PAGE irsis Thm OSEGQlf STATESMAN. Satan Oreyoa, Thursday Morning, August 23. 1S42 uying? gdLLing? ramng? Let Classified Do It For You - Classified Advertising Statesman Classified Ads . CaU910l Thrta tnseruana per lint 2Sc Six insertions .per line , 40c One month per 1 t1 Minimum charge 25c; X tt. min imuh35cj 6 tL tain. 45c. No Copy far this pg accepted un Ul tJO tb cvcotDS bcfere pubtte Uon for UasstfwvUea Copy re ceived -after this -cum- wUI run under thw -Beading "Too (at to Classify. -The Statesman assumes os- Bmn ctal responsibility (at niw which may umw us idvertsseansnts pub lished in Ha column -ua 4a case where that -paner ta at -xautt - will reprint that part of -an -advertisement b which the typographical mistake occurs. Tha Statesman reserves tha right ta reject queattoaabte wdvertising It -. further reserves tto- right to plac all advertising under tha arooei classification , A "fib Ad an ad oootalnlng a Statesman bos wuratarr far u ad dress is for tb prowscttoa of trie advertiser aod must tbarefera be answered letter. The Statesman ta not st liberty to divulge Infor mation a ta tha Heeuity , of an advertiser using a- "BJtaa"" sd. Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Young milk oat giving between 2 A 3 qts of milk a day. Inq. evenings. 1147 Broadway. SPOTTED saddle ' horses for sale. One five-year stallion, sixteen hands, one nine -year mare and one lng yearling -colt. Stallion and mare well broke and plenty class, half thorough' bred. Colt la three quarters -tborough-lTred. P. O. -Box 1214. Redmond. Ore. 2iead goats f or sale' r Inq? Ash St, Dallas, evenings. 202 IIop Pickers nm snmc"t WANTED 400 acres of early and lata hop grown on juver iottom tana, r-icaing - - Aits-it. 4ach IrtfA rrnn Jong season and paying $2.59 per 100 pounds Fre campaing accommotions. Groceries, meats and restaurant at city price. Strict supervision day and night. We welcome return to our old pickers and 00 new onea. Register im mediately and reserve cabins or tents. Location Z miles norm or inoepencrcnce rn niuuu'91 V ? TnftOTMN,wience. C. A. McLaughlin Hop Ranch. Independ ence, wre. naroia wwum, ouvmuwu cent. daii mLmVmw vaniM41Trl4r- A. late hops, starting Aug. 18. Good picking. $2.50 per hundred. Camp, cabins, elec tricity, stoves, wood, straw a etc. In quire about transportation. Phone 2-2766. Orey Hop Ranch. R, R. 2. Bx. 17. Hop Pickers Wanted 250 ACRES choice river bottom hops 4 miles SW of Salem. 3 weeks of fine picking Store, restaurant, butcher shop on grounds. Good camp ground. Fine cabins. Or free transportation to and from yard. Register at our office, 147 North Commercial street or write John J. Roberts V Co.. Salem. Oregon. Phone 8423. HOP PICKERS WANTED Picking starts Aug. 30th, lasts about SO days. Pay 2c per pound. Good crop. .ieet -picking. 'b in valley. Good camp. 530 cabins with lights and stoves, store, dance hall end restaur ant. Known as Wigricto Ranch. Write: Golden Gate Hop Ranch, Independ ence. Ore., or phone 3414, Salem. Attention - Hop Pickers $2.50 per cwt lbs. vegtster now for picking our early aid late cluster hops Season commence about Aug. 25th On of the best and largest yards in the St. Fau section. Best of accom modations, sueh a "abins. tens. elec. beautiful campsite, with store on grounds, ctty prices. To register writ Witliams it Hart. P O. Boa 123. Salem, or phone 3712 or 2-2681. HOP PICKERS wanted. Brown Island Hop Co.. phone 7958. Early and late hops. Prevailing prices. Long lob. Good accommodations. 4' i miles .S. W f Salem on Willamette River. 123 Acre early It late hops. Pick ing starts about Aug. 11 J2-50 Per inn iHa Vjirrt on Wheatland Terry rd at Mission Bottom . mi. north of Sa- km. Transportation free to & from yard V. -O Kellsy. L f. Box 217 pL 22449. -m $2.50 Per Hundred Lbs. Register now for early and late hops Long season. Start picking about Aug 20th Phone 3712. days. 2-2269 evenings Fir Grove Hop Rancn' -. . -r NOW reeistering hop pickers for mrtm , lute hum 4 mutt west of Sa lem, Cabins tt good crop. Williams A Thacker Phone auai. Help Wanted . WANTED Pickun baler. WO located 1 mile west ZeUter school house. phone 22384. WHey w earners. PKAR PICKERS WANTED Picking commences August 18. Large crop. Big wages. Long season. Register now. Located 1 mil wast of Keizer rhnnthnuw. Louis ' Lachmund fruit ranch. Wiley Weathers, foreman Phone 22384. . FREE RENT to couple for lady's help days. Man work sway or iaoy : WANTED experienced photo fiuuh- trt. Call or write woods pnoia berv Ice. Corvaliis. Oregon. Phone 1234J. .rim Pickers. Start Aug. ' 20 Townsend's Orchard. Mission Bottom FANCY SPOTTER and cleaner. Either ' man or woman with seme experience. Will teach you the rest. Seamster Cleaners. 21S N High.. MAN and wife tor Janitor and cook. Ph. 9479. . ' Help Wanted Male . BOYS ovei 14 ,11 merchandise in stands. Geo E. Waters Ball Park Ask tor Mr. Collins Thur. and Fri. between 1 and a P. M.. . r : I AO V ERTIS1N Q Vtstern Advertisinf . Representatives Gorp D CVw. In.- San Francisco Los Angeie Seattle Eastern AOvertisins Representatives -' Ward-Griffith Company nt . Chicago New York Detroit . . Boston Atlanta . - Catered at tfi potto; fie at Safes. Oregon a Second Class Hatter Pub' Bated every morning xrept -Mowdaw easiness ottia US South Cowtnierctai Street. ' - ' ' - SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mall Subscription Rates to -Advancer Within Oregon. Daily and Sundar Mo 60 cents. 6 Mu $3 00. I year $6 .00 Eisewher 63 cents per too ot $7 2C for 1 year ta advance Pot copy 9 cents By Ctty Carrier. 79 casts tnontat 63.U0 a year ia advaac In Martoa anc adjacent count!. Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CAIJ. WTUTE or . Dboae (91621 to j-tortv' uldL- tarrsct Home owned sad noma tnawaged finane tnstrru Yoar flnsnaclal affair will You will be given -every coa- siderauon tat 2b tapaytor of root loan or ran tin at extensions t to U MONTHS TO HEPAT You ess asjr la full any time to teduo Ui cost only borrower SIGNS Na tneonen Loans mad- on furai- tur or sat. SEE ROY a SIMMONS.- MGR. Lie. Na fts-132. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie No S-138 134 So. Commercial St "Phona 9168 rirat door -south of Ladd St Bush bask Convenient (round floor location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments Money . for new or used ears. delay or ra tape, you will retain - possession of the vehicle I to 13 MONTHS TO rAT ROY H. SIMMONS ' US South Commercial Street Phon 9168 - .Lie No M-162 MONEY TO LOAN On rrm. City or Acreage Property LEO N. CHTLDS. INC. 244 Stat St Phone 9261 MTG, loans. 44 to . Let ua re finance your mt at lower rates. ABRAMS ac ELLIS. Ins.. Masonic Bidg WE LOAN oa farm, residential at buaineaa psaperty Will ouy- mortgages or eunUacta HAW7UN5 at ROBEKra INC Realtors Guardiaa Building. Financial WANTED -To buy for cash Real estate mortgsges. eeai estate contracts. merchandise discount naoer Stat Finance Co. 212 Guardian Bldg. Help Wanted Male r Workers now amp lay ed ta war pro duction should net apply and will net be consider ad far employment by em ployers adverttstag ta tuts seenoa. . Delivery man Draft exempt If pos sible. Paramount Market. 260 North Liberty St. - Someone to haul 4 cords 4-ft. wood about .a mile. Write, stating charge box 1X33, statesman. Msn to work in Parts Department, See Miller at Douglas McKay Chevro let Co. Men needed. State Hiway. crews here and upstate Inq. Poora 512, State office Bldg. TWO MEN in aider mill. One choker setter, one whistle punk, one gas don key ouneber at 75c per hr. Men 50 years and over preferred. House rent tree. Henry Kamacner, a mi. east ana 3 mi. north of He bo. CHEF LEAVING in 2 weeks for the service. Apply now. The spa. Help Wanted Female GIRL or woman for general house work and care of children; top wages. Phone $270. Age 20 to 35. EXPERIENCED lady cook wanted. Phone 3033 for appointment. POULTRY PICKERS wanted.' North west. Poultry St Dairy. Christmas Cards! Spectacular, mon ey-making line LOWEST PRICE Per sonals. Box Assortments. DeLuxe Per sonals, Stationery. Sensational values! Top profits 1 Send name for SAM PLES. Wallace Brown. 22S Fifth Ave.. Dept. 88135. New York. EXPERIENCED Alteration woman and silk finisher. Ph. 6065. WOMAN for kitchen helper in board ing house. 213 S. Winter St. LADY with car for collection on bona fide monthly payment accounts. Earnings wilt approximate $73 a month and Will not require- your full time. Reply to Box Kio. 2234, talesman. COOK and dishwasher. No experience needed.- Good wages, steady .employ ment. 1138 S. Commercial. WANTED Lady o stay with eWetly couple. Good wages. Ph. 22169or 22260. WOMAN fry cook, cook's helper and experienced waitress wanted. Carleson's Cafe Salesmen Wanted WANTED Reliable man to suc ceed Guy E. Munrer as Raw lei rh Dealer in North half of Salem, 15.000 noDUlation. Sellinx experience unnec essary to start. Everything furnished except car; Splendid opportunity to step into a permanent and profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Good profits for a hustler. For particulars write Rawleigh's. Dept. ORH-156-10. Oak land, Calif. Situations Wanted WANTED children of defease work ers 4 yrs. A older to care for by month, Phone-21295. CHILDREN cared tor, large shady yard. 1870 Market, fa. 1J0. OLDER man, business ac clerical cxper. desires part-tun work, from $ a. m. to 1 p. m. or 1-4 p. m. Ph. 4218. ELECTRIC wiring & repairs. R. M. Toler. ptrone zzzas. alter a p. m. CHILDREN kept. Ph. 6327. 659 Breys For Sale Miscellaneous ' DRY POULTRY fertilizer. Summer special, 29 cents per sack. Bring sacks. Ph. Z2881. Lee Hatchery. , Nash Furniture Co. AUG. SEPT. CLEARANCE SPECIALS New win veiour dav. A chair Now - . $79 cash New veiour platform rockers , Now : $16.95 : New floor lamps IS M up New 9x12 wool rugs, now -..129 up Buy Now I Below Ceiling Prices. - RESTAURANT equipment, sandwich table, domestic gas range. Coca Cola bottle cooler, gas grllL exhaust hood 8c nine, back bar. 1 booth.. 1 Griswold full -automatic waffle iron. 30 feet of counter 8c stools. To trade, buy or sell resaurant equipment; -se LaDou. 183 N. High or call 9661. S79 Maaic-Rest 848 coil mattress and box spring, uod . $59 cash Whil stocks lasts. , . Nash Furniture Co. pvpsj COWES THE MAUAAH ! J blond: w : m f '. r ., : - v ': I - M : . ' ' 1 hi - - Money to Loan- Follow Uncle Sam's Advice! GET OUT OF DEBT We Will Help You! We will loan you ud to 2300 00 with which to get rid of yur past due biua -or other oongattons-ana protect your good credit You can then repay us to modest monthly ounts so small that thev -would not to far -among many creditors - yet targe enough to pay off your loan with ua in a year or less. Come In . for free information without any obligation.... , Cash for Fuel :: Order Your Winter's Supply Now! For Personal or Auto Loans. Se CALKINS , ;1 FINANCE COMPANY 21S Court St Pnon 4444 S-228 Lie. M-278 LOANS-4525 ta $300 Almost any credit worthy person 'who really needs casn to pay oxr oia debts for medical or dental work . or for some otner worthy purpose can qualify foi a-loan at Personal. John C Heeren. Manager PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Ground Fir. New BHgh Bldg (12 STATB STREET At High Street) Telephone 3isi Stat Licenses: S 122. M-1S9 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. tTH FLOOR GUARDIAN -BUIIJING UCXNSX H. M 199 . ; Loans- Wanted WANT loan of $1500.00 secured by first mortgage on . good - real . estate Write Box. 2239 co Statesman. WANTED FRjysrr. MONEY TO LOAN on good SaJoas real -tat. Will pay 8 interest W H. GRA8ZNHORST as CO REALTORS For Sale Miscellaneous OUR famous High -Land slappy canning peaches axe her. Puritan Cider Works. West Salem. BLACK walnut dining set. Good cond. 1920 N. 20th. Call 5:30 to 9 JO p. m. A HOME on wheels. Roy croft house trailer, steel chassis, electric brakes, in sulated, sleeps- four. W. W. Hardy. Taylor's Trailer Camp, Salem. COMPLETE elec wtr. htr. household furnishings, Ac range. 1397 S. 13th. SLAPPY Peaches. Rollin Beaver at Glenn Cr. Rd Ph. 47F2. SEE HOGG BROS. 260 State St 'for liberal trade in on your old furniture HOGG BROS have a limited supply f electric -water heaters AUG. SEPT. FINAL CLEARANCE SALE - Nash Furniture Co. Buy now while stock is available Below Ceiling prices. ; DEPENDABLE WRINGER service-all- makes of washers. Better get your rolls whle available. See Ed Ellis, your washer man. Nelson Bros. P. 4149 CANNING Peaches ready. You Dick Aspmwall Orchards at Brooks. Phone 21261. - .- THOSE DELICIOUS peaches are now ready at Jess Mathis's peach or chard. 6 miles north of Salem on Pa cific highway. Phone 2-2496. Aprons greet cds.; gifts 679 N High VACATIONERS. YOU'LL FIND -A wonderful assortment of fine lug gage here. Traveling bags, overnight cases, trunks. SHAIKH LEATHER UWBS 123 N. Commercial. PEACHES $1 JO bushel, tree ripe Bring boxes. Glen Creek Road. 2 miles out. Kt- 1. BOX 73. Fords tractor. Rubber $250. Black smith tools $75. 172 s. Liberty. COMPLETE household furnishings at 330 N. Summer. NEW TRAILER HOUSE 7x16 $110, 455 South 18th Street. Peaches excellent for freezing $1.75. 2741 N. Front Ph. 5948 after 6 p. m Crawford peaches now ready at J, C. Savage at. Waconda. Ph. 2-2344. Business Cards In this directory ma on s monthly - ba $ I s only. SUte: SL25 per tins sr ssobUl Auto Brakes Mix Panes. . 273 South Commercial Batteries WILLAfiO batterteav ai I type - R D Phone 9600 Wood raw. S94 Chaerctt Bicycles BJCYCLAS. New and reconuiOooed Harry W Scott Ml S Cam el P 4516 Chimney Sweep Northmae Chimney weep P 4450 Florists Btctthaopi a. 441 cnul Pbuo 81 Funeral Directors rerwtlliger funeral He ma Ph 4S2S Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4069 ' ' i " Painting & Paperhanging Experienced Reaaooabl Ph 4323 i mniK a-yr . W - For Sale Misctllancous Fidlers Furniture Co. STOCK PurchaW) by NASfl FURNITURE CO. - MOVED TO OUB STOR1 219 N. Commercial St. Pleas Note Mr. F idler. Will be at our -store tor a time to help us - during our Final Quitting: Basin res - " Qearance Sale r Below Ceiling Prices Buy Now And Save! . Cravenstein anniea. B0C. T5C . deliv ered. New potatoes SO50 per cwt. Ph. 22484. . .- CEDAR chest;- $10. All steel cot, 26. Office desk. $10. 2065 Maple. Ph. 21910. Wrecking 14 rm. hse at 241 S. High, All for sale cheap. Burt's Warehouse II l ' .1 l.l l l l.-l - "I -ll 'I ' Elec mge. good cond. 1797 N: Church Rem. Rand typewriter, portable nearly new. Call D. Stall. Marlon hotel. ' House trailer lor 'ale $850. Inquire Kyerly Aircraft Co. AUG.. SEPT. FINAL Cash Clearance Sale on Bedroom, living room sets. NASH FURNITURE CO. - 119 N Commercial LEAVE ORDERS now for cucumbers. (Irrigated.) H. C Shields. Ph. 8979. eves. CANNING Peaches. Ph. 2-2644. Wanted Furniture F. N. tt GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers 6t furniture dealers will pay you more-caab or trade for -furniture household goods. We buy or sell everything. Ph. 5110. CASH FOB osed farnmrr I bold goods R; rorgey Ph 7444. Wanted Miscellaneous used ry RNrrrjRE, ph tits HIGHEST cash prices paid for USED or JUNK TIRES, or TUBES Don Madi son. 590 No High. Wanted, electric refrigerator aad elec. range for cash, or will trade gas refrig. and gas range. Ph. 9S7 or see Jaquith Music Co. Wanted to buy, $ to 10 tons oats or oats-vetch baled nay. State location and price. Box 2233. .Statesman. Wanted good wood range. Ph. $862. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair ; TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg State At Com'L Ph 3311 WE SELL feeds and buy grain. North west Poultry. 1505 N. Front For Rent Rooms FINE large room, garage, close in. Ph. 4630. 960 Center. 2 upstairs rooms in pleasant home Bath tc toilet. Convenient to 3 schools. Ph, 4248. Sleeping rm 472 N. Liberty. P. 4098. GOOD BOARD, good rm B27 Court SLEEPING room 725 Court St Room and Board Accommodate 3 bust girls Ph 7198 BETTER BRD arm 745 S Com! St For Rent Apartments Furn. Apt; 969 N. Cottage: FUKN. garagje house. Elec. Washer. 6244 li. capitou - . FURN. apts. 1764 Market Ph. 4922. Close in 2 tt 3 - rm. furn. apts 1st floor. Garage. 1047 S. Com'L FURN. apt., bus. man or woman. 255 Center. 1-2-3 R. apts. 2310 N. 4. Ph. 74S8. 2-RM , CLOSE in, also smaller apt. $14.50. inquire 639 N. l-i Deny. 2 3 & 4 room apts. reasonable. Call evenings. 2160 N. 5th St For Rent Houses , 5 rm mod. 2 bedroom .house, near Sr. High. $40. Ph. 26F23 evenings. Directory Paints and Lacquers Complete line NASON paints Liberal terms R D Woodrow 294 N Church Printing FOR STATIONERY cards panspnieta oroerama. tini or s kind ot or in t ing. call The JStatesman Printing -De partment, zia s iJiuuaireuu. tens phon iioi ; , . . Sawdust CXJLAN. screened, fir sawdust 21239 Schools SALEM SECRET AKjAl U3100L STREAMLINXD COURSES , Writ. Phone or Call clet..w ri . Transfer TJ-Dftrva nwais ruK beni Btatdret furn 197 S Liberty Ph 9062. 'OR . LUCAX OR TJEn jr . transter storaa. tann oiL -bno'arts .rrucfca u, Portland daily Agent Pierc.; Ao rrght tneiuding t'Hf eotwts Transfer Co Pn 1121 . Vacuum Cleaner Service FUEB Inspection ut vvur some "'Art tNorized Hoover servtee We serrx-e at makes cleanera. Hogg Bros. Ph. 914U Well Drilling R A West Ac Son. St I B 445 2-2290 BLDrJOeT IT KtMAKKASLt TUcPLVS TO K- aJ . "V. For Rent Ilorises "WE- HAVE THE PROSPECT " " IF YOU Want-to all, exchange, lemae. rent, see Mr Larsen, Mr. CoUins or Mr Goodwia with Hawkins - At Roberta. 1-RM. HOUSE, part turn. Ph. 2-49fU. For Rent CABIN, lighU 4V water. $9 .00 month. a miis uauaa oignany. . -TrOR RENT, k,ii TO Mill, s O. refrig. G. M. TRUCKS tor- rant Too drlv. M Cum A LoveU phoM'.OfiOO. , . MODERN COTTAGES. $4 .4k "up lunctlou Auf Courts So ' Commercial Wanted to Rent 2 BXDRM. rum. -apt. or - 3-bedrm. nouae, xurn or unrurn. civinans. Ret crences. Box 2233, Statesman. : For Sale -Real Estate Furnished ' Apt- house 3 blocks) to state eavitol 6900.00. 3 B.R horn walking distance, only S2500 .O8. - terms. - 3 as. country home, ' modern, oil heat, 1 A, 2 car gar. $5000 JX). Terms. 4 Rm. house North, basement, oil furnace, fireplace. $2850.0. Easy terms. ,,3 BR.-hotae. -good condition, baae- ment, furnace, only S3ZU0 W. Terms. RICH. L. SEXMAKN, 'REALTOR .Salem's Largest" Home Builder IF! So. Hign St. Ph. 9202 $3800.00. 7 room home, basement double garage, hardwood floors . and fireplace. Good condition. $3200.00. On Fairmount Avenue. S room house, a acres cherries and walnuts. All very good. Jr. It. WITT J. 212 Guardian- Bldg, Phone $168 $2500. S rm. --house north, doe to school and bus,- basement, furnace. garage And navuut. saw down, jengusn style nome on Kingwood Heights, hardwood floors. basement. lurtiace. fireplace, loveiy view. $4200. MELVLN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St Phone 3723 $21009 R. $100 Dn. $2900 Late built S R. $700 Dn. $3350 New 5 R. $750 Dn. $22001 R. $ lots. Out Bldg. $2850 Latebuilt 3 R. Terms. 42750 Latebuilt 5 R. Vi A. Terms. 83500 New 5 R. Mod. Sub. S1000 Dn. Willamette Real Estate - 172 S. Liberty Sale or lease two desirable houses. 1-4 room unfurnished. 1-4 room fur nished. Owner leaving town and will make attractive offer for quick i tion.158 Duncan, off Sirverton hiway to left at Shattuc's Chateau. Nice 3 bedroom home on S. High. Basement, furnace. Venetian blinds, larre lot Will sacrifice for quick sale See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS & ROBERTS, INC. Realtors, Salem. a room home in North Salem. 3 lots, paved streets, cement walks. Owner must sell at once. $4O0 cash, race W. G. Krueger. 147 N. coral ra. 2 houses. 3 lots. One new 5-rm., base ment At wood furnace, uaraxe. inner 4-rm. Sell together. $3000 cash. 993 S. 22nd. SELL or trade for Salem home, House of 6 rooms. 2 lots, near Portland. Inquire Owner. 950 Belmont, baiem. fnr sale at great sacrifice. Apt. house. 3 to choose from. Cash or terms. Call eves. 2160 N. 5th. LEAVING SALEM " You win like this new modernistic 5-roora home, hwd. floors, dose to bus 8c schools, fruit, nice rear yard. asi . T . T ..nil Fir Insurance Money to Loan. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 Exchange Real Estate EXCHANGE New No. Salem house five rooms, larse attic, beautiful' lot for So. Salem. Will pay up to $1000 difference. . See Mrs L. H. Ellis with Leo N. Child Inc.. Realtors. 344 State St.. rn. aztl For Sale Farms 95 A. fruit nut and livestock farm. Si mi. NW Newberg. Modern 6-room house, barn, doable garage, new poul try house, spring water. 8 A. prunes. 9 A. blackcans. 9 A., filberts. Z A. gooseberries. 12 A. .good timber. baL Dasture with year around creek. Price sanofl Better . se this farm. H. Michener, owner. Rout 1. . Newberg Phone 30F4. Acreage 1 A fruit & nuts. 3 rm. hae, garage, elec. StSOS. Terms. 82800. 2.i A. Elec wtr. system, good 5 rm. hse. Dble-garage. 2 chicken houses. R A. FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol. A . s rm. house close m. hardwood firs, in 2 rniL wired for electric stove, garage, laundry room. $3150. $550 down.- . 725 Court St Phone 3723 $2000. 3 rms. bsmt & furn. N. Salem. $4000 fully mod. 1 bdrms. Terms. $6000 mod. 6 rm. home. Frpt auto matic - heat Beautiful grounds. Fine view. Terms. ' R. A. rORltWAUs 1853 N. Capitol. 10 A 9 R. Bouse, elec 65' well. Plenty ot timber. Will sac. No reason able down payt refused. $1900. $15 to SzS -per mo. ok aai. it Pringl sch on Battle cr. roao. tt. 2. -Box 23A. Cut your own wood on Vi Acre tracts, -very dose in on .pavement city water. Elects dandy buiWmg- ts. Plenty old growth far only S350.00 with terms, while they last . RICH . L. RUM ANN. REALTOR Salem's Largest Horn Builder 187 S. High St Ph. 9203 Wanted Real Estate IBS house. W. Saiem. 81200-41800 Pay Ym cash. Call eve. 13M 3rd St. W. Salem. Business Opportunities .Dows town Salem Ttestaurant liv- ing Quart i$850. 172 S. "kerty. . JTOR SALE or less, service station goad business, small investment. TeL 8eS2. eveningk. - FOR SALE Six 2-room apts all rented, close in. Box 2173. Statesman - Groceiy. stock & fixtures. Price $2000 cash. IL L -MARSTERS I 529 Court ' Ph. 6744-9569 WOW I TAUGHT Qyj OUT ANE Kf 1 1 iii.r..". i n i t . . " a i s a i - ' ' if s:rr - . a. i 1 hrj . . Yc'x v. f I 'VjfSfy-: .v.. ..v.-.".' 1 UA&Lubs.. -Bring out your dead!" That cry. heard often during; th days of the bubonic plague In England, Is repealed today in Warsaw, the once proud 'capital of Poland. Victim of the Nazi campaign of ex termination by starvation are hauled away in this death cart by the driver shown,, who is riven extra food to keep him strong enough to carry out his gruesome Job. The picture U one of a series of photos smuggled out of Warsaw. i ' For Sale Used Cars' 1929 STtTDEBAKER Sedan, good tires. 1562 Franklur. West Salem. sVpONnACvSocd'e Ph. 9892. -evenings. Model A- 30. 395 N. 19th. Equity itTwDodge lWcVpitol Wanted Used Cars WANTED: To buy fair Model A Ford or "29 or '30 Chev. 1185 Chem. WE PAY TOPS! Get every dim your car is worth Cash on the Barrel-Head MC" SHR0CK SALEM'S oldest indioendent used car dealer. NX. Corner Church Ac Chem. Ph 1922 Motorcycles WANT motorcycle.. Cash for best .buy offered. Must have good rubber. Box 2236, Statesman. For Sale Wood PEALER CORES. $32 load, B. 3439. WOOD foi sale. Phone 9560. Wood Sawing 940 N Com'L Ph. 3523. Lost and Found ' LOST Oregon license plate No. 1020. Ph. 6339. LOST Black tt Chrome cig. with currency. Reward. Ph .6479. Personal Why Be Lonesome? Do you want friends'? Inform. 10 cts. P. O. Box 1730. S. F. Calif. Transportation WANTED Riders to Portland ship yard. Ph. 21983. 2 riders to Commercial iron works. Day shift Ph. 3656 . Legal Notice NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Executor has filed his Final Account in the Circuit Court of theSute of Oregon for. Mar ion County, in Probate, and that Friday, the 4th day of September, 1942, at ten o'clock a. m. at the courtroom of said court in the courthouse in Salem, Oregon, has been set as the time and place for hearing objections to said Final Account and, final settlement of said estate. ' . First publication, August 6th, 1942; last publication, September 3d, 1942. E. B. WOOD, Executor, Estate of Anna J. Wood, Deceased. A. 6-13-20-27, S. 3 NOTICE OF SBXRIFT-S SALE On Saturday, the 22nd day. of August; 1942, at ten o'clock A.M. of the said day, at the front and West door of the Marion County Court House in Salem, Marion County, Oregon, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described real property situated in Marion County, Ore gon, to-wit: - Lot Seven (7), Block Six (S), Rosedale, an Addition to Salem, Marion County, Oregon, as shown and designated on the duly re corded map and plat thereof on file and of record in Vol. 2, page 79, Record of Town Plats for said county and state, including all 1 I I. te. .' I tl.l " : . ..(aaa 4. Legal Notice buildings and improvements thereon and all plumbing, hest ingr. and lighting fixtures and equipment attached to and used in connection with said premises. , Said sale is being made under an execution issued ' out of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Marion County directed to me in the case of New York Lue insurance Company, a cor poration, Plaintiff, vs. Robert E. Majer and. Margaret A. Majer, husband and wife, and E. M. For- gard, defendants. A. C. BUSK, Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. By -Kenneth Xv Randall, Deputy. Jul. 23, 30, Aug. 6, 13, 20. Bits for (Continued from .Page 4) copyrighted 1883-1884 by Rev, Samuel Fallows, A. M. D. D. have used it since 1898. I also find in one of my Distionary (University) 1923 this: Esto per- petus (L) let it be perpetual. T Kram tK Ta nneugtre t ri A riiiaM, aV MVl mm tin IIU w a MV tion. Sincerely, Mrs. F. W. Bail ey." The address on the letterhead "and envelope of Mrs. Bailey is 340 North Church street, Salem. The other letter is held over. This series will have to be con tinued at least one more day. Cross Word ' I2 Is Wt Is I lr la Wft l' I" 7l n "75 24 25 Wy 2b 2T? 28 la 54 3a Ah 44 4 4b 4H 48 IIlIlIIllIIII 4 7Z 53 5b 51 58 W " wr 1 11' mr ' HORIZONTAL 43 ooze l-mlnerar 45 the tumeric sprint; 47-sgles , r !f "I U"SSumed. j s vnenia W-sudden - 12 iver in fUghU. Switzerland 13 elude 14 vtntilat 15 shone -IT steep IS fly aloft IS title of -- address 21 boil slowly 23-knock. : gently , 2S feminine . - name r: 29 exclama ; " tioa of " . ' ' admiration 30 diminutive -: for Edward 32 fold 34cientincr - ,.. .workshop - (atbr.) 35 by or - 'through'- marriage ' 25 single unit 40 adult male 41 symbol for - erbium 42 hoot' 60 the heart 61 locations 62 fourth caliph 63 half an cm pl) 64 strike out 455 short sleep Answer to 819 . Averag pist by BUss" RiARCgCS 000 ALAR il 1 5 D Q-1. ZUSt PAN OtR A MA l T TR i P E.Ni&!D aTT l in gJjIIIJ Tran sie c isnsiHic. LOT TUllJ.W Mil 1 13 414! 1 1 1 ' ' -I-IV I .. ' ' - t 1? :-: V Minute Miss Martha Scott popular str of stage, screen and radio, is shewn making her first radio talk at Saa Francisco Kadi City following- her appoiwl tnt as a Minute Miss", for the US treasury department. Miss ScoU's advice te listeners: "Buy more-war bonds. i . ;" -i Lodges Pacific Lodge No. 50. AT. St A J. Stated meeting. Fri.. Aug. 21. 8 p. m. By order W:-M. f Puzzle VERTICAL 1 droop " 2 comrade x get up x 4 bristle : " 5 open ". 6 Etruscan - -god 7 citrus drink $rtajrchl$U 9 English : - author 10 hasten 11 aptitude is to be lofty 20 symbol foe , tridlutn 21 island in .- Aegean sea 22 chiaf of a dan.'. ij 24 sohtary . 25 cooking - utensil 27 draurtjif roota 25 pit 31 obsenrt ' 33 pastry 38 sways f i 37 blemish , 38 tugged , oiountaia . epur ; - i river ta.. t Italy 4 S provided with i weapons 48 fortificatlos 50 being B2 part of a . r . church , . 53 high CWd 64 weight, : BS scsam yesterday's puzzle. 57 mountain sborigino SS note in Cuido's ahitiaai - "Z' -' ... r .,t scale rtauarss nM - r, riv. . ' . . v " . .. -'.-;:::.::? I. V "I''-"". i xi--.v: "r:--v: . fj ' , ' - . r - f,' . J 1 1 . - ' . ; U g v-.::-;..-;.jV:.;j.-;:.:'.'..-.j:-vi -...! I r - saSfcui a iiitiiii(i1hiiranlra inc