T7.cz nnzn wife!'. EfEicdentl cbhbzhical!-- That's Classified JLd TLs dSGOa STATZUII. Cda, Orssca. Uortdai Kaslag. Jdy 2, 1312 , t Classified A4Tritetec Classified Ads Cell 9101 Three insertions per line 25c Sue insertions per line 40c One month per line f 1 73 Minimum charge 25c; I ti. min imum 33c; 6 tL min. 15c No refunds. .. Copy tor this pace accepted ua Ul 6.30 the evening before publica tion for -clasaitlostioa. Copy re- cetvea arter ttua time wiU bo run under tit heading; "Too La to to Classify, i- The Statesman assumes ao flnan etal responsibility (or orrora which may appear in advertisements oub- Ushed in ita columna and in can where this paper w at 'fault will reprint that part of an advertise- ment In wnich tha typographical mistako occurs. , Tha Statesman reserves tha right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves tha right to ' place aJJ advertising under , tha propel classification A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number tor an ad dress as tot tha protection of. the aaveruaer maa must tneretore- do answered by letter. The- Statesman ts- not at liberty to divulge infor aaation aa to the Identity of aa 1 1 I i llll.w All wmrnw kwu w( m ! Livestock and Poultry rARMZRS WZ PAY SOo per hundred for dead and worthless live stock. Top- prices paid lor lox-teea i nrses Phone cot lect, Salem. 6411. MONTGOMERY RENDERINQ WORKS SOO N. H. chicks. 4 wks. old. Oppoe. Liberty school. Ph. Z24M. RED pullets At fryers, 2460 Laurel. ' r. 4757. ....... Help Wanted CHERRY -Pickers. SO A. good pick ins. S',c per lb. Fred J. Browning, Ph. 22238 or 22992. Liberty Rd, Salem Hta. bus. ORCHARD man, S A. cherries. Also Ackers. A. W. laely, Rt, 3. Box 887 aver Rd. l ml. xrom KoOerts. WANTED--Cl6Try picks starting gat., J' cents. A. B. Browi drowning. I miles So. on Liberty ltd., then v mue on BeJcreat Rd. 50 CHERRY Dickers. C X. Andresen Rt 7. Bx. 281, Vs. ml. JL. Vs mL S Hayasvilie school. . CHERRY pickers. Good picking, close in. Park Are. inquire jsue uecier st, CHERRY - 'pickers. Carl Aapinwall f Orchards. Brooks. Phone USSl. Trans ition furnished. Meet truca at jv't. employment office on Ferry St, TjOO a. nv . . CHERRY pickers good crop, good pay, transportation furn. Anunsen. Ph. 7412 CHERRY nickers. A. S. Grice. 3 mi. west on Orchard Heights Road. Ph. J CHERRY Pickers wanted. 205 Salem Heights Ave. Phone 21721. r Help Wanted Male " BUCKERS and fallen, rigging men, good wages. Call Ted Weltr.m WANTED Salesman " or dealer for Inner Seal, the automatic puncture sealer Prevents punctures of automo bile or truck tires. Help save this rub ber and make yourself some money. See Mr. Cleeton. Argo . Hotel, Wed. noon to Thur. noon.' . ' Help Wanted -Female WANTED Woman- for housekeeper for 2 adults, good heme, good wages 2 adult one 4429 Ph. Wanted at once GRADUATE 1TRSE for general duty. Hutchinson ospital. Orecon City. Ore. Phone. 4791 Salesmen Wanted DISTRIBUTOR Nationally known AAA-1 paint manufacturer needs man for territory surrounding Salem. As sistance on new contracts as well as on old trade. Credit on all business. Must live here and have car. No capital required. Only active man who can stand thorough investigation will a considered nee air. jjuquene. no te! Marion. , Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED housekeeper - wants work. H0 to $43. Phone 3715 between and 9 a. m. CHILDREN cared for. 2309 Center. WILL" care for children.. Ph. S229. THICK drivinc wanted by ' young man. draft exempt. S yrs. exp. Days preferred. Call mornings, 452 N. Church Children kept ' 659 Brers. Ph." 321 PAINTING and decorating Ph 7352 Elertrit wiring repairs. Ph- .2-2233 For SaleMiscellaneous BABY bassinet. Phone 625a. i A. vetch A oats, standing. P. 7687, FOR SALE Pekenese dog. 10 mo. old M9 Academy St, Dallas. Ph. 207. SLIGHTLY used electric Coca-Cola bottle cooler ' Goad Housekeeping, 467 Court. - - .- t. 11 TONS ALFALFA HAY For sale, S of cheat Ready for hauling July Come over July 4 n see hay. Seven niles east of Sisters. E. E. Heese. Star -Eta.. Redmond, Ore. USED Burroughs bookkeeping ma thine. Ph. 5287. : . ; FRYERS. .25c Ib live? 2 to Vm lbs. Oppos Liberty School.; Pn. A. CHERRIES. 4 lb. YOU pick Plug) coat. tJze 3. S3. 255 So. 14th St Hi. 2-1606. - HOGG BROS have a limited sstpplr tt electric water heaters THE APRON SHOP. t79 N. High, ; ADVERTISINO i V stern Advertisiria " r ' Representatives f ' Georrt D Owe. Inc. lxi rranciscst Lea' Angatca Seattle . " Eastern Advertising ' Representatives Ward-Grlffrtb Company Ine. Chicago New York Detroit Boston Atlanta Cnlarsd a tha Postofffee at Salasn. fVtrm as Second Class Matter Pnb- ined eaerp -atornmp except Monday, istnass eice-2J5 South Cowtaterctsl SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mall Subscript ton Rates In Advance T";Jiin Oregon: Daily and Sumter Mo ft cents; S Moa S3 00, I aw SS 00. sewhere SO centa. awt aao of S72S wr 1 y"r tn advance Pee eonj cent tl , J a year U-adX.-- n atawson-and ! Eloney to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE or nhnna i9mi A Salem's- oldest largest home owned and bom managed finance Institu tion. Your financial affairs wilt be discussed and loam made to strictest privacy, you win be given every con sideration in the repaying of your loan or granting, of extensions. I SO U MONTHS TO REPAY You can say ' in .full any time to rauues u coax. ;,. ONLY BORROWER SIGNS- No endorsers. Loans, made on furni ture or not. ROY H, SIMMONS, MGR. Lie. No. M-1S2. JIM CLARK. ASST. MOJt GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie. No. S-13S 1 134 So. Commercial St. Phone 91SS First door south of Ladd St Bush bask Convenient ground floor location. PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS . CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money for new or used cars.-No delay or red tape. You will retain possession of the vehicle. 1 to 19 MONTHS TO PAX - ROY H. SIMMONS 151 South Commercial 8 treat Phone 918B Lie No. M-133 MONEY TO LOAN -'' On Farm, City or Acreage Property CHILDS at MTIJ.FR. OJC. 344 Stat St Phone 9261 WE LOAN on tana. rsstdenrJal a business property Will tray mortgages or contracts bawkins ss ROBERTS INC. Realtors. Guardian Building. Financial WANTED To buy for cash Real estate mortgages, real estate contracts. merchandise discount paper. State Finance Co. 344 State. For Sale -Miscellaneous ' Shop the , fNash Furniture Co. for better - values in new and used furniture : Large stock 3 floors Cash Terms or Trade 219 N. Commercial St SEE HOGG BROS.. 260 State St for liberal trade in on your old furniture. CHERRIES ,i price: You pick. A. E. Zimmerman, 2 mi. . No. of underpass. Ph. 22580. COMPLETE restaurant 8c fountain equipment. Ph. 1101 or on premises Thursday, 3rd floor. Miller Mercantile. ROYAL ANNE & Bing cherries. 4c lb. You pick. 2560 3. Summer. 3 SINGLE walnut beds, all alike Heavy springs & mattress incl. Not soiled. Reas. Call after 5. 1S5 N. 13. CHERRIES 3'ic b. You pick. 150 Sunny view. RED raspberries 4c, you pick or halve. H. Harland. 2 mi. E. of Marion. SK12 RUG dinnette set. nearly new. Zenith radio 920 N. fth.- CftOOKED Finger Burbank seed po tatoes. Phone 2-2281. Wanted Furniture . N & GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers Mt furniture dealers will pay you more cash or -trade for furniture household, goods Wa buy or. sell everything Ph. 5110 , CASH FOR used furntture at house- hoki goods R Forger pta 144 Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Bicycle, stoves, refriger ators, kitchen cabinet and elcc. stoves. 801 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-1577. HIGHEST cash prices paid for USED or JUNK TIRES or TUBES. Don Madi son. 590 No. High. WANTED Poulty of all kinds. North west Poultry and Dairy Products Co.. 1503 N Front. Ph. 7007. USED FURNITURE Ph 9185. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair rWO HOUR SERVlt. IN MOST CASES Bring or -Stall Your Plates tor Reoatr DB HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg, State- aV Com'l -Ph 3311 For Rent Rooms -aoTia. MAKION -apectal weekly and monthly rates to perm guests , Marion Coffee Shop, delicious meals si low pries NICE cool sleeping rms. 260 Marion. SLEEPING room 725 Court St. NICE RMS. men, 1363 Court St SLP RMS 378 Bellevue Ph 3048, o.w' i. . -, . - J , . NICE sleep rms 966 Center. WELL FURN. sL rms.. Individ, lava tones. Near State bldgs. 737 Center. Room and Board Board tt Room, 1434 Ferry. Ph. 5515. BETTER BRD & rm 745 S Coml SI Strictly 1st class, 650 Marion. T, 6570 LOVELY APT. Will accommodate girls. Board furnished. Ph. 7186. GOOD Home. 1144 Center. 8630 For Rent Apartments NEW S-rm. furn. apt. close in. 315 Belvue apts. Call 21853 or 5858. TURN, apt One with private bath one garage house. Maytag. $13.50 mo. up. szsla M (Japitoi st. 2-RM. upstairs ant. $15. Lts- water fuel. 2164 Mapie. 3-ROOM. $15. 152 So. 13th. Ph. 5222. 2-Rm.'fum.pt, heat lights at water Middle-aged or elderly couple pre f erred. Inq. after S p. m. 148 Union. Attractive apt 2 adults. 18B0 Center FURN. 2rm- kitchenette, heat lights, and water. 983 Saginaw.-. . Furn. basement "riouse keeping rooms wttn garage lv uiviaioo. - Fur. housekg. rms. 143 Court P. 3941 2 rm. Lights, hot water, 1st floor 1935 Center, mornings. l1VWlfeS.MV P2 rpEAR. 1 USED) BORROW " I PEOPLE MOULJP) ... VTwi rul S (WHO TOOK ) A9 CVH MOMEMT ) , C3APCV7 L ( . TWWGS 1 ;. &S , CGS3 J (COM3? " '7 VfrSJJC X Vv-r ' Jfij f' 'm'lrffl:f t'1'; "fS'Vf m?7'?5 I . .. . " . ., ' tvi i fir i - - -.1.1 I Money to Loan CASH LOANS Up to S300 for any credit-worthy purpose, can be made on your furni ture, automobile, livestock, or other personal security. Take up t U months to repay. Be assured of utmost courtesy and consideration before and alter the transaction. If its CASH You Need Set Ui Today CALKINS FINANCE CO. SIS Court St. Ground Floor Salem Phone 444S M-ns State License S-23S LOANS-$25to $300 Almost any credit-worthy person who roauy naaoa eaan . to pay on old debts for medical or dental work . or for some other worthy purpose can quarify fot a loan at Personal. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Ground Fir., New Bligh Bldg. 512 STATE STREET (At High Street) Telephone 3191 , State Licenses: S-122. M-169 Auto Loans WiBamctte Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDUlO UCSNSX N. U 111 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 8 interest W H GRABENHORST a CO. REALTORS For Rent Apartments 1 to 4 rm apts. SS nw 1310 S. 13th. 2 RM. furn 898 S. 12th. S RMS tt bath furn. 1440 Waller. CLEAN, one rm. apt MS Ferry. 1 and 2 rm. apt. 2054 N. Capij FURNISHED APTS. 2010 N. 4th. FURNISHED APTS. R. A. Forkner. North Capitol. For Rent Houses WE HAVE THE PROSPECT O- YOU Want to sett exchanga. least, rent, see Mr. Larson. Mr. Collins or Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins Mi Roberta. STRICTLY mod. S-r. home. $40. W. G. KRUEGER Ph. 4728 3-RM. house. 763 N. 18th. 3-RM. furn., $18.50. At 339 N. 5th Owner. 1410 S. 12th. Ph. 3210. NEW. modern 2 bedroom home. -Will lease to reliable party. Sloper's Market, west fcaiem. . NICE modern 7-rm. house. Adults. Phone 5639. Adults. Inq. 681 N, 15th. 1 rm. furn. house. 725 Court For Rent TRUCKS for rent You drive. Mc- Cune 8c Lovell phone 9600. Bil ODERN COTTAGES. $4 a up 'ujnrtion Auto Court So Commercial For Sale Real Estate S300 DOWN 5 rms. & unfinished up stairs, narawooa nrs. in living & din big rms. basement, furnace, fireplace. lot 50x200, garage & paving. S3000. 7-Rm. house in - Enaiewood district in good condition, fine lawn, lota of flowers, cms, $400 down. MELVTN JOHNSON. REALTOR 72S Court St. " Phone 3723 9-R plast house, with bath, in S. E. Salem. Vacant. now. Possession at once, Price $1000 cash. W. G. Krueger. Real tor. 147 N ComX LOOK at 1760 JJ. 20th St. 3 bed rooms, full bsmt, furnacea double ga rage, attractive yard. S3800.00. A eood nouse. 9 rooms, corner joi for S2500.00. i 3 unfinished houses, priced at $2650.00, $1000.00 and $1250.00 P. rl Of. 1 .1. KIAL1UH 429 Oregon Bldg Ph. 8121 SECTION Belcrest Memorial property. very reasonable. Ph. 3344. NEARLY NEW 4 rms and attic. Oil furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace. large lot $3400. Part terms. O. E. RA 1233 state, rn. ooi WHY RENT This lovely modern 5- room, scenic home can be bougnt res sonable. Phone 21653. EXTRA We want a good 6-room house in -Salem in -exchange for 15 acre tract, highly improved near city limits. What have you? ILLNESS FORCES SALE Of new modern home, fine 'n every detail; beautiful landscaped yard with out door firenlace: sorinkling system, etc Worth $550o wm accept asou tor quica deal. See it. See Mrs. Ellis witlt -ChUds ac Muter, Realtors, 344 State Street Pb. 9261. 1 A. 5-rm house, just off S. 12th Chicken bse.. gar, fruit. See my agents. Beehtel or needbam or m. z-jij. A FINE 1 bedroom hon.e, close In on Market St Full basement furnace. Ve netian blinds, fruit flowers, shrubbery Owner leaving, says sell, price $3700. Kaiv lrmL D. A. FISH 477 Court Phone 6524 TOR ALL KINDS OF REAL ESTATE. H. a SHIELDS. Oregon Bldg. Ph. 8802 Exchange Real Estate CLEAR Salem property to trade for farm. Owner. Write Box 2187. States man. . For Sale--Farms 83 ACRES, near Turner. 55 acres cult! rated, with several acres of cherries and nuts. 30 --acres .pasture and tim ber. 6-room house, -electricity, large barn and other outmdldings. You cart so wrong on this -at $4000.00 See Mr Collins with HAWKINS at ROBERTS. INC. Realtors. 20 ACRES, close in on paved road. 6- room modern home, basement, furnace large -barn, 2 . poultry houses." This property is showing a good profit to the owner, but due to age he must quit The best bur we have m suburban acreage at $6500.00. See Mr. Collins with HAWKINS c ROBERTS. INC. Realtors. : Suburban SUBURBAN.-1 an Oca out. On acre, one year old -rm. very mod. auto matic heat hardwood floors, corner windows. $3500, S50S down. Pb, 7172 lor appointment. Business Opportunities WAYSIDE Grocery for lease. Ftoa for older couple. Small Investment See Prank DeolitUe. 395 N. ComX FOR SALE or I ant Coffee shop and fountain. .Fine location. Phone Sals. For Sale T7ooa DRY WOOD, all kinds, SSSS. BUY your winter wood now. MUl wood, mill ends, planer ends. We d liver now. Ph, 8545. , Wood Sawing N Corn L Ph. i3X Personal NEW FRIENDS! -dun stute 71-4. Main PO taw aVnaetea Cal Transportation RIDERS to Vancouver shipyard graveyard shift Ph. 4232. Wanted Used Cars For Your Car All Makes and Models IF YOU WANT TO SELL SEE ORVAL'S USED CARS Center at Church Ph. 4702 "GASH" FOR YOUR .GAR NO FUSS NO DELAY SEE US TODAY ANY MAKE ANY MODEL Burgoyue Motor Co. 440 CENTER ST. WE PAY TOPS! Get every dime your car Is worth. Cash on the Barrel-Head CMSHR0CK SALEM'S oldest independent used ear dealer. f - NX Corner Church at .Chem. Ph. 7922 C CASH FOR - ALL TYPES OF CARS STATE MOTORS, INC. 340 N. High- 443S Motorcycles "30 Harley Davidson Motorcycle, good condition, good tires, call at Richfield Station, West Salem. For Sale Used Cars FOR SALE 1941 Buick 4 -door sedan. deluxe, heater, radio, spot lights, seat covers, SI 50.00 extras, 2 spare tires, low mileage Price 1150J)0 719 Academy, St, Dallas, ore pn. 207. 1931 CHEV. 4 -door sedan. 6 good tires. runs good. $49 50 Today Only. 340 N High. Ph. 4436. 40 MERCURY club coupe. Low mile age. Must . sell for cash. No trade, Phone 4321. '41 OLDS club sed. Ph. 22828 EXCELLENT "38 Plym. Del. 4-dr. sed Mohair upholst. S good tires. Only $545. Box -3164. statesman. DODGE sedan. 18.000 miles, good rub ber l Al shape, $550, 760 C. envren LATE '39 deluxe 4-dr. Plymouth sed Radio, heater, seat covers. Made 10.000 miles only. Inquire 730 N. Front Lodges Salem Lodge No. 4 AJT 8c AM Friday. July 3. Stated. 8:30 p. m. Open meeting. 8:45 p. m. Carda fas this directory as a monthly basts only. Bstet $L25 per line per niutitli. Auto Brakes Mike Pane. 275 South Commercial 'Batteries WTLLARD batteries. aU types, R. D Wood row. 34 Church. Phono 9600. Bicycles BICYCLtS. ' New and racooditloned Barry W Scott, M7 8 Corn el P 4S1 Chiropractic Pfaysicisms Q A SUroberg 4I Capitol 3731 Chimney Sweep Northneaa Chimney Sweep. P. 4450. Florists Btelthaaprs 441 twsrt. stss Funeral Direelors Tsswiulger Funeral teaao- Pav Mattresses SALEM rbUn RUO a atArTHESS Co New Mattresses - ..Id .oade, rug cieanms at weaving s uui at wuour Tel 8441 Zwtekers. CAPITOl BEDDING CO hone 408P CASH For Sale Used Cars j 100 BARGAINS AUMakes, All Models - Business Is Good We Are Selling Lots of Cars, We Arc Buying Lota of Cars, notasideune; . . ' ; The Used Car Business Has BUY OR SELL YOUR CAR FROM OR TO A USED CAR -DEALER , "C" SHR0CK Salem's Oldest Iridependent Used Car Dealer TWO LOTS 270 N. Church St N. E. Corner Church St Chemekebi St Honestly, We Like Salem For we believe that Salem is the best City in the State. Always First! ' i And We de Have Fine Automobiles. 42 Plymouth Club Cpe. 40 Chevrolet Sedan 41 Ford Sedan 40 Plymouth Sedan 41 DeSoto Club Coupe 39 Ford Coupe And Lots of Others COME IN AND GET ACQUAINTED WITH US AT SAM'S MOTOR. GO. 455 Chemeketa 4th. 0F JULY SPECIALS 1940 Ford Coupe, 5 Passenger 17.000 Actual Miles. Perfect Throughout A Real Beauty. 1939 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan Overhauled Motor. New Paint Fine Condition, of Carefree Transportation. 1937 Plymouth Sedan, Radio and Heater A Good Car at a Reasonable Price. 1937 Plymouth Coupe-Leather Upholstery , You Don't See Many With, These Good Tires. f 1939 Ford Pickup . . This Carols Tops. Hurry, it will Be Gone soon. AND MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM BURG0YNE MOTOR CO, ' ( Headquarters for the Best in Transportation ' 440 CENTER ST. V Otto J. WOson 1940 Special Buick Coupe, Radio & Heater. 1941 Oldsmobile Sedan. 1939 Dodge Business Coupe. 1937 Plymouth Sedan, very clean. 1938 Ford Sedan. 1937 Ford Sedan. 1938 Graham Sedan WE WILL, BUY AUTOMOBILES Otto J. Wilson 38$ N. Commercial Phone 5451 Painting & Paperhanging - Experienced Reasonable. Ph. 4329. PAINTING and Clcimlning. P. 704. Paints and Lacquers terms R. D Woodrow H Church Printing FOR STATIONERY, -earoa nempnJeis programs, books or any kino of print ing. call The Statesman Printing De partment 215 S Commercial lek phono 9101 Plumbing PLUMBING. -GENERAL repair work Graber Broa, iM & Liberty Pu ea84 Schools SALEM SECRET AKIAjl. CHodt STREAMLINED COURSES Write. Phone or Call -,. , tor Booklet 26 N Capitol . - ' Transfer U-DRIVE TRUCKS UK KEN! Blankets furn 1S7 S Ubexty fit -SS2 rOR UUCAL OR D1STAN1 tranalet storage, burner oil. briqnets ITurka U Portland -daily - Agent Pierce Auto Freight including Calif .ootota safrmet Transfer -Co Pn 2131 , Vacnnm O earner Serriee FREE Inspscthm m rastr .tnorrsed noorar semaa all Han Pt , sus Well Drilling a. A, West A Sons. Rt & 445. 2-2290. For Sale Used Cars Good Terms Good Trades Been and Is Our Business OF BARGAINS Phone 8502 Phone 7922 Phone T817 A Car for Many Miles ' Legal Notice NOTTCK OF FINAL HEARING Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned. Executrix has filed her Final Account in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, in Probate, and that Friday, the 10th day of July, 1142, at ten o'clock A.M. at the courtroom of said court in the courthouse in Salem, Oregon,' has been set as the' time - and place for hearing objections to said Final Account and final settle ment of said estate. First publication, June 11th, 1B42; last publication, July 9th, 1942. FLORENCE BARKER, Executrix, Estate of Lena Townsend, Dec J. 11-18-25; Jly. 2-9. CALX, FOR BlTiS Sealed bids will be received ly the Board of Education of School District ' No. 24, Marion County, Oregon, up to 5:00 o'clock P. M. on Tuesday, July 14, 1942, for fur nishing fuel oil as follows: Approximately 2,000 barrels delivered to Senior High School; . Approximately 800 barrels de livered ' to Parrish , Junior High; Approximately ' 500 barrels de-; livered to Bush School Specifications and b"id blanks may be obtained from and bids shail .be filed with the District Clerk at his office at 434 North High. Street, Salem, Oregon. C- C WARD - Clerk, School-District No. 24. t J is Jly 2-9 Aumsville Names Five Directors AlJ VIIXE IHrectors -of the Aumsville Rural Fire Protective association .were elected Wednes day. Only -.It votes were cast during the 12 hours in which the Polla were " opened. , Directors named are . S. R. Berry, E. 'Fusoa, f. A. Garbe, William Gray and J. B. Wilson. Commandos Drill at Gibraltar i. -ir-ir-ir. . X .. t f ..i J" --tv-Tr t. ill ef Gibraltar approach tha fa used a 4L.i- .aMt- - sav. !.. fin mku aiuai oi ickbum,; Commandoa rgasixed from troops stationed Is the Brtttsk f illegal . r- ... v I . A , y ; . . ..,- . " .- j V .WHWW:." - "?::..... V v: " 1 , - A ore -- , t"5" .x......j' ----.x...w.- ""f'T y-'-'-t f "' v ftfr i tTfa'-sr-r! n ui i rfl iiisel FAN CY TOPPERJbnmy Denmret kswwa far hie fawey atemdgear aa Ute golf eewne. ware Uale Amerlcs tosmey at Chscamttsoda! lor he wesxened s Cross Word 2 5 16 1 WA V. 20 21 22 'A V 2S 'A 131 55 3Q 140 V, 44 (A 4t 47 V 5 55 HORIZONTAL. 41-negaUve . . 1 harness reply Bart '42 snouted fish -42 waken . 43 the sun 4S artist's im plement 41 rose perfumes 51 high priest a- ' . a . .4-food harden ' 3. southern ' - consteDa Uon 13 atove- lAPftfis ad " 15 speed 17 hire ' 19 spread for r. drytar covering 55 dry, as wine 56 herring 4 like fish 20- fall flower 21 sun dUk 23 Jewish . . '. month " . 54 cowardly ' - fellow : - - 27 cover , - ; 55- Sesign' ' '30 serf - tl Chinese w k. ' wei-it Answer to 7-1 7777777 m lSSYS V VA VSASS cii" NirlU" y JtENl? H U OU qj N bis 0 1 N S CfA N c 3 00 I ' CTa rTjOlS CRf t ClAPil BAHfjS pa(nIlIl ,c a rTfToiNfS 5 til E LOiTiZO i wuung . ; PPr - - 21 mother of Vranua t? wild rsvelry f7r-Amtrict . range tisse of p T" -t r:i "Rock" in a landing; barge . this knitted, tasscled Hersa wta. Puzzle tl 14 n 21 Va 24 25 2b 2 20 53 34 5S 45 'A 44 ro 3 4 1 47 Greek letter -10 unit of : work, VERTICAL . Jl -eTClsmstion - of disgust f 2--inasculme name . 2 savored . . 11 fasten . 16 a number IS factors -v 20 A shell-fish 21 apportioa -A hurried S half an em, 7 grows old r alight-depressions -9 razes fixedly 1 23 ecdesias i . tlcal .vestmentav 25-wratb, 263 retains 28 father j 29 Roman i ' - emperor 32 Alpine j V j region ; S3 symbol fog tantalum - 35 pungent , ' -bulb '? 33 Utely hottM 40 petltionera 42 obtained 44 cease r,,-" 43 let It stand . 48 foot-Uke ; ' S part , 'K 47 malt drink 48 Luzon ' ' Negrito ' 4 rodent -50 mineral yesterday's puzzle. spring mIiUm; SS sstsates. 3 AbraJULml XX. VA SIst by EUng Features Eradicate, lac g . tlrtaplact - I1 - 1 - K '7 adjacent cwwsuaa. .,