FAGE FXFTCCTf Tested and Approved for Results ! ! That's Classified TL OSEGON STATESMAN. Salsra. Oregon. Friday Morning. Jua S. 1942 XSusifled Airertlftiax Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Threw insertions per Una 25c Six Insertions per Une- ,40c On month per On $119 Minimum charge Z5c; 1 tt. mm imtun 85c; 0 tt. mla. 45c, No refunds. Cop for this tn 1 6:30 public uon for classtflcatteav Copy aeived after tbl ome will be under the heeding Tee tale to Classify.' ' The StetMui awma aa fman eial responsibility (ar errara which may appear la adsarttaenitnta pub lished la tta coirnm end in cim where this paper la at fault will reprint that part at as advertiae ment tn which the typographical mistake occura. The Stateamaa reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It farther reserves the right to place all edmtlsang under th proper classlftrarlan A "Blind" Aden ed eon tain tng a Stateamaa box number for an ad dress la for the protection of the advertiser and mast therefore be answered by letter. The Stateamaa ts not at liberty te dtTUlge lnfor maUon es to the Identity of en advertiser uaing a -Blind" ad. Livestock snd Poultry FARMERS WE PAY 50c per hundred for dead end worthies live stack. Top price paid for fox-feed horses. Phone col lect. Salem, Sill. MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS BABY CHICKS. I popular varieties every week. Also Leghorn cockrels Sow ready. Ph. 22S41. Lee Hatchery. Auctions AUCTION SALE Saturday, June Sth. 1:SS p. m. At the F. N. Woedry Auction A Furniture Mart 1610 N. Summer St. in Hollywood A jot of consigned furniture tt home furnishings, tools, fruit iers. elec. washer, davenport St chair, garden tools and lots of mlaoellaneeus arUciaa. Terms cash. F. N. and Glean Woodry, Auctioneer. Phone lilt. We Buy SeU JCk change See us about your nest Auction Help Wanted Upholsterers, refrigerator serviceman St Linoleum Layers. H. L. Stiff. BOOKKEEPER Experienced. for irt-tune work. 239 S. Coml. Ph. 31SC. rt Help Wanted Male MAN WANTED for general office work. Credit and 'machine bookkeeping experience necessary. Permanent work. With good substantial established firm In Salem. Must hvae good references. Box 2122, Statesman. MIDDLE AGED man for clerk in small hotel. Write Box 1123. Statesman. Help Wanted Female WANTED Lady bookkeeper, exper ienced in lumber preferable. Good Wages. If married will give husband fob too. Oregon Plywood Corporation, Sw Sweet Home, Ore. YOUNG woman wanted for house work. Kay's Dress Shop. 460 State. HOUSEKEEPER for S adults. $23.00. So objection, to woman with child, a. 3391 after 8 p. nv. 2620 So. Com. St. EXPERIENCED woman or girl for house work in town and part time at beach. Good wages. Phone 182. 412 Shelton St., Dallas. Oregon. WOMAN cook, steady work, full time. Cherrio Inn. 325 Court. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. Ph. 4083. Sitnations Wanted WANTED truck driving of any kind. 103 Abrams Ave. (Capitola Dist.) PRACTICAL NURSE or waitress. Grace Watson. Gen. Delivery, Salem. DAY nursety, experienced. 112 Union. PLOWING. DISCING. HARROWING AND CULTIVATING with lord trac tor done on jobs any size. Ph. $997. For Sale Miscellaneous USED Coleman oil circulating heater $49.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. ST N. Liberty Ph. 4613 TRAILER house, lrsXS". 1215 S. 12th. COOK stove, lawn mower, baby crib 2 tires, etc. 23 Park St. TJSED Monarch grey enamel electric range - ..$39.50 CEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 27S N. Liberty Ph. 4615 tea FT IRRIGATION PIPE. 9 sprink lers Sc nec. connections. Inq. Cooper Hardware. Monmouth. Ore. USED Superior. full enamel, cast range Good condition ..: 449.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 175 N. Liberty Ph. 4615 SAtURD AY Strawberries 5c lb You pick. 4 miles on South Highway W mile East en Pringle Road. Box 303. USED Universal wood range $24.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE UO. 175 N. Liberty Ph. 4615 BRAND NEW World bicycle with "all the trimmings" for owner's cost, Bee Mr. Graham before 3 p.m. Satur day. 155 S. Liberty. USED Man tax Colonial wood range full enamel, nickel trim $59.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 175 N. Liberty Ph. 4615 PANSIES A Aoricot Violas 25c doz. nraniuma. Asters. Tuberous Bego nias. Pepper. Tomato, Celery and Cukes, Binegars Penn 4 Corners. REMNANT inlaid felt base floo coverings at remnant prices. flltVtlRTZ FURNITURE CO. m N. Liberty Ph. 4615 OAS RANGE WITH TRASH BURNER aia with extra dim. In gooa conai tlon. Bechtel or Needham. 341 State, Room 4. ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives Oearxe D. Close. Inc. Baa trsnclsco Los Angeles Seattle . Eastern Advertising Representatives Ward-Griffith Company Inc. Chicago. New York. Detroit - ; .Boston. Atlanta Entered at the Postofffee at talent. Ortgm. eS Second Class Matter. Pub fished every monrino except Monday. huttnu office tl$ South Commercial lirea s. - . ' v SUBSCRIPTION RATES Msft Subserlbtton Rates ta Advance: Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday. Mo. fa cents: t Moa $3-00; 1 year Elsewhere. SO cents see me. ar $7JS lor 1 year tn advance Per copy eenta Br dry earner. Ta casus a nwnn n ee a year aa ma' Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALU WRITS or phone 91S$ to slam's oldest, iargrst home owned and home managed finance tastttn Uon. Your financial affairs will be itlsrn art and loans made tn strictest privacy, you will be given every alderatloa la the repaytae of granting of 1 to 11 MONTH TO REPAY You redo can pay m fell ra Ml CBS) COCt. ONLY BOBJtOWEB SIONS No hire or note. ROY BL SSMMON3. ue 10. ai-ui JB4 CLARK. ASST. MGR. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Ue. No. 8-lss IM So. Cammerclal St Phone USB first door south of Ledd 4c Bosh bank. Convenient ground floor socatlan PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payment. Money for new or used cere No delay or red tape. You will retain pemessKMi of the vesicle 1 TO II MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS US South Commercial Stiaat Phone 91SS Lie. No. M-LS3 MONEY TO LOAN On Farm, City or Acreage Property CHILDS tt MTT.I.ER. INC. 344 State St. Phone SMI WE LOAN on rarm. residential business property WU1 ocy mortgages or contracts, hawkins at Roberts. INC. ReaRors, Guardian Building. For Sale Miscellaneous FOR BELCREST propertic see W. G. KRUEGER, Phone 4728. RADIO CONSOL $8.50. Phone 9309. Box ISO, SUverton Road. FREE hay. Mow it yourself. Call at ISO N. nst street. Axminister Servliton Cambay rug. 13. With fir. mat. P. 5823. 1365 Cham. MAN'S BICYCLE, 1775 N. Front THE APRON SHOP 679 N. High. Wanted Furniture P. N. as GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers St furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade for furniture household cooda We buy or sell everything. Ph. SUA. CASH FOR used furniture & he hold goods. & Forgey. Ph. 7444. Wanted Miscellaneous SECOND Hand electric refrig. Write til. , aox B5, or phone 21109. USED WASHING MACHINE $25. WANTED Bathinette. also medium size heating stove. State prices. Box To. Statesman. TRAILER house, $190 cash. Ph. 6240. ALL KINDS of used goods. Ph. 4317, USED FURNITURE. Ph. 9183. Miscellaneous FEMALE Cocker Spaniel, will give away to gooa nome. eo s. in. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUB SERV1CS IN MOST . CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates tor Repair DH. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State A Coml Ph 3311 For Rent Rooms COMFORTABLE room. Ideal location close in. Phone 6707. WELL FURN sleep, rms. Individ lavatories, nr. state bldgs. 737 Center HOTEL MARION Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to penn. guests Marlon Coffee Shop, delicious meals at low prices. SM. rm., nr. capitoL 966 Center. SLP RMS. 378 Bellevue. Ph. 3048. SIP RM. near slate bldgs Ph 21449 Room and Board ROOM, board, laundry. $30. Good home cooking. 923 S. High. ROOM & BOARD. Call 4406. EXCELLENT board. 330 N. Summer. GOOD service 1144 Center. Ph 8630. BOARD & room. 2310 N. 4th. BETTER BRD tt rm 745 S Coml St For Rent Apartments $ RM. downstairs. 700 N. High. LOVELY, clean, Pullman apt. Refrig. priv. bath 248 D St. Pt one- 6728. 3-RM. furn apt. modern conven- iences. 253 N 13th. MOD. 3-RM. furn. apt. 991 N. Cottage. 3 RMS., bath, ted floor, hot wat lights, gas. share elec. frig. Adults. No pets. $16.50. Ph. SI 35. 2 neat, clean hskpg. rms., furn., $12.50. 1397 N. Commercial. NICE, close in. $13 mo. 891 N. ComX FURN 3-rm. apt., with kitchenette, water, lights, washer. $16. 541 Mill. 2 or 3 rm. furn. apta. 2217 State, COMFORTABLE. furn, 9 large rms, elec rnge St refrig. Call CBO eves. MOD. 2-rm furn, 1553 State. I RMS St bath furn. 1449 Waller. OLYMPIC J-room 774$. 730 N. Liberty. furn, apt Ph. 3-RM furn, clean, apt. Refrigera tion, bain, adults. ca s. summer. CLEAN, one rm. apt 649 Ferry. 1 and 2 rm. apt 2054 N CapitoL APTS. 2 & 3 rooms. 2310 N. 4th. For Rent -Houses $15 6 rm. house. 1 A. East. $25 Furnished Flat. $27.50 4 rms. modem. " $35 6 rm. mod. suburban. H. P. GRANT 529 Court 1-RM. furn. house, sink, toilet t-Rin. mod. house. MELVIN JOHNSON Ph- 3723 awe. V GORKI hi blonde ' lsSVIh- - . fTr:. Money to Loan GASH FOR Any Constructive Purpose No loan la too small for our con sideration. Repayment schedules ar- nfed to fit your Income. For example: QU RECEIVE YOU PAY MONTHLY YO $ 50.00 100.00 150.00 300.00 $ 5 .02 10.05 15.07 30.14 Above Daymen ts are figured is months eaauv Phone, write, or call at the office of Salem's Personal Loan Canter. 315 Court St. Salem Phone 4446 State License 8-328 M-37S CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY LOANS-325 to $300 Almost any credit-worthy person who really needs cash ... to pay off old debts ... for medical or cental work . or for some other worthy purpose can qualify fot a loan at Personal. Ground Fir. New Bllxh Bldg. 513 STATE STREET (At High Street) Telephone 3191 State Licenses: S-122. M-169 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE H. M-liS Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN en good Salem real ae tata. Win pay Interest W. & URABENHORST Js CO. REALTORS Financial WANTED To buy for rash Real estate mortgages, real estate con tracts. merenanoiae eisceuni paper, snate Finance Co. 944 State. For Rent- Houses WINONA COURT. 4-rm. unur. cot tage. Elect, stove, refr.. water htr. Ga rage. Adults. Phone 6565. 2060 Breyman. 4 rms. Adults. $20. BLOCK from bus. Phone 3821. WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU Want to sefl, exchange, lease, rent see Mr. Larson. Mr. Collins or Mr. Goodwin with HawkSoa at Roberta. ONE rm. turn. hse. 2397 Hazel. NEW 5-R, 615 Breys. Ph. 6789. MODERN house at Pen 4 Corners. Inquire 1566 N. Sth. FURN. 4-rm. duplex., prlv. bath, gar close In. 4354. 396 S. list. For Rent TRUCKS for rent. You drive. Mc- Cune & LovelL phone 9600. MODERN COTTAGES, S4 Sc up Junction Auto Court So. Commercial. For Sale Real Estate EXCHANGE: Fine home snd either two or four seres near city limits for six or seven room house in Salem, val ue $7300 for all let us show you. DISTANT OWNER OFFERS View property below value: 5 room modern home, large lot worth $4250 make us an offer. OWNER MOVING Says - sell bis choice view property, attractive 5 rm. house with large lot. trees, shrubs, flowers. Price $2500 part terms. See Mrs. Ellis with Chlias c Miller, Realtors, 344 State St. Ph. 9261. 7 RMS- full bamt, hardwood floors, mod.. weU located. $5260. NEW home. mod., all hardwood floors. 2 bedrooms, well located tn En glewood Dist. Terms. Fred Rawuns witn it. a. c eraser. 1853 N. Capitol. Business Cards tn this directory ma ob monthly basts only. Sate: SL2S per line per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panek. S73 South Commercial Batteries WILLARD batteries, all typea. R. D Woodrow. 394 Church. Phene 9600. Bicycles BICYCLES. New and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott 147 & Cora'cl P. 4516 Chiropractic Physicians a A, Sternberg. 349 N. Capitol 3731 Chimney Sweeps Northness Chimney Sweep. P. 4450. Florists Breithaupra 447 Court Phone SIM Funeral Directors TerwUllger Funeral Home Ph. Loans MONEY to loan. EZY, co Statesman. Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUO MATTRESS Co. New Mattresses Mt cleaning & weaving. 13th Tel $441 Z wickers. MdJ, rug. as wuour CAPrTOL BEDDING CO Ptaone 0S Oil Burner Service SKEW1S St JUDSON PHONE 4141 For Sale Real Estate 63350. Nice bunealow block from Grant school. 4 rms. St breakfast rm.. Z bedrooms and one large bedroom up stairs, fine basement St new furnace, fireplace, nice lawn and shrubbery Terms. $1575. 5 rm. house north, larxe liv ing rm.. dinina rm. very nice lawn Sc shrubbery. MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 723 Court St Phone 3723 COMPARATIVELY new house. West Salem with 3 bedrooms. $2350. Z3 ACRES at Pratum. Plastered house, barn, chicken, house all stocked and equipped. fMOO. 4 ACRXS near Shaw. House. S barns, chicken house. 32 head at dairy stock. $3500. g, P. H. BELL 429 Oregon Bldg. Ph. ; 61X1 APARTMENT house. Six X rm. mod, apta. Close la. Box 3134 Statesman. BARGAIN 2 bedroom home. Part basement. Large lot Excellent condition. Walk ing distance. $3500. $350 down. $30 per mo. snowa oy appointment only. RICH L. REIMANN 167 S. High St Ph. 9203 3 RM. HSE. 1245 S. ISth. Price $650. W. G. KRUEGER. REALTi OR 147 N. Commercial Ph 4728 STORE BUILDING with living Quar ters and about $1000 worth of stock. Doing good business. Will sell all for $3000. $1200 down. GOOD HOME on S. Commercial. $2500 and worth more. $500 down. 477 Court Ph. 6524 A HOME with an unusual number of attractive features. $4000. Terms 795 N. 17th street. Ph. 21640. EXTRA well located, close In north, 3 B. R mod. home. Price, $3500. $500 aown. . C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 2-FAMTLY dwelling, fruit nuU. gard en. Lot 105 ft. by 155 ft. Central loca tion, reasonable price. 510 Church St., Dallas. HOUSE for sale or rent. Phone 6429 or can at 1867 N. Water after 3:30. TO CLOSE estate, will sell residence at 3195 Myrtle avenue for $1850 cash. DONALD A. YOUNG 207 Pioneer Trust Bids. Salem $4850 A fine home, modern, inc. basement and sawdust furn.. perfect lo cation and prac. new. See Mr Hardy with HAWKINS at ROBERTS, INC.. Realtors. FOR SALE or rent. mod. S-bedroom suburban home. Sacrifice for Immedi ate sale or trade for Portland. Ph. 6158, 6 RM. House. 2 lots In Gervals. More land if wanted. The Star. Gervals, Ore. Exchange Real Estate FOR SALE OR TRADE We have 58 acres excellent soil all la cultivation and fair buildings 10 ml. north of Salem to trade for Salem home or will sell reasonably. Small payment 185 acres close to Falls City, about 85 in cultivation, bal. pasture and tim ber. Good buildings. Will take Salem property as part .payment. 477 Court Ph. 6524 For Sale Farms 40 A. 5 rm house, food barn, 32 A. in cultivation. $5250. 2000 Acres in the valley, 400 A. In cultl. Will take smaller farm or good rental property. Fred Rawlins with R. A. FORKNER. REALTOR 1853 N. Capitol TIMBER WILL PAY FOR FARM 250 A. farm weU worth $10,000 for 17000. Estimate sow cords or fir nm ber 2000 cords of oak timber. 85 A. farm land. bal. pasture and timber 7000 cords of wood at (1 cord stump axe. For sale only by Louis Bechtel or Mabel Needham, 941 state. Koora , Acreage S A.. 5-r. hse.. Rood land. $2500 cash 2 A., mi out. Will sell te take in some trade Full price. $4250. This good land A a practically new house with fireplace tc floor furnace. F. H. Weir 465 Center REALTOR Ph. 9411 Business Opportunities GROCERY stock and fixtures, com munity store doing good business. Exceptional buy in cafe. ' Fred Rawlins with R. A. FORKNER. 1853 N. Capitol Directory Painting & Pa perha aging Experienced Reasonable. Ph. 4325. Paints and Lacquers Complete line NASON paints. Liberal 394 N. Church terms, H. L woodrow. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards pamphlets. 5'ograms. books or any kind ef print g, call The Statesman Printing De partment 213 S Commercial. Tele phone 9101 Plumbing REPAIRS & INSTALLATION SKXWIS at JUDSON-PHONE 4141 PLUMBING. GENERAL repair Graber Bros. 154 S Liberty Ph. 0694 Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write. Phone or Call for Booklet 360 N Capitol Transfer U -DRIVE TRUCKS FOR" RENT Blanketa turn. 197 & Liberty Ph. 9062 TOR LOCAL OR D ETTA-NT transfer storage, burner oil, briquets Trucks to Portland daily Agent Pierce Auto Freight including cans noun uirmei Transfer Co Ph. $131 Vacuum Cleaner Service FREE fttmectlon In your heme Au tbertsed Hoover service. We service aa makes cleaners Hogg Bros Ph. spsz Well Drilling R. K. Saeed. 2303 Brooks St Ph. 6809. & A WEST. Rt A Box 445 Ph. S-2296. GOOD! VOU M TIME TOR GOING TO HAVE CREAM-PIS. For Sale Used Cart I USED CAR YOU CANT BEAT ANYWHERE! 42 DeSoto Custom 6 Pass. ruiuiu at tuATtn - Fiuu Drive - stmpumstic Transmission, only 4000 miles! ., 41 Dodge Custom De- Luxe Sedan Fluid Drive, Radio A 9200 miles. Heater. 41 Plymouth Special De- Luxe Sedan Very low mileage. 37 Plymouth DeLuxe Sed. NOTICE! READ THIS! Your last chance to buy e New 1942 Dodge or Ply mouth for a long timet . . . Let us help buy! We win get your certificate from HUBBARD MOTOR CO. Dodge and Plymouth Dist; 525 Chemeketa Street BARGAINS 1941 Plymouth special dlx. sedan. 1941 Dodge luxury liner sedan, with all the extras, low mileage, ex ceptionally clean. 1940 Plymouth deluxe sedan, com pletely overhauled, new paint. good tires. 1940 Che evrolet asocial deluxe sedan. radio st heater, low mileage and a one owner car. 1938 OMamoblle tudor sedan, loaded with extras, perfect mechanic ally, good tires. 1938 Chevrolet deluxe coupe, clean. 1938 Chevrolet deluxe town sed.. clean. 1937 Chevrolet town sedan, good tares. 1941 Willys Americar. Economy phis. 1937 Willys 4 door sedan. 1938 Ford 60 coach, clean. 1938 Ford 85 coach, very clean. 1939 Ford 85 coupe, radio A heater. 1939 Oldsmobile deluxe sedan, radio A heater, new paint, good tires. 1939 Plymouth sedan, very nice. 1936 Chevrolet town sedan, clean. 1934 Chevrolet coach, overhauled. 1933 Chevrolet sedan. 4 dr. overhauled. 1933 Plymouth 4 door sedan. 1933 Plym. coupe, overhauled, new pt. Many others in all makes and models. Chespies by the dozen, $25.00 up. "C" SHR0CK Salem's oldest Independent dealer. used car 270 N. Church St. Phone 8502 mk rvmr Church Az Chem. Ph. 7922 Otto J.Wilson tut riiHi SmIm vprv clean. 1940 Super Buick Sed, fully equipped. 1940 ButCK Special Z uoor aeuan. 1940 Buick Special Coupe. 1S3S Buick Spec. Sedan. New tire. 1941 Spec. Del. Chev. 8 pass. Coupe Low mileage. 1938 Ford Sedan. 1937 Ford Sedan. 1937 Ford Coupe. SATURDAY SPECIAL 37 Lincoln Zephyr Sedan 36 Nash Sedan our automobiles. We still guarantee Otto. J. Wilson 388 N. Commercial Ph. 5451 Wanted Real Estate cu att Tt a NrH Must be reason able. W. Corbet. 920 N. 13th St P. 7077 For Sale Wood aa pns limb nrune wood. Would like to sell all te one party. Ph. 7335. DRY WOOD, all kinds. Ph- 9560. Personal MEET NEW FRIENDS I dub Elite Boa 71-43. Maui PO us Angeles tai Transportation WANT ride to Texas or vicinity Im mediately. Share expenses, pn. huso. Wanted Used Cars WE PAY TOPS! Get every dime your car is worth Cash on the Barrel-Head MC" SHROCK SALEM'S oldest Independent used ear dealer. NX Corner Church A Chem. Ph. 7922 "CASH" For Your Car 0- No Fuss - - No Delay See Us Today ANY MAKE ANY MODEL BURG0YNE MOTOR COMPANY 440 CENTER ST. JUST GOT MOMfc? SUPPER WERE wiiiiiiiitrmj 1 J H For SaleUsed Cars VALUES! Club Coupes 41 DeSoto DeLuxe Sedan Like new - Very low mileage. TRUCKS 40 Dodere l1, -2 ton dumo txuek. Rodv and hoist. new rubber, motor overhauled. A real bar gain ! you! . . . New cars are now easy to the Rationing Board for you. Phone 4119 REAL VALUES 1941 Ford Super DeLuxe Sedan Radio, Heater. Sportlight 1941 Ford 5-Pass. Coupe 1941 Pontiac 5-Pass. Coupe Radio. Heater. 1941 Olds DeLuxe Coupe 1940 Pontiac Sedan Radio Heater. 1939 Chev. Master Del. Tn. Sedan 1938 Dodge Del. Sedan 1937 Packard 6 Sedan 1937 Studebaker Sedan Overdrive, Heater. 1937 Ply. Deluxe Coupe 1936 Chevrolet Coupe 1936 Ford Tudor 1935 Ford Tudor 1936 Ply. Deluxe Sedan ORVAL'S USED CARS CENTER AT CHURCH ST. Phone 4702 BARGAINS 1S37 Dodge pick-up. Nice shape. 1S3S G.M.C. pick-up, good rubber, nice condition, removable top over long type pick-up box. 1929 Chev. pick-up, very good tires. 1930 Willys panel delivery, cheap. Beautiful S wheel sleeping trailer. "C" SHR0CK N.E. Corner Chem. Sc Church. Ph. 7922 37 Ford coupe. Excellent condition. Good tires, heater. 1618 Center. "38 Chrysler Royal sedan. Overdrive A radio. Ph 827. 1080 N. Summer. '37 Chev. panel. Good condition. Good tires. Call Schoen's Bakery. DANDY "33 V- 4. $165. Call evenings between $ and 7:30. $30 N. 19th. Legal Notice LN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOE THE DISTRICT OF OREGON In the! Matter of Ester H. Crow ley, Bankrupt. j No. B 271SS To the creditors of Ester H, Crowley, of Salem, in the County of Marion, and District aforesaid, a bankrupt: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that said Ester H. Crowley has been duly adjudged a bankrupt on a petition filed by her on the 28th day of May, 1942, and that the first meeting of her creditors will be held at Room 225, in the United States Postoffice Build ing, Salem, Oregon, on the 15th day of June, 1942, at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon, at which place and time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, ap point a trustee, appoint a com mittee of creditors, examine the bankrupt, and transact such oth er business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated at Albany, this 3rd day of June, 1942. WILLARD L. MARKS Refree tn Bankruptcy, j 8 wWDONTVOU COME POWKI FOR SUPPER ? WUATAREVOU DONS UP CJ 1 T-s V . I 11 TMSRS? For Sale-dUsed Cars j PICKUPS-PICKUPS A GOOD SELECTION 1941 Plymouth Sedan Special deluxe, small mile age, looks and operates like a new one. 1936 Ford Sedan, as is L ...:......k.........,!M.$275 1932 Pontiac Sedan, runs good... .i:.. ..2.. r.$80. PICKUPS AND DELIVERIES ' 1941 Plymouth Vz-ton Delivery- Small mileage, rul ; ber A-i. ; . " 1938 Ford Pickup, good rubber. 1938 Ford Pickup, very clean, A-l condition, 90 per cent rubber. 1940 Chevrolet Pickup, truck transmission, a real good car. NASH USED CAR LOT ' 240 Center Street, Salem, Oregon Bank Terms, Trades Open Till 8 :00 PM. SAM'S QUALITY CARS 42 Ply. Del. 5-Pass. Cpe. Fully equipped 40 Ford 4-Dr. Sedan Low mileage. 40 Olds 4-Dr. Sedan Radio and Heater. Rubber almost new. SAM'S MOTOR CO. GUARANTEED CARS 453 Chemeketa Legal Notice IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON Ne. B S71S5 In the Matter of Lloyd L. Crowley, Bankrupt. To the creditors of Lloyd L. Crowley, of Salem, in the County of Marion, and District aforesaid. bankrupt:, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that said Lloyd L. Crowley has been duly adjudged bankrupt on a petition filed by him on the 28th day of May, 1942, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at Room 225, in the United States Postoff ice Bunlding, Salem, Oregon, on the 15th day of June, 1942, at 2:45 o'clock in the afternoon, at which place and time the said creditors may at tend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, appoint a committee of creditors, examine the bankrupt. Cross Word aa 41 i9. 54 ss TT HORIZONTAL 1Wbtt is th richest ot tht Est Indian islands f 8 Biblical character Sheep call . 12 Accessory seed covering IS American cartoonist 14 Japanese sash 15 Pinochle term 18 Prehistoric animal It What is, the rst name of the Mttthor cf "Alice in Wonder laatTf 20 Cozy places 21 Gaze fixedly 23 Being 25 Silkworm M Genus of frogs 29- What cape is oa the S. JC coast of Newfoundland f 22 Combustible material rVAjf U. S. general was kitted in kit last stood agains Indians f M Part of church 57 Shortly SS Three: prefix 40 Mislay , 42Woody plants 44 Uohammedaa prince 47 Sing 49 May apple 81 English scholar and dramatist 84 Aged 85 March data a-. factor r S Residence (sbbr. i Kind . , , . .,. SSVIcelMdle iittrature VZXTICAI. lThick crowd SInmesjura hz$' ;ctars la plays f!irub :; - ! - - . w7A For Sale Used Con 41 DeSoto Fluid Drive s Pass, coupe. 40 Chev. 4-Dr, Sedan Low mileage. 39 Plymouth Coudo Phone T$lf and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated at Albany, this 3rd day of June, 1942. WILLARD L. MARKS; Referee in Bankruptcy. J S Emerson Family Holds Reunion Near Amity- AMITY Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ldckett of Multnomah visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Emerson. He is a for mer Amity boy. Other guests at the Emerson home were their daughter Miss Faith Emerson and Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Emerson and family, all of Portland. Lodges Salem Lodge No. 4 A'&AR, Friday, June S. Stated meeting. p. m. Puzzle iO 17 TT 34 8 Middaj (pt 9 Snakes 10 Adjoin 11 Ventilates IT Prophets 19 Had existed 21 Bristle 22 Stumble 2 What river Bows through maine ana mew Hampshire f 7 What is Armenia's principal riverf 29 Was present SO Wax 31 Daughter of Nyx ueieted 55 To U JTao was the father of Mme. DeStaelf 41 Species of Iris 43 Cosmetic 44 God of lov 45 Masculine 46 Completes ' ' m 48 Repose 50-t-Bustle 52 Conjunction SS Meadow Answer to yesterdays przxl 6-4 ' : TT M AiNiEisi me 1m Average the eg aeletlerits m' vim, oy aunaj ewtcuna cgraowata 777a I" nsTrjEMoi Ave Is jl t-l ! IN IN l E ! VI' L A b au Adlacent eat