PAGS RXNS Tested and Approved for Results!! That's Classified Advertising Tlx OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Tuesday Morning. Tune 2, 1942 Classified Advertising Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Three Insertion per line 25c Six insertions per line 40c One month per line Minimum charge 25c; I ti. min imum 35c; 0 tL min. 43c No refunds. Copy for this peg accepted un to t-jb the nine before publica tion for claaslficattoa. Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the heading "Too Late to Classify." The Statesman assumes do finan cial responsibility for error which may appear In advertisements pub lished in its columns and In cases where this paper at at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment In which the typographical mistake occurs. . The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dressis for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman la not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry BABY CHICKS. S popular varieties every wee. Also Leghorn cocareis now reaay. ra saw, uee uaicnery. Auctions ADMINISTRATOR'S AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY. JUNE 31 JO p. m. 1698 South Liberty St. Having sold my home, now I will sell t public auction all furniture and furnishings to the highest bidder for eash including: 1 Frigidaire deluxe 1942 model range. 1936 Norg refrig erator. 6-ft. A-l Lyric cabinet radio, two 9x13 Ax. rugs: ex. table. 6 chairs; Oak desk, all curtains and rods; Eureka electric sweeper with attachments, Wal. bow foot bed. deluxe coil spring, silk floes msttress, t other beds com plete; wal. dresser, stand tables, end tables, magazine rack, complete fire place set floor 8c bridge lamps, man. and cane velour davenport, chair and rocker suite; green dresser, Cong, rug 9x12. oak desk, magazine rack, table lamps, 3 mirrors, cushions, umbrella stand, throw rugs, T drawer chiffon ier, sewing and arm rockers, fruit jars, crocks, potatoes, gas water heater, carpenter's bench, post-hole digger, lots of garden tools, wheelbarrow, lumber and nails, step ladders, 2-burn-er kerosene stove, toilet, lawn mower, scythe and snathe, pruners. books, carpenter tools, etc. ELIZABETH HARTMAN. Owner. F. N and Glenn Woodry. Auctioneers. Phone 3110 Wa Buys. Sell, Exchange Anything Salable. Help Wanted COUPLE to do morning and evening Chores in return for rent for 3-room bouse in country. Lights, water and milk furnished. W. L. Woelk. Rt. 2, Box 170-C. STRAWBERRY- pickers. J. V. Lehi' man. 1 mile east of Brooks. Ph. 22974. ONION weeders. Louie Garbarino, R. 7. Box 347 Salem. Ore., on Van Cleave Rd. HOP TRAINERS wanted. 4 miles Rest of Salem. Williams 6c Thacker. ion 21331 Help Want erf Male MAN. 16 up. draft ex. for garage work. Box 2119. Statesman. WANTED Applications from carpen ters desiring steady employment apply week days 8 to I. Oregon Fair view Home Dr. H. G. Miller, supt. GROCERY clerk, year round job. Saving Center. 3390 Portland Road. Night bellboy & porter. Apply in per son. Marion Hotel. MAN to hoe garden. Phone 7498. Help Wanted Female EXPERIENCED egg candler. North west Poultry & Dairy. 1505 N. Front. GIRL or woman for housework. Good wages. Marilyn's Shoe Store. WOMAN or girl for general house work in .Portland. No small children, liberal time off. good wages. Call 6478. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. Ph. 4083. WANTED Girl for fountain work. Steady employment. 'Viles Drug Store. FIRE INSURANCE stenographer, en dorsement and cancellation clerk. If Interested telephone Portland, BEacon 7381. M. Austin GIRL for light hswrk. Ph. 4581. WAITRESS Some light cooking. Steady. Top wages. Box 7116. Statesman TiTUirrv nirlrr Tnnuire Northwest Poultry Co. 1505 N. Front Phone 7007 Situations Wanted SHRUBBERY, garden all kinds of work. 1180 Smith St. Ph. 9567 8 to 4. DAY nurseiy. experienced. 112 Union PLOWING. DISCING. HARROWING AND CULTIVATING with Ford trac tor done on jobs any size. Ph. 8997. PAINTING and decorating Ph. 7552. DRESSMAKING Phone 3718 For Sale Miscellaneous un -r rnuTfiATlON PIPE. 8 sorink- lers 6c nec. connections. Inq. Cooper Hardware, Monmouth, ore. UNDERWOOD typewriter. 16-inch carriage, standard keyboard. 112 S. 13th " r-nMRTTvTi No 81. International bought new 1941. Equipped trailer hitch mnA err. in snouts for bulk handling. $925. lVa ml. north Monmouth, west side Highway J. a ixrence COME quick Strawberries you pick, . i - i f. , L. nnc 10. riugn Harris, a mi. wum uu asu., ADVERTISING VTestern Advertising Representatives Ctarn O Cloae. Inc. uom Angelas Beams Eastern Advertising Representatives Ward -Griffith Company. Inc. Chicago, New York. Detroit Boston. Atlanta Entered at the Postoflce at Salem, Oreotm, as Second Class Matter. Pub Itched every moraine except Monday. Bwstnest etftce SIS SetOH Commercial itreefc . - SUBSCRIPTION RATES Man SubscrtDtion Rates In Advance: TV lull II isregun. muit hn . an cents: Uo si.00: 1 year M0O CaWVWllfjrW W VVUW - . aaw. m w ' lor 1 year In advance Per copy S cents By-City Carrier. 73 cents a month: 9.00 a rear In advance in Marlon and Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL, WRITS or phone (9168) to Salem's oldest, largest home owned and home managed finance Institu tion. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loan made In strictest privacy. You will be given every con sideration in the repaying of your loan or granting of extensions 1 to IS MONTH TO REPAY You can pay In full any time to reduee the cost. ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers. Loans made en furni ture or Bote. SIX ROY H. SIMMONS. MOB. Lie. No. M-1SJ JIM CLARK. ASST. HCJL GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie. No. s-m 134 So, Commercial St Phone 9168 First door south of Ladd 4k Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duee Daymen ta. Money for new oi used cars No aelay or red tape. You wul retain pomtession of the vehicle 1 TO IS MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial Street Phone 9168 Lie No M-152 MONEY TO LOAN On Farm. City or Acreage Property CHILDS 6c MILLER. INC. 344 Stale St. Phone 9261 WI LOAN on farm, residential & business property. Will buy mortgages or contracts. HAWKINS 6c ROBERTS. INC I teal tore. Guardian Building. For Sale- Miscellaneous USED restaurant equipment, includ ing 33 ft. of counter with stool base. 13 stools. 8 ft. refrigerator in perfect condition, large exhaust fan. pie case sandwich table, etc. Call at La Dou's Fountain Lunch. 183 N. High. NEW trailer house, with built-ins. wired for elec. 2707 Brooks St. HEAVY brown duck canvas tent. 30 by 40 ft., kitchen attached. Rt. 6, box 575, Henry Myers. PANSY 6c viola plants. 25c doz. Del phinium 15c clump. Painted Daisies 10c clump. Salvia, 25c doz .Ruffled Pe tunia 35c a doz. Binegars, Pen 4 Corners CROOKED Finger Mountain grown Burbank No 1 seed and table pota toes. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. LARGE kale 6c cabbage plants galore. Ph. 2-2316. Paul Silke. Rt. 6. Box 249. THE APRON SHOP 679 N. High. Trade Miscellaneous 2 H. P. bench saw. gas engine, com plete with coil, battery and 15-inch saw. Trade for young calves, sows or what have you. Write 2118, co States man. Wanted Furniture F. N. 6c GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers A furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade for furniture 6c household goods. We buy or sell everything Ph. 5110. CASH FOR used furniture 6c hoi hold goods R Forgey Ph. 7448. Wanted Miscellaneous SMALL children boarded in country home. Reasonably. Write Box 2120, Statesman. ALL KINDS of used goods. Ph. 4517. USED FURNITURE Ph. 9185. Miscellaneous MALE, INSTRUCTION. Ambitious men who would like to become train ed Welders. We will train you in spare hours for employment in Aircraft, Shipbuilding and other essential war industries. Men trained in gas and arc welding have steady work, good wages. Training includes actual shop practice. Also placement service. Write for facts. Utilities Inst.. 2117 Statesman. Dental Plate Repair rWO-HOUR SERVlc IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates tor ReDalr DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg . State St Com'l -Ph 3311 For Rent Rooms HOTEL MARION Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to perm guests Marion Coffee Shop, delicious meals at low price 2 MEN to share extra lg. rm., twin beds. Also single rm., $2 up. 653 N. High. NICE rm.. good bed, quiet home, for man. 955 Belmont. Ph. 7772. SM. rm.. nr. capitol. 966 Center. SLP RMS. 378 Bellevue. Ph. 3048. SLP RM.. near state btdgs Ph 21449 Room and Board ROOM Sc BOARD. CaU 4406. SLP. rm. Bd. nearby. 704 N. Cottage. EXCELLENT board. 330 N. Summer. ROOM 8c board. 2 men. 1820 Ferry. GOOD service. 1144 Center. Ph 8630. BOARD 6c room. 2310 N. 4th. BETTER BRD 8c rm 745 S Com St For Rent Apartments LARGE One-rm. apt. Pullman kitch en. Nicely furnished. Women only. 1118 Oak St 2-ROOM furn. apt., lights, water, $2 week. 1-room, 1 25. 1290 Oak. NEW 2-rm. furn. apt.. It., w.. priv, lav., adults $12. 1062 7th. W. Salem. 2-R.. s fur . $6. Adults. Holly, dist. No dogs. 10O5 N. 22nd at D. washer, garage mciuded. adults. Near bus. zzbi riazei. rn. w. 4-RM. unfurn. duplex. Hdwd. firs Gas furnace 6c range. Gar. Bsmt 2310 Trade. 2-RM, priv. bath. 818 S. 11. FURN. 2-R & kitchenette, heat, light. water, vw aaginaw NEW J-rm. moo , new . icii- . in. furn or-unfur. now avail. Ph. 6134. NO. COOKE, TWS IS MINE BABfES CANT EAT sAWDWioes BLONDE Money to Loan CASH FOR Any Constructive Purpose No loan la too small for our con sideration. Repayment schedules ar ranged to fit your income. For example: YOU RECJOVK YOU PAY MONTHLY $ 50.00 100.00 150.00 300.00 $ 5.02 10.05 15.07 30.14 Above payments art figured on IS months oaaia Phone, write, or call at the office of Salem's Personal Loan Center. 315 Court St. Salem Phone 4446 State License S-S2S M-S7S CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY LOANS-S25 to $300 Almost any credit-worthy person who really needs cash ... to pay off old debts . . for medical or dental work . . . or for some other worthy purpose can qualify' foi a loan at Personal. FJEKSUIMA.L. ilN AINL-i U-VJ. Ground Fir.. New Bligh Bldg. 512 STATE STREET (At High Street) Telephone 3191 State Licenses: S-122, M-165 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STB FLOOR GUARDIAN BUtLDTNO LICENSE N. M 159 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salon reel es tate. Will pay 6 interest. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. REALTORS Financial WANTED -To buy for cash Real estate mortgages, real estate contracts, merchandise discount paper. State Finance Co.. 344 State. For Rent Apartments COMFORTABLE. furn.. 3 large rms.. elec rnge 6c refrig. Call 6250 eves. MOD. 2-rm furn. 1553 State. WELL furnished basement apt. for employed couple or girls. Electric range & refrigerator, call at l N. in. 1. 3 or 3 rm. apt 1370 Chemeketa. 2 RMS 6t bath furn. 1449 Waller. FURN. 2-R.. 812.50. 2-Rm. dn.. sh. bath $15.50 Its . w.. gar. 172 S. Liberty. OLYMPIC 3-room furn., apt. Ph 7748. 730 N. Liberty. a.n furn ant nriv bath. Its.. TT waer. washer. Inq. 1234 S. Commercial. VRM furn . clean, apt. Refrigera tion, Dim, iquiu. ooo o. summer, CLEAN, one rm. apt 640. Ferry. 1 and 2 rm. apt 2054 N Capitol APTS. 2 6c 3 rooms, 2310 N. 4th. For Rent -Houses 7-R.. $20. 172 S. Liberty. WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU Want to selL exchange, tease, rent see Mr Larsen. Mr. Collins or Mr Goodwin with Hawkins Or Roberta MOD. 5 RM Adults. Ph. 7576. NEW 5-R., 613 Breys. Ph. 6789. 3-BDRM. house, autom. oil heat Hdwd. firs., fireplace. Dbl. ear. In very nice neighborhood. Ph. 8140. bet. 10-12 a. m. FURN. 5 rms. 6c slpg. porch. 20th nr. Center. Inq. 580 N. Liberty, Apt. 2. For Rent MODERN COTTAGES. $4 6c up Junction Auto court, so commercial. Business Cards in this directory run on a monthly basts only. Rate: $1.25 per line per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panek. 275 South Commercial Batteries WTLLARD batteries, all types. R. D Woodrow. 394 Church. Phone 9600. Bicycles BICYCLES. New and reconditioned Harry W Scott. 147 S. Cont'd. P. 4516 Chiropractic Physicians O A. Sternberg. 346 N. CapitoL 3731 Chimney Sweeps Northness Chimney Sweep. P. 4490. Florists Brelthaupra 447 Court Phone 9198 Funeral Directors Terwilllger Funeral Home. Ph. 692S Loans MONEY to loan. EZY, co Statesman. Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG St MATTRESS Co. New Mattresses, old made, rug cleaning 6c weaving. S 13th Si Wilbur Tel 8441 Z wickers. CAPITOL BEDDING CO Pbone 406 Oil Burner Service SKEW13 JUDSON PHONE 4141. UlTi Ih W SUES GOT 411 II 1 li.illl T rv-jKiT JUlif in MIIIL ICaWTBEAR IIlTJ 1 Y I I g I4ER UEART j W IcJOWlFI )" II r T TO HEARAVrOMAM 7 r- rv " i i i I t vwvii-m i i i i away w i i n i I I t 'v ti nna I r II It - - - - Arr7-f mi Y"M1YV It T I few .x.tu. For Rent CLEAN, furn. cabin 8c garage. $8. 1647 Waller. Call evenings. Wanted to Rent WANT WANT Rentals of hnumi ant . acreaff and farms. Phone 6963 or see Louis Bech- tel or Mabel Needham. 341 State. Room 4. BEDROOM Ac small kitchenette in quiet pri. home. Good neighborhood. By middle aged lady. Fh. 5043. For Sale Real Estate NEW 4 Rm. & nook with ft acre Just outside city. 2 BRms. lots of closet space, HW floors, fireplace, auto, oil heat. Venetian blinds. See Mr. Good win With HAWKINS Sc ROBERTS. INC., Realtors. FOR SALE On Fairview avenue, 3 acres cher ries Sc walnuts. 9 Room house Sc barn, $3200. On Fairmount Hill, very neat cottage for $2500. Also on Fairmount Hill, 3 bedrooms, bsmt. and furnace. $3500. A beautiful home, ,4 acre, lawn St shrubbery Modern in every re spect. Priced at $6000. P. H. BELL, Realtor Ph. 8121 429 Oregon Bldg. MOD. 5-R.. sub. city 8c sen. bus. $3500. Consider cheap, clear hse. as part. 6-R. 3 B. rms.. dbl. plumb., close in $3850. Terms. New 8-R.. mod., auto. ht. $3950, $500 dn. 172 S. Liberty. FORSALE orient furnishetl house. 4 rms. and bath, practically new. Call evenings after 6:30. 1320 Mission. 7-RM. furn. house, $2000. Inq. 575 D St. 1 A., in N. Salem. 7-rm. house, base ment, furnace, barn, several fruit trees, paved St. $3000. MELVTN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court St. Ph. 3723 2 A., ft ml. from city limits, with a good 6-R. hse. Fireplace, 8c floor furnace. Some berries 6c fruit. Nice lawn 6c shrubbery. Priced $4150. May consider income prop, elsewhere. 6-R. hse.. close in on Center St. Mod. fireplace, furnace. Imroed. poss. $2000 cash, if sold this week. F. H. Weir 465 Center REALTOR Ph. 9411 VERY NICE 3 BRm. home North Full bsmt. furn. fireplace. HW floors double plumbed, large lot. $3750 for a limited time only. Terms, see Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS 6c ROB ERTS, INC.. Realtors. A COUPLE OF BARGAINS 4 rms. and sleeping porch. 6 yrs. old. Shipping St. $2700. Large 3-rm. home in Hollywood. Cor lot. nice little house. $1850. Ph. Art Madsen. 5580. NEW SUBURBAN HOME, S rooms. 2 bedrooms. $4100. 5:0 down. 4-Room house. 2 bedrooms, 4 yesrs old, $2800, $620 00 down. 477 COURT ST. LISTEN Owner of fine modern home has moved from Salem he owes $3300 and will take 81000 for his equity Better see it. Call Mrs. Ellis with Childs 8c Miller. Realtors, 344 State St.. Ph. 9261. 6 RM. House. 2 lots in Gervais. More land if wanted. The Star, Gervais. Ore. Acreage 2 A.. 2ft mi. from the courthouse. 6 rms. and a breakfast rm., large living rm. NICE OAK FLRS. THRU OUT. tile drainboards. bath rm. on 1st fir., toilet upstairs, fireplace, full basement, furnace, electric hot water heater, electric pump 8c pump house double garage, barn, poultry house, ft A. fruit Sc berries. BEAUTIFUL lawn, lots of flowers 4c shrubbery $8000; $3500 Cash. MELVTN JOHNSON. REALTOR 723 Court St. Ph. 3723 Exchange Real Estate I HAVE a nice S rm. home in Os wego that I will trade for a 5 rm. home in Salem. (Jail my agent. Mr. uooa win with HAWKINS 6c ROBERTS, INC.. Realtors. For Sale Farms 20-ACRE in Middle Grove dist. small house, electricity. $3300. For further in formation write W. K. McGowan. Rte. 2. Astoria. Transportation RIDE for 2 to U A. or vicinity about Friday. Ph. 21248. Directory Painting & Pa per ha lining Experienced Reasonable Paints and Lacquers Complete line NASON paints. Liberal terms. R D Woodrow 394 N. Church Printing FOR STATIONERY cards pamphlets programs, books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment, 21S S Commercial. Tele phone 9101 Plumbing REPAIRS & INSTALLATION SKEW IS St JUDSON- PHONE 4141 PLUMBING. GENERAL repair work Graber Bros. 154 S Liberty Ph. 6594 Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL LCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write. Phone or CaU for Booklet 360 N Capitol Transfer U-DRIVE TRUCKS FOR REN1 Blankets furn. 197 S Liberty Ph. 9062 fOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transter storaee. burner oil. briauets trucks to Portland daily Ageni Pierce Auto Fretght, Including Calif potnta Urmer Transfer Co Ph. 313L Vacuum Cleaner Service FREE Inspection in vour noma Au thorlzed Hoover service. We service all makes cleaners Hogg Bros Ph. 60Z3 Well Drilling B. F. Sneed. 2505 Brooks St. Ph. 6809 R. A. WEST. Rt. . Boot 443. Ph. S-32SV Inexpensive Set Crocheted hats are high style! Made of straw yarn this pill-box and roomy bag are so inexpen sive. Crochet sets to match dif ferent dresses. Pattern 344 con tains directions for hat and purse; illustrations of them and stitches; materials required. Send ten cents (plus one cent to cover cost of mailing) for this pattern to Statesman, Needle craft Dept., Salem. Write plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. For Sale Used Cars 28 PONTIAC. 3 good 5:00x20 tires 8c tubes, $25.00. 260 Hood. 36 FORD coupe, 6-ply tires, sell or trade. 260 Hood. 1940 FORD pickup truck, good condi tion, excellent rubber, 2273 Fairgrounds Road. Call Evenings 4439. 39 Chrysler Royal sedan. Overdrive St radio. Ph. 8276. 1080 N. Summer. Wanted Used Cart "CASH" For Your Car No Fuss - - No Delay See Us Today ANY MAKE ANT MODEL. BURGOYNE MOTOR COMPANY 440 CENTER ST. For Sale Wood DRY WOOD, all kinds. Ph. 9560. a Personal MEET NEW FRIENDS Club Elite Box 71 Q. Main PO uem Aneetea Cal Lost and Found STRAYED COW with halter 16-ft chain and bell, from Kingwood Drive Homer Harrison place. Reward Write Kt. l. tsox eti, west Salem. K & E Log-Log. dulpex trig slide rule. Reward 143 N. High St. Legal Notice NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is Hereby Given, that the undersigned, Bessie L. Fandrich, Administratrix of the estate of Bessie Isabel Fendall, deceased, has filed her final account of the administration upon said estate, in the Circuit Court, of Marion County, State of Oregon and said Court has appointed the 26th day of June A.D., 1942, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the Circuit Court room in the Court House at Salem, Marion County, .Oregon, as the time and place for the final hear ing of said final account and for the final settlement of said es tate. Now, Therefore, all persons in terested .in said estate are hereby notified and required to be and appear at said time and place so appointedly for the hearing of said final account and then and there show cause if any exists why said final account should not be allowed and approved, said estate forever and finally settled and said Administratrix discharged, Dated this 26th day of May AJX, 1942. FRANK HOLMES, Attorney for said estate. BESSIE L. FANDRICH, Administratrix of said estate McMinnville, Oregon. May 26; June 2-9-16-23. SOCIETY (Continued From Page 6) Unique Festival Scheduled The accordion teachers of the state are holding their first state accordion festival in Salem Monday, June 8. Twenty-five ac cordion studios are affiliated. and have registered 125 students to take part in the concert being held in the Leslie high school auditorium that night. A feature of the day will be the teachers' luncheon at the Spa. Special guests will be Mrs. J. H. Perth of Portland, state president of the Federated Mu-' sic clubs; Jessie Bush-Mickelson, Salem president of the Federated Music clubs; Miss Frances Vir ginie Melton, state president of sthe Music Teachers association; Mrs. Walter Denton, state chair man of Music week; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Purucker, of Med ford. Guest artist will be Luigi Rangan, accordionist, of Port land. Hospitality has been arranged to accommodate all out-of-town students and teachers. General headquarters for the festival will be at the Priscilla 'Meisinger studios. Governor Charles A. Sprague will deliver the address of wel come at the evening concert and Wes McWain will act as master of ceremonies. Raymond Carl will conduct the massed band finale. Reception for Graduates A reception was given in the Bungalow Christian church on Sunday to honor six young peo ple graduated from the high school. They are Elaine Evans, Hazel Larson, Patricia Kenny, E r w I n Winkenwerder, Darrell Tennis and Donald Armstrong. Red and white roses formed the decorations. Pouring were Mrs. W. H. Lyman and Mrs. B. F. Showmaker. Serving were Yvonne Walters, Doris Kruger, Joyce Samuel, Chrystal Struck meier, Mrs. T. Gosser, Mrs. North and Mrs. Burke. Music was furnished by Mrs. Mary Randall and Miss Mary Weller, pianists, Mrs. Alvin Potter, Miss Beverly Lyman and Miss Yvon ne Walters, vocalists. The Misses Lacy and Alice Barham, who were in The Dalles this winter, are now visiting at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barham. Miss Lucy will leave soon, to enter nurse's training at the Emanuel hospital in Portland, and Miss Alice will go to Illinois where she will teach. Mrs. Fred Gump of Spokane is visiting at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Murphy. Mrs. William Graham of Corvallis is coming over today to have lunch eon at the Murphy home with Mrs. Gump. Mrs. Creighton B. Jones and daughter, Lucinda, and Mrs. Jes sie Jones have returned from Vancouver, BC,' where they vis ited with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Slade. Mr. William Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parker, spent the weekend in Salem with his parents. He is a student at North Pacific Dental college. Delta Zeta alumnae will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Emmett Kleinke, 1815 South High street, tonight for an 8 o'clock dessert supper. The canteen class which has been meeting at Waller hall, will meet on Tuesday night at 6:30 in the basement of the J a son Lee Methodist church. The Englewood pre- school clinic will be held June 3 and 4 from 9 a. m. to 12. Mothers please call Mrs. Daugherty at 7718 and make appointments. Mr. and Mrs. AI Petre spent the weekend in Portland as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Treve Jones. Mrs. C. I. Lewis of Hillsboro spent the weekend in Salem vis iting at the home of Mrs. Frank Power. Pacific Lodge No. SO, AT. at AM. X. A. Degree. Wed, June a 130 pjb. Br order WJf. Lodges Miss Edith Sehrrrer, president of the Salem Garden club, has called a meeting of all commit tee members of the club and as sisting Garden clubs for the state convention to be held here this month, at the American Legion home Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. T-Tnnnr Pminlo UJlUI VyUUpit? A f Prrrtv ni rua - Mr. and Mrs. Tillman Houser, married recently in Wessing Springs, South Dakota, were given a welcoming party last week by young people of the Free Methodist church. Mr. Houser's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Houser of Salem, drove east for the wedding on May 18 and the newly married couple accompanied them back to Ore gon. The bride, the former Gwen dolyn Bonney of W e s s i rf g Springs, is a niece of Mrs, W. H. Zimmerman of Salem. They will live somewhere in Oregon. The groom just gradu ated from the theological school in the South Dakota city. Wedding Is At Church Miss Jonnie Mae Sasser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hopkins, and Mr. Thom as Young Reynolds, were mar ried at a quiet ceremony in the First Congregational church at 8:30 on Saturday night. Rev. Robert Hutcjiinson officiated. The bride wore a beige suit and a gardenia corsage. She was attended by Miss Lola Weekly. Mr. Paul Harrison was best man. Today's Menu -Celery and carrot salad will make a good beginner for this meal that includes a casserole dish. Canned berries will make dessert. Carrot and celery salad Beef, cheese and tomato supper dish Buttered new potatoes Youngberry pie BEEF. CHEESE AND TOMATO SUPPER DISH 4 tablespoons butter 2 cups dried beef Vt pound grated cheese cup evaporated milk or cream 3 tomatoes Pan fry shredded beef in the butter. Add a dash of pepper. Cook three minutes or until beef is browned. Place in a buttered baking dish. Slice tomatoes and spread over beef. Cook slawly the grated cheese and milk, stir- ring until smooth. Pour over to- matoes and dried beef. Cook 30 minutes in a moderate oven (350) degrees. Serve on buttered toast, with a green vegetable and spiced crab apple. This makes an excellent luncheon dish, ServesJJ to 8. Cross Word HORIZONTAL 1 civil wrong 6 fish ft facts It opposed to aweather 13 Anglo-Sax-on money 14 armadillo 15 a creek lft amall v mercaaaer IT nothing but i type f hat 20 pinch O -desert i dweller 4 thread Introduced beneatk akJa' 83 am lender tht kavft tt conjumo 13higH muav) ft half; prefix M-calma '41 ettrt 43 group of three 44-rflephew of Abraham 46 relate 60 web-like membrane 53 beverages . 55 pastry 58 baJting- chamber 57 marsh 58 wagers 59 troublesome plant 60 digit 1 dill Answer to Aferage Ubm ef I 2 3 4 5 b" 7 9 ' " m 22 2 '8 ' ZZ i 77$ "ffiPj HHH" H3 28 2 30 " jw? 77 31"" -3 cfu aga' Iav- i NplppA JSSD ,UOVg .- A TEtS 5BVN Jt-Q I M ClAtSEloLglATA ptEL.TVPP MORElC Outdoors Is Place for Meals Decoration day opens a new year for homemakers, for it. of ficially opens the picnic season, the time when families dint on paper plates, eat potato salad and love It. This year picnics will be back yard affairs although some fam ilies will bicycle to the nearby countryside. Happy indeed is the family who has a backyard liv in groom and diningroom already fixed up for staying at home for outdoor meals. One of the nicest things about backyard eating1, is that father and the boys will help set the table and carry trays out, even though they are used to sitting by while mother sets the dining table when indoors. Then there's the matter of dishes and paper plates. Paper is handy to use outdoors, and saves time in dish washing and laudering. A husky salad, a good hot cas serole and ' a refreshing bever age are topped bff by a fruity dessert to make a simple and satisfactory menu for outdoors. Make plenty, for appetites have a way of gaining as the meal progresses. Seconds should always be counted on. So, although tires are at a premium, and gasoline is scarce, most families will find outdoor eating just a pleasant as ever and will indulge in this health ful sport frequently this spring and summer. Here's one good casserole dish for picnics. CASSEROLE VIENNA 1 can corn or fresh cooked corn 1 egg cup cracker crumbs Vi green pepper, chopped and sauteed Vt teaspoon salt 6 Vienna sausages Beat egg slightly and add re maining ingredients. Cover with crushed cornflakes and bake un til set in a 300 degree oven. Ice Cream Is Sugarless Strawberries require no sugar in this recipe that comes from a reliable source. Might try a tray- ful in the refrigerator. STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM 1942 1 cup washed crushed berries 1 tablespoon lemonj juice 1 cup sweetened condensed milk 'i - Vt cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla . Combine ingredients and freeze. Washington Folk Here FoT Summer Season R I.C K R E A L L Mrs. Robert Kelso and daughter Ellen of Neah Bay, Wash., hav moved here for the summer, while her husband is trolling for salmon, Her sister, Nincy Jeanne Adams, who has been with her since February 1, accompanied her home. Puzzle VERTICAL 1 bitter 2 medley 3 harvest 4 symbol for tellurium 5 companion 6 raw metal 7 daybreak 8 part of furnace ft imitate 10 aeaman 11 part of "to be" 16 wither 19 moecaain Uke shoe Jl island - (abbr) 23 animal 25 Afrikaans 26 an amorous took 27 anarea 2ft hurt so title 34 earthly 27 land stuv v rounded by Saturday's puzzls. water -19 fastens ' 40 summit : 42 therefor k45 27th U. 8. -President 47 unlock , 4ft ceremony 49 experiment 50 drag 01 wife of Auam ; 52 Confederata general i 84 constellation; elstleai SIVfc auatrta. M Symbol for' by Klnar Feature Sirndicai. . mmmua.