The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 14, 1942, Page 19, Image 19

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    TU OREGON STATESMAN. Salens Origan. Friday Morning, August 11 1912
Party Held
In Garden
Mrs. R. C. Hunter was
on Tuesday to members
club, and entertained them i
luncheon in the yard.
hours of bridge followed,
bles set outdoors.'
' Special guests were Mrs.
Petteys and Mrs. Lee
luemuera 01 ine ciuo are
Percy Kelly, Mrs. J.
quist, Mrs. Grace Johnson, Mrs.
w. E. Hanson, airs. Rex Davis,
Mrs. Jesse Campbell, Mrs. T.
Galloway, Mrs. Franfc Loose,
Airs, frame Myers, Mrs. W. S.
Levens and Mrs. EL C. Hunter.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen; Earl f
Square at a Time Plan Picnic on
2.. "tr jr. tt".; ?v? n. .
nosles iTVVUtW Odd
of her ffir A m;&AXitJ&i' Marion
with VI ;U tion picnic
: X Stayton city
-i. a i JT5-7 ". ! t
at w Sf-r'A Wakefield of
m.IfSmSr ZtWZ. at 12 o'
Mrs. vrr ""sf .' and cream
. w. i tT- . ...
UUCr iNi.Vi- the comm
mmm m - sw w -
rag- a
Fellows - and Rebekahs,
county district conven-
will be held at the
park on Sunday be-
10:30 o'clock. Robert
Stayton will be in
the program.
lunch will be served
clock. Ice cream, coffee
will be furnished by
Miss Frances Clinton left
Thursday, of this week lo visit
her sister in Glendale, Califor
nia. -
Palo Alto, formerly of Salem, "JCte-si1 -WS
were the honor truest of Mr. TKi . 2fA?&zigitZi
fefr1 : Tdday'sj Menu;
and Mrs.
honor guests of Mr.
James Campbell of
San Jose at a barbecue party.
Also present at the party was
Flying Cadet Lynn CronemiUer
of Salem, now stationed at Mer
ced, California.
MT. ANGEL A no-host sur
prise birthday party," compli
menting Mrs. John Diehl, was
held at the Diehl home by
friends Tuesday night. The hon
or guest was presented with a
hand-crocheted centerpiece.
Cards were piaVed and re
freshments served, later. High
score honors for cards went to
Mrs. Eva Erwert, Mrs. Mary
Baker and Fred Gooley.
Those present included Mr.
and Mrs. John Diehl ,Mr. and
Mrs. William Conrad, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Gooley, Mrs. Rose
Appleby, Mrs. Eva Erwert, Mrs.
Alary Baker, Mrs. Anna Ter
haar, Mrs. Otto Wellman, Miss
Elizabeth Keber and Miss Helen
of the North Howell Community
church congregation honored
Rev. Mrs. B. Bullock with a gift
shower Friday night. Those
present were Mrs. Peter Schmidt,
Mrs. Robert Meye, Mrs. Anton
Pfau, Mrs. Steve Schmidt, Mrs.
Orval Bullock, Mrs. Frank
Ditchen, Mrs. Cora Bigger,
Mrs. Ralph Clark, Mrs. Andrew
Smith, Mrs. Rose Ditchen, Flor
ence Watenpaugh, Mrs. August
AVoelke, Bertha G. Bullock, Carol
Biggins, Frances Schmidt, Doris
Schmidt, Florence Olson and
Evelyn McDonald.
You can acquire luxury a
square at a time for that's how
this lovely filet crochet cloth Is
worked. Crochet the squares to
make smaller accessories a
dainty scarf matj! or pillow
top! Pattern 381 contains chart
and directions for square; illus
trations of stitches; materials re
quired. Send 11 cents for this pattern
to The Oregon Statesman,
Needlecraft Dept., Salem, Ore.
Write plainly pattern number,
your name and address.
Thick 'slices of peppe will be
stuffed for today's salad, dessert
will use plums and peaches
stuffed pepper rings
Broiled salmon slices
Buttered potatoes
Green beans vinaigrette
Plum-peach cup -
4 firm green peppers
1 cup chopped cabbage
Vi cup cooked peas
' ' 1 teaspoon chopped onion ,
Va teaspoon salt
teaspoon paprika
5 tablespoons salad dressing
Discard centers from peppers
and stuff with( rest of ingredi
2 tablespoons salad oil
2 tableshpoons vinegar
3 tablespoons chopped sweet
pickles or pickle relish
1 teaspoon minced parsley
teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
8 cups cooked green beans
Mix ingredients and simmer 5
minutes. Serve immediately.
A daughter was born on Wed
nesday afternoon at Salem Gen
eral hospital to Lt. and Mrs.
Frank Spears, jr., and has been
named Julianne. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Spears, sr., Dr. and Mrs.
J. H. Grabenhorst are the grand
parents, and Mrs. Russell Cailin
is the great-grandmother. Mrs.
Spears is the former Ruth Jean
Four-Year-Old Girl
Saves Brothers Life
four years old, Janice Fix is
ner orotner, johnny, a year
and a half old, fell Into an irriga
tion ditch near Pilot Butte. Janice
dived for a leg that was still on
the bank. Unable to pull him out
of the water, she jumped Into the
stream and boosted him to safety.
He was not hurt
Salem Girl
Is Secretary
(.S3) Election of Ancil D u r r e 1 1,
Yakima, ' Wash., as president of
the Oregon Washington young
people's union of the Evangelical
church was announced Thursday.
Charles Sempke, Seattle, was
elected vice-president;: ' the Rev.
F. R. . Witmer, Yakima, pastor
counsellor, And the Rev. Lyle H.
Willard, Seattle, reelected secre
tary of the church conference.
Maxine Underhfll, Salem, was
chosen secretary of the young peo
ple's union, and Mary 'Phyllis
Plowman, Mapleton, executive
jPortland Schools
May Overflow
PORTLAND, Aug. 13.-;p-Pro-bability
that classrooms in some
Portland schools will be "impos
sibly overcrowded' because of the
new industrial worker population
was seen Thursday by school offi
cials. ' ' '
" Supt Ralph E. Dugdale said
that at least 2800 new pupils will
be enrolled this fall, most of them
in concentrated areas near ship
yards. As a result, the school board is
seeking federal aid to provide ad
ditional housing and teachers.
Wheatland Woman Has
Relatives for Guests
WHEATLAND Dr. and Mrs. E.
C. Turner of Sacramento were
guests of Mrs. Walter Kirkwood
last weekend. Mrs. D. O. Webster
of Portland was a Sunday guest
at the same home. Mrs. Turner is
a niece and Mrs. Webster sister of
Mrs. Kirkwood.
Tt n&m distress tf KSXT8LY
Lydia E. Pinkham's TABLETS
(with added Iron) have hetoed
thousand of girls to relieve func
tional monthly pain and weak
feelings. PinkhanVs Tablets ALSO
help build up red blood and thus
aid In promoting more strength.
Made especially for women. Fol-
low label
sns. Worth trying!
I III in-n j
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v l: A
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y fv:. i
Theft art no armdiiir rtperttrt In WW World" Ntwi, AP'i
g rear associate service.
Wide World writers travel thousands of miles every week to get their
news at the source for this and 1400 other Associated Press newspapers.
Take current assignments of just five Wide World writers pictured
here on the job,
Don Whitehead: flying 5,000 miles to gather firsthand the story of
Canada's war effort. . . . Sigrid Arne: only woman reporter to travel over
Alaska's new military highway, touring western mines doing war work. , . ,
CUdwin Hill: roving the west and southwest for unusual and colorful
features, . . . Bill Boni, Wide World military editor, visiting dozens of
army camps, airfields, war plants describing America's growing war might.
... Science Editor Howard W. Blakeslee: constantly on the go'covering
the science front.
And there are many mora out to get the facts, the stories behind the
new$ for Wide World: John Ferris, Mark Barron, George Zielke, Ted Gill,
Stephen J. McDonough, Frank I. Weller, James Marlow, David J. Wilkie,
Trudi McCulIough, Wide World war columnists, Kirke L. Simpson and
DeWitt. Mackenzie, to mention a few.
A different desk every day and different reading!
AP-ViBE VOnLD-TvQ Great Service
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V : IH 'fJ .riuTv' fawn "
Price's Present Salm's Finest and Most
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NoW more than evera good Fur Coat Is d long term ln
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American Mink
We are showing the finest American mink coats from
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Mink Tail
Something very new and different . . . Rich dark
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Beautifully matched
skins ..
J. x itc? a ....
Silver Fox Twin Scarfs
$3,25 1
America's finest pelts
from the FROMM
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