Tt OSEGON STATESMAN. Salem. Orogon, Friday Morning, Jan 12. 1942 FAGS ILllLLir Classified Advertising Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Three insertions per line -25c Six insertions per line 40c One month per line $1.25 Minimum charge 25c; 3 ti. min imum 35c; 6 ti. min. 45c No refunds. Copy for this page accepted un til JO tb evening before publica tion for classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the beading "Too Late to Classify." The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which, may appear in advertisements pub lished in its columns and in cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A 'Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Registered Guernsey bull. 3 years old. Fit. 2-2281. COLORED FRYERS for sale! 2460 Laurel Ave. Phone 4737. FARMERS WE PAY 80c per hundred for dead and worthless live stock. Top prices paid lor iox-feed torses. Phone col lect, Salem, Mil. MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS BABY CHICKS. popular varieties very week. Also" Leghorn cocirrels now ready Ph 22861. Lee Hatchery. Help Wanted Upholsterers, refrigerator serviceman St Linoleum layers, H. L. Stiff. STRAWBERRY pickers wanted SO pickers. I am paying 15 cents a carrier with .03 bonus. Clean patch, plenty cabins. Ben Brown, Sublimity, Ore., R. 1, Box 116, near S. C. Falls. IF YOU like to DRAW, SKETCH or Paint, see TALENT TEST ad In Mis cellaneous column. Help Wanted Male 3 MEN to work in alder mill, one whistle punk, 65c per hr.. one edger man 70c, also cat puncher. Men 50 years and over preferred. Free houses. Apply 8 mi. east and 3 mi. north Hebo, Oreg. H. Ramacher. WANTED male help $65 per mo. and board, room and laundry. Oregon State Hospital, Salem. Help Wanted Female EXPERIENCED poultry killer. Northwest Poultry. 1505 N. Front. GIRL wanted for genl housework. Good pay. Ph. 9065; after 6. 7630. WANTED waitress to work Saturday night. Chinese Tea Garden. HIGH school girl to work in modern country home. Rt. 2, Box 170G, Mrs. W. L. Woe lk. WOMAN with car to collect on bona flde monthly payment accounts in Sp lem. Experience unnecessary, but mtfst be willing;' to follow instructions and devote the necessary time to position. Earnings will run approximately 880.00 a month Which will be excellent earn ings for the 1im spent. Box 2130, co Statesman. WOMAN, hswk., 1 In family. P. 4581. Situations Wanted STENOGRAPHER wants steady or part-time employment. References. Box Il33, Statesman. PLOWING & discing. Ph. 6997. HSKPG. employed couple. Ph.' 3785. PAINTING and decorating. Ph. 7552. Office work general exper. Ph. 7196. DAY nurseiy. experienced. 112 Union. For Sale Miscellaneous SALE OF MATTRESSES Regular $23.0 innerspring mattress, Bow $16 95. See them Nash Furniture Co. SALE PLATFORM ROCKERS Velour covers, choice of colors. Now $16.95. See Them Our Window Nash Furniture Co. HOGG BROS have a limited supply Of electric water heaters. DELUXE automatic Bendix. slightly Used, $129.50. HCKJCi BROS. SEE HOGG BROS.. 2C0 State St. for liberal trade in on your old furniture, " S H. P outboard motor, 1 yr. old Like new, $35. 137 Senate, W. Salem. GOOSEBERRIES. 3c lb. Pick them yourself, bring own container.' Prin- gle road, route 4. box sua. 7 "m ID DL IXA G ED WOMAN for house work and care sick wife. $25 mo. F. H. Elisor, R. 1. Box 15, Turner. FURNITURE St lease, apt. house, Box 2135. Statesman. Antique drm. set. Ph. 7273 eves. SPECIAL Red geum, delphinium. painted oauuns. sweet wimam. iac. Bea ding plants. Pemberton'a 1M0 S. 12th. BILTWELL EASY CHAIR. Excellent Condition $3(. 940 Leslie St. aiae etitr. USED N. W. Wood Range 424.50 GEVURTZ X UiWii UKI V.W-, 275 N. Liberty Phone 4615 Tiem St nir Part Enamel Wood Ranee . 50 GEVURTZ FURNrrURE CO- INC. 273 N. Liberty Phone 4615 ADVERTISING V'estem Advertising Representatives Onnt D Close. Inc. Francisco Lea Angel Beattle Eastern Advertising Representatives Ward-Crtfftth Company Inc. Chicagn New York. Detroit lioaton Atlanta Entered a thm Postofffe at Salem. Ortotm. a .fecund Class Matter. Pub lished apery siamiao except Monday. Business cjjlc f IS iotUh Commercial Street. " SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mall Subscription Rate h Advance: Within Oracon: -Dally and. Sunday. Mo 0 cento; 4 Mas "93.00. . 1 tr $6.00. Elsewhere 19 cents par mo at $12$ 'tor 1 year ta advance Pat cop $ cents. By City Carrtor. IS eaeili month. fSJM rear in -adwaa ha -Mio and AdJacrM cmiartl - Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE or phone (9168) to Salem's oldest, largest home owned and home managed finance institu tion. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made in strictest privacy. You will be given every con sideration in the repaying of your loan or granting of extensions. 1 to 12 MONTHS TO REPAY You can pay in full any time to reduce the cost. ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers. Loans made on furni ture or note. SEE ROY H. SIMMONS, MGR. Lie. No. M-152. JIM CLARK, ASST. MGR. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie. No. S-13S 134 So. Commercial St. Phone 9168 First door south of Ladd tt Bush bank Convenient ground floor location. PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money for new or used cars. No delay or red tape. You will retain possession of the vehicle. 1 to 15 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial Street Phone 8168 Lie. No. M-152 MONEY TO LOAN On Farm, City or Acreage Property CBTLDS & MILLER. INC. 3U Stat St Phone 9261 WE LOAM on rarm. residential At business property W1U buy mortgages or contracts. HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC Realtors. Guardian Building. For Sale- Miscellaneous USED Colonial Montag Wood Range $44.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. INC. 275 N. Liberty Phone 4615 USED Puritan Wood Range $29.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., INC. 275 N. Liberty Phone 4615 USED Full Enamel Wood Range, Good Condition $49.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. INC. 275 N. Liberty Phone 4615 USED Windsor Full Enamel Wood Range $39.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. INC. 275 N. Liberty Phone 4615 32 BACK issues of FORTUNE MAGA ZINE. 1937 through 1940. In perfect condition. $6.00. Ph. 2-1137. Trade Miscellaneous WILL TRADE 36" wood lathe for good 24" jig saw. Ph. 6419, evenings. Wanted -Furnit ure ANYONE wishing to sell household furniture, call 7511. or after 6 p. m. 5862. F. N. & GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers St furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade for furniture St household goods We buy or sell everything Ph 5110 CASH FOR used furniture & ho hold goods R Forgey Ph 7445. Wanted- Miscellaneous SAT. and Sunday Strawberries 5c lb. You pick. 4 miles on South Highway z mile East on Pringle Road. Box 303. CHILDREN cared for at my home. Mrs. Haines, 2480 W. Nob Hill. ALL KINDS of used goods. Ph. 4517. USED FURNITURE Ph. 9185. Miscellaneous IF YOU LIKE TO DRAW, SKETCH or PAINT Write for Talent Test. (No Fee). Give age and occupation. Box 2128, co Statesman. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVTca IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates tor Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg.. State or Cora'l Ph 3311 For Rent Rooms HOTEL MARION Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to perm guests Marion Coffee Shop, delicious meals at low prices SLEEP, rm.. close in. Phone 4498. SM. rm., nr. oapltoL 966 Center. SLP RMS. 378 Bellevue. Ph. 3048. SLP Rat-, near state Mdgs Ph 21448 Room and Board GOOD HOME for child. 3308 Center. EXCELLEN1 board. 330 N. Summer GOOD service 1144 Center. Ph 8630 BOARD Sc room. 2310 N. 4th. BETTER BRD tt rm 145 S Com! St For Rent Apartments MOD. 2 and 3 rm. furn. 1553 State 2-R., ht.. Igt.. wtr fur. 420 S. 20 St. COZY 3-RM. furn. apt. 253 N. 13. CLEAN, neatly furn. apt. S45 Court COURT APT. on bus line. 2 ran. At bath, elect, equip. 351 S. 19th. 2 RMS At bath furn. 1440 Waller. CLEAN, on rm. apt 645 Ferry 1 and 1 rm apt 2054 N Capitol 4-R. unfurn. duplex. Hdwd. firs. Gas rurn. at range Gar. Bsmt. 2310 Trade. For RentHouses NEW 3 RM. HOUSE, 613 Breys Ave. MODERN 4-rm. house. 2285 Breyman RENT of 5-rm furn. houa. eardn in. fruit, to middle seed counle in ex change ror ooara ot owner, man SO yrs. f none z-i rrz. asx tor Mrs. rioobs- MODERN. bdrms.. $40 mo. 1580 D WEaAVErHrpROSPEtn O YOU Want to :alL exchanae lease, rent, sea Mr Laraen. Mr Collins or Mr uoodwm with Hawkins St Roberta WINONA COURT. 4-rm. unfur. cot tage. Elect, stove, refr.. water htr. Ga rage. Adults. Phone 7QZ7. 3 RMS. FURN. Gas, lights, wood paid. Ciarage washer. Permanent adults. 3261 Hazel. Ph. 7M. BLONDES " J T" xlltw'Tf - ' 5C y . o ' - 1 y. Money to Loan CASH FOR Any Constructive Purpose No loan Is too small for our con sideration. Repayment schedules ar ranged to fit your income. For example: YOU RECEIVE YOU PAY MONTHLY $50.00 100.00 150.00 300.00 $ 5.02 10.05 15.07 30.14 Above payments are figured- on 12 months basis. Phone, write or call at the office of Salem s Personal Loan Center. 315 Court St. Salem Phone 4446 State License S-228 M-278 CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY LOANS-325 to $300 Almost any credit-worthy person who really needs cash . . to pay off old debts . for medical or dental work . . . or for some other worthy purpose can qualify foi s loan at Personal. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Ground Fir.. New Bligh Bid. 512 STATE STREET (At High Street) Telephone 3191 State Licenses: S-122, M-169 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STB FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N. M 158 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real ae tata. Will pay 6 interest W cL URA BENHORST & CO. REALTORS Financial WANTED -To buy for cash Real estate mortgages, real estate contracts, merchandise discount paper. State Finance Co.. 344 State. For Rent Houses FOUR modern five-room houses. No small children. Ph. 7487. MUST leave Salem for duration of war. Will rent my beautiful seven room furnished hnmr on Fai Hill to responsible tenant. Phone 8849. ATTRACTIVE home in countrv. Modern except basement. Large gar den space. Phone 22F16. For Rent TRUCKS for rent. You drive. Mc- Cune tc Lovell phone 9600. MODERN COTTAGES 14 A, nn Junction Auto Court. So Commercial Wanted to Rent SMALL furnished anartment with private bath or lavatory, wanted by re snonsible elderlv munt. Writs nnv 2131, Statesman. For Sale Real Estate HOITSK fnr nr ., DhiMA AIM or call at 1887 N Water after 3:30. VERYGOOD 3 R rtm am! place. H. W floors, large lot, located at 1870 No. Cottage. See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS 8c ROBERTS, INC., neauors. $3150. New suburban home closa In hardwood firs., fireplace, floor fur nace, swo down. S500 down. English stvle homo in Kingwood Heights, hardwood firs.. basement, good furnace. fireDlace. ex cellent view. $4200. MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St. Phone 3723 Business Cards in this directory run en s monthly bails only. Rate: $1.25 per line per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panek T75 South Commercial Batteries WILLARD batteries, all types R. D Woodrow, 394 Church Phone WOO. Bicycles BICYCLJkS. New and reconditioned. Hairy W Scott M7 S Com'cl P 451 Chiropractic Physicians G A Sternberg 44 n Capitol 3731 Florists BrefthaupTS 447 Uiurt Pbona 91M Funeral Directors rerwtlliger Funeral Horn Ph. Loans MONEY to loan EZY. co Statesman. Mattresses SALEM FLUFI RUG atATTRESS Co New Mattresses id mad, rag cleaning & weaving S 13tb St Wilbur Tel 8441 Z wickers. CAPITOI BEDDING CO 'bona 40O Oil Burner Service SKEW IS tt JTJDSON PSONE 4141 For Sale Real Estate THE last three new modern 3-room houses with fireplace, oak fleor. Ve netian blinds and floor furnace now open for your inspection. Price $3175, small down payment, easy terms. Turn north at 3311 Center St. or tel. 5292. FOR SALE by owner. 5-rm. mod. hse. Redecorated inside. 2 bdrms, cor ner lot, good wood. Cook stove goes with place. 1795 S. Liberty. NEW Bungalow at 1520 Norway. S large rooms, H.W. floors all the way. Bsmt. auto, air cond. wood furn. Fireplace, well landscaped lot. See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS St ROBERTS, INC. Realtors. NEW, mod. 3 bedrm. house. 3 yrs. old. Sacrifice at $2800.- terms. Ph. 5919. OR TRADE for Portland. New 5-rm. suburban home. Lovely view, close in. Low down payment. Ph. 6158. 12000 LESLIE SCHOOL DISTRICT S-R. Bungalow. 2 Bed R. Good loca tion. Garage, fruit, berries, 1 blk. to Bus. immediate possession. See Bech- tel or Needham. 341 state St. iwom . NEW 5 large rms full basement, aut. oil furnace, 2 fireplaces and a nice large lot. $5400, easy r HA terms, 4-RM. plastered house about 3 years old. Electr lights and electr. water system. 1-A fine garden soil. 2 miles norm near tiayesvnie scnooi. ssow. $250 dn. $27.50 per mo. 3 BEDRM. home, nice large lot basement, fireplace, sawdust furnace. Near High School. $4500. $500 dn. $50 per mo. FARMS 70 A. 25 A vetch. 21 A. prunes with modern prune dryer. Modern o-rm. house, good barn and chicken house. $6500. Take house in Salem up to $3000. Balance 5. RICH L. REIMANN 187 S. High Street Ph. 8203 $650. SmaU 2-Room Cottage on Tur ner Road. $2500. A cozy cottage, just off Garden Road. Modern with lVs acres of land. This is an excellent buy. $3500. 30 acres at North Santiam, well-built house, barn, water St lights. A wonderful place for a young cou ple to start. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 427 Oregon Bldg. TMwrnT a TT pnCQTTnN S rooms and large attic on Norm low. among new homes. Offered for $3750, with $500 down it's a buy. See Mrs. Ellis with Childs 8c Miller, Realtors, 344 state street, rn. vzni For Sale Farms 80 A. north on 99. all cult., large house & barn, elec, good soil, variety fruit & nuts, fine crops, all goes for $8000. ' down. C. J. Jackson 341 State St. Salem For Sale Wood 40 CDS. limb prune wood. Would like to sell all to one party. Ph. 7335. DRY WOOD, all kinds. Ph. 9560. Wood Sawing 960 N Com 1 Ph. 3523. Personal MEET NEW FRIENDS Club Elite Box 71-Q Main PO tos Aneeles Cal Mrs. Martin, psychologist, adviser, 474 N. Liberty. Ph. 4960. appointment only. Legal Notice NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Emma H. Smith, deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same, with proper vouch ers, to the undersigned, care Page and Page, Attorneys, 210 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon, within 8ix months from the date hereof. The date and first pub lication of this notice is June 12th, 1942. J. PERRY BATES, Executor, Estate of Emma H. Smith, Dec. J 12-19-26 Jly 3-10. Directory Painting & Pa per hanging Experienced Reasonable. Ph. 4323. Paints and Lacquers Complete line NASON paints libera terms. R D Woodrow 39 N Church Printing FOR STATIONERY cards pamphlets programs, books or any kind ox print mg, call The Statesman Printing De partment, 213 S ommercial. tele phon Biol Plumbing REPAIRS tt INSTALLATION SKEW1S St JTJDSON- PHONE 4141 PLUMBING GENERAL repair work Craber Bros.. i54 S Liberty Pb S84 Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL. S.CHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write, Phone or Call tor Booklet 36 ft Capitol Transfer D-DRIVE TRUCKS FOS RENT Blankets turn. 197 S Liberty Ph 90SS fOR LOCAL OR D 1ST Am transfer storage, burner oil, briquets rrucks to Portland daily Agent Pierce Auto me'gnt. including cam oointa luarmet iransrer wo n siai Vacuum Cleaner Service FREE tnanacttoa ta rour nome Au thorized Hoover semea. We aervive all makes cleaners Hog Bros -Pb S023 Well Drilling a F Sneed 2509 Brooks St Ph 6809 K. A. West Sc Sons. Rt. 8. B. 445. 2-2290 For Sale Used Cars Pickups Pickups A GOOD SELECTION 1941 Plymouth Sedan Special deluxe, small mile age, looks and operates like a new one. 1936 Ford Sedan, as is. ...$275 1930 Ford Sedan Tires good, condition A-l throughout. PICKUPS AND DELIVERIES 1941 Ford Pickup 12,000 miles, like new. 1937 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery A-l throughout. 137 Chevrolet Panel Delivery A dandy car. 1931 Ford Panel Delivery In very good condition. NASH USED CAR LOT 240 Center Street, Salem, Oregon Bank Terms, Trades Open Till 8:00 P. M. SAM'S OPPOSITE CITY FIRE DEPT. 41 FLUID DRIVE DeSOTO S PASS. 41 FORD FOUR DOOR SEDAN. CPE with overdrive, radio St heater. Radio, heater, low mileage. 40 OLDS FOUR DOOR SEDAN 30 OLDS 2 DOOR SEDAN. Radio, heater, blue finish. Good tires, radio, heater. 36 FORD TOWN SEDAN 37 PLYMOUTH FOUR DOOR SEDAN Good rubber. Black finish, radio. Guaranteed Cars SAM'S MOTOR Co. 455 Chemeketa GOOD CARS AT THE RIGHT PRICE Hurry, While They Last 1940 CHEVROLET SPEC. DEL. 4-DR. SED. Radio, heater. You won't want a new car when you see this one. 1939 CHEVROLET 2-DR. TOURING SEDAN. This one is hard to beat. 1938 FORD DEL. 2-DR. TOURING SED. A very clean, economical auto mobile. 1937 CHEVROLET MAST. DEL. 4-DR. SED. Good rubber. A nice clean car throughout. 1937 DODGE PICKUP in good shape. 1936 CHEVROLET TRUNK TUDOR. 5 Good Model "A" Fords "C" SHR0CK Salem's oldest independent used car dealer. 270 N. Church St. Phone 8502 N.E. Corner Church St Chem. Ph. 7922 1937 PONTIAC deluxe 4-door sedan. Radio, heater. 5 very good tires. Motor in- excellent condition, $450, incl. int. & ins. Apt. 5, 597 N. Liberty. Wanted Used Cars WE PAY TOPS! Get every dime your car is worth. Cash on the Barrel-Head "C" SHROCK SALEM'S oldest independent used car dealer. N.E. Corner Church St Chem. Ph. 7922 "CASH" For Your Car No Fuss - - No Delay See Us Today ANY MAKE ANY MODEL BURGOYNE MOTOR COMPANY 440 CENTER ST. Lost and Found FOUND a keys, chain. Statesman office. Training of 70,000 Need PORTLAND, June ll.-(JP-Some 70,000 workers must be trained within six months to fill the maw of Oregon's expanding war industries, A. G. Johnson, coordinator for the US employ ment service, said Thursday. The number, needed mainly for shipyards, is equal to the total trained since the defense program started two years ago, he said. For Saler Used Cars Phone 7817 Otto J. Wilson 1939 Dodge Coupe Excellent Buy $695 1940 Buick Sedan, Super Series. Radio St Heater .. 41065 1941 Buick "56" Convertible Coupe. Heater, radio, low mileage. Others to Choose From Otto. J. Wilson 388 N. Commercial Ph. 5451 Spokane Rally Trips Caps by 4 to 3 Score SPOKANE, June 11 -(P) -The Spokane Indians saved their punching power for a big seventh inning Thursday night, bunching four singles and a double by Vic Buccola to overcome a two-run lead and defeat Vancouver's Capi lanos, 4 to 3, in a Western Inter national league baseball argument. Spokane tallied in the first and held a one-ran lead until the fourth, when Vancouver knotted the count In the fifth the Caps sandwiched a single between doubles by Sueme and Mallory to count twice and take over a brief advantage. Hank Bushman, who started and got credit for the win, had to have help in the eighth when Van couver loaded the sacks with only one out. He was relieved by Gar land, whose first toss was popped to Aden in center field and Aden lofted a toss home to catch the runner trying to scoot in from third. Vancouver .. .000 120 000 3 9 3 Spokane 100 000 30x 4 8 0 Bryant and Sueme; Bushman, Garland (8) and Myers. Legal Notice NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE On the 27th day of June, 1942, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the Front and West door of the Court House in Salem, Marion County, Oregon, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for Cash, the following de scribed real property located in Marion County, Oregon, to-wit: Lot one (1), Block one (1) Rosedale Annex to the City of Salem, including all buildings and improvements thereon and all plumbing, heating and light ing fixtures and equipment at tached to and used in connec tion with said premises. Said sale is made under execu tion issued out of the Circuit court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, to me directed, in the case of New York Life In surance Company, a corporation. Plaintiff, Vs. Thomas William O'Brien and Hazel M. O'Brien, husband and wife. Defendants. A. C. BURK, Sheriff of . Marion County, Oregon, By Kenneth L. Randall, Deputy. May 29-J. 5-12-19-28 A's ACE - - - MaRChildot AcB OF lUe. PAiLAoewAiA PdtL Passeau, Novikoff Have 'Big Day9 as CHICAGO, June 11 -UP- hitter Thursday and won his ninth victory of the season as tha Chicago Cubs whipped the Phillies, 7 to 1, in the series final. The only run Philadelphia was able to score resulted from a fumble by Nicholson in the sec-1 ond inning after Nick Etten had singled. After that the Phils made only two hits off Passeau, one by Bragan in the fifth and an other by Glossop in the sev enth. And they were the only Phils able to reach first after the second Inning. It was the eleventh straight complete game of the season for Passeau, who only Sunday was released from the hospital after having suffered an attack of ap pendicitis. On June 3 he pitched against Cross Word HORIZONTAL J-WbMt American author wrota "The Rrea- f 4 Who was rice-president of the United States from 1925-2$? Excavation 12 River in Switzerland 13 Growing out 14 High card 15 Stutterer 17 Observe IS Caudal appendage 19 Competent . 21 Implement -23 Recede ' 26 Gaseous element 29 Correlative of either 30 Toward 32 Corded fabric 34 Grape 35 Geometry term 39 Luzon Tfegrito 40 God of lower world 41 Father 42 Symbol for tellurium 43 A com 45 Greek letter 47 Hurried 49 Sesame 1 To be spiritless 53 Cuckoo 55 Attract 60 Cooking utensil 7lPajf statt is aic' J the Tin State"? . 62 Also. . 63 Ovum - 64 Indie ' o 63-aranese eofa VESXXCAL ..i ' , 1 Dane step 4 Cereal grass lius of lyrle poet- 4 Half: prefbt . ' S-Aaaint v Armd conflict 7 fiuzamtr (Fr.) tPSaa-" -Uttt Ttfitchman red 1a iBnocvlatho (u 'f-rirephobia? ii 21 22 23 Ta 25 5? S 29 222 31 W?. H 35 Z?34 m 22 35 36 37 38 39 W """"" 777? ai " .22 m m. 43 44 Z24S 46 47 4ft S3 54 S5 57 58 59 T" 77? " EZZ oi 22 H VWrv 1 1 1 II65 1 1 - - By Sords a. ar avi.fe. m xv mm iimjt niarnn i awn Mlati feA GAM&S LAST SASo4 Cubs Win Claude Passeau pitched a five- and beat the New York Giants while in the throes of the appen dicitis attack. Thursday's triumph was Passeau 's seventh in a row. The Cubs made 11 hits in all against Rube Melton and Same Nahem, including three by Louie Novikoff, who had his best day of the season at the plate. Novikoff doubled anea and singled twice and seored three runs. Phila. .. ...0i0 000 000-1 S 1 Chicago ...001 122 01x-7 111 Melton, Nahem (6) and War- ren; Passeau and McCullougb, Puzzle 11 Golf BiAund 16 What British Mediterranean stronghold has been bombed incessantlr br the firm ' 20 Within 21 Theme 22 Declaim 24 From what French seaport ota two (rerman war vessels escape this rear? 25 Babylonian rod 27 Egg-shaped 28 Titled 31 Aged 33 Soft drink 36 Storming 37 Falsehood it What Canadian peninsula is noted for its beautiful rut ted scenerr ? 44 Note in the seal 46 Catkin 48 Annoyances 50 What is the capital of Peru? oirnauYe mewa 53 Imitate 54 Scold continually 36 To seise sudaeaiy 57 Fasten 58 Pedal diait 59 Male offspring Answer to yesterday" puzzle. LL fM? riAmn HIAIMISI iOill Ti I INITJEJO! .SPlEtNiDISl ttTElQ Averas tie of seletl I 34 ssfay BtaL by Stag restart Brtfkala, rCOS s mm e