The OBEGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning. May ZZ, 1842 SI: .5 ! Demo Write-in Result Told -Republican Carson - Gains Opposition - Nomination Too Allan,' G. Carson, successful candidate for a republican nom ination as state senator from Mar lon ' county, also won a demo cratic nomination for the same position at last Friday's primary election, the , official canvassing board announced Thursday. , Carson received 43 write-in votes on the : democratic ballot. Georje W. Potts, Jr, the other democratic senatorial nominee, received 85 votes.- ' - Theela lory, the beard dis closed, fat wbuJaf S write-In i votes. Is the' democratic noml- nee for county reeerder. In o- ' posltloa te tncwnbent Derma Lanke, the repohUcaa nominee, who received tt votes en the ...opposition ticket. ' Identity of the democratic nartv's three write-in nominees for state representative, as shown I by .the board's report, is: Clare Brabec, with 82' votes, Frances RandaQ, with 67, and Scott Mc pike, with 57. Rep. John F. Steelhammer, who led the re "publican ticket for; renomination, ame within four votes of also winning the democratic bid. The official count for .Daniel Hay, nly candidate for democratic representative whose name was printed on the ballot, was 2153 votes. "" !' Other votes on the democratic ballot were:' - US senator ' Walter W. Whit beck, 1982; MacBeth A. Milne, ,1378; Charles .L. McNary, 42. Congressional representative fcarl A Nott, 1903; Lyman Ross, 1658. Governor Lew Wallace, '175; Howard Latotu-ette, 1502 , Grover C. Fretwell, 374. ! Secretary of ' state Francis Lambert, 3192. - Labor commissioner Clarence F. Hyde, 3045. County judge Kenneth W. Bayne, 2908, with Judge Grant Murphy, republican nominee, re ceiving 19 by write-in. i County commissioner Joseph L. Prange, 2770. ) Checking of the remainder of the democratic ballot and of the republican and non-partisan bal lots remains to be done. Balloon Barrage Protectors tl prcd el nini ft n m &n n lor n i K ! I ..layer y fill L U n LP Wllfabi Sugar Sought By Throngs l Believing that Thursday, re opening day for sugar ration reg - lstration, might be the last day on , which they could register, the 'throngs of Salem persons who crowded the downtown office of the Salem rationing district were so great as to require calling ex : tra help. Not only is the registration re opened for an Indefinite period of time,! but persons not needing ra tion stamps immediately may be able to secure more definite in formation than any yet made available; on the new regulations on canning if they will wait a few days, it was said at the board of , fice here Thursday. The office is in the Ladd it Bush bank building. Merit Exams For Jobs A new series of examinations for typists and stenographers on a continuous recruitment plan un der the merit system was an nounced Thursday by Prof. W.E. Griffith, supervisor for the board of examiners for the state unem ployment compensation commls slon. Those passing the new tests, which will be given at various times in different cities, will be placed on eligible lists for Jobs with the unemployment commis sion and the United States em ployment service. With no actual experience re quired under Jhe new qualifica tions, a special appeal Is being di rected to high school graduates Taking a tip from England, the TJ. S. Is rushing te completion numerous giganue cauoons in an eastern xactory, xna Dauoons win hold steel cables aloft to entangle enemy bombers or force them so high they will not be able to attack effectively. The men la the foreground are pulling together two halves of a new balloon. - i dCrosby Band Coming Here Bob , Crosby and his orchestra will play for Salem dance enthu stasis on Thursday, June 4, it was announced Thursday by the New , berger Amusement company. ; Crosby's band will be the third In a series of dance groups brought to Salem by the Newber ger company. . .' Crosby is slated to take over ; the master of ceremonies spot on the radio show now featuring his brother, Bing Crosby, on June 18. The dance will be held in the Salem armory. Glenn Olds Wins Award Glenn Olds, Willamette univer sity senior, is the winner of the $25 Colonel Percy Willis prize. Other candidates for the award were Robert Hamilton and Ralph May, and the winner was deter mined by a student election. The award is given annually to the student who throughout the school year has done the most real good to fellow students and the university by deeds of kindness and genuine helpfulness. Olds has won many awards in debate and oratory, a varsity ten nis player, senior scholar in psy chology and philosophy, president of Tau Kappa Alpha and member of Blue Key. He has served as student pastor at Brooks the past year. Riles Slated for Mrs. Matthews Funeral services for Mrs. James T. Matthews, wife of Dr. Mat thews of Willamette university, will be held Saturday at 10 a.m. from Clough-Barrick chapel. Rev, Dean C. Poindexter will officiate. and concluding services will be at 1:30 o'clock in Multnomah ceme tery, Portland. Mrs. Matthews died at a local hospital IVednesday night First Teachers Hired FromWU Three Willamette university seniors In education have receiv ed teaching positions for next year according to announcement maae bv Irma Abbott, director. Mar garet L. Anderson of Portland will teach English at Umaplne, Ann Morris of Cave Junction will be at the Harrisburg high school te&chin Tngti and dramatics. and Dorothy Moore will teach so cial science and English , at the Seaside bixh school. To date these are the only graduates Who nave accepted teaching contracts. who have had commercial train Intf. The new scale of pay starts at $95 a month for stenographers and S90 for tmlsts. Applications may be secured at 22 employment offices. New Busses Placed in Service On Two Salem Street Routes First of two $6500 city transit type busses was operated on the Oregon Motor Stages' Salem street system Friday. The second will go into service today, R. W Lemen, company executive. reported. The new busses, which carry 27 seated passengers In con trast with 21 to 25 on the old type vehicles long used here, will be as signed regularly to the North and South Commercial street routes, including the Capitola run. Lemen said the new busses would speed up loading and un loading because they have both front and rear doors, controlled by ar. Location of the motor at the rear is expected to eliminate exhaust odors inside the busses. Another characteristic of the new busses Is their high head room and extra room for standing pas sengers. "These are about the finest equipment of this size and type that you can get," Lemen de clared. "We plan .to make other replacements with this type of equipment In Salem when we can get it but that may be a long tune." M Soil-Off Cloanscr ! LQivUJ A4 $1.X)i2 Gal. Sit that gTesM and grim erf oodwork or floors without much effort Just apply p Kb lightly with dMh elotH. tft Mtyr Crttty fctf4 . .. (3 Natural Sun-dried Fred Meyer I Drfod Clack Figs 9) 13. flffilO 'tat fUvorei su; . . Mti for mUd uaeook 4 sua drlM firs fj?r evwry Burner Mwettlt uy. frui Jfrr Qrry Mttttm r SWA W PHt Cj LJ L tjLi LJLJ Sliced BrealifasJ lacoa u, Mb . .. ,.. , - . -I Freshlf Ground Bf Tender,' Loin Beef ' . Sliced Dsaelen Gessiss Lcnii Dreasi o' Lani DM3 f.r l50 SlcaIiLb.290 .1 fZ$l'w; im Dbfcgna or fytyc Tf " flU0 ' 1 i. ii in i '-ii 7 Mll .. s & US nA?IPFEIVS BETTER J.IEATS" IN FZUIO IXETER FOOD STORE Ccachella Uhiie vm -.max lbs. Crisp, Appetizing Delicious in Thin Slices for Sandwiches Each These Evergreen White Spine cokes are fine for slicing:. 1 lbs. Ih-SJ Field grown, red ripe, luscious tomatoes Chock full of juice that thirst satisfy ing lemonade. LARGE 360 SIZE t ' ' i Fine for Baking, Cooking end Prying Swift's All -Sweet o"?' t .f'1 Margarino OCc Lb. lbs. 49i fStliL.- and fSSAl - At Att tr Mtyr Ciry !" ure Nay Safe! Stock Up New! 1 -ttr V' - V aotlouto fS)J nog. Do - Cotton Dish Cloth With Dcsh Lcrgo Pcslicga inairoiuiUaftGQ Soap .'0 w Rog. 4a VI. All for 12 deals for $2.19 now at this great saving. Boap that wm . soft suds 111 any kind ox water, utu elothina and is gentle on handi ltr. 11. At AM Frd Mrr Vrttry SHf NOTE THE SAVINQS ON MY-TE-FINE SOAP Dinso or Oxydol large, 23c Bine Package Super Snds, large 23 C Dnz Granulated Soap, large 23 C; $2.65 dozen Peels Grannlaled Soap, large 25 C; $2.29 dozen My-To-Pbo Grcr.ulatod I Rtf 8c Packigt My-Tt-FlM Cranulattd Soap With Each Package Jane Martin -Soap Flakct Reg. ZTe value Not The Savings on J ana Martin Soab Soap OIntSI:o 4SI S3XS Caco Note The Savings on T&y'Te'Fine Soap ff OXYDOL i fP OOC Giant Pkr. DwC 59c; $4.69 63c; 43c;?nS RINSO Giant Pkr. SUPER SUDS Giant Bine Pkr. PAS SOAP. Free Pottery la each packar e CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP CHIPS. GIANT Fred Meyer Grocery Section Case of S I for $3.69 IVORY FLAKES Larre Packare IVORY SNOW Larre Packare LUX FLAKES Larre Packare SWAN OR IVORY Larre Floatinr Soap SWAN OR IVORY Medium, Floatinr Soap 22c; 22 C; 23 c $2.59 dot. $2.59 dee. 10c 6 c Crystal While or P & G Laundry Soap, mid. 4c; $3.75 Palmolive Toilet Soap, regular 7 c Lux or Lilebuoy Toilet Soap, regular 7 c Camay, regular 7 c Sierra Pine Soap, regular 6c; 3 for 17c Guest Ivory Soap, regular 5 C Case 101 At Fred Meyer Grocery Section My-Tc-Fint Cream or Wkolo Kernel Corn Nf. X $ Dtfn Dan-Dec Marthmallowf 2Mb. JfU fr4 Mtyr Gry $ntln Nettle's Semi-Sweet Morsels or Bars 2"' 25' i Fr4 Mtyt Ortrf BtlH 4 My-Tc-Flne COFFED !4k ' Formay Shortening 3-!b. u to in Den-Dee Coffee, 20c lb. ShorUnlnr that U pur and arsamy. Ooffte that is msllow an Mid. Oraae rva ot cold. Always frtsh. FrU Mtyt Ortry $Hl Idtal for an fryimr, takinr . . rraad for plos ,cakM aad oth.r pitrli. Mixta w.ll and oasUy with all in gredient. Ff4 Mtyn trry ttttltM MY-TE-FINE EXTRA LARGE RIPE OLIVES, meaty and juicy, pint 19c My-Te-Fine Sweet or Natural Grapefruit Juice, No. 2a 9c; Z for 25c; 98c dz. PRESIDENT HOT SAUCE, made with pure vine-ripened tomatoes, 8-oz. 6c; S for 17c AMOUR'S CORNED BEEF, delicious meat treat, 12-ounce 28c WHITE ROVER DOG FOOD, for all ages and breeds of dogs, la, 8 for 25c; 95c dr. FRED MEYER BLUE ROSE RICE, Ideal for soups or puddings, 8 lbs. 25c PIERCE'S CATSUP, makes any meat dish taste better, No. 2tf, 19c; 8 for 55f K A RICE FEAST, makes vegetable soup taste better, regular 10c; 2 for 19c PRESIDENT. COFFEE, vacuum sealed, drip or regular, 1 lb. 28c TEA GARDEN DRIPS, pure and sweet, for delicious cakes, 24-ounce, 27c GREEN SPOT GREEN BEANS, ! juicy and tender. No. 2s, 15c JDENNISON'S CHIU CON CARNE WITH BEANS, No. Is, 17e; 8 for 50c My-Te-lFne Halved Elberta Freestont Peaches, No. 2ia, 18c; 6 for $1.05 Salem Food Sections Will Be Closed Memorial Day, Saturday, Hay 30lh. Open Friday for Your Con venience 0:C3 A. 11 until 10:03 P. IL Drug Section Will Dc Open Ilemorial Day Not Too Sweet . . Not Too Tart . . Makes Any Breakfast Teste Better 1 1 1 VALl GRAPEFRUIT Crc!icn Socmsnh $1.17 Dox. $2.29 Ctsa Bti tho dor rUb dallcious, frah tast ; ing gTapofratt. . . Wakoo up slwpy appo tltes . . hoalthful aad tasty, lino quality fruit . . solid brokoa oegmonta, Vtry food , la froth vtUbl salads, oJm. frd Hmyr C y $mthm - Wkeafi Quiek and Economical Dessert Junkot Freezing Mia 3 pkf- 23e Tour flavors from which to shoots. Dosoort that Is oaslly mado aad cost so Uttlo. At AM tri Mtym CroMrjr Mttlmtl with each package of or Bice Spasliies Isr ili 8-Page Orphan Annie Comic Book absolutely FREE with purchase of Wheat Sparkles or Quaker Rice Sparkles. Boy one of each and get two books. v ' At Fred Bleyer Grocery Section l- . WICB tOOD FRIDAY THROUGH MONDAY 1 1QCAU.Y OVJNEDOPcRATED T1TT f r - iii (mm a Food BIdg: - 170 N. Liberty '