Tb OCTGO:i STATmiAtL SoUsv Oregon, Tuesday Morning August 2V 1342- PAG2 KZ3 4E- JO Classified; Advertising Statesman Classified Ads ... CaU9l0l Three Insertions per Una 23e Six insertions per line -40c One Tonnth per tins StiJ Uininum charge 15c; "X tL mis- tmuiD 35c; 6 tt. into. 45c No refunds, :; j ' ; Copy tor thla page accepted'oa til ae tba-evenian bifnn naliBca- Uon tor risssificattoa - Copy- re ceived exler this .time wUl e Tun under the- sartina ''Toe santa to !The Statesman umimm no fiannK eras laspanlriutry (ok errwa which may -appear ok wina win wae-. Bsaeo m no . coranus ma bb swot where this paper -t-mlt wtH reprint that put of -an derttse- nnl wnicn. hm amstafce -eeeurs. The iiuwiMD mnre the rtght to meet QMestioeeMe 'edvertiiiiic. It (urthet reserves toe rtght to Dket all advertista under -the oropet elasaifjeatitav A "Blind' AO in ad containing a stcttoME box number tor aa ad dressis tor the BratocUoo at the advertiser ad sant there fora i r h Wttr. Thav Saetaam ia m mt lifcaita aa diviiaea anfor- esanon aa to tfce Identity of en advertiser osta e TSUad" ad. Hop Picker I NOW reristerinc hoo lakers for Ut hop. Picking start. Aug. -Slat. mil Mt of Salem. Cabins A (o crop. Williams & Thacker. Phone 11331 or 2-1351. um DTrwaa vanttt 400 acrea of early and lata hops Crown oo River Bottom tend. Picking commences August 24th. Large crop, lone season and porta X50 par 100 pounds Fraa- campaing .aceommotions. Groceries, meats, and restaurant at city prices. Strict supervision day and niff ht. Wt svalcomo return to our old mediately -and- reserve cabins or tents. Call or pbona- 21 F X. Independence. C. A. McLawghha flop- Ranch. Independ ence, Ore. Harold Gwtno, Superinten- oent. HOP picker- sranted Carly ar late hops. sUrtinff Aug. 18. Good picking. S2.50 per hundred. Camp, cabins, elec tricitv. stoves, wood, straw at etc. In- ouira about - transportation. Phone J-S78R Orev Hoo Ranch. R R. 1. Bx. Hop Pickers Wanted 150 ACRES choice river bottom hops a milee SW of Salem. 3 weeks of fine picking Store, restaurant, butcher hnn on 'rounds. Good camp ground. Fine cabins. Or free transportation to and from yard. Register at our office. 147 North Commercial street or write John J. Roberts & CO, saiem, uregon. 'Phone 8623. i- unp : mrKIPBS WANTED i Picking starts Aug. 10th. lasU about Sft rfsva. Pav 2 lc per pound. Good ' mn ht nickine ob In valley. Good rimn. S50 cabins with UghU and .am hall inH rastaur ant. known 'aa Wigrteh Banch. Write '. Golden Gate Hop itancn. inuepeou' ! ence. Ore or -phone Self. Salem. . urn vrrKTSS wanted. Brown Island Hop Co.. phone 2-3W7. Early and late hoos. Prevailing pricaa. Long Job. Good accommodations. 4I mi las S. W Of Salem. ooWfllainette River. ': - ? - $2.50 Per Hundred Lbs. Register now for early and late hops Long season. Start picking about Aug 20th Phone 3712. days. 2-2269 evenings . Fir Grove Hep Ranch Help Wanted v One Kitchen helper. 2 waitresses and nurse helpers. Apply in person. Ore gon State Tuberculosis Hospital. , .WANTED Bean Pickers. Otto Zlstel. Rte. 5, -Box 108, near Penn Annex. Salem. Ore. Wanted' Garage & service station help W yrs. old and up, 409 Sdgewater St. "-. Wanted Messengers Apply Western Union. 16 years old. Hop Pickers 3c Lb. . Mission Bottom Hop. Co. 12 mi. North Of Salem on Newberg highway. Long Job. Ph. 2234T. Bill Statesman. Help Wanted Male . Workers-new-employed. la war pro eactioat shauM not appry and wul net u.,y.l tm unlovsnaat bv eaa- .-.be cs -nlocrs advartistai in this sec ties. ' AUTO mechanic, steady Job in Sa lem. Box 2240. Statesman. i" A TTFVT1 A NTS at Oreaon State Hos- !.nitaL Salem; $65 per -mo- with board. v room ana uunary. ,awmiii vvvorKers DEFUSE WORK . . w Viava. a number b".eood Prma ,1 Rent jobs -at St. Helena. Oregon for v exDCTienced sawmill men. .Our labor i&. contract nermUs non-union or union :,y men with requirement that they make if aDPlication - for union -membership within 30 days, after Starting to work, i. Pone 2r Talbot extensive ..holdings as- f sure long lime employment in this : vital wartime" industry. All written ! .nniiniinn wfll be 'answered fuuy. 1 Write or apply W. F. oltuer em- nlnvment manacer. Pope at Talbot ' Inc. 618 TJ.W. Front Avenue (McCor- mick Terminal), or apply direct at our " St Helens, mill . office, ; . Wanted middle aged man to work on . delivery truck. Hogg Btx. u.n in ivnrlr nn turkev ranch i house, Hahtt 8c water furnished. G. M. Aup- r perle. Jefferson. ' ; ' " Boy 17 or 18. out ot school., for inh aa' stock clerk in large retail store "Year-round lob for right person. Write co Statesman Box 2253. Help Wanted Female WANTED Waitress work "Saturda: night only. 'Chinese Teat Garden, f 5&e Oraonptatmiau , - ADVERTISING Testem Advtrfisitiar '" ' Repreaejitativea ; nj n Cliaa. Ibsl Ian Francisco Los Angeles Seattle . Eastern . AOryertlslrig; , V ' Representative Ward-Grtfnth. Componv tea . ' 'Chicago. New York- Detroit . Buetoo Atlanta - wt 'mt tHwr Paaratftce et" Salem, nmlun as Secoikd XOoss araher PoO- MrfMi iurii nomnurt tjttrrot Woodtitf Busiaasa otice 215 Swuh Cootmereial Streets -;- . SUBSCRIPTION RATES.. ' Mbit iihrTtotiun Kales tn Advance ' Within Oregon Dailv and Sunder Mo an a Mi-, sluo. 1 rear 88 00 r.iwhere 110 con La per soo or 8734 tor -1 rear m m4vmnc Pet copy 3 cents r- r-,t- cvrrtar 13 eanta a moOUt ri m i veat in advaooe la Marlon and -Hi uyincj r Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WUTt v tanw llHO to Salara oldest- tarxest horn owned I fend noma- managed, finance ttutitu tXMX YOUt financial , attar WUl tM discti nd mad loan anade ta strictest privacy Yoo acul be gives) every coa- stderauoa thor taaj uijs, et j tooi 1ob ar icvantta, -sate iuwwi . , I to 12 MONTHS TO BEPAT Tou can amy ta full aa timo to reduce tb coat- . ONL SOftaOWER- SIGNS. No endorsers Loans mad oo rural- SEX ' ROY a SIMMONS. MGR . Lie. No. M,132. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie "Ho S-tte 124 So. St Pbona Bias First Of Ladd Bm Busk bank Cdbvi floor location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS KIT IN AN CCD to re- Daynients Money for new or used cars. No dotay or red taps Yon wlu retaaa poasesstoa ot tne vemcie -1 to is orrn to pay ROY H. SIMMONS 126 &ith Commerchtl Street Pttooe-tlea' Lie No at-152 1 MONEY TO LOAN On Farm. City or Acreage Property LEO N CHILDS. INC. 244 State St Phone $281 MTG. leans. 4U to B. Let us re finance tout mtc. et lower rates. ABBAMS or ELLIS, lna Masonic BMg. Wl 'LOAM on tarm. rassdaatial at business pi usui ty Will ouy mortgages or- ecu tracts HAWrVlNa at KUULttlS INC Realtors. Guardian Btnldiag. Financial "WANTED -To buy for cash Real estate mortgage. Teal estate contracts, merchandise discount paper State Finance. Co. 212 Guardian Bldg. Help Wanted Female . GIRL for hose mending, experienced or inexperienced. Apply et mending counter, J. C. Penney co baiem. Middle aged, or elderly woman to care for 1 children & light work, no heavy, work or laundry. Steady work. 1232 N. Com l. GIRL wanted for general housework. Good pay. Call BOSS, after B call 7830. GIRL wanted with experience. The Spa. some fountain WAITRESS, over 21, 50c per hour. Spotted Pig Gate. Woodburn. Steady Permanent employment for 4 girls ot women between 18 and 30 yrs. old. See Mr. Brock at Doolit tie's Service Station. 3SS N. Com'L GIRL or woman for general house work and care of children; top wages. Phone SZ70. Age 20 to . EXPERIENCED lady cook wanted. Phone 3033 for appointment. POULTRY PICKERS wanted. North west Poultry & Dairy. : Si illations Wanted Experienced colorist wishes position in photograph studio, rn. z-iio. ELECTRIC wnmg & repairs. R. Toler. Phone 22233. after 6 p. m. M. t . CHILDREN kept Ph. 6327. 899 Breys - For Sate Miscellaneous Nash Furniture Co.r Closing . out. Quitting business for duration. Save from 10 to 50 below ceiling ; prices. . - DRY POULTRY fertilizer. Summer special, 25 cents per sack. Bring sacks Ph. 22861. Lee Hatchery. Canning Peaches, fine Crawfords. Townsend ties latei Orchard. Alberta vane- SEE HOGG BROS.. 260 State St for liberal trade in on your old furniture OUR famous High Land Slappy canning peaches are here. Puritan Cider Works. West Salem. HOGG BROS have a limited supply of electric water heaters DEPENDABLE WRINGER service all makes of washers. Better get your rolls wh'le available. See Ed Ellis, your- washer man. Nelson Bros. P. 4148 Berries Himalaya -8c Evergreen blackberries. 1 mile south. Rt S, Box 88. Ph. 2-1146. Bring your boxes. Priced right; SUshUv used Wesix 30 gal. elect water neater. Call between 6 & 7:30 m. 1825 N. Winter. - . Vacabond . Trailer - Home like - new. S nrd. sleeDS 4. rood tires. Coleman range, floor heat: 1831 Fairgrounds Road,.-Salem. Ore. Hill crown Crawford peaches. Rollin Beaver, up Glen Creek Rd. Ph. 47F2. COMPLETE household furnishings at 330 N." summer. W Sfa1 ia0rfNaa QUITTING BUSINESS NASH - FTTRNTTTTRE CO. tClosing Out ;for ;the i uurauou : SALE Will Continue Until . Entire Stock Is Sold Thousands of dollars worth of Home Furnishings, from . 10 to 50 Dis counts oft ceiling 'rices. (Contract lines excepted.) Buy now and save. Aprons greet cos. gifts 870 N High - For. Sale We still have several fine piano accordions . , No more for the duration. , , . - -, " Jaqurth Mmic Co. - 101 S. High Drapes, lamp, small tables. Ph. 8154, . For SaSe New Westtnghouse Range. used l week. jCau 4bb. - Oil circulator. Icebox.- 1S5 N. Com!. - BED, springs Sr mattress $5. Book cases, library table, dresser, also lawn swing- and choir. 823 S. High. waBwasaaSsassSBBSsssBaasBBawawaBSBSSBaBBwawawawaawaa 1 sw fcsf) TtXfAlJWaVSf! ; . '. '' V A -MOVENT -1 " "V LX K'i :' F 0O COULD J -V; T ailing? Trading? ILst Classified Do Money To Loan Follow Uncle Sam's Advice! v GET OUT OF DEBT ; We Will Help You! Wa wiU loan vou on to S300O9 with which b get rid of your past due trills or other obltg sUons and protect your good credit You can then repay us in modest monthly- amounts-so small that they would not .go far .among many - creditors yet large enough to pay ocr your Man wiin oa m -e y aar or teas, came n ter tree lnxormauon without any obligation. ..; . i . ...... Cash for Fuel Order Your Winter's Supply Now! ror Personal or Auto Loans. See CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY 219 Court St. Salem Pbone 4448 S-222 UC..M-Z78 LOANS-25 to $300 Almost, any crtdit -worthy person -qrBo reany needs cash to pay on eta debts for medlaaJ : or for some otnerr wuittoy .purpose can qualify fot a loan at -Personal i John c.- ueeren. Manager PERSONAL TBtANCK CO. Ground frr . Now Blarb Btds. SU SXA1E STRJCEl -At High b-eet) Telephone Jisi State Licenses: S 122. M-l3- sOasOaasakasSMaysaassMSsaSsasateayOka. Auto Loans V Willamette Credit Co. TH FLOOR GUARDlAr BUHX1ING LICXNSK N. M Ian Loan Wanted W ANTED PRTV ATT MONEY TO LOAN -oo -good Salem real ea . WU1 pay Uifciut W. a URABENHORSJ CO. BXALTQRS For Sale Miscellaneons SWEET corn-. Phone 2-2440. CANNING peaches. Ph. 2-2664. neeotJgnew LUGGET" Come in and see what handsome traveling bags you can buy. All types, au prices. s.d up 125 N. Commercial. BARTLETT PEARS. Wm. SUddard. ls ml. Wallace Rd. Box 179. Electrolux re frig. good as new. 2322 State. Ph. 3704. Fidler's Furniture Co. STOCK Purchased by NASH FURNITURE CO. MOVED rO OUR STORE 219 N. Commercial St Please Note Mr. Fidler Will be at our store for a time to help us during our Final , Quitting Business ; Clearance Sale Below' Ceiling Prices - Buy Now And. Save! " Piano Kohler Ax . Campbell cheap for quick sale. 1465 . Mission. Man's good used bicycle $30 Cash. 1818- S. 13th LEAVE ORDERS now for cucumbers (Irrigated.) H C Shields. Ph. 6979. eves. Trade Miscellaneous Sala or Trade, used fas model air- planeaanotors it parts. Trade for shot gun, motor boat, motor, etc. See Carl woooa. im uwwa. Wanted Furniture . F. N. St GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers St furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade for furniture at household goods. We buy or sell everything. Ph 8110 CASH FOR used furniture boose nold goods R ror gey Pb Wanted Miscellaneous Wanted riders to Willamette Iron & Steel Cor. Graveyard -shift. Bert Broer. 1005 N. 16th. Ph.. 5405, Business Cards ia this directory ran, oa a monthly basis ooly. Kate; SUES per list neath. v : AutolSrstkes Mike Panek 2T5 Soutb Contmerclai Batteries WILLARD battertes. all trnes R D Wood row. '384 Church Phooe O600 Bicycles BICYCLad. New -and recanulConed Harry W Scott 147 S Corn el P 4518 Chimney Sweep Norton a Chimney Sweep' P. 4450 Florists BieUhupv 41 iurt Pbone site Funeral Directors rarwultger Funeral .Homo. Ph- 683$ Mattresses CAPITOL 'BEDDING CO. Phone 4008 Painting & Paperhanging BBwawaawaBBBjBBBBaBSSSaBWaaaasBMSBanwaBBBBnBBBW 1 , Expertenrrd Wnaa nnable Ph 4329 rR A West at Sons. Rt 8v B 445 2-2290 1 4t0 N ComX PaC 352X Wante3 Miscellaneous Late mold -electric Ttef. Dewey Kethcart Xisdepeadence Rte; 1 j ig 1 1 ii-i '.si ri iri ni rian i iaaii-i irsr " ' Will store piano for use.. Good care. 1223 N. Winter. vsiirimB ' po" seist- "nr"" HIGHEST cash ortees nald for DSXDJ or JUNK TIRES or Tubes uoa saaai- son. 680 No Bigb, MiscelLaneons Dental Plate Repair ITWO-BTODB SERVTCX IN MOST - CASES . -- Brinz or Mall Your Prates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. ' DENTIST Adoipa Bldg State A ComV-Ph 231 1 'Win. rive kittens to desirable homes. 3- males, 3 'seaaaiea, clean, attractive. xood moosers -2 mo. old. Also 2 fe male Tortoise shell l yr. on cats. tro. 2-1106. Box 86, Rt 2, Croisan creek Road. ' ' ' . . ' . WE SELL feeda-and buyjgratsu North west Poultry. '0ft N. Front For Rent -Rooms 2 sleeping rooms only. 91 S. nih. furnished, men Kteeiv furnished schools and -state bMga. 253 N. 13th. 3 large sleeping loams, cotnrunnity kitchen., garage. Close in. Dial O. CaU-P2Z 2 si. rms. ladies. 1329 9. ComX Ph. 2-1891 . . nsre laree room. 'Xarace, close ta. Ph. 6S30. B60 Center. - SLEEPINQ ' room 129 Court St Room and Board Accommodate '2 bust xfrls. Ph. TlSa. BETTER BAD rm MS Confl St For Rent Apartment Upstairs 201 Nebr apt, adults only, $25. 2 turn. apt. 42.50 wk. 1 rm, apt. no. 1290 Oak. h. 5276. 1 room apts. 1135 N. 13th. TORN. apta. 1T64 Market Ph. 4B22. 1-2-3 R.. apis. 2310 N. 4. Ph. 748. 2-RM CLOSE in. also smaller apt, H4-50. Inquire 839 N. Liberty. For Rent House On Shurman Rd. attractive modern. unfurnished cottage. Suitable for two. Basement furnace,, fireplace; avaa able Sept. 1st Phone 5067 or 5152. For rent Four room bouse, good well. No electricity. Close-in, sio.oo. A. S. Grice. R. 4, Box 407, Salem. Fully modern 6 rms, fully carpeted, 2 fireplaces. 2 bedrooms, .double ga rage. 250. Ph. 7254. Mod. house with garage. Ph. 4581. WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU Want to sell, -exchange. rent, see Mr. Larsen. Mr. Collins or Mr Goodwin with Hawkins St Roberts . 4 Room unfurn. refrigerator and stove furnished. 2010 Nebraska,, $ rm. mod -1 bedroom house, near Sr. High. 840.. Ph. 26F23 evenings. For Rent TRUCKS for Cltns &. Lovell rent You drive pbona A60U Mc MODERN COTTAGES. 84 & up I unction Auto Court So Commercial For Sale Real Estate " Three bedroom home in the Fair mount district, Automatic oil heat basement, fireplace, corner lot. Good view. See Mr. Goodwin with. HAWK INS & ROBERTS. Inc., Realtors. Salem We have some unfinished houses. which, with a tittle - work, can be converted into comfortable homes. We can sell these with a reasonable amount down and the balance month' Iv. ; A gentleman's home In the country, consisting of 2 acres of ground, with an extra well built Home. Every con venience. double garage, a place for chickens, cows and horses. We wfll be glad to show you this home at your convenience. P. H. BELL 212 Guardian Bide. Phone 8168 9 IUUIU JllVJSatsri nillaill ass -r. -ra- m 1cm. CIom to acrliool and bus. Corner! va aotrn OAA a-. 11 ItM I Aw WsMAr-OW UVWOr WtfAa - Directory Paints and Lacquers Complete tine NASON wants terms. R. D Woodrow 384 N- Liberal Ctiui ch IHitnTg FC4t TATIONERy wmtam pampniel programs, boocs or any ' kind ol print ng, call The Statcosaoo Pnnung De apartment. 213 .4 Caanmerelal. leie phona 8101 .- Sawdust CLEAN, screened. Br sawdust. 21255 Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL. 1.CHOUL . : STREAMUNgICL)URSE3 Write. Thone or Can -' tor Booklet 3ft U uapriol ' Transfer. O -DRIVE - " TRUCKS -OK RENT Btanketa faro U1 S. Liberty Ph MJ62 OR LUCAL OR DIS1 ANT iransiei storaee. burmi oiL bnouets trucks to Portland daily - Agent Pierce Auto Freight Including Caiif notnta uarmer rrsnsfor Co Pb 8131 i .. : i - Vacuum Qeaner Service FREE Inspection in rcstr nome AO tnnriced Hoovar aervire We servae al ssakos cteaoers. Hogg Bros.' Ph. 8148 Well Drilling C J. Pugh. 2125 Myrtle.' Phone S336. fiirK SSKSU For Sale Real Estale N. SUMMER ' STREET - HOME: 6 r." horsta with tianiwiil fiiiim. fireplace, garage, deep lot with large back yard. A REAL BUY at 83750. cash, bal f bit POSSESSION Sept Ut . W. UKADEMHOICil' & CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St ph. 4131 Mod. 2. bdrm home, fun basement furnace, garden, insurance paid. 22500-00. Phone 104 Independence -after ounoay. a ssatn St. VIEW HOME - yi0- 'Tm horo- t-itss. 2 houses, 3 lots. One new 5-rm base ment ar wood furnace. Garage, Other, 4-rm. SeU together. 8308 cash. '609 s. -zzno. SELL or ; trade, for Salasn- home. Heassa as a raosns, 2 Jots, near Portland. inquire Owner. "OSS Belnsent. Salem. 2060 5. Cottage 7 rm, JiotBe, built a yrs. ego. Hardwood firs, downstairs. o mem. lurnaee. - nrtpurt. Venetian Diuxia. . -auec. .water neater, garage. lot $6000.- Ph. 8478. Near HI School, a Comfortable 4 wm home with Fireolace. - Trava. jriooreq vroc, uarage ana naa a - - EKI (JHCUCE CREEK LOT. Priced !$3700. Part Terms. ' O. K BAi. 1253 State Ph. 1181 4 Rm." hae. on Sta teaman St -awraare. craea:. joc nice saw. See W. U. KaUEGEH 141 N. Com L Phone -4728 LARGE HOME: t r. home on large corner only one block from State- Capitol grounds. Must be cash. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H GRABENHORST & CO, REALTORS - 134 S. Liberty St ' Ph. 4131 Desirable location, -excellent condi tion in a 6 room home, priced at $3150.00.' Basement furnace, fireplace, wired for range, garage. Might trade for -a -suburban -with targe tot O. X. RAX The Realtor Ph. 8781 COUNTRY ROME: 4 r. home with fireplace, modern plumbing, double garage, ten acres with creek, timber. -Price 84000. SSOt cash. bal. 835 oer no. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. - W. H. GRABENHORST St CO. SALTORS 134 . Liberty St. Ph. 4131 For Sale Farms -TOR BALE or Rent MO Ideal sheep, land. 2 houses, barn. House partly fum., no -elec. Water can be Dined to house. $2400. Good road. 2 mi. west Lyons, Rd. 226. Rt. 1, Box 60, Stayton, Acreage SUBURBAN: 7 acre tract, close to City limits; -2 houses, large- barn, fruit, nut and shade trees. Owner moving to larger farm offers above for $6500 you will like it. EXTRA: $3500 value for $1750 An 8 room plastered house with basement targe let walking distance to bute Bides. It's a buv. - See Mrs. L. tt. auns wrtn i-eo . Childs. Inc. Realtors. 344 State St, Ph. 8261. Cut your - own wood on ,4 Acre tracts, very close in on pavement city water. Elect., dandy b mining sites. Plenty old growth fir only $350.00 with terms, while they last. RICH L. REIMANN. REALTOR Salem's Lareest Home Builder 167 S. High St Ph. 8203 Wanted Real Estate Wanted to "buy from bwrier. -2 A. with small buildings Prefer some fruit trees. W. IV .Stroud. B-l. R. 222. Van couver. Wash. . S R n houa. W. Salem. S1200-$1800. Pay Y cash. Call eves. 1390 3rd St. W. Salem. Business Opportunities FOR SALE Six 2-roora apts.. all rented, close in. Box 2173, SUtesman MODERN RESTAURANT: doing ex cellent business. Living quarters in cluded. Sacrifice for $2330. terms. Will take good car on trade. 605 N. Capitol, Ph. 7362. For Sale Used Cars GOOD USED CARS at A 1 " TOT 9 41 lhrvsler Windsor 0 Coupe , '41 DeSoto Custom Sed. '41 Chevrolet Mast. Del. Sedan - 40 Chevrolet Mast. Cpe. 1836 Ponbae Deluxe Sedan 1836 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan 1934 Chevrolet Master Sedan 1933 Chevrolet Master Coupe 1931 Ford Roadster SALEM AUTOMOBILE COMPANY v Home of ' " CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH ' Service OITAl.TTY IfSED CARS N. Com'L -at Center .Ph. 4813 jOpea EVes. iaar tT.v tmcl. Cm. sew rub. Ph. 61SX, Mon. Tues. bet. 1 a. nv-7 P- m-. 32 B Model F.rttuo. A-l Cond. mosttew tires. 260 Hood. f Al odei A rord W motor. 85 . Evergreen Ave. Wantel Usetl Car.: WE PAY TOPS! Get every dime your car ta worth Cash on the, Barrel-Head : Mcr shrock SALEM'S oldest lndioendent used eat . - . dealer- N2 Corner Church ar Chem - Ph 1922 'p'tood Model X or V-i. good Ures, not over 223. Phone 2-1112, io to For Sale Wood PEALER CORES. $33 load. J. 243S. W009 fot seta. Phone SS60. Wood Sawing Legal Notice FINAL. NOTICE OF ADMXNISTEATION NOTICE IS - HEREBY GIVEN that the uiuleraine4 ' Joseph, G. Helvey, Administrator ot the -es tate of CHAIUjOTTE MATHILDA WOLD, Deceased, ha filed his final account as such, gold that Septernber ; 23, 1942, t' 100 o'clock !n the forenoon lot staid day, has been fixed as the time, and the courtroorq of. the Circuit Court of the State 61 Oregon for Marion County, at Salem, Oregon, has been fixed as: the place for the ; hearing of objections to said Final Account - : . Dated this 24th day of August, 1842. JOSEPH G. HELVEY. Ad minis tra tor of the Estate of Charlotte Mathilda Wold,J3e- ceased. SAM F. SPEERSTRA, JfflOTEN & RHOTEN, Pioneer Trust BuHding, Salem, Oregon, Attor neys for the Estate. A. 25, S. I, t, LV 22 NOTICE "' NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that by- an order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon tor the County of . Marion, - In Pro bate, duly made and entered on the tenth day of August, 1942, ALBERT E. WICKERT and WALTER J. WICKERT were duly appointed as joint executors of the last will nd testament and estate of ERNST W. WICKERT. de ceased, and that said Albert E. Wiekert id said Walter J. Wick ert have duly quafifierl as such executors. All persons having claims ' against -said estate hereby are required to present Them with proper vouchers, to said executors at 214 Pioneer .Trust Building, Sa lem, Oregon, .within six months after the date of the first publica tion of this notice. Dated and first published the eighteenth day of August, 1942. ALBERT E. WICKERT and WALTER J. WICKERT, as Executors aforesaid. JOHN H. CARSON and WALLACE P. CARSON, Attorneys for Executors. A-18-25- S-l-8-15. NOTICE OR APPOINTMENT. Notice is hereby given that I have' been duly appointed by the Circuit Court of Marion County, Oregon, Probate Department, as Executrix of the estate of Her man F. Rittmann, deceased, and have qualified as such Executrix; all persons having claims against said estate are notified. to present the same, duly verified, to me, at 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Ore gon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, . Oregon, this 25th day of July. 1842. EMMA HTT.T.MAN, Executrix of Estate of Herman F. Rittman. Deceased. WALTER S. LAMKIN, Attorney, Salem, Oregon. J 28-A 4-11-18-25 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Administratrix of the estate of Ralph R. Ratcliff, deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for .Marion County, and has qualified. All persons having claims, against said - estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned, at Suite 210 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon, within six months, from the date hereof. Dated and first published Aug ust 11th, 1942: last, publication September 8th, 1942. AMY. RATCLIFF Administratrix. Estate of Ralph R. Ratcliff, Deceased. PAGET AND PAGE Attorneys for1 said Estate 210 Pioneer Trust Building , Salem, Oregon. A 11-18-25 S 1-Sj Des Moines Woman to Be Employed in Salem V . JEFFERSONMrs. N. L., Davit and three. daughters, -'Edna Mae,, Margaret ; and Vera Davis, ; who. recently came from Des Moines, Iowa, have moved to Salem, where Edna Mae will work at the Tall man Music house. Mrsv Davis is ! the mother of J. H. ' Taylor, and the family came to Oregon with Mrs. J. H. Taylor and ' children, who had been visiting relatives in Iowa... Lodges Pacific Lodge No. 50. AT. A AM. 1VA. Degree. Wed, Ang 26th. 70 P.M. By order WJl. Personal v friends? Irrforni, 10 eta. P. O. Bex 1730, S. r. Calif. It For -You Willkie Plans Trip After a conference with President nuiui iciu reporters was- he would leave la about three weeks on a trip te the near east and lossU -U perform certain services for the government'' (Associated Press Telemat). r Commando Returns with Prisoner W8SwSBaaaaSBai BaaaBBBBaaaBBanaaaai SJgpSflBjjnmBaBBMBSM - -" -IH - i :.. ( ' - z - Ma. sso':-.--' :- ' . -' 'j :-. ; v1".' ':':'' : ' - ':-' ; ;; 'r v kr r ''-' j- . ? i ;( e J$ J ! Jr - -: - Back la Britain after the big commando raid on Dieppe ta German eccupied France, this stem commando leads a blindfolded German - prisoner. (Photo by cable from London. Associated Press Telemat). Bits for st (Continued from Page 4) chicken dinner, he does not go several miles downthe Willam ette to kill his chicken. He may put the chicken away tn cold storage, and take it out fine and fresh and perhaps a little better for the waitings next month, or next spring. ' This Is a better world to live in. than it was when our Will Allen was a small boy. Mr. Al len is seeing the cold storage advantages, applied in the ship ment of fresh things long distan ces, coming 'out as .fine as they were when they started. Cross Word i U 9 14 I P I Ivvdi U U ; '' ' : 11 2T ZZP, yffi. T & VTr STT lai. vrr- - rr . j1-- it- m . 7TT ttt T" n 7T "I I K"! I I K" kl 1" ' ConnONTAL 47 UUnd group VERTICAL 1 -threw wesxot - West - . , Gea '-; 4ScordInf , to " . Paxuaaent rulss 84 oelf 63 expired C6 woody plant C7-Ulr CS-werf :t9 oolar disk . . 5 exclama- . - tkm (music ; . , shapel IS Roman -. ' emperor 14-rneadow -l5- tea ! lS-onsisnes Answer to ' 20 repairs ' .3 beMt.'-of 7 24 -land measure- , 23 oven -.. , 25 vehicle . . J2beast v.- , 64 lettuce ' . S5 satisfy v , 2S-p8.th 37-- minced : - eath " - . . - crargy hd ; 40 etu2 . - . 42 la a npln; H AW C 0MU Sf LlEjA Ajs h 5t 1P15IAl) 0'tP Ef OK' iLfj'Et iva v Tt ''aTTAT$. a f T eiNirtTbiN Oiy A state 44 melodies Arsrsgt tlaw af selstles: S1V4 lasiea. rust, by Kinc1 reatores Syadicata, Jan. '- to Fighting Fronts s. Roosevelt ta Washington. Wendell FINAL NOTICE OF EXECUTOR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, executor - of the estate of JOHN T. KIRSCHER, deceased, has filed his, final ac count as such, and that August 26, 1942, at 10-00 Vclock in the forenoon of said day has been fixed as the tirao aad the court room of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion Coun ty, at Salem, Oregon, has been fixed as the place, for the hearing of. objections to said Final Ac- rcount . - .... Dated and first published .July 28, 1942. .. ..: . VICTOR B KIRSCHER, Ex. ecutor of the Estate of John T. Kirscher, Jeceasedj -RHOTEN & RHOTEN, Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon, Attorneys for the Estate. July 28-Aug. . 4-11-JS-23 Puzzle 11 converts i into" .-:. leather IS-chore 17--birds ltabtutlons 20- haded walk , 21 silkworm , 23 gasoous -, - element if- " U-liaJMSo. 4 : 2S-cWned 27 map 1 ,29 largo New Soalaad tret 50 on the top Slchnrgut is mmaiayaa Idngdom : S3 repair,- -'41 apart ' ' 43 a gunu ; -ttsed tn -f:v compounds 44 mimicked 45 ravt ' .4S fetter":, 47 verily --48 advise -50 sloths 51 jSkiUf "C2 femalo. ru3 t3-rmcnetarjr 5 unit of i Japan. 1 rotating ' piece 2 beTerara 9 mournful 4 tested : 5 din S possessive ' pronoun . T mistake 8 bewails -f opposed to awoather 10 guide . Saturday's puzsle. adjacent eomaUos,