PAGE TEN The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem Oregon. Tuesday Morning, Jun Z. 1942 THE ASSOC BAT IP NEWS BIN PflCTyRlS :" (' - -a - -."to&.t jb, irJ,vt;; J LOBSTER FOR DECORATIO N Julie Lovenz wears one of the season's new bathing suit styles. The suit is of white elastic material with a big red lobster for decoration. Fellow, models look on at a Hollywood "Buy a Bomber Ball" rehearsal. UP' iw.-Mu.iLin. ii r ,- v' " ' : V -5 : f - -I - - i ft.1 -1 V i r 'r....iiwOTr- ' ' J . HI VERSATILE VETERINARIAN S Hivbtf won In tercollere Bridge Pair championships, Keck KUnbell (left) and Jay Reynolds return to their veterinary studies at Kansas State college. The dog is Portia, pet of Kansas' Gov. Payne H. Ratner. - HfA i 4 AT EASE Maj. Gen. Russell Hartle, commander of U.S. troops in Northern Ireland, reads army paper "Stars and Stripes." '7' ,U T "'' " 1 rTTpr"r jiimiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiHBiiwiiBiiiBiwwwii..wiiwiiiiMwiiii wwii i 3 ir J. : -T i - IteJ f I i: ...... W -w . ' s MFLRAIIBMF UAniBM AtKTBAI 1AM riTV .... . .r-m .r-i, i nis airview snows uie moaern cnaracier oi MeiDourne, capital of the state of Victoria in Australia. Located on the southeastern coast, the city has a population of 1,046,750. Its climate is temperate. niinnii ii ill' ; 1 1 0 id. i it K i' 1 v ' - r i n n H i iLiriifiiiKyri TiiiitttiynWMfcTfl"iMditeiahir'A -.w..-. 1 HEADDRES SArnold Headley, American Indian at Naval Air Station, Corpus Christ!, Texas, wears a head dress of machine gun bullets re sembling ancestral feather type. """Mlll""" 'inmyinmiiiiiiiiniinii .iiiiu.Lniiiiiiiiii,ii, n i.liiii hi . i niwu. 1,1111.. 1 law iuj.uBWJHMMiwiuMiiiJttv.' J 'HW-W r- ? i-i SENATOR IS HOST Movie Starlets Dorothy Schoemer (left), formerly of Cincinnati, O., and Jetsy Parker (right) called on Sen. Robert Taft (R-Ohio) at the capitoL The film actresses' came to Washington on a tour promoting war stamps and bonds,' ACTOR AT DAUGHTER'S W E D O I N GLesUe -Howard (right), famed stage and film star, attended the wedding of his daughter, Leslie, and Capt. Dale Harris scar Dorking. England. . KNIT FOR VICTOR Y-Oriental Camp Fire Girls work ing on a Red Cross blanket at Sacramento, Calif., are: (left to right) Eleanor Gorre. Filipino; Miyoko Yamauye and Barbara Kawnuchl, Japanese; and Jeanette Jung, Chinese. ' v " Lax 1 V" 4 1 a ; ' n I .""-r ,uSf.i A.' IT -S - . ' w ' f ... -rTW jvv iiillJii ..jjiiii uj , ,-jnr- 'X-tgZgk.g Mr-1 r; M ARTI N I QU E-S FORT DE F K A N C 117",, LSJil iiSL-Ja52S V v x, 41 1 4T ; 'iff 41- -1 f-s lfv v 4 j r " t. 1 I L1 i . i I a "X' ., j . "1 . i 1 1 -3 J I 1 . ' 'I I I I I .vjj 4 4 e I T. . ps. iiarold :tii . - awni 1 11 iuu H.i ...1 .- .jJAjWAjnMwinwrn -im-nir ...n ,i,...-T , - I -Uoa . Corpw retimed from Far IseaUd. third from left) tttended extraordinary meeting of the Royal Aderay,ofJa Loca to Roia MUrht and I will I "m? dolr CAMERA WO M A N-As part of BriSsTonien', war trains Ing to free men for fUhUn, thU woint45w j5affi 1 , . 6 1 Li - " S U N B O N N E T Uere b a pompadour bonnet of blue and white check ting-ham. The ear rings of. diamonds are act with sapphires and cold, representinf bunch of wild flewera.' -'V p c - I ' I w n vi )vt n Doris ,Webb, 1, of Jacksonville. Fla displays an orchid corsage of SUPer de lux nrnnnrtlan ( h nnuai rioriaa state florlsi 'convention at Orlando. Fla. I ts' fl 1 ......