FACE ltlZiLTtuT Where You Gat The Most east. . .Statesman Tbs OREGON STATESMAN. Sclera Oregon. Friday Morning, August 7 1912 The L Classified Jbor irage Claa-lfled Advertising Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 rhrec Insertions per tint -JSe Six Insertions per Una 40c One month per Unt - 11.23 Minimum charge 25c; S tt. min imum 33c; 6 tt. rain. 45c No . refunds. Copy tor this paf accepted un til 4.30 the evening before ubiica- toon for fbm Motion. Cony re- eeived after thia tun win to roa under Um heading To Late to Classify." The Statesmen hmom a (Man' elai resBooeibUirv for error which lay -appear ia idverttsementa pub lished ia lta column and la ease where tola paper i at 'fault will renrint that Dart of an advertise snent la which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman racer ea the right te reieet juesoonabM advertising It (urther resenre the right to Dlac all advertising under the or opet classification A "Blind" Adan ad coo ta mint Statesman box number tor an ad' dress ia for the protection at trie advertiser aod must th rtfore I answered b- letter. The Statesman ta not at liberty to divulge Infor mation as te in identity ex an advertiser using a "Blind ad. Livestock end Poultry Jersey-Guernsey cow $75. Ph. S-2361. Hop Pickers Attention - flop Pickers $1.50 per cwt- lbs. Register now for picking our early nd late cluster hops. Season commences about Aug. 25th. On of the best and largest yards In the St. Paul section. Beat or accom modationa. such aa 'abiaa, tana. elec. beautiful campsite, with store on rrminds. citv prices. To register writ WiUiams St Hart. P. O. Box 133. Salem. . or phone 3713 or 2-2681. HOP PICKERS wanted. Brown Island Hop Co., phon 7958. Early and late hops, prevailing prices. Lang j"" Good accommodations. 4tt miles S. W, Of Salem on Willamette veroj. WANTED hon Dickers, early and lt. hnna Clrtrui eraa end good aCCOm modations. Orey Hop Ranch. Ph. 2-2766 ftt. 3. Bex 197. HOP pickers wanted at VIesko Hop Yard. 10 mi. north of Salem. - near Wheatland Terry. Good hops. $250 per 100 lbs. Start Aug. 17th. 30-day nickine. Good camp grounds.. John Bushman. Rt. L Gervaia. 125 Acres early St late hops. Pick In starts about Aug. 18 $2.50 per 100 lbs. Yard on Wheatland Ferry rd. t Mission Bottom. S ml. north of Sa m. Transoortation free to at from v.rd. V. O. Keller. Rt. X. Box 217 Ph. 2249. , : $2.50 Per Hundred Lbs. Register now for early and late hops, Lone season, atari picsmg w f"" loth. Phone 3712. days. 2-2239 evenings Fir Grove Hop Ranch NOW registering hop pickers for m. hM A milea west of a Lm. Cabins Sc good crop, Williams St nuies ThacKer mono iiMb Help Wanted Upholsterers, refrigerator serviceman ft linoleum layers. H. L. Stiff. FOUNTAIN girl, experienced. $4 day, 8 hours. One night fry cook, as day of 8 hours, one waitress, experienced. $4 day of S hours, one short hour girl. 50c hr- must be experienced. On li.hu.-ashr male. $4 day at 8 hrs., in cluding meals. Arthur Peters, Labor Temple, 259 Court. " CARD room, spinning "room help needed. Thos. Kay Woolen MM Co. JANITORS, nurse helpers, kitchen helpers. Good wages. Apply ta per son. Oregon State Tuberculosis hos pital. ' .Help .Wanted Male - Wrkrs new employed ta war pre faction sbeal et sppty aad will sot be considered fer employs by em ployers advertising in this esc tie.. MAN te work on farm. Hae. to live In. good nay. Wood. Its., wat. Phone toiS Fri., 4114 thereafter. Elderly man or boy to waah dishes. belp in autenen. m n. atn. BOY over IS for storage garage Klght work. 250 N. High. unr.HT watchman, no hard work. Salem Parking Service. 14S S. Church. Help Wanted Female 150 0O month. ' experienosd house keeper 29 to 45 years, live in. 3390 Portland Hoaa. - -nnrLrJ- ELDERLY lady for fall time house- work. 450 Locust St. . . . . : GIRL tor Gen. housework Jt car of ehiidren $45.00 per mo- room and board. CaU 8270. : EXP. WAITRESS. Cheerio Inn. WAITRESS with soda fountain exp. Cook, permanent Job. The pa- Situations Wanted Want a permanent Job in country as housekeeper. Mamie Beal. 430 N. Lib erty. SALESLADY wants steady employ ment in store, box zzia jwiranun. Mothers car to small children. 2142 S. Winter. Capable stenographer. FBX operator, fast typist. iu yrs. xp, """JL. J. oorarv or permanent work. Ph. 7753, HOUSE PAINTING Decor, kala, exper. Ph. 7552. . For Sale Miscellaneous Used daybed, complete with . mattress $1450 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 17$ N. Liberty Phon 41$ : ADVERTISINO Vtstern Advertising . ; BepresentatJves Cmtis D On- tna. Francisco Los Angela Seattle Eastern Aorvertisina . Representatives Ward -Griffith Company ma. Chicago. New York, Detroit . v Boston. Atlanta : Entered the PostofJIce at Salem, Oreoo. as Second Class Matter. Pup. fished every moraine except Monday. Busmeas ofice lJ Scmih Commercial sVtraet, SUBSCRIPTION RATE3 Man Subscription Rata ta Advance! Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. M en Mi.tr sT Una si OCr. 1 rear $S 00. Eiisewhere SO centa per mo. or $7 J tor 1 year tn advaaes Pee copy S centa. 8r City unsr, as Umrtom and Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS tAl WKITa, or nhona 101011 ( Salem oldest largest bom owned i norne nauita nnanee lnstltu i Hon Year financial affair will be aiscussea ana loana made In atrictast privacy you woi be given every eon- swerauon m in repaying of rout loan or granting of extensions. 1 to U MONTHS TO REP AT You can pay ta full an time to I reduce the coax ONLY BORROWER SIGNS. No endorser Loana made on furni ture or not ROY H SIMMONS. UQR U, No. af-132. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie Ne S-13S 134 So. Commercial St Phon 91111 First door south of Ladd at Bush bank Convenient ground floor location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments Money for new or used care No delay or red tape, you will retain possession of the vehicle. 1 to 15 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 13 South Commercial Street Phone MSB Ue No. M-15 J I MONEY TO LOAN, On Farm, at, or Acre. g. Property CHUJDS Si STTT-I.TTP. INC. S44 Stat. St. Phone 92S1 WE LOAN on (arm, residential Jk business property W1U ouy mortgages or contract!. HAWKINS St ROBERTS. NC Realtors. Guardian Building. Financial WANTED -To buy for cash Real estate mortgages, real- estate contracts, merchandise discount paper. State Finance Co. 344 Stat. For Sale Miscellaneous 3 used dressers, each $ 5.00 Kitchen cabinet, nearly new:.$15.00 Used'velour davenoort $15.00 Used velour davenport $10.00 used oak at leather davenport f a.00 a usea Deos, springs at mat tresses. CS. $10.00 TJsed 50 lb. icebox 1 9 JO Used 40 lb. icebox $ 7.00 Used all cast wood circulator $39.50 BRIGHT FURNITURE STORE 453 Court Ph. 7311 S pc. dining rm. set, complete bed room set. 2040 Madison. Used oak finish dresser $11.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty Phone 4615 Piano $50. 1854 N. Capitol. Ph. 5840. Fryers. Ph. 6285 after 6 p. m. NICE clean white Bermuda onions. John Mather, 2413 N. 5th. Used brass birdcage and stand. complete : $10.00 UtVUKlX t UiuNIl llnE CO. 275 N. Uberty Phone 4613 restXu!Ca1tHeqcipment Coca-Cola pop cooler; gas automatic water heater; Wells electric automatic fry kettle, like new: several steel base counter stools; thirty feet of counter at stool base; well built sandwich table with bread 8c bun drawer: gas griddle. exhaust hood & vent pipe; back bar Sc pie case; dishes and other restaurant equipment. See La Dou, 183 N. High. Phone 9661. Used Extension Breakfast Table (6 JSO GSVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty Phone 4615 USED' furniture for cash. Some like new. Call after S p. m. 740 Ferry, apt. 5. MONTAG wood range, an enamel with coils. Call at 310 Vista Ave. TRAILER, 3 good tires. Phone 3676. 1 3 only. Canvas Hammocks, each $3.50 I GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 173 N. Liberty Phone 4619 LEAVE ORDERS now for cucumbers. Irrigated.) H. C. Shields. Ph. 6979. eves. DRY POULTRY fertilizer. Summer special. 25 cents per sack. Bring sacks. Ph. 22861, Lee Hatchery. Used Daveno . $19 JO I GEVURTZ rUKNITURE CO.. 275 N. Liberty Phone 4618 HOGG BROS have a limited supply of electric water beaten. SEE HOGG BROS- 28 State St. for liberal trade tn on your old furniture. Aprons greet eds, gifts. 479 N. High. Warated F urnitnre F. N. St GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers Si furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade for furniture St household goods. We buy or sell everything. Ph. 5110. CASH PAID for furniture of all kinds. CaU I 7141 or se Bill Hall. 705 S. 12th. CASH FOR used furnrtur St hoase- boid goods. R Fergey Ph. 1440. Wanted Miscellaneous NEEDED immediately. Usable ac cordions. Highest jrice paid in cash. Give full description and approximate price wanted. Ray Wilkinson studios. 720 S. W. 4th Ave . Portland. BE. S3ZS. SUNLAMP. State model and price. P. O. Box 331. saiem. HOME for female puppies. Ph. 3-1163. USED FURNITURE Ph. 8185. HIGHEST cash prices paid for USED or JUNK TTRES or TUBES Don Madi son. 590 No. High. Miscellaneous ANYONE wants kitchen refuse in quire at Chinese Tea Garden. WE SELL feeds and buy grain. North west Poultry. 1503 N. Front Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST riM Bring or Mall Your Plates fortepalr DR. HAKSX SKXLtK, ULniUi Adolph Bldg . SUtt at Com'L Ph. 3311 For Rent Rooms SLEEP. rm close tn. Ph. 449. FURN. rm mod. home 233 N. 13. CHRISTIAN WORKTNO girls co-op home. SSS N. Winter. Phone 7067. GOOD BOARD, good rm. 1227 Court. NICE, sleeping rm, ESS laarion. SLEEPING room 729 Court St X - - - ' - - - - MWw THERE, fTS ALL V - I K UcV CVM I i I N I I jWELL Ml 7Vf5 ABlC3 ji I FmtLwy COME OUT AKIo7 -i- Tl PCSTAiRS AKD OUGJH - . V J SETUSWLLjJ Z SUPPER YVfSS fN3OOAS WLJS5?T) t v mi pos-wouss c - chjttoZ,TVL upstairs f ? f:; : j?A A ' I MADE FOR -JSs3LcJi' " TM fy -vL-r J Cur BL02I3 Money to Loan Follow Uncle Sam's Advice! GET OUT OF DEBT We Will Help Yon! We will loan you up to $300.00 with which to get rid of your pst du bills or other obligations and protect your coed credit. You caa then repay ue in modest monthly amounts so small that they would not . go far among many creditors yet large enougn to pay oft your loan with us ta a year or less. Come In for free information without any obligation. Cash for Fuel Order Your Winter's Supply Now! For Personal or Auto Loans, See CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY 313 Court St Phone 4448 Salem S-228 Lie. M-278 LOANS-S25 to $300 M tpjr worthy P debts for medical or dental work or for some otner worthy purpose can qualify foi a loan st Personal John C Heeren. Manager PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Ground Fir. New Bit eh Bid 512 STATK STREET! At High Street) Telephone 3191 Stat Licenses: S 122. M-165 Auto Loans -Willamette Credit Co. ITH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUB-DINO LICENSE N. at 158 MONEY to loan. Bx. 2181. Statesman MTG. loans. 4'i to 6. Let US re finance your mtg. now. while rates are low. ABRAMS St ELLIS. Inc.. Masonic Bldg Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 0 interest W. B. uRA BENHORST at CO. REALTORS Room and Board BD. and room. 678 N. Cottage. BOARD St ROOM. 3 meals daily. Sun. Single or dble. 1563 Court. SLEEPING RM for two, board if desired. Ph. 4406. 700 Stewart St. Accommodate 3 busL girls. Ph. 718S. BETTER BRD & rm. 745 S Coml St For Rent -Apartments 4 rm. turn. Modern $25 roo. Adults. 1. 7328 or 3131. NICE small turn., adults. 590 Union, 2 ROOMS, furnished apartment. water, lights, phone, washer, sis, 541 Mill . . - APTS. for couples, utilities Included, $20 and S22. 2261 Hazel Ave. J-RM turn.. 2nd fir. Adults. SIT-SO 960 Pamsh. Fb. 3649. 3-RM furriT apt., elec. stove, prt". ent. 2160 N. 5th. 2 St 3 rm unfurn. apts $12 Sc $14. 1325 Ferry. Ph. 5222. SMALL turn, apt., S. 1701 Center, SMALL apt 841 N. Liberty. JULY 28 2-r close in. also smaller apt.. $14.50. Inq. 639 N. Liberty. . CLOSE in. 891 N. Coml $13 month. 1 to rm apta. $6 QV. 1310 S. 13th. APARTMENTS 2310 N. 4th. For Rent Houses tin Rusinesa location. $20 Small house, north, redecorated. ra sn Oood 1 H R. home. i C. H SANDERS 231 N. High W3S Business Cards in this directory ran a monthly basis only. Rate: $L25 per Una per month. Anto Brakes Mix Panek. I7S South Commercial Batteries WTLLARD batteries, all types R D Woodrow. 394 Church. Phone 9600. Bicycles BICYCLES. New and reconditioned Harry W. Scott 147 S Corn el P. 451S Chiropractic Physicians a A. Sternberg. S4S N Capitol 3731 Chimney Sweep Northnees Chimney Sweep. P. 4450 FlorisU IBrelthaupra 441 Court PImbs 1199 Funeral Directors ' TerwUllger Funeral Bom. Pb, Mattresses SALEM FLUFF ItOQ atATTBKSS Co New Ssattreane ld made, rug cleaning & weaving. 8 Utn St Wilbur Tel Siu Zwicksrs. , CAPTTOL BEDDING CO. Phone 06P For Rent Houses WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU .Want to selL- exchange. lease, rent, see Mr. Larsen, Mr. Collins or Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins Roberta. Eieht one and two room furnished apartments, close to Federal Unem- Dloyment Commission - N. Church. $50. OOmonthly. Will sell on long Urn contract. - Abrams St Ellis Inc. Masonic Bldg. S Rm. house. Elec. water system. barn. SIS. 2 mi. west of Salem on Gehlar Rd Inq. Rt 1, Bx 55 or ph. S1F3, NEW 4-RM. I mi. SW. Salera. No elec, $13. Inq. 1410 S. 12. 3-RM. COTTAGE In country. Ex change for morn. St eve. chorea. Lta, mux. itt. x, box uuu 4-RM . one bedrm- house, laundry trays, attached garage. bo n. mu. For Rent MODERN downtown low rent Phone S470. office rooma, TRUCKS for rent You drive Me- Cune St Lovell phone 9600. MODERN COTTAGES. S4 Si UP Junction Auto Court So commercial Wanted to Rent LARGE house, xroom cow, chickens, in or near Salem, Option, buy. 1169 Fir, For Salt; Real Estate HOMES FOR SALE: $2150 Good 3 r. home with oak firs, large east front lot. near Leslie school. $700 cash. baL $17.60 per mo. $2250 4 r. plastered home with base ment, furnace, fireplace, paved street; must be all cash. $4000 6 r. modern home on Market St. near N. Summer; V cash, bal. terms. $4500 Sr. modern, N. bummer St., 'i cash, bal. terms. $8000 Good 8 r. home, modern In every way, in good condition. 1616 Court St.; cash. $3500 Sr. home with basement furnace, fireplace; 1677 S. High St; IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. $3850 Late modern 5 r. home. 1980 Hazel Ave. $2450 cash; bal. Terms. W. H. GRAB ENHORST Sc CO, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 FOR SALE Close in Service Station doing good business in every department Takes $500.00 plus invoice. $4600.00 Modern air conditioned 5 room home, attic, bsmt and garage. North end. We have numerous calls for houses that can be purchased for reasonable payments down and some offer all cash. Please call us up. P. H. Bell, Realtor 212 Guardian Bldg. Phone 8168. BY OWNER 2 nice lots, 5-room mod ern house. 2 garage, fruit trees. Beau tiful lawn $2500. Terms 2460 LaureL Phone 4757. MODERN home on Fairmount Hill, very reasonable. Phone 6985. FOR SALE: One of the best homes in Salem, attractive and complete in every de tail; brick construction, nice yard and shade trees. This home must be seen to be appreciated. Price $30,000. IF YOU WANT A REAL HOME AT THE RIGHT PRICE. INVESTIGATE THIS. W. H. GRA BENHORST Sc CO, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 SPECIAL For quick sale we offer a neat 4-rm. modern house in No. Salem lor only $3100. - EXCHANGE 5-rm. house to No. Sa lem Priced $2700 To trade for 4-bed-room houses-Pay $1000 difference. See Lelace H. Ellis with Leo N. Child s. Inc.. Realtors, 344 State St. Ph . 9261. : WHY PAY RENT? For $650 down and $23 per mo. you can own a modern 2 bedroom heme with floor furnace, fireplace, Venetian blinds and oak floor. Full price. $2950. Rear of 3311 Center St or phon S292. LOOK. $250 DOWN: Modern 3 r. home, fireplace. auto. heat, living r. finished in knotty pine, large- combination kit Sc irfiook, one bed r., garage attached, east near Sil verton rd. Price $2850; bal. $30 per mo. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H. GRABENHORST Sc CO REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 FOUR UNIT furn. apt hse. Near state house, all dear, income $90. Will consider small trsee, pal. easy terms. Box 2212, Statesman. Directory Painting & Paperhanging Experienced fta onsble. Ph. 4325. Paints and Lacquers Complete line NASON painta Liberal terma. R. D. Woodrow. SM N. Church Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards pamphlets programa, boats or any ktnd of print me. call The Smtasraaa Printing De partment. SIS 8. Commercial. Tele- pheaw S10L Sawdust CLEAN, screened, fir sawdust 21255 Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write. Phone or Call for Booklet, see N Capitol Spraying & Painting Spraying Se spray painting. Ph 21761 Transfer n.nnrtrsi ratrrncs rox BBtfl Btanketa fura. 1ST a. Liberty. Ph 8062 rOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer ttorsre. burner oil, briquets rracks to Portland daily Agent Pierce Auto Freight Including Calif, points Larmer iTanaier ut ro- aiu. Vacuum Cleaner Service IREE InoactioM in vour noma An thorized Hoover senrica. W sernce all makes cleaners. Hogg Bros. Pb. 8I4t Well Drilling C 3. Pugh. 2123 Myrtle. Phon t33t SL A. Wast St Son. Rt 4. R 445. 3-2290. For Sale Used Cars PICKUPS-PICKUPS A GOOD SELECTION 1934 Chevrolet 4 door Sedan, runs good. 1937 Pontiac Sedan, very clean, h 1933 Dodge Sedan, a dandy. 1929 Model A Sedan. V ' PICKUPSTRUCKS ; 2wheel stock trailer, very PICKUPS 1938 Ford Pickup, a dandy. 1938 Chevrolet Truck, long wheelbase, A-l rubber, perfect shape. lr . 1939 Ford Panel, like new, small mileage. 1935 , Ford Pickup, runs perfect. - NASH USED CAR LOT 240 Center Street, Salem, Oregon Bank Terms Trades Phone 3734 For Sale Real Estate 1640 Norway. S rms. H.W. floors. bsmt., furn., fireplace, price reduced to $4500.00. see Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS Sc ROBERTS. INC.. Realtors OR TRADE for smaller home $6506. Beautiful S rm. modern home 50x100 corner. Double garage, furnace, fire place. Hdw. floors. Double plumbing, near Grade-Hi school St bus. Owner. Ph. 4253. 5 Room house, corner lot. $2500. Down payment $1,000. Ph. 4531. $1730.00 Good two bedroom house not far from Airport. Terms. D. A. Fish. 477 Court. 4 R. house with fun bsmt.. located at 571 S. 17th St. Price $2100. Terms. W. G. KRUEGER. REALTOR 147 N. Com'l. Phone 4728 1520 Norway Fine S rm. bungalow. bsmt. furn.. fireplace. H.W. floors. Immediate Dossession. See Mr. Good win with HAWKINS St ROBERTS, INC., Realtors, t For Sale Farms 20-ACRE FARM for sale. Fruit, straw berries, garden, cow. heifer, chickensH good buildings. 7, miles souui aaiem, south of Rosedale church. J. Lynn. Route 4, Box 221A, Salem. Acreage SPECIAL 48 Acres of good, black soil, an in crop. Small set ot ouiioings. electri city, paved road. If sold in next 10 days, 'i of crop will go with place, for $3500. A REAL SNAP! KOSTEIN At AOOLTH, !-. 110', N. Commercial St. LOOK, LAND BARGAIN: ISO ml 11 miles east on paved road. over Is in crop; a fine stand of fir timber; all year stream. Price $30 per acre. Must b caA. Horry. W. tt. iiiuuuknnuiui as ivs., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 : unnntm suburban HOME lutt what Vou want. 10 a. of best land in the valley. Choice walnut, fil bart shrubs, flowers, fruit trees. Rnuu s rooms, bath. elec. water sys tern, deep well. You will have to see it to really appreciate. $5500, or the improvements and nve acres ior pw. Let us show you this place. See Louis Bechtel or Mrs. Needham. 341 State, Room 4. umnr thitv LAST I A S7 an-H Ent eood soil, good road, elect Close to school. Price $900 $100 down. $10 mo. Buy now, never C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 3838 em nt1sW1 is Wanted Real Estate WILL PAY $5,000 to $6,000 cash for late home In N. 9 to 12 a. m. E. Salem... Ph. 8746 Resort Property FOR REN r Nelseott Beach cottage. Call Dr. Rah. 0160. Business Opportunities Sell or rent $15 mo' small equipped lunch tt confection. - Onlv $400 inc. fixtures. Clean going restaurant, 4 room hiring quarters. cTh. SANDERS 231 N. B-SS3S RESTAURANT St fountain. Doing v.rv ol business. Fully equipped Adjacent to cantonment town of 3900, sawmill St fruit center. Ill health rea son fer selling. Dallas. Oregon, 424 Main St FOR LEASE Country grocery, doing nrr at no nr div. (rail aales. Unusual rv good money making business. Frank DooUttle. 395 No. ComX ipt TtntrsE. ante- furnished, eood location, steam h. Write Box 2210. co Statesman. . mR SALE In come property, clear. S-rm. mod. home. S 3-rm. cottage near beach. $5000. part cash. On acct. f age. Mrs Emma A. uaii. tuun wity, Ore. . - " Damn mtaA. fixtures At eauipment Bids open on all or any part. Shop open noon to 4 p. m. or call 7577 for iKnotntmem. Lam ua s .. 127 N. High. - . S S-rm apt house. Close to. Box 2173. sutesman. For Sale Wood WOOD for sate. Ph. 410S. . PEALER CORES. $33 load. P. 3439. 200 CORDS dry slab wood, banked Out P. 9533 FINEST quality, large, .dry. growth. 4 ft fir. SS30. P. 5533. tnd 409 CDS, more or leas, about S nd. from Salem. Good ra. cut on snares. Inq. 623 S. Liberty WOOD for sale. Phone Wood Sawing 1 960 N Com t-Ph. W3X For Sale Used Cars Veil made, heavy , duty tires Open till 8:00 p. m. REAL VALUES 41 Chrysler Windsor Sedan, radio, heater. 41 Chrvsler Royal Sedan Radio, heater. 41 DeSoto Custom Tudor Radio, heater. 40 Dodge Del. Sedan Radio, heater. 39 Packard 6 Sedan 38 Dodge Del. Sedan 37 Chev. Master Tudor 37 Pontiac Del. Sedan 37 Ford Del. Tudor Many others to choose from. ORVAL'S USED CARS Center at Church Ph. 4702 "27 Dodge sedan $30. 1545 Franklin. BEST CASH offer takes clean 38 Ply. 2-dr. Ph. 7051. Wanted Used Cars CASH For Late Model Cars SAM'S MOTOR CO. 455 Chemeketa, St. PHONE 7817 WANTED-Good 37 or "38 model car. Will pay cash. Ph. 9603. Transportation RIDERS to Portland, dally except Sunday. Swing shirt. Going tn west side. Good car. c. Nopp. ftu 3ia. Legal Notice NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S 8 AXE On Saturday, the 8th ''day of August, 1942, at ten o'clock A. M. of the said day, at the front and West door of the Marion County Court House in Salem, Marion County, Oregon, 1 will sell to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described real property situated in Marion County, Ore gon, to-wit: Beginning at a point which is 58.45 feet South 57 22' East from the Northeast corner of Lot No. 1 in Fairlodge Addition to Salem, in Marion County, Oregon; and from thence running South 69 42' East 286,7 feet to the East line of tract conveyed to L E. Good man by deed recorded in Volume 140, Page 194, Deed Records for Marion County, Oregon; thence South 186.62 feet to the North line of Smith Street; thence North 69 42 West 386.72 feet to the East line of the Fair Grounds Road; thence North 31 40 East 17834 feet to the place of begin- ninc Said sale IS being made under an execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Marion County, directed to me in the case of Hansen Sc Rowland, Inc., a corporation. Plaintiff, vs. L. EL Goodman (also known as Laura E. Good man) and Ross Goodman, De fendants. A. C- BURK. Sheriff of Marion County Oregon. By Kenneth L. Randall, Deputy. July-10-17-24-31- A-7. No Banana Priority ior Her f i- " : 4 - " V9. ":. '. i -r- i -re i v a ll.L v Suffering; from celiac, a ran nutritional diacaso which calls for a banana diet. Helen Gottlieb, 15 months, is shown in the arms et Patrolman Andrew Radtke after the polieerraui had brought her a bunch of bananas, hard to get in these days of war. The United Fruit company of New York has announced it would make every Sort to see that celiac patients were well supplied. The child's mother, who put in the emergency call for bananas, is at left. Lost and Found Lost-Blue cordav nurse coot, driver's license . At pers. belongings. Ph. 4091. Ladies black gloves. Leave at States- man. 'LOST Brown xlnoer nurse, contains driver's license St personal papers. Re ward for return to 2055 S. Cottage. Humphries. LOST Alpha Delta Pi pin. Name on back. Liberal reward. Renee Cap Ian. Ph. 4910. Hospitals Claim Gervais Residents GERVAIS H. D. LeDuc is in a Salem hospital where bis left foot was amputated Tuesday, due to infection. His right foot was amputated in December. He is 81 years old. Miss Freda Manning, proprie- I tor of the Gervais. Beauty salon, underwent an operation in Salem Monday and is reported doing welL . Her shop la closed for two weeks.- . .. P. W. Seely, who was operated on in Portland two weeks ago, is so much improved that he expects to be brought home this week. Cross Word HORIZONTAL . J Who is th child-wiit ia . "David Copper Set it 5 Smoking apparatus 9 Nocturnal flying mammal 12 Malt drinks IS Citrus drinks 14 Singl unit 15 Fail to hit 16 Golf mounds r, 17 Luzon Negrito 13 What officer of Pharaoh- bouxht Joseph as a si awe f 20 Who is the principal Egfp Man goddess? 21 Aeriform matter 22 Masculine nam 24 African antelope 27 Whimpers 31 Authoritative ataadard 32 A swine - - ' "' 33 Small toilet cass " 34 More precipitous - 3A Obataclea. " . . 37 Correlative of Detther 38 River-island 39 Departed 1 42 Pertaining to the tropics - 47 Native metal 4tWhat was the rst territory reincorporated into the Reich under Hitler f 49 Shleld-bearins; , 50 Narrow Inlet - .... SI W hut English statesman ' . :: .opposed Lard North's Amet teas) policy? .52 Gaseous element. 53 Make aa edging 54- i.Handr ' ' 55 Observes : VERTICAL - 1 Moist .' : - 2 Medley 3 The remainder - t 4 Task 5 Foot-roads -6 Mental tmsgs 11 3 5 6 7 8 Z 9 O it ZZ" W?,71 i w3 iff ti 7 IlIIIIIlIIIII 5f 5rO 411 4TT 44 M 4o IS : " , . i5- The 'Ghost 1 i. Theodore Coneys, confessed slay er of 73-year-old Phillip Peters of Denver. Coneys admitted killing- Peters nine months ago when the latter caught him tn the act of "raiding" the ice bWConeys lived like a "ghost" In the cob webbed attic of the death hous t before emerging to confess his crime. Puzzle 7 Looking narrowly 8 S-shaped worm 1 Snakes i 0 Against , 11 Afternoon parties 19 Cushion f . 20 Discoveries : 23 Three-toed sloth 24 Half an em (pi.) 25 The wife of what Biblical character was turned ipt pilUr el salt? - (i '. 28 I5and-masure 27 -Title of respect' . ' 28 Greek letter 29 To haul . 30 Short for sister 32 Apply - fiS River in Italy 36 Small drink 38 Main artery , 39 Cabbage-like plant 40 Assam silkworm ' . -Tldy , :- ,.L - -; 43 Rodents 44 American Indian - 45 East Indian tree 46 Camera part . 48 Mineral prinf -' , . Answer to yesterday's puzzle. A 2.T T S S Average tlsae el estetleat tS aalaaU. Disc by King Features SyadicaU. la. CTA AC A A OTV feJN iiirat5..m-T- aIpU h " T U P. ,. II L p A 41li5ip A M J L glCilSjfR 5"n d1I.3.e1i 5 mm m ri H a yet ir ta iii,.i