The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 07, 1942, Page 9, Image 9

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Service Men '.-JSSSZfL. r
Jack Billeter, Jr, has been pro
See Our New Cardboard
V- ---- - i ' I-",.', ;
Can be used in any room.
Clean, attractive, ;eff icK
ent. ' Holds half backet'
sand.- -
moted to private first class, ac
cording to word received here by
his parents, -Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Billeter, sr. Jack, jr, is stationed
g Health Tmk Vitamins Regularly
in Hawaii.:
Fred-Meyer Certified B Complex Capsules. 100's, $2.19
Fred Meyer Crrifid DiCakium Phosphat & Vioitrol Capiuks.
1001, 99e - . . ...
Fred Meyer Vitamin A Capsules, Fkg. 100s, $2.19
Fred Meyer Halivcr Oil Capsules, lOO'i, 93c '
Fred Meyer AB DC HiPotency Capsules, 100 s, $1.19
Fred MeyersB-1 Tablets, 1 mg, 1000s, $1.98
Fred Meyer Wheat Cerm Capsules. Pksj. of 50's. S9c
Fred Meyer Yeast and Iron Tablts.iPkg. of 100's, 43c
Fred Meyer Halivcr Oil & Viosterol, Caps, 1 CO's, $1 J.9
M ' A mk Si mm- m . m a " a. " am ja mrm 9 mm -
The distinguished flying cross
was awarded to Lt'.(JGV Keith
Holcbmb, 2305 Oxford street, for
3 Val. Scotty Dogs
With Lea$h $.98
Lif exile toy' Scotty '
dogs with long black -hair.
Thy lnak excellent birth
day or Cbriatmaa presents.
,T4 Utym Drmg 5rftwe
merly of Turner.
The reward came
to Holcomb for
' 'v . t
. -X . . ....
his bravery in
attacking an en
emy aimeid. He f
has lived, in Sa- I"
em since ,1933, vNC '
me-A-uay vitamin A v O Tablets, Fkf. vu s,
Dne-A-Day Vitamin B-Complex Tablets, Pkf.;30s, 7c
and a 1 1 e n ded, ,
Oregon S t a t e fvr
college before I
AU FrW Mtyt Drmt 5cdia
Th OUTGO:! ST ATESMATJr Sdam Oregon. Friclay MonIng, Aaguat 7. 1842
A 1
11 J
1 f
Charles J. Zerzan, jr recently
commissioned a second lieuten
ant In antiaircraft artillery, US
army. He Is the sen of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles J.' Zerzan of Sa
lem. US Army Signal Corps
' photo. . .
Chaplain and Mrs. James Jones
of Anchorage, Alaska, visited
briefly this week at the home of
Mrs.. Kenneth Dalton whose hus
band, a major in the quartermas
ter corps, is also serving in Alas
Logan, Fort Ord., Calif., visited
.several days at the E. D. Long
home recently.
visited this , week at the home of
his parents,' Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
Carey. He is stationed at Seattle
and is on duty at the naval post
Leland S. ; Fisher is now sta-
tioned at Camp Carson, Colo., ae
cording - to information received
by his mother, Mrs. Lillie Fisher,
He entered the US army July 14
and John Berning were among
those inducted into the army with
a group from Woodburn last week.
Henry Fetter, who is in a camp
in California, spent the weekend
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Fetter. He is being trans
ferred this week.
Carl Schwab, and Earl Jelderks
are to be moved soon from east
ern camps where they have been
stationed for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Manning re
ceived a letter this week" from
their son, James Manning, telling
. them he is in Australia, enjoying
life and reporting "the girls are
good looking."
val ' a .-;mrr h '.- f - ? .rz
Holcomb was in Salem In May
and shortly afterwards married
Miss; Helen Hkkey in Tacoma,
Wash. -V"
Roger E. Wicklander, injured in
a bus accident Tuesday, near
Olympia, has recovered suffi
ciently to leave the hospital and
reported Thursday for the US
coast guard at Port Townsend,
Wash J
Sidney Schleslnger, former
Willamette university student,
has been appearing as aa ama
teur actor in radio plays re
cently staged at Santa Ana army
air base in California. Schles
infer, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Max
Schleslnger, 1195 North Sum
mer street, has been in the ser
vice for about two months. He
is training as a pilot.
WOODBURN First photo
graphic letters from soldiers
overseas, were received here
this week. Among those receiv
ing letters were Mr. and Mrs.
F. M. Barrett, who live on the
highway between Woodburn
and Hubbard. Their, son, Les
ter Barrett, who Is a private
with the parachute troops sta
tioned in England, wrote to tell
of his life there.
LYONS Sgt. Keith Taylor,
who is stationed at Pendleton,
visited this week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Crabtree
and their daughter Cleta.
ZENA Lieut, and Mrs. Mau
rice Shepard are announcing the
birth of a son, July 30, at Fort
Lewis, where Lieut Shepard is I
stationed. He is a son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Shepard of Zena.
McNary Asks Wait in Scrapping
Of Battleship, Branch Rails
: " WASHINGTON. DC. Au2. 6-lPV-Senator McNarv has sue-
c-osfpri that th war production board use all scraD steel available
before it takes rajjs from branch railroads and historical objects.
It has been suggested tnat steel irom me nisioric ana de
commissioned battleship Oregon
' be used in the war effort, and the
board said it would requisition
about 25 miles of rails in the Vale-
Brogan branch of the Union Paci
fic railroad.
" The senator did not question the
: board's power to seize historic and
-railroad steel, granted by execu
tive order of President Roosevelt.
It has exercised this power num-
erous times in the past when it
has found the material would be
more valuable to the war . effort
than in its present state.
- '-- The' interstate commerce com
' t -mission has ordered for September
6 a hearing on the Union Pacific's
-petition ' to abandon , the branch
- rail line.
. - If the ICC denies the railroad's
ruest. and the -war production
Karr! decides to reautsition the
rails, Jlhe senator said, the situa
tion rhieht develop that the road
. would have to apply to WPB for
; . priority to keep the rails. ,
? -i a tn the suEfsested scrapping of
'' the Oregon, Senator McNary said;
-."I suggest that the WPB utilize aii
crap,' such as uie .oia sireeicur
. tracks in Portland, $ome of wnicn
ar hoinf covered with new sur-
i '' facing. I told those officials that
before any effort is made to break
' "J "up museums such as the Oregon, it
J should first use ail the oia street
car tricks in the country and use
imn and steel - found in all
: ;i ' cities. -' -: ": : '. -
,';' I insist' that "the Oregon and
-nthM- historical sites should be left
; unless we- reach a point where it
4. nMin take them from
" ntir rountrV.- and not just
; ; ; single out Cft-egtnt The sensible
i v thing,'ould;;be;totake tne ow
lrarWbiit" leave spur tracks and
our historical objects. . : "
" r Ranchers and miners served by
7 the ValBrogan branch, have pro
- , tested against requisitioning of the
reel. :- ";,'-.;:.-;.-,
'V .r;.;. .". : ?
Public Employes 1
ScHeJulo Picnic )
W A merlV'an Federation of
"fit rnimtv nd State Employes
kill' nimic Ausrust 23 at Dallas
narc" Ice cream and coffee
ixjt to bf served fey the etimmittee
v ri : it i xrcted that more than
'. : 1000 persons wui attena. .
i sThe affair-is sponsored by lo
4 al 44 .and all Oregon, Marion tad
A " cim ;miHi moliTves "sure iA-
' :' Tiidd. Anv nubiic ' employes in
' ; counties, - or municipalities adja
r ir xtarion "coimty are invited
V Mail Now
Ready Here
"V mail" for service men and
women in overseas service is now
available through the Salem post
office, Postmaster Henry R. Craw
ford announced Thursday.
Three envelopes may be had
UDon application at the postoffiee
The letter is written or typewrit
ten on paper which is mailed with
the required amount of postage.
When it reaches the army or navy
postoffiee it is photographed on
microfilm which requires much
less space in transfer.
When it reaches the overseas
point for which 'it is. intended it
is enlarged and printed on paper
similar to that on which it was
written. The original copy of the
tetter is kept until the microfilm
has been enlarged and the letter
printed. - . .
The aim of the "V mail" is to
conserve Space and provide 11
possible more rapid transfer
mail. " ; . J 1 '
Rain Helps Put Out ;
Oregon Range Fire '
BAKER. Aug. 6WflVRa"in aid-
ed farmersf railroad workers and
other volunteers to- stamp out
35-mile-long range- fire that
roared between Durkee and
Pleasant Valley for two days.
S The fire " was controlled ; late
Tuesday, and reported out;Tuesr
day night It seared grazing land
destroyed haystacks and. unoccu
pied homestead cabms. Its origin
was undetermmed. ' 7
Succumbs td Burns
MARSIiriELD "Aug. 6HhAr
vin Gibson, 5-month-old son of
Mr.l and Mrs.' v F." Gibson,' ; died
Wednesday of. Burns-suffered In
an explosion of an oil stove at the
Gibson Vhome Tuesday, '
A six-year-old daughter suf
f ered bums in ah attempt to res
cue her brother.-
Women who suffer pain of Imrulr
periods with cranky smutnet
du to monthly functional dlsturk
aactn I. Mouid, try Lyoia E. PlBk
bam's. VceetalO re
lieve sacik difttrMs. Made espedaUJT
tor women. PoHow label direction,
woara TKTLNOt
Hit l ft IIiiuhauI 4 t&mfiUHt
M 3
Special Combination Offer!
FREE! Woodbury Fact Pdr.
wirh purchase Reg. 59c Jar
Woodbury Cold Cream
. Take advantage o thla AIX. ff Oi
. specUl offer today ana rw J
try Woodbury's famous - . u .
cosmetiea for your skin.
IW MtjrT Drug Smttimm
Give Your Baby This Pre-Cooked Cereal
Cerevim Baby Food
New Lew Price
Choose From I Color Tone
50c Pond's Lipstick
Dark Secret m
Rascal Bed IOC
Heart Throb V .
Honey ,. . I -
Natural-;' ' ' t -
of 10
i Grain
Tour child will thrive on this 1-lb.
specially prepared cereal. Rich Pkf.
in neceaaary Tttanina and min
erals for healthy bobies.
Ft4 Mnr Drmg Stetimm
Gives the Appearance of Silk Hose for Summer Wear!
Gaby Leg Llaheup
Sun Tan Shade
Wear "Victory' hose by simply applying Gaby Leg Makeup to
your legs. WiU not harm clothing or shoes. Washes off with soap
and water. ,
he Blades That Last Longer and Save Steel!
Blue Steel
Razor Blades
Precision Ground
Imported Swedish Blue Steel
Blades You'll like at Once!
Shafe with My-T-Fine blue at eel
blades once . . and you'll be con
vinced that there is the blade for
your shaving. Smooth, quick-as-a-v-ink
shave that starts every day
right. Try My-Te-Fine today!
FrmJ Mmytr Drmg Stctimn
fri Myr Drmg Xactraia
New Snpev-Fta Pewder ;
Toorh Powrfer
sS 39
Quick CSeajMingV
Safe Pure
Frad Myr Drmg S(iw
Tbe dinariB Iqt this
ehocolat drink i. . anS
it' i good (or (hurt . .
rleb fa n1ll My-
balidiDC COTMBU.
Frd Mmyar Drmg Sctia
"42" Eucalyptus
Oil Shampoo
25 49'
Keep Hair Well Groomed . . . Alive
$1.00 Value Lucky Tiger
Hair Tonic With Oil
A wondrrf u! oil ibi
Ko for 4 r j hu.iT.
It full of nat
ural glow and briK
lln . . - helps kcp '
your hair wu mrwut-cd.
r"rW Mmytr Drmg Sirtimm
. Treat your hair to the finest tonie it's
' ever bad. Use Lucky Tiger and notie
how well groomed it remains throughout
the day: Easily used . . and is not "sticky"
or "oily in appearance. You'll like Lucky
Tiger for .your hair. . j
frmd Myr Drmg Mttimm
SpocicI Purchase end Sale of
Coxod Stationery
r v)
;i : 4-;. .-, r2 tf:
- t - - - - ..... . i i mmniilMn
s. fe St
fUO Val. Tuiiy "Dais
rovrder. Special at IOC
For a Limited Time Only!
rW Itmymr Drmg Smttimm
1M Tussy Pinafore $1.00
Roq. 25c Citrate of Magnesia 9c
$1s35 Value Lydia Pinkham's 89c
$1.00 Tussy Deodorant Cream 50c
50c Aspirin Jablets, 100s, 24c
50c Cocomalt t55S, 1 lb. 25c
35c Prep Shaving Cream 23c
75c Value 7-pc. Glass Derry Set 25c
Fred Meyer Mouthwash, pint, 27c
15c Paring Knives 9c ea.
$1.50 oLUh Liquid Floor Wax 90c
$2 Gordon's Malted Milk 5-Ib. 99c
$2.00 Ybry Infusion Cologne $1.00
$1.25 Cleansinq Cream 69c
$1 Tussy Cologne 50c
60c Doan's Kidney Pills 44c
10c Sweetheart Soap, 4 Dars 19c
Frmd Hunt Drmg Sgetimm
Have a Camera-Perfect Complexion Daily
Squibbs Mineral Oil, 16-oz. bot. 59c
Bicarbonate of Soda, 16-oz., 31c
Squibbs Aspirin, bot. of 50 tabs. 29c
Squibbs Castor Oil, 6-oz. bottle, 41c
Squibbs Soda Phosphate, 4-oz., 49c
Squibbs Daby Oil, 5-oz., 43c ,
All Squibb's products are guaranteed to be equal to anything you
can purchase in the drug stores today. They are the result of years
of scientific research to brine; you the fineet products obtainable
for your health. Tour doctor will recommend Squibb s.
For.Summer Protection ,
. Odo-Ro-No
Cream Deodorant1
is- - easily
applied . . gives posi-
tive day-Ion t proteetion
ea the warmest days.-'' -.
Myr Drug 5c(i'w
75c Value Now Only
Take advantage of thia special purchase aal :
now and buy stationery for your future needs.
. Send atationery-to your'fl-ienda'.in the ier?icer
it will be.a. welcome srift. High quality, smooth r
paper at Fred Meyer Thrifty prices.
fj'yyy jUib
ft t
1 fc
; :-s:Z r- t ' s
'Have a Cemera-Perfect Complexion Daily
Elmo Photo Finish
la YsHir Favotite Sfiask ?
Nude Kabl
Peaveh Copper
Elmo Photo-Finish Makeup Is special
ly prepared to giva you a compiexioa .
Just )Uc. that your favorito moviatar -has.
Photeecnie . . camera-serf ect at
mwwiikmiwiwi.'W.')ii''' .wmmwH r
- aS times.
T - " : -. ,
Frmd Mmyar Drmg St tin
Kew Federal Ketail fmUm Tax of It Now Appllea an An Toiletries,
rcrfomMi rlcw laciaded la tho Tax Law ad WtD IV AdsVd to tko
. 'BetaU Prka at th Check Studs sad to AH Mail Orders.
- Prkcs CoFridayThroiijh Monday 3 'f
-5 "is
.Drn; Bid;. .
With Cms
Ran .
Saves tima and .
tra-laundry. Stock. ;
Bp- today, i- ,,. "I
- (Vol Attef Aniust- :
Ttmi Myr Drmg liiliw . I;.
10 Cslits sr Apr'
. 1DELT. 4 .'
! a TOO, H w .
-tories (or stondaisT I
iiaiaiiKnis. v i
after Au. 10. 1M2).
Prm Mm Drmg Stmt mm
mL .
:speyhs.: v
-w.-v-,. w.b
Vaady nteasaiiiif spooa'tliaC hMa
,,naolniBal isaspooa... . ,
o JfsjMr ra w
Vcrthy Cod
Liver Oil, ;
rtti VC
U Worthy Cod
Urtr Oil la your,
home; EcononJeal. '
yet biologically
tested . sad staa-datdixed.
Barbara Could Skylark
-Ode Cfcaraa" Be
- : ContaUas - ,r ?
Skylark Trrfume
Barbara Geold SoaaTf
Talc aad Cototrao
A lovely gift for any eecaeioa "
Buy bow Tor "your- Christmas
givina. , -
frmi ttmymt Drmg Swttimm
rake Vacatiot Pictures!
1.50 Val. Waldorf
Miniature Camera '
Compact, candid -type
camera that takes ex. ,
ccllent pictures. It's
lightweight . . easy to carry. Usee
127 sire film. Take this handy
camera with you on your vaca
tion trip. I
Drmg a rhmtm JAfnat
Corn Remedies
Blue g6fi-7
Corn Pads
Give Quick, almost
Instant relief from
painful corns and bunions.
lie Dr. Schells t Drop Cora
Remedy 31 r
SSe Freesone 27e
SSe nr. SctteUs Zino Fade 48 le
JAJ Cora Fade 15e
Dawee Cora Remedy 85
SSe Moore) Cora and Callous ,
Remover 3D c
FrmJ Myr Drmg Sttimm
SmaH Siae Etiquet
Deodorant Cream With
Purckas of Regular Sim
EHejuet Daodoesnt OOaa'
Cream, loth For sf V W;
A positive aid for not offending
during" warm months. Easily ap
plied . . will not harm clothing.
frmi Mtygr Drmg Itch' '
: Brushless
Shave Cream
- If oils leaves your skisr smoeth,
4 freohfeeling after shaTiag. ftti
- ISc Colfates Skav Cream
' 27e;- : ;:
SOc larWlsl Shava Crsam
. '?9eil'' )l
I0e! MeafteiTs Skfva Cream "
JOeWilliams: Skava Cream-
10c Palme4ivt SJiavt Cream 1 1
27c - - :
turma-Sk'ava 29ci
Frmi Mmymr Drmg $ ftimm
; 50s PrYc:ft Vray
, : Licuid Dentifrice -
w scr. , - - . fc ....... jr
Piclmick ;
ti CafHlWUtkt I
ft f;. Nrfvimei'' -r:;:T'
i XJne. EaV VC J
vTeuTl Wd this aaT
' e I e u s ' f rasraaee:
From the fasaeus I
Piekwkk eosiaeticsi I aftr Aua-uaf .
" trU Hmrt thmrn ij
Shampoo Oit Tint;
.. ..
1 ' . i-'
- Try a fee drops f .
Vrsj ca your toota
brush v. tomorrow ;i :; j
norning. Teu'll like '
it pleasant, taste : ; 1
an 4 h.prad of the ,
extra eleaa look"
your teeth have.' '-''.
1 1
- a Tees shstee ed:
'. Colors :
'CaarsOP . Is easy', to
, ee . . Uate as tt
-cjeaasesL Leaves
appeai-tat; .-.- ot
. aruuciauy iv"
AeaT Mtym Drmg g,
W JTayw Drmg
- .
ri ita ' nirnJi. those . in
akicjiu v
'-.Saharge have 4 announced.'