The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 02, 1942, Page 6, Image 6

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Tfc 02EG0N fiTATESMfllL Caleau Oregon Candor Morning. Angus! 1942
The Bridal' Prpcesslon
Saturday Is Chosen by
Three Couples as
bedding Day
White gladioluses decorated the attractive fireplace room
f the First Presbyterian church on Saturday afternoon when
Rev. W. Irvin Williams officiated at the marriage of Miss Doro
thea Greenwood and, Mr. Glen Flavel, jr. The ceremony took
place at 3 o'clock. ;
' The bride was dressed in a light weight wool model of gold,
With which were worn navy blue
accessories. .-'-Her flowers were
white orchids. v ;
Miss Dorothy Moore of Port-;
land was-attired in a light green
sheer wool dress and brown ac
cessories and wore a corsage of
rosebuds. She was the bride's ,
only attendant. , :
Mr. Flavel asked Mr, Charles
Pillette of Madras to be best
man and Mr. Jack Walker of
McMinnville and Mr. Dean
Trumbo of Portland to usher.
Mrs. Frances M. Greenwood, .
now of Springfield but formerly
of Salem, attended her daugh
ter's wedding in a silk jersey
print worn with black accessories
' and a gardenia corsage. Mrs.
Glen Edward Flavel, sr., of Port
land, the groom's mother, was lnv
blue, and wore gardenias.
Music during the ceremony
was furnished by Miss Margaret
Siegmund, who sang "O Promise
Me" and Miss Betty Sackett at
. the piano.
Mrs. Flavel graduated from
Willamette university this year.
She is a member of Beta Chi.
, . .Mr. Flavel attended Willa
mette university and is a mem
ber of Alpha Psi Delta. For
some time he has been flight in
structor for the Portland Flying
school at Madras. After a honey
moon to the mountains, the new
ly married couple will live in
Madras. -
Wilrlams-Schneider ' Vows
A beautiful wedding ceremony
performed on Saturday night
was that ol Miss Elsie Schneider
and Mr. Thomas Albin Williams.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jacques Schneider of
BJodgett, and the groom is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruke Wil
liams. Rev. Robert A. Hutchin
son performed the ceremony at
t 8:30 o'clock at the home of the
' groom's parents. ;
The bride wore a casual suit
of white, a powder blue hat with
matching veil and blue acces
sories. She wore a corsage of
The matron of honor, Mrs;
Robert Siewert, was dressed in
blue crepe with which she wore
begonias and bouvardia.
Mrs. Jean Rich played the or
gan and Miss Dolores Brennan
sang "Because." Mr. Vernon Wis
carson was best man.'
The bride's mother was
gowned in. navy blue and the
groom's mother wore black with
white accessories. Both wore
corsages of gardenias.
Mrs. Williams attended Philo
math schools and has been living
In Salem for several years. Mr.
Williams is a graduate of Salem
high school and attended George
Washington university in- Wash
ington, DC
After the wedding, the couple
left for a short honeymoon along
the coast and upon their return
will remain in Salem until Mr.
Williams leaves for the army
an August 11.
Sporleder-Long- Wedding
Miss Laura Long, daughter of
Mrs. Helen Long and Mr. M M.
Our Entire Stock
Up to 25 Savings
Sweaters ;
Blouses '
Hosiery -Lingerie
. . Jewelrv
Latest Summer and
Fall Styles
Every Articla of Our
New Steele Marked Down
O .
415 State St.
Next to TTMlwerth's
Long of Portland, became the
bride of Mr. Marvin Sporleder,
son of Mr. and Mrs. C J. Spor
leder of Walla Walla, at a cere
mony read by Rev. W. W. Hess
at the First church of the Naza
rene on Saturday.
The bride was given away by
her father. She wore a dress of
ivory brocaded satin and a fin
gertip veil that was held with a
halo of seed pearls. She carried
a shower bouquet of roses and
bouvardias and wore a single
strand of pearls.
Mrs. Henry Kwonles of Port
land, dressed in peach, was the
matron of honor. ' Miss Gayle
McDonald of Fergus Falls, Minn.,
gowned in blue, and Miss Lois
Speer of Seattle in yellow taf-
feta, also attended her. They
carried sprays of gladiolus in
matching hues.
- Mr. Robert Sporleder, the
groom's brother, was his best
man and Mr. Henry Knowles
and Mr. Donald Preas of Port
land were ushers.
Miss Almeda Freeburg of
Nampa, Idaho, sang "O Promise
Me" and Mr. Marlyn Anderson
sang "Because." Mr. Ernest
Friesen was roganist. Lighting
the tapers were Dorothy Mielsen
of St Paul, Minru, and Miss Kay
Koivisto of Portland. Darlene
Carner was flower girl and
Freddy Boutz ringbearer.
For her daughter's wedding,
Mrs. Long wore a white jersey
formal and a corsage of gar
denias. A reception was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
I. Flathers after the ceremony.
Assisting in serving were Miss
Maryl Flathers, Miss Marjorie
Axelson of Seattle and Mrs. C.
J. Drake.
- Mr. Sporleder attended Whit
man college and is a student of
Northwest Nazarene college at
Nampa where he will take the
ology next year. The bride is
also a student at Northwest col
lege. Bride-Elect Is
Honor Guest
Miss Patricia Ryer was guest
of honor Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at
a dessert dinner and kitchen
shower when Miss Dorothy Py
eatt entertained at her home,
1174 Elm street in West Salem.
Assisting here were Miss Don
aldson and Miss Muriel Smith.
Those present besides the host
esses were Miss Patricia Ryer,
guest of honor. Miss Betty Krebs,
Miss Betty Jean Smith, Miss
Martha Frantz, Miss Estelene
Smith, Miss Marjorie Barker,
Miss Betty Ullman, Miss Maxine
Enger, and Miss Bonnie Young.
Mrs. W. C. Babbitt of Spokane,
arrived this morning to spend
the next fortnight at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCain on
Iowa avenue. Mrs. Babbitt is
the daughter of Mrs. Cordelia
Herrington and a sister of Mrs.
. McCain.
Elsie Marie Schneider Burke Williams Home.
Jeanette Landon- Ensign Thomas Blair
Laura Long Marvin Sporleder Nazarene
Dorothea Greenwood G-en Edward Flavel jr. Presbyterian August 1
Eleanor Parkes Martin Finden Knight Memorial .August 4
Kathleen Booth George Robinson Home August 1
. Patricia Ryer William John if..t 7
Sarah German Gene Huntley "gvtf t
June Earle Dean Trumbo , Aurust f
Cleone Bagwell Kenneth Moore Church of God
Gertrude Dalk Lee Hayes Andrews-
Eileen Itahn Rex Lawaon First
If your spirits sag when your hair be color. For a treatment that will help
jes gray, doll, drab or uninteresting, - you feel and look like a different
Jlift them with Roux Oil Shampoo Tint I and younger! woman, make your
'RTith this colorshampoo our operators , appointment today. -
eaa brighten your whole outlook bf , - ; : .
cmng your hair toft, lovely been. Caution: Use ly as directed on
rtparUiog highlights, natural looking labeL
DELEGATE Mrs. Louisa
Ameson. who is cm Oregon
delegate to the national .
convention of Sons of Nor-
way in Chicago August 6
to 9. Mr. Emil Slovarp, vice
consul from Norway, is the
only other Oregon delegate.
Mrs. Ameson is local presi
dent of the Sons of Norway
Miss Dickson Is
. The engagement of Miss Dar
lene Dickson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. E. Dickson, to Mr. Wade
Bettis, son of ,Mr. and Mrs. J.
Bettis of Gresham, was told at
a meeting of the Delta Phi so
rority members held at the home
of Miss Betty Ann Swanson on
Thursday night
Miss Dickson and her fiance
are juniors at Willamete univer
sity. Both have been active in
the speech department. She is
a member of Tau Kappa Alpha,
national honorary in speech. He
is a member of Sigma Tau and
was freshman class president.
He will leave soon for San Diego
for training in the marines.
Hostesses Plan
Swim Party
Mrs. Charles Fowler and Mrs.
Frank Morgan are arranging a
supper and swim for a group of
young girls at Leslie pool on
Monday night. The party is be
ing given to honor Miss Mildred
Rotz, here with her mother from
Pottstown, Pennsylvania as the
guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. Abner "Kline.
Girls who will dine at 6:30 and
later enjoy an evening of swim
ming, are the Misses Jean Row
land, Georgia and Helen Mae
Cook, Patricia Riches, Jean
Driggs, Rene Caplan, Jo Lova
Lehmer, Helen Boltges, Mavino
Wagner, Lois Barrick, Audrey
Vaughan, Jean Fowler, and Mil
dred Rotz. x
Reunion to Be
At Albany
The 13th annual Biiyeu re
' union will be held on August 9
in Bryant Park at Albany. The
clan elected Mr. John A. Sump
ter of Tangent as president, -Mr.
L. L. Biiyeu of Albany; vice
president. Mrs. Lyall Keith,
Walton, secretary-treasurer.
The Biiyeu family settled in
the Willamette valley in 1852
and many descendants of the
original family remain residents.
As many as 300 have attended
the previous reunions. A basket
dinner will be served as usual.
...August l
-August 1
.August 1
August 27
August 31
fl lit?
: Although few really large par
ties have been planned for Sa
lem during the summer months,
each ; week brings a , number of
informal parties, highly; satis
factory to hostesses and guests.
; On Friday - afternoon Miss
Olive M. Dahl and Miss Helen
MacHirron entertained for Miss
Margaret Purvine of Berkeley. '
The afternoon was spent at the
Dahl home on North 4th street
Mrs. Dan Schreiber of Independ
ence, Mrs. Robert Ramp of Yak
ima, Miss Jeannette Scott of
Los Angeles and Miss Purvine
and ; Mrs. Ralph Purvine were
invited by the hostesses.' ; ' s
Miss Purvine has been spend
" ing a week with her mother,' Dr.
Mary Purvine, and will leave
this weekend with Mrs. George
Abbott by car for ; the south.
Mrs. Abbott,' the former Erma
Oehler, is going south to be
with her husband' who.: is sta
tioned with the . navy ? at St
Mary's college, in California.
Another Friday affair was' the
tea given by Miss Elizabeth Lord
for Miss Orytha Gaton and Mrs.
Asabel Bush, both visitors, here.
The former is at the home of
Miss Sally Bush and "the latter
at the A. N. Bush home.
Mrs. White Here ,
Another visitor to Salem is
Mrs. George A. White of Clack
amas, who is spending the week
end at the country home of Mr.
and Mrs. Homer Gpulet, sr. Mrs.
Goulet and Mrs. Ivan B. Rhodes
arranged a no-host luncheon at
the Marion hotel on Friday for
Mrs. White, and Mrs. John Lau
terman. After luncheon the group
went to the Bauterman home for
' bridge." . '
At the party were Mrs. White,
Mrs. Lauterman, - Mrs. Goulet
Mrs. Rhodes, Mrs. E. L. Scellars,
Mrs. C. K. Logan, Mrs. C. B.
McCullough, Mrs. Charles Gray,
Mrs. T. O. Russell1 and Mrs.
Homer V. Carpenter.
On Friday, the Goulets invited
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Russell out
to dine with Mrs. White, Mrs.
Homer Goulet jr., and them
selves. Mrs. Homer Goulet, jr., arriv
ed last weekend, having driven
with her children, Phillip and
Garrett, from Louisiana where
she has been with Captain Gou
let. On the way home she stop
ped in Ann Arbor with her
On Tuesday afternoon Miss
Margaret Wagner and Mrs. Rob
ert Needham will entertain with
a salad luncheon for Mrs. Gou
let at the Needham home.
Service Men Invited
Soldiers have figured in the
week's entertainment On Fri
day night Miss Civilla Reeher
entertained at an outdoor din
ner at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Reeher, be
fore the USO dance. At the party
were Miss Elizabeth Anne Her
rick, Miss Phyllis Gray, Miss
Jeanette Hulst, Miss Cornelia
Hulst Miss Reeher, Corp. Larry
Fhede, Corp. Sherwood Quig
ley, Corp. Leon Shear, Pvt.
Charles Nelson and. Pvt. Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold Owens
are entertaining a group of young
people this weekend at Nesko-
win. Spending the weekend at
Neskowin are the Misses Alice
Ann Wirtz, Nancy , Stricklin,
Marianne Owen, Sally McLel
lan, Shirley Huntington, Lt Ray
Rush, Lt. Bill Richards, Lt. Jack
Wagstaff, Lt. B, Bell and Lt
Howard Vange.
Judge and Mrs. James T.
Brand and son Tom will vaca
tion on the Rogue River this
week. Father and son plan sev
eral fishing trips.
Redecorated - Enlarged-
Usual Wave L5
Perm Ofl
Complete $2X3
Open Than. Eve.
by Appointment :
Phone 2SCS
MS firs! National Bank Bldg.
ay" 4iferct
but anyone who says Salem is slaw
should eat his words, especially when sol-
dier wives entertcdnraent is concerned. We
have all the offers of hospitality in the world
and only a few wives to use it on. No more
than' 20 women have registered with the
committee, which has all sorts of entertain
ment up its sleeve. -7
Incidentally , . Mrs. James Brand, chair
man of the committee to take, care of wives
of both enlisted men, and officers, is enthusi
astic in praise of Mrs. Little and the YWCA
by way of complete cooperation.
Up 'n coming these sports" minded
merchants. On the window - of one , of our
most t3troni2ed spots In Salem Is a cheery
little sign "Welcome Salem Hi Hoopsters."
To b or not . . . brides this last week,
thought when they . planned ' garden wed
dings in August, they could count .on sun
shine. Maybe the weather man has been
Get the most you can for your "home dollars by spending
them for new home comforts! There is room here to pic
ture only a few of the many wonderful values awaiting you
during our big August Sale which starts Monday, August
t'-i Ml , XjUM-
f jr" ' Smart modern 5
Innersprmg con
struction and a silky rayon velour cover in antiaue
gold color. Big davenport and club chair. Carved base and
arm panels in walnut finish. Bone white.
t v" ' IliSj I I I 1
Walnut Finish
Bookcases only
Graduated shelves to hold
books or bric-a-brac. In
teresting addition to any
room. Well constructed.
Beautifully finished. Act
now and save!
Trade In
Hundreds of
Shop Gevurtz
1 A " T"ti ti-
having trouble with his -sunshine makers ;
" going over into defense industry.
Teatime ; notes. jT w o outstanding
things appeared at the Rossman-AAUW tea
last Tuesday. First was that usual tea con-:
versation bridge dubs, clothes and babies,
was replaced by how many, cherries this ,
one picked and how many beans that one
intended to save for the. growers. Second ;
thing was that women were clever about
picking flowers from their own gardens, Mrs.
Marvin Lewis wore a hollyhock at her wrist,
Mrs: Ellsworth Ricketts sported tuberous be
gonias that outshone any orchid," and Mrs.
Paul Bar den matched her dress with nas
' turtiums worn in her hair. s.
Forgive u..w9 are sorely tempted to
make a pun about a coincidence , of names
of our brides on page one It's hard not to
mention gamble and green in the same sen
tence . . . Marine Buren.
Carved Wood Trio
Suiie 2 Pieces
Smart modern
t tyiing, sag less
Ilcdern Bedroom Suiie
3 Pes.
Deep waterfall edges. Matched
walnut veneers with other select
cabinet woods. Also available in
blocked wood. Full size bed, roomy
chest, and vanity, reduced for
August Sale! Similar to cut
Early American
Bedrcsn $nnC3
AD 4 Pieees SJ3
An inexpensive suite that Is built to give you
years of service, t low cost Mellow honey
colored, maple. Bed, chest-on-chest, swing
- mirror vanity and bench. No dresser. Very
Your Old Davenport and Chair on a
of little dozn on
IJoJrcay Cio Frc!!il b Yccr EZ:zd
now only
Coffee tables in sever
al different styles.
Walnut or mahogany
finish. Glass tops.
Rare bargains at this
low price!
Dogwood Glass
Flower Bowls,
Salad Plates
And several unusual
ahapes. Crystal dear
with dogwood flowers
in blue, cranberry or
B-Pc. Ilcdern $EPX3
Dhic? Snile
Refurnish your dining room and
enjoy your meals in the latest
modem setting! Beautifully
matched walnut veneers. Quality
construction. Includes extension
table, buffet, host chair, five side
chairs. Exceptional value!
a tig till m
A Very Important
Message Concerning
Your New
Awaits You On '
Page 3 .
Read It Now!
5-Pc. Chrome
Sets only
Just a few of these
sets. Straight chrome
base. Blonde maple
tops. Blue leatherette
upholstered chairs.
Hurry ior these! -
Luxurious Lounge
Chair Reduced to
Generously proportioned,
with wide aptingfilled
cushions. Walnut arms.
Attractive tapestry cover.
Ottoman not included!
Spun rayon natural
background with , sev
eral lively floral
prints. Reduced to
lieu Qua
Bey Bands and
Stamps from ;
Tear Saving ea
Daring Oar
Aagast Sale
215 No. High Street
Phone 5818