The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 14, 1942, Page 20, Image 20

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    Tacoma Takes Two From Stolons;
Fails fo . Push -Em in Dungeon
By Sords
.-r?Aveuu43 w High .
Ol COM6 BAC is.
,- f?OA9 .
Salem. Oregon, Friday
C 4 s; Larry French, the "old" . (he's all of 33) lefthanded gent
who's being acclaimed the successor to Whitlow Wyatt as the
reason Brooklyn's belligerent Bums are . what and where they
affT-riitn hi mmphack success to three thines. In an inter-
ew with J. G. Taylor Spink,
s one-time Portland Beaver says,
" more years ago than I like to
'' catcher, Frank Tpbin, said, 'Larry, a knuckle ball fools nobody
'but the catcher forget If I for
- got it for 16 years."
f' Last sprinr I began to think
f of that knuckler again, and with
lot of help ' from the -v sice r
knuckJeballer of them all, Fred- ,
die Fitzimmons. I mastered the
pitch and now it is invaluable.
Z With the knuckler added to my
old stuff and the realization
Z that a pitcher at 33 should have
f -, ..I., ultiu Mian
. brute strength well, it's
il worked." ,
: French . claims reason number
two can be blamed on an accident
in a softball. game, of all things,"
f which broke the thumb on his
r pitching hand after the 1940 seas-
J ; '-, "When it was" healing I did
something inexcusable went on
r a hunting trip with Roy Johnson
and knocked the thumb out again.
I It never was right until "this
. spring.
Lippy Leo Blamed Too
Larry claims the most important
detail In his comeback rests di
rectly within the Brooklyn club
itself and squarely on the ever
doing something shoulders of
Minpger LiDDV Leo Durocher. '
"He's the only real manager
; I have ever worked for," says
Larry. "This Durocher makes
the Brooklyn team operate the
way it does. He will out-hoUer
any holler guy. He will out-pepper
any pepper guy. He will
oat-fish t any fighting manager
" or player. He never stops. With
a live-wire like Leo, a club ,
fcimply cannot, run into a serious
losing streak. He's a gambling
fool, insofar as baseball is con
cerned a chance-taker, and he
knows when to take his
Strange potion Hhat a knuckle
ball, a busted thumb and, a dose
of Durocher, of whom very litUe
eood is often mentioned, but
French's record backs it up,
Twelve wins against one loss isn't
"exactly stinko.
Real Legion Fans
Albany's State Junior legion
baseball iitlists are on their way
to regional playoffs in Stockton,
Calif., usually the scene of the
annual district sessions, and a
real hotbed of Legion ball if
, ever there was one. Out of that
hotbed have sprouted such stars
as Ernie Bonham, with the
Yankees, Mike McCormick, with
Cincinnati, Mel Mazzera, for
merly with the St. Louis
Browns, and now with San
Diego, and Bob; Joyce, once
'with Connie Mack's A's and
1 now with the ! San Francisco
'Seals - 1
The San Joaquin valley village
, of some 70,000 is so Legion junior
baseball minded that it couldn't
support and hold its. franchise in
the class C California loop, now
defunct, but has and will turn out
some 3000. strong, cowbells and
all, whenever the juniors play a
game. - '
Grounders & Pickups
Word comes via a letter to Sa-
. lent friends that former Bearcat
gridder Joe Holland, now in the
service, has been transferred
from Camp Hahn, in California,
to the Tale . university campus
In New Hampshire to play foot-.
ball for the army service team,
now quartered knd Working but.
there . . . James Vittone, ex-Tik,
athlete has been advanced to
the Dalton, Virginia bombsight
, , school as a mechanic.
Leroy Pierson, assistant un
der Hal Chapman, ex-head,
coach at Woodburn, now at Cor
vallis, has been assigned to his
, former boss' spot . . Floyd
tBill" Sevens, Independence
twifty hurling for Hollywood,
is bow a father to a recently
"born son . . Howie Johnson,
former sldewheellng righty with
Yakima, fired a no-run no-hitter
in an Industrial league game
ear Tacoma the other evening
. . . And Jimmy Robertson is la
the homo stretch : of his pre
flight training at St. Mary's
maybe Lefty Jack Richards will
- take over Jimmy's spot when '
he's moved to flight training
V . . Wonder what's happened
to all the talk about having a
barnstorming world series this
Dad Outgolfs Son .
-- DENVER, Aug. 13H)-A Den
ver dad took his son to the cleani
ers Thursday and the father, Si
las Newton, who has played golf
jn all parts of the world, thereby
strode Into the finals of the Colo
rado amateur tournament -
Statesman Sports Editor
Morning. August 14, 1942
mn -V-
editor of the Sporting News, the
"When I broke in with Portland
recall, I pitched a knuckler. My
Caps' One-Two
Spokane Again
Mallorjr and Maddern
Gang Up in 9th, Keep
Indians Submerged
carbon copy of Wednesday night's
llth inning, Mai Mallody and
Clarence Maddern teamed in the
ninth Thursday night to chase
home a run and give Vancouver
a 5 to 4 Western International
league baseball triumph over the
Spokane Indians. Vancouver won
Wednesday night, 4 to 3.
Mallory opened the frame
with a single, advanced to sec
ond on a sacrifice and scored
center field. The victory gave
Vancouver a 3-1 edge In the
current series.
The visiting Capilanos were
coasting along with a 4-0 lead in
the sixth when Spokane suddenly
broke away to tie the count on a.
walic, three singles and a double
by Joe Russo. Trailing In the
ninth, Spokane got two men on
base and Ronnie Bryant went to
the pitcher's box for Vancouver.
He tossed one ball for the final
out, Johnny Stamper hitting a
slow roller to the infield.
Bill Wright led the Cap hitters
with two blows in three appear
ances and Vic Buccola topped
Spokane with a triple and single
in four.
Vancouver. 002-4)11 001-5 9 0
Spokane.....! 000004 000-4 9 2
Elliott, Bryant (9) and Sueme;
Bushman and Cameron.
Angels Smear
Bevos, 12-0
PORTLAND, Aug. 13-()-Jim
Lynn whitewashed the Portland
Beavers with a three-hit, 12-0
win Thursday night to give the
league-leading Los Angeles an
even break in -the four-game Pa
cific Coast wheel split series.
The Angels jumped on Bill
Schubel for three runs In the
first inning, another in the third
and two more in the sixth before
Bob Fitzke came to the rescue.
He fared little better, however,
as the Calif ornians pounded
across . five more tallies In the
ninth. V
Los Angeles 301002105-12 17 0
Portland .. 000 000 000- 0 3 1
Lynn and Campbell; Schubel,
Fitzke (7) and Leovich, Bergs-
trora (6),
Candy for
1 rJA
1 Nt
f :
LltUe Iarleno Bauer, only eight years old and esmpeting In the
Women s Western Amateur golf meet at Chlcaga, offers candy
eaddy, Leonard Schulta. 15. ma she sought to qualify with
top-flight girl golfers In their -teens" and "20VV Blarlene, who
lives In Aberdeen, SD, weighs only 71 pounds, bit she drives up
to 150 yards and generally shoots in the tvs. But the Qualifying
round was a bad one for little Marlene and she ciune trudging in
at dusk to confess haltinrly: guess X shot a a a hundred
. and fifty five." - -
Hockett's Hit
Snaps Tribe's
Losing Streak
v Three-Run Double in
9th Gives Indians
" 3-2 Nod Over Tigers
CLEVELAND, Au g. lZ.-iJP)-With
two men out and the bases
loaded in the ninth,' Oris Hockett
came to bat Thursday and
' i -smashed
out a double that drove
in three runs, enabling the Cleve
land Indians. to edge out the De
troit Tigers 3 to 2 and climb back
in the victory column.
It was the tribe's first win In
its last eight starts and was
scored at the expense of Virgil
"Fire" Trucks, who had held
Cleveland to four hits in eight
and two-thirds innings. The In
dians previously had tied one
and lost three games in the five
game series.
The victory was the 13th for
Bagby, who allowed six hits.
Detroit 010 001 000--2 6 I
Cleveland ..000 000 003-3 5 :
Trucks, Wilson (9) and Par
sons; Bagby and Desautels.
Qift Star as Browns .
Qout Chisox, 8-3
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 13.-)-Third
Baseman H a r 1 o n d Clift of the
Browns smacked out a homer and
a double good for four runs and
scored another today In his team's
8 to 3 victory over the Chicago
White Sox for a sweep of the 3
game series.
He also got a couple of sin
gles and made two errors
which didn't hurt Wally Moses
of Chicago had four for five too,
but his blows were not as po
tent The Browns ended a long home
stay with a record of 12 victories
and 12 defeats and a firmer grip
in fourth place.
Chicago ........001 010 001-3 13 0
St. Louis 240 010 10 8 11 2
Dietrich, Haynes (6) andTresh;
Sundra, Hollingsworth (8) and
Passeau Racks
Clout Cards
CHICAGO, Aug. 13 -(JP)- The
Chicago Cubs and St Louis Car
dinals engaged in a long drawnout
swatfest Thursday and when the
smoke had cleared the Chicago
team had a 13 to 5 victory and
Claude Passeau had won his 16th
triumph of the season.
The Cubs lambasted four Car
dinal pitchers for 13 hits, while
Passeau was pummelled for 10,
including Terry Moore's fourth
home run of the season in the
third inning.
Included in the Cubs' attack
was Bill Nicholson's llth homer
of the season with a runner on
base in the eighth inning.
Also included in the Chicago
celebration were a double and
two singles by Dominie Dal
lessandro. St. Louis - 001 000 004- 5 10 X
Chicago ; 300 210 52-13 13 3
Dickson, Pollet (5). Krist (7)
and Odea; Passeau and Hernan
Her Caddy
Babich, Soderburg Fail
V TACOMA,1 Aug. 137PHraa)rha's second place Tigei' paced,
by uuuieider worry Abbott s slugging, swept a baseball double
header from the Salem Senators here Thursday night, 7-5 and
13-6, to even their Western International league series at two
apiece Tacoma came from behind " ttii "earjiy "irirgs of
both games and gained a half-game oh the league-leading Van-:
Eyes Title
Head Toward
Western Finals
Both Enter Semi's
, In Women's Golf ;
3Iay Meet Saturday
CHICAGO, Aug. 13-iip)-The
Reigning champions of the wo
men's Western Golf association
Mrs. Russell Mann of Omaha,
Neb., and Betty Jameson of San
Antonio,. Tex. r oiled safely
through the quarter-final round
of the current women's amateur
meet Thursday at Sunset Ridge
and continued to head toward a
possible meeting in Saturday's fi
Mrs. Mann, 1941 amateur win
ner, defeated Mrs. Harold Sims
of St. Paul, Minn., with virtually
no trouble at alL 4 and 2. But
Miss Jameson, 1942 western open
victor, had a real time of it in
beating off Dorothy Kirby of At
lanta, Ga., 2 and 1.
In order to qualify for the
championship round two days
hence, Mrs. Mann Friday must
stop the girl she defeated for
this title last year, Mary Arnes
Wall of Menominee, Mich. Miss
Jameson's semi-final round fore
will be Dorothy Ellis of Indian
apolis, the Indiana state cham
pion. Miss Wall won Thursday from
Claire Doran of Cleveland, 8 and
2, and Miss Ellis beat Virginia In
gram, a member of Sunset Ridge,
4 and 3.
The center of interest today
were the' Mann-Sims and Jame-Son-Kirby
matches, and both were
worthy of the attention.
In both cases the winners shot
fine rounds of golf, Mrs. Mann
being even with par for the 18
holes her match lasted, and Miss
Jameson being only two over
par for the 17 holes she was
forced to traveL
75 Expected for
Rifle Tournament
EUGENE, Aug. 13.-()-Some of
the state's outstanding gunners
have registered for the annual
small-bore rifle championships of
the Oregori State Rifle and Pistol
association here Saturday and
Sunday. : v "
The event, sanctioned by the
National Rifle and Pistol associa
tion of America,, will feature six
matches for perpetual ' trophies
and the selection of a 10-man
team to compete against a con
tingent from the miniature rifle
clubs of England.
The annual meeting of the state
association will be held Saturday
night i . ' '
Among the topflight gunners
expected are Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
K. Waddelt Medford; Ernest Bar
rien, Milwaukie, and Gairie M.
Upshaw of Eugene, recent winner
of the state .20 caliber champion
ship. About 75 gunners from Califor
nia, Washington and Oregon are
expected to enter. - . !
Second Bevo-Army
Ball Tilt Set
Fort Lewis soldier baseball team
Will rima S a
" vwiuc c m return . en-
Pa PPITInt With tKA'Dv4?MMj n
. via, u.uu Dca
vers Monday iiight : J ;
ne -acmccoast league club
won the first - encounter, 5 to 0.
Proceeds wUl be used to'purchase
athletic equipment at northwest
military posts. -
r Y x: ;
i - 1
1 , I
Ll jm
couver Caps, .who were" downing
Spokane, 5r4.The "double defeat
failed to push Salem back into the
loop basement ' .
. The story of the two tilts was
simply too much Abbott for
Salem's George Babich and Paul
Soderborg, respective pitchers.
He connected for a home ran
In each game, one double and
three singles, driving in a total
of seven runs, four of them in
the close seven-inning first
The homers were No's. 12 and
13 for Abbott, to put him farther
ahead as the league's .home run
leader. He drove in two runners
ahead of him with a third inning
wallop in the first game to change
any ideas Babich had of winning
his ninth game of the season, and
one was on base when his big
Bertha drive came in the fifth
frame of the ninth-inning night
cap off Soderburg.
For Salem, Outfielder Sam
Taormina and Firstsacker Jack
Richards lashed out circuit wal
lops in the first game, both
coming with nobody on base.
Those were the big blows off
Fred Bradley. Alf Cailteaux'
double drove in two Salem tal
lies. The Senators had their big
chance in the sixth heat of the
opener, filling the bases with only
one out But Manacrer Pharlio
Petersen rapped into the second
Tiger double play of the game
to nullify the rally.
Soderburg was touched for a
total of 18 blows In the second
game, five runs on six of the
base-knocks starting the Tigers
off on the rout in the third in
Salem collected 10 hits off Lefty
Chet Johnson, who got belter as
the game progressed and merely
coasted in.
First game (7 innings.)
Salem (5) B R H O
Robbe, s . 3 10 1
Taormina, 1 ...... 3 2 12
Richards, lb . 8 1 1 9
O'Cfennell, r 2 " 1 0 0
Cailteaux, 2b 4 0 2 I S
Leininger, m 3 0 1,0
Salstrom, 3b .... 3 0 I I 3
Petersen, c 3 "0 I 2 1
Babich, p 3 0 0 0 1
Total 27 5 7 18 10 0
Tacoma (7) B R H O A
Youngman, m 4 1 1 1 0
LaForte, s 4 2 3 3 5
Lilly, 2b 2 10 4 3
Abbott 1 3 2 2 2 0
Brovia, r 4 0 0 0 0
Schanz, lb . 2 117 2
Molitor, 3b 2 0 1 2 2
Spurgeon, c 10 110
Bradley, p 3 0 0 1 1
Totals 25 7 t 21 13 3
Salem 200 020
Tacoma 103 021
Runs responsible for, Babich 7,
Bradley 3. Struck out by Babich
2, Bradley 1. Bases on balls off
Babich 5, off Bradley 5. Wild pit
ches, Babich, Left on bases, Salem
8, Tacoma 7. Home runs, Abbott
Taormina, Richards. Two - base
bits, LaForte, Abbott Cailteaux,
Schanz, Youngman. Runs batted
in, O'Connell, Cailteaux 2, Abbott
4, Taormina, Schanz, Spurgeon,
LaForte, Richards. Sacrifices, Ri
chards, Spurgeon, O'ConnelL Lil
ly.' Double plays, LaForte to Lilly
to Schanz 2. Time 1:35. Umpires,
Nenezich and Heinrick.
(Second game)
Salem ,...031 010 001- 8 .10 2
Tacoma ..015 021 40x-13 18 0
Soderburg and Petersen: John
son and Stagg.
Player Wanted for
Portland Grid Team
PORTLAND, Aug. 13-tF)-
Candidates were called Thursday
for the Portland entry in the pro
posed northwest war industries
professional football league.
Larry Wolfe, coach of the team
sponsored by the Boilermakers'
union, Issued the call. Organiza
tion of the league probably will be
completed at a meeting Friday at
Acorns Crack Sacs ,
OAKLAND, Calif, Aug. 13-UP)
Oakland salvaged one victory in
its three-game Coast league ser
ies with Sacramento Thursday
night beating the , second-place
Senators 3 to 3. V . -
The Oaks scored two runs In
the first ' inning . off Herschel
Lyons on ! hits by ; Ernil Mailho,
Hugh Luby, Fern Bell and Ham
Schulte. They added two more In
the fifth off Frank Nelson ' with
out a hit, combinging three walks
with two Sacramento errors. ; ;
Sacramento G0O 000 030-3 7 , 3
Oakland ' J200 029 10-5 ' 8 ' 0
Lyons, Nelson (3) and . Muel
ler; Kleinke, Chelini; (8) and
Don McDonald Dies
PORTLAND, Ore, Aug. 13.-VP)
-Donald: McDonald,5 73, well
known In Pacific coast boxing and
wrestling circles ; a decade ago,
died at his home here Thursday.
Zivic Punch
Wins Easily
Bob Takes Nod Over
::. .t-arBy-SlD'FEDER- '
NEW " YORK, - Aug." . 13-(P)-Bob
Montgomery,- the plugging " Phil
adelphia negro who has ' been up
close to the lightweight throne
roomM for the past couple of years,
drew a little nearer to a title shot
Thursday night by punching out
a clear-cut decision over Bobby
Ruffin of New York in ten rounds
in Madison Square Garden.' Mont
gomery weighed " 135; Ruffin,
135. -k ...- : v. ' '
Taking over after ex -Welterweight
Champion Fritzle Zivie
had slashed US Marine Garvey
Young's face and stopped him
In six rounds of the eo-featured
ten-rounder, Montgomery slow
ed the New Yorker down with a
vicious body attack, floored him
once, cut his right eye and won
off by himself.
The Associated Press score card
gave Montgomery seven rounds,
called two even and voted just
one for Ruffin.
In the Zivie-Young go, as far
as it went Fritsie was way out
In front Of the six completed
rounds, the Pittsburgher won
five. Young's only edge came in
the third, when he scored with
lefts to the mid-section and a
couple of short rights to the
In another ten-rounder in the
"triple-header' card, Cleo Shans,
131,- Los Angeles negro, was
awarded a decision over charging
Maxie Shapiro, 132 pound local
belter, after a sizzling slugging
duel. The decision was greeted
by a loud round of mingled boos
and cheers.
Sanders Cox, 178 pound Dal
las Youngster, reversed a recen
defeat by flooring Wiley Fergu
son, 167, Lynchburg, Va., five
times and easily taking a four
round decision in the opening pre
A crowd of 14,964 contributed
to a gross gate of $32,366 to see
the "triple-header" show which
featured three ten-rounders.
Eugene Meets
Bend Nine in
Crucial Tilts
EUGENE, Aug. U The
State league individual batting
championship as well as the team
pennant will be at stake Saturday
night and Sunday at Bend where
the league-leading Eugene Ath
letics meet the third-place Bend
Loggers in the final series of the
1942 season.
Joe Decker, Bend outfielder,
has an excellent chance of
wresting the batting lead from
Spencer Dean of Silverton, who
last week moved . ahead of
Manager Ken Manning of the
Silver Sox, leader for the past
month. Dean .has an average of
.457 as compared to Decker's
.440, and Joe Leptlch of Eugene,
BUI Moye of Albany, and Hank
Mako of Bend, all batting .396.
The Athletics need a single vic
tory against Bend to capture the
flag. A double defeat at the hands
of the Loggers would send the
A's into a title playoff with the
Portland Firemen, who trail by
a single game.
The league's batting leaders:
Plover. Team
t 48
- S 25
H Pet.
21 .457
S. Dean, : Silverton
J. Decker, Bend
,11 A
Manning. Silverton . 11 39
Taitt, Silverton J. .11 47
Eagleson. Albany S 15
17 .438
19 .404
8 .409
21 jm
21 J3Si
Leptich, Eugene i 53
Moye, Albany 13 53
Mako, Bend n 48
18 .396
17 .388
Hatch, Bend " 44
Shinn. suverton , ii 43
18 ,372
Gordon, Bend r, ..12 11
19 c .365
. 21 .362
17 .354
18 .348
11 .344
M. Dean, Eugene
14 58
carison, una
12 48
Whitley, Silverton . IS 48
HameL Portland 32
Roelandt, Portland
Koch, Portland
Teyema, Silverton
Kirsch, Eugene
Bubakv Portland
19 .341
AS tx
. 8 25
.12 47
.IS 80
.14 51
21 .339
S .320
15 .319
19 .317
Parks, Eugene
18 J14
Churchill. Portland 14 48
14 .304
Mine Access Road -Contract
Contract for grading and oiling
5.98 miles of . the. Seven Devil
Chrome mine access road west of
Coquillein Coos county Thursday
was awarded by the state high
way , commission to the Tru-Mix
Concrete ; company - of Medford.
The low bid was $34,034.60. J
The, chrome . mine is being de
veloped by a private corporation
In connection with the war emerg
ency. . , , ' ,
Senator Swat:
(Averages Include only first same of
Thursday nifbt doublebeader at Ta
coma.) AB H
52 It
Pet. AB
H Pet.
J48 Robb ' 120
28 J17
11 J98
,8 .129
I .111
244. '79
142 ; 41
35 100
J24Soderbur .85
,289:Moore 5
J79iSmiUi" 1
XIQ Clow-vw 82
J75Erautt. It
J63,Bablch 38
88 .-24
3112 185
400 109
Hogan Shoots
Hot Round to
Lead T-U Open
Little Ben Hogan made a sham
bles of the first round of the $5,000
Times-Union open Thursday by
exploding a six-under-par 64
four strokes better than his near
est opponent
Hogan, golfs leading money
winner, was over regulation fig
ures but once that on the 462-
yard par four seventeenth. In bet
tering Oak Hill's competitive
record of 66, he carded eight
birdies, nine pars, and had nine
one-putt greens.
Behind him with a smashing 68
came Sam Byrd, Ardmore, Pa., the
ex-big league baseball star.
Bracketed in third place with 69s
were Jimmy DeMaret, Detroit;
Harold "Jug" McSpaden, Philadel
phiai Horton Smith, Springfield,
Mo., and, Harry Nettelbladt, Avon,
Conn, a, ?comparatIve unknown,
among, the, Jtoprnotchers. , ,
Craig Wood, Maniaroneck, NY,
winner last week of the Canadian
Open, finished with an even-par
70, while Clayton Heafner, Lin
ville, NC, Jimmy Hines, Lakeville,
and Ray Hill, Hershey, Pa., carded
Emlen, Scales
Turn in Golf
Tourney Wins
John Emlen was both the hero
and the "goat" of Thursday's
round of novelty play by mem
bers of the Salem Golf club. Em
len lead 18 qualifiers out of 30
contestants off the nine holes of
regular play with a net score of 33
for medalist honors, then pro
ceeded to cop the consolation
prize after match play on the
putting greens Msetween he 18
qualifiers. '
. George Scales downed Millard
Pekar in the finals of the putt
fest, and Emlen had to beat out
Jim Hague for the consolation
War Stamps were given Emlen
and Scales for their wins, and the
club announced that it had sur
passed the $100 mark In Issuing
the stamps since the weekly ses
sions got under way some time
ago -
Padres 5, Twinks 2
Young Norm Brown,' property of
the Boston Red Sox, pitched San
Diego to a 3-2 victory over Holly
wood Thursday night while the
Fishing Said Fair
PORTLAND. Ausl 13-UPr-The
state same commission orecucxea
Thursdav that fishin In Oreeon
this weekend would be only fair.
The forecast was based on the
following county reports:
Lane McKenzie and Wulam
ette rivers Door for trout but
limit catches of bass reported on
lower Willamette. v
Tillamook Few trout being
taken from Nehalem river. ' 1
Lincoln No good trout oatches
renorted but trollers taking some
salmon in Yaqulna and Alsea bays.
Curry Steelhead and salmon
fishing good In Rogue. Good
catches of large cutthroat taken
from Elk river.
Coos Streams only fair but
Coos bay good for bass.
Douglas North urnpqua xair
for trout '
Jackson Rogue still yielding
salmon and steelhead fishing im
proving. Flak lake good.
Josephine Fishing generally
poor - but k nice) . catches . of ; cut-1
Rgfi(?eMgr tMortlWt AGO. .
How 7 hey
st Aim..
, W L, Pet. W Li Pet.
Vanco'er 45 .591 1 Salem 47 81 .435
Tacoma 62 51 J49 Spokane 4 69 .425
Thursday'! results:
At Tacoma 7-13. Salem 1-8.
At Spokane 4, Vancouver 9.
W Li Pet. W L Pet.
Los Ang 81 51 .614 San Fran 65 67 .492
Sacramet 78 58 .582 Oakland 62 72 .463
Seattle 72 61 .541iHoUywod 59 76 .437
San Dieg 69 66 Jill Portland 47 84 .359
Thursday's results:
At Portland 0, Los Angelei 12.
At Seattle 4, San Francisco i
At Oakland 5. Sacramento 3.
At Hollywood 2. San Diego 5.
W L Pet. W L Pet.
New Yor 73 34 .664 Detroit 56 61 .479
Boston 60 50 .545 Chicago 49 58 .43$
Cleveand 61 53 .535 Washingt 46 61 .430
St. Louis 59 56 .513 Philadelp 44 72 J79
Thursday's results:
Cleveland 3. Detroit 2.
St. Louis 8. Chicago 3.
New York-Boston postponed.
Washington-Philadelphia postponed.
W L Pet. - W L
Brooklyn 76 33 .697 Pittsburg 50 56
St. Louis 68 42 .618 Chicago 51 64
Oncinnt 56-5k .618: Boston - 47 86
New Yor 59 51 27;PhUadlp 31 J75.
Thursdays results:
Chicago 13, St: -Louis 5. I -
Brooklyn-Boston . postponed. .
Cincinnati-Pittsburgh postponed.
(Only games scheduled.)
Rainiers Romp
On Seals in
Series Finfle
SEATTLE,-Aug. lS.--Seattle
made it three out of four over
San Francisco In an abbreviated
Pacific Coast league series by
rallying to defeat the Seals 4 to
2 Thursday night
The game was a pitching
duel In which each team got
only six hits, bat Seattle
bunched half of Its blows In the
fifth inning for three runs. The
rally was set Off by Shortstop
Ned Stickle's triple. .
The Seals also bunched half of
their hits off Larry Guay in the
third, but converted them into
only two runs. Bruce Ogrodowski
singled. Pitcher Bob Joyce
doubled, and both scored on Don
Trowery single. '
Ray Harrell relieved Joyce In
the fifth and kept the third
place Rainiers in check the rest
of the way. ,
Seattle opens a four-game se
ries here Friday night with the
leagne-Ieading Los Angeles An
gels. San . Francisco moves to
San Fran'co 002 000 000-2 6 t
Seattle 010 030 00x-4 6 0
Joyce, Harrell (5) and Ogro
dowski; Guay and Kearse. "
Padres' batters were making' the
most of eight ' hits ff Freddy
Gay and Whitey Hilcher.
throats reported from Illinois and
Applegate rivers.
Wasco Deschutes good for
trout ' and on lower reaches for
steelhead. White river and lower
Badger, creek still yielding limit
catches of small trout
; Deschutes 1 Conditions conT
tinue poor. i j
Baker .. Lakes only lair and
streams poor, i , ,
Union Big Minam producing
fine catches of flies and bait Lit
tle Minam yield soma limit
catches, mostly on bait Good
catches reported from Catherine
creek , and lower Grande Ronde
river. . !;;; ',r': 1 :-. :: ; ; - : "
Lake ' Campbell and Blue
lakes fair for flies and trolling
for eastern brook. Doews 1 and
Thompson Valley reservoirs fair
for rainbow with bait ! .
Grant Good catches reported
oh John Day river. Strawberry
and Slid lakes good. Streams
poor. " - r.;
. Ml