schools" SALEM SECRET A KlAL tCHOOL: STREAMLIiED COURSES Write. Pnone or CaS " - " for Beoktet M H Usnitoi- Transfer T-DRTYSt .TRUCKS ' FOM HBtm Bhutkecs fan 197 & Liberty tm 9082 OR . LUCAL Oft DISflASn WSBSM vtflVetsfv 'ftyurp9Ft 8st iL fortaAwteB Aywetsst" to Pertssad dsur Acenf Pierce Ante Fretght inclaamg Tant potnta jjarme rransfer Co Pfc 313X - Yaeaum Qrfaier S4ririce - We errwe-a Flv. 9149 WeD Drilling C 3. Pugb. 212ft ksyrtle. Bl 4.B i 3-: For Sale Miscellaneous QUITTING BUSINESS NASH . FURNITURE CO. Closing Out for. the Duration SALE Will Continue Until Entire Stock Is Sold Thousands of dollars worth of Home Furnishings from 10 to 50 Dis counts oil ceiling prices. (Contract lines excepted I Buy -bow and save. BARTLETT PEARS. Kmg apples. Ya Pick. $50. Bring boxes. 765 E. Rural 3 R o f urnitute Ing town See Sunday or afternoons this week. : 2491 Trade St Used round dinins? table. m Doaras i 8343 - UtVUKli rUKNITUKE CO. 275 N. Liberty St ' Ph .4613 LARGE trailer house. 553, Marion. v Fidler's Furniture Co. STOCK Purchased by - NASH furniture; CO. MOVED rO OUR STORE 219 N. Commercial St Please Note Mr, Fidler Will be at our store for a time to help us during our Final Quitting Business- Clearance Sale Below Ceiling Prices , Buy Now And Save I Gravensteins, pears, walnut meats. Mrs. Wright 4 mi. Wallace Rd. Royal typewriter in excellent con dition. W. H. Shreve. Rt. 3, Box 732, Salem, miles S.W. of Liberty. Circulating heater. 236 S. 25th. Large wood range, -washing ma chine, piano 8c other things. 657 N. 20th Bartlett pears for- canning 75c bu. Homer Egsn. 1 mt north of Hopmere, Highway 219. Bartlet pears. Blue Damson plums, crabapples, now ready. Puritan Cider Works. West Salem. Winchester Mod. 12 shotgun, 12 Ga. matted rib. Call Smoke Shop. DRY . POULTRY fertilizer. Summer special, 25 cents per sack. Bring sacks Ph. 2286L Lee Hatchery. SEE HOGG BROS, 260 State St for dberal trade in on your old furniture HOGG BROS have limited supply of electric water beaters DEPENDABLE WRINGER service all makes of washers. Better get your rolls whle available. -See Ed Kills, your washer man. Nelson Bros. P. 4148 ood used cameras. 116 size. Priced at 87.00 and $9.00 McEwan Photo Shop. 433 State St. Aprons -greet cds, girts 679 N High LEAVE ORDERS now for cucumbers I Irrigated H C Shields. Ph. 6979. eves. Wanted --furniture T. N & GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers at furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade for furniture 4c household goods We buy or sell everything. Ph 3110. CASH FOR used Nrntrur 8r boaae hold goods R Forger Ph 7444 Wanted Miscellaneous WOULD LIKE to locate a sugar cane press, near Salem. Rt. 1. box 34. P. 3889. HIGHEST cash prices paid for USED or JUNK TIRES or TUBES Dna Madi son. 580 No High used rvRNrruRJs ph . stsv Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg State St Com'L Ph 331 WE SELL feeds and buy grain. North west Poultry. 1505 N. Front For Rent Rooms Lge Room. 2 twin beds. Ph. 3-1981 DESIRABLE, QUIET room for gentle man. 4 blks. fro.n center of town. Phone 8714. Nicely furnished room close' ' to schools and state bldgs. 253 N. 13th. SLEEPING ream 723 Court St Room and Board 'Accommodate 3 bust, girls Fh T188 BETTER BAD Si rm 743 S Coml St For Rent ApartnreTjU Coxy PttUman apt 248 D St 820. Ph..6729.-. ' -,. 1st floor, my home. Ftrrn, 4-8 rm. Every thtnsj elee. Adults. Ph. 8823. Nicely, furn. 3 rm. apt. Ideal for business girls. Close in. 433 N. Winter FURN. 2-R. 1783 S Cottaga. Ph. 4729. SKATED HSKPG. rm. 143 Court New A-l apt . sec. rangi reftig. rugs. Close in. Ph. 8134. . ' 2 lge." front rans. 4M 8- aoth. Sept 1th. One rm. apt, Pullnsan kitchen, nicely furn. Wemair" or girls ordy. Ill Oak. St Pern. apse. Ph. 4022. 1784 Market famished, lights, water. washer. Adults. 818. 841 Milt 14-at pts Z318N. 4.PB- For Rent-Houses , T Km. house. garage, gardea spsee. I dose sn.. f Sttetec lae 11 N. Coral. For Rent Houses 923 modern cute. Ph. '4369. .- MODERN 3-bed room furn. house. Oil furnace 467 N 18th, Cali Sunday. 8 ; Rm. mod. home. Furnace, fire5 place, completely turn. New electric range-es refrig Kingwood Park. 833. Winnie Pettyjohn. Ph. 8408. , t WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU Want to sell, exchange, ease, rent see Mr Larseo. Mr CoiUns or Mr. Goodwin . with Jlawkins & Roberts. - . - For Rent Farms To LEASE, Income producing coun try home, -modern 8 room house, forty acres fenced Willamette silt soil. 10 cultivated, two live all year streams, scenic setting; four miles from Salem, off -Siiverton. highway; $35.00 per month. Phone 6682 or call 1180 Waller, Salem, Oregon. ' -i 5 to 13 acres. 5-room house. large barn. elec.. best water, and soil. John Wilkens. 2248 NE Everett St, Portland, Oregon. For Rent TRUCKS for rent Yod drive. - Me dina & Loveil -phone 9600. MODERN COTTAGES. $4- up function Auto Court So Commercial Wanted to Rent Modern 2 bedroom house. Civilians. References. Ph. 7491 before 8 P. M. Ranch S.lm iriiMnitv PhuVMikMiM. 8c -other outbuildings, some irrigation. Statesman Box 2243. For Sale Real Estate HOMES FOR SALE: - $2800. Good 4 r. plastered home. N. saiem. ijuu down. oai. terms. $2000. 7 r. old styie home, fine loca tion on S. High St. large lot. $3500. S. r. with basement furnace, large cor. lot paved sts, includes fur niture. $500 cash, b.V$25 per mo. 83180. Good 6 r. Aome with full ce ment basement, furnace, oak floors. N. Winter St $4500. Modern 8 r. basement, fur nace, cor. lot N. Summer St 83400. Late "4 r. home with two bed r.. 1575. Madison St It cash, bat $18.57 per mo. 84200. r. English style home, oak firs, fireplace, basement wood fur nace, nice yard. $1200 cash, bat $31.59 per mo. SEE US FOR BARGAINS. W. H. GRABENHORST it CO. REALTORS -134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 You can buy a reconditioned 6 R. house on State St at a Bargain from owner. Two lots. Beautiful lawn with shrubs, fruit 8t flowers. Each. Ph. 3738, $2000 CASH, nice 9 large plastered rooms Coment found., comp. roof, paved street $3700: half cash. 8-room home. 9 yxs. old and strictly modern, wood and sawdust burner. C. H. SANDERS. 231 N. High. 5838. SNAP: N. Summer St home, 6 r basement-furnace, fireplace, garage, deep lot Price $3750. Possession Sept. 1st W. H. GRABENHORST 8c CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 WEEK-END SPECIAL $29001 You name the terms on this modern 2 bedroom house, oak floor. fireDlace. Venetian blinds, floor furnace, nice lawn, low taxes. Rear of 3311 Center St Phone 5292. FOR SALE ; 8 room modern home, with base ment, furnace, large lot, garage, two years old. a buy at sssso.oo cash. W. H. Grabenhorst 8c Co.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street. 6 rm. mod. except furnace 23000.00, $500.00 down, bat $33.00 month. Pos- 8 rooms, modern, double plumbed. SNW.W. sauv.w on , aa.w imnn, H. L. MARSTERS 529 Court Phone 95698748 GOOD HOMES $29008300 down. $25 mo. South. $3800-4 rms4 mod., cash. N. 20th St $3500 Modern. N. 18th St 89750 C rms.. mod.. Walnut Park. H. P. GRANT, Realtor 929 Court 67448330 THIS . IS IT: 1 Acre- with neat 8 room house: dose to city limits. Bast. Offered -for -easOO. Especially good water. MR. RENTER: Buy this new home in Rosedale Addn.. 8 rooms and large attic; beautifully landscaped yard: East front. It's a. buy at $4700 easy -terms. See Mrs. L H. Ellis with Leo N. Chllds, Inc., 244 State St Ph. 92BL SM ALL HOUSE SMALL PRICE! 8325 cash. 3 rooms, well, elect., lot 50x100. Close to bus. Tax $1.50. C H. SANDERS, 231 N. High. 3838. ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT 5-room bungalow, 2 bedrooms, kitch en, basement, furnace. Price $2500. Some terms. Bus stops at ' door. Can be shown anytime. See Louis Bechtel or Mrs. Needham. 341 State. Room 1. FOR SALE A good 9 room Modern home located at 1677 South High street large lot oak floors, basement furnace, fire place. Worth the money. Price 83500 .60. $1000.00 down, balance $33.00 per mo. W. H. Grabenhorst Ac Co, Realtors. 134 S. Liberty Street 5-RM. HOUSE, dbl. gar. Urge lot with loU of fruit A REAL BUY FOR $2250. ' . 3 A. with good 5-rm. house, barn and chic, house, only 3 ml. from Ladd 8c Bush bank. A good buy for 83200. Will trade for a home in Salem. . 32 A. SVa-mL from Salem. Has -good bldgs, fruit and. berries Price 4S0Q Trade for small acreage- -' 12 A. 41, mi. out 5-rm. house, ehie. house, some cherries and family er chard. Price $2500. Trade for. large house. ' - tVt A. with a -goad 3-nri. modern heose. chie. house, family orchard -and berries, paved road. Priced to sell for .$2450. .. . , -. If you want a REAL BUY In a heose look at 1729 Court street for $3230. ROSTEIN ADOLPH, INC. . , HO1, N. Commercial St .. HOME AND INCOME! $5259. Extra well built Older style home. A-l eoaditasn. close in. north. -Pjiiialra apt. separate-entrance. Reess 830. Beautiful greuwds. . C H. . SANDERS, 231 N. High. 8838. GOOD LITTLE 2-rm. bee, nice lot g300 cash. Rasidenee ea N. 38th St, Srseo: 3M tin, S2S per mo. 3 Sistini, hse. on N- Ubsrty. 82230; 9J909 dn. 839 per bw. F. H. Weir Phooe sU HOME WITH INCOME Engleweod diet- Comfortable home. clean, with 2-roarn apt. Separate -e-tranee. Price "S31M. Can be liiuwii iny time. See Louis Beehtei or Mrs. Need- ham, s4i state St Room e. For Sale Real Estate 4-RM. HOUSE at 471 S. 17th St Va cant now. Posses, at once. Price 82100. W. G. KKUJtUEH . 147 N. Commercial Phone 4728 - O-CUXS. XlXSUOBa BW CXl VCX MV4 Win, kitchen. 3 bedrma . base, furnace, coal or wood, all ptas, garage, fruit, 2 wal, only S3150. Terms. C. J JACKSON. 341 State St, .Salem. : 94250.00. 6 rm. brick home, oak floors, auto, heat large lot perfect location North. Terms See Mr. Hardy with HAWKINS c ROBERTS, INC. Realtors Beautv oarlor. fine location, good business. One wave machine, five dry era. only $1600.00. 8500.00 down. See Mr. Hardy wrta hawiuhs ac nun ERTS, INC, Realtors. 3 BRm. home on Nob HilL- Bsrot furn, extra large lot with outside fireplace. Lots of shrubs and shade. $4250.00 terms. See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS & ROBERTS, INC, Realtors FOR SALE At great sacrifice. Apt house. 3 to choose from. Cash er terms. Call eves, 2160 N. 5th. - v RESIDENCE for sale, furn. or unfurn. Ph. 8557. .. i. For Sale Farms 352 A . good bldgs, well located. Che halis loam. 33 A. timber, balance in cultivation. One of the finest farms in Marion county. Good terms.. 100- A, all In cultivation, fair bldgs, Willamette silt loam. Good terms. RICH L. REIMANN. Realtor 167 S. High. Salem. Ore. Phone 9203. DAIRY FARM 120 acres at Rose Lodge. Has barns, blacksmith shop, garage, 6-room house in good repair. Located 1 mile from school. Priced at $5500. A 6-eroom home in N. Salem. Abun dance and variety of fruit Priced at only $2200. 6-room house in W. Salem for $2250. P. H. BELL 212 Guardian Bldg. Phone 8168 NORTH PACIFIC HIGHWAY FARM: 218 acres. 170 acres under plow, old style farm , bldgs., fronts on -main P. Highway. Price $16,000. ITS A REAL VALUE. W. H. GRABENHORST 8c CO. REALTORS. 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 35 A. at Labish. 6 A. beaver dam. irrigation rights. Excellent modern 3 B.R.-4 R. brick house. Shrubs, fruit. etc, onion house. An excellent deal. Terms. - 83 A. hear Pratum. 75 cult. Running water. A splendid dairy. Silos, barn, sheds, etc Closing estate. A buy for someone. Terms in resaon. 54 A. 44 in culfcr house, barn, elect, ood well. 10 A. good timber. 7 mi. rom Salem. 85500.00 and on easy terms.. 96 A. Howell Prairie.- 60 A. clear. Running water. Good house,- fine land 8c deal. Easy terms. - A good listing of other well located farms that are priced to suit. -We haven't any houses to rent, but we have some dandy buys. Good terms and well located. See L. L. Thornton eo J. F. ULRICH CO. 202 Pearce Bldg. 188 ACRES: Aver 100 acres in crop this year, baL timber and pasture, fine farming sec tion. Polk county. Price $8500. W. H. GRABENHORST 8c CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 FOR SALE or Rent 160 acres. Ideal sheep land. 2 houses, barn. House -nartlv furn.. no elec. Water can be Dined to house. $2400. Good road. 2 mL west Lyons. Rd. 228. Rt 1, Box 80, Stayton. DAIRY FARM: 75Q seres. SCO cultivated. 78 A. Irri gated, stream, 2 houses, dairy barn, space for 72 cows. If you want a real dairy farm this one wui suit you. W. H. GRABENHORST ac CO. ; REAKrORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 91 A. ti mi W. Turner. 9 room house, barn, chlckenhouse. 6 head cows. 173 chickens, hay in barn, electric water system, home made tractor, plow, bar row. $3500.00 $2000.00 cash, bat terms. 6 int. L N. Howe, ki. z, box i. Acreage -, CREEK HOME 10 acres with year round creek, mod em heme of four rooms, electric water system, utility room, double garage. good road, B'.i mues xrom oaiem. race $4009.80. Terms. 23 acres located S4 miles from Sa lem, creek. 6 room house, barn, a ood buy at $2630.00. 91080.00 Mown, alanee terms at 6 percent -10 acres of fine land located east of Salem close to Swegle school, two houses. uncompleted, -well. bam. $375000. $300.00 down, balance S30.0S per montn. W. H. Grabenhorst 8c Co.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street, DrisTvr: I'ul'UHTrs anniea. ber ries, pesches, walnuts, filberts on this s-acre . tract wnn so" - rv11 win t.nm air... fruit room and chicken house'. Attractive sale price or will trade for Portland property. J. X HAS, tne neaiiwr, iiw FOR SALE tn m.rmm of (mH lan with tmfln- trillwt wIl lights, imme diate possession. 5',i miles from Sa lem. ince SZZUU.TO. saav-uu aowm, amm- ance 830.00 per month. W. H. Grabenhorst 8c Co, Realtors . 134 S. Uberry jEtreei nini vir-hn nook, saraee. nice- barn. several trees, 61973. ft A., close in. 8-rm. house, hard wood firs, bath, laundry rm, $3150. so A, IHB. xrom aaiem, e-rm. iwuw, good barn. IS A. farm land. baL pas ture and aome timber, all yr. creek. OS A, i mi. xrom iwwdcii, w j. -".., v.l litmtnm - 4. MM.- and - BttlC Tunning water, dark soil. $3500. MELVirr JOHWH, BtAi-iw . 725 Court Street Phone 3723 FOR SALE ' . av hm w.t.rl 1 miles from Seient, 70 acres farm land, house, sev eral fine sprtnss. plenty oi xuneer iot - femMmn Ind hmrh - land. - .Mil M I I I II WAflWMl S3Q sacks of hairy vetch and oats this year, paved road, s acres oesrms iwsinuta. You will like thia farm, tt Is jariced to sett. Price ese og per acre. W. H. Grabenhorst St Co. Jtoatlors : las at. UDtny sow. GOOD 19 A, 8 miles est Coed heose. Geed well water. Some fruit Price wii mimeven s a. wim mea. itwm.. good chicken bee, nice bam. fine elec water system. su, ! F. H. WEIR 4U irni -sale. tie mttnm ..! ft,f4 -Tt sallow, rented for three years, en . aeaee tor 845O00T Let us show you K4a l.n. ... - W. HV Grabenhorst " St Co . ' Realtots - xs- a. usmr omet . wnat sals . - .491 acre farm, steak, wood and1 rain roance. buildmrsi t miles from Salem, soring water, ettouch timber to par for the place, wui - cortsKier oart traee. Price 813.eO0.6sX, W. H. Grabenhorst tt Ce, Realtors : 19 s. ijoery atreer -.. . FOR SALE - ; ' 1 acres located North of Salem in the HeyesTllle district. Modem home of six rooms, four years old. barn. urge . chtcken house. . under cuiti vation. , balance timber and nesture best of soB. This place is worth more money and If you are tookias: for reel bur. let us, show you this eUee at vour convenience. Price- $3900 00 31600.00 down. W, H, Grabenhorst & Co, Realtors 134 S Liberty Street J TIMBER LAND: se V seres' all in rlr sad oak timber fronts m paved highway. Price 83000 cash, it you want a umoer oargaui here tt is . . ur u RBiBmninMT Mt CO. 1x4 SL Liberty St. .. "Ph. 4131 Suburban SUBURBAN ON BUS! $3700. Late built, rooms, - unfln, attic. Plenty shade. Xot 75x133. C, H. SANDERS. 231 N. High. $839, SALEM'S BEST SUBURBAN I 98300; half cash. Beautiful late built 3 large bed rms.. extra large living and dining. 1 acre. Paved road. Home strict ly modern. Shown by appointment C.JL SANDERS. 231 N. High. 883g 4 57 ACRES' east, good soli, good road, elect, close to school. Price $900: $109 down, $10 per mo. Buy now. Build later Never be priced less, C. H. SANDERS, 231 N. High.' 5839. ACRE north, 4 rooms, unf. attic, small fair barn, chicken house, 400 cap. Price $1000; one-half cash. C H. SANDERS. 231 N. High. 9838. Wanted Real Estate Farm 23 A. or more. Close to Salem. Submit best offer 8c full description. 1273 Ruge St, W. Salem, Ore. Business Opportunities bvwviuiiivii, t c sunn uiem. u - : . : , . ... . . ncviui wiiwniiHio law is uoerai- costs are nominal. Correspondence so licited. Nevada Agency 8c Trust C 139 North Virginia St, Reno, v- - 1 GOING TO SERVICE! ' Price $1300 Grocery store, stock and fixtures. Doing 82500 ser month. Rent - $35. Want a bargain? -a C. H. SANDERS. 231 N. High. 5838. Restaurant one of Salem's wen located,, modern Coffee Shops, Com pletely i equipped. Income over $100 gross per -day. $7500.00. some i terms. Retiring. See my agent. Mr. .Hardy with HAWKINS 8c ROBERTS: INCJ ' Realtors.. i - FOR SALE Six ' 2-room aDts,' all rented, close in. Box 2173. Eutesman, For Sale Used Cars 'St PraHu S iui r. k.i... new paint battery. Good rubber. ISMS cash. No trades. Broderick, 1486 State. IBM -"cHEV enlh " "ij '2t?mAU - -, . . . ..u... Leaving for service Monday. 403 Union, tt PONTIAC sedan, aood tires. B40. 1659 S. High. ) r 19 DELUXE Chev. aedan. ahnost new tires, $800. L. Rains, rt 3. box 779 R. 1936 Chev. wood truck for ' aals. Good tires. 1110 N. Capitol. . 1940 Mr.PlvrnCUth Deluxa Sedan! t . V by owner. Ph. 21327. ' - til tnn tVldl. tmiolr Tv. cellent rubber, perfect condition. 1460 o. iui. mane syz . A 1935 77-WiUys coupe for sals. $123. Six good tires. Address or see Mrs. J. D. Rhodes. Silverton. For quick sale 1933 4 door Pontiac. ;l Must have cash. See Mr. Seety at Credit Bureau. 349 Court St "33 Ford, good motor, fair tires, $175. Ph. 8079. - J Wanted Used Cars WE PAY TOPS! - . Get every dime your car Is wr4h, Cash non the Barrel-Head . C' SHROCK . 1 SALEM'S oldest tndioendent Used ear dealer. i N E Corner Church at Cbem. Ph. n23 . Wanted late model pickupi Will pay cash. Phone 7583. 10D rash for best Model A. 1388 Franklin. West Salem. Want good nsed 1 car, sedan" w -ceach for cash. Must have good Urea. 1895 Berry St Phone 2-1831. - , For Sale Wood PEALER CORES. $33 load. P. 3438V WOOD foa sale. Phone 9580, Wood'Sawing 80 N. Coral Ph. 3823. Personal WEALTHY LADY Wishes to toam'. AIBance. box 95, Toledo. Ohio. iwrbeJrestnsible for anT bills except those made by . rayself. Glen Liedtke. I WILtTNOT be resTOnslWe for" Wlls contracted by anyone other than my self. Z. R. Moss. -A ' I win not be responsible for ' bills contracted by anyone other that my seu. airs. ij. . jncxew. , . , , . Why Be Lonesomer Do- you-'eant . frlendsT Inform. 10 etr. P. O..Boc 1730. S. F. Calif. Lost and Found Lost 80 year IOOP leweL Reward. 1144 Center. G. W. McLaughlin Hamilton wrist watch with black strap. Ph. 3350. , ; . . , e Lost -Bill fold containing money and bean picking tickets. Russell Mor- reu. Phi 8425, . 1 Transportation Wanted - ride to Vancouver ardor ard. swingshift P 9080 , Fox Valley Guestv : Return to Homes FOX VAIXEY Mrs. CUpfcU and Miss Belle dipfeU, whoisaent the last three monthr t' -Ahe - Georfe- dipfell home, hsrv -re turned to California. Mrs. Mae Swank, Staytoti, esig, Ued Mrs. Daisy Johnston Wtstiwi- day. V Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ciiffiii vere Salem busineg viston'Frt- dy. N-r:: t -; tv H-; v:, "J ' : Mr. and Mrs. Claire Tliimphreys, Salem, were lit Fox Valley T7anrs ',: day. Betty and Leland Humpbrtyt pent a week with their grand- pnrentit - Jobratons and Mtasssed ' horae-wiih their iather and tasath er Thursday nizhl-" c The Clipfell, Snyder and eny families are pickinf veyergreen berries this week. EveisTewi er- riee are a food price' this 'season, ; and the berries are nice toai Portland (xtiple VtiiU 1 AMITY Mr. ana xars. rtiroert Miller of Portland visited hef par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Allisott on Nursery street this weekj TiB Lodges ? I . a Pacific 1 LedM No, 50, A. C. Degree. Wed, Sept PJkl. . By eider W. M. adjarwt T