PAGZ SIX Hostesses .INcu-iira.-uii . ' : '' Members of the hostess com tnfttee Friday Issued Y: list . of women of the city who are now - registered as senior hostesses.' '" : Mrs. Lowell Kern and Mr - Karl G. Becke are chairmen of the group -of women who will direct activities for the enter- ' tainment of soldiers. An office for the 'league has; been opened "in; the Senator hotel J building, telephone 64.41.' ' ' . - i , The committee Includes: Mrs.' Schwabbauer Miar Ha TvL Aus tiii, Mrs. Clifton Mudd, Mrs. T. ' E.' Kenyon. ' Mrs. r Walter L. Spaulding, Miss Helen L Barrett, . Miss Marian Mitchell, Miss Sally, : 'McLellan and Mrs. Waldo C Zel- ' 7ler. .- ?v-..r..- .'- .. Senior hostesses with Mrs. - - Waldo C. Zeller, chairman in clude Mesdames A. J. Arehart, W. L. Allen, Harry TL Belt, Ken neth Bailer, T. J. Brabec, Russel Beutler, J. N. Bishop, E. A. Brown, -Warren B. Baker, Ilda Bingehheimeri' "Qmer' O. Berg,-' f ' Phil Brownell, Eric Butter, Phil- ' 5 lip E. Barrett, Paul E. Barden, O. E. "Boatwrighf Walter A. Barsch, James T. 'Brand,' Mae Butler, G. F. Chambers, James L. Cooke, Dolph L. Craig, A. M. Chapman, John . H. Carson, Ira -v nw f xtr "TVir v. n Daugherty, Carl W. Emmons,' I Maud . Eckman, Asel C Eoff, Daniel J. Fry, Jr., Fred Gahls- dorf, Helen Goodenough, E." A. Guenther, William ' Gahlsdorf, Leon Hansen, J. K. Hubbard, Charles D. Hatfield, Winifred Herrick, Paul R. Hendricks, Frank S. Healey, Lora T. Hawk ins, H. W. Huntington, G. W. chaaSiii"- r!!!fJ: R. Linn, W. H. Lytle, Wayne P. Loder, W. X. Lldbeclrv Esther , Little, Clare A. ' Lee, Fay Lien, ' Edward Majek, Anne Merton, . Burton A. Myers, D. J. McLellan, O. A. Melgaard, Lyman McDon ald, M. M. Magee, Charles S. McElhinny, W. R. Newmeyer, J. W. Nash, Ethel Niles, a H. Os trin, George H. Otten, J. Dean I Patterson, G. S. Paxson, W. L. Phillips, C. F. Putnam Winifred Pettyjohn, E. T. Pierce, Clifford R. Parker, F. W. Poorman, P. D. JuisenbT3r. . George A. Rhoten, Herbert E. Rahe, J. A. Rothenfluch, N. Rocque, H. A. Rowe, George H. Swift, Herbert J. Stewart, Earl SnelL Marcia B. Smith, Carlton E. Spencer, -. Frank H. Spears, Charles A. Sprague, Robert E. Shinn,- Arthur Selander, B, p. Schucking, E. J. Scellars, R. D. Slater, J. D. White, Herman F. Wilde, Rose J. Wilkes, Elmer V. Wooton, J. B. Young and Mona R. Yoder; Miss Vivian Chandler, Miss Marguerite Gleeson, Miss . Nellie Schwab, Miss Leah Swing and Miss Amanda Selander. Missions Group Meets The Woman's Missionary So ciety of the First Baptist church met Thursday with-Mrs. I. W. Herbert in charge. Mrs. Elizabeth Cadger, chair man -of White Cross work re-; ported the following activities: emergency first aid supplies are being stored in the church. ' Once a rnonth a group of wom en meet at the Deaconess hos pital to sew. During this month a box of supplies was sent to the Mather school for negro girls at Beaufort, South Carolina. .;. A program on Christian . citiz enship was presented by Mrs. I G. Prescott Mrs. Floyd White . and Mrs. L. A. Dunn talked on missionaries. Devotions were led by Mrs. ! ID. BuelL Hostesses were Mrs. 'J. W. Humphreys and Mrs. Ca been. Miss Adrienne Huxhs if Seat- tie flew to Salem; arriving Fri-- day night She will spend the weekend as the guest of Mr. ami Mrs. Keith HalL i; '" rjNIONVAL Complimenting Lieutenant and Mrs. Burlyn R'r Gubser of McMinnville, who were married there Julyv, their 1 41 J tA ! . vivtucr uu aisier-ui-iaw enter - " talned b,re ednesda Forty five-relatives and friends - were Gubser graduated f r bm KellyField,T.Wd - ym ujrun iuwi,HMy nigm- big, July 3, .and came to Port land Sunday,-' July 5, and .-was met there -by his parents,TMr. and Mrs. D.. Lynn Gubser of Mc Minnville and other members of his family v of ; Uhionyale and PleasanWale districts. ": . He has 'received art extension of furlough -and will report" at Porpand July IS and leave by air for Savannah, Ga, for ad vance training. : . f S it t jrmsSON The Evaartll- cal Womans. Missionary .society ; anet Wednesday at the home of Mrs.' A. Wilson. The president, Mrs. William Elmer presided. - : iHssSlIelen Kihs led the' de votions,' Mrs. Don Davis review ed -three chapters of the study bock, ""Autnor.of Liberty." At the close of the meeting, Mrs. George Kihs, was honored with a shower. itefreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by tllsa Anna laampe.' Ten mens ters were present . . I . ..- jf .. I - - "" f -- . ?" v, "V t i,;' v. v Tells wedding day . . . k A ISS Mary Chamberlain is today revealing her -1 VI wedding day to Mr. Dvon C. Holman. Th cere mony will be performed at the home of fhe, groom elect's parents, Mr; "and Mrs. Merle C. Holman on July 26 at 2:30 o'clock. The bride-elect is the dcrughter of Mr. and Mrs. John O. Chamberlain. Miss Hallie C3iam berlcdn will be her sister's maid of honor, and Mr. Len "hal Holman will attend his brother. Miss Chamber lain is a graduate of Salem high school. Mr. Holman attended University of Oregon, and is now ejnployed by the Dallas Machine and Locomotive Works. The young couple will live-in Salem. (Photo by Kenhell Olis). ' " ' ' Wives In Session On Thursday a joint meeting was held by the Marine Corps league and the Marine Corps league auxiliary at 1095 North Liberty street and newly elected officers of the auxiliary were in stalled. Mrs. Eva Rush was installed 1 president; Mrs. M. Flax as sen ior vice president; Mrs. Fred S. McCall, junior vice president; Mrs. William Noyes, chaplain; Mrs. Frank Millett, historian; Mrs. L. L. Pittinger, judge ad vocate; Mrs. C. E. Warren, treas-urer;-Mrs. Marie Baker, guard; "Mrs. D. Furlough, musician; Z Miss Golden Wheeler, secretary; , Miss Sana Millett, captain of the guards and Mrs. Wade Wolfe, color guard. x Mr. L. L. Pittinger, command ant of the Marine .Corps league , at Salem who has recently en listed in the marines for recruit ing duty, tendered his resigna tion as commandant Nomina tion of officers of the Salem de tachment of the Marine Corps . league was held, and the elec tion will be at the next meeting t and installation at the meeting in September. A cake was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Pittinger by the auxil iary. Men of the post presented Mrs. Pittinger with a pencil, and to Mr. Pittinger was given a target rifle. - On August 13, when the next meeting is to be held, the de tachment and the auxiliary is : invited. to hold the meeting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Thompson on Sherman road. A covered dish lunch will be . served. ', ; : ...'..:..". . On August 9 a picnic will be held . at Major ; Hardie's home near Dayton, to which all mem bers of the Marine Corps league, their families arid friends are in- .. vited. Also the first meeting of the annual state convention of . the Marine Corps league will be held at this picnic. Mr. and Mrs. James Lindross and Mrs. Ruth McAllister of Grays River. Wash and Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Christensen, Kathryn, William and Robert of Toledo, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George VaiL - . Mrs. Lola .Ward of -Salein t visiting at the home of her cou sin Mrs. Lloyd Bilyeu and fam ily, this week. - ur i.m m. , . ru&XR itig her brothert j; jT Jones. sLe resident 01 - and Mrs. Bert Miller of Garibaldi were r1rnrf at the home . of . Mrs. Millera daughter, Mr;; aridCMrs. D: C. ' Buchnef. " - ZX " ' - Mr. and Mrs. Trank Harbison have ' leased J the -"downstairs apartment in the Jones building. He'is employed with the Pacific Telephone. and Telegraph : crew. Mrs. , Harold ; Ackerman of - Mdford ii a. guest at the home of 3ier uncle and aunt, Mr. and .Mrs: .. M." Ackerman' . She also visited her 'daughter In Salem, "hmfnrm raffirntne ftNTvtaT "r i v'rr;-"; v-.v- -. r. Tu.i.- Waiter Carlisle, the former -a - -Lois Hoyt, are- announcing the . - ,. birth of a son on Tuesday of a son on Tuesday at the aewaa MVaaM " waaM Carlisle is stationed in Austra lia and Mrs. Carlisle Is making : her home with ; a " sister, ; Mrs. RIcbSrd Klaus In Poiiland. The grandparents ire Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hoyt of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carlisle of Sa lem Heights. - -- - ' , ' - ' ; CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY VTW auxiliary meeting at vet erans halL TUESDAY Missouri auxiliary, with R. C. McClay st 144 Stat street. Vrw auxiliary luncheon, 1:30 with Mrs. Ward WoUe, 651 Thompson street. McCormick class. Tint Method ist church, with James M. Taylor, S Lansing street, 6:30 p. m. WEDNESDAY Salem Writes club picnic with Mrs. William Merrlott, 1880 Kan sas street. South Circle. Pint Christian church with Mrs. A. M. Hanson, 520 Mill street, all day Red Cross sew. -- Couple Married At Church On June 26, Rev. Robert Hut chinson read the -rites that unit ed Miss Carol Woodcock and Mr. Wayne Cox in marriage. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Woodcock and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Cox of Grants Pass. The bride, gowned in pink, silk with accessories of brown ' and white, was attended by Bet ty Jo Bennett of Portland. The best man was Claire Woodcock. Both the bridal couple are grad uates of Grants Pass schools. The groom is employed at the Ore gon Pulp and Paper company. Mothers of men In Company B were entertained at the YMCA on Thursday night by Mrs. Roy Carlisle, Mrs. Ben Larkens and Mrs. George Alderman. Covers were placed for 20. Pattern Here"; it Is the perfect war work or home' work "'unifonn'' Pattern 4108 by Anne Ad- front ltternlnaf? Hart ;t.iM it.. TT' uie ironi waisv slim panel- : back, and a collar or revers. ana a couar or revers. Pattern 4108 Is available in -Bmrr.'. ' a srx .. - a - . - - j , women sues Z 3B, 38, 40, iVu,;,, M; .si2e 38 takes 414 yds. 33 . 7 . . ..: " - - laoric. ... . 8fd ' Maffl Mtlffi fnlliai arvt aa Send fifteen cents Jf? V cover cost ot maain ) for this Anne Adams pattern. Write pi,nly ame, address and styl number. Join the 1S4S style parade and end tea cents for a spring Pat tern Book! AU th. ieawnV bifh hchts are here tn day and evening . trocka. sportswvar. defense modes. Send your order to The Orenoa gUtesman, Pattern Depaitmuit. Sslem, Oreja. l" vu ' 1 . . M ,Th OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Shower : for - Mothers land daughters,' friends of Miss Eleanor Parkes,' were invited to . a" party Friday night, by , Mrs. ,Solon Shinkle, i Miss" PoUy v-Arma SWrikle and xors. rutymona ceara. a nuscci- laneous showery was; given i for Miss -Parkes,. who will marry Mr, Martin Finden, jr. ! Mothers and daughters at the party lwere Mrs. 'Cornelia George, " ; Mrs. . Douglas . Parkes, Miss Marian and . Miss Eleanor Parkes, Mrs,' Martin Finden, jrn Miss Lela Finden and M'Cecil Tipton, 'Mrs, Floyd Beaitl "and Lucas and'' Miss Louise Mrs. .': Frank ' Neiswander - and Miss Jean Neiswander, and the hostesses.' ; Birthday for Five-Year-Old Mrs. T. Harold Tomlinson en-1 tertained a group of children to honor her daughter Kaye's'Sthl . birthday. Children invited to the .party were: Phoebe Lou Braun, I Mary Kay Brown, Judy Bur? dette, Homerta Sears, Buddy Keech, Johnny and Chris Wood, Gary Ramsden, Gayle and David I Ashby, . Audrey Simmons and Richard Sande. Mothers present were Mrs. W. J. Braun, Mrs. Tyler Brown, Mrs. Robert Sears, Mrs. Leslie Burdette, Mrs. Robert Ramsden, Mrs. Edwin Keech, Mrs! Robert Ashby and Kaye's ' two. grand mothers, Mrs. J. C Sande and -Mrs. George Henderson. Music Program Is Planned . TV. Kiinriav attmrnMn n certs of recorded music, hereto- fore given in the music room of the Salem public library, are being held in the Carnegie room. on the second floor, of the col lege of music building, at Wil lamette. The program for Sun day afternoon will consist of ex cerpts from famous grand operas. Mr. Robert Rawson will give .instructive comments on each number.- The time is 3:30, and the public is cordially invited. From- "Die Meisteninger" wagner lAn imp wove we speu) Frederich Schorr From "Der RosenkavaUer" Strauss I Waltzes Philadelphia symphony orchestra From "La Boheme'f . Puccini (Thy Tiny Hand Is Frozen) 1 - Jussi Bjoerhng Quartet. (FarewelL Sweet Lovel GerakUne Farrar, ' Gina Viafora, - Erico Caruso and Antonio Scotti From "The Pearl Fishers' Bizet I (As in Former Timesi AmeliU GalU-Curci From "Carmen" , , Biset I Prelude to Act IV Philadelphia symphony orchestra' From "Louise" ......Charpentler (Since That rair uayj ' Dorothy Mavnor .From "Andrea Chenier" Giordano As One Sort Day In May) Beniamlno GigU (An Enemy of His Country) . John Charles Thomas From "The Daughter of the Real' menf TVnigHt (AH Men Confess It) - LilT Pons From "Lorely" , Catalan! (In the Month of May) Beniamino uigu From "H Trovatore" (Home to Our Mountains) .Verdi Louise Homer and Enrico Caruso From "The Sicilian Vesper" Verdi (Farewell, Dear companions) Rosa Ponseila . From Oteuo' Verdi . Credo - - - - -- . John Charles Thomas Bridge Club at : Schwabbauer's Mrs. Delbert Schwabbauer was hostess to members of her bridge club at her home on Thursday night A shower was given for Mrs. John Ficklin later in the evening. Present' were Mrs. Merritt iTaux, Mrs..warren eater tna Mrs. Roy Meek, guests and Mrs. Lee Crawford. Mrs. Clinton . Standlsh, Mrs. John Ficklin, Mrs. Kenneth Barker, Mrs.' Joseph Felton and Mrs. Delbert Schwab bauer, members: "::', ; JEFFERSON InsUllatton of officers was the 'main feature of ; Mt Jefferson Rebekah .lodge Tuesday nights Mrs. Neva Kes ter is the retiring noble grand. Officers were installed by Lil lian Smith and Kelthel Smith, "and are as follows: nobler grand, -Margaret Davidson- vice grand, Ida Hartley; musician, H a 1 1 1 e Goin; inside guardian, Millie Bil yeu; outside guardian, Grover Stephens; , c b a P 1 I n jf Lillian Smith; RSNG, Patty' B a r n e s LSNG, ..Grace Thurston; RSVG; Stella Hart; LSVG, Nettle Hawkf Wardm" "RlanVi Rtnhn Mm j "7 etwiiyai vyiavtan twm ductor. Keithel Smith; secretary; Laura Thomas; treasurer, Ada .Wells. : . " Givinff of Rubber Car Mats Pronosed A Secretar Af Ktate Karl Snell .- - XXZZttXZ .lsts contribute the rubber mats in isis mnLTiniiM ine ninnpr ma i a in "ilT - r" .. r .JTri --" "i" - , . hmr rlrlwo - : - I minister Mnvmllan In Ta An. .iy 'ij' .v. msM. wvsm . state board of control, ot which! ha la-a mmK 4a vrAur fhe mate taken out of trunks of all state - - - - v""-- ; "Many tons of rubber could be collected that way,". SneU said after contributlna: his own mat "and those mats don't serve anv useful purpose anyway.. Orexjon. Scrturdar Morning. July Today's Menu, Fresh " fruits and vegetables dominate the. weekend meals. " . TODAY. Cabbage salad with carrots j ... Broiled pork chops -f v Cream gravy, and potatoes "' Fresh "plum sauce : i 'i t Raisin cookies ? y Sliced . tomatoes, cucumbers " 5 ; Fried; chicken , New potatoes 4 Corn, on , the cob - ; . Raspberry' sundae - : " Chocolate cake " ,,-13:" ' ' ' MONDAY : -' .(Salad sandwich plate"f- Toasted cheese sandwiches '' Corned beef sandwiches ' x ; Combination salad " - " Relishes '' ' " Tomato quarters v" 0 Cantaloupe a la mode - !mbW COOKIES ..(S Dosen) cup fat cup sugar H cup honey H cup sour cream lvteaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon mace - 2 eggs,, beaten I 1 teaspoon grated orange rind 1 cups, flour 4 1 teaspoon soda 1 imp raisins:. Cream fat and -sugar. Add honer. cream, vanilla, m iet " . . w i meant anA rinA nat 9 tninntML I lightly add rest of Ingredients. Drop portions onto greased bak ing sheet Flatten and bake 42 1 minutes in moderate oven. v Fruit for Cannina Ready A grocer down the street tells us that apricots are going to be I In market in canninf quantities next week, and admonished 4 us I to pass on to our readers that the time for canning them is at hand. Check with your own gro- uevcrmuie WHWl am W1U I cer, ana aeiermme wen ne wiu a a mm have ttem at their best, then buy canr , ' I APRICOT CANNING Win tim 'fnilf wttti 1amn I doth, to remove fuzz, peel if del siredj blanch, halve and pit! Pack In jars, cover with boiling syrup and process 20 minutes in I actuly boiling water or for 33 am a earrsE - a minutes at 275 degrees In the oven. The hot water bath is the recommended method. All berries, except strawber ries, are canned by the same method.- BERRY CANNING Pack washed berries in JarsIrntsT church 6 CHRIST and cover with boiling syrup, I process for 20 minutes in hot water bath or 35 minutes in I oven. If preferred bring fruit to I a boU in the syrup pack in Jar. uu iuios iu nut waiex Data I r ,1ni1' I CHERRIES Cherries are handled the same 1 as berries, cooking 20 minutes in npt water nam when packed I chid, or 5 minutes after bringing to a, boil In syrup and then sack- I Ing in jar. hot. Plums are comintf into the la- I cal markets in good quanUty now, several varieties are al-1 ... j i l... j. -ii t,. ... I ;ZZ7J "Cic uu' UU,CI" wm I01" 10W. I PLUMS I w-.t. L'-u .v.- twu, yiiuk Muus uiu cover I with boiling syrup. Process for boll anif naflciA yin tn 4m I s- W r,7 r-nTr: i - yjiiij. iucjr ww taaie a mimnes in tne oven I set at 275 derrA- S?V 0ere. J- . W'ueacnes, taey are soma W V- Y ,4.1 w iw .iu tue mariui m urn GUanuueS mumtv soon now. en bejji nut, mum. - iww many peacnes I Thine House, . ura. aorever. . .v 5 you plan !to put down! I ening service M o'clock, vesper ser- J The clingstones are in now. vlc"' i .' " . - ,and some pebple4hink they are exceuent to can. Th flavor is verr idoi' huf ihmV tht miu himif .tti, -J ,. n., 7;:" .rr JT " 1--, ." tr - . . PEACHES : planch. cVin cold water and skin, pack- In jars and cover with boiling syrup, cook 20 minutes in hot water batlu - Every. year someone pops up with the idea that you can put down peaches with the skin oil USt as for apricots, and the COl- or and flavor is grand. We've done some like that for the last 15 years and think ifs a smart wea, rry a lew jars sometime. cooung loosens the skins so they are easy to remove as the rruit .Jthe ilavor is irrand. ? ' ' . I essssn. aawW 1 0 Be Presented Rev. T. W. Henderson, pastor v. we awaa svuiMiuaia vrusyei church, announces a special chn- dren'a program Sunday night at 7:45 when children wDl appear In Mnn ,.j rv in SOngS and recitations. The pro- I ram will be followed divine fr .w. " - - UrT w, 'ii jltib' v. riEnnprmn nsjej sVa wih u a .w-,.-. - Rev: Henderson reports that I nvr : S89 '. ministare wr ro-ent I and that every seminar was a real I tr. mut.i ..v . .1 Bjravuu tcui BCII heard, including Dr. J. O. Kinna- maa) the noted archaeofogist Rev. Henderson 'and his family were welcomed home to their church Iby members and friends. 11. IU1 College Quartet to Sing KWi Mesieaiai male eiuartet fnm WoHhweat- Nareiwr eeHer. Nampa, Idaho, wlfl appear fat concert at First Church ef The rn Onfer atrMi at Uth tt Snndav . JalY 12. at t Vdock In the evening. These young men with: are. eai s 1 weeks temr.throsl Oie swruiweau ameiBDcn , toartet. from-left to rights axe: Bamea Yaaderpeel, first tenor ana trombonist, WfcHa Walla, Wash.; Robert Woodworth, second tener, ad aololst, St. Paul. Minn; Jeeeph Teder, baas and ampaniat St ' Fatal, Mink, and Victory Bundy, baritone and soloist, a sen lor frem Haekos, Mian. Dr. LV T. CorleU. president of Northwest Nasareae coUege, will .appear with the ajsartet. : '' 'J- amBBBjsssMBas Church ServiTOS fa Salem BETHKL BAPTIST ' North CottJif at D atrMt. I. T. Ol thott. DD. paitor. Sunday chool f:U ajn. Morning servie 11 'clock. Sr moo mbject. "Comlnf to Church . or Coining to Christr Quarterly church ""l P-V Youto reUowship nMir r ' vi cvmiim m&rmcm 7 ski. kt m iKi "ui l JiMtiM." men subjact. "Mercy and Jutic." CALVAKT BAPTIST South Uberty at Miner street, TC- ward L. Allen, pastor. Sunday school 5 a jo. Morning' service it o'clock. Sermon subject. "The Second Com inr ot Christ.'' Young people's groups, :45 pjn. Evening service S o'clock. Sermon subject. "Man's Ruin God's Remedy." . FIRST BAPTIST Corner of Marion and Liberty streets. Rev. Irvine A. Tox. DD, min ister. Sunday school 9:43 ajn. Morning service li o cioca, sermon suojeci, "Provint the Will of God." Senior and Hifh School BYPU :4S pjn. Kvenin service a o ciock. sermon - suoiect, "The Ministry of Music" joua comts branch or 'to thAuburn school. school ts ajn with classes tor "-"- hayesvux branch or rJ5A5 t - ZaMTBTlUW SKUJHWI1 m tlW (! for all as e. Dewiy rjafK rl.fnM for i 7. frador ana jars. COURT STREET CHRISTIAN 17th and Court streets. W. H. man. naator. Sundav school S:4S ajn. UamlM arvk 100 e'61ok. Sermoh V" rkSSK service o'clock. Ordintfon service. ue mrmKme' w"tcr "T CsromcH or cauuar 1 nuniunday o"i . - . . - . i 10 us. Morning service ii o'clock. Svening service t J3Q o'clock. Preach- CHURCH OP CHRIST Cottage and Shipping streets. H. R. liornhlu, mlniater. Bible RkpT. 10 jn. Morning service 11 - o'clock. Thornh pah. Kv eninc service i o'clock. Young peo ples meeting i pan. VC.J.k, TJh.rt rtr.t Sun. day school 11 ajn. Morning sefvlee ll-?? "$5 durint- July and Aucust Readme room. j& SSS .Wf- Sfi pjtu Weanesaay to Tu, KNIGHT MEMORIAL CONGREGATIONAL 19th and Ferry streets. Howard C ?"?" vr; Sunday school 10a.ifi. b onfliet "with ness.- Young people at i pjn. mur comgrbgationai. . Cottar and Marion streets, Robert ft "LWTlW W rious Conditions in South Amria,' M9' pryor T- Smith- est-preacher. bethant evangelical and irmtutn Capitol and Marion streets. X. A. Kielsmeier. oastor. Sunday school U ajn. Morninar service 11 o'clock. Ser- mon subject. "Obedience." Installation of an officer. "1 evangelical C. WtMeord. naatSr.- f undav uhnnl m-43 a m. Mornina' serviee ll o'clock. Sermon subject, .""Jesus Christ i the Way of Life. Youth groups i pjn. Evening service ' a o ooca, sermoa subject, "In a World Such MOurs Today. Dees It Pay to Be a Christtanr lOUTH IALIH rUINDI . . t .TT .r .t. I tmhob w. MiUa. nastor. Sunday school iJ!f!JZgu'l.?r.. 460 North Cottaie street Don Wall, buhoD. Sunday school 10 ajn.-Reiiei itauei tllio Li?"? at "Tr? luwm 1 "V ' f. - REORGANTZKD CHURCH OF JESWS CHRIST or LATTER DAT SADXTS : 17th and Chemeketa streets, Charles Asher. pastor. Sunday school 1 ajn. Xb-SSJ3e?s Xit -cfsSS service a o'clock. Sermon . subject, CoiiUder the Knowledge of Cod.-, American Lutheran -'i" -r. Jyux?' I school t; "ijn. - Morning iservlce 11 ?.'clock FWJ&?: I of Ufa."- Svenlnf service 8 o'clock. ? .J.JT .rf ih. leS?P Purp f I t jrUu and isth streets, r. H. Theuer. lJSTZJSZ'-J. object, "Peramo Whaxe Toleraace enter srrronisT "- '' f '!' . State and Church streets. Dr. J. C Hantaan. pastor. Sunday school - S:4S ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser mon subject, v -Avowing tnt weaa Lin,"t by the pastor. mi. tfsrrHnnuT . Corner Market and Winter streets. David ' L. Tenwick. pastor. Sunday i?.;in: JEJS&P- i Evening service t:w e ciocx. itmonlsT . I south commercial at Myers streets. Joseph Knotta, paitor. Sunday school I ajn. Morning service-11 o'clock, I sermon bv eueat preacher. Rev. John I Evans. JCvenina serviee e o ciock. scr I o ausuect Center street at -lfch. Rev; -.Weaver s sr aaa.a a t,stLisLsi var ma nneiiiAtina vpaitor.suniay scnooi , s:3 I am. Maminr service' 11 o'clock, oer- mon by the .pastor.- "The voice or i Temptation." Nazarerte young people's I societies at 7 pjn. Evening service I I O eioca, special aacrea eoucerw mtsT FsUesbwctiaw , ' . . chemeketa at Winter - Streets, '.i Ijvut WlU'tmS. , DaStOr SuTKjiy school $-m ajn. Mominr service 10 o'clock, Jtoyai tohr ated bv the jreneral assembly ef the Fres- Ibyterian church. Evening service 0. I Kfu. m you." a .tuUoi their sponsor. Dr. KT Ooriettt science and retributive Justice. Sermon broadcast ever asut at pjn.: UNITED BRETHREN Df , CHRIST ' 11th and Nebraska avenue. Rev. C O. Goodman, pastor. Sunday school :4S ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock, sermon subject. "The Slothful Man and the Lion." CS leadership training class, t pjn. Evening service 8 o'clock. Sermon subject, "Destruction versus PuWlmentV -v '. - , PILGROC HOLINESS t7S Market street, .William McC las- sen, pastor. Sunday school t:4S aJn. MotbIdi service 11 o'clock, sermon subject. Rev. McGlasaen pntachlnc. XveJainf service IAS o'clock. Cist. Supt Orval C Keller will preach. - rntsT SPIRITUALIST. Meet at 1420 North 4th street. Ev ening service 1 30 o'clock. SALTATION ARMT S41 State street. Adit. JC T. HiiL pastor. Sunday school 10:49 a.m. Morn ing service 11 o'clock. Evening serv lee 7 o'clock,. Young People's Legion pjn. rOTJRSqUARR GOSPEL istn ana Jsrevman streets, sev. x, W. Meaderson, ThB, pastor. Sunday scnooi :a ajn. atornina; service' u clock. Sermon subject by oastor. Xr enlnf service 7:4a, divine beailng and evanaelistie service. Special children s program sunoay nignu crusaaer ser vice S3 pjn. cicich or god 40 South ilnd street. Rev. Oeo Watts, pastor. Sunday school 4:43 ajn. Morning service ii o cjocjc svening service S o'clock.- Kvaneelist John Dousiaa. Jr.. 17 years old, wlu IVANGELISTIC TABERNACLK ' (Assembly of God). Ferry and 12th streets, June mc Johnson, pastor, sun- day school ajn. atornina serv ice 11 o'clock. Young people's service ao pjn. evening service T30. EMMANUEL MENNONITR - Pratum. Daniel J. Unruh... sartor Sunday school 10 a'jn. Momipg service U o'clock. Sermon subject, "The Pow er Of Uod. Christian Endeavor 1 pjn. Evening service o'clock. Sermon sub ject. Distinguished - Service." Woodburxi Churches CHURCH Of GOD H. S. rulton, pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn. Morning worship it IU Xvening at tsw. FKEK MITHODIST - - Corner of Young and Catch streets. tiev. v. aw ADoon, pasxor. aunaa schoo lat SSS. Mornina service at li Young people's hour at S:45 p.m. Xv- enlng evangeustfe service at 70, METHODIST s - D. Lester yields, minister. The Joint service at 10 JO a.m. Sermoa,-topic. The Unchanging Christ." The church at study has departments and classes for aU ages. Xvening service at the Christian church with the pastor of he frresbyterian church bringing the NTOAKOS LUTHKKAN Monitor. 11 ajn, divine worship at it ajn. aunoay acnooi j ajn. xne Cotton - Lutheran Bible ' camp opens on Sunday, ' July XX, There will be services at 11 ajn. by one of the lo cal pastors.' One of the auest speaker WiU give the Inspirational address at ssv pjn. ana again at lusv in to cv ening. . ' . - MONTTOsi CONGKIOATIONAL N Rev. Trank Meyer will Breach next Sunday At 11:11 and Mrs. Meyer wUl sing. The Monitor church plana to observe Monitor day the last Bunofev of the month. and has Invited the Hubbard,, auiiott frame ana Smyrna churches to )mn taws oay. TntST PRESBTTXsUAN Sabbath school 10 ajn. Morning wor ship at 11. Senior and totermediato Endeavor meeunrs at t. union evening services at the Christian church at S. HSrrWKTL. FlMBTmlAN . Morning worship- 10 ajn. Sabbath school at 10 ."48. Mrs. John CorhwelL Supt. , . rvrajSTiAN sciknck Service Sunday In church. Sod and paraeM streets. IafMANHEL LCTHEBAN A ' Sundav divine worship at S-SO s.m Sunday-school and Bible class 10.-49 ST. Lvars CATHOLIC Rev. V. L, Mottenheier. pastor. Sun day masses at o'clock. S30 and It (low mass). . .,..,. Silvcrton Churches lXmrtX AND WMAJ-UaX LUTitEBAN :- i Joint services. Rev. M. J. XI Tuhr. pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn. Morn ing service 11. o'clock. - sermon sub ject, v "The . Low " rulfllled." . Luther ictgue wiu go to couon Park Bible camp. . ? .- , . irBisT cbucb' or canusr ' ' i Rav.-f-Russeil - Myers. nastor. Rfbla school f.-tS ajn. Morning service at 1L sermon suoject, -ma Mission of the tnurcn in tne wotm." Evening serv ice a o'clock. CX 1 o'clock. METHODIST ,' --J. '7'Z-- - Rev. O. Leonard Jones, rartnr. Eim, day school :4 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject, "Called to Be. Saints ta 10." Service will CALVABT . " ! .- , J Rev. O. Ct Olson, paitor." Morning crai ana u juw. . . , . - btrooxne Day Set -t PORTLAND, OreV July 10.-ff5 The Portland city council Thurs day desisnated next Tuesday as CoL J. J.' Stromme day in honor of the commanding officer of the Portland " air base who has been ordered tov Washington for a new assignment - ' ' GommuiSon tc ateq . Presbyicrian Church . ; ' ToOfserre Summer, .f Service Sunday -'- Summer communiori will , celebrated at the First Prby ' lan church at: 11 o'clock Sy&4 morning. The pastor, Rev. W. 4 vin Williams, will administer u sacrament All Christians, are b vited to partake even though n , members of the local w?;' tlon.- The communipn meditaw Is tased on the theme, "Loyal. m,c4" aHrmted bv the ger eral mssembly of tiie Presbyteris CfetjrchUSA i W,f,c: . -rWri is awr elb naxuauate ta uua and worshipful' ciuarterly com munlon Vlrcinia Ward will smf ymn to the Last Sup per" .' (Demarest) The c n o r u robed-cholr will also 'assist. f At this quarterly service, thi globe-banks which have been use for the world emergency, fund wil be received, also special girts foi work among all branches of out distributed for the Presbyteriai o nation's service. At 70. Mr. Williams will spea on the theme, "When Your Sim Catch up With You; a study oi conscience and retributive jus tlce." Agnes Drummond is the so loist The sermon message will bi broadcast over KSLM at 8 o'clock The pastor and Elder Glenr Adams will attend the synod ol Oregon, July 14, 15 and 18. Philip Barrett m embeSv ?t ttr. local church, will appear35ef ore tn nvMnvTsirT snr w k jrnPLuraUir u- . at vri ftdeSC. a.rBss J.a TV censure at this meeting. Mr. Bar rett Is a student for the gospel rninistry at San Francisco Theo- ogical seminary In California. Institute WiU Open Sunday , Nineteen Salem Young Folk Leaving for Suttle Lake Meet The Youth Fellowship' group of the First Methodist church will attend the 1 Suttle Lake ' institute which openi Sunday morning. Dr. J. Edgar; Purdy. Salem district su perintendent! and Dr. Silas K. 1 Falrham, siiperintendent of the' Cascade district, idU be rnaelers at the meetings thausjrlbat the weefc . ' r " Ruth Cramer, director of Chris tian education 1 of First Church. win goag. counsel of the First oKurcfi Xvbun tr rxmnl and will Mawi a class On "Facing "Life's Problems." The following young people will be" in the Firft church group: Ruth Bain, Ester Porter, Marian Erickson, Edith Mae Fairham, Marcia Moore, JoAnn Palleske, Beverly Widiworth, Connie Cocking, Jane Acton, Donna Hen derson, Walda Buzzard, Patty and Bob Zeller, Barbara and Kenneth Crawford,' Kenneth DeHirt, Don Veazie, Leo Robins, Bob Bennett and, Richard Gatke, all of Salem, and Donald Libby of Canby. -At the 11 o'clock service Sun day morning. Dr. J. C. Harrison will preach the first in a summer series of six sermons on "Keep- mg Lire Fresh, Moving, Grow ing," his subject foruMJay be ing "Avoiding tteg)aKAle., Dean Mel vin GeHT will lead the morning choir in an anthem and Miss. Beth Seiwert will sing a solo. -. . SoutH America Is Sermon Topic r: The Rev. Pryor T. Smith. wh. has been representing the Pres byterian church In Colombia for la years, will conduct the morn ing service at 11 o'clock in the First Congregational church. Re Uglous Conditions in South Amer ica will be his theme, i Mr.. Smith Is a son of Rv James Aiken Smith of Salem. He is supplying the local I pulpit in the absence of the inlnister, R. A. Hutchinson. Miss Carolyn Brown , i will be the soloist at the service, h -- 1 Church Reiilin To Be Observed Annual homecoming at the old Pleasant Crove church near West Staytoh WiU be held July 1 J, in stead of the third Sunday as in past years.-f - v - ;... Speaker will be Rev. Fred Neal, DD, a missionary in Africa, who attended the Pleasant Grove church In bis youth. , , , Morninf ' service, - bejinninf at 11 o'clock, will U followed by a basket dinner. Afternoon service la. scheduled for a o'clock. , Rev. J. Y. Stewart of Albany ig" pastor of this church. '. ; V : -i Voull like Calvary It's a friendly church with a Calvary message, t . ' j . , 11 A. 11: "Second Coming of Christ- s$ .?r-.- , t P. M.; ""Man's RuinSods Remedy." " ' v E. L, Alien, rai) Cdviny 8e Liberty aflSler