FACT SSVEX f ) TOM C V -1 1 1 J STUM, OiV 4$ x. I J ?'w I I 'X r j HAM (on oezr r$ " rwcw HALLE, jq XE OZHZOXf STATZZMAZf. Eolsm. Oregon. Sfcrturdcry Moctiag, August 15. U12 n rvr J JNJ . ... . t,,:-:ii:.;- --v:::::: i -- . (V ' ) - H 1 i , , m ; 4, I I I I"k fe I s mm '.111 I I W i 1 I LM B(iK bifl v i . iliffirnim imiiiiM This Is an architect'! drawing of the Georgian mansion now under construction at Callander, Ontario, for the Dionne quintuplets, their parents and brothers and sisters. The house will have more than. 25 rooms and will be completed soma time this year. . 3x cr. . , i -' 1 o A leading juvenile actress in the silent picture days, and later the heart interest in western thrillers, Dorothy Langdon now works in a Detroit war plant, inspecting airplane parts. With her husband- - - : in the Army, the 26-yeai-old lor. Dorothy St Lawrence of Providence, R. I., is probably comparing mer actress, known as "Baby the cotton cord inner tube protector she Is holding with a similar Dorothy Phelps" during her early looking feminine undergarment It has been designed by the screen career, became tired of Firestone Rubber company to protect inner tubes against the "just playing and doing nothing Chaffing action of worn tires. Dorothy, taking a mechanic's train- and went to work to do her part Following In the footsteps of his famous fattier, Jessop Sherman, . 17, only son of Rear Admiral i Frederick C. Sherman, command er of the Ill-fated aircraft carrier Lexington, Is shown being sworn Into the U. S. Coast Guard as an apprentice seaman. Young Sher man said he chose the Coast. Guard because his father's in tha Navy, he has a cousin in the Ma rines and another in the Army and he "felt he would like to round It out" Picture was taken in Washington. (I. I. N. Phonepboto) '.COLOGNE, fU- BOAT fMSvS IMU S?A4f "ARTS. txAOSVESl - X f-TAMiti. retriLEi rpiatr At UAtmtHA ' RtLARiCH$HAfi TOOftAIIZH AUfCAAf-f MOMS MAY0ACM fWft GERMANY ON WE SPOT, JL, C ALREADY " M HEAVILY BOMBED pi C"A Cr3 MODERATELY IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL Xgj TAfidErS FOG TOMOAffOW Villi MDVSrWAL AREA NOTE ALL 35 TAR6E7S SHOWN ON THlT MAR ARE WITHIN BOMBING RANGE Of BRITISH BASES, FARTHEST KEY TARGETS ARE LESS THAN 600 AIR- i MILES FROM LONDON. HEAVY TYPE BOMBERS HAVE A ROUND TRlR ' ' XANGEQFMORE THAN SOOO N'tfS. ing course, is being instructed in its use. in the war effort ,j m,m ii;in.,"'mwniF ', V 5 a 1 At i I I mi V.5 It was a big day for the camera fans among the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps' members at Fort Des Moines, la-, when the "Wacks" staged their first parade and Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby, national director of the organisation, obligingly posed for such "shots' as this one. Selected to represent New York In the "Miss America contest In AUanUo Qty, N. J, in Septem Toer, Selene Mahri .poses glamor eusly for the cameraman in her New York hotel. Machine guns over their shoulders, aerial "triggermen are shown on their way to their training planes which will take them aloft for their daily gunnery lesson over the Gulf of Mexico. The men, sta tioned at the Harnngen, Tex., Army Gunnery School, will be trans ferred to bomber combat crews upon completion of their course, Here Is the wreckage of a four-story warehouse In Milwaukee, which collapsed, killing an estimated 12 men and injuring 10 others. (I. I. N.PboaepkotoX Mii.v..i.ltull,lllll."KJM.)WW . r 4.w , - :'. x v. -x fx x'L - -.jXt ''.-'.-", r ' fy c xvj .,v. , M , i rv i I 1 ' - ' S x x , v - v All- s.vl t -' .? " 'A W Indlaa police qoeiaaf mob in Bombay General Lei tan D Carvalho ot the Brazilian Army has arrived la the United States to confer with General George C Marshall, U. S. chief of staff, cone exiling hemispheric defense. tooting la Bombay several years aga . r-V' 'X 4 - -1 - 7 ! : t ., i- 4... x-W X x X-VV "X These converted fishing -vessels and other sea-going craft are shown just before leaving a west coast port for inshore patrol of the U. S. Pacific coast The boats arc part of a vast fleet of wooden ships that do vital guard duty against prowling Axis submarines. Their peaceful fishing pursuits are ended for the duration. Former charge d'affaires al-Ber Jin, Leland B. Morris of Pennsyti mania, above, has been nominated by President Roosevelt to be XJ. S. minister to Iceland. Morris would succeed Lincoln MacVeagh, who has been made minister to South Africa. X V S .xx.x, 7F. M rx. ? i v ' i f r l ' : 7- 4 ; x 'V V; '. x- t - o mmJk iiir i Sx-4. 1 " - '- r; X' s -V S X A.. ,wf Camouflaged to blend Into wood ed tujrToundIcgs, an American soldier is shown " wearing ' a "sniper" suit. The picture is by courtesy of the Army newspaper. The averase American would caS this a whisUe .top. eonmUUi M It Wc a tion and hilf a dozen cottages, but some day Alameto may rank to totor u a .. . . i o n . Ai-.furi. that tha British have been holding on i is vuuius uus uesen m center, ev imiw w v - - . - - j..t...i Jfadekta Cad . kaaa .Gas4