3'. H . 111 III feX. .-.l3 I TNTEHTAINING is Informed these days featuring luncheons for visitors, pre-dance parties an0Cane noon teas. Mrs. James J. Panton will be the honor guest at numerous parties before her departure for Portland. She and Dr. Panton will leave Salem early In May and will live In Portland. Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Homer V. Carpenter and Mrs. T. Gv Russell have invited guests to lunch eon at Godfrey's for the pleasure of Mrs. Panton. Later in the afternoon cards will be In play at the Russell home on North Capitol street. Tulips and lilacs will provide the decorative note. Covers will be placed for twenty. Mrs. Willard N. Thompson and Mrs. William Lidbeck are planning a luncheon for Mrs. Panton on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Russell Catlin and Mrs. Frank H. Spears, sr., will be hostesses at a luncheon Friday afternoon at their Chemeketa street home in honor of Mrs. Panton. Preceding the Tillicum club formal dance Tuesday night Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee, Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. Lebold and Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Windishar will be hosts for a pre-dance party in fthe marine room of the Marion hotel. The patriotic motif will be used in the table decorations. Miss Sybil Spears will be a luncheon hostess Monday afternoon at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Spears, sr. The honor guest will be Miss Jo Ann Evans of Merced, Colli, a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Mudd, Covers will be placed for twelve, and bridge will be in play during the afternoon. Tulips and lilacs will be used for decorations about the rooms. WOMFM'S : : .. ... . Society Clubs Music i '- ifp' ' ,t 'V-"-5i- , V?.-' A ' ' 1-- - ., zL ' I I ''U'li- y iki ir"v7-1 r:ir l I L 0 v this " Mewcomers Two charming women and their sons who have moved to Salem are Geft) Mrs. Walter Evans, jr. with Walter III and Mrs. George William Neuner and son Bill. All are from Portland, and both Mr. Evans and Mr. Neuner are in the attorney general's office. (Statesman photos) On May Day festivities on the Willamette university campus will open Wednesday when Delta.Phi sorority -coeds ritertainat a formal tea in honor of Queen Chloe Anderson. The affair will be held at the sorority house on Court street Invitations have been extended to all students, faculty members, mothers clubs and friends of the honor guests. Calling hours are from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock. In the receiving line will be Queen Chloe and her princesses, Miss June Woldt and Mrs. Oscar Swenson (Cleo Nissen), Mrs. Garfield Anderson, Mrs. O. W. Woldt of Portland, Mrs. G. PrNissen of Albany, Miss Betty Sackett, president of Delta Phi, Dean Olive M. Dahl, Mrs. Carl Sumner Knopf and Mrs. Frank James. Miss Eleanor Todd will introduce to the line. Miss Muriel Lindstrom will greet guests at the door and Miss Shirlee Morgan will pass the guest book. Mrs. Tinkham Gilbert, Mrs. Walter Smith, Mrs. R. Franklin Thompson and Mrs. Roy S. Keene will preside at the tea urns and senior girls of the sorority will assist in the serving. The tea table will be covered with a grape wine net cloth over taffeta and the centerpiece will be of white and lavender lilacs and pink tulips. Miss Helen Zimmer man will play piano numbers during the afternoon. Highlighting Friday's activities will be the all school picnic at noon and lhe student body sports dance in the school gymnasium that night. Al Benning's orchestra from Albany will play for the affair. Miss Marjorie Waters is in charge. On Saturday's program is the YWCA campus breakfast on the lawn and the parade, to be followed by the coronation at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Members of the royal court include Queen Chloe I and her princesses Cleo and June, King Corydon Blodgett, Prince Oscar Swe nson and Prince Robert Blanding. Attendants are Miss Dorothea Greenwood, Mr. lack Walker, Miss Betty Keller, Mr. Edwin Cone, Miss Margaret Siegmund and Mr. Ar nold Hardman. Flower girls are Marcia Maple, daughter of the Howard Maples, and Geraldine Keene, daughter of MrMand Mrs. Roy S. Keene. Timothy Jones, son of Dr. and Mrs. William C. Jones of Eugene, formerly of Salem, vfll be crown bearer. Miss Barbara-Young, queen of 1941, will place the crown on Queen Chloe's red hair. Mr. Clarence Wicks, Vfay Day manager, will give an address of welcome which will be followed by the presentation of "Ballads for America," featuring the a cappella choir, and the winding of the May pole. In Final Appearance The queen and her court will make their final appear ance at the May weekend play, "Distant Drums" to be held in the Leslie junior high school auditorium Saturday night. The Centennial idea will be used as the theme of the play. Sororities and fraternities wilplay an important, part during the weekend. Several hundred high school stu dents are expected on the campus and will be entertained at the houses and Lausanne hall. The Alpha Phi Alpha maids will entertain with an informal party for SaTem and ""6ut-oi-town girls Friday 5iftemoon and will be hostesses for a formal dinner Saturday night in compliment to the visiting guests at the tause. Miss Dorothy Tate, vice-president, is arranging the affairs. The annual May morning breakfast will be given by the Beta Chi sorority on Sunday morning at 9 o'clock in he chapter house. Small tables will be arranged in the garden and Princess Cleo Nissen will be an honor guest. Miss Miriam Jensen is in charge of the affair. A formal banquet for Queen Chloe and Princess June will be given by their Delta Phi sorority sisters Saturday night at the Quelle. Miss Dorothy Estes and Miss Betty Wirth are in charge. Willamette fraternities are planning to entertain weekend guests and will be hosts for informal dances Saturday tight after the play and will serenade the sorority and hall girls. I OR the pleasure of Miss Marjorie Johnson, whose marriage ' to Mr. Gerald Gregson will be an event of Friday, May 1 in Portland, several parties have been given in her honor week. Mrs. George Belt has invited guests to supper tonight at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Belt on, Leslie street in honor of Miss Johnson. The buffet table will be centered with an old fashioned bou quet of pink and white flowers and pink candles in crystal holders. A pottery shower will honor the bride-to-be and bridge will be in play during the evening. Covers will be placed for Miss Johnson. Mrs. Noel Cavender, Miss Maxine Paulsen, Miss Peggy Peterson, Miss Marjorie. Knox, Miss Hilda Crawford, Mrs. Dale Forbes of Portland, Mrs. Hans Thielsen of Corvallis, Mrs. Harry Belt and Mrs. George Belt MISS BEATRICE WILLIAMS became Mr. Guy S. Sherman' bride Saturday night at a wedding ceremony in the First Congregational church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Williams and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mr. Guy Sherman. The 8 o'clock service was read by Rev. Robert Hutchinson. Baskets of lilacs and candles decorated the altar. Miss Rowena Jones and Mrs. J. B. Morriss sang a duet, "O Promise Me," whil Miss Fern Morgan was the accompanist Of white srrtin vurr iVio 1-irirlnl nnwn TVia i n a rim "Miss P6ggY,TJeterson", who will be one of Miss Jo&sbhTadSvTasitmea sleeves and a sweetheart neck- bridesmaids, entertained with a bridal party for the bnde-to-be - St , . x ' ; W7V : ., : .1.. & t - Miss Helen Hadley (left) of Salem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hadley of Tillamook, has announced her engage ment to Lt. Robert P. Utter, son of Dr. and Mrs. Floyd L. Utter. (Jesten-Miller photo) Monday night at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Peterson. A miscellaneous shower feted the bride-elect and a late supper was served by the hostess. Bridge was in play during the evening with honors going to Mrs. George Belt Bidden were Miss Johnson, Mrs. Noel Cavender, Mrs. George Belt, Mrs. Ray Gallagher, Miss Maxine Paulsen, Miss Charlotte McClary, Miss Marjorie Knox and Miss Hilda Crawford. The marriage of Miss Johnson and Mr. Gregson will take place at the Latter Day Saints church Friday night at 8 o'clock. After a wedding trip the couple will make their home in Portland at the Park View apartments. Miss Johnson has been with the state highway department and will leave for Portland Monday. line. A halo of white satin and seed pearls heMiSerfoffeTfiD 1 L ..:1 1 PL- j i , ... . . iciiui luiie veu m piuivoe camea a cascaae or wnite lilacs and gardenias. Mr. Wiliafns gave his daughter in marriage. Mrs. Jacob Ploub was maid of honor, gowned in a pastel blue taffeta. Miss LaVina Brown and Miss Velleda Trick wer bridesmaids. They wore matching gowns of blue printed taffeta on a white background. The attendants carried nosegays of white lilacs and pastel sweet peas. The wedding reception was held in the church parlors. Mrs. Glenn Fisher cut the cake and Mrs Martin Peterson presided at the coffee urn. Serving were Mrs. Palmer Williams, Mrs. Albert Miller, Mrs. Joseph Williams and Mrs. Clifford Williams. For traveling the bride chose a beige tailleur and accessories of turf tan. The couple will live in Salem. 1 1 J !77l 4 .: r 23 Mr; - and : Mrs." Glenn Rogers " (Geo'-. Saueressig) pictured at their wedding breakfast which . followed the marriage service at the First Presbyterian church . Thursday morning.' They "will live in r Portland. (Statesman photc) " ', v '': " ; They're Engaged . . . Two popular members of the college set have announced their engagement Miss Maxine Holt is now wearing Mr. Bruce Van Wyngarden's diamond on her left hand. : The betrothal was told at the Kappa" Gamma Rho formal dinner dance ri- . day night Mr. Lcren Hicks, one-of m Speakers, told the news to the briaV groom-elect's fraternity brothers during the dinner. ' - Miss Holt is the attractive daughter "of Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Holt and, her fi- ance's parents are Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Van Wyngarden, all of Salem. For the announcement party Miss : Holt wore a pink net frock and her flowers were gardenias. She and her fiance will graduate from Willamette university In June Tmd her sorority Is ' Delta Pa ' : - . Miss Holt served as Junior class vice president and Mr, - Van Wyngarden is ' a member "of Blue Key, national honor 7 cny fraternity. No date has been set for ; fee wedding. Mr. Van Wyngarden will enter the naval reserve In June. j ' ' f : ' ' . 'f '' ' . ' ';