PAGS ELEVET7 Tested and Approved for Residts I! That's Advertising The) OHIGOII STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Thursday Morning, July 23. 1342 Classified Classified Advertising Statesman Classified Ads ' CaU910V Three Insertions pr lint 25c Six Insertions per line 40c On month per line ., - , .,. $1.23 Minimum charge 25c; S tL min imum 85c; e tL min. 45c. No ' ' refunds. r ' '" Copy " this page aattepted un til SJO Im veruns before pubBca- tton for rlssni notion. Cm-' re ceived after Una tun ru be ran under the heading "Too Late to Classify." - - The Statesman aiimae a Cnn cial responsibility for errors which may apnear in ldvertlsements pub lished In ita columns and in cases where this paper ts attault-will reprint that part of an advertise ment tn wnicn the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place 'all advertising under the oropei classification. A "Blind' Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must tnereiore o answered bv letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to divulge Infor mation as to the identity ox an advertiser using a "Bund" ad. Livestock and Poultry TOR SALE 9 C. W. bred gilts. Good Ones. 3 mi. N. Kener. Willis Caldwell. 60 LEGHORN hens, recently culled eying. 85c each. Ph. ZMttS. e-RVTOJt wanted. S tn Hi tha. Hlffh est prices paid. Phone 12881. Lee's llatchery. Help Wanted PORTRAIT retoucher. Good pay. 820 State St. Steady Job Help Wanted Male Combine SO A. of oats, small amount etch. Combine ta separate. Giva de tails in answer. Box 21s. Statesman, APPUANCS service man. Sea Mr, McGrath. Montgomery Ward. wavsi w iuiI smn mates in aiMKl her in mmm wm w mwh. 14 yrs. or eiaer, wim itookh. ites will be open Aug. 1st Set circ. , wim i lefarences of Statesman, at am rntt own as Hava you been tuned down because &your ag7 uq you want pwuuu ere age is an asset not ahandicspT ' AUTO at body mechanics wanted. Good pay A- working conditions. Doug las McKav Chevrolet Co.. 430 N. Comi. MAN for retread at vulcanizing shop. Steady work, rircstont Store. Center fc Liberty. ' .l1,-,ri-l.-.-ri-l-1 KXFERIKNCXD clothing furnishing foods salesman for men's store. Box 182. Statesman. WANTBD Experienced milker. $140 and house. 340 West Myers St. . FIRST CLASS auto mechanic, good ' working condHtons, best wages. Dav idson's Auto Service, ; Help Wantesj-emala HOUSEKEEPER wanted, new home. $40 mo. Ph. 8338 t. . ippm m.t a wm-fc- tn vwirtralt studio. No experience necessary. 420 regon eiag. HSKPR. for 1 lady. Ph. 4981 J iMimruii MrVTi a-lrl ta learn abort, order cooking. Steady employment Whites Lunch. 1130 So. Coral St snoKKEU'eH with experience. Single. Good wages. Oregon State Tu berculosis nwpiuL -TUT n Mntt h ctronff. healthy. Good salary, .steady work Firestone Store, Center At Liberty. ." WAITRESS, some' experience desir able, ine spa. Woman for housework. Ph. 4581 Situations Wanted HOUSE PAINTING Decor, kals, exper. Ph. 7502. CHILDREN kept 650 Breys. Ph. 0327 EXPERIENCED ML I Weber. Ph. tractlcal nurse. Mrs. For Sale Miscellaneous NOTICE TO OWNERS OF HOOVER VACUUM CLEANERS . , . j- s . i - ' Tha Hoover Co. adviaas you to fcavc your cleaner completely overhauled, that it win serve you throusheut tbe duration. Parts atoll available and- a free estimate will gladly be given. Wa service all makes of sweepers. CALL HOGG BROS. PHONE 9149 Ask for Hoover Factory Representative urs-TT. tmi Lsktcl trailer, fair tires. 810. C. F. Kirn, R. 3, B. 43 IE, $nd house on Skyline Rd. . , : . House trailer. 2361 Kaxel Ave. P. TOM MODERN electric range. Misc. pieces tt furniture 804 Norway. , FURNITURE, by owner. Ph. 8777. Aprons greet, cds, gifts. 670 N. High. HOGG BROS hava a limited supply electric water neater. SEE HOGG BROS, 260 State St for liberal trade in on your no imumu 4 OTOontatemau ADVERTISINO Vestero Advertising ... Representatives ' im Franctoco Los Angeles Seattle Eastern AChrerUanjJ Representatives Ward-Grifflth Company. Ine, Chicago. New York. Detroit, Boston. Atlanta ' Entered at fna Poatofrlce at aWswi, tMui Ooaa M attar. Pttb- Jisaed every morning ejreept Mondau. Justness oice US lotah CosnsMrciol Stress. . ; -. KTmsCRIPTlON RATES mm rt m.kMlnH R!M tit AdVaDCS I Within Oregon: Dairy imd Suriday. aJa f 9 cents: 4? Moa W OO; 1 year 8.oa t iwhr SO cents pr eaa. or sue tor 1 Vt to fJ,f2L,t?W nil .W,Ur in vnnce to Mirton A BKIX BOY, must be over 18 yrs. of j?'c?l-J-v----u-L-J-urij-i.i-.-i Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL WJtrrC or anona fSlSSi . ta Salem's okftst largest home owned na pome managed finance tnstltu tion, Your Cnancial affairs will be discussed and loans made ta strictest privacy You will be given every con sideratlon tn the repaying af reus loan or irrantlnf of extensions, ' I to 12 MONTHS TO RZPAT You can pay t& full any time to reduce the cost. ONLY BORROWKB SIGNS No endorsers. Loans made on rural tor or note. ' SEX ROY H. SIMMONS. MGR. Lie Nov U-1U. .- GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie. No. S-138 194 So. Commercial St Phone SIM first door - south of Ladd aV Bush bank Convenient ground floor location. PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to I duce payments. Money for new or used cars. No delay or red tape. You wui retain possession vi ine veuwii. 1 to 13 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 130 South Commercial Street Phone 0160 Lie No. M-153 MONEY TO LOAN On Farm, City or Acreage Property CHILDS At MILLER. INC 344 State St Phone 0281 WC LOAN on (arm. residential at business property Will buy mortgages or contracts, hawiuns ts nummrs, INC Realtors. Guardian Building. Financial WANTED -To buy for cash Real estate mortgages, real estate contracts, merchandise discount paper. State Finance Co. 244 State. Wanted Farniture F. N. As GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers St furniture dealers will pay you mora cash or trade for furniture Ok household goods. We buy or sell everything. Ph. 9110. CASH for used furniture It house hold equip. TOO S. lath. Ph. T14L CASH FOR used furatture at honse- hold goods. R. rorgey. Ph. 7448. Wanted Miscellaneous WANT 8, H. P. outboard motor. 1730 N.Water St. Chas. Moore. WANT board at roam. 8 vr. old boy Knglewood Diet. Box 2183. Statesman, Trailer, good rubber. SCO S. Winter. WANTED to buy for cash first quality old fir At second growth, In zs coras or mora. pel son. USED ITJRmTURS. Ph. 0103. HIGHEST cash prices paid far USED or JUNK TERES or TUBES. Don Madi son. 990 No. High. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Youjr Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg . State At Com L Ph. 3311 For, Rent--Rooms Pleasant room. men. 959 Belmont St Prt ent., close, women. Ph. 5829. NICE sleeping rm., 260 Marion. SLEEPING room 725 Court St SLEEPING room, close in. Ph. 6490. SLEEPING room, cool, 704 N. Cottage Room and Board Accommodate 3 busi. girls. Ph. 7186. GOOD, reasonable. 757 Center. BETTER BRD Si rm, 749 S Coml St For Rent Apartments NICE single hskprf. rm. Utilities incL. gas, furnished. 790 N. Commercial. 3-RM. turn, apt- Prt. bath. Its.. ht wtr., washer. Inq. 1234. S. Commercial. 3-R.. 'i turn , 312. Adults. Holly, dist. 1005 N. 22nd Ac D. 4-ROOM furnished mod. apt- water, heat Ac washer Adults. 275 N. 20th. Attract apt- adults, 825. 1580 Center. 2-RM. furn- Ita. wat 131 N. IX BASEMENT apt. 440 Mill. 2 rm apt 289 S. Commercial. 3-R.. attr- close. cooL Prt ent, P. 8829 1 to rm aptx. $8 up. 1310 S. 13th. CLEAN, one no, apt 648 rerry. I end 8 rm. apt. 8094 N Capitol APARTMENTS 2310 N. 4th. MOD. Furn Apt. Refrl. Very de- siraDie. xs o St. fa. svzo. For RentHouses 825 Four room modern house. 485 Mortn winter. 839 Six-room modern house. Sher man Road 849 Eight-room modern house. 481 North winter. H, P. GRANT, REALTOR 828 Court Street SEVERAL unfurn. houses. $20-845 Very nice furn. house. (63. D A. FISH 477 Court WE HAVE THE-PROSPECT IT YOU Want to sell, exchange. leaM, rent see Mr. Larsen, Mr. Collins or Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins At Roberta. FOR RENT 3-roon cottage. mL north of Salem. Lights St water. Furn ished. 833.00. P. H. BeR, Realtor 429 Oregon Bldg. ROOMS, modern hw. floors, furn ace piped, elec. water htr- cement basement, garage. iua air at. tr. mn. - MODERN 4-roora house. Ph. 8748. SMALL house. 1 bedrm. Adults only. 2010 Nebraska. SMALL, modern fura- 1 ml. south on Pacific Hwy. Inq. C L. xteea. COOKIE. MOLD ) " - PONT RUM ) WTO tvElTV A mil i Bloney to Loan CASH LOANS Up to $308 tor any credttrworthy purpose, eaa be made oa your furni ture, automobile, livestock, or other seeisl secuilty. Take - up to 12 months to repay.' Ba assured of utmost courtesy and consideration before and after : tha . traesactton.' : ''.;;' X''.jJ U Ita CASH You Meed See Us Today CALKINS FINANCE CO. 318 Court St Salem Ground Floor Phono M-J78 SUta License 3-118 LOANS-$25 to $300 Almost any credit-worthy person who really needs cash to pay off. old debts for medical or dental work . or for some otner worthy purpose can quality foi a loan at Personal. jonn c. rieeren, manager PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Ground Fir . New Blieh Bide. SIS STATE STREET I At High Street) Telepnone 9191 State Licenses: S-122. M-169 Anto Loam Willamette Credit Co. 8TB FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N. M ISS MONEY to loan, Bx. 2181. Statesman Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real ae tata. WUI pay 6 interest W. H. URABENHORST CO. REALTORS For Rent TRUCKS for rent You diiva Me- Cune & Lovell phone 9600. MODERN COTTAGES. $4 Ac up junction Auto Court So . Commercial Wanted to Rent BANK employe wants S or 6 rm. turn hse. Ph. 3000 or caU 864 Center. For Sale Real Estate TOUArs BEST BUY In s new modern home is offered for 84790. It's new: has five rooms, large, highly- im proved lot; In Englewood Dlst. It's a oeaury. LISTEN If you like living at edge of city limits see this cozy- S-rm. house on Cascade Drive overlooking city. It's a buy for 82290. See-Mrs. Lelace H. Ellis with Child At Miller. Realtor, S44 state St Ph. S3S1. 4 RMS- X bedrooms. $2008, terms. Englewood. full basement furn- lota at trees. 12300- 8 Rma- hdw. floors, full basement furn., Crepl- Englewood aist- S4290. 9 Ran, full attic, basement, furn, fireplace, hdw. floors, 83500. - R. A. FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol 4-ROOM BUNGALOW . Price 822008500 down, balance like rent. Gas range At cir. heater included. See Bechtel or Mrs. Needham. 341 State. Room 4. MOVE right in this $3800 home, with terms, it nas oasemeai, norm. rn. oroi Mr. SulUvan 2 NEW modern homes. 1 with acre age. 1 ml. from city. neas. rn. zion MUST SELL at once 20 A .of cherreis, Beautiful bldg. sites. 34 ml. out Price 82500. cash. Box 2199. statesman. Acreage ltt A., east State St Improved 81850 8300 down. 5 A- Silverton Rd. Improved, fruit filberts. 83600 81000 down. 12.9 A., improved, south, near Pacific hgy. Commercial cherries. Improved, 82500, 8500 down. H. P. GRANT, Realtor 529 Court 6744-8330 - , CLOSE IN ACREAGE t acres, near highway, north. 4 acres rich land, cult New 6-room modern home, with attractive setting in fir Krove. 84200.00. some terms. See Mr, Collins With HAWKINS & BUUtttlb INC- Realtors., Business Cards In this directory run en s monthly b s s I s only. Rate: $L25 per line per Auto Brakes Mike Panek. 273 South CommerciaJ Batteries WTLLARD batteries, all type. R. D Woodrow. 894 Church. Phone 9600. Bicycles BICYCLES. New and reconditioned Harry W. Scott. 147 & Com'cL P. 4516 Chiropractic Physicians a A. Sternberg. 848 M. Capital. TO. Chimney Sweep Northness Oitmncy Sweep. P. 4450. Florists Brelthaupra 441 Court, Phone lltS Funeral Directors Tenrilnger Funeral Home. Ph. 8S2S Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG At MATTRESS Co New Mattresses ld made, rug cleaning At weaving. S 13th At Wilbur Tel 8441 Z wickers. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 400 Painting & Paperhanging . Experienced Reasonable. Ph. 4323.- , W , XXJ iFr4-?F-f?S lllHLM-H5 CGOObiCSSJ HOURS TO STaOCYX. Pt TVieM ALL : r ka a m w m m mmmmmmmmmmmmmwm'mmm . m . .,. av k. av m . ap mm m w a rii. , ti l . t t --' it . ' i ii i 3 w i i I txrr- iu-v. ; vw so Acreage FOR SALE OR TRADE IS acre xruit and nuta. Small plast ered bouse, electric water system, double garage. Trade for smaller acre age, close in or house In Salem, Owner. 2150 Center St 10 A., s-r. house, timber, well, elect- 81900, teams, $13.00 per mo. IV. mi. S. Pringle sch. Battle Cr. rd. Box 90, Mace Sills, -a . Wanted Real Estate If YOU would sell why not list your nropsrty with ABHAMS SS UtU. Masonic Bldg. S to 10 acre tract with buildings, some fruit close to Salem. Rant subject to buy, Mac Abbott 879 Court St Resort Property FOR REN r N elscott Beach cottage. Call Dr. Rahe. 6160. Business Opportunities GOOD business for sale. Very good location and should, always be good business. Small amount of money needed to Invest in merchandise stock Quick turn-over. Must leave Salem soon. Phone 3680 or Write P. X). Box 286 APT. HOUSE (14 spts.). nearby city. All stay rented, good inv, for retired man. Grounds face entire block. Luse Realty Co- Bush Bank Bldg. 5828 8 2-rm. apt house. Close in. Box 2173, statesman. APT. house. Box 2188, Statesman.! MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY. Mod ern Restaurant and Fountain. 4 blocks from State Capitol. Living quarters included. Manager drafted, sua n Capitol. P. 7362. FURNISHED apt. honse. with 8 apts. including stoves Ac refrigerators, full basement automatic heat close in only $6500. terms. RICH L. RETMANN. REALTOR 167 So. High St Ph. 9203 For Sale Wood DRY WOOD. sH kinds. 9960. BUY your winter wood now. Mill wood, mill ends, planer ends. We de liver now. Ph. 9949. Wood Sawing SCO N Com X -Ph. nzx For Sale Used Cart IS DODGE sedan, runnlna condi tlon, $39.00. 1730 N. Water St Chas. Moore. FOR SALE "37 Ford 2 -door deluxe sedan. 85. Good condition, food rubber. Ptu 21853 eye, or call 319 Bellvue, apt. 8. OUCVltOTJET panel, in very good condition. Extra tires. $250 or will trade lor good TS or 37 coupe. Phone 9633. 1931 CHEVROLET, good cheap. 1980 S. Cottage. ' rubber. STUDEBAKXR epe-tleas than a yr. old. Very low mileage. Leaving At must sell, $949 cash. Box 2170, co statesman. 1 DUMP trucks. 37 VS. 38 VS. Good shape. Reasonable. Defense Job goes wrtn truer, s. it. Barry, Aurasviiie, OT,Ko&srtjisarry FORD V-B, '35, ex. tires. Cheap for casn. rn. aw. - '33 CHEV. 2,t-ton truck, good tires. cau after s p. m. sag rnompson Ave Wanted Used Cars WANTED Will pay better than average price for Model A Fords. Chevrolets. or other hunt cars. Must be rood condi tion with good tires. Hatfield's Used car axancet, ui I. .Liberty. WE PAY TOPS! Get every dime your car Is worth Cash on the Barrel-Head "CSHROCK SALEM'S oldest Independent used car dealer. N JC. Corner Church At Chem. Ph. 7922 Directory Paints and Lacquers Complete line NASON paints. Liberal terms. K. D. Woodrow. 394 N. Church Printing FOB STATIONERY, cards pamphlets. programs, books or any Kind or prat ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment, us & commercial, leie- eiei. Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair work Graber Bros- 194 S Liberty. Ph. 6994 Sawdust CLEAN, screened, ftr sawdust 21298, Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL BCKOOL - STREAMLINED COURSES Write, Phone or Call tor Booklet 868 N Capitol - Spraying & Painting Spraying St spray painting. Ph. 21781. Transfer rt.nnnr irwQ roo - orMl Blauketa furn. 197 & Liberty. Ph. 9062 rOR LUCAIj OH DISTANT transfer storage, burrMr oil, brtcnieta rrucks to Portland dally Agent Pierce Anto rre'gnt. meiuding caiu. potnta larnm xransxer co. n. iul Vacuum Qeancr Service FREE fimiilliMi tm mif hrnn. An ed Hoover servica. Wa eervlca all makes cleaoers. Hogg Bros Ph. 6C22 WeU DriUing C j. Pug. 1128 Myrtle. Phone 9338. B. A. West At Sons, Bt , & 443. 2-2290. Higbe Hurls, Bats Brooks To 5-1 Win Cards Smack Phillies Again ; Passeau Gives Brayes Only 2 Hits BROOKLYN, July 22-(ffV-Kir- by Higbe muffled the Cincinnati Reds to five hits Wednesday while he end his teammates raided Ray Starr and Gene Thompson for twice that many to give the Brook lyn Dodgers s 5 to 1 triumph. Hig be knocked , in two runs with a double. It was Hirbe's tenth victory. He had the Reds nnder control all the way j fielding their only ran In the eighth on a tri ple by Lonny Frey and a sin gle by Gee Walker after the Dodgers had completed their assault Besides driving in one one run Peewee Reese distinguished him self afield by handling 11 chances flawlessly. The game was preceded by an appeal for blood donors by the Red Cross and during the cere mony each of the Dodger play ers and club officials pledged a pint of blood. Cincinnati 000 000 010-1 8 0 Brooklyn 100 202 00x-5 10 0 Starr and Lamanno Higbe and Owen. Cards 7, Phils 0 PHILADELPHIA, July Bunching 14 hits behind John Beazley's shutout pitching, the St Louis Cardinals scored an easy 7-0 victory over the Phils Wednes day in the second game of their series. It was Beazley's 11th vie tory of this season. St Louis 020 203 000-7 14 Philadelphia COO 000 000-0 10 Beasley and W. Cooper; John son, Hocrst (4), Naylor (7), Bra- fan (8) and Warren. Cubs 2, Boston 1 BOSTON, July z-(i?)-Pttch-lng a two-bit game, Claude Passeau. chalked up his 14th vic tory Wednesday to give the Chlcage Cabs a I to 1 triumph over the Boston Braves. The Braves only run resulted from an error by Right Fielder Bill Nicholson m the seventh. But Bill redeemed himself later. Only 18 batters faced Passeau in the first six innings. The winning ran came In the ninth with one oat when Lou Novikoff got his fourth single and scored en Nicholson's triple to left center. Chicago 000 100 001-2 12 : Boston 000 000 100-1 2 I Passeau and JScheffing; Javery and Lombard!. Personal MEET NEW FRIENDS I dub Elite Box 71 -Q. Main PO Los Angeles. Cal Lost and Found LOST Brown Ac white terrier. An swers to "Brownie." Call 2-2741. LOST White enameled compact. Reward, Ph. 8181. days. FOUND Ladies slack suit P. 6909. Legal Notice NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SytLE On Saturday, the 22nd day of August, 1942, at ten o'clock AJcL of the said day, at the front and West door of the Marion County Court House in Salem, Marion County, Oregon, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described real property situated in Marion County, Ore gon, to-wit: r - Lot Seven (7), Block Six (6), Rosedale, an Addition to Salem, Marion County, Oregon, as shown and designated on the duly re corded map and plat thereof on file and of record in VoL 2, page 79, Record of Town Plats for said county and state, including .all buildings and improvements thereon and all plumbing, heat ing and lighting fixtures and equipment attached to and used in connection with said premises. t Said sale is being made tinder an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Marlon County, directed to me in the case of New York Life Insurance Company, a cor poration. Plaintiff, vs. Robert E. Majer and Margaret A. Majer, husband and wife, and E. M. For gard, defendants. . ' A. C BURK, Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. Bv Kenneth L. Randall. Deputy. I JuL 23, 30, Aug. 6, 13, 20. m SUCCESSFUL ROOKIE I X . f &CiAUJ4r Senators Win Third in Row (Continued From Page 8) control after that and gave up only one more hit, Smitty's sec ond, from there on out The teams do battle again to night at S p. m, again Friday night tn a donbleheader at 7 p. m another single game Sat urday night, and still another donbleheader en Sunday at 1:38 s P. tn. Spokane (8) AB R 0 0 0 0 0 0 H PO 1 1 A 0 8 2 1 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 Aden, cf A Stamper, 2b 4 Cameron, 3b .4 Buccola, lb 3 Cockroft, rf 4 11 2 3 0 0 0 0 Russo, If 4 Myers, c ', 3 Pullins, ss 4 O'Flynn, p 1 Molitor, p 1 Daley, 3b 2 Soderburg, x ..l Totals 34 8 10 24 14 Salem (11) ABB H PO A Leininger, rf 4 2 110 Richards, lb 3 3 3 10 1 Taormina, If 4 112 0 Johnson, Sb 4 2 2 0 2 Petersen, If . 3 2 2 3 0 Adams, c 3 0 13 2 Canteaux, 2b 2 0 1 3 3 Robbe, 88 5 0 1 5 1 Smith, p 5 1 2 0 1 Totals 35 11 : 14 27 12 x Batted for Molitor In 9th. Spokane 020 000 015- t Hits -040 L-1 12-10 Salem Hits .422 030 OOx-11 234 041 OOx-14 Innings pitched, O'Flynn 1, Molitor 8. At bat off O'Flynn 10, Molitor 25. Hits off O'Flynn 5. Molitor 9. Runs scored ' off O'Flynn' 6, Molitor 5. Runs re sponsible for, O'Flynn 6, Molitor 3. Struck out by Smith 2. Bases on balls off OTlynn 5, Molitor S, Smith 9. Hit by pitcher, Leininger by OTlynn. Wild pitches, OTlynn, Smith. Left on bases, Spokane 8, Salem 10.' Home runs, Johnson. Three-base hit, Russo. Two-base hits, Richards, Petersen, Cockroft Runs batted in, Petersen 2, Adams 2, Robbe, Cockroft, Myers, John son 4, Cailteaux, Russo 4, Buc cola. Sacrifice, Taormina. Stolen bases, Johnson. Caught stealing, Cameron. Double plays, Johnson to Cailteaux to Richardsv Stamper to Puilins to Buccola. Time, 2:10.' Umpires, Regele and. Bushman. m. - h fr .v..i i IT J V ! StVs. By Sords &AZLBV, Por Gr A fiooo Jor5 tA rlli PUSSt SCUxliS Greider Joins Marine Corps Cart Greider, Salem YMCA physical director, told Wednes day af his enlistment as a pri vate in the US marines. Greider will complete direction of the Silver Creek camping' program before reporting for officers training In Virginia, however. Greider is In the candidates' class for officers' training, the preparation for which will be for 10 weeks. An examination will then be given and all those pass ing it will be commissioned 2nd lieutenants and five months more training will follow. He stated his desire is for physical education. . ' Greider Is the third physical edaeation instmctor from Sa lem ta report for. service in the Cross Word T ta 'T 24 2d 31 33 s 3 3d 39 Vs. 41 44 4b 4t) 50 52. 55 5a HORIZONTAL 1 baglike part 4 theme 42 lyric poem 43 those who stain 44 assert 47 legends SO meadow . 61 eradicate '' ' 54 elongated fish 65 by .means Of 56 slacken 57 lacking water 9 rested 12 former clout ' measure 13 Greek mar- ; ket-place 14 fruit baked ins, crust, - 15 embrace : IT property 19 guide , . - 22 award j 23 barrack '25 catkin ;L: 23 afresh 29 American ;.' sloe 21 measure - ' - of area , 32 offer $3 Latin ver aion of the : .. - Scriptures 24 weep- -35 the (Sp.) 58 short line of - horsehair 27 god of war 33 pardon SO most - Answer to r-tx "- i lfya4HPtitiaAiM r 1 i vyi URN A R . H UTE S oS"uLL I.V A To Rj5 , SvlE NrR A N E E SIH AFE DllLjO NlpblNj hATEr- .sIeInjo r: : : , (aFa r; hiec h T MEk.lJ tEElf ill AfiNTsj .EiNiDi jSIElc Average tlase Pist by Kiag 158 Golfers Battle on in Two Tourneys By CHARLES CHAMBERLAIN CHICAGO, July 11-VtyTot 14 hours Wednesday, . 158 . golfers playing two tournaments at tempted to keep out of each other's way in a traffic Jam on the .Tarn O'Shanter course. , If several of the boys haven't lost their way in the darkness, then the day's work can be" con sidered finished, with a couple of Philadelphia pros and all tbs top flight amateurs but one meet ing up with success. '' ' ' . The two tournaments were thn all-American amateur, in whicl 64 players started match play, ' and the $15,500 Tarn O'Shanter open, In which professionals be gan qualifying, i ; Pocketing $208 apiece ,' for sharing medalist honors tn, the 18-hole qualifying round for 94 ' en-exempt. pros were the, two Philadelphia traveling buddies, . Henry Aansom and Gene Knnes. Ransom, former Texas PGA and Texas open champion, fashioned a 35-3388 on the par 365 72 proving ground, and Kanes, 1935 . Canadian open winner, biased In with 33-3548. Kunes had a 65 in a recent prac tice round and was rather dis gusted with Wednesday's card. Ht was five under par on tha llt hole and appeared destined to break the course record of 65 and hit a $500 jackpot But be took bogies on the next three holes and blew the chance. Western Antatemr ' champion Pat Abbott ef Pasadena, an' army private at Denver's Lowry field, waa the only big bum fans, player to fall by the wayside as the field ef 14 was trinisaed ts 16 by two iwsusds af Batch play. Abbott was sldelined-mtll Thorsday, at least, when -he aad IL. .(L.. 1 ... 41.. aua? vuki men cmcr utv vaca play by Gas Novatny af Chl- who has been at the game 36 years, in the first ramnd. Novat ny was defeated In the second round by 215-ponnd Earl Gbcke, . Chicago public links player. None of the Negro contestants qualified Tuesday for .the amateur meet but seven out of 10 pros made the grade - Wednesday The tournament committee an nounced that Howard Wheeler of Los Angeles had been placed among the 60 others exempted from Wednesday's .qualifying, since he is an outstanding regro golfer, and he was given a place automatically in Thursday's start ing field. I 4 armed forces, Lt Harold Hank and Lt Vera GUmore, ex-Salem high coaches, having joined previously. He is also the' sec ond staff director of the Salem Y to enlist for daty this week. Puzzle . v 10 id TT 2a. 30 31 47 m 49 'A 53 54 17" VERTICAL 1 dry, as wine 2 completely l--grouped - 4 candle ' 5 king of - Bashaa 6 river in Italy 7 wrath t plant yield ing starch 1 f Implement -for digging 10 river Island " 11 golf mound 16 boU slowly 18 volume 20 growing out 21 feasted sumptuous , iy ? 23 a pole 24 old.-, womanish 26 nostrils 27 meeting 30 narrow passageway S3 whole number 1 24 plumed ' 36 flank' 37 breery 39 tooth . 41 quill feathsi ' f bird's . wing 44 high - - mountain 43 sheltered ' aide 46 before 48 feminine 1 , pronourj . 49 crafty . 52 short for Alfred 53 symbol for samarium '. tf"V yesterday's puzzle. - '- "-: W77X VsYs f slatlea 88 aOaatea. Features SyadlcaU, Zac. couaUas.