PAGS icrs Where You Get The '. Most.'. For The Last... Statesman Classified v. i Tha OSEGON STATESMAN. Satan, Oraqon. Tuesday Morning, August 11. 1S42 Jraqe , Classified Advertising Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 rhree Insertions per Un 25c Six insertions per lint 40c One month per line $1.23 Minimum charge 25c; X tL min . imum 35c; 6 tL mln. 45c. No . refunds.- Copy fur this page accepted un til t-JO tne evening before publica tion for eJassitieauoa Copy re ceived efter this time will be run under Uie haa dine "Too Late to Classify." The Statesman assume no finan cial responsibility ter errors which mmv aDDcar in advertisements nub- Uehed in its columns and in eases where this paper is st tault wtU reprint that part of an advertise ment in wnicb the typo graphical mistake occurs Tbe Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable edvertistnf It further reserves tbe right to olace . all advertising under the oroDei classification . A "Blind Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dressis for the protection ef the advertiser aod must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to divulge infor mation ae to me Mewqr ox i advertises using a "Blind ad. Livestock and Poultry TOR SALE Extra Good Jersey fam ily cow. $89. 1444 S. 12. Ph. 8079. Jersey-Guernsey cow $79. Ph. 1-2361. Hop Pickers NOW registering hop pickers, Minto yard. Picking Monday, Aug. 17th. Phone 61S2 or 8856. HOP pickers wanted Early & late hoos. starting Aug. 18. Good picking. $2.50 per hundred. Camp, cabins, elec tricity, stoves, wood, straw & etc. In quire about transportation. Phone $-2766. Orey Hop Ranch. R. R. 2. Bx. 197. Hop Pickers Wanted 250 ACRES choice river bottom hops 4 miles SW of Salem, 3 weeks of fine picking. Store, restaurant, butcher hon on grounds. Good camp ground. Fine cabins. Or free transportation to and from yard. Register at our office. 147 North Commercial street or write John J. Roberts & Co., saiem, uregon. Phone 9623. NOTICE TO HOP PICKERS We will begin picking hops Friday, August 14th. 100 acres early hops. Yard located 12 mues north of Sa lem. Just off the Salem-Newberg high way. Mission Bottom Hop Co., Phone 1-2347, Bill Statesman. HOP PICKERS WANTED 400 acres of early and late hops frown on River Bottom land. . Large crop, long season and paying $2.50 per 100 pounds. Free camping accom modations. Groceries, meats and res taurant at city prices. Strict super vision day and niKnt. We welcome re- turn of our old pickers and 500 new ones. Register immediately and re serve cabins or tents. Location S miles north of Independence. . Call or phone $7 F 2 Independence. C. A. McLaugh lin Hop Ranch, Independence, Ore. Harold Gwin, Superintendent HOP PICKERS WANTED Picking starts Aug. 20th. lasts about $0 days. Pay 2'ic per pound. Good crop, best picking 'ob in valley. Good nmo. S50 cabins with hunts and stoves, store, dance hall and restaur ant. Known as Wigrich Ranch. Write: Golden Gate Hop Ranch. Independ ence, Ore., or phone 3610. Salem. Attention - Hop Pickers $2.50 per cwt. lbs. Register now for roickina our early nd late cluster hops. Season commences about Aug. 25th. One of the best and largest yards in the St Paul section. Best of accom modations, such as egbins, tens, elec, beautiful campsite, with store on grounds, city prices. To register write Williams Ac Hart. P. O. Box 133, Salem, or phone 3712 or 2-2681. HOP PICKERS wanted. Brown Island tTnn Co.. nhone 795C. Early and late hops. Prevailing prices. Long Job, Good accommodations. 4 miles S. W of Salem on Willamette River- HOP pickers wanted at Viesko Hop Yard. 10 mi. north of Salem, near Wheatland Ferry. Good hops. $250 per 100 lbs. Start Aug. 17th. 30-day picking. Good camp grounds. John Bushman, Rt L Gervais. 125 Acres early St late hops. Pick ing starts about Aug. 18. 2M per 200 lbs Yard on Wheatland Ferry rd. at Mias'ion Bottom, S mi, north of Sa lem. Transportation free to St from yard. V. O. Kelley, Rt ft. Box 217. Ph. 2244S. $2.50 Per Hundred Lbs. Register now for early and late hops Long season. Start picking about Aug. 10th. Phone 3712. days. 2-2269 evenings. Fir Grove Hop Ranch. NOW registering hop pickers tor arlv A lata hoDS. 4 miles west of Sa lem. Cabins Sc food crop. Williams Ac Tbacker Phone 21331.. Help Wanted - FOUNTAIN girl, experienced. $4 day, hours. One night fry cook. $S day of $ hours, one waitress, experienced, $4 day of $ hours, one short hour girl. Oc hr must be experienced. One dishwasher, male. $4 day of S hrs, in cluding meals Arthur Peters, Labor Temple. 259 Court WANTED BEAN pickers, IS acres of good picking. H. L. Pearcy, rt- 2. box 180. Phona 2-35?-. GROCERY clerk for steady work. Saving Center, Portland Road. Salem. BEAN picking today. Minto yard. Regular . pickers only. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk, man or woman. Box 2220. Statesman. ' ADVXRTISINQ Vetera Advertising ' ' Representatives) George D Close, "toe. Francisco Los Angeles Seattle - Eastern Aerrertislnf ;V Representatives Ward-GrtfOth Company toe, Chicago. New York. Detroit " - . Boston. Atlanta. rntered st the Poitofftee at Xalem, Ortaon. as Second Class Matte. Pub-1 fished every momtM except Monday. Business .of Pern SIS south Cemstercssl Stress. ; - - SUBSCRIPTION RATES i MaO Subacriptton Rates tn Advance: Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo SQ cents: A Moa $i0t: 1 year $6.00 Elsewhere SO cents see rao. or $7 .SO I tor 1 year an advance Per copy S cants r cttv Carrtar. TS nanla a snenta. ' t.W a year to advance la Martoa and Money lo Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE or pfeona fSieSt to Salem's oldtjrt largest noma owned and borne managed finance tnstitu tion Your financial affairs will bt discussed and loans mads to strictest privacy You will a given every con sideration tn tna lepaying of voux loan or rrsntins of extensions 1 to MONTHS TO REPAY You can psy in full any time to reduce the cost ONLY BORROWXB SIGNS No endorsers Loans made on furni ture or note . - SEX ROY H SIMMONS. MGR Uc. No M-ia , GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Uc No S-13S 134 So. Commercial St Phone 9188 First door south of Ladd At Bush bank Convenient ground floor location. PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce navments Money for new ca used cars No delay or red tape. You will retain possession of the vehicle 1 to 15 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial Street ! Phone 9168 Lie No. M-155 MTG. loans. 4V to 6. Let us re finance your mtg. at lower rates. ABRAMS & ELLIS, Ins., Masonic Bldg MONEY TO LOAN On farm. City or Acreage Property CHILDS i. MILLER. INC. S44 State St Phone $281 WX LOAM on farm, residential A business piopeity Will otty mortgages or contracts, hawkins kobekts. INC Realtors. Guardian Building. Financial WANTED -To ouy for cash Real estate mortgages, real estate contracts, merchandise discount paper. State finance Co. $44 State. Help Wanted Male Workers new employed In war pro duction should not apply and will not be considered for employment ay em ployers advertising In this section. WILLAMETTE student for part time work. Phone 8062. FRY COOK & sandwich man. Good wages and good hours. Mickey's Sand wich Shop. LABORERS or truck drivers needed on state highway paving crews. Sea side, Newport, Forest Grove. Trout dale. Prineville. Apply Room 512, State Office Bldg. MEN wanted Salem Concrete Pipe and Products Co., Box 10, Portland Road, Salem. MAN for evening 8c Sunday work in storage garage. 197 S. Liberty. TRUCK DRIVER, Schoen's Bakery. Help WantedFemale GIRL or woman for gen. housework it. care of children. Good wages to right party. Telephone 8270. EXPERIENCED waitress, bus boy, experienced fountain girl. Apply The Blue Bird. 10 a. m. to 11 a. m. TWO waitresses, with or without fountain experience. We will teach you. Plenty of hours, good wages, one day off a week as we are closed Wed. Mickey's 479 Court St. . EXPER. oi partly exper. waitress wanted. Whites Lunch, 1138 So. Com'l. HOUSEKEEPER for country home. Permanent $35 mo. Ph. 21254 eves. CAPABLE woman to care for 8 mo. old baby, 3 afternoons a week. Mrs. Hulst, 639 N. Liberty. Ph. 5789. EXP. capable all around restaurant work. Perm. 360 Center. JffOMAN 1 lot bswk ; ..V GIRL FOR sen. hswk. and care S children Go home nights. 1725 N. 19th. Ph. 8765 after 5 p. m. WAITRESS with soda fountain exp. Cook, permanent job. The spa. Situations Wanted WELL care for elderly gentleman at my home. Phone 3033. CHILDREN kept Ph. 6327. 659 Breys. EXP. office mgr. accountant cash' ier. buyer. Can take complete charge. Write Box 2217 co statesman. Practical nurse and secretary. Can drive, type. Swedish massage. Writ details of case and salary. Box 2218 Statesman. For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE 4-pc. bedrm. set with inner spring mattress At springs. 1195 Columbia. Ph. 4054. 2ND cutting clover in shock, $8 ton. Good quality m. e, box uii. A-l HotDoint electric range with pig tail. 325 Jefferson. Ph. 687L MAN'S new World bicycle. Hostess gas stove, table modeL Large crib. Ph. 2-2792. MAN'S full dress suit Size 40-42 Cost $100. SeU for $25. Ph. 7067. GOOD OLD farm horse. Home for nice black dog with license, a. r Lucas, rt 7, box 94T. So M Chemawa. DEPENDABLE WRINGER i all makes of washers. Better get your rolls while available, see xa cjus. your washer man. Nelson Bros. P. 4148, HEAVY CANVAS. 31 ft. by 3 ft Inq Mrs. Schmidt 428 N. Church, evenings. USED furniture for cash. Some like new. Call aftei Ip.m. 740 Ferry, apt I Aprons greet cd. gifts. $79 N. High Icebox, 75 lbs. Good cond Ph. 154. LEAVE ORDERS now for encumbers. (Irrigated.) H- C Shields. Ph. 879. eves. DRY POULTRY fertilizer. Summer special. 25 cents per sack. Bring sacks. Fa. 22861. Lee tiatcnery. HOGG BROS nave a limited supply of electric water heaters. SEE HOGG BROS- 280 Stat St tot liberal trade to off your old furniture. Wanted F urniture F. N. At GLENN WOODRY, Auo- i tloneera & furniture dealers will nay ! you more cash or trade for furniture 4k -nmisenran gooos. w wor w everything. Ph. alia. - . FEEL. PAPPVS whiskers; COOKE TWV SCRATCH, GUN T 1 HtV f Money to Loan Follow Uncle Sam's Advice! GET OUT OF DEBT We Will Help You! We will loan you up to $300.00 with which to get rid of your past due bills or other obligations and protect your good credit You. can then repay us in modest monthly amounts so small that they would, not go far among many creditors yet large enough to pay on your loan with us in a year or less. Coma in for free information without any obligation. Cash for Fuel Order Your Winter's Supply Now! For Personal or Auto Loans, See CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY 315 Court St Phone 4446 i Salem S-228 Lie. M-I78 LOANS-S25 to $300 Almost any credit-worthy person who really needs cash to pay on old debts for medical or dental work . or for some other worthy purpose can qualify lot a loan at Personal. jonn u. ueeren. Manager PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Ground Fir.. New Bligh Bldg 912 STATE STREET lAt High Street) Telephone am State Licenses: S 122, M-165 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N. kt ltf Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real ae tata. Will pay 6 interest W. EL GRABENHORST Jk CO. REALTORS Wanted Furniture CASH FOR used furniture & hoese- hold goods. R. rorgey Ph. 7445. Wanted Miscellaneous, GOOD home for well-trained watch dog. Mrs. Robert M. Hulst 639 N Liberty. Ph. 5789. BOARD AND room for business woman, private home. Ref. 2219 States man. NEEDED immediately. Usable ac cordions. Highest jnce paid in cash, Give full description and approximate price wanted. Ray Wilkinson Studios, 720 S. W 4th Ave . Portland. BE. 8329, USED FURNITURE Ph. 9185 HIGHEST cash prices paid for USED or JUNK TIRES or TUBES. Don Madi son, 590 No. High. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair UK. HAKKY SEMI.r.K. DENTIST Adolph Bldg . State At Com'L Ph. 3311 WE SELL feeds and buy grain. North west Poultry. 1505 N. Front FREE USE of fine pony with new saddle end bridle for children, for pas ture and care. Must be near Salem. Phone 5533. For Rent Rooms FURNISHED ROOM, private home. breakfast privilege. 2S3 N. 13th. SLEEP, nn. Close in. Ph. 4498. GOOD BOARD, good rms. 1227 Court NICE sleeping rm 260 Marion. SLEEPING room 725 Court St 2 SLP. RMS. 1325 S. Com'L Ph. 21857. ROOMS, with kitchen orevueges for girls who do not smoxe. rnone uo. Dole, am eriingle room. 823 N. Cottage. Business Cards in this directory rua en monthly basis Duly. Kate: $L15 per line month. Auto Brakes tttke Pane. 87$ South CoramerclaJ Batteries W1LLA&D batteries, sQ types, R. 0 Woodrow, 294 Church. Phone $600. Bicycles BX! 'VII IS Mm -KM MUMfHHnuil Harry W Scott 147 S CooVcl P 4518 Chiropractic Physicians a A Sternberg. 848 N. Capitol. 8731 Chimney Sweep Worthnew Chimney Sweep. P. 445$. Florists Bretthauora. 447 Court Phone SIM Funeral Directors TarwUligar Funeral Heme. Ph. Mattresses SALEM rUJIT BUG Ac atATTRESS Co New Mat mean vtd made, rag aeanmi At weevtnf, m us wuow Tel $441 Zsrlckers, CAPTTOX. BEDDING CO. Pfeooe 111 I... 7 b L B .i.i ii 1 M cmoippys if I fe l - 'iU a . at a - a tr s $a 'ii avi i a ft - - . - w i t m mm e i -k I M U f r . 1 I n tl AMD SEE HOW - " I s 1 I X. l . I i v I ii 11 t m . i tit n . .. . . m. I I l l i ... . ifc - -mm m m ! inme rw i jm Room and Board BTJ. and room. ITS N. Cottage. Accommodate S Oust glrla. Ph. T188. BETTER BSD it mv 145 S Coml Si For Rent Apartmemls CLOSE . In 881 N. Comm.. $15 mo. S-RM. furn apt., private bath, lights. water, pnone. law state. 1-2-3 R.. apts. 2310 N. 4. Ph. 7498. COZY Pullman apt jefrigv. prL bath ana entrance, aza. mo u. APARTMENT. 440 Mill. 2-R FURN. Lts. wat. $15. 1820 Ferry. 5 large rms.. turn, or unfurn. Newly dec Venetian blinds, screened porch. 2nd n. 713 s. 12th. 2 ROOMS, furnished apartment water, lights. 541 Mill phone, washer, $14. S-RM furn. apt. elec. stove, prL ent 2160 N. 6th. S-RM. CLOSE in. also smaller apt. $14.50. inquire 638 rt. Lioerty. 1 to rra apts. $8 up. 13lp & 13th For Bent Houses l-BM. furn. house. $8. Adults. Phone ZZ48B. inq zi64 Hazel Ave S-RM. house. Phone 3S21. 5-ROOM cottage, furnished, for $35. 6-room, furnished house, southern part of town, $43. P. H. BELL 212 Guardian Bldg. WE HAVE THE PROSPECT ET YOU Want to sell, exchange lease, rent see Mr. Larsen, Mr. Collins or Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins At Roberts. 6 rm. furn. 2 bdrms. New ref, elec, range, attic. $50. Ph. 8629. House, 425 Marion. Ph. 7481 eves. 5 Rm. house, Elec. water system, barn. $18. 2 mi. west of Salem on Gehlar Rd Inq. Rt 1. Bx 55 or ph. 61F3. Wanted to Bent STEADY renter wants 5 or 6 rm. house, near Highland school. Call 525 Locust St, after 3 p. m. For Bent TRUCKS for rent You drive Cune & Lovell phone 9600. Mc- MODERN COTTAGES. $4 At up Junction Auto Court So Commercial For Sale Beal Estate NORTH CHURCH ST. DWELLING 4 RMS. & BATH AND SCREENED PORCH. GARAGE, in attractive con dition. $1750 cash, with possession now H. P. GRANT, Realtor 529 Court St. Ph. 6744-8330 ATTEfTIOBUYERS $2600 $500 down, 5 rooms, basement, furnace, lay trays. Located 6S7 N 20th St. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 NICE home located 1698 S. Liberty, Dbl. plumbing, full bsmt. Lovely trees, fruit, ziowers, snruDoery. uooa gar den spot Lot 66x147. Price just re duced to $4500. Only $650 cash, baL $35 mo., mcl. interest. LINDGREN Ac JOHNSON. Realtors 175 S. High Ph. 3630 Good 7 rm. house, large lot, full bsmt Hollywood district. Will trade for smaller house. Ph. 3671. a. FOUR UNIT furn. apt hse. Near state house, all clear, income $90. Will consider small trade, bat easy terms. Box 2212. Statesman. S Room house, comer lot. Down payment $1,000; Ph. 4531. $2500. FOR SALE Just outside city limits 1 A. of ground with modern 5-room house with fireplace, all city conven iences. Also big chicken house, double garage. Priced at $3000 with terms. See Mr. Larsen with HAWKINS Ac ROB ERTS. INC.. Realtors. 4 BEDROOM RESIDENCE Large living room, fireplace, dining room, nice kitchen, lots of bull tins, nook, wired for range. Full basement furnace. See Louis Bechtel or Mrs. Needham. 341 State St. Room 4. 4-R. hse., located at 971 S. 17th St.. garage Ac bsmt.. vacant now. Price $2100. 10 discount for cash. W. G. KRUEGER, 147 N. Coml. P. 4728 Directory Painting & Paperhanging Experienced Reasonable. Ph." 4325. Paints and Lacquers Complete line NASON paints. Liberal terms, h. u. wooarow, av n. Church Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards pampbJeta. programs, books or any kind ox print ing, can. The Statesman Printing De partment 219 S. Cxenmerclal. Tele phone S10L Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL tiCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write, Phone or Call for Booklet aOO H Capitol Spraying & Painting Spraying Ac spray painting. Ph. 21761. Transfer a-nsrvx truck, s for rent Blankets furn. 1ST 8. Liberty. Ph. 9062 rOR LOCAL. OR DISTANT U ansiei storage, burner oil, briquets rrocks to Portland dally Agent Ptaree Aoto Freight Including Cailt points Larmei rransxer wo m aii- Vacnnm Cleaner Service FREE . frtrDectlon tn rdnr borne An merited Hoover service. We senrice all makes cleaners. Hogg Bros. Ph. 9149 Weil Drilling C 1. Pugh, 2123 Uyrtle. Phone & A. Wast Ac Sona. Rt 6, & 443. 3-2296.' For Sal Beal Estate SMALL S-r. nse. Full bamt am4iit burner, large garage At workshop. S corner lots. Only $2100, $900 dn, $20 per mo. : F. H. Weir 46S Center Realtor Ph. S411 S-R. hse- mod- with unstairs ant Also 3 small houses, a sort of court in the back. $SS income besides 4-rm. liv ing quarters, 2 lots. Owner forced to make a change. Full price. $4200, $1200 dn., $30 per mo. Another Investment, 5-r small yd, with shade trees. Nice lawn, earaee. Only $1750. $800 cash, bat $12 per mo. F. H. Weir 465 Center Realtor Ph. 9411 $3200 Good S-rm. bouse at 1309 Court St Corner lot. some trees, rot $1x100, paving Ac walks in,' $600 down. SJxoo a mi, bungalow, north, base ment furnace, beautiful lot some fruit. Close to bus Ac school. $300 down. baL $25 per mo. MEL.VIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St . Ph. 8723 WILL SACRIFICE 3-bedrm. home. south. Bsmt. furn. fireplace. Venetian blinds. Close to Leslie school. See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC., Realtors. VIEW HOME S-rm. home. Ph. 2-1633. Mod. HOME INCOME. 4 ant. bldg. $15,000: trade to $5000. 1510 N. 21st WHY PAY RENT? For $650 down and $23 per mo. you can own a modern S bedroom home with floor furnace, fireplace, Venetian blinds and oak floor. Full price. $2950. Hear ox 3311 center st or phone 529Z. BY OWNER 2 nice lots, 5-room mod ern house, 2 garage, fruit trees. Beau tiful lawn. $2500. Terms. 2460 Laurel. Phone 4757. . - Acre with mod. house, odd build Ings. bus service. Phone owner. 3274. ONE YEAR old. 2 miles out 1 acre, very mod. Venetian blinds, hardwood firs., auto, heat Private party. Phone 7172 for appointment. Exchange 'Beal Estate SALEM PROPERTY, trade for Ocean Lake house or cabin. Box 2206, States man. WILL PAY cash to $1500 for best smau home within s mues or saiem. rJ S. HIGGINBOTHAM - Hubbard, Oregon WANTED BEST Salem residential property in good district that $2000 cash will buy House in good condi tion. View property preferred. Box 2216 Statesman. Resort Property FOR RENT Nelscott Beach cottage. Call Dr. Kahe. 6160. Business Opportunities FOR SALE Six 2-room apts., all rented, close in. Box 2173. Statesman, RESTAURANT for Corner. Dallas. Ore., Doing good business. sale. Whlmpy'i 518 Church St Terms. RESTAURANT At fountain. Doing very good business. Fully equipped Adjacent to cantonment town of 3900, sawmill Ac fruit center. Til health rea son for selling. Dallas, Oregon, 424 Main St. FOR LEASE Country grocery, doing over $100 per day. gross sales, unusual ly good money making business. Frank Dooiittie, sas no. com l. For Sale Used Cars 30 PLYMOUTH D-L Sedan. 4 door. Good tires, new battery, excellent con dition, only 15,000. $720. One owner. Kenneth Perry. Ph. 9635. 30 Pontiac. eood rubber, good cond. new paint Fred Madeck, 110 Division. Buick coach, fine shape, tires ex cellent cond. $150 cash. 1010 Garnet St. 1935 Dodge Panel truck. Schoen's Bakery. 17 Dodge sedan $30. 1543 Franklin. Wanted Used Cars WE PAY TOPS! Get every dime your car la worth. Cash on the Barrel-Head "C" SHROCK SALEM'S oldest independent used ear dealer. NX Comer Church A Chem. Ph. 1922 CASH rOR good model A or car with 11-inch fares. Phone 21785. For Sale Wood WOOD for sale. Ph. 4108. PEALER CORES. $33 load. P. 3439. 400 CDS., more or less, about 3 mL from Salem. Good rd. Cut on shares. Inq. 629 S. Liberty. WOOD for sale. Phone 8660. Wood Sawing tea M Com L Ph. 2S23. Lost and Found VOTrNn In rest room. Catritol Bldg a pair of glasses. Owner pay for ad. Ph. 4171, CXt 335. Transportation DEFENSE WORKERS. Phone 9488 for transportation to Portland. Canby Youth Winner PORTLAND, Aug. lO-W5)- James Bany, Canby, won first place in a regional plowing con test conducted by the National Farm Youth foundation Saturday. Lodges Salem Lodge Ho. 4. AJT AAJM. Tttura, August u. js. A. aegree, S.fu p. m. . . Pacific Lodge No. SO, AJT. AJg. M SC. degree. WetU Aug. 12. 730 p. m. By order W. M, Hats at Home While Owners 0 l V; Pat Sheehy adds a hat to the wall of or as men in we netgnoorhood who vsed to drop In for a sandwich and a cooling drink bnt who have: left these mementos while they've rone into the armed forces. Pat has carefully placed United States flag and the owner's name beside each hat. (Associated Press Telenut.) rrV'" ifip-jlzt"ir WP-bt- I ill as, tM w.. "eiisr,:., wfc.y ..dcr. f- ,x .. ... J-v-e - M - i SS' V' ' l-l , - f Z w V . mS V5 nT H I Walklnr on her upturned side after she had heeled ever, navy salvage officers inspect the damage to a tanker which the navy said had been hit by an underwater explosion at sea off the ' Virginia coast. She heeled over while being towed to port, (Associated Press Telemat). NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Administratrix of the estate of Ralph R. Ratcliff, deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned, at Suite 210 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof- Dated and first published Aug ust 11th, 1942; last publication, September 8th, 1942. AMY RATCLIFF Administratrix, Estate of Ralph R. Ratcliff, Deceased. PAGE AND PAGE Attorneys for said Estate 210 Pioneer Trust Building Salem, Oregon. A 11-18-25 S 1-8 NOTICE OR APPOINTMENT Notice is hereby given that I have been duly appointed by the Circuit Court of Marion County, Oregon, Probate Department, as Executrix of the estate of Her man F. Rittmann, deceased, and have qualified as such Executrix; all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Ore gon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 25th day of July, 1942. EMMA HILLMAN, Executrix of Estate of Herman F. Rittman, Deceased. WALTER S. LAMKIN, Attorney, Salem, Oregon. J28-A 4-11-18-25 FINAL NOTICE OF EXECUTOR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the-undersigned, executor of the estate of JOHN T. KIRSCHER, deceased, has filed his final ac count as such, and . that August 26, 1942, at 10:00 o'clock. In the forenoon of said day has been fixed as the time, and the court room of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion Coun ty, at Salem, Oregon, has been fixed as the place, for the hearing of objections to said Final Ac count Dated and first published July 28, 1942. - VICTOR B. KIRSCHER, Ex ecutor of the Estate of' John . T. Kirsrher, Deceased. RHOTEN & RHOTEN, Pioneer Trust Building, Saiem, Oregon, Attorneys for the Estate. July28-Aug. 4-11-18-23 BUT. COOKE, rru. eawa t xss . a-aa ana.. as aass. . aam V iAu:syu i wcnm-kjjk HOURSTO GROW NEW rvou. his tavern oa Chicago's northwest Oiticers Inspect Damaged dtliticG in the News CAMP LEE, Va.-i53)-'If - the commandos can do it so can the quartermaster school." Cadet Earl Kuttler, 28, of .Poca tello, Idaho, had a right to say those words. He had just covered a two-mile course in 13 minutes, 13 seconds while -toting a fifty pound pack and a nine-pound rifle. The race grew out of an article in the school's orientation bulle tin that the commandos were re quired to make the two-mile. 'jaunt Iross Word i 2 T" "T" V7" 7"" a TO T To" 7T" (5 16 27 17 1 18 22 23 t 2.155" 24 27 5rI38"llZ iilzziz"izzi HQ 11 f0 77, 5 62 - 4iZ. HORIZONTAL 43 possessive l near the stern ; 4 equander pronoun 44 summit 46 like 47 relating to: suffix 48 bank clerks 01 divide 53 impress . with rcver entiat fear 54 wb-footed hlrda , 58 pronoun 57 through jr8 closed car 69 poem : t-ompanioa 13--gTet - extremely 'li etranger Hiong, nar- ; row inlet , 15 eagles - IT thief (Sp4 19- -W0rtl expressing negation 20- have ' " exjjptcnce ... 21-drunkard 22fasten 23Closely " confined 55 aemester 28 near 29cUcke beetle 21-bWy of " Water 52 persona who - earifor ; the sick S4 tidier , St-ig - -37 wait vpoi -ytabol for i neoa irj-piace " J Answer to A s kFTe i. 1 M l" sjp T TcrfcR u h ajMe E r h tZtToq p nIe-J' l5- N OG "iBjR A D"fsA Tj E F F OIR T3 M & Te.)w C A REFMPjAjLlLjAlC Y u T e "1er I e PCS tfjlTlAlRlEI JSlPlAl Arersge thne flit, tty Kiof go to War pwsaia..,jsot r . TlOY-l.S side, where there are already hats Tanker in full field equipment in 18 min utes. ! PATTERSON, NJ-P)-Miss Wong Ruth Mae Moy, 19, Is 99 pounds ot mechanical skill vs. the Japanese air force. She's a ma chine tool operator helping build aircraft engines at the Wright Aeronautical corporation here. American-born, she visited Can ton, China, with her family in time to see Jap planes strafe and bomb a demilitarized residential area. She came back to work here, but she left a boy friend in the Chinese air force. She makes 'em. He flies 'em. Puzzle VERTXCAXi 1 land measure : 2 household articles .3 cutfortnser tion into a ; mor4se, ' 4 existed ' symbol for ' alurnkuim -e noiseless A 7 beverace 8 onclud(il 9 object ' 10 French ' I- river ; 11 seaport la New Gulnot 18 Latin conjunction 18 decay 20 animals 22 part of win dow (pL : 23 entreaty, 24 dogmas 26 came Into, again 27 horses 29 aufflsc used to form pturala.' , ,30 malt : ' rock&ah 33enalce ' 35-:Pfi?d publicity i ''S8-i-vexed , 41 sun . " i ; 43 North- -western. t Estate ' .45 wooden pini j 47 exclania. . .. tion " - 48 draw Uquld i from : 49 sheep r;( CO female rutt si Japanese -.-coin :,. Saturday's puzzle. rro p coo OOSE tn A P B2 before ef sehttiaait mtnto 65 symbol for Feataros Syadteatsv latv - . .. aairiuo adjacent counUaa.