r Tj OUTGOn 6XAIZSMAN Salsa Ortgcsu Friday Morning, fsss XI 1U2 fAGETHZHTEEXT TBfli DINI IPDCTPIIIS A, x y ' v" ' x " v , ' y . . I t x f ' . ' s x ; & X - , ; - f ' - f: IN V T - - CIVINC OUT THE CA NVAS with Off breexe fOllnr out their bIlon-lIke piimker thes rctar crmft compete obc of a series of Los Anceles Tscht dob ereots. Left to rifht: The Wahisl sailed by Willis Boyd, and ChalcpiU with Kenneth Davis. f Ayr ' OANCE OF F LI CHT Like planes sweeping fa for a landinc, three Haaya Holni oncers soar Uironch the air and then dowa to carta on the trass at Colorado Cofleco In Colorado Sprints, Colo. They are Interpretinf the arts ud war on a ftne arts protram. ( (11 AMR ll ITm.-ji.. Miller wears this eye-catchlnc aroac svit en the strand at Loas; Beach, Calif. Material la South Sea flawered batik. Gaateanalaa deaUra bat and cap top f off. i stf. 'i 1 I j PORTRAIT OF A HERO Mrs. Dwfeht W. Morrow (above), chairman f the New York UJS.O. women's committee, -aaveiled this portrait of Capt. Colin Kelly. Jr., which was painted for the United States Military academy by Bradford Lambert riht). The portrait was banc In a New York City art rallery. where the admissions charted went Into the U.S.O. war faatL '4, fr 4 y" x - fx' x " x , xr t. v x ' &x I x- f "-J x- - - W -V v . - x- 1 - - - "v ' ' - ' it t f r " I . """""in rmn in ii i ii lining ii iffiimwi-j m i S S , I ?.x-x x , - - - - J Jtx X ' C- x yJr ix - -! VV ; a x I ,A . V X,'V MAMA FZNCUIN ON CIAR D-HIama peataia. Z15if pashes her Laby blaikfoot pen. awfat kit a esraer cf fBuSx act aa4 tarns to prstect tt frna Fbotatraphers at fa Ei&tx too. New Tort mil ii - - - ,, . i i - -1 in in i n 1 1 ii 1 1 ii . hi -win Hxii jimmwi im un. jii nil,. J,"i'Hl ' - J K v , x-xxxV'r, fx x f (wvxx- vt t . , vt !'-.y xx yxvl.-W jx . v" x xfl-y, a . xx'x'-x V xxx x i X--"x x x i ",T ' V X 5 '-..Ax. vX' x xx-JxX'x', F , -. X, x" ' - X '"XV f - V ' -y.' '--x x V J ' v - , f x i, ' X i 1 xxxi.i. ,x x ,,x ,. x. y"x. , i? rS'V. x " 'V ' - S T-'v. "I'-r-Xx'-i" - -x.xx , ITxx" xxx , x x,- x j. x A X- JX t 05 tTt xx.Vx-,- V5-x- x' x- xX -x 1 rV TI----"-' v vxj . -x- y , , .'-xfx ; JNxy j-" - A-v- - : x "y. C," x 1 ' i' Ii --1 'uli,, ' ' wxxx.,,, " j 1 - V ' xx' . r i n J .:V:.::-f.: x- i - --?x-X. :r.xA; XX vx- x ..x UNCLE SAM'S AIRCRAFT CARRIER S A R A T 0 C A The U.8.S. Saratora (above) was lamached in 1925 as a bat tle cruiser. As a result of the Waabinrton naval conference tt was converted into a carrier and reUanebed ta 192S, a 33,009 ton vesseL (. v 1 V , x & , X J ,V ' I , v s"-x x 1 r 5 . X AX x v - -' if V "":ii;t'::.'3::'--i- i 'V 5 . x (ii x ' s7 .7 S - -v & ' - X 4xx, . , , "" - n, - x- xx -- gjByjHBaaaaa)k:apaaaaa Jx-", x , x v: x' X X,-' ' V X x xx -x . " X, X- A. X x,Jx , P .x" I X .id- x- ' i i xx- ' i " x-1 ; ROADWAY'S BAD BOYS Vincent Price (left) and Boris Karloff (rifht). who hold kilkr role in Broadway plays, induct Joseph MOdkraat, who acta similarly ta aew play. s ANGRY After sarvtvint a torpedomt Capt Anras Shaw, a Scotsman, said: "I'd rive the teeth oat of my head (they're of the store variety) If they'd rive me somethinr to hant those sab marines with." x ' XX xXfx-x!Xxx x,. xXxvxxxxWxi I i x x IRIS H-Competlnc tor tho title "Miss Irish Channel- who will reirn at tho Tarkey Bowl football classic next Thanks rivint. Miss Edith Mae Kodxe of New Orleans poses for critics. ,.":::: i "--- "..if- I , '' . cr x. "Waaja, I BANANA FELT a per. feet foQ for dark or bricfat spec tator sports frocks Is this banana felt fedora. Trizamatrs are p uHit-Hu mm any hi cups art i t4 fV 1 1. HI ar r"JijVrTM'irtviif iiarrWbfm umiafia:i SKY LEVI ATHA N This Is a drawiat of CJcbb L. Ilarila essspaay's proposed 151461 psand Hybxt ship. The deaira eaCs for Cm akip to earqr 1C2 pastcaters eaca f9 paaad