Music Programs Scheduled in Observance of Music Week " .... 4 - ' WOODBURN The annual community program, part of Music week held each year in Woodburn, will be presented in the high school auditorium tonight at 8 o'clock. Numbers will be given by the following groups: High school hand: Methodist church choir; Presbyterian church, duet, Mrs. John Templeton and Mrs. Vernon Frentz;' Christian church, trio, Maude Durfee, Bertha Dillon and Florence Chapman; Foursquare church, trumpet solo, Anita Wilkes; Lutheran church, duet, PrisciUa Asper and Hazel Herm-ensors-f Free Methodist church, trio; Catholic church; Rural club, guitar solo, Marvin Mattson; song, God Bless America. IIUBBARD The Hubbard Wo men's club met at the home of lit. and -Mrs. Max G. Cook, Wednesday afternoon. A plant was liven to Mrs. Cook by the club. I This being music week a program was arranged by Evelyn Morris, long, "My Little House" by Lois r. Miller; trio, "Out of the Dusk"; ; I piano-solo by Caroline Cramer, ! i violin solo by Peggy Welch, a lo, "A Poem of Love" by Opal 3erkey, and an accordion solo by Irs. R. R. Mitchell. Sadie Scholl ave a talk on "Music in Latin merica." MILL C I T Y Mrs. Robert ichroeder, who is in charge of the local music week observation, an nounced that the following organi zations will recognize music week with special music and named the chairmen: Rebekah lodge, chair man, Mrs. Leroy Dike; Marilyn chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, Mrs. Mabel Needham; Church of Christ,' Rev. W. S. Crockett; the Friendship class of the Presbyter- r lan church will have special musi cal numbers at -the Mother's day tea; the Mill City Woman's club, chairman, Mrs. Robert Schroeder and ' the presentation of Mrs. Schroeder's pupils in piano recital. AURORA Music week will end Saturday night with a musical community program, which will be held In the Aurora Presbyterian church. The pupils of Miss Lucy Cass of Portland, and Mrs. E. C. Diller, will be presented. The public is invited. Dinner Celebrates 84th Birthday SCIO Dinner and family re union featured the 84th birthday cf Mrs. Weidman at the Bill Grimes farm near Scio last Sun day. Among guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Vaughan of North Platte,r Neb. Mr. Vaughan is son of Mrs. Weidman. He is long-time railroader .at North Platte. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sweeney of Scio has as their guest this week their son, Sgt. Paul Sweeney, now i stationed at San Luis Obispo, CaL I Sgt. Sweeney was graduated from Scio high school a few years ago.. Logging at Scio still occupies Bruce Sparks, whose family has moved toa farm near Indepen dence. The family occupied the former Dr. Browne residence while here. - H. F. Warren and Mrs. Warren are located near Bend, according to information received at Scio this week. Mr. Warren was a Linn county commissioner for eight years, later locating .near Yakima, Wash. Sunday guests at the Dr. Prill home in Scio were Dr. Hurd and family of Albany, who inspected the Scio auxiliary hospital. Dr. Hurd, president of the Linn med ical society emergency hospital, approved the local unit. Mother's day program will be presented at ZCBJ hall In Scio May 9 by the local Sokol lodge. Guest at the Rev. V. L. Loucks . home here this week was the Rev. E. W. Ralston, for several years pastor of the Scio Christian church. Ralston has been In the St Helens district in recent years. Pedeo News PEDEE Mrs. Lawrence Wins low and children of Berkeley, Calif, arrived Thursday to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fan! Simpson. PauKne Campbell who has been working in Corvallis spent the weekend at her home. here. Ray Adams of Monmouth de livered two horses to Fritz Kerber the first of the week. Donna Van Dyke, Alberta Ron co, Marjory Campbell and Rich ard Gross were guests at the Henry Leverman home Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Troy Turner, Mr. and.Mrs. Lafe Edwards, Mrs. Lew Edwards, Mrs. Rittie Kerber and Mrs. Milo Gage were business callers in 'Dallas Saturday. Thurlough De Forest and fam ily have moved to Taf t where he is sow employed. teCEEEllflC I Plus befritsa T J , Today SaL Unexpected Uncle Anne SIIIELEY - James CRAIG Charles COBURN - AND 2ND FEATURE A v ximim coyd ? ) HopsJan3 Cossidysy Also Superman Cartoon Serial Salvage Group Appointed BUENA VISTA Perry Wells has been appointed chairman of the salvage committee for Buena Vista. His helpers are Monroe Cline, Gordon Hadley, Gilbert Loy and Jonas Graber. Wallace Cobine, Jack Wells, Johnny Diazdoff and Wayne Gottfried attended the state con vention of FFA at Corvallis Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Mrs. C. E. Miller accompan ied Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Paulus on a trip to the coast. Robert and Margaret Wells and Jack Wells have been- having the mumps. Several youngsters have measles. Mr. and 'Mrs. Milo Graber and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Stewart spent Sunday at the coast. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Prather and Wayne Moe of Idanha, were call ing on friends here Monday. Twenty-three enrolled Monday night to take first aid training. The class will meet at the hall. Funeral Rites For Anmsville Mayor Thursday AUMSVILLE Funeral services were held at the Aumsville Bethel church Thursday for Mr. D. F. Eastburn, who died Sunday. Mr. Eastburn was a very active citizen in the community as long as his health permitted. He served on the Aumsville school board, also a member of the Aumsville fire department, and at the time of his death was mayor of the city of Aumsville, which he held for a number of years. Ralph Putnam delivered the sermon at the services and the pallbearers were Charles Porter, J. Gillespie, O. A. Roberts, Theo dore Highberger, Ed Donker and Ed Wallace. Interment was at Butler cemetery. Uavid Franklin Eastburn was born on March 9, 1875. He is sur vived by his widow, Anna, three sisters, five brothers, Daisy Myers of Salem, Dosa Darby of Stayton, Venita Drury of Amerilla, Texas., Lindsay, Sam and Charlie of Cot tage Grove, Francis of Monroe, John of Lorine, and many rela tives and friends. Mr. Eastburn was a member of the Christian church. He married Anna Von Behren at Salem July 4, 1898. Shortly after their mar riage he started working for J. P. Murphy at Aumsville where he learned the blacksmith trade Do ing this for several years he later took up the carpenter trade, build ing several houses, barns over a period of years. At later time he started to promote the grow ing and working of flax and fol lowing on through to the linen mills at Salem, where he was em ployed as millwright for a num ber of years. The latter part of his life was devoted to the real estate busi ness. Liberty People Attend Convention, at Summit LIBERTY Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Brownlee, Mr. and Mrs. C. C Sargent and Mr, and Mrs. Ben Bietz represented the Liberty Sunday school at the district con vention Sunday in SummiL Sun day services were held here as us ual instead of dispensing with them on the convention day. Miss Evaiyn Peterson, student at Northwest Christian college in Eugene, preached here for the morning and evening services. r QEO TODAY 'The Invaders' Laurence Leslie Olivier Howard Raymond Massey ' Shew Tim SOS, SM. i. 7:44 1 TODAY TYRONE i GENE POWER - i TEERNEY SON OP FURYn and Claodette Colbert Ray Muland SKYLARKW 1C Plus Tmryi j:ss 1 :2 IkyUrk: 143 S:3-t:S -- 00 Tax 3 MaMaassMSMMsaBBH 22c Tax I nn s TBI r4L Mid -WMlajraetlf Valley News Reports from The Statesman's PAGE FOURTEEN Curtain oi Water I . . i K 1- fc v, 'v " K VV - A sif antic curtain of water will plonxe over the crest of Washington's mer to hide the section of concrete river, and the completed baildinr draw thousands to the project. increasinr demand for more energy for war industries. Although, the largest concrete buildings on panse of concrete. T Featured With Jan King 'PrtSfefc;- - ') W (f -'-W'tA "4 U trim rii Mr i :'. ,' ' .Sf '. . . & !' Above is Chuck MolinarL swing drummer, featured with Jan Kinc and his all star orchestra, who are appearing for one night only at the Salem armory, Saturday. King has been featured at Jantzen Beach and more recently played the Frosh Glee at the University of Oregon. Committee to Work With County Agent GRAND ISLjAND The Im provement club held its regular business meeting Saturday night at the schoolhouse. A committee composed of Morton Tompkins, Urie S. Alderman, C. A. Rockhill, Roy E. Will ani Mrs. Dale Fow ler was appointed by the president to work in connection with Rex Warren, Yamhill county agricul tural agent, on; the malaria prob lem confronting the districL The club will, sponsor an ice cream social to be held at the next The Newest Flying Strip Here is the extract from a letter received by "Hpp," from the War Depart ment at Washington, D. C, written by T. W. Hammond, Jr., Captain, A. G. D. - . . j '7 am quite eager to be able to use a cardboard cut-out of 'Hop Harrigan? ' as an Army Aviation Cadet, and am delighted to hear i that it can be done . . . feel certain that the distribution of 'Hop U Harrigan to our 3 main recruiting stations tvill acquaint many i; thousands of Americans with the Air Corps neicest Aviation Ca I det. J propose to suggest that each of the main recruiting stations i circulate 'Hop Harrigan' as extensively as possible" Watch for the initial appearance; of this U S. Army-endorsed aviation strip, commencing Sunday, May 10, in The Oregon Statesman. It is the Flying strip all America has been waiting for! ! Salem. Oregon, Friday to Sheathe Coulee Dam by Summer between the partially completed on the opposite shore. The forthcoming spectacle is expected to The new powerhouse Is beinc rushed the Pacific coast, the structure Plans Progressing For Charter Night WEST SALEM Principal to pic of discussion taken up at the West Salem Lions club Wednes day night was Charter nighL Plans are being perfected and tickets are now ready. The club also voted to hold the next meet ing at Cherry's Inn. Members will meet at the City Hall at 6:30 p.m. and leave from there. regular meeting June 6. Proceeds will be used in club activities. 78 Community Correspondents Morning. May 8, 1942 Grand Coulee dam early this sum east powerhouse on this side the to completion to meet an ever when completed, it will be one of appears small against the jvast ex Lyons News LYONS Mrs. Titus, Mrs. Fred Gooch's mother, spent the week end in Stayton at the home of Mrs. Bessie Crabtree returning home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Caldow of Sweet Home visited friends in Lyons last week. They were din ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ring. The Cal dows are former Lyons residents. Mr. and Mrs. George Keeley of Portland visited Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Huber and grandmother, Mrs. Stacy McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Kee ley attended the alumni dance and banquet for the Stayton high school Saturday night. Mrs. Fred Boyer and daughters Patricia, Janet and Roberta of Sa lem were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weit man, Mrs. B. M. Woodworth who had spent the week at the Weit- man home returning home with them. Miss JoAnn Crabtree and Rich ard Lankow of Portland were Sunday dinner guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ever ett Crabtree. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ranson with his mother, Mrs. Susie Ran son of Aumsville made a trip to Portland Wednesday where Mrs. Ransom will receive medical treatmenL Cooing Sunday ibt"" ".- tot s "HOP . ' i - A - - - - HARRIGAN Junior Prom Date Named SILVERTON Jane Irish has been;' named valedictorian and Mary : Lou Shef f er, salutatorian : of the Silverton high school class this year, according to announce ment made Thpursday morning by Harold Davis, high school prin cipal. The annual junior prom has been set for Friday night at the little auditorium from 8:30 to 11:30. Monday the ML Angel col lege will, give an assembly for the high school. A driving, school opened Thurs day at 9 ajn. at the school grounds. Students who signed for the school were requested to bring a written permission from their parents. Graduation night has been set for May 27 with baccalaureate on May 24. High school students were given tuberculin skin tests on Tuesday. Ninth graders were guests of sophomores at a special assembly Wednesday. Committees Named For Emergency Food Stations SCIO Committees announced this week by Mrs. Frank Bartu lor emergency iooa stations m Scio representing three local lodge halls are: Masonic-K.P, Esther Holland, Vivian Bilyeu, Audie Myers, Gladys Leffler; ZCBJ; Rose M. Wesely, Carrie Vsetecks, Sylvia Funk, Emily Ru- besh; IOOF: Nell Donahue, Madge Sommer, Maud Montgomery, Wil ma Crow. These food stations will be for possible evacuees. Severe slash on the left thumb of George Griffin incapacited him a few days ago when a dragsaw almost severed the member. Nine stitches were required in treating the wound. Griffin is a native of the Scio community and a life long farmer and stockman here, Mrs. A. R. Harbison, bride of two weeks, is spending the week with Scio relatives and friends at Scio. She was formerly Georgia Foster, who was united in mar riage at Stevens, Wash., April 20 this year. She plans soon to join her husband, who is employed in Idaho. Mrs. Harbison for three years was a compositor and news reporter for the Scio Tribune. Legion Elects Officers vaxxum uougias Brusn was elected commander of Dayton post, American Legion at a wel auended meeting held Tuesday Other officers elected were: first vice-commander, Elery McDou- gall; second vice-commander, John Rew; and adjutant, Arthur Arms. Today and Saturday TRAIL DIAZERS Pins 2nd Smash lilt! Chapter 8 JACK HOLT as "HOLT OP THE SECRET SERVICE News and Comedy Always 2 Smash Hits! t fZK- 'Tffl 1 MU.J 3117 Ration Books Issued At Silverton i " SILVERTON Silverton'a ra tioning board . headquarters has been busy place this week with sugar returns coming In from the various outlying school districts. Reports Wednesday showed 4284 registered and 3117 books issued in the Silverton district, which includes outlying school : districts as welL It was expected that reg istration ; will continue through Friday if necessary. Forty wom en had; "registered 2147" and is sued 1682 books in school district No. 4. during the first tvij days. Walter Geren, clerk of the lc-J cal 'rationing board, reports there seems to be some misunderstand ing In regard to canning sugar. Persons have been appearing at the defense headquarters in hopes of registering for this additional sugar now. As yeL Mr.' Geren re ports, no provision for this - has been ; made and . no information received by the local board as to when such provision will be made. STARTS TODAY W-S 1 I -L-iJLJl K ,A KJLmJmm " ..rOA 1 1 W T?'- i A GREAT I BOOK : I -A GREATER PKTURE! Added Burt Bonny in "WABBIT WHO CAME TO SUPPER" Leo Reisman and Band JUNGLE JAUNT It s m Knockout! Don't Miss It! LATEST NEWS EVENTS l y- . r- rift mm t act Tim Holt in nhundering Hoofs" TIMES Plus "TAILSPIN" TONITE .with. Alice- Faye - Jane Wjr A" . man - CensUnce Bennett 1 Starts Saturday 2 Top Uils What a Show! j i . ' i - , . oNcsiiuNi ... ; -r" umiMowui f" -vw Sfr l v ( j aoiToiuEiT -J - .- V-?Sr v mtusT V A X - r 1 X..TtT ' If V mmm Valloy Evonta May 19-Z Indian raftant at Chemawa. 1 3 Salem Armory Tomorrow Iligtl ' p. M. Men 75e Ladies 65c Men int. Uniform 55c Ilnsic 'A La King - Doors Open 6:45 Feature Time: 7:00-9:52 4 i Vt 3 WOOD mm m ami r . ClAUDI RAINS JUDITH ANMRIOM NANCY COltMAN bmVm-ac mzmmm CHLC3TTEE COT tZXZl 'Pill IEIIT ImSIXT LIT El I PMSQJi PUMIIB Mi Rlfll'S U19 sa bts u a less ' 2-5' 5s S - x V 51 I If li -I, ii vi ii it i i mBW WITH