A Indians Tilt WINNING AS A HEAVY By Sords In eats, 13-12 Take lid T welve H. Salem. Oregon, Thursday u Cleveland's great Bob Feller joins the navy and the Indians proceed to do everything the experts said they wouldn't do, and are giving the Yanks more than a little worry. Now Johnny Rigney, ace of the Chicago White Sox staff, has gone into the( navy, too, and the Sox, flounder as they did for the first three weeks of the season, are now finally under way and on their 'way up the ladder. Both ace hurlers gone, but both clubs going better than when they wore the You figure that one out The first piece of Spokane's "new deal" will report to the Indians today at Spokane. Se attle has optioned Earl Torger son to the Jacobs-clan. Clark's Reason Why Clark Shaughnessy, the famous Model T Cinderella man," who made the sudden shift from Stan ford to Maryland, says the reason lor his surprise move was sim ply because he "was unwilling to Co on teaching football as a form of spectator recreation. Recrea tion is fine, but there is no recrea tion to be found in a gun or bay onet now." Shangnessy believes football will fit the war program to a T." so to speak. "Football is , essentially a form of war, in volving body contact, speed, .. precision, strategy tnd a set of tactics. It also involves being knocked down and knocking- the other gay flat. Bat football limited to 50 players loses its value. It is a sport in which every boy can be taught to block, tackle, fall, jump and ' work in unison with other boys. To me, It Is the best croup preparation for military service that can be found. "Maybe I'm prejudiced, but I think the "T" formation is the perfect tool for our purpose of having as many turn out for foot ball at Maryland as possible, be cause it places no premium on size and gives the little fellow chance." Net Suits for Solons ' Our Senators may or may not w in alot "of ball games on the road trip they're now on, but they'll not havefto take a second to any club in the league for per sonal appearances. The club decked; est in "new" road uni forms at least new last season to the Wenatchee Chiefs. The classy grays were purchased re cently, and those of you who. re member just how the Chiefs were attired last summer will also re call that said attire was consider r ably, unlike their actual playing. The suits are nifties. The uni's are piped with a red and1 blue stripe and have blue sleeves. The sox are of deep blue .with red ring stripes. The W-E-N-A-.T-C-H-E-E that accom panied them was ripped off, and a block "S" in a circle was sewed on.; . ' " .'Coarse considerable difficulty was experienced in trying to fit little Del Schroer, Joe Gonzales and -Curly Leinlnger with the tent-like outfits once sported by big Gypsy Bonettl, Al Libke. ' and Earl Torgerson, but a few tacks here and there with an occasional safety pin did the trick. At least the suits were 100 per cent better than those the boys have been wearing. It has been said from many sources that the fans in the Spokane bleachers had a lovely view of Clint Cameron's sliding pads, etc., after Clint slid once In the series over there. The new suits will at least save ' an adhesive tape bill, top, as most of the old suits weren't sewed to gether they had to be taped. 'Cat Trackmen Off for Meet Nine Willamette uni v e r s i t y track' and field athletes, and their acting . coach, Paul Cookingham, weightman, too, will; leave for Walla Walla today to participate in the annual Northwest confer ence championships. -. :rS: Those who will compete for the Bearcats are Cookingham, ; Glenn Nordqulst, Ken Lilly, ". John Maey, Elmer Abel. Ronald Xunyan; Bob Bally Keith Nash and Don Burton. ' Whitman still remains the fav orite to cop the meet for the sec ond straight year, although . the Missionaries were defeated, " as was Willamette, by Portland umV versity. . --.-, "V .'- Bearcat Netters Drop lllatclies to Webfoots EUGEN E, May 20-(-The University', of Oregon's tennis leam squeezed pa s t Willamette aniversity -4-3 -Wednesday .before Veaving lor the northern division thampionship meet at Pullman, wash.-'-..- 'C--.' Oregon's . freshman team made clean sween against the Wil y-mette yearlings, 7-0. AL LIGHTNER Statesman Sports Editor Morning. May 21. 1942 Dan suits they Decame iamous in Leads Army Nine Morrie ArnoVich, former National league batting star, Is now man ager of the Fort Lewis, Wash, baseball team. Whits Prepare For Bearcat Ball Invasion WHITMAN COLLEGE, Walla Walla, May 20-(Special)-Assum-ing they are going to meet Wil lamette, Whitman's Missionaries made final preparations Wednes day for the Northwest conference champions hip baseball series opening here Thursday night. Jim . Forsyth, Lefty j,Fosterman and Ken Benham are expected to pitch for ' the Missions, who will be out to defend the title they won from Willamette last season. Forsyth and Benham tossed vic tories in the series last year. Tight pitching battles are ex pected between the Mission mound trio and Willamette's "Big Three" Earl Toolson, Bill Hanauska and Jack Rich ards. Toolson and Hanauska dropped decisions here last spring, but Richards salvaged the final game for the 'Cats with a neat two-hit job. Whitman won the right to ap pear in tne piayoii Dy Dealing College of Idaho in 11 games out of 12, the Missions now boasting record in regular contests of 28 wins and nine losses. WHITMAN COLLEGE, Walla Walla. May Z0- Special) -Only one Northwest conference rec ord will be in any great danger when the circuit's track and field stars clash here Friday af ternoon in the annual cinder meet. Cammy Echanis, Whitman ace half miler, has run the 880 many times in less than 2 min utes, his best mark being 1:59.5, and he may be able to crack the conference record of 2:00.5. set by McDonald of Col lege of Puget Sound in 1939. :?WW!WW,'t Nova, Savold Battle Tonight for Still Remain Far By WHITNEY MARTIN 1 Wide World Sports Columnist NEW YORK, May 20-Our No. 1 and No. 10 disappointments get together Thursday night at Wash ington in a what-of-it boxing bout, with the winner qualifying to fall in line behind Joe Louis. One of them already has fallen in front of him. The redeeming feature of the show is that the navy relief fund will benefit. : The No. 1 disappointment is Lou Nova, the gent we thought could beat Louis, not knowing . the big bubble was so well co ordinated that when he stuck his chin out he went out all oyer, and nearly out of the ring, at that. - ' : No. 10 is Lee Savold, whem we thought would go very far in deed after seeing him in his first New York appearance, and who subsequently went far, but in the wrong direction. Nos, 2, 3 and 4 currently are the Cincinnati Reds, and the others before getting down to Savold we won't bother to list right now. " -Unless Louis knocked more out of Nova than consciousness, .we think Lou slfbuld out-lumble the shriveled lowan. Savold was in Hated to about 250 pounds dur ing an absence from the ring, but got back to the 180s and now is Cardinals Halt Doi Drive Cooper Bests Wyatt In Sizzling Mound Battle on 2 Hits BROOKLYN, May 2Q-(JPy-Two of the top righthanders in the Na tional league collided Wednesday in one of the most dazzling pitch ing duels of the young season and when Mort Cooper and Whit Wyatt had finished firing the St. Louis Cardinals held a 1 to 0 triumph over the Brooklyn Dod gers. It was the first time this year the National league champions had been shut out and it halted their eight-game winning streak. The big Red Bird star gave up only two singles, never let a Dodger get past first base and altogether pitched to Just SO batters. Wyatt pitched four-hit ball in rebuttal, but one of these blows was a triple by Catcher Walker Cooper, Mort's younger brother, in the fifth inning, and a fly to center by Frank Crespi . brought him home with the game's only run. St Louis 000 010 0001 4 1 Brooklyn 000 000 0000 2 0 M. Cooper & W. Cooper; Wyatt and Owen. Lamanno Still Rapping As Gncy Beats Phils PHILADELPHIA, May 20-UP) Ray Lamanno, the rookie catcher who is leading the National lea gue batsmen, considerably f a t -tened his average Wednesday with a perfect day at the plate as the Cincinnati Reds whipped the Phils 10-3. ! His home run with the bases loaded in the third was backed U i with a single and a triple. Cin. ...215 000 01110 13 0 Phil 000 020 100 3 6 2 Starr and Lamanno; Hughes, Pearson (3) and; Warren. Boston Holds Second With Wirt Over Bucs ' BOSTON, May 20-()-The Boston Braves Clung to second place in the Natknal league stan ding Wednesday; by defeating the Pittsburgh Pirates, 4-3, when Paul Waner drew a base on balls with the sacks loaded in the tenth inning, forcing home the winning tally. Credit for the triumph went to John Saini who relieved starting Hurler I Tom Ear ley in the ninth, enabling him to chalk up his second victory In a relief assignment In as many days. Pitts 010 010 001 03 6 1 Boston 00D 021 000 14 8 0 Sewell and Phelps; Earley, Sain (9) and Lombardi. Chicago Clubs Giants NEW YORK, May 2Q-(JP) With Claude Passeau starting the rally with a home run, the Chicago Cubs struck from be hind in the late Innings Wed nesday to beat the New York Giants 6 to 3. Chicago 000 002 3016 12 1 NY 209 010 0003 11 1 Passeau and McCulIough; Carpenter and Berres. American Association: All games postponed, weather. Jeer Victory by 1-0 Inferior to Brown Bomber a trim figure of a,, tighter. Nova, if you forget his show ing against Louis, something we wish we could haven't been so bad. It's true bis feet try to do a right-face and a left-face at the same time. He lumbers about with the grace of an ele phant in hip boots. Some of his gestures In the ring look like they came out of The Charge of - the Light Brigade." eighth-grade commencement' edition. But he is big, and strong, and rugged. He u tan punch . hard enough, although he let us down against Louis by not trying to punch. His biggest fault is that anybody with a boxing license can hit him. We " still carry a vivid memory of the large loogan lead ing witht a wide, poker-armed left swing, with his right foot ad vanced. If Louis hadn't been back in Alabama or somewhere for the moment the . fight would have ended right there; , .. . -We sometimes think Lou prided himself on his' ability to take punches, and ; consequently ; was careless. If so, he should be cured by now. The punch Louis put him down with was the hardest, clean est punch we i ever saw. Savold couldn't match it with a black jack. But even though Nova never will see, or rather not see, another 39 Hits Blasted out As Solons Blow Burton Swope Is Victim By AL LIGHTNER Statesman Sports Editor I The Spokane Indians and our Senators got to play but one of their three scheduled games at George E. Waters park this week, and then tried to get all three into the one tilt, battling 12 torrid heats before Spokane scored two runs to clinch a 13 to 12 victory Wednesday night. The Sock Solons came back in their half of the 12th for a single tally when' Warren smashed a Angels Smack Bevos in 12 Inning Game PORTLAND, Ore., May 20-() Los Angeles put the Portland Beavers deeper into the Pacific Coast league baseball cellar Wed nesday night but the league lead ers were forced to go 12 innings for their 6-4 victory. Los Angel 300 000 001 002-6 16 1 Portland ..200 002 000 000-4 9 0 Mallory, Gerhman (3), Adams (9) and Todd; Campbell (9), Lis ka, Schaefer (12) and Leovich, Castro (12). HOLLYWOOD, May 20 -(JP) The Score: Sacramento ..204 501 010-13 20 2 Hollywood ....102 001080-12 18 2 Wicker, Pintar (3), Schmidt (8), Donnelly (9) and Mueller, Marshall (7); Root, Osborne (4), Erautt (9) and BrenzeL OAKLAND, May 20 -(&) Night game: San Diego 210 000 000-3 10 Oakland 000 001 000-1 6 I Olsen and Detore; Pippen, Yel ovic (8) and Glenn. SEATTLE, May 20 -(P)First night game: San Francisco 200 000 025-9 8 1 Seattle 010 000 100-2 8 2 Joyce and Sprinz; Ogrodowski (8) ; Soriano, Scribner (8), Libke (9) and Collins. SEATTLE, May t0-(JP) Sec ond game: San Francisco ... 001 030 0-4 9 Seattle 000 002 0-2 4 Jansen and Ogrodowski; Bev ens, Budnick (7); and Beard. Brownies Take Arc Contest From Nats ST. LOUIS, May 20 -()- The St. Louis Browns, playing the first game under lights here this season, shelled three Washington pitchers for 10 hits and a 10 to 1 decision Wednesday night at Southpaw Al Hbllingsworth hand cuffed the Senators with six scattered hits. (Night game) Washington ..000 001 000- 1 6 At St. Louis 003 040 21-10 10 Wynn and Evans; Hollinsworth, Carrasquel, Kennedy and Ferrell. Parrish Whips Leslie In Intramural Windup Frank Brown's Parrish Pio neers polished off the current City Intramural softball season Wednesday afternoon with a I to 2 win over the Leslie Mission aries. Parrish 3 7 Leslie 2 7 i Far low and Vincent; Clark and Bales. Right to like it, it undoubtedly discouraged the idea he could set himself up as an animated punchboard and get away with It, - Savold looked - like a 1-A -fighter the first time, we saw him. It's true , the opposition wasn't too much. The target 'was Jim Robinson, as we recall, but it should be Jack Robinson, as he usually goes out quicker than you can say it. Anyway, it was the way Savold handled himself that : impressed his cool, business-like method of execution with" short," jarring punches with either hand. '' The next time' we saw him he was fighting . Billy Conn, and we're still ; waiting for him to throw his; right hand. He must have been saving it as a spare in case-his left - had a blowout, for he kept it cocked back of his ear all evening to let Conn win a neat decision. He's knocked out a lot of guys named Algernon since, but him self was stopped in two heats by Harry Bobo, who was beaten by Gus Doraz 10, who was beaten, etc, etc.- - - . :v " No matter - how - Thursday night's fight comes out, the heavyweight division will still be divided ; Into two - classes, namely (1) Joe Louis;! (2) the -rest of the crowd. , ... -.... Big Lead; tremendous triple to right center and Manager Charlie Petersen counted him with his; fourth hit of the wild-scoring fray, but Pete" died on first with the tie- ing tally. ' Kenny Clow started off on the hillock for the Solons, and was faced by A, Murray OTlynn. But neither could withstand the tor rid blasting by both sides and gave way to relief hurlers. A total of 39 assorted bloopers, infield scratches, line drives and every other kind of hit rang from the bats during the merry-go-round tilt - The Solons rallied from be hind a 5-2 deficit with a terrif ic eight-run blast off O'Flynn in the sixth Inning, but Clow, nor his successor, Kelly, could hold the surging Indians in the eighth, and they knotted it all up at 11-11 with five runs. Bur ton Swope had to be called in to get the fire out and he did a grand job until the fatal 12th. He was greeted with slashing singles by Polster and Pullens, who were sacrificed by Spokane's relief pitcher, Soderburg. Then Dwight Aden smashed his fourth hit to center and the winning tal lies trickled across. Shortstop Pullens led the In dian assault on the Salem flingers with five hits in seven tries, and was followed closely by Aden and second sacker Stan Gray with four each. Manager "Pete" was the big gun of the Solon futile attack with four blows, and Del Schroer and Jimmy Robertson each got three. The Senators got hits in each the ninth, tenth and eleventh heats, but were retired by Sod erburg with the winning run stranded On either second o third each time. . I The two clubs left immediately after the game for Spokane to fin ish out the rest of the week, arid culminate the present series wiih a game next Monday night in the Inland Empire city. The game was the biggest ex hibition of scoring put on in Sa lem this season, and was wit nessed by a crowd of 500 fans, The loss was Swope's second against four wins. In spite of the five errors com mitted by the two clubs and the seemingly endless scoring, the whole tilt was marked with glistening plays on both sidesl Schroer, Warren and Gonzales made "circus" plays for the Solons, and Buccola and Gray came up with some dandies for the Tribe. Spokane (13) AB R H POA E Aden, cf 8 1 4 5 0 0 Gray, 2b 8 2 4 5 4 1 Cockroft, If. 6 1 2 2 0 0 Hansen, 3b 4 2 1 2 3 0 Buccola, lb 5 3 2 10 2 0 Daley, rf 7 1 2 5 0 0 Myers, c 1 0 0 3 0 0 Pullins, ss 7 1 5 2 10 O'Flynn, p 2 0 0 0 0 1 x Soderburg, p.. 3 0 0 0 3 0 z Bushman, c 2 112 0 0 Totals..., 53 13 21 36 13 2 Salem (1) AB R H POA E Schroer, ss ........ 6 0 3 1 2 0 Cameron, lb 7 1 1 16 0 1 Gonzales, If 5 113 10 Johnson, 3b 5 3 2 2 3 0 Warren, rf. 5 2 2 3 00 Petersen, cf 7 1 4 4 12 Cailteaux, 2b. 6 1 0 4 4 0 Robertson, c 6 2 3 3 2 0 Clow, p 4 1 2 0.1 0 Kelly, p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Swope, p ... 1 0 0-0 1 0 Totals.:.. : 52 12 18 36 15 3 x Batted for O'Flynn in 7th z Ran for Myers in 8th. - Spokane 100 220 150 002-13 Hits i u 201232 140 213421 Salem ..010 108 100 001-f 12 Hits ...120 106 301 112-4-18 (12 innings.) ,1 Winning pitcher, Soderburg. Losing pitcher, Swope. Innings pitched, O'Flynn 6, Clow "Hi At bat off OTlynn 29, Clow 35, Kelly V Hits off O'Flynn 10, Clow 14, Kelly, 1. Runs scored off OTlynn 10, Clow 10, Kelly; 1 Runs responsible for, OTlynri 3, Clow; 9, Kelly 1. Strike-outs by OTlynn 2, Soderburg 2, Clow 1 Swope 3. Bases on b a 1 1 s off OTlynn 2, Soderburg 4, Clow 3 Kelly l, swope 2. tux ny pitcner, Buccola, by Clow, Left on ba Spokane i 15, Salem 12. Three-b hits, Cameron, Warren. Two-' hits, Gray, - Buccola, Runs: batted in, Croekroft, Cailteaux 2, Pull 4, Petersen 2, Buccola, Daley 2 Johnson 2, Clow 2, Cameron, derburg, Schroer, Hansen 2, Aden 2. Sacrifice, OTlynn, W a r r e n. Johnson, Swope. Hansen.' Stolen bases, Petersen. Double plays, Buccola ; to Pullins. Time: 3:10. Umpires, Harris and Moran. Gordon's Hard Hitting Downs Cliisox 4 to 1 Cracks Two Homers , To Stop Win Streak; A's Dunk Detroit CHICAGO, May 20 -(JP)- The powerful bat of the Yankees' Joe Gordon dissolved the Chicago White Sox winning streak at seven games Wednesday. The New York second base man hit two home runs in con secutive appearances at the plate to show the way for the Yanks' 4 to 1 victory before 6472 fans in Comiskey park. Gordon sailed the ball into the left field stands with no body on base and two out in the second inning and he hom ered to almost the identical spot to lead off the Yankee fifth and give Pitcher Marius Russo a 2 to 0 working margin. New York 010 011 0104 9 1 Chicago . 000 000 010-1 8 2 Russo, Murphy (9) and W. Dickey; Dietrich, Haynes (9) and Tresh. A's End Lose Session With 5 to 3 Victory DETROIT, May 20 -UP)- The Philadelphia Athletics smashed a six-game losing streak Wednes day on Luman Harris brilliant relief pitching and Lou Blair's ninth inning triple that beat the Detroit Tigers, 5 to 3. Harris, coming to the aid of the veteran Jack Knott, who was punched for. seven hits and three runs, retired Detroit with the bases loaded in the second inning and pitched two-hit ball the rest of the way. Philadelphia ..001002 002-5 7 2 Detroit 210 000 000-3 9 1 Knott, Harris (2) and Hayes, Wagner (2); Benton and Tebbetts. Boston at Cleveland postpon ed. Caps Hand Tig Nine Second Straight Blank TACOMA, May 20 -UP)- Ron nie Bryant, slim young right hander, dished up a two-hitter as the Vancouver Capilanos scor ed their second straight shut-out victory over Tacoma, 10-0, in a Western International league game here Wednesday night. The defeat reduced the Tigers' league lead to two games. As was the case Monday night in the first game of the abbrevi ated series here, when Vancouv er's Bob Henricson didn't allow a hit until the ninth inning and gained a 4-0 decision over the Tigers, they were able to push only one man as far as second base. The Vancouver club was meanwhile teeing off on Charley Schans for 15 hits, including a homer and three singles by BUI Wright, rangy first-sacker, and the issue was decided when the Caps pushed over three runs in the fourth. rour oi tne Vancouver runs were unearned as the usually tight Tacoma defense fell apart at the seams. The clubs will continue hostili ties Thursday night at Vancouver. Vancouver .000 340102-10 15 Tacoma 000 000 000- 0 2 , Bryant and Sueme; Schanz and Spurgeon. How They WESTERN INTERNATIONAL W.I Pet. W L Pet Tacoma - 17 -.654! SALEM 11 12 .478 vancouv 1 14 .583; Spokane f 17 ,261 At SALEM 12, Spokane 13. (12 UlUUlgS.f At Tacoma 0, Vancouver 10. How Serlei SUnA ' Spokane 1. Salem 0. Vancouver 2, Tacoma 0. COAST LEAGUE ' oW L Pet. W L Pet Los. Ang. 26 18 .6191 Oakland - 21 22 .488 S. . Diego 28 21 J53 Seattle 23 20 .535 Sacramto 22 20 - .524 Hollywd .22 26 .458 San Fran 1823 .439 Portland IT 27 Mi Wednesday's Kecalta At Seattle 2, 2, San Francisco 9. 4. At Portland 4. Lo Angelea . At San Diego 3, Oakland 1. At Sacramento 13,HoUywood 13. ' ' NATIONAL LEAGUE ' . .. w X. ?- W I Pet tsrooKiyn za .73s;cincinntl 1317 .469 Boston 19 IS York 14 19 .457 St Louis IS IS MS Chicago ' IS 19 .441 Pittsbrgh 18 IS ' .500 Philadel 10 24 JS4 wcuesaays Kesnlti At Brooklyn 9. St. Louis 1 : At Boston 4. Pittsburgh 3. .1 . At New York 3, Chicago . : - At Philadelphia 3, Cincinnati 10. AMERICAN LEAGUE W 1 Pet. W 1 Pet. N. York 21 9 .700 St. Louis 14 20 .411 Clevelnd 23 19 388 Philadel 14 22 J89 jjeirou zu 10 washgtn Bosten l 14 .533 Chicago 12 20 J73 1220 J7S weanesaay neroix . New York 4, Chicago 1 , Philadelphia 8. Detroit i. Boston 5, Detroit 3. Boston at Cleveland, postponed. Washington 1. St. Louis 10. (Night game.) . ; . - . . - - Melio ETTINA, SOCCeSSFOU CAMfXl&4 AS A rtCAVywgi6MT Vikings Blast Maroon Nine At Tournament ALBANY, May 20-(Special- Salem high's Vikings and the Al bany Bulldogs survived opening round play in the No-Name league championship tournament at Al bany Wednesday afternoon as the Viks topped Milwaukie, 5-3, and Albany dumped Corvallis, 7-2. The Salem outfit scored a sin gle tally in the second frame, chalked up a pair in the third inning and bunched two more in the sixth to cop the tilt The hit ting of Chuek Whittemore, with a perfect three for three perform ance, and Carl Butte, who cracked a triple and a single in three trips, was particularly outstand ing. The Viks hammered Hurler Meany for a total of 11 blows. Bruce Hamilton, Vik work horse, who extinguished several Maroon threats with brilliant "clutch" hurling, allowed but four hits en route. Salens (5) AB Lang, l.. 4 Toomb, c... '. 4 If R H E 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 2 1 1 0 10 1 1 0 0 3 0 111 0 0 0 5 11 3 R H E 10 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 a 0 1 2 0 000 001 0 0 1 000 3 4 2 Butte, l. 3 McMorris, s 3 Graham, nr.... 3 Kleen, r 3 Whittemore, 2 3 Patton, 1 3 Hamilton, p 3 Totals 28 Milwaukie (3) AB High, 1 3 Elder, 2 3 Meany, p ;. 3 Davis, c , .. 3 Gribble, s 3 Jones, 3 3 Ecklund, 1 3 McEachson, r 3 Ostron, m 3 Totals 27 Three - base hits, Butte. Two- base hits, Meany 2. Umpires, Wil- kerson and Gardner. , .Visit the West's Most Modern Brewery . . Specially Conducted Tours Mondays Throash Fridays , ' 4 J :lKisV mmmm Spokes Finally Receive Help SPOKANE, May 20-(P)-OvneT Bill Ulrich of the Spokane Indians said Wednesday night his base ball team had obtained Earl Tor gerson, young outfielder and first baseman, from the Coast league Seattle Rainiers on option and that Torgerson would join tht team tomorrow. The hard hitting youngster had a batting average Of .332 when with Wenatchee last year. Pitcher Hub Kittle, formerly with Yakima and last year with San Francisco, also will join the team tomorrow, Ulrich said. Cutler Leaves Oregon EUGENE, May 20-(P)-Russ Cutler, University of Oregon physical education staff member who also has served as" swimming and tennis coach, left Wednesday for Hamilton field to be a first lieutenant in the army air corps. IJickey's Needs 30 More Customers to Eat Corned Beef and Cabbage -Irish Chicken" New Cabbage, Boiled Potatoes. Hard Roll & Butter O C At Mickey's OOC Tuesday & Thursday NEW HOURS WEEK DAYS Open 7 A.M. - Close 9 P.M. SATURDAYS Open Til 12 Midnight Until Conditions Change : 1 : '. hBl-, ft raW.. if iX I