The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 24, 1942, Page 7, Image 7

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    SEC 2 PAGE 1
1 he OREGON STATESMAN. Salem Oregon, Sunday Morning. May 24. 1942
REVEALS WEDDING Mrs. Wilfred Crozer, the former
Viola Crozer, whose marriage on September" 13 has recent
ly, been announced. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. T, T. Crozer of Salem and her husband's parents are
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Crozer of Los Angeles. Mrs. Crozer is
leaving the end of the month for the south to join her hus
band. (Kennell-Ellis.)
Girl Reserve's
Monday, the Parrish 8th -grade
Girl Reserves and Mis Lois
Robinson, visited the Indian mu
seum at Willamette university.
The Parrish 9th grade Girl Re
serves met Thursday, with Mrs.
Little. The group, made up of
about 20 girls and Miss Valerie
Karr and Mrs. Esther Little, re
turned to the YWCA for a picnic
supper. At their meeting on
Thursday of this week, the group
will take a bicycle trip to Hazel
Green as last meeting before
On Tuesday, the high school
Tri-Y held the final meeting
of the year, holding installation
of their officers. Installed were:
president. Carmen Campbell;
vice president. Virginia Glover;
secretary, Helen Yung; treasurer,
Marie Ann Newman; music
chairman, Mary Ann Brady;
publicity, Nancy , Brown; ring
and pin chairman, Shirley
Boucher; program chairman,
Mary Beth Vincent; finance
chairman. Ada Bewley; camp
and conference chairman, Jean
Barham; social chairman, Imo
gene Mcintosh; section chairmen,
Geraldine Nelson, Virginia
Tomkins, Phyllis Nelson and
Mary Weller.
On Thursday, the outgoing
cabinet will entertain the new
cabinet at an outdoor buffet
Girl Reserves and friends are
invited by the girl reserve com
mittee to make use of the YWCA
$1.25 WeekV $29.50
184 North Liberty
r who no rr
?SS3S: s
from ww slar, in lJ
k Give tb-.iss&Bfeais i
Baritone Will
Have Recital
Mark Waltz, baritone, will be
presented in the following con
cert at the Willamette school of
music this afternoon at 3:30
o'clock. He is a pupil of Dean
Melvin Geist. Miss Margaret
Hood will act as accompanist for
the following program:
Honor and Arms
The Slave .
Ay from Comus
Is Not His Word ijke a Fire (from
Elijah") Mendelssohn
It Is Enough (from "Elijah")
Won in
Das Baches Wiegenlied
Meine Liebe ist Grun ..
..... Brahm-
Etude E
Waltz G
flat Major
Miss Hood
An Old Song Resunj Griffes
The Cloths of Heaven Dunhill
Pilgrim's Song Tschaikowski
Alone Watts
Captain Strat ton's Fancy ... Taylor
facilities through the summer
months. The outdoor fireplace,
croquet, badminton, ping-pong
and other game equipment will
be available.
A craft shop may be available
for those interested and possi
ble "hobby lobby" hour each
day at the YWCA is being plan
ned for girl reserves by the
Girls wishing to go into the
fields to work may register at
the YWCA and the committee
will arrange to go with various
family groups.
$1.25 weekly $39.50
420 Court Street
Seen and Heard
PREVIEW of graduation dresses
. . . A dozen high school seniors
modeled the graduation dresses
at the Home Economics club
15th annual style show Wednes
day . . . They have been busy
with needle andthread for the
past month preparing for the
most important event of their
high school days ... A few of
the graduates . . . Edith Moxley
whose dress is of white eyelet
cotton fashioned with a square i
neckline, puffed sleeves and a
full skirt. For trimming there
are four; large black velveteen
bows on ithe skirt and a smaller
one at the neckline . . . Alrrfa
Yantis, named the most out
standing senior of the Home Ec
onomics club, also chose white
for her dress . . . She sewed by
hand over thirty yards of lace
on her frock. She carries a muff
of lace . .. . Laura Jean Bates, a
brunette, made a gold marqui
sette dress for her graduation
. . . the skirt is made with three
tiers, gathered with a heading
... A combination of two col
ors for Muriel Chase's dress . . .
the torso waist is of white eye
let pique and the skirt of peach
taffeta . . . incidentally Muriel
copied her dress, from ah original
. . . with it she wears a white
eyelet juliet cap . . . Pat Chap
man's dress is white organdy
with a full skirt -and ruschihg
around the neck and sleeves
. . . "Key to Victory" was the
theme of the show and at the
back of the stage setting was a
large lock with models walking
through a keyhole.
SPORTS SWING for the Junior
Woman's club at Veteran's hall
. . . Bright print frocks noted
among the dancers . . . Hazel
Shutt, dance chairman, wore a
print dress made tunic style
Other flowered prints wori by
Mrs. Joseph Felton, Mrs. Donald
Dawson, Mrs. B. C. Harrison
and a silk jersey worn by Hattie
Bratzel, back from the federation
convention at Fort Worth, Texas.
Out-of-towners . . . Mr. and
Mrs. Maurice Heater down from
'' their Union Hills place . . . Lu
cille smart in a luggage an
white polka dot dress with pars-
ley green jacket with polka doi
trim . . .-Lucille and Maurice,
claim it won't be long before '
they come to town on their re
cently purchased motorcycle
. . . Newlyweds, Glenn and
Cleo Rogers, down from Port
land; . . Cleo wearing a chic
sage green sflk sports frock . . .
She is busy keeping house, gar
dening and cooking ...
Couples . . . Betty Riveness
in a becoming white silk jersey
frock with clusters - of bright
flowers, squired by John Steel
hammer . . . Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Stevenson, she"waring a
brown tailleur with . whk felt
halo hat . . . Mr. and Mrs. Tho
mas Drynan, the latter wearing
a white suit . . . The Dgjbert
Schwabbauers, Doris in an at
tractive frock of green and
white flowered shantung which
she had made herself . . .
. . . New president, Mrs. George
Rossman, who now heads the
Salem branch AAUW ... at
the luncheon Saturday she wore
a navy blue frock combined with
pink, a navy wide-brimmed
straw hat with pink flower on
the crown and pink dotted veil.
Clever hats . . . Mrs. Tink
ham Gilbert's heart shaped
white straw with navy blue
binding and a navy veil . . .
Mrs. Frank Myers pert navy
blue stvp f with white bows in
front . . . A red straw worn by
Mrs. R. D. Woodrow ... A
navy straw adorned with white
bows wen by Mrs. Waldo Zel
ler . . . ani Mrs. Bert Walker's
black str- w witbr white pleating
outlining the- off the face brim.
Mrs. G. F. Chambers went bv
plane to see her son and daugh-
ter-in-law, Lt. and Mrs. Douglas
Chambers in Santa Monica last
week . . . Doug had a 2 4 -hour
leave while she wathere . . .
Vivian and Mrs. Chambers went
Leslie PTA, school. 7:45 p. m.
Oregon State college mothers.
Mrs. Wilmer Page. 1623 Cheme
keta street, one o'clock covered
dish luncheon.
Chapter AB. PEO, Roberts
studio, with Helen Barrett host
ess. Daughters of St. Elizabeth. St.
Paul s Episcopal parish house. 1
p. m.
A RYE, No. 1J. Mr. and Mrs. Er
nest Wiesner. 1090 North Church
street. p. m.
VFW auxiliary district meeting
following regular session, t p. m.
Salem Council of Church worn
YWCAeCUtlV" metin' pm"
Alpha Mu Delphians, Mrs.
George Rossman, 810 North Capi
tol street. 9 JO ajn.
Eastern Star Social Afternoon
club. Masonic Temple.
BPW dinner meeting. 8:30 p. m.,
Golden Pheasant.
Women's Union, First Congre
gational church, all day meeting.
June Circle. WSCS Jason Lee
church. Mrs. Letha Staats, 860
Marion street. 2 p. m.
Nebraska auxiliary. Mrs. Har
garet Willis. 963 North 8th street,
covered dish luncheon. 1230 p.
m. . .
?. crt" wtl8, suffer hot
Hashes, nervous feelings, dizziness
eausedby this period la a woman's
i?r-try I-Tdla E. Ptnknam-a Vege
table Compound. Made speclauy
or wmh. Thousands upon thou
uads helped. Follow label direc
v ;
shopping and sightseeing during
the daytime and saw broadcasts
by Paul Whiteman and Glenn
Miller . . . The weather is j
grand down there and Vivian :
has a lovely tan . . . She fills ,
her time with knitting, sewing j
and reading. I
An herb party . . . The Alpha
Chi Omega alumnae were enter
tained at the home of Mrs. Lew
is Griffith Monday night . . .
Mrs. Monroe Gilbert, one of the
hostesses displayed herbs and
talked about them . . . and for
favors she gave each a rose ger
anium plant ...
Planning to go east soon to
see her flier husband, is Mrs.
LeRoy Casey (Dee Dugan) . . .
Dee and LeRoy bought a house
in Salem this winter and her
spring project was to paint it on
the outside, which she did . . .
Dee was out walking with her
little girl, Karen, this week and
wore a handsome turf tan wool
jersey frock with pleated skirt
and torso bodice.
Camp Fir Girl
The Itanyan Camp Fire Girls
attended a skating party at the
Mellow Moon Thursday as the
last meeting- until vacation is
over. Many of the girls plan to
attend Camp Fire camp this
The Ahwandah Camp Fire
Girls met at the home of their
guardian, Mrs. James Bunnell
for the business meeting. They
made plans for the roller skat
ing party at the Mellow Moon
and made 10 different symbols.
The Tawanka
group enjoyed an
skating Thursday,
ent were Patty
Camp Fire
afternoon of
Those pres
Miller, Jean
Clement, Mary Ellen Petrasy,
Esther Strang, Donna Carr, Bet
ty Kelly, Carolyn Wilkes, Mary
Hawke and Delores Lehman.
Mr. and Mrs. Bjarne Ericksea
have had as their house guest
for several days the latter!
aunt, Mrs. Nell Guschewsky of
San Francisco.
' ,t.
Miss Charlotte McClary and
Miss Jean Kneass will entertain
the Spinsters Monday night at
the former's apartment at the
Roberts at 8 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Donnell Sanders
are returning today from Coos
River where Mr. Sanders has
been a member of the Coos
River high school faculty.
SILVERTON I rises at the
Cooley gardens are now at their
best and visitors from over the
valley are calling to view them.
Visitors are particularly wel
come on Sundays.
As usual between 25 and 30
new irises have been added to
the garden this year. Among
the new ones on display are four
originations from the gardens
of Dr. R. E. Kleinsorge, one of
America's foremost hybridizers.
These are Tobacco Road, a rich
golden brown; Bataan, a coppery
plum, the Idanah, a combination
of tans and lavender and the
Ormaco, the first seedling to be
offered for sale from his fa
mous Ormohr.
OAK P O I N T Mrs. Lavant
Pease entertained the Indepen
dence Rural Woman's club Tues
day. The club purchased two
United States bonds. As a gas and
tire saver, it was voted to go in
with the Oak Point school soci
ety and hold the clubs annual pic
nic with them on the school
grounds June A basket dinner
will be at onon. The next meet
ing of the club will be at the home
of Mrs. Stephen Van Houten. The
Van Houten's are former residents
of this community and she is a
past president.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd West and
family have moved to Salem and
Mr. West is employed on the can
tonment. The West family have
lived on the Knowles Bros, ranch
for five years, Mr. West assisting
them in the farm work.
MONMOUTH Archie Duns
moor, Portland, was elected pres
ident of the Associated Students
of OCE this week, to serve for the
1942-43 school year. He will re
place Bill Wiest, this year's pres
ident who left in the spring term
for the medical corps of the na
val reserve , in San Diego. Duns-
moor has been acting student
council president since Wiest left
Mariorie Rieck. Portland, has
been elected vice-president. She
succeeds Tom Wilson of Lowell
who also has left school for the
armed forces.
Helen MacPherson, Portland,
will be secretary, replacing Betty
Addison, Independence.
Jensen, wife of. a city letter car
rier here, is acting as assistant
mail carrier to enable her hus
band to help with work on the
cantonment Mrs. Jensen's route
includes all of Whitman and Col-
MSge streets, and the north section
of town. She carries mail daily
except Saturday, when her hus
band's : work at the cantonment
permits him to take the route. J
adio .Programs
:20 Rise N' Shine.
7Q News in- Brief.
7:05 Rise 'N' Shine.
7 :2ll Nevrs
7:45 Your Gospel Program.
8:00 Morning Pick Up.
8:30 News Brevities.
8:35 Hany Horhck Orchestra.
9. -CO Pastor's Call.
9:15 A La Carter.
9:30 Johnny Messner Orchestra.
10 .DO News Brevities.
10:05 Campus Freshmen.
10:30 Women in the News.
10:35 Homespun Trio.
10:45 Dr. R F. Thompson.
110 Musical Horoscope.
11:30 Hawaiian Serenade.
12:00 Ivan Ditmars.
12:15 News
12 M Hillbilly Serenade
12:35 WUlamette Valley Opinions.
12:55 Interlude.
1:00 Lum Ac A oner.
1:15 Tune Tabloid.
1 M Four Notes
1:45 Isle of Paradise.-
2 AO Sing Song Time.
2 :1 Melody Mart.
2:30 Rythmic Romance.
2:45 Alpine TroubadorSi
3:00 Vagabond of the Air Waves.
4 Wt Russ Morgan.
4:15 News.
4 :30 Teatime Tunes.
5:00 Here Comes the Band.
5:30 To the Ladies.
5:35 Dinner Hour Music.
5:45 Tonicht's Headlines.
8:00 Before the Bomb Has Come.
8:30 News Analysis.
8:35 Evening Serenade.
7:00 News in Brief.
7:05 Interesting Facts.
7:15 Gleb YeUin.
7:30 WUlamette Valley Opinions.
730 Shep Fields Orchestra.
8:00 War Fronts Pass in Review.
8:10 Harry Brewer Orchestra.
8.30 Mc Wain's Melange.
8:45 Chuck Foster Orchestra.
9:00 News.
9:15 Popular Salute.
9:30 WU Choristers.
10 :00 American Legion Auxiliary.
10:15 Rollo Hudson's Orchestra.
10:30 News.
10:45 Pancho's Conga Orchestra.
11 :00 Bert Hirsch Presents.
11:30 Last Minutes News.
8:30 Memory Timekeeper.
7:00 News.
7:15 Memory Timekeeper.
8:00 Breakfast Club.
8:30 News,
8:45 What's New
9:00 Jim Doyle.
9:15 Women's Side of the News.
9 JO This & That
10:00 News. ,
10:15 I'll Find My Way.
10:30 News.
10:35 Women Today.
10 : 45 Buyer's Parade.
11:00 Cedric Foster.
11 :15 Dancetime.
11 JO Concert Gems.
11:45 Luncheon Concert
12:41 King Bard Presents.
1. -00 Bill's Wax Shop.
1:15 New York Racing Season.
1:30 Theme and Variations.
J 00 Interlude.
2:15 Sweet and Sentimental.
2 JO News
2 :45 Bookworm.
3:00 B. S. Bercovici. Commentator.
3:15 Baseball Round Up.
3:20 TB A.
3:30 Hello Again
4:00 News.
4:15 Johnson Family.
4:30 Hits and Encores.
4 :45 Music Depreciation. .
5:00 Captain Danger.
5:15 Jimmy Allen.
5:30 Captain Midnight
5:45 Jack Armstrong.
8 M Gabriel Heatter.
8:15 News.
8:30 Gems of Melody.
8:45 Movie Parade.
7 :00 Ray Gram Swing.
7:15 America Marches On.
7 JO Lone Ranger.
8.-00 Accordion At Gu'tar.
8:15 Better Business Bureau.
8:30 Double or Nothing.
9 M News.
9:15 Manhatters.
9 JO Fulton Lewis. Jr. -
Invest in War Bonds for Victory . . .
Invest in a Fur Coat --- at These
Unduplicated Values - for IV inter I
The pick of the fin furs of the New York market are here now . .' . for your
approval . . . because Mr. Schlesinqer wisely went East unusually early
this year! Hundreds of exquisite lustrous furs. . . all of flawless workman
ship and styling ... in an
... of all years . . . select
many times over later!
Advance Showing . . . 1943 Styles
SH 98fl( MU IHBJ tSJSJ bbj easy, jajgi fay BR88 WW
gaV:DTK7fi iii-aWWitW 'ill ?tf -
The schedules are supplied J
the tespective staUvas. Any rarta
Uons ootrd fey listeners are due U
changes made fey the stations srttboal
ootlre to this orwspaper.
9:45 Hank Keene In Town.
10:60 Joe Reichman.
10:30 News.
10:45 Ran Wilde Orchestra.
ll:00Ella Fitzgerald Orchestra.
11:30 Eila Fitzgerald Orchestra.
4 :00 Music.
5 JO War News.
8:00 Sunrise Serenade.
8 JO Early Bards.
70 News Headlines and Highlights
715 Music of Vienna.
7J0 Reveille Roundup.
7:43 Sam Hayes.
8.-00 Stars of Today.
8:15 James Abbe. News.
JO Symphonic Swing.
8:40 Lotta Noyes
8:45 David fiarum.
9:00 Bess Johnson
9:15 Bachelor's CbUdretk
9 JO Collins Calling.
9:45 Organ Concert
19:00 Woman' World.
10:15 News.
10 JO Homekeeper's Calendar.
1 0.-45 Dr. Kate.
110 Light of ti,e World.
11:15 Arnold Grimm's Daughter.
11 JO The Guiding Light.
11:45 Hymns of all Churches.
120 Against the Storm.
12:15 Ma Perkins.
12 JO Pepper Young's FamUy.
12:45 Right to Happiness.
10 Back Stage Wits
las Stella Dallas.
1 JO Lorenzo Jones.
1:43 Young Widder Brown
20 When a Girl Marn
2:15 Portia Faces Life.
2 JO The Andersons.
2:45 Vic & Sade.
30 The Bartons,
3:15 Hollywood News.
3:30 Personality Hour.
4:30 Funny Money Man.
4:45 H. V. Kaltenborn.
50 Stars of Today.
1:15 Cocktaii Hour.
5:30 Voice of Firestone.
6:00 Before the Bombers Come.
25 Musical Interlude.
8:30 Dr L Q.
70 Contented Hour.
7 JO Cavalcade of America.
80 Fred Waring In Pleasure Time.
15 Lum and Abner.
8 JO Hawthorne House.
90 The Telephone Hour.
9:30 Your Mayor Speaks.
9:45 Music Salon.
100 News Flashes.
1015 Your Home Town News.
10:25 Citizens Alert.
10 JO Moonlight Sonata
110 Jan tzen Beach Orchestra.
11:30 War News.
120-2 a. m. Music.
80 News
8:15 National Farm and Home.
8:45 Western Agriculture.
78 Clark Dennis. Singer.
7:15 Breakfast Club.
80 Haven of Rest
8:30 Don Vining.
8:45 Keep Fit Club With Patty Jean
90 Meet Your Neighbor.
9:15 Elwood Gary.
8:30 Breakfast at Sardi's.
100 Baukhage Talking.
10:15 Second Husband.
10 JO Amanda of Honeymoon Hill.
10:45 John's Other Wife.
110 Just Plain Bill.
11:15 Great Moments la History.
11:30 Stars of Today .
11-45 Ken Fit With Patty Jean.
12:00 News Headlines and Highlights.
12:1S Your Livestock Reporter.
12:30 Market Reports.
12:35 Musical Interlude.
12:40 Stella Unger.
12:45 News.
10 Arthur Tracy Street Singer.
1:15 Club Matinee.
1:55 News.
20 The Quiet Hour.
2 JO A House rn the Country.
2:45 Chaplain Jim.
30 Stars of Today.
2:15 News.
3:30 Ski ten Henderson.
3:45 Beating the Budget.
3 JO Wartime Periscope.
exciting showing beginning tomorrow, inis year
your new Fur Coat EARLYl ... it will pay you
4 Ways to Buy Furs:
r''"Ai,w' - '
40 Chef Milani.
4:15 Louella Paikin. Singer.
4:30 Joseph James. Singer.
4 :45s Diminutive Classics.
50 Flytns Patrol
5:15 Secret City
50 Jack Owens. Singer.
5:45 News of the World.
S-OO Music bv White.
8:30 News.
6:45 Nova time.
8:55 Tune Twisters.
70 Lightning Jim.
7 JO Jimmie Fidler.
7 :45 Earl Wrightson, Singer.
80 BN.
8:15 Dear John.
8 JO I Love a Mystery
90 Down Memory Lane.
JO News.
9:45 Office of Government Reports.
108 Sir Francis Drake Orchestra.
19 JO Broadway Bandwagon.
10:45 Palladium Ballroom Orchestra
110 This Moving World.
11 JO War News Roundup
60 Northwest Farm Reporter.
8:15 Breakfast Bulletin.
639 Koin Klock
715 Wake Up News.
7 JO Bob Garred Reporting.
7 .-43 Nelson Pr ingle News.
80 Victory Begins Home.
8 .1 5 Consumer News
I JO Valiant Lady.
8:45 Stories America Lovea.
90 Kate Smith Speaks.
915 Big Sister.
9 JO Romance ot Helen Trent
.-45 Our Gal Sunday.
100 Ufa Can Be Beautiful.
10:15 Woma n in White.
10 JO Vic & Sade
10:45 News.
110 Bright Horizon.
1115 Aunt Jenny.
11 JO We Love tt Learn.
11:45 The Goldbergs.
120 Eyes of the World.
1215 Knox Manning. News.
12:30 Joyce Jordan
12:45 Woman of Courage. '
1 0 Stepmother.
115 Spotlight on Asia.
1:30 Joey Kearns Orchestra.
1:45 Very Truly Yours.
20 News.
2:15 Siesta.
2:30 News
2:45 Scattergood Baines.
30 Les Paul. Trio.
35 Ted H using.
3:15 Hedda Hopper's Hollywood.
3 JO Frank Parker.
2:45 News.
40 Second Mrs. Burton.
415 Young Dr. Malone.
4 JO Newspaper of the Air.
50 Vox Pop.
5 JO Harry Flannery.
45 Bob Garred. News.
5:55 Elmer Davis.
60 Radio Theatre.
70 Freddie Martin.
7 JO Blondie.
80 Amos N Andy.
8:15 Dance Orchestra.
8 JO Gay 90's.
8:55 Dick Joy. News.
901 Was There.
9 JO Hollywood Showcase.
100 Five Star Final.
10:15 World Today.
10 JO War Time Women.
10:35 Air-Flo.
10:43 Soldiers of the Air.
110 Wilbur Hatch Orchestra.
11:30 Prelude to Midnight
11:55 News .
120 to 60 a. m. Music tt News.
100 Review of the Day.
103 News.
1015 The Homemakers Hour.
110 Gilbert Ac Sullivan.
120 News.
1215 Farm Hour.
10 Favorite Classics.
1:15 Variety Time.
1:45 Concert Hall.
20 Home Economics.
2 JO Memory Book ot Musi.
2.-45 "Know-Your Neighbor."
20 Echoes of Waikikl
SIS In Defense of America. -
3 J8 Orchestral Gem.
2:45 News.
40 Symphonic Concert
430 Stories for Boys and Olrls.
50 On the Campuses.
8 JO Melodies for Strings.
8:45 Evening Vesper Service
G E R &
n WW" i- '
I , - " w? I u-.
I . If ' ,
00 M
CO. Jp 'Aii
Pratnni Organizes
For Fire-Fighting
PRATUM A m o n g the firs!
rural areas to be organized as ta
personnel for fire-fighting arid
black-outs is Pratum district
which includes also Oakridge,
Willard and part of Fruitland.
Roger Lambert", chief air-raid anI
fire warden, has as his assistant (
air raid wardens: Oscar Meyer,
Fred Cornu, Thomas Jones.
James Wilson, R. L. Andrews and
Adolph Krehbiel; fire wardens:
Frank Buetler, who is secretary
treasurer, George Kleen, John
Hay, Art deVries, Gus Grimm,
Fred Hersch, Harvey Keumzyand
Adam Hersch; messengers: Paul
Unruh and Jerry Lynds. A com
plete set-up for fighting; fires fot
homes and fields and blackouts in -case
of air raids has been worked
Attends Dinner
Party at Dallas
SUVER E. G. Harris and H. l
Couey attended the dinner given
by the Independence chamber of
commerce Tuesday for the farm
ers. Prof. Dubach of OSC was the
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Waterg
have bought a place in Dallas to
which they expect to move this
Mr. Murphy of Beaverton vis
ited . G. Harris Wednesday. Mr.
Murphy resided here many years
Mr. and Mrs. George Maxwell
of Shedd visited at the H. F. Cou
ey home Monday afternoon.
Will Vacation
In Nebraska
SHELBURN Mrs. Allie Cola
and mother left Saturday for a
two months stay in Kansas and
The Sheiburn schoolhouse will
be the place for the gasoline ra
tioning cards to be issued Thurs
day and Friday.
All people who have relatives
or friends buried in the Miller
cemetery are invited to meet ther
next Monday, May 25, for an all
day's cleanup.
The program at the schoolhousa
will be held Thursday evening in
stead of Friday, May 22.
80 Dinner Concert "
8:19 News.
8:30 Farm Hour.
7 JO 4H Club Program
g. -00 Music of the Masters.
8:80 Books and Authors.
8:45 Concert Hall.
8:15 Excursions in Science.
8:30 Music of the Masters.'
0:48-100 News
C O. r
fit ill
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