The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 22, 1942, Page 10, Image 10

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Ilui OBEGOn STATESMAN. Salm Orcein. Fiidar Moniliig. May 22.' 181
Sisters Will .
Be Guests
At Tea.
- Two attractive sisters, Mrs.
Robert G. Brady, jr., and Miss
Ruth Anunsen, daughters of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Severne Anun
sen, will be the honor guests at
a tea on Saturday afternoon
when Mrs. . James T. Brand,
Mrs; David Wright and Mrs.
Bay A. Yocom entertain at the
former's home on North Sum
; xner street' .''v'.',
Several hundred matrons and
maids have been invited to call
between the hours of 3 and 3
Mrs. Brady will be remember
i ed as Jean Anunsen before her
. wedding in March. Invitations
were received Thursday for the
marriage of Miss Ruth Anunsen
and Mr. Thomas Burton Hill, jr., .
which will be an event of Sun
day, May 31, at the First Con
gregational church at 4 o'clock
.with a reception following in the
' church parlors.
. Lions Auxiliary
Elect Officers
Mrs. - La Verne Young was
. elected president of the Salem
Lions auxiliary at the luncheon
meeting held Thursday - after
noon at Godfrey's. Other officers
, ars Mrs. J. K. Hubbard, vice
. president; Mrs. Charles Strick
f adden, treasurer, . and Mrs.
Floyd Seamster, secretary. The
officers installed at the
June meeting.'
After the luncheon the group
met at the home of Mrs. C. F.
Putnam and hostesses were Mrs.
Estill Brunk, Mrs. Douglas Yea
ter.and Mrs. James L. Cooke.
Mrs. W. Vernon Gilmore was
welcomed as a new member.
Members attending were Mrs.
Russell Beutler, Mrs. Percy
Blundell, Mrs. Floyd Bowers,
Mrs. J. L. Cooke, Mrs. Wayne
! Doughton, Mrs. Walter Dry, Mrs.
A. L. FJvin, Mrs,. Jacob Fuhrer,
Mrs. J. K. Hubbard, Mrs. Joe
Land, Mrs. Edward Majek,
Mrs. Robert McEwan, Mrs. C.
I . Putnam, Mrs. John Ramage,
Mrs. Harry Scott, Mrs. L. J.
Stewart and Mrs. Earl Duchien.
Visitors in the capital are Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Peters (Vir-
; ginia Cross) and daughter, Ju
dith, of Lakeview. They are
. guests for several days of Mrs.
Peters' mother, Mrs. Curtis B.
.M: this nirs flus can-designed prints. Eacl
T l ni TE CE if - Sis!" 1 " backed by simple, ec
3oktfw: cot' cosl I . v ; tested m .
"Club Meet
Slated for
Salem Woman's club mem
bers will gather at the club
house Saturday afternoon for
the last meeting of the year.
Mrs. George Herbert Swift, the.
retiring president, will preside
at the 2:30 o'clock session. A
board meeting will precede at 2
Mrs. I. M. Schannep, third dis
trict president, will install the
newly elected officers. Mrs. Her-,
bert Rahe is the new president
and Mrs. J. Deane Patterson,
vice president.
- Reports will be made by de
partment heads and special com
mittees. Miss Eula McCully,
Mrs. C. C. Clark and Mrs. David
Wright headed the revised con
stitution committee and the con
stitution will be voted on at the
meeting as well as the 1942-43
Mrs. Harold Zosel will pre
sent a group of her kindergarten
students in a musical program.
Mrs. J. E. Kirk heads the tea
committee and presiding at the
tea urns will be Mrs. Thorne H.
Hammond and Miss Hattie Brat
zel, president and president
elect, of the Salem Junior Wom
an's club.
The Ladies auxiliary to the
carpenter's union met on" Wed
nesday afternoon for the weekly
Red Cross sewing session. Mrs.
Harry Johnson was hostess at
her home.
Miss Jo Love Lehmer, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Leh
mer, has been initiated into Beta
Epsilon Phi, honorary radio so
ciety, on the Stephens college
campus, Columbia, Mo.
jil j
Busy days ahead! Days filled with de-;
fense work, with training for qew
duties, with all sorts of activities that
result in general wardrobe wear-and
tear. You'll need plenty of fresh new
clothes this Spring. Get them on the
thrifty American Plan-by scwing-your
own with the aid of the new Anne
Adams Pattern Book for Spring, 1942.
. This brilliant book, just off the press,
is packed with exactly the right sort of
smart yet practical things. There are
. trim tailored suits and dresses gala
evening gowns for his "on leave" nights
. ..cotton xroocs in tne news . . . American-designed
prints. Each style shown
nient to order by
fatten Department, 24 West lltb Street, N
The 1101
Ann Judson circle, First Bap
tist, 7:30 p. m.
Merry Minglers, no-host lunch
eon, Mrs. Louis Brown, 12 30 p. m.
Pan-American class, Salem Wo
man's club, Mrs. Clifton Mudd,
1713 North Capitol street
Fidelia class of - Jason Lee
church with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
KlempeL 3213 Center street, S p.
""Neighbors of Woodcraft, 142
South High street. Bed Cross
sewing. 10 a.m.
Salem Woman's club meeting,
2:30 p.m., board meeting, 2 p.m.
Leslie PTA, school, 7:49 p. m.
Oregon State coUege mothers,
Mrs. Wilmer Page, 1623 Cheme
keta street, one o'clock covered
dish luncheon.
Salem Council of Church worn
eh, executive meeting, 2 pjn.,
Alpha Mu Delphian, Mrs.
George Rossman, 910 North Capi
tol street 9:30 a.m.
Women's Union. First Congre
gational church, all day meeting.
Shower Honors
Miss Bligh
Miss Margaret Ann Bligh,
who will be married on June 6
to Mr. Casper Schweigert, was
the honor guest at a bridal
shower Tuesday night when
Mrs. Guido Batliner entertained
at her home on Highland ave
nue. Games were in play during
the evening and refreshments
were served by the hostess. A
miscellaneous shower feted the
Honoring Miss Bligh were Mrs.
Frank Bligh, Mrs. Anna Bligh,
Mrs. George Schweigert, sr.,
Mrs. Joseph Schweigert, Mrs.
George Schweigert, jr., Mrs.
Thurs Lindstrom jr., Mrs. Rob
ert Siewert, Mrs. Thomas
Schweigert, Mrs, Nick Schwei
gert, Miss Dorothy Cooke, Miss
Elsie Schneider, Miss Sybil
Brown, Miss Anna Schweigert
and Mrs. Batliner.
economical, pre
that s quick and conve
Yotk, 1. YV
Party Given
For Young
Mrs. Claybourne Dyer and
Mrs. Robert C. Cannon were
the honor guests at a surprise
party Thursday night when Mrs.
Grover W. Hillman entertained
at her home on South -Church
Guests were seated at small
tables for a dessert supper and
contract bridge was in play dur
ing the evening.
A pink, blue and white color,
scheme was carried but in the
decorations with arrangements
of snapdragons, iris, carnations,
roses, sweet peas and forget-me-nots
used on the . tables and
about the rooms. A shower hon
ored Mrs. Dyer and Mrs. Can
non. Guests were Mrs. Claybourne
Dyer, Mrs. Robert Cannon, Mrs.
Joseph Devers, jr, Mrs. James
H. Nicholson, jr., Mrs. Harry
Wiedmer, Mrs. Lester Carter,
Mrs. Harvey Quistad, Mrs. Rus
sell Woodward, Mrs. William
Dyer, jr., Mrs. Meredith Hug
gins, Miss Dorothy Blaisdell,
Miss Maxine McKillop and Miss
Barbara Williams.
Music Teachers
Plan Meet
Members of the Salem dist
rict of the Oregon Music Teach
ers' association met Wednesday
noon at the Argo for a com
bined business meeting and
luncheon. Miss Dorothy Pearce
presided at the meeting at which
officers were elected. All pres
ent officers were retained with
the exception of Mrs. Jessie
Bush Mickelson, vice president,
who tendered her resignation.
Mrs. Mary Talmadge Headrick
was elected to fill her place.
Miss Frances Virginie Melton,
state president of the OMTA,
spoke breifly about the conven
tion to be held in Portland June
15 and 16. Eminent music lec
turers and outstanding musical
talent from the organization will
fill the two days with worth
while events.
Miss Margaret Hogg, state
syllabus chairman, rem i n d e d
teachers and students of the ex
aminations to be held May 28
at the Willamette music build
ing. Mr. Carl Denton of Port
land will be adjudicator.
The Iva F. Turner memorial
contest for violin and piano stu
dents will be held this year on
June 4 at Willamette. All en
tries should be in the hands of
Mrs. Mable Powers, chairman,
by May 30.
Vocal Recital
Is Tonight
Donna Unruh, assisted by
Marylyn Wyatt and Gladys Ed
gar, accompanist, will appear
tonight at the Calvary Baptist
church in the following recital.
Miss Unruh is ; a pupil of Lena
Belle Tartar, Miss Wyatt of Mrs.
David Eason.
Wldmung , Franz
Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt?
:.. . Tschaikowsky
Ich liebe dich Grieg
Recitative and Aria from "St.
Paul" Mendelssohn
Aria from "The Elijah"
. Mendelssohn .
Piano Group Miss Wyatt
Sometimes I Feel Like a Mother
less Child A rr. Fisher
Were Vou There? Arr. Burleigh
Sweet Little Jesus Boy MacGimsey
There Are Fairies at the Bottom of
Our Garden Lehman
Two Little Shoes Mana-Zucca
The Elf-Man i Wells
Slated for this afternoon Is
the silver iris tea for which
members of the Salem Heights
Garden club will be hostesses at
the home of Dr., and Mrs. Fred
erick Hill Thompson on Schur
man road. Interested townspeo
ple and Garden club members
are invited to call between 2 and
5 o'clock.
Mrs. Glenn Faxson has invited
members of her club to a salad
luncheon and afternoon of cards
today at her suburban home.
Mrs. Earl Cooley and Mrs. Gard
ner Knapp will be special guests.
Hartzell has announced the date
of her wedding as Sunday, May
24. She will be married at a
simple ceremony to William
Stark at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stark
of Vancouver. !
Dorothy has made her home
with her aunt, Mrs. Chester
Doolittle, for the past three
years. Before that she lived with
her parents in Ipswich, SD. Bill
has been a student at Willam
ette but is now: working at Camp
Adair. - ; " ,; ,
. The young people will reside
in Salem.
- ' . ; . ;
AURORA Mr. and Mrs.
William Kraus , celebrated their
60th wedding anniversary Sun
day on the farm near here
where they have lived since
their marriage. ;Mr. Kraus is 88
and Mrs. Kraus 82 years" old.
Only two of their six daughters
are living, The" guests were Mrs.
Charles Becke, Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Grim, Mr. and Mrs. John
Kraus, Mrs. L. G." Giesy,f Mr.
and Mrs. A. W4 Kraus, Mrs. Ed
Vadnias, ' Portland, Dr. B. , F.
Giesy, Miss Lotus Giesy, Mr.
and Mrs. Willard Hunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Hunt, Mrs. Del and
Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. P. J.
Hunt '.' ". A V- : V - -
Mrs. LitWiller
Is Hostess
Mrs. Frank Litwiller, sr, en
tertained with a May breakfast
Tuesday morning at her home
on Glenn Creek drive. Roees
and other spring flowers pro
vided the decorative note.
Guests were Mrs. James Da
vis, Mrs. Eugene Krebs, Mrs.
Paul Knapp, Mrs. C. E. Salter,
Mrs. C C. Edwards, Mrs. W.
W. Hess, Mrs. Stella Hoff er, Mrs.
L. I. Flathers and Mrs. Frank
Litwiller, jr., of Portland.
Recent Bride
Is Feted
Mrs. George Neuman (Eloise
Elliott), who was married in
April, was the honor guest at a
bridal party Wednesday night
when Miss Anna Mae Willis,
Miss Florence Eakin and Miss
Delia Briney entertained at the
former's home.
A miscellaneous shower hon
ored the bride and refreshments
were served . by the hostesses.
The table centerpiece was of
white snapdragons flanked by
red tapers.
Guests were Mrs. Neuman,
Mrs. Warren Keeney, Mrs. Elsie
Shellenberger, Mrs. Zella Sfclraw,
Mrs. Virginia Meyers, Mrs. Neil
Fleming, Mrs. Glen MeieTs, Mrs.
Margaret Willis, Mrs. Warren
Fanning, Miss LoRee Hyde, Miss
Audrey MayhalL Miss Janet Fry,
Miss Mildred Yetter and the
Mrs. Neuman plans to leave
June 1 for San Francisco to join
her husband, where he is sta
tioned with the navy.
Pianists in
As a conclusion of her year of
teaching piano, Miss Frances
Virginie Melton has arranged a
music festival for this afternoon
and tonight, in which her pupils
and several assisting musicians,
will participate.
An informal program has been
planned for the afternoon at 3
o'clock, and a formal recital will
begin in the evening at 8. The
festival will be held in the Car
rier room of the Methodist
Miss Melton's piano students
are: Carolyn Brady, Margaret
Forsythe, Marie DeHarpport,
Gerry Kelley, Gaylord Thissell,
Richard Unruh, Margie Scand-
ling, . Amelia Lloyd Hinz, Jean
Claire Swift, Roger Fogelquist,
Marjorie Lundahl, Jean Fidler,
Pauline Wallace, Rosemary Gai
ser, Evelyn Johnson, Alice Rose
and Grace DeHarpport.
Assisting will be Nancy Wal
lace, soprano, pupil of Josephine
Albert Spaulding and Mary Ann
Brady, pupil of Lena Belle Tar
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hague,
jr., and small son, Scott Earl,
and Mrs. Leon Perry left by car
Thursday afternoon for Califor
nia for a week's visit. The
Hagues will visit with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wagey
in Berkeley, and Mrs. Perry will
be the guest of her mother and
brother, Mrs. Florence Marsden
and Mr. Warner Marsden in Los
Mrs. Roy H. Mills will enter
tain members of her club at a
bridge luncheon this afternoon
at her Court street home.
Leaving today for Sunnyside,
Wash., to make their home are
Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes and
small daughter, Jerilynn.
Mrs. Frank V. Prime will pre
side at a bridge luncheon this
afternoon at her State street
home for members of her club.
The Women's Bible class of
the First Methodist church will
hold its monthly meeting at the
home of Mrs. Joe Carruthers on
route six, Friday at 2 o'clock.
Bill Phillips, who Is stationed
at Fort Stevens, spent two days
in Salem this week with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William L.
Phillips. ,
WOODBURN Mrs. William A.
Smith was hostess to the WCTU
at the Methodist parsonage for
the May meeting Friday. The de
votionals were under the direction
of Mrs. B. O. Brown. A request
was made by the county presi
dent, Mrs. W. A. Barkus, to hold
an institute in Woodburn in the
near future. The request was
granted and further arrangements
will be announced later.
' During the program Mrs. Eliza
beth S h a n b e c k and Mrs. Ida
Shrock .sang "My Mother's Pray
er." Mrs. Smith accompanied at
the piano.
Mr. and Mrs., Smith have re
cently returned from an extended
eastern' trip and the WCTU gave
them a welcome home.
on "certain day$"cf month
If functional . monthly ; disturb
ance mk you nervous, restless,
hignstrunf, cranky, blue, at such
times try Lydia E. Pisxham's
Vegetable Compound. Famous to
help relieve such pain and nervous
feelings of women's "difficult
J - m -- - - - at a
autja. - r yiajw j&uei GirecuouS. . .. .
Is Honor
Guest , '
Miss Marjorie Van DeWalker
is the incentive for much enter
taining in 4he days prior to her
marriage on May 31 to Mr. Ken
neth Sherman of Spokane.
Mrs. Mervin Brink and Mrs.
William Thome, jr., were host
esses for a surprise party in
honor of the bride-elect Thurs
day night at the former's home
on East Nob Hill. Sharing honors
with Miss Van DeWalker was
Mrs. Douglas Sharp, a visitor in
the captal.
Bridge was in play during the
evening and crystal bowls filled
with' roses decorated the rooms.
A filled sewing basket was pre
. sented to the bride-elect and
centerpieces for the supper tables
were nosegays of colored thread
encircled with paper doilies.
Honoring Miss Van DeWalker
and Mrs. Sharp were Mrs. Robert
Rieder, Mrs. Robert Gentzkow,
Mrs. Roy Ferris, Mrs. C. Ronald
Hudkins, Mrs. WJlliam Thome,
jr.; and Mrs. Mervin Brink.
Mrs. L. J. Bayes has invited
guests to a dessert luncheon on
Saturday afternoon at her home '
for the pleasure of-Miss Van De
Walker. Mrs.. Robert Rieder, Mrs. R.
Franklin Thompson and Miss
Bertha Babcock entertained with
a dessert supper for the bride-to-be
Wednesday night at the for
mer's home on South Liberty
street. Guests were seated at
small tables centered with bou
quets of forget-me-nots and Ce
cile Brunner roses. Bridge was
in play during the evening and
a miscellaneous shower honored
Miss Van DeWalker.
Gladys Doss
Mr. and Mrs. W. W- Doss are
announcing the engagement of
their daughter, Miss Gladys
Doss, to Mr. Richard Oraw, son
of Mr. and Mrs. -Gustav Oraw,
all- of Salem. No plans have
been made for the wedding.
Miss Doss and her fiance at
tended Salem schools and she is
employed at Miller Mercantile
company. Mr. Oraw is connected
with the Oregon Pulp and Paper
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Compton
(Ruth Starr) are the parents of
a son born May 19 at the Sa
lem General hospital.
Easy on the Feet,
Ndf no brack,
in 9 in; mocctiin
to, tiro cord
tolos and htl.
Shock lost, do
signtd to oBmi
Mte jolts and
j o r s. Goodytor
wort conttructioo
White and
bine stripe 8
ii. denim,
hixh back, ex
tra roomy.
Sizes SI to 44.
PANTS 7179
rSo(rfor!nd cot- I I
too drill with LI v
bostMil drill
pockets. 29.44.
l Sooforiiod ooa
doth. Two caost
pockets. 14 to 17.
'Maximum fobrlo shrink Wtt
AOR 1.- A: -
Phones 9192-93-94
Cord Jf 1
IIS, MB ft w n
Business and Professional r Club to
Hear CoL Des Islets Speak
Members of the Salem Busl- ?
ness and Professional Women's
dub and guests are planning a
dinner meeting Tuesday for
which the main speaker will be
Lt. -CoL R. E. Des Islets, com
. mander at Camp Adair. Pior to
his present assignment, Lt CoL'
Des Islets was responsible head
of construction and operation of.
the physical features of Bonne-j
ville dam. - j
The military head' of Camp:
Adair Is busy and It is a big
surprise to those dose to him
that he is able to handle the
mass of detail which goes daily
through his office. He has time,
to smile, tell a good story, or,
listen equally well, but is also'
able to be "the hard-boiled'
colonel of army tradition. 1
Upon graduation 'from West
Point in 1926. he "immediately, ,
went Into a building job for the T
army. He was assigned to Fort j
Bliss after a period with troops r
on the Mexican border and laid
out the new post On the side,
he assisted in counter espionage
along the Mexican border, and it
was through the efforts of him
and his associates that a revolu
tion was avoided. They predict
ed within two hours the time
planned for the beginning of
; the revolution, thus making- it
possible to frustrate these plans
without interference of US
troops and forestalling diplo
matic concussions on both sides
of the border.
He then attended the engi
neering technical school at Ft.
Belvoir, Va. Upon graduation,
Lt. Col. Des Islets went to Ha
waii on an assignment which
included some engineering in
reorganization of defense lay-
outs. Upon returning from the
Islands, the colonel was assign
ed as an instructor of ROTC
cadets at Auburn university,
Ala., where he imparted mili
tary engineering to men who
are now fellow officers on ac
tive duty. Although his job
there was military engineering,
Lt Col. Des Islets saw even
more in the responsibility of
character building in the young
men of the south and now re
cites many pleasant memories
' of the development of these ca
dets from college freshmen- to
officers in the army. ; ;
Ability of the Camp Adair
commandant was recognized by
the war department following
the Auburn assignment, when
he was ordered to attend the
commanding general's staff
school, the height of army rec
Sturdily Made to
"Good Luck" SHOE
HortohioV upport
otitt moisturo,
p tit bio loothor
toloi. 4 to 12.
FvH I g t h oHthSootooj
shock tbtorbti v o r y
top. Goodyoor worts,
fWiiblo loothor solos. -
Sturdily m d o SQ
to givo lots of sji
woor. 4 to 12.
Men's Double Duty
Wonted white T Oft
bock bh.od.nim, I I Jf
b art a eked at I! .
strain points.
High beck style.
Same sturdy fabric aa
'veralls. 4 :OQ
Coat style. JL o7
CI Slale SL, Salca0rc. -
" Open Saturday Till 9 P. BL
ognition and the goat of all ca
reer officers in the army. The
school is at FL Leavenworth,
Kas., and technique of admin
istration, tactics and handling of
troops up to 125,000 on one
mission is included in the course.
Completion of this school is
necessary to the higher ranks
in the army. :
Col. Des Islets has, had inter
est in athletics in the past and
has an impressive sports record
of bis own. Besides football and
track at West 'Point, he went to
Paris and Amsterdam in 1924
and 1928 as a high hurdler in
the Olympic team representing
his country. He coached army
athletics on the side on. many
m m A M A
last year, Jed his league as a
hitter in soft ball with his Bon
neville team.
Mrs. Des Islets will accompany
CoL Des Islets to Salem Tues
day night.
Today's Menu .
Menu For Today
Halibut with a special sauce
will be the piece de resistance of
the day's meaL
Green onions, radishes
l,i Halibut
Fresh green spinach
Baked potatoes
Rhubarb sauce
Place halibut in a baking dish
and almost cover with milk, sea
son and dot witn butter ana put
two or three bay leaves on top.
Add a few sprigs of parsley and
bake an hour in a medium oven.
Baste frequently. Serve with thm
following sauce. Make a rich
1 1 i ix i
wnue sauce ana give u a gooa
dash of red pepper. Empty the
contents of a small can of grapes
in the sauce and serve very hot
over the fish.
Marshmallow Is
This simple dessert combines
fruits with marshmallows.
24 cups orange slices
cups banana slices
i cup quartered marshmal
lows M cup orange juice
Chill and serve. Serv es 8.
Take Hard Wear
MiciiiIi too
stylo With "llOft-
tlid" cord tok
and kooU
Loothor iltrm
wott loopi
shtnk for support. 1 11111
Sooforrsod white
kootsoil drill
High bock stylo
with 2 hit) pock
oh, doubfo knees.
Molt skins
Hick and fray "
itr'pod petterm, ;
oxportry toilorod.
: ,
M 1 1 k y, snfor -
hod cotton.
Seetseil drill
pockors. rt-44.