The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 14, 1942, Page 6, Image 6

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Th OSEGOH STATESMAN. Salem. Onqtm, Friday Mania August If- IJtZ
Attacks on
Congress Said
i. . . -
Dlood Plasma Depot
was announced Thursday by Hsn-,
ry L. Corbett, Red Cross chair
man. ' ,
The depot, to be only one of Its
kind on the Pacific coast Corbett
said, wQl begin operations Mon
day. Home on Leave
Holmes Found
Oregon State Moose association
opened here Thursday with many
of the expected 300 delegates on
Thursday night's activities In
and Initiation. Business sessions
will be started Friday. '
James IL Ballard, Seattle, su
preme councilman, will, deliver
the principal address of the three-
Set for Portland .
tablishxntsrt of a procurement de
pot In Portland lor preparation of
Dead in Room,
Local Hotel
cluded a ritual contest, ceremonial
day meeting.
wet plasma wr ine armea lurccs
V .: . .
1 ! !
1 is
rfccted toward certain members of
conzress before and after the Jap
anese attack a Pearl Harbor were
branded as of "subversive origin'
by Rep. James. W. Matt, republic
an congressman from' the first
Oregon district, in an address be
fore the Salem lions club and
guests from other service grouts
at the ."Marion hotel 'Thursday
noon. - -
- I: Evidently recalling attacks made
upon bis own actions In congress,
Rep. Mot asserted there had never
been anything but unity ot pur
pose on the part of both the
executive - and the legislative de
partments of the gwernment on
the main goal before the United
States entered the war. The presi
: dent and congress, or individual
congressmen may have disagreed
v on methods, Mott asserted, but
never on the first goal, of keep
ing the United States out of the
war, and the second, "getting the
United States into shape to con
duct war if ,war could net be
avoided e'f - -J
"All differences of opinion be
came academic when the Jcps
perpetrated their snake attack on
Pearl Harbor," the speaker de
clared. "There' was immediate
unity. Subversive Interests at
tempted to break that unit and
' ruin this country, but that was
a complete boomerang.''
Attacks on congress since Pearl
Harbor were branded by Rep.
Mott as the efforts of "subversive
elements . . . that do not believe
in representative government . . .
and want a government run by one
President Roosevelt, Rep. Mott
said, "has never given the slight
est countenance to this move
ment." Decrying idealists' present glow
ing pictures of the postwar world,
Rep. Mott urged that a realistic
view be concentrated upon.
. -"The immediate objective is to
render the dictator powers im
potent for all time to come," he
said. "There is only one thing
Immediate to do when the war
is won; an army of occupation
should be placed in each one of
"those nations and kept there for
at least as long as there is any
danger of ' these countries want
ing to wage war."
Rep. Mott reiterated earlier
statements that from the stand
point of facilities, the Pacific coast
i well defended, "in better posi
tion than any other coast," but is
short on land-based aircraft That
shortage,-he said, Is being reme
Poison Oak's Ban
Though t Found in
Chemical at OSC
Oregon State college scientists an
nounced Thursday they had dis
covered a possible specific con
trol for poison oak, the picnickers'
It is ammonium sulfamate, a
new chemical weed killer that
has been used on poison ivy in the
east with startling results.
. Lynn Harris, in charge of weed
control for the college experiment
station, said that while he was
keeping his fingers crossed, pre
liminary results indicate that this
chemical, when sprayed on the
plants during the dry season, kills
the plants.
In addition, the new material is
fire retarding and has a benefi
cial affect on the soU. Because of
the war, it is not available commercially.
BUI KrU (left) and Jack Beyd arc shewn above as they enjoyed
a recent leave after a month's Indoctrination training at the navy's
San DIers station. The bors enlisted In Portland and were sworn
in Jane t$ by the visiting war heroes. Kelso Is the son ef Mr. and
Mn. JmM W. Kelse. 1995 Senth Church street. Boyd Is the sen
of Mrs. Claade H. Boyd, roate one, Independence .
Wilson Holmes, 52, of Pendle
ton, Or a salesman for theCro-
mn company ox .; Portland, was
found dead in his room at the Sa
lem hotel at approximately 7:15
p. m. Thursday. A. clerk at the
hotel found the body when he
went to his room to see why
Holmes had not been seen about
the hotel all day.
There were no signs of vio
lence about the room, and Holmes
was found in bed without cloth
ing. . . -
Deputy Coroner Virgil T. Gol
den was called and after a prelim
inary examination reported that
Holmes, had apparently died
sometime Wednesday night and
from natural causes. Three bot
tles of sleeping pills were on the
dresser but were not believed to
have been used In overdose by
Holmes. -
aiore man szuu in casn was
found in Holmes' billfold in his
The clerk reported that Holmes
was a .regular tenant at the hotel
while in Salern'oa business stnd
had been staying there off and on
for over a year.
The clerk also reported -that
Holmes widow was In Mill City
and, that be had contacted her.
The body was removed to the
Clough-Barrick Funeral home.
Service Men
Where They Ara
Whcd They're Doing
V i
Gerald E. Mason. 1149 Hall street,
Salem, who has been graduated
from the officer candidate di
vision of the US army anti
aircraft school at Camp Davis,
N'C, and commissioned ; as a
second lieutenant He had been
a technical sergeant Before en
tering the service Mason was
a biologist for the Oregon state
game commission.
i- V'
, 4 - i ' -
Pvt Orville F. Ward, 1258 North
Fifth street. Is now stationed at
Fort Riley. Kansas, according
to word received by his sister,
Mrs. D. O. Demos. He made
his home with her while' liv
Ing in Salem.
Pvt William P. Eddy, Corvallis,
has been ordered to report to
Quantico, Va 1 for training as
second lieutenant. Eddy has been
serving in the fourth circuit bat
talion in the headquarters com
pany at the San Diego base. He
expects to enter reserve officers
class ai soon as he has finished
his training at Quantico. Pvt Ed
dy makes his. home at Hoskins.
Corp. Charles Randall is vis
iting here with his -parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Randall for a few
days. Randall will soon report to
an officers training school.
John FJ Van Osdol, Jr., who en
listed in the US navy in June, is
now at . the San Diego naval train
ing base. Mr. and Mrs. John F.
Van Osdol, and Mrs. Van Osdol,
Jr., have Just returned from San
Diego where they visited with
CAMP GRANT, 111., Aug. 13-OP)
-The assignment of four Salem
soldiers to the medical replace
ment training center for basic
training was announced Thursday
by Brig. Gen. John M. Willis,
camp commander.
They are: Creighton F. Lawson,
Robert W. Callahan, Charles C.
Robinson and Floyd L. Jefson.
i Pvt George F. Crow is not sta
tioned at San Francisco as re
cently reported in The Statesman.
He is stationed at the marine
corps base at San Diego, Calif.
Robert O. Smith, 1023 North
Church street and Gearlden K.
Eby, Salem route two, box 452
have enlisted in the coast guard
reserve as apprentice , seamen.
Smith's wife resides in Salem and
Eby is the son of Mrs. Cora L.
Eby of route two.
Navy Man Drowns
HAMMOND, Aug. 14.-F)-The
coast guard searched Thursday
for the body of Ernest E. New
man, 22-year-old machinist's mate
second class who fell overboard
from a lifeboat Tuesday night
Surfman Donald W. Shaw swam
after him in a vain rescue at
Cjggsssjj'-- Aaavmsa tm nrvmii naajnsi
"3 c?!) 1 3
Country Style , S&xSg Freshly Ground fl 72t
Samage lh. 5gg BEEF 111, ag)-
IL1VSES 55tSls,:21c
Pork W V Fresh Pork ft Bulk )
. ISgJ FEET ,b. aC ) (0
Sliced Cold rZ3 c Fresh Made W W
HEATS lb FRAIffiS lb. g)
TJQSI'S fM SiorSsibs
Chuck Loin (Pnlci' Um& C f lA
Cutsv CuU X ' Me"ty Cl 1
Lb lrjJ Lb. fO Pound LJ XJ
'Vd:s - LiltltMfiyii; frC- I Ccal
Moose Lodges
Open Conclave
(7-ine annual convention of the
if r
0 : .
Listen to
Consumer Nowi
8 A. M.
Zistsn to ths 7r 3f tyer Con
STHar News proffrsms daUy with
PsUr Kudis, of ths Utslt and
up to th mtaytt narkst reportt
OA food. This ptogrSm If created
fMelp keep your living cost
CM , -
. t!
tr7 L
Easy to Launder
Visit the
Today and
Bny Bonds
and Stamps
Prt-Sh'runk Cottons
Bright Striped Jicktts
Large Patch Pocktts
Solid colored slacki to match or contrast your
stripe jacket this suit Is bound to be a favorite
with you ... sizes 12 to 20.
Will War and Wash Beautifully
Scnforizod Donlm Slacks
gull Tn
Slda Zippar Closura
Cuffed Leg
$Z49 Value
Guaranteed to shrink not more than 1
St the waist, due to the separate adjustable
izes 14 to 20 in faded blue.
Shos 33 to 44
Smartly tailored slack suits In cotton gabar
dine or spun rayon fabrics. $4.98 value.
Fred Myr
Women's Wear
fit snugly
belt . . .
Sport Needs
to. End
1 ,;. ....
. S2.49Vs!Bt
Lastax Parity Cirdla
For a slim tipllne in fgj QO
slacks or shorts. Espe- f 1111
eially designed for -.
larger tigartm . . sixes 2S to SS
$1.19 Value
Mitt Hollywood
Soft rayon psbbU Q
enpe . . short bmcvm V
SiSM as tO 40
. whits only.
!$ Value
Cotton Anklets r
Bobby styls In assorted g A.
colors. Smart waffls TV"
wav . . sUes 9 to 10. "
Bajr War Stams at the Keady-te-Wear Seettest
79 Value
Gay Sortd prints " on rfCkm
whii or colored arouada riTrfl
la firm twijl wftv's , . "
knots firmly and wslL
Smoke Fresh Cigars Daily
Eo Vcn Dyek-32's
Vhlfo OvIs or
Win. Ponn Pcnatelos
Three famous brands that ased ao tatrodnstioa
Frtd Mtyn Ttmm SNh
. . always fresh
Send Cigarettes to the
IVlen in Service
2 for 25c Cigarettes
Carton of
Lucky Strikes Old Gold
Ralelghs CameU
Keote .. - Vksereyt
Bam and Maple
3M Grand Imperials
Spnd Imperials
- i. and many ethers
C!gmrttes that are' factory fresh for your, eujoypaeat. fRechj
y&ur faTOrits brand today.
15c Book Matches-Ctn. of 50 Bobis, 225c
" c Y
'svr v f J w
Delicious Dessert
Fifth Avonuo
Froth Peach RIppIo
co Croam
Crushed and sweetened fresh Beaches
rippled generously thru smooth, rich,
5th Ave.- Vanilla Ice Cream. Just the
right sweetness and flavor that your
family fa sure to like. Get some this
ico Cream, 17c tyt
Sth Avenne ' -: . ;
Orange Sherfcet, 1 9c i?t.
Packed FREE la Frostalre' for at least 4 hours.
fnd Mmyn It Cnmm SiiUtm
. Clever
yl UtHe
f Firuret
for that
)" Odd Table
or Corner
Ul tm m What NoU
, . espus et fSBous
caniafs at attiatr ao).
wa ... Kaatly wsahaM.
Bur Mrarml to4ar ...
UtabU Sar (Mta.
At Fred Meyer
Tobacco Section
Chew Fresh Snuff from Our
Big Assortment .
10c Brands : "e Anchor
Copenhagen Key Norseman
Skoal Vikinf V
; . 3for25c 65cnc!I
0rutons or Red Seal 325c
10c Garrett's, J- for 25c
35c Carretfs, 33c j 395c
10c Scotch King, 3 for 35
5-ox. Scotch King, 35c
Tobacco Section' Drug Bldg.
Coding and Refreshing Slimmer Treat
2 lb. Ensemble
bOCftlLY ovned-op;rated
sW' J- v
da ii" n m 'v n
1 Windsor Ccrcmcls
Two-layer caramels in assort--ed
flavors. Individually cello
. wrapped ideal, for the
lunch box.
Delicious to the last .
piece. Fresh, home
made candies that are
really cooling and refreshinf
thesa warm days. Get a large 2 lb. box
Seventeen Vcriety Mix
. . ; s- - .
Tasty colorful assortment of.
lb. hard candies, toffies. Individual- Ajyn
Iv wranned. . -as
2lbs.65c "
Fred Meyer Candy "Section Drug Bldg.