PAGE NIKS Tested and Approved for Results!! That's Classified Advertising The) OREGON STATESMAN Sodexm Oregon, Friday Morning. Mar 23, 1942 Classified Advertising Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Three insertions per Uot 25e Six insertions per line 40c On month per line $1.25 Minimum charge tSe; I tL min im am 35c; I U. coin. 45c, No refunds. Copy for Oil pane acccptad tm tO 30 the evening tatare pubttc tion lor dawrtflftlwi Copy re ceived after this time wOl be ma under the beading I Too Late to Classify." TOO SUMMBIO HBIBW DO finan cial responsibility tor errors which may appear tor advertisements pub lished in its -columns and in cases where this paper 1m at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which tbi typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number tor an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and mart therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry FARMERS WE PAY SOc ncr hundred for iluit and worthless live stock. Top prices paid for fox-feed horses. Phone collect. Salem, 6411. MONTGOMERY RENDERINO WORKS BABY CHICKS, 8 popular varieties every week. Also Leghorn cockreU Bow ready. Ph. S28SL Lee Hatchery. Help Wanted HOP TRAINERS wanted. 4 mile west of Salem. Williams St Thacker. rnone zijji. UPHOLSTERERS, refrigerator serv iceman Sc Linoleum layers. H. L. Stiff. Help Wanted Female WANTED Maid for modern motel. Phone 7549. GIRL to work noons at Lotts Cafe. for meals. logSLiberty. FIRE INSURANCE stenographer, en- Oorsement ana cancellation clerk. If Interested telephone Portland, BEacon 7381, M. Austin. GIRL for light hswrk. Ph. 4581. WOMAN for hsewk, 123 mo. 7952. WAITRESS Some light cooking. Steady. Top wages. Box 2116, Statesman GOOD HOME Sc salary for right wo man for care of small child and light Housekeeping, f none torn. Woman for housework. 693 N. Liberty TURKEY Dickers. Ineulre Northwest Poultry Co. 1505 N. Front Phone 7007. Situations Wanted HOUSEWK.. 40c hour. Ph. 8838. DAY nursery, experienced. 112 Union. PLOWING. DISCING. HARROWING AND CULTIVATING with Ford trac tor done on Job any size. Ph. 6997. PAINTING and decorating. Ph. 7393. DRESSMAKING. Phone S71S. For Sale Miscellaneous USED MONT AG COLONIAL WOOD RANGE $44 JO U&VUKTZ FURNITURE CO. 175 N. Liberty Phone 4615 ELECTRIC wash. $25. Trumpet. $40. Children's books. Inq. 2220 S. High, Thurs Be fri. mornings. Ph. 7681. CROOKED Finger Mountain grown Burbank No. 1 seed and table pota- toes. Puritan cider works. West Salem. USED PART ENAMEL WOOD RANGE $24.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty Phone 4615 T irirt 1. - 1 O ..LI A. ! UAIlrr IV el I C OC ItsUUBK Ul 31113 KaiUTC. I Ph. 2-2316, Paul Silke. Rt. 6, Box 249. jrww bi,uci iiviuc. ini A'vugc ku. Ready to go. Few tires for recapping. Winchester 12 Ga. pump. 645 S. 12th. USED DAVENPORT $9.75 UEVUBTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty Phone 4615 SALE Mohair bed davenport. $35.00. Mitchell s t our corners. 2 GOOD tires and tubes. 6.06x21, 6-ply Z473 b. summer. . . - s' pc. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 273 N. Liberty Phone 4615 PLAY PEN. brand new, airplane luggage, iruns mux. riuiiiK ouuis sice D. Coney fur coat size 14. library table. uggage, irunx size, naing doom sice a. dishes, dinner plates, etc. 1180 N. 15th. NEW Canvas Hammocks $4.73 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 175 N. Liberty Phone 4613 SPECIAL! Giant English daisies 5c. Other perennials 15c .A up. Pember- ton's. 19Z0 S. 12th. USED DRESSER . $8.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 175 N. Liberty vsu io-ii. rnaroie soaa louniain. KTiJri k"'J Sr ilJ tt . Vi " i TO5S,WJ4r,lJKlcJl,l2J4-50 ucvuiw ivnniiviu. mm T 1 w T1 jsil Jill LI . JiWl .J FUUH. Vtf CANARIES, hens, singers, parrakets. 1505 Jefferson. Phone 6859. THE APRON SHOP 679 N. High. Wanted Furniture F. N. A GLENN WOODRY. Auc-I ewara M furniture- dealers will oav you more cash or trade for furniture s household goods We buy or everything. Ph. $110. CASH FOR used fernrrare A bold goods. R Forgey Ph. T44B. of C)TOon0tate5iaan ADVERTISING Vestern Advertising Representatives Georg D. Closa. Ino. Sea Pr an cisco Los Angeles Seattle Eastern Advertising Represents, tives Ward-Grlfflth Company, tne. Chicago, New York, Detroit . Boston. Atlanta Entered at the Portofflc at Salrm. orgon, as stcona cuus matter, mo- Bated every morntna except Monday. pttetness ice lli South Commercial k trees. ... SUBSCRIPTION RATES llall Subscription Rates tn Advance: Within Oregon : Dally and Sunday. Mo. . 99 eats; Mom. tiofe 1 rear M.04 Llsewhere SO cents per mo. or S7-20 tor 1 year u advance, for copy a eenta Br City Carrier. TJ cents a month: tf .09 a rear la advance in Marion and Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE or Dhone (9168) to Salem's oldest, larct-st home owned and home managed finance msutu tion. Your financial affairs .will be discussed and loans made to strictest privacy, you will be given every uaeranon in we repaying of your loan or granting of extenno 1 to U MONTH TO REPAY Too can pay in full any time to reduce the cost ONLY BORROWER SIGNS Ne endorsers. Loans made est furni ture or note. ROT H. SIMMONS sfCBL Uc No. M-15J JIM CLARK. ASST. MGB. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie. Ma S-U8 134 So. Commercial St Phone tlSS rirst door south of Ledd Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money for new ot used cars No delay or red tape. You will retain pontession ot the vehicle 1 TO 19 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial Street Phone 9168 Lie. No. M-1S3 MONEY TO LOAN On Farm, City or Acreage Property CHILDS & MILLER. INC. 344 State St Phone 9261 WE LOAN on farm, .residential St business property. Will buy mortgages or contracts. Hawkins & ROBERTS. INC. Realtors. Guardian Building. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Good home for vourur maie aog, pan spaniel, iota Elm, w. saiem. ALL KINDS of used goods. Ph. 451T. HIGHEST cash price paid for used tires ana tubes, uon Madison, 590 N tugn Ph. eesx EDFUWJTTURIPK 9185. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVIC4 IN MOST CASES Bring or Man Your Plates for Reoalr DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph BW" SUt Com-- For RentRooms HOTEL MARION Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests Marion Coffee bnop, delicious meals at low prices. SLEEPING rooms for business DeoDle. io court, rn. nis. NICE rm., good bed. ouiet home, for man. a as neimont. Ph. 777Z. . gM- rm- nr- capitol. 966 Center. SLP. RMS. 378 Bellevue. Ph. 3048. SLP. RM, near state btdgs. Ph. 21449 Room and Board BOARD, room Sc laundry. 830 mo m a. nign EXCELLENT board. 330 N. Summer. ROOM A board. 3 men. 1620 Ferry. CANTONMENT men Good accom modations, best of food. 168 N. 12th. GOOD service. 1144 Center. Ph. 8630. board & room. 2319 n. 4th. ROOM St board. 1370 Chemeketa. BETTER BRD A rm. 745 S Com St For Rent Apartments $20 FURNISHED APT 3 ROOMS Private bath, light & water. Tpose in. gff, i ,;e' K; see Becntei or Mrs. Needham, 341 2 or 3 R. Furn. Ad. Priv. entrance & bath. On Bus Line. Phone 9892. 3 R. FURNjmod75Tir737hT 3 RM. FURN. APT. 340 Division. a tw Grna1T r.ngT Gar. unfurn. duplex. Hdwd. firs. 2310 2-RM.. priv. bath. 815 S. 12. FURNISHED 3-rm. apt., heat, light ana water, re. hath. 1009 Saginaw. 3-RM. partly furn. duplex. Adults, ga rage, nice location. 1265 N. 4th. FURN. 2-R A kitchenette, heat, licht. water. 985 Saginaw. UNUSUALLY spacious 4-rm. ultra modern private apt Close In, furn. Ph I Wnoitrr fnrrrttura Cn KAU NEW 3-rm. mod., new el. st refr.. cl in, furn or unfur, now avail. Ph. 8134. i .p turn nt nriv Kstk it. TT J '.IT ?i' D??ilLlti.- r"V' ."10""" ."' COMFORTABLE. furn.. 3 large rms., elec rnge & refrig. Call 6250 eves. MOD. 2-rm furn. 1553 State. MOD. furn apt., full bedrm Adults oniy. iesiie manor. 310 Leslie. VACANCY. The Devereaux. 1488 State 1 xurn. Z2. WELL furnished basement apt. for Py Prc-.tric. range rerrigeraior. t( 1U w. nth ' I V A r 4 MPV .n1 n,.ll K. Uuni or unfurn. Hawthorne Court. 1000 I No CaDitoL I 2 RM. APT. and 1 rm. Close. P. 5825 JUNE 1st. 3-rm. furn. clean aDt nam. reing. 000 a. summer. 1. 1 or 3 rm. apt 1370 Chemeketa. Jj RMS St battL furn. 1440 Waller. 'CLEAN, one rm. apt 645 Ferry. 1 and 2 rm. apt 2054 N. CapitoL APTS. 2 A 3 rooms, 2310 N. 4th. For Rent- Houses GARAGE and 3-rm. house, on rear 01 lot. suitable for two adults. Partly xiu iv cm snipping. 7-RM. unfurn. mod., air conditioned. S49. inq. 1000 K.ansas. fa. ssm. . MODERN home. Adults only. Ph. 7576. 5-RM. unfurnished, with a 3-room furnished apt. Rent $49. O. E. RAE 1259 State Ph. 6761 WOOCT-EV-LOOK J 1 1 now: wwjxxxoe swcTMEMy I ccokE,nxAWMXrETN 11 wow v;; BLONDS I 14 ?5fe'? lM " : 1 Money to Loan CASH roa Any Constructive Purpose no loan is too small for our con sideration. Repayment schedules ar ranged to fit your income. For example: YUU KECauVE YOU PAY MONTHLY $ 50.00 100.00 150.00 300.00 $ 5.02 10.05 15.07 30.14 Above payments ere figured oa 12 months basis. Phone, write, or call at the office of Salem's Personal Loan Center. 315 Court St. Salem Phone 4446 State License S-22S M-278 CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY LOANS--$25to$300 Almost anyone with a steady Job (even a new one) can qualify for a loan at Personal 99.54 per mo. repays a $95 loan in 12 mew. $29 costs only 18c for one week. Come In or phone. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Ground Fir.. New Bligh Bldg. 512 STATE STREET (At High Street) Telephone 3191 State Licenses: S-122. M-1SS Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 8TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE H. M-1SS Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 interest W. H GRA BENHORST s CO. REALTORS Financial WANTED To buy for cash Real estate mortgages, real estate contracts, merchandise discount paper. State Finance Co 344 State. For Rent Houses 5-RM. hse. Adults; $30. Ph. 4568. 9 to 4. WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU Want to sell, exchange. lease, rent see Mr. lanen, Mr. Collins or Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins & Roberts. For Rent t FARM with crop, incl. Cherries 8c berries, on shares. Also furn. house near Liberty. F. H. Weir 465 Center REALTOR Ph. 9411 MODERN COTTAGES. $4 A up. Junction Auto Court, So. Commercial. For Sale Real Estate Open for Inspection BY OWNER 5 New 5-Room Houses 1000 BLOCK CROSS ST. 11 AM. TO 5T.M. SAT. A SUNDAY $300 down 5 rms. and attic in East Salem. Basement, furnace, fireplace, double garage, large lot $3000. 8300 down 5 rm. bouse, south, base ment, paving close to bus. $2100. melvin JOHNSON, Realtor 725 Court St Phone 3723 A HOME on State street, 6 rms., close in, large lot good basement over sized furnace, hardwood floors. P. 5959, .owner. VIEW HOME, mod., oil heat, adjust able to wood, full bsmt.. shrubs, lawn. pymt. down, bat like rent Ph. 2-1653, owner. Business Cards la this director ran on a monthly basis only. Kate: $L25 per Hoe per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panek, 279 South Commercial Batteries WTLLARD batteries, all types. R. D. Woodrow, 394 Church. Phone 9600. Bicycles BICYCLES. New and recoridttloned. Harry W. Scott 147 & Com'CL P. 4516 Chiropractic Physicians O. A. Sternberg. S4 N. CapitoL 373L Chimney Sweeps Northness Chimney Sweep. P. 4450. Vacuum cleaned chimney, furnace. Roof repair. Free estimate Kennedy. P. $056. Florists Brelthaupt a 441 Court Phone 9195 Funeral Directors TerwUUger funeral Home Ph. 6928 Lawn Mowers Machine ground F X Roach. 4513. Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG A MATTRESS Co New Mattresses hl made, rug cleaning St weaving. 8 Uta A Wilbur Tel 8441 Z wickers. CAPTTOl BEDDING CO Phone 406P Oil Burner Service SKEWIS it JUDSON PHONE 4141. I '! TM I ...a il '' : . . For Sale Real Estate NEW I large rooms with patio in new home district N.E. City water but no city taxes. Full basement, aut. oil heat. 2 fireplaces. $5400. Easy FHA payments about $34. per mo. includ ing taxes and insurance. MODERN 4-rm. house and I A. fine garden soil, about ' 2 miles north. $2600, easy terms. g-RM. modsrn house near high school. Large lot, full basement, fur nace and fireplace. $4500. $500. dn. $30. per mo. 12.i A. very close in. S-rm. modern house. $4750. $500. dn. bal. easy terms. Hi A. J-rm. bouse, water t. about miles north. $1200. $50. on. $15. per mo. TO A. good soil, modern 5-rm. house, good barn A chicken house. 25 A. prunes and 25 A. vetch Nearly new prune dryer, sesoo. wouw laxe nousc in Salem up to $3000. Balance 5. RICH L. RETMA-NN 167 S. High St Ph- 9203 RM. House. 2 lots in Gervais. More land if wanted. The Star, Gervais, Ore. For Sale Farms $12,000 for the 95 A. farm. 60 curt, bal. nasture and timber. Good soil. Fair 7 room house, barn for 20 cows and milking men. Fair outouuaings. This nlace is stocked and equipped. Terms. See Mr. Larsen with HAW KINS & ROBERTS, INC, Realtors. 20-ACRE in Middle Grove dist.. small house, electricity. 83300. For further in formation write W. K. McGowan. Rte. 2. Astoria. FOR SALE $3500 for this 55 A. farm. 25 cult., hal. nasture and wood. Modern 7 room house, fair barn and chicken houses and outbuildings. Has 4 springs and only 3 mi. from Buel. Some terms. See Mr. Larsen witn nAWiuna ec rvuo ERTS. INC, Realtors. For Sale Timber Land WE HAVE Just listed more than 700 ACRES with about 2,500.000 ft of standing timber. A lot of fine piling A about 5000 cords of wood. Lots of good agricultural land Be pasture. Within 30 miles of Salem. To sell at $10.00 per acre. 477 Court St. Phone 6524 Business Opportunities RESTAURANT equipment at sacri fice Drice. Owner forced to leave MELVIN JOHNSON, 725 Court. St. LEASE and furniture in close In boarding and rooming house. $550.00. O. RAE 1255 State Ph. 6761 For Sale Wood BUY your wood on easy terms. 5 mo. or more to pay if purchase is $30 or more. Wood of all kinds. Ph. 5544. CHOICE dry 2nd gwth fir, $8.50 cd. Ph. 5544. Personal WE will not be responsible for any debts incurred by William canard. lr W. P. COLLARD. Sr. MRS. FRANCES R. COLLARD MEET NEW FRIENDS 1 dub EBte Box Tl-Q. Mala PO Loa Angeles. Cat For Sale Used Cars ENLISTED Must sell 1941 Ply. cpe. only suo mues. sou or anaxe oiler 1358 N. 2lst Today & Saturday. '41 PONTIAC Streamliner sed. cpe Radio, heater, 7&& rubber, $925. John rauison. inous. AccMent comm. 35 PLY. D. L. Cpe., exc. cond. 4 new tires, good spare. Call 8413. eves. '39 Chrysler Royal sedan. Overdrive Sc radio. Ph. bzto. 1000 N. summer. $900 '41 Plymouth spec. dlx. sed After 5.-00 Ph. Silverton, Black 2621. '41 DeSoto deluxe coupe. Fully equipped. SAM'S MOTOR CO. 455 Chemeketa Phone 7817 '42 Plymouth 3-pass. deluxe coupe. Fully equipped. Radio A heater. Ex cellent tires. Can be sold, only to buyer eligible for a 42 car. SAM'S MOTOR CO. 453 Chemeketa Phone 7817 Directory Painting & Paperhanging Experienced Reasonable h 432S Paints and Lacquers Complete tine NASON paints uberai terms. K. D. Woodrow. 394 N Church Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards pamphlets Drocrams. books or any kind of ormt ing. call The Statesman Printing De partment 219 S- Commercial. Tele- 101. Plumbing REPAIRS A INSTALLATION SKEW IS U JUDSON PHONE 4141 PLUMBING, GENERAL repair work Craber Bros.. i54 S Liberty Ph. C594 Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write. Phone or Call for Booklet 369 N Capital Transfer n-TiRTVX TRUCKS FOB BENT Blankets runt 191 & Liberty Ph. 9082 TOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer WaM. burner aiL brloueta. frocks to Portland daily Agent Pierce Auto Freight Including CaQl points Larmei Transfer Co Ptt. sux. Vacuum Cleaner Service ran Inanaetlaa in roar home. Aa tborized Hoover serrice. We eervteeell make cleanera Hogg Bros va. mat WeU Drilling B. P. Sneed. 9309 Brooks St Pb 6808. & A. WEST. Rt 6. Box 443. Ph. 2-C96 For Sale Used Cars I 1 A " PICKUPS- - -PICKUPS A Good Assortment 1941 Pontiac 6-Pass. Coupe Streamliner, like new 1941 Plymouth Sedan, special deluxe, small mileage 1939 Ford Tudor Sedan, 1941 Plymouth Panel Delivery, A-l throughout 1940 Chevrolet Pickup, A 1940 Ford Pickup, a dandy 1938 Ford Pickup, very 1936 Chevrolet Long Wheelbase Truck bKVKKAL. OLDER MODE EL NASH USED Bank Terms Trades 240 Center SL SHR0CK TO BUY OR SELL YOUR CAR SALEM'S OLDEST INDEPENDENT USED CAR DEALER Two Lots of Bargains 270 N. Church A Church at Chemeketa Wanted Used Cars "CASH" For Your Car No Fuss - - No Delay See Us Today ANY MAKE ANY MODEL BURGOYNE MOTOR COMPANY 440 CENTER ST. Legal Notice N.OTTCE OF SHERIFFS SALE On the 27th day of June, 1942, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the Front and West door of the Court House in Salem, Marion County, Oregon, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed real property located in Marion County, Oregon, to-wit: Lot one (1), Block one (1), Rosedale Annex to the City of Salem, including all buildings and improvements thereon and, all plumbing, heating end light ing fixtures and equipment at tached to and used in connee tion with said premises. Said sale is made under execu tion issued out of the Circuit court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, to me directed, in the case of New York Life In surance Company, a corporation, Plaintiff, Vs. Thomas William O'Brien and Hazel M. O'Brien, husband and wife. Defendants. A. C. BURK, Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon, By Kenneth L. Randall, Deputy. May 29-J. 5-12-19-28. NOTICE OF ANNUAL ELECTION Notice hereby is given to the legal voters of School District No. 24, Marion County, Oregon, that the annual election for said dis trict will be held in said district from the hour of two o'clock P. M. to the hour of seven o'clock P. M. on Monday, June 15th, 1942, for the purpose of electing one di rector to serve for a term of five years. Voting Place The polling place will be the School Administration Building, 434 North High Street, Salem, Oregon. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 27th day of May, 1942. FAYE WRIGHT, Chairman of the Board of Directors. C. C. WARD, District Clerk. NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING The annual school meeting of School District No. 24, Marion County, Oregon, will be held in the School Administration Build ing, 434 North High Street, Salem, Oregon, Monday evening, June 15, 1942, at eight o'clock for the purpose of acting upon such bus iness as may lawfully come before this meeting. - Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 27th day of May, 1942. FAYE WRIGHT, Chairman of the Board of Directors. C. C WARD, District Clerk. - May 28-J. 6-13. For Sale Used Cars a dandy - l clean CARS PRICED RIGHT CAR LOT Open till 9 pm Every Evening Legal Notice NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion of the 28th day of April, 1942, upon and pur suant to a decree given and made by said Court on the 15th day of April, 1942, in a suit pending therein in which the Federal Land Bank of Spokane, a corporation, was plaintiff and Thomas Winn, Sr., and Catherine Winn, husband and wife; Thomas Brown and Syl via Brown, husband and wife; and Marion-Polk County National Farm Loan Association, a corpora tion, were defendants, which exe cution and order of sale was to me directed and commanded me to sell the real property hereinaf ter described to satisfy the liens and charges in said decree speci fied, I will on Saturday, the 6th day of June, 1942, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. at the west door of the county courthouse at Salem, Marion County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction for cash, subject to re demption as provided by law, all of the right, title and interest of the defendants in said suit and of all parties claiming by, through or under them, or any of them since the 28th day of December, 1918, in or to the following de scribed property, to-wit: Beginning 2.50 chains South of the Northwest corner of the Do nation Land Claim of Oliver Pickard, In Township Nine South, Range Two, West of the Willamette Meridian, thence west 33 chains, thence South 22.68 chains, thence East 33 chains, thence North 22.68 chains to the place of beginning, containing 74.84 acres of land; Also, commencing at the South east corner of Lq One in Mar ion Fruit I .and, running thence North 23.32 chains, thence West 5.29 chains, thence South 22.42 chains, thence South 74 East along the North line of the pub lie highway 5.62 chains to the place of beginning, containing 12 acres of land; Also, commencing at the North west corner of Lot One of Mar ion Fruit Land, and running thence East along the North line of said Lot 12.01 chains, thence South 10.62 chains parallel with the East line of that part of the public highway running North and South between Lots Nine teen and One, in said Marion Fruit Land, thence West on the North line of said public high way 25 feet, thence North 11 rods, thence West 10 rods, thence South 11 rods, thence West along the North line of the aforementioned highway 9.51 chains to the most Northerly Southwest corner of said Lot One of Marion Fruit Lands, thence North 10.62 chains to the place of beginning, containing 12 acres of land; Together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, Situated in Marlon County, State of Oregon. Dated May 7, 1942. A. C. BURK, Sheriff of Marion County. First Publication: May 8th, 1942. Last Publication: June 5th, 1942. May 8-15-22-29-J. 8. Union Council Planned ljUGENE, May 28 -JPf- Repre sentatives of cannery workers un ion, locals in Salem, Portland and Eugene Wednesday considered creation of a state council. Lodges SALEM LODGE No. 4 KT. St AM. Moo. June L 1:00 TM. F. C. degree. Use Curtains for Swim Suits vx.: :-:-..Xv; v . ' ' ' h ' fc- ;( Conservation of wool won't atther these pretty mermaids for they have found something that should be of interest to others preparing for the summer bathing season. The girls, June Sitarr, left, and Emily Fabian, whipped these together from odds and ends around the house. Miss Sitarr's swim suit once did duty as a shower cur tain. Miss Fabian's suit la made from an old pair of gingham cur tains. The girls are shown on the beach at Seaside Heights, N. J, Hearing on Early Potato Grades Set Whether separate grades will be established for early potatoes produced in Oregon will be de termined at a hearing to be held June 3 at 8 p. m. at the Boule vard grade hall in Ontario. The hearing is called by the state de partment of agriculture and will be conducted by Frank McKen non, plant division chief. Such grades, if established, will follow probably the pattern of the Idaho grades on early pota toes in order to give Oregon early potato growers, centered chiefly Cross Word HORIZONTAL J In whmt city is the British Middle-Etst headquarters situated? e Fly aloft 10 Half an em 12 Employed 13 What Adriatic seaport was ceded to Italy by the Treaty of St. Germain? 15 So be it IS What is the name oi the salt inland sea in Russia? 17 Small cask IS City in England 20 Hawaiian gar lands 21 Wlnr 23 Queer 24 Harness part 25 Writing implement 29 Abounded 2S Symbol for calcium 80 Complete 51 Symbol for Iridium 32 Near 33 Place 34 Continent (abbr.) S3 Put In 37 Diminutive for Abraham tS Unit of work 39 Untruth 40 Sped 41 Cover with a ate f ; r?ad 43 Idolises 45 Before .it Smooth 47 Expire 50 Contender 52 Slowly (mus.) 53 Bone 54 Who is ike heroine . 'Storm Country? 55 Heavenly spirit . , - VERTICAL 1 Oriental tea, -t Ambition J Which el the British tiles has two separate for era- J 'moots? 4 rTaat city ts the site ot thr 'University ol Nereis? Hypothetical force Walked with ton steps H. 25 " 7 2b- 27 " 2d 2 mm I43 m . - 50 51 w 111 W 1 I I I i. r; in Malheur county, a better break in the markets across the staU line. At a recent conference whicl. Gov. Charles A. Sprague called between agriculture officials oi Idaho and Oregon the consehsui was that the situation for potato growers in Malheur county would be improved if Oregon would adopt grades comparable to th Idaho standard and utility desig nations for the early deal. Such grades would be effective durirn July, August and September of each year. Postmaster Okehed ' WASHINGTON, May 28 iJf) Gardner T. Hockensmith has bfifea confirmed as postmaster of Al bany, Ore., by the senate. Puzzle 7 At what Algerian seaport did the British attack the French Beet after France fell? 6 Suffer ' 9 Music note 10 Small toilet case 11 Beaks 14 Let it stand 16 Serpents 19 Noticing 20 Cover 21 Imitates 22 What Siberian river tows into the Arctic ocean? 24 Improve JkA 27 aty in Ohio 28 What is the Urgest islsni f the West indies? 29 Sun disk 33 Analyzing: grammatically 35 Wrath 38 Church officials ( 38 Always 41 Mexican dollar 42 Branches of learning 43 The birds 44 Paradise 48 Night before a hollda. 48 Summer (Fr.) 49 The sun 51 Neuter pronoun 2 Note In the scale Answer to yesterday's puxzle. Averse tuna et eelatleat tl tahtv'u Dlst vy Bag Features Byatoat; lao, PrAfTI LIElAINISl i At gamu 11 adjacent counties. . ,