Tht OREGON STATESMAN. Saltm Oregon. Friday Morning. June 5. 1942 age nvz i . Local ITews Briefs Moles Burned A pair of mules was burned to death, city firemen said, in the fire which early Thursday afternoon de stroyed a barn on the South River road farm of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hanzen. JIhe Hanzens were away and the man employed on the place was eating lunch when a neighbor saw smoke and flames and went over to inform him the barn was afire. The neighbor was able to remove a cow and 1J4 dozen chickens from the burning structure. The fire was believed to have had its start in a. spark blown from a brush head which was burning nearby. Firemen were called from the South Salem station when the residence was apparently endangered. They said the barn was in ashes when they arrived. Lutz florist Ph. 9592 1276 N. Lib. Situs Waiver Daniel Lewis Dougherty, 21, arrested by state police and held in the county jail here since Wednesday for Cali fornia officers, Thursday signed a waiver of extradition before Judge E. M. Page and declared himself ready to go back to Cali fornia to face the charg brought against him there. ' . Savings insured to $5,000.00 are earning 3k at Salem Fed eral, 130 South Liberty. Open Friday NUfct The Unit ed States employment office at 710 Ferry street will remain open until 9 o'clock Friday night this week and next to assist holders of occupational questionnaires, who may need help in filling them out. Many who received these ques tionnaires from the social secur ity board are unable to get away from their work during the day and it is for their benefit the even ing schedule Has been arranged ac cording to W. H. Baillie, manager. Finnish Baths. 1590 N. Cap. 3518 Band to Disband The Salem Junior band will discontinue practices this summer so that the boys may help 'in the crop har vesting. Joe Hassenstab is the director of the 35 or 40 in the band, which has held four or five practices a week for the past seven years. For Home Loans see Salem Fed eral, 130 South Liberty. Escapes From Hospital Waino Anderson, 30, escaped from the Oregon state hospital here at ap proximately 10:50 Thursday morn ing, police were informed. New arrivals in crisp, colorful, Cotton Sheers, $1.98 to $3.98. The Moderne, open Saturdays til 9 p.m. Association te Convene The Oregon Association of the Deaf will hold its tenth convention in Salem today, Saturday and Sun day. Registration will start at 2 o'clock this afternoon, followed by a get-acquainted evening and movies. Saturday will be an all day session and a banquet in the Marion hotel in the evening. A religious service will be given by Dr. N. W. Zellmer, followed by an all-day picnic. We now have Electric Water Heaters for sale. Yeater Appliance Co. 255 N. Liberty. V Urge Flag Observance The Sa lem Ministerial association adopt ed resolutions at its meeting this week urging churches to observe Flag day, which falls on Sunday, June 14, this year, with special programs as part of the regular service. Dr. Moran, 158 S. Cottage. Chi ropractic Physician. Dial 8197. Business Session Planned No guest speaker is scheduled to ap pear at this noon's luncheon meet ing of the Salem Realty board at the Quelle. A full program of business for the organization is to occupy the meeting time, officers said Thursday. State Accordion festival, Leslie auditorium June 8th, 8 p. m. Tick ets 25c and 15c. Phone 7186. Finnish Baths. 1590 N. Cap. 3518. Honrs Chanxed On instructions from the state office, opening and closing hours of the Marion coun ty public welfare committee of fices here have been changed to 8:30 a.m: and 4:30 p.m., according to notices recently sent out Pre viously hours were from 9 a.m. to 5 pjn. Saturday hours remain unchanged at 8:30 a.m. and 12 noon. You can still buy a Johns-Manville Roof, nothing down, 12. months to pay: Mathis Bros. 164 S. Com'l. Fire District Formed The Aumsville Rural Fire Protection area was brought into existence Thursday when the Marion coun ty court signed formal order, which also called for an election in the area July 1 to elect fire di rectors. Aumsville is near the cen ter of the area according to the description filed with the order. X -v. H Save at Kay's First Aid Given City first! aiders answered two calls Thurs day afternoon, shortly after 1 tjclock, giving assistance to Mrs. Augusta Hallin, 1836 Court street, who had cut her hand on a sickle and a half hour later responding to a call from 723 Ferry street, where Frank Apple had suffered a heart attack. Rummage sale, Nelson Bldg., Fri Sat. Bees Hived When a wander ing colony of bees chose a lower limb of one of the twin magnolia trees on the east lawn of the Marion county courthouse as a place to swarm Thursday after noon, Batty Cooper, county sani tary inspector, called in an apiar ist to hive them. American Legion Aux. rummage sale. Fri. & Sat., June 5 & 6. Nel son Bldg. New Regulations Given- Amendments to the regulations covering sales and use of explo sives, particularly as related to fireworks and small arms, have been sent out by the federal bu reau of mines to explosives agents in this area. Try Argo's Special Lunch, 45c Kells Delayed Salem YMCA Secretary C. A .Kells, expected home Thursday from the national conference in the east, will prob ably not be back until this week end. No reason was given ' for Kells' delay. Tree Roses blooming at Singer Gardens. 4 mi. No. Wallace Road. Phillips Convalescing Paul Phillips of the city fire department is convalescing at Salem General hospital following a major opera tion there early this week. Owen Asserts Groups Ready Oregon's civilian defense or ganization Is in readiness for any emergency, Jerrold Owen, state civilian defense coordinator, re ported to Gov. Charles A. Sprague Thursday. Owen said control centers are operating on a 24-hour basis in every county west of the Cascade mountains while in eastern Ore gon the citizens have sent word that they are anxious to coope rate with military authorities in enforcing blackouts or coping with other situations arising from the" war. The expected special alert Wed nesday night following the Japa nese attack on Dutch Harbor fail ed to materialize anywhere on the Pacific coast, Owen said. May Record Month For Marriages ALBANY During the month of May, SI couples were granted marriage licenses by the Linn county clerk.- This was 18 -mort than were issued during the same month in 1941. It was also eight more than were issued for any month of 1041, the highest num ber being granted in any one month of last year being 21, with June and September tying this number. FOR SALE! '37 Che v. Panel Dd. Good Condition Good Tires Schoen's Bakery i: m& Xi MiJr You can really save on our specials today and Saturday. You 11 find it pays to buy at Kays. i ?. X i II 1 Tweed Coals See Our Grand Buy I 100 ALL WOOL SHETLAND SUITS and COATS $17 00 each 1.98 Blouses . 2 ior One 1 ne Lot .00 GLOVES .,,11 1.00 SATIN SLIPS 1.19 fUIULa .... (Q) Irregular All Silk 1.35 HOSIERY SCO v. - 4 frssca) 3.29 Junior Dresses a xiCQ) 2.49 Batiste Blouses 51n2)cQ) 1.69 c!l Swealers & 2.49 Man CL:MI. II Tailored 29c Anklets Hefp-FtGHTtAemi with tAemmtyycuMee! Jp?5 : mDllVU.S. t'JAO DBHBS ! I lr v 1) wv TOW KAY'S 4S9 STATE STREET KAYS for. Slacks , Slack Suits Play Suits Bathing Suits o o Special! Black Gumdrops (gjf Jumbo Six VITAMIN TABLETS Build that extra energy.r...i?..Priced from NECKLACES Plastic, metaL macaroni. IB 7 Special! Cannerv White. AH Rubber K. "V V I IN A cup & SAUCER All White 15c Volu Special ! ANKLETS For misses and ladies. ...Pair HOUSEDRESSES Novelty prints. STRING GLOVES Protect your hands. Pair Pottery Dishes 20-Pc. Starter Set Regular $3.98 Value Special! K A . K7& Special ! Berry -,,-1 10-qt Tin Pails ' PLASTIC CORER An essential kitchen aid. Each FRUIT JAR FUNNELS CCTtC For canning season. Each DISHCLOTHS Keep plenty on hand. Each Special! Ladies' m RAYON (aC PAWTIES gjvr A Special! Cold Pack girl CANIIER 7-Quart Size .49 FOOD PRESS Fine aluminum. 39 PARING KNIVES Good quality. Priced from 7 WHIlt bHUt ULtANtK (OC v For bright shoes.. . A Special! JETTY ri nccrc Vi Pint Size ea TABLECLOTHS Fast color. 52x52L HAND MADE DOILIES Make excellent gifts. I1 A Oilcloth TOO patterns to choose from. Big gest stock in Sa-leml Special! SUN GLASSES To keep out the glare.. Priced from 5L Special! SLACK ffrgf SUITS VglVg f 2-Piece SuiU Choice of Styles and Colors v Special! w Ladies' RAYON vWllt HOSE . ZjJ pr Regular 39c Value V POCKET COMBS Ereryone needs an extra comb..... 7 LADIES SLIPS Rayon taffeta. An exceptional Tolue. STRAW Special1 frnmfi For Men and Women Re 136 North Commercial Street : The Store of Better Values'. Salem. Oregon