The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 02, 1942, Page 5, Image 5

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    Local News Briefs
Th GSEGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Thursday Morning. July 2. 1942
New Secretary Here John P.
Vaughan, ' new executive secret
lary for the Salem-Marion' county
rationing board office here, com
menced his new duties Tuesday,
Vaughan, : formerly, of - Portland,
was named upon recommenda
tion of the Marion county com
mittee, bringing the total of the
paid staff, of the, office at the
city hall up to three. Mrs. Charles
Gabriel, first clerk of the board,
has been handling tire ration ap
plications particularly; Mrs. Ken-'
neth Bell has been in "charge of
registrations for sugar and of the
sugary records. With Jthe begins
ning of this month, the office also
has become headquarters for war
price administration in this area:
Lutz florist Ph. 9592. 1276 N , Lib.
Courthouse Remodeling Begun
-Changes in two rooms allocated
for election use on the fourth floor
of the Marion county courthouse
were begun Wednesday by Coun
ty Clerk. Lee Ohmart preparatory
to miniature - photographing this
summer ol county records. , The
photographing ot the records, au
thorized by : th$ " county budget
committee, will offset the danger
of their i destruction in 1 event of
any disaster to .the, courthouse
building. Records to be photo
graphed include those , of the cir
cuit court, the probate court and
recorder's office. The, photographs
will be preserved in a safe place.
Chemeketans Plan Hike Lead
er Kenneth Jennings will take a
group of Chemeketans this week
end to the Tumble creek area
west of Detroit rhr thr I a re
puted to be a natural bridge. Ac
cording , to reports the natural
bridge was discovered jonly last
summer and has been visited by
only two or three persons.- The
group leaves Salem at 7 a, m. Sat
urday and win camp six or eight
miles tip- the trail that night
Hiking distance is 24 miles, driv
ing distance 100 miles, trail fee
25 cents. - ,
New Deluxe Beauty Salon recent
ly opened at Prices. Get your ap
pointments now. Formerly Ana
bels. Transport Survey Set An im
mediate survey of Oregon's pas
senger transportation facilities, to
determine the extent of duplica
tion that exists between rail and
bus service, is to be conducted
by the public utilities department
here, it was announced Wednes
day. State Utilities Commissioner
Ormond R. Bean said he had as
signed John H. Carkin, supervisor
of rail transportation for the com
mission, and A. F. Harvey, super
intendent of motor transportation,
to conduct the investigation. The
survey was requested by Joseph
Eastman federal transportation
coordinator. ' "X, A.'.'' v
.... . . , . ' - .
For Home Loans see Salem Fed
eral, 130 South Liberty.
Camouflage Bead Named Ap
pointment of CharleV H. Voorhies,
Oswego, instructor at the Port
land Museum of Art as state
camouflage officer for the Oregon
state , defense council, was an
nounced by Gov. Charles A.
Sprague here Wednesday. The ap
pointment was made at ther re
quest of and with the approval
of the regional office of civilian
defense at San Francisco to wbJch
has' been given the responsibility
by the navy, army: and civilian
defense officials "of the west for
perfecting plans for area camou
flage. ' -..--;-.,
Quick sale, one operator, beauty
shop. Good business. Box 2166,
Statesman. - - -
Issued Marriage licenses Le
roy Smity, Oregon City, and Dor
othy Rainbold, route one, box 403,
Salem; Shrader Hawkens and
Jean King, both of Lebanon; Neil
Shepard and Gpldie , Goodman,
both of route one, Albany; Walter
Geren, Sflverton, and Clare Find
ley, , Cheney, Wash.; Homer Bell
and Rosemary Bass, both of Jef
ferson; Harlan Banta, Lebanon,
and Donna Cookaon, Sweet Home;
Channing Ball and .Mary Turner,
both of Corvallis, and S win Car
penter, route three, Corvallis, and
Irene Cibart, Corvallis, have been
issued marriage licenses, at Van
couver, Wash.
Announcing opening new Beauty
Salon at Prices. Expert operators.
Phone for appointment 5859. For
merly Anabels. r .
Training- School Escape Oliver
Charles Luce, alias Charles Lax
ton, 15, escaped from the state
training school at approximately
3:40 Wednesday afternoon, state
police were informed. The boy
has a variety of larceny records,
officers declared, and his home
is near Portland. Seventy-two-year-old
Oscar Pendleton, who
wandered off from the state hos
pital Tuesday, was apprehended
a few hours later, officers re
ported. ,
Refresher classes in business
courses and offlc machines.
Phone 5987. -t '
Lions Schedule Installation
Installation of club officers will
occupy , the attention of the Salem
Lions club at its luncheon today
noon at the Marion hotel. V. T.
Golden, retiring president will
give his final report and conduct
the installation ceremonies for
Monroe Cheek, president; Edwin
Schreder, first vice president;
Edward Majek, second vice presi
dent; L. M. Ramage, third vice
president, and Paul Petticord and
Floyd Bowers, directors. -
Price's Beauty Salon- now- open
for business. Phone earlyj for ap
pointments. Expert operators.
Formerly Anabels.
Stories'oi First Air Raid Tclf by Wounded
. i
v A ;
. -. '.-.;.. .-'(-vj;.i--:-X'.-.w" -m? '''- '
- - v i 4.
Antrican . .
' Alden Woodrow Antrican, for
mer resident of Salem, at his
home in Los Angeles, Saturday,
June 27, at the age of 15 years.
Survived by his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Wesley Antrican, of Los
Angeles;" grandparents, Mr. and
Mrfc W. M. Antrican, of Eola, and
Mrs. Louise Kleinke, of .Salem;
survived also by several aunts,
uncles and cousins. Services will
be held Thursday, July 2, at 2
pjni from Clough-Barrick chapel,
with Dr. J. C Harrison officiat
ing. Concluding service in City
View cemetery.
Williamson t -
In this city, Tuesday, June 30,
Nettie Williamson, aged 67 years,
late resident of 140 North 21st
street Wife of L. AT Williamson
and mother of E. M. Williamson
of Salem, sister of C. A. Roberts
of Salem, Lee Roberts of Albany,
Mrs. Ruby Jones of Walla :walla,
Wash., and Mrs. Iva Muno of Si-
Ttfelvin Williamson of Salem;
niece of G. W. Chapman of Si-
letz and Mrs. Cora Southwick of
' Salem: also survived by several
nieces and nephews. Services will
be held in the chapel of the W. T.
Rigdon company Thursday, July
J, at 3;30 p. m. Concluding serv
Ices in City View cemetery.
Joseph James, at his home in
Chemawa, June 29. Survived by
wife, Mrs. Mary 1 James and
daughter, Miss Frances James,
both of Chemawa; two, sons, Mil
ton James of NorthJ Carolina and
Bud James of Kiowa, Oklahoma.
Funeral announcements later by
Clough-Barrick company.
Allen x
Ralph Nicholson Allen, 53, late
resident of 2535 Lee street at a
ocal hospital Wednesday, July; 1.
Survived by widow. Zona G. Allen,
and daughter, -Betty Zo, bow or
Salem: mother, Mrs. L. B. Allen of
Englewood, Calif.; brother, L. W.
Allen of Los Angeles;, two cousins,
Mrs. A. E. Utley and Mrs. C. L.
Blodgett, both of Salem, and sev
eral nieces and nephews. Serv
ices will be field Friday, July 3,
at 2d. in., from the Clough-Bar
rick chapel with Rev. W. Irvm
Williams officiating. Ritualistic
services, Pacific lodge No. 50, A.
F. & A M. Concluding services in
Belcrest Memorial park.
At the residence, Salem route 4,
June 30, Nanne Hidde Stonebrink,
re 88. brother of-Miss B. H.
;tonphrinlt of Salem: uncle of
Wenska L. Swart of Salem, Renska
Donker of Aumsville, Mrs. Ad
dena Holmes of Los Angeles,
Calif.. Mrs. Wilde Win slow of Sa
lem. Hedda Swart and Martin
Swart, both of Salem, Mhe Donker
brothers of Aumsville, George
Stonebrink of Steamboat coio
and Maurice Stonebrink of Spo
kane, Wash. Funeral services will
b held Thursday, July 2, at 1:30
ii. m. in the chapel of the . W. T.
Rigdon company, with concluding
services in ; the Qty View cem-
Rev- n. n. 11 e oen wui
. officiate. v--
Coming Home
YAMHILL, July 1-T)-Yamhill
county's No. 1 air hero is coming
home for .a visit, his mother, said
Wednesday. -. " '
He is Kenneth Jernstedt mem
ber of the American volunteer
rroup in China and one of the two
filers who destroyed 15 Jap planes
ia afire in a raid this
spring on Moulmeinairfield.
Mrs. Margaret Stewart Morange
at a local hospital July 1, late resi
dent; of Billings, Mont Survived
by husband, Rev. John Morange,
Billings; daughters, Miss Marion
Morange, Salem, and Mrs. Harold
Meiseger, Billings; sons, John
Morange of Great Falls, Mont;
sisters. Mrs. G. E. Myers, San
Diego, Calit, Mrs. William Wort-
ley. Tulsa, Okla, Mrs. John Kier
and Mrs.. Archer Ballantine, both
of Chicago; a brother, Hugh Stew
art, Tulsa, Okla-- and two grand
daughters, Lynn and Lauren Jean
Meisenger of Billings. Funeral an
nouncements later by Clough.
Barrick company.
Bert Gordon Ellis at the family
residence, route two, July 1, aged
68 years. Survived by widow, Ed
na Myrtle Ellis, Salem; sons Gor
don rufr, Staples, Minn, Charles
Ellis. Los Angeles, Gale Ellis, USN;
daughter, Mrs. Laura Wood. Also
survived by Ruth and Judy Lar
Larson who have made their home
with the Ellis'. He -was a mem
ber of Sylvan lodge No. 176, IOOF,
Staples, Minn.' Funeral announce
ments later by Walker & Howell.
Mr. ' and Mrs. E. B. Page and
daughters wish to express their
deen appreciation for the many
thoughtful acts and expressions ot
sympathy from friends and also
from many in ine community wiin
whom they were not previously,
acquainted, in the loss of their
ton : and brother. Warren Pare.
killed in action on the Lexington.
The first shipload of wounded Alaskan soldiers, sailors and civilians and a group of women and children
evacuees nave arrived at Seattle, bringing wltft tnem the story ox the bombing attack on Dutch Harbor.
They told of Jap fighter planes flying low and strafing civilians in the streets, many of whom sought
gaiety in me nuis, mere were 35 persons from unaiaska and from nearby Cold bay on the army trans
port Mayor John W. Fletcher of Unaiaska (Dutch Harbor Is in Unaiaska bay) directed the flight of
five truck loads of women and children Into the hills. - Fletcher said, applications for civilian death
certificates number 35 after the June bombing and strafing.. Pictured above leaning en the ship's rail
are several members of the armed forces who were wounded In the attack on the Aleutian outpost
They, are (left to right): Bert Browne, Alvin Zettel and Orvill Wmllenw ID photo. -
Engineer's Staff Cut With the
opening of the new fiscal year
Wednesday, the force of City En
gineer J. H. Davis was cut by one
man. to meet new budget require
ments. Lee McAllister, an assist
ant in the department for ap
proximately 18 months, was out
at the city hall but "in" at the
airport where he was to go to
work for Tri-State Construction
Keep cool and comfortable on the
4h nichnn'. rimn.. wvl
tropical suits are the answer.
They're America's greatest cloth
ing value . . . $25.00. See these
in ouif windows! j
Junior I Hostesses Meet Junior
Hostess league members have
been 'called to a mass .meeting
next Wednesday night 3saly 8. in
the floral room of the chamber
of commerce. Meeting with them
are to be members of the Senior
Hostess league executive commit
tee and Miss Rachael Yocom,
WPA recreation executive here.
Wanted CherrytPickers.; 2'4c if
you stay till finished. Good pick
ing. Transportation from employ
ment bureau 6 ajn.
New First Aid Class A stand
ard first aid class will be organ
ized at 2:30 Monday afternoon at
the YWCA Mrs. Phoebe Busick
will be the instructor and classes
will be held in a basement room
which is cool. All persons wish
ing to take this work will be wel
comed in this group. .
Savings insured to $5,000.00
are earning 3 at Salem Federal,
130 South Liberty.
Tools Stolen Theft of ome
tools from his car as it stood
parked on the runway into the
basement of the lumber depart
ment of the Oregon Pulp & Pa
per company at the west end of
Ferry street has been reported
to city police by Leslie L. Grazer
of the Leonard hotel.
Fryers, 60c each, IV4 miles north
of Underpass.. Watch for sign.
Recovering From Operation
The recovery from a major op
eration at the Salem General hos
pital Friday of Dr. J. Vinton Scott
has progressed to the point where
he is receiving visitors.
Taxes Turned Over The Mar
ion county - sheriffs office filed
notice With the I county clerk
Wednesday of a turnover of $46,-
752.78 in 194Jj-taxes to the county
treasurer. Salem school district
received $19,7&i.63 from the fund
and the city of Salem $8320.37.
Keep cool and comfortable on the
4th . . . Bishop's Clipper "cupT
tropical suits are the answer.
They're America's greatest cloth
ing value . . . $25.00. See, these
in our windows!
Exam Time Set C. A. Kells of
the Salem YMCA Wednesday
asked all boys who are planning
to go to the Y camp in the Silver
Creek recreation area Sunday to
come, to the Y building tonight
for their physical exams. '
Dr. Moran, 158 S. Cottage, Chiro
practic Physician. Dial 8197. f
Seeks to Lay Pipe Applica
tion for permission to lay a one
inch pipeline along Lana avenue
to serve the home of Frank W.
Hens has been made to the Mar
ion county court by the Portland
Gas & Coke company.
Contracts Given
For Willamette
Highway Jobs
Contracts for two jobs, both In
Lane county, were awarded by
the state highway commission
here Wednesday.
One job involves 3.98 miles of
grading, surfacing and bituminous
macadam, and furnishing 6100
cubic yards of crushed, gravel
in stock piles on the Goshen
Pleasant Hill section of the Wil
lametto highway. This contract
was awarded to C. J. Eldon, Port
land, on a low bid of $272,845.50,
based on the use of tar. There was
one higher bidder.
The other award .invoices con
struction of a brmge over ? the
coast fork of .the Willamette river
and three pile trestle bridges on
the Willamette, highway. 'This
job . went to Tom Lillebo, Reeds
port, on a low bid of 453,774.
There were two higher bids on
this job.
om Mraie
Permit Granted illard Ben
in has been ' granted k permit
to haul logs over county roads
by the Marion county court
State vs. Frank .W. lRosebor-
ough; order by Judge E. M. Page
resubmitting case to grand jury,
based on motion of District At
torney Miller B. Hayden stating
that w further ; evidence, has been
discovered but is not admissible
as evidence under pending 'indict-
memV, "ct:
Clements vs. Rank; automobile
replevin case scheduled for trial
today before Judge Page has been
postponed because of death in
family of plaintiffs attorney: :
Feme M. Baxter vs. Lenna B.
Rinard; complaint to cancel agree
ment for purchase of real prop
erty and to recover $739.73 paid
on purchase price and $1000 dam
World . war veterans state aid
commission vs. -Thorer J. and
Maude O. Olson; order renewing
judgment entered in 1932.
Federal Land Bank of Spokane
vs. Thomas Winh; sr et al; order
confirming sale of real property
on execution. V -;f .
Hodgen - Brewster " Ctenniai
Flouring Mills Co. vs. C. N4 Cum
mings; defense motion for stay
of action pending completion of
defendant's bankruptcy proceed
ings. . Hugh A. Towd and Ohio Cas
ualty Insurance company vs.
Ralph Calkin by guardian ad li
tem; amended complaint for
$287.65 damages claimed from ac
cident . '
Marjorie Jean and - Norman
Douglas Potter guardianship; re
port of Vera R. Potter, guardian,
showing sale of wards one-third
Interest In real property to Ora
E. Potter for $3000.
C M. LaFollette estate; C M.
IoUette, father of , deceased,
named J administrator . of t estate
estimated worth $3500 in personal
property in Marion county and
$38,500 in real property, in Mar
ion, Yamhill and Clackamas coun
ties;" E. F. Aufranc, Bert Jones
and Paul Townsend named ap
praisers in Marion county, Eugene
Wilson, Ray LaFollette and Lane
Davidson in Yamhill and Julius
Palonsky, s Lowell Joseph and O.
Wherry in Clackamas county. ,
Amanda Jeannette Bishop es
tate; final order," George D. Bish
op, executor. --. '
".George D. Burdick estate; final
order,; William' S. Walton; execu
tor. '' -' K5:-:.'-.:rf,x:
Y- Stephen Merten estate; final de
cree, Steve J.: Merten, executor, j
..George E. Waters estate; testi
mony, taken by Judge L. H. .MC
Mahan for purposes of record.
"Viola M.' Yost;" no operator's li
cense; $1 and costs: fine suspend
ed and costs paid. . .
George Smith; no operator'! li
cense; $1 and costs; fine suspend
ed and costs paid. ' . . . .
Charles J, Weigel; no opera
tor's license; $2.50 and costs.
'- Frank D. Sharp; failure to stop
at marked intersection; $2.50.
L. F. Jacubec; failure to yield
right-of-way to pedestrian; $15.
Blanche Allen; violation basic
rule; $10. ' .
Parsonage I&J'ainted
AUMSVILLE The Wesleyan
church parsonage is being painted
with Edward .Holmquist doing the
page nvs
Acetylene Gun
Made Here Is .
First of Kind
' TTie world's first self-firing,
self-extinguishing acetylene torch
is being manufactured in Salem,"
says Donald II. Black, president of
the Gas Gun company, Inc., of
this city.' "It Js-called fie: gas
gun.-- : ..: : : ? '
Designed along the lines of an
automatic pistol, the gas gun oper
ates' exactly like a gun. Pulling
the : trigger . instantly ignites the
torch; release of pressure on the "
trigger testanUy extinguishes the
flame. This advantage reduces to -1
a neglible point the fir hazard;
which has been common with the ,
use of high-temperature torches. '
The gas gun weighs only 20 ounces I
and is 6'i incheslong and 54 '
inches high.. It operated 1
from any .-standard acetylene
equipment '
Although, it has been on the i
market only a few months, the gas
gun has already found wide ac
ceptance in ship and' aviation
plants. It is used in plumbing, re- -frigerating.
and sheet metal de
partments, as well as battery
shops. It: Js used for soldering,
silver-soldering, light brazing and 11
lead burning work.' -
"Redecorated Enlarged
Usnal Wave $L50
rem on
rosb Wave a
Complete.. P&XJ
Open Tours. Eve,
by Appointment .
- Fheae SCSI -.
SIS First National Bank Bldg.
' " .
: - ; Tk .
sfX ' -
i.,-. ' . tA s . Am .'-r""
I M n it IM
V " ...--7 1 ; "' r.' ! :''
: ife r X v y i i :
Wax traffic fifoopt, tanks, guns, moaihoas and supplies U moriag on
schedule over The Milwaulte Road. It Is aa Impressive daxaonxtz&uon oi
strugui for it skows sot only the era-growing piodactire power of the Na
tion, bat the ability oi lis great rail transportation systems to handle the goods.
. The Oltmfiax, too, is going throngft ca schedule, oa its daily trips horn
Paget Sound to L&ie i&chlgaa. '.
Staadaid and tourist
sleepiag cara, mod
em coaches, dining
ear. OiMae-tray
serrice at your seat
in tourist cars and
coaches. ---
esopmlf.i Tacoma Ac. 9:30am r
10:30pm Lv. . . Seattle . ; Ar. ' 8.O0am M far
hi in 8O0am Lv. . Spokane . Ar. 920pm 2W aw
Mfcy 3;50pm Lt. . Mivoula . Ar. ,3:00pm 24
W n 7.-03 pm Lt. . . Butt . . Ar. 12:10pm hdfey
M 328 pm Ar. . Aberdeea . Lv. 7 4.00 pm Id t
Ui An 10:10pm Ar. MumMpolia Lv. 925am Ww
MnllKX)pm Ar. . St Pal . Lt. "8; 40 am in rf
M w 6:55 am Ax. HawaukM Lt. 1.00 am W ii
M w 8:55am Ar. . Chicago . Lv. 11:15pm
C:-iN iWoadOiaco ::'.i'",'r"':r-:':l5
IM S. W. TamkiU SU PWma AHratM 1M7 ,
Z. Schagfl. Twlin fmimw Agt
, T. I. Iweaaaa. Cwntei Aqnt
Brown Derby Pilsner, to-
; gether with potato chips or
sandwich makings.Then invite
some of your friends oyer to
join in the fun. r
THE TEST-FLU a pitcher
with the beer, and servcThat's
how old-time Pilsner tasted its
best...served not too chilled...
. and enjoyed leisurely with a
bite to eat . . . the soul-stirring
aroma and flavor of each swal
low lingered over
If you and your guests don't
agree Brown Derby equals the
finest Pilsner you've ever tast
ed, return empties to where
you bought it and they'll gladly
refund full price paid. , ;
Our Brown Derby Beer It
made to our own exclusive
Pilsner formula. It Is brewed
with costly malt end With
hops selected fordeltcacyof
flavor. Every botch Is
checked by our own
quality control un
der the direction cf
an authority on Pils
ner beer, a men born
and trained In Pilsen.
'Msdi h Solum Brewery
fir Sofewgy
CUY GUMS-Esch saves
2 metel cops for other uses.
And you get mora Pilsner
ihen ever for your mcncyl
SSjw pas jonxf k TS3
TT?.WW tWM. MKtt t
--' . J.Vrmim tt F
be en