Tlx OSEGOIi STATESMAN, Salaxa. Oregon. Thursday Morning. May 21, 1942 PAGS ELEVZU Where You Gei ThM Oaaained Advertising Statesman Classified Ad Call 9101 Thres Insertions per Una 25a Six insertions per tins 40c On month per tins ,1.23 Minimum cbargt t5c; S tL mln- fanam J5c; C tL min. 45c. Ho refunds Copy for m Hli'fevtod'o. tQ 630 the evening before public Uoa tor classification. Com re ceived after thie Hm wUl be ma under the bMdmi . 'M Utt to That Statesman time no finan I su cial responsibility for errors which may appear la advertisements pub Usaed in lta columna and ta caaca wbcra this paper . at at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment ta which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman rsetrvss the right to reject Questionable advertising. (t further reserves the right to- place ail advertising wnaer iae proper classification. A "Blind' Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number tor an ad dressis for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman la not at liberty to divulge Infor mation aa to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry FARMERS - WI PAT Me per hundred for dead and worthless live stock. Too prices paid for fox-feed horses. Phone collect. Salem. 6411. MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS BABY CHICKS. I popular varieties every week. Also Leghorn cockrels now ready, fa. zzsoi. iee naicoexy, Auctions Auction Sale - This Saturday. May 23. time 1:30 p. Fi.. at the T. N. Woodry Auction and urniture Mart. 1610 N. Summer St.. In Hollywood. Lots of merchandise con signed by several owners, consisting ox household furniture and furnishings of every description, garden tools, lin oleum and wool rugs, floor and table lamps, davenports and davenos, dressers, beds, springs St mattresses, alec, washer, and a thousand other miscellaneous items to bo disposed of to the highest bidder for cash. We also have a large stock to choose from at Private Sale. If you are in need, don't miss this Auction. F. N. and Ixienn wooary, AvcnoiKcn. Mm. iv. We Buy mu dcnange Help Wanted STRAWBERRY pickers wanted. Cab tns. stove it wood furn. Inquire Mrs. David Schaefer, 418 N. Church, saver ton. COOK WANTED Man or woman. room and board if desired. Spotted Pig Cafe, woodDum. WANTED Strawberry pickers, reg ister now John F. Zlelinski. Rt. 7. Box 358. Salem. Ore., l'a miles east of Chemawa four corners and ',i mile south. 75 STRAWBERRY PICKERS. Tents, stoves, tables 6c wood furn. Good patch. No objection to children. Wayne T Glover, Rt. 1. Hiiisboro. Help Wanted Male JANITOR Ph. 7810. GENERAL farm hand, steady per manent - work. Congenial. pleasant working conditions. Married or single Ogdens Farm, Hubbard or phone Salem 8141. NEAT men to help take care of in creased business. About 640-650 week ly to start. Sales exper. unnecessary. Box 2104. Statesman: WANTED an experienced grade B dairyman. Must be able to handle tractor. Phone 3931. Help Wanted Female GIRL for gen'l housework. Go home evenings. Phone 5148 after 7 p. m. EXPERIENCED girl for housework. $30 a month to start. Ph. 6040. WOMAN baker, age 25-35. Ph. 7810. GIRL to do house work in country. Small family. Rt. 2. Box 170 C. Ph. 9-2386. EXPERIENCED housekeeper wanted. Must ie permanent. New home. Room, board & 940. Ph- 8339. ' WANTED Waitress to work Sat. Bights at the Chinese Tea Garden. WAITRESSES (2). thoroughly ex- rnenced. for day work. We close at p. m. week days. Highest wagea for capable girls. Mickey's, 479 Court. GIRL for care of 2 children. Go home Bights. Apply before 1 p. m. Call 8765. Woman for housework, ess N. Liberty TURKEY pickers. Inquire Northwest poultry co. 1909 N. Front. Phone 7007, Situations Wanted GARDEN spading. Seid. 896 S. 12th. WANTED Shrubbery, garden wk. au xinas ox worx. use smith at. HOUSEWORK. 40c hr. Phone 6285. PLOWING. DISCING. ' HARROWING AND CULTIVATING with Ford trac tor done on joba any size. Ph. 6997, . PAINTING and decorating. Ph. T552. DRESSMAKING. Phone 3718. GARDEN, any size, plowed, disced. roru tractor, fa, soot, tree estimate. For Sale Miscellaneous ' NEW WESTTNGHOUSE at THOR electric washers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Uberty t 616 TIRES. 1383 Rug. NEW electric tronera, $2999 up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 259 N. Uberty ADVERTISING Festera Advertising . Representative Georca D. dosau I no. Saa Francisco Los Angeles Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives Ward-GruTtta Company, toe. Chicago, .New York. -Detroit ' . Boston. 'Atlanta , aTnfered at the Peetofftce at Salem, Oreoon, as Second Class Uattrr. Pub- fsaea every rnonuna except Monday. a sneae crjiaw- sia ottta Coaainercka LirttL - SUBSCRIPTION RATES ; ' Mall SubccrtDtioa Rates in Advance Vrithin Oregon: Dally and Sunday, Mo fl cents: t Moa 64.00: 1 year 96.00 ' 1 laawbere 69 cents per mo. or SIM fvr 1 year ta advance per copy 9 cents Tr City Carrier. T5 ceati a month (VuJ a year la advance ia Martoa and Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITS or Dboae (91881 to Salem's eld cat. lexgrst home owned and bosne managed nnanos limita tion. Your financial affaire will be discussed aad loans made ta strictest privacy, xoa will be given every aiders tioe ta the repaying of toaa or granting of extenaiona 1 tO U MONTH TO REPAY You eaa pay ta t full an . time reduce the cost ONLY BORBOWZB SIGNS NO 8KB ROT B. SIMMONS. MfJaV Lie. No. M-1S2 JTM CI ARK. ASST. MGJL GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION - -i Lie. No. S-US IN So. Commercial St. Pbeos tin First door south of Latdd at Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce Daymen ta Money for new es used cars ho oeiay or red tape, you will retain poneeavwi or tae vetueaa 1 TO U MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS US South Commercial Street Phone f4t Lie. No. M-U3 For Sale: Miscellaneous NEW velour platform rockers. No sag spring construction. EXTRA SPECIAL, NOW $18.85 See Them Our Window Nash Furniture Co. (29.50 5-yr. factory guaranteed Siesta Perraalorm innerspring mattresses, now S22.50. (Box spring same price.) While stock lasts. see uiem Nash Furniture Co. $139-50 6 pc. wal. waterfall fashion now dm room suite, now See This Set Our Window Take 8 mot. to pay for it. This ia a real value. Nash Furniture Co. USED electric washers St refriger ators. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. .Liberty TRAILER house. Riverside Park, W. Salem, cheap at $79.00. WESTTNGHOUSE range, good new. Ph. 9681. 1330 N. 21st. 1 USED Coleman oil circulator, with blower. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty DINING RM. set, good cond., cash. 1580 Market, eve. 12" Plywood boat, nearly new, carry on car top, reasonable. 68 Park Ave. USED wood, electric & gas ranges. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 NLiberty CHOICEbirdseye maple dresser, 353 Madrona. LARGll typewriter desk with 6 drawers St swivel chair. Hatfield Used Car Mkt. 35 L N. Liberty. "35 Harley Davidson 72, Maurice Heater, Sublimity. Ore. THE APRON SHOP 679 N. High. CROOKED Finger Mountain grown Burbank No. 1 seed and table pota toes. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. SM ice box, good con. Ph. 6997. CANARIES, hens, singers, parraketa. 1503 Jefferson. Phone 6859. CANARIES California's finest: all kinds: strong, healthy birds. Dufour's, 412 Westminster Ave., Alhambra, Calif. Wanted Furniture F. N. Ax GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers At furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade for furniture St household goods. We buy or sell everything. Ph. alio. CASH FOR used furniture St h hold goods. R Forgey Ph. 7446. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Cord wood for cash. Must be 25 cords or more. Phone 5544. Salem, WANTED Good used bicycle. Will pay up to $15.00. Contact Mr. Clark at Statesman. HIGHEST cash price paid for used tires ana tunes, uon Madison, w n High Ph. 6663. USED FURNITURE. Ph. 918$. WANTED Good 600-16 or 850-16 Ures. Salem Taxi Service. 441 State Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SCR VIC Df MOST CASES Bring or Man Your Platea tor Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State & CamXa?n. 3311 For RentRooms HOTEL MARION Boaclal weekly aoad monthly rates to perm, guesta. Marina Coffee wop, aeucioue moa is at low pcicea. SLP. RMS. 979 Bellevue. Ph. 3049. SLEEP ino no, close in. t60s Marion SLEEPING room, close In. Ph. 4499. VACANCY tor man, 966 Center. SLP RM. Bear state Mdgs Ph. 21449 1-RM. cabin, furn. close. Ph. 9229. Room and Board ROOM, good board, laundry, 1 or t men. sio. ltuu rerry St. GOOD service. 1144 Center. Ph. 9630. BOARD & room. 3310 N. 4th. ROOM Jc board. 1370 Cbetneketa. Nice rma. Excel, bd. 330 N. Summer. BETTER BRd" 'esrmC TtS S ComlSl For Rent Apartments BEAUTIFULLY furn: 4-rm. aoL. fire place, elect, stove, ref , 4 blks. state DKigSk. aw. m. aara after a p. m. VACANCY 3-rm. and wan bed turn or unfura. Hawthorae Court, 1000 no. capttoi. 1 CHOICE S-r, lum, Glendora.- P&R&.-LERS COMS WE ICECREAM MAM CAN l hAVE An ICECREAM CONS? 23 U I I i 1 1 Ta II Vlr 11 I I ICECREAM COnS? jl ; V w XI I jjjj SLOIsDS Money to Loan GASH : j for - - Any ConstructiTe Purpose No loan IS too small tor our eon- aideration. Raoarment ached ales ax ranted to fit your income. For example: YOU RICET7S YOU PAY MONTHLY $ 30.00 $ 2.51 4,19 838 1256 25.13 50.00 IOOlOO 150.00 300.00' Phone,:, write, or eaQ at the office of Salem's Personal Loan center. 315 Court St. . Salem ' ' Phone 4446 - . State License' S-33S M-S7S CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY LOANS $25 to $300 Almost anyone with a steady lob (even a new one) can qualify for a loan at Personal. $9.54 per mo. repays a $95 loan In IS mos. $25 costs only 18c for one week. Coma In or phone. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Ground Fir.. New Ellen Bide. SU STATE STREET (At High Street) Telephone sii State Licenses: S-U2. M-16S Anto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N. M-1S9 MONEY TO LOAN On Farm. City or Acreage Property, CHILDS St M1LLKH. INC. 344 State St. Phone 0261 WE LOAN on terra, residential at business property Will ouy mortgages or contracts. HAWKINS St ROBERTS. INC. Realtors. Guardian Building Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 0 Interest W. H URABENHORST CO, REALTORS Financial WANTED To buy for cash Real state mortgages, real estate contracts, merchandise discount paper. State Finance m state. For Rent Apartments LARGE 4-rm. apt., furn. nri. ent. St oatn, close in. um n. mgn. FURN. 3 nns. St kitchenette, also sleeping rm. 910 Bellevue. SMALL furn. apt. for employed lady. Close m, 94u union. FURN. 2-R.. close m. ht. wat.. lits.. washer, also small apts. 639 N. Liberty 3-Rn ht.. lgta; wto Jut. Ph. 6997. U NT URN. 2 large rooms, auto. heat. eiec. range, remg., garage, utility room, adults. Phone evenings 6250. FURN. 2-R St kitchenette, heat, light. water, gar. w saginaw. COZY Pullman apt. with pri. bath ana remg. 24a u st. fn. ovza. L 2 or 3 rm. apt 1370 Chemeketa. 2 RMS St bath. furn. 1440 Waller. CLEAN, one rm, apt 643 rerry. 1 and 2 rm. apt 2054 ft Capitol NICE furn. apt. bath. 590 Union. DESIRABLE, clean, -.veil furnished 4- rm. apt., first floor, front. 1474 N Summer. 3-ROOM apt- frigidaire, steam heat garage. 2005 N. Capitol. APTS. 2 Ac 3 rooms, 2319 N. 4th. Business Cards ia this directory raa oa a monthly basis ealy. Kate: f!25 -per tTtis per month. Auto Brakes Mlka Panax. 279 South Commercial Batteries WTLLARD batteries, all types. R. D. Woodrow. 394 Church. Phone 9609. Bicycles BICYCLES. New and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott, 14T S. Com'cL P. 4519 Chiropractic Physicians a A Sternberg. 349 N. Capital. 373L Chimney Sweeps Northness Chimney Sweep. P. 4460. Vacuum cleaned chimney, furnace. Roof repair. Free estimate. Kennedy, p. era. Florists Bielthauprm. 447 Court; Phone 9199 Funeral Directors TerwUlugar Funeral B Ph, 6639 Lawn Blowers Machine ground. F X. Beach. 4813. Mattr esses SALEM FLUFF RDO 9t MATTRESS Co. New Mattresses vid made, rug cleaning weaving, s ma St wubuy Tel 9441 Zwickera. CAPITOL BEDDING CO fbaoe 4SC Oil Burner Service SKEWIS at JUDSON PBONX 4141 W SURPRJSEPATVOUIJETTINS SOWS CMUAN MORALE LCWfTS LNrOTJOnC fcttt BUMSTEAt? SMftw, Page For Rent Houses WE HAVE THE PROSPECT O YOU Want to sdL exchange. tease, rest see Mr. Larson. Mr. ColUns or Mr. Goodwin with Hawkina at A COUNTRY place, mod, with else. water system, 7 A. of land. 920. F. H. Weir 465 Center REALTOR Ph. 9411 NEW 5-R- elec. rg. & h. w. heat, $30. 9-R, $25. 172 S. Liberty. EXTRA WELL furnished 1 B. R. strictly mo oil furnace, rumpus room. f. Y -r . - New s-rm. mod., Monmouth, sjo. C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 8639- SMALL house, wood shed. 940. At 1930 N. 5th at Madison. Owner at 1760 Oxford, end S. 14th. 9-ROOM house. 1079 NCapitoL Ph. 22328. 9 RMS, $25. 385 Madrona. Salem Hgta, MOD. 3-rm. has. Call eves. Ph. 4632. nVATII'll'Ill . naw hnms S InVfflv rms, nr. ht school. Ref. req. Ph. 6250. For Rent APT. 9c rooms. 425 N. Church. MODERN COTTAGES. 94 6s UD. Junction Auto Court So. Commercial. Wanted to Rent WANTED to lease with option of buy ing, 40-100 acres, N.r stocked, equipped, Its., wtr; Box 51. Detroit, Oregon. For Sale Real Estate WE HAVE soma good buys in houses for 92100. They will not last long. Let us snow you. C. H. SANDERS 231 ' N. High 5838 5-R. mod- plastered hse- nice lawn Just N. of Salem, 1 mile, $2500, with good terms. F. H. Weir 465 Center REALTOR Ph. 9411 COTTAGE, opposite St. Paul's Catho lic church for $1950. 2Vi Acres on old highway, modern home, at $4500. 4-Room cottage in West Salem for $1800. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 429 Oregon Bldg. CLOSE IN for canneries, shopping center, etc. All good buys, your terms, within reason. 2544 Hazel Avenue. 2176 South Summer. 460 South 16th. 26 Faii-haven Avenue. ABRAMS 6c ELLIS. INC, Masonic Bldg THREE BEST BUYS in town, all are north part. $3000 House, 9 rms, 4 bedrms. $2200 Buiuralow. 4 rms. For Better Homes Lowest Prices See Bechtel-Needham 341 State, R. 4. NEW CHOICE DISTRICT I $4500 Terms can be arranged, nice strictly modern, 2 B. R. home. Shown by appointment. C. H. SANDERS 5838 or 21622 BY OWNER Mod. 6 rms.. 3 bed rooms, furnace, fp, Ven. blinds, large lot. shrubs, sm. garden, on bus line, nr. schools. Down pymt, bat like rent. Call 1580 Market evcningjK GOOD INVESTMENT 3 new mod. 4- r. hses. Both $3500. Inc. $44 mo. Loc 2115 N. Liberty. Owner, 453 urove. FOR ALL KINDS OF REAL ESTATE, H C SHIELDS Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902 NEW mod. 5 rms.. firepL, oil fur nace. lot 55x184. Owner. 2 ml. p. 0, $3000. Ph 9414. COURT of 3 houses, about a year old, $7000. Inc. $75 mo. Ea. 4 rms., bath, garage. Write Zioi. statesman. Exchange Real Estate l'a ACRES. 7ml. out of Portland Modern 2 bedroom hse.. garage, fil berts. St. berries, etc. On bus line, $3650. $850 down, or will trade for Salem residence. For particulars cau at 477 Court St. Phone 6524 Acreage SUBURBAN tract.. On the bus line. Good house. Terms. H. C. SHIELDS. Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902 Directory Painting & Pa per hanging Experienced Reasonable Ph. 4323. Paints and Lacquers Comolete tine NASON paints Ldberai terms. R. D. Woodrow. Church Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards pamphlets programa. books or any kUM 01 print tag. call The Statesman Printing De partment, us s. commercial, icie phone 910L Plumbing REPAIRS Si INSTALLATION SKEWIS St JUDSON PHONE 4141 PLUMBING. GENERAL reoalr work Graber Bros, 154 S Uberty. Ph. 6594 Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write, Phone or Call for Booklet 960 N Capitol Transfer TT-nnrvw TRTh-wa rOB RENT Blankets furn. 197 & Uberty. Ph. 9063 rOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer atnnea. burner oiL brioiasts. frocks t Portland daily Agent Pierce Auto Freight including Cam. poinia. Larmer Tranaxar col m sim. Vacuum Cleaner Serrice ts -your bom. All. thorlaad Hoover service. We service all Hon Bros Ph. 90 Well Drilling C J. Pugh. XU3 MyrUa. Ph, 9334. S. r. Sneed. 2309 Brooks St Pn.609. R A. WEST. Rt 9, Box 449. Ph. 2' FNJL SO r r i ii a - i 1 . f I HUM I IV. i 1 : 1 I X . J -r m- in f ; . w - a . a a & w m III I I HI- . 1 1 , J .... ....... . i I. ... . . 7 - a-'WaX.I Acreage 1 A. SUBURBAN. New house, hard- ood fir. in livina rm . 1 tMvtrma "!. 11(011, IUIC.fUW, a. -ma mmnr aw. Living m, fireplace, nice kitchen, bath. 2 bedrme tmvaaij rm, axm awn, several trees $2500: $500 down. , Money to Loan City or Country MELVTN JOHNSONREALTOR 729 Court St. Ph. 2723 II ACRES, t Acres, f Acres. 9 Acree WUl aeD. or trade for city property. F. H. Weir 465 Center REALTOR , Ph. 9411 MODERN 4 rooms St nook. U acre. large fruit trees, chicken hse- carafe. elect water system, close in. $2400.00. an court St Phone 6524 f 33-ACRE ESTATE! Close in. northeast no bides., all I under plow, road 2 Bides. Price 63500. worth more! Buy tor Investment. C. H. SANDERS 5839 or 21622 FOR SALE 9 A. improved dairy St poultry, close in. Owner, Rt 7, Box 471, nouywooa vnve. For Sale Farms 28 ACRES on 99 E. with a modern 5 -room home, dec. water system and oath. Z good poultry houses and barn. About 16 acres cultivated and crop goes with place. The owner is forced to leave and is really sacrificing this at $2850, $700 down, balance very low yearly payments. You can't go wrong on this. See Mr Collin with HAW KINS & ROBERTS, INC, Realtors. Wanted Real Estate WANTED WILL PAY $3500.00 cash for modern two-bedroom residence with full ce ment basement furnace heat. Hard wood floors in living rooms. Must be new type home and close In. Please pnone Mr. E. u. Klngwell, ABHASllS St tSULdS. INC, UN PLEASE list your real estate for sale with us. we have cash buyers. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High GS3S Business Opportunities MUST SELL immediately, new mod. Salem restaurant 6c fountain, living qutrs. incl. Located 4 blks from Capitol on Portland hwy. Manager drafted. Norman E. Shaw, 605 N. Capitol. DANDY little rest. St conf. Urge returns, quick sale, $600. Terms. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 MAKE at least 623.00 per day by buying '39 CMC truck, listed in used cars for sale column. Job goes with truck. 91200 stock of groceries at 10 below wholesale for all. Henry Chapelle, Woodburn, Ore. For Sale Used Cars "39 GMC 6-YD. dumo truck, clean. 3 new tires, othel good. Big Eaton 2 speed axle. Working now. Camp Adair. Acc. health must sell. Sac. $1850.00. Ben Sherwood. Maple Aut Ct, Independ ence, 36J, 6 to 8 p. m. 1935 V 8 sedan, good shape. Terms. 260 Hood. a Motorcycles 71 HARLEY MOTORCYCLE. Lots of extras. Byron Royce. 205 Oak St. Silverton. Wanted Used Cars "CASH" For Your Car No Fuss - No Delay See Us Today ANY MAKE ANY MODEL BURGOYNE MOTOR COMPANY 440 CENTER ST. WANTED Motorcycle, in good con dition. Cau between s a. m. at a p. m. Phone 4788. 729 N. Liberty. For Sale Wood ASH. maple, fir. 12 in, 16 in. St 4 ft 1311 N. Uberty. DRY WOOD, all kinds. 9560. Personal REV. J Raa Keys, evangelist con nected with the National Spiritualist Church, lecturing this week. Private interviews St spiritual advice daily xrom 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Its an absolute fact that Rev. Keys told Mrs. Harding be fore the president's election that She would be the 1st lady of the land. Get her advice while you have the op portunity. Marion Hotel. Room 319. imrr krra niCMnB ituh Cut. Box 71-Q. Mala PO Lea Angeles. Cal Lost and Found LOST Ladies grey dress with laven- J flnm,, 1 T.lhartv ar Stat St downtown. 'May 15. reward. Mrs. Harry sooner, ueuaa, uic. LOST on SILVERTON road, brown Shepherd dog. named Sandy. Reward Phone day Si is, nignt uiu, Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 11011 NOTICE "IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, U r 1 i n S. Page, has, by an order of the Cir cult Court of the State of Oregon, been appointed administrator of the estate of U. S. Page, deceased, and that Letters of Administration have issued to him. AU persons having claims against said estate are hereby no tified to present the same, duly verified and with the proper vouchers to the undersigned at 433 N. Summer St, Salem, Oregon, on or before six months from the date of the first publication of Stunning Swim Suits Made oi Rayon Fabrics u ' I . I J ll , i r ifT" MtmmAtiiumuMimmtmmMi i'iilf li..,.! .SwIm Left to rlrht, black rayon shaatuBt; princess swim suit; print suit with bare mid-rill; and Vong tens' line 9wlm 9uit The chances for beauty on the beaches is excellent this year, regardless of priorities. Wool and rob ber shortages have only added new impetus to the already important trend toward rayon fabrics for swim suits, and tho result is a stunning collection of practical and flattering; budget-priced suits In a wide range of fine fabrics. Princess styling is nattering to both slender and full figures, and th suit pictured left Is in high style black fine spun rayon shantung. It has frosty white scallops at neck and hem. The printed suit, center, is deftly cut for figure flattery, and is made of supple rayon jersey In bright design. The aoft draping at the front of the bra-top is complemented by the unpressel pleats In the skirt, the mid-riff is bare. The third suit features the long torso line. It is s very feml-j nine version of spun rayon in a nubbed, linen-like weave, and has little girl ruffles. The color Is aqua. Legal Notice this notice, which Is April 23, 1942. URLIN S. PAGE, Administra tor of the Estate of U. S. Page, deceased. A. 23-30 My. 7-14-21 British Find Fire Pumps inadequate The experience of British fire fighters is revising British ideas as to the effectiveness of the stir rup pump for incendiary bombs, according to Percy Bugbee, gen eral manager of the National Fire Protection association. The stirrup pump is referred to as "time-wasting and labor wasting" in the official journal of the British fire service, "Fire," for March, 1942. Another com ment made in this publication is that The ministry of home se curity has now come to the con clusion that the necessity for speed in dealing with a number of bombs falling simultaneously on a target and adjoining risks, requires the use of jets and not spray from stirrup pumps. This in itself points to the fact that the stirrup pump which requires al most as many people to put it to work as a motor pump does is not speedy enough, especially when the incendiary bombs are released in large numbers." The fire advisory committee that has been helping the office of civilian defense plan defenses against air attacks has long recog nized the limitations of the stirrup pump, according to Mr. Bugbee, and it advises that the relatively few stirrup pumps in existence in this country be used by civilians only where a lack of critical ma terials makes it impossible to pro vide pump tank fire extinguish ers. The office of civilian defense plans; to provide both auxiliary fire 'departments and neighbor hood fire watchers with a special pump tank extinguisher (four gallon capacity) that will be ca pable of one-man operation and have its own water supply. It is unfortunate that so much advice has been given to the pub lic on the reputed importance of using a fine spray on bombs. What is actually needed is s heavy spray with enough wetting power to speed up the burning of the bomb so as to get rid of it Stirrup pump nozzles do not produce s sufficiently heavy spray for most effective work on incendiary bombs. Lodges A Pacifla Lot I vfT AJaV R. A. 27, T39 p. 1 Lodge No. 90, AJT. St Degree. Wed.. May m. By order WJC I - 4fc- v-Ss,, AIR raids Air raid shelters, such as this one, are a common sight In Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, now. Built sturdily of concrete, the shelters are far below the surface. That chimney affair at the top of the mound. Is a ventilator. Cross Word '2 1 I 21 28 n J7 'A 42 47 48 49 54 5? HORIZONTAL I 9trike genUy 4 musical instrument trodent , 13 inaaculina name 1J eonclttded 14 peraonality 1 became smaller 17 redactor 15 bind 21 gukworm 23 not freshly made 24 neilner vegetable ' - nor anlrnaJ 25 Lrelarid . 29 undo- ." - rnestlcated 50 note In Culdos scale 51 fieai1 M-astraJ -95 inatde q JS Scotch cap J4 native metals 8S serf '-t 41 scoffer 43 heads 44 male aheep 45 shadow 47 -cubic anils 60 declare &3 comrade 54 cosy places sa river Sp t 57 some 55 pester 59 plant juice ; Answer to aWrage lae Dtat ay Kteg SING WS m it yk.SSS AeOjNir iSAfytoiRISO fIn SPfV. sA!L.lAJa 1 Vi Puzzle 21 25 2i 2 30 )4 40 2 AT 4 SO 5? Se 5 VMSTICAL 1 dance step 2 tree t IncTuatation on teeth ent of a crime r S Macacos S hypothetical force ;i 7 Confederate - general : S things . sdded ', ; wilhdraw 10 past It craggy tall Iftclty in l! Franca 4 IS wratn 20 cbeerfal . persons,, 22 chairs j 23 giant 21 aXBictlonf 25 strsighUn 27 country , roads 29 had existed 22 torture S4 peruses l' -27 aim ply 40 guides . t 42 auditory .- argaa . i 42 outmoded 45 head ' coverings 7 snlneral ; spring : IS light Drown yesterday's puzzle. TlErSl 61 narrow tna 62 Tummlt'0 65 continent labbr v ei aaleUaa. 9 astaetea. Pealrea Syadltale. lac n V ' ( i. " uMwaMBaaaiaiaSaKa''' " I mm adjacent count lea.