PAGE TWELVE Tb OREGON STATESMAN, Salem Orexjon. Wednesday Morning. August 2S, 1942 ! Seek Teachers In Jap Camps University of Oregon Man Presents Task To Normal Students MONMOUTH Dr. William C. Jones, bead of the department ol political science at the University of Oregon, who is temporarily serving as recruiting officer for war relocation authority, visited the placement bureau for teach ers at Oregon College of Educa tion, this week. He was seeking teachers for the Japanese intern ment camps 1 in Idaho, Utah and Arizona. Doctor' Jones stated that this specific teacher need would offer applicants an excellent opportun ity to serve their country in the emergency; - that salaries will be liberal; and several hundred teachers will be required. Teacher qualifications for these posts are high. The minimum for element ary positions are a bachelor's de gree from an accredited univer sity, college or teachers - college, with an elementary certificate, special or general, from such an institution; and individuals of high -mental and moral -caliber. Some administrative posts ; also are open. v'V - Cecilia Brennan, placement Shady Cove Family Visits in Unionvale UNIONVALE Mrs. William Cattanach and " son Donald and daughter Lois of Shady Cove vis ited "her brother-in-law, " C J. Countiss and Mrs. Counties. It is more than 15 years since she vis ited here," ' ';- : :: hj bureau secretary here, will accept applications , of those - qualified, who are interested. Oklahoma Family Visits Relatives GRAND ISLAND Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tindall and little son Bobby of Enid, Okla., visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy C Will last week. Tindall, who is at tending school at Enid and serv ing as a student pastor, was grant ed a three-week leave of ab sence. Mrs. Tindall is the former Mildred Will. Lyons Woman Gives , Party for little Folk LYONS Mrs. Oscar Naue was hostess to a group of little folks honoring her daughter Ruby on her seventh birthday. Those pres ent were Shirley Johnston, Jac queline Spa, Frances, Helen and Jean Pietroke, Janice, Janet and Jeanette -' Huffman and . Georgie Rambo. . Gates School Opening Is Set - GATES School will open Monday, September 21, in Gates. Paul Cammack, who was in charge last year will be principal gain. Mrs. Margaret Coons will be on the high, school staff. Mrs. Blanch Sears will teach the inter mediate grades. - Mrs. Rolla Champ of Gates will have charge of the .primary, grades. One vacancy in the Reach ing staff stfll exists. .. Mrs. Augusta Kay of Portland is making an indefinite visit with her sister, Mrs. Emilie Joost . j ; Mrs. Birdie Osterhouse . spent several days with her sister, Mrs; Ruby Winters; .Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Richards of -Portland were weekend guests at the Ned Richard home. . ' 0 D O Y S' LEA7HE (l AND W OO L A V I A T O fl GROWING GIRLS' .nw- y - b- -ft ml . rhart K YV? 1 Capeskln front panel with rest of tody aieeTes in warm wool. Aviator stria front, two slash pocket. to It. Boys' CORD PANTS Styled with one-button waistband, front pleats and five pockets, t-lt. Wt pockets with SPORT SHIRT Cotton poplins. I to II. BOYS' BEANIES Felts in bright colors. 2! J2 ISP Vj Boy "JEEP" RAiHGOAT II i 1 !i ( Priced Only ... Three-quarter length coat . . . sturdily made of Aridex treated poplin. Zip fly front and bright plaid lining. In natural tan. Sizes 8 to 18. Buy War Bends and Stamps at Sears Boy' , Slack SOCKS Bright blaser tripes in sturdy cot tons. Bib tops; Boy,' DRESS MNTS Plain color or tweed fabrics. Elies I to 1C Boys' SPORT COAT RuKtred tweeda. herrlaa-bones and OTerplaids. Leather buttons, two patch pockets. Sixes 10 to SO. Boys' PLAID JACKET Coaaack atyla with slid fastener, action back. Two slash pockets. 6-10.. ... .t. , 7.95 3.49 SMOES - . a c rea : 7w V Wear i M EM ' S DRO A D C LOT H 'TRU-POINT' SHIRTS W'7 49c Regular U9 Sanforised broadeloths tn wash fast. woTen through patterns. Curt proof collar, pleated sleeves. MEN'S TIES Colorful rayons, bias cut wool lining-. uEtrs SWEATERS COAT ail PULLOVER Two-ton effects In plain and r.ovelty weaves. . SWEATER COAT Button front V-neck stylo, bolid colors, two tones. 2-93 4.49 BRIEFS AND SMHtTS ?Ce Email, medium, large, extra Iarco sines. ataW I Am (.. ' - iuvo wuul union suit. ic Bottondown front, ankle length. Short sleeves. M9 (Dob Ji "I 0 JEVSO G KLE" DRESS E S . . rvssasBsiw. Doiens of smart new styles In cluding1 monk straps, moccasins ana ver popular saaaie snoca. Black or brown, or antique Una. GROWING GIRLS' 4 CRISP COHONS FOR THE TEETER - TOTTER CROWD! Sixes t-1. Brift-ht UtUe frocks in su Js-lovins; cot tone. Gar prints for your active juniors p 1 a 1 d s in many colors plain colors. Finished with care? ful attention to de tails! .Wide hems. 5 a Comfortably casual Just right with f "v school clothoaf Fina oualltv leathers frL that will sun np. under loU of bard Blacks. - browns, antlqua tans, brown and white corobiMttta. Full also ranee. Economy priced! Men's PAJAMAS T4S) Favorite notch collar style Elastic Inserts In trousor waist. Stripe patterns In Kay colors. . RIen'M Aviator hk. T , .f r f MM'.-.-- M I I I! II II mJf i -?-. - 1 S f I 1 1-1 kal It fMKAi "Claumat Rayon UNDI E S Long-wearing ray on undies. Panties, vesta ; and bloom er, t. match. Tea roso, sises 4-14. 40c ALL TRE . FELLOWS UEU1 EUI LEATHER JACKET ..Sporty action back model -ft with Ions; crown zip from I I -rie-ht shoulder to waist. I Ceiling Pricm 435 -i-L Flno quality leathers In new fall style. Smooth or rough grain finish In military types and con servative business styles. Slaea antique Un, and brown. , SANDY KEVIN, JH. Bandv Nevln styles In boys' sises. Rough or smooth leathers. Straight and w I n g 1 1 p styles. Sises 1-t. fy Joan Bradley S17EATED An wi Slipovers to top your new skirts and slacks. Colorful. novelty styles. Sises 14-40. 88c COTTON SWEATER Boucle or flake yam uidgie. Button front. Cotton Slips $0fi Wit cotton slips. sCoS Flounce bottoms. - RAUM SUM Crispv, rayon taf fetas. Tea reset 4-14. FLAMELETTE PAJAMAS Tack-la and over- flOft House, styJasv COAT: SWEATERS Olrlr AO school . sweaters. ZjrO 111. CHILDRErS COATS T-14'ars aty Tweeds plaina RAT OH PANTIES Well made knit panties. Tea rose, flstl COTTON PAJAMAS Toll eut man- ' " nish a t y 1 Bret dcloth or Je reals. Stses 4-40. SLEEK 80WRS -Rayon satln gowns tn pretty styles. Sleeved A and sleeveless. r 14-49. PRINT APR0RS ' Oay cover-ups for O Cl Sour best frocks. OcJFi? ovelty prints, t a"na8.95 20 c 40 49 WOMEN'S SLIPS FINE RAYON CREPE -r- (Tx STRAIGHT CUT STYLE J Slim and straight they fit vn-. j I der your new frocks! Of I I smooth rayon crepe well "with covered seams and shad- : i ow panel. H-44. ..... STURDY, NEW STYLES DOYGAQDS Men's ' vool jacketv water repellent . n plaid wooL Zip viW 5) He'll like tffe fine, rug ged styles in these new shoes! Made to wear longer, better! goc Black and a n 1 1 a a . Dress or sport styles. store nouns: 9 :30 A, M. to 6 :00 P. BI, , DAILY i' :30.A. M. to 9:00 P. M. ' SATURDAY n xiD-opea map pocaet. Tan. front. . - : CQEAII COQDS Tsi 3.G9 zzi72:zz: Ci Zlzte Eire:! .. , - . .-. . f . v. ' VTe - O"""