The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 26, 1942, Page 3, Image 3

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Heart Attack
Takes Two
Lebanon Men
LEBANON Final rites .were
read at the Howe Funeral home
Monday for Frank Asbury Sikes,
who died, at hia home of a cardi
ac attack. Rev. C E. Spence, Mo
lalla, formerly pastor of the Leb
anon Methodist church, officiated,
assisted by Rev. John Harvey
Schmidt, of the Presbyterian
church. Interment was in Corval
' lis.
' Survivors are the widow, Nel
lie Pierce Sikes, to whom the de
ceased was married in Milton,
Ore., in 1896 and six children:
Mrs. Paul Knoll, Corvallis; Mrs.
George Blinkhorn, Walla Walla,
Wash.; Mrs. Clarence Landes,
Marshfield; Frank, Corvallis; J.
N Portland, and C. P., San Diego.
Sikes was born on a farm near
Portsmouth, Ohio, January 30,
1866. He began teaching in rural
schools when he was 18 and was
graduated from college in Ohio
before he moved to Oregon, where
he lived on a large wheat ranch
for 14 yars. He became active in
the work of the Farmer's Union
and was financial secretary.
He returned to teaching in 1922
and organized several rural high
schools. When past 60 he re-entered
college, studying at Corval
lis. Later he was a school super
visor in Benton county. He came
to Lebanon nine years ago and
has been teaching adult education
classes, more than 50 aliens hav
ing prepared themselves for ex
aminations for citizenship in his
LEBANON The second unex
pected death in Lebanon within
a week was that of William Alden
Baker. He was stricken with a
heart attack while at his second
hand store on West Grant street
Wednesday. He was taken to his
home and died a couple of hours
i. , The body is at the Howe Fun
eral home and funeral arrange
ments will be made after word
is received from a son who is in
the service.
Salem FFA
Gub Attends
State Meet
Jens Svinth, advisor for Salem
chapter, Future Farmers of Amer
ica, will head the delegation of
Salem boys who attend the an
nual three-day state conference
of Future Farmers on the campus
of Oregon State College. The mem
bers will leave Salem next Thurs
day morning and return Saturday
The following boys will attend:
John Jerman, Loren Wiederkehr,
Doyle Satter, William Zenger,
Leonard Schmaltz, Richard Jen
sen, ' Norman Alexander, Wayne
Kunze, Keith Olson, Roger Lec
lerc, Tom Shipler, Wesley Strode
and Andrew Zahare.
One of the features of the con
vention is the campus tour. Con
tests will be held for the boys
during the session.
The Salem chapter recently
elected the following officers:
Larry Imlah, president; Keith Ol
son, vice-president; Norman Alex
a n d e r, secretary; Leonard
Schmaltz, treasurer; Roger Lec
lerc, reporter; Earl Strausbaugh,
farm watch dog; Rex Tansey, An
drew Zahare and Richard Jensen,
executive committee. Tom Shipler
Is chairman of cooperative activ
ities committee and Merle Rains
Agency Reports
Sale of Homes
ers agency, headed by Alf O. Nel
son, reports real estate sales of
the week to include:
. . The Ernest Schempp home to
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Frances. This
home is on Central street. Frances
at one time had a box factory
here. Schempp is now employed at
the state hospital, Salem.
- The H. J. Leach home on Jersey
street was sold to Robert Nelson,
son of Mr. .and Mrs. Alf O. Nel
son. He is now serving with the
coast artillery, stationed at Ft.
Stevens on the Columbia.
The A. E. Donally, Portland, 31
acres was sold to Mr. and Mrs.
... Jess Esser of Mt Angel. This for
merly was a part of the Carl Ben
son ranch in Brush Creek. Esser
Is a turkey grower.
XSeorge Nash, Spokane, sold 26
acres in the Evergreen district to
Mr. and Mrs. William Evans. Ev
ans is in the logging business.
Another deal consumated
through the Homeseekers Agency
during the past week was the sale
ot 60 acres formerly owned by
Sam Svaleson, by Paul Zielinski
to Paul Rouse. The Rouse family
- recently came to Silverton from
North' Dakota.
Entertains for Father
BRUSH CREEK Althea Meyer
entertained in honor of her fath
er, L. H. Meyer Friday on the oc
casion of his birthday.
Leaves for California , ,
'. JEFFERSON Mrs. Eugene Fin
lay left Wednesday for Gustine,
Calif., to be with her mother, Mrs.
E JC Morton, who la 11L
Mid-Willamette Valley" News
Reports from
Shower Fetes
Recent Bride
DETROIT Mrs. Earl Parker
was hostess Wednesday honoring
Mrs. Heath Hall with a shower.
Present were Mesdzmes William
Siefert, Gilbert Pruitt, Loner Bee
man, W. L. Krause, Charles Cles
ter, Cora Goodman, W. H. Rid
dell, Matt Geston, James Nielson,
Willie Ficker, O. J. White, H. W.
Beard, W. F. Goodman, Scott
Young, Prather, the honor guest
and the Misses Alma Pohle, Joy
Hammon and Dot Young.
Mrs. A. V. Fisher has resigned
as clerk at the Newport store. Mrs.
Marjorie Baughn has taken her
Boyd Rasmussen is the new dis
trict ranger succeeding Glenn
Charlton, who was transferred to
LaGrande last month. Robert
eerman, Oak Ridge, filled the va
cancy temporarily.
Charles Moore, Mill City, is stay
ing with his son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Moore.
While playing with schoolmates,
Bobby Reid, son of Mr. and Mrs.
F. W. Goodman, slipped and fell
on a broken bottle and sustained
a bad cut which necessitated sev
eral stitches by a doctor.
Victory Card
Party Slated
No. 21, Pythian Sisters, will hold
a victory card party May 1 at the
home of Mrs. Irene Roubal. This
will be an invitational affair but
a 25-cent defense stamp will be
the admission charge for all in
vited guests.
The Altruistic club held an all
day meeting with a no-hostess
luncheon at the home of Mrs. L.
C. Eastman Wednesday.
SILVERTON The Lions club
auxiliary met in joint session
Tuesday with new members in
itiated into the auxiliary includ
ing Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs. Guy
Denham, Mrs. Charles Denham,
Mrs. C. J. Towe, Mrs. Rolfe Bent
son, Mrs. F. M. Powell and Mrs.
William Bloch.
Assisting the president, Mrs. C.
H. Dickerson, in initiation, were
Mrs. Al Schroeder, secretary, Mrs.
Dale Lamar, historian, and Mrs.
A. L. V. Smith as conductor.
Students Enter
Music Contest
SILVERTON Taking part in
the music contest at McMinnville
this weekend from the local high
school were the sextet and mem
bers of the band. Soloists were
Don Renwick, cornet, accompan
ied by Mrs. Ernest Byberg, and
Jim Nelson, French horn, accom
panied by Mrs. Alf O. Nelson.
Lawrence Edwards and Floyd
Ellefson of the faculty accompan
ied the group of young people,
who included Mahola Abell, Wal
lace Adams, Kenneth Allen, Tom
Anderson, Arleigh Berget, Duane
DeSantis, Vayle Dickerson, Bruce
Bloch, Collin Bragg, June Buell,
Don Chandler, Ken Cooke, Toni
Dickman, Bill Duncan, Milton
Fuhr, Jim Ekman, Carold Good-
all, Lee Grinde, Dorris Hanks,
Bell Harrington, Don Hatteberg,
Bill Hutton, Henry Jackson, Cal
vin Johnson, Vincent Jorgenson,
Denny Legard, Marion and Flor
ence Lee, Jean Libby, Jean Mc-
Clanathan, George Manolis, Glor
ia Moen, Jerry Merrimen, Lloyd
Naegeli, Jim Nelson, David Oder,
Geraldine Olson, Jim Olsen, El
eanor Olson, Darlene Reed, Mar
ion Rappe, Don Renwick, Ruth
Rustad, Will Scarth, Darrol Sat-
ern, Diane Sanderson, Robert
Swanson, Henry Ulvin and Melvin
Husband in Virginia
FAIRVIEW Mrs. Walter Shaw
and Shirley, are visiting their hus
band and father, Walter Shaw,
who is in US service at Norfolk,
Va., but expects soon to be trans
ferred. Mrs. Shaw is teacher of
the Seventh Day Adventist school
and during her absence Mrs. Merle
Campbell is substituting.
reMwal txpcmc; mm uereu la
latere rate. A Prdl -!
Mrtat toe safe way to Buiei
ftar a en. -AtHiI aehecte4
MeUMsrHA . tawchg pt!uL
Authorized Mortgage Solid toe
tor The Prudential Insuraoca Co
of America.
Guardian! BuUdln Salem. Oreffo
The Statesman's
Salem, Oregon, Sunday
Airlie News
AIRLIE Mr. and Mrs. Harlen
Wilson were Saturday guests of
his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Mr. and Mrs.. Prank Dannels,
Marie Ann and Donald, Mr. and
Mrs. Vaughn Whi taker were
weekend guests of Mrs. Barton,
Mr. and Mrs. Dode Thacker,
Philomath, called Tuesday on Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Hastings.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eastman,
Oregon City, spent Thursday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse J. McKib-
ben were on business in Ballston
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boyer visit
ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
William Boyer and family.
Visitors Day Set
By High School
SILVERTON Silverton's senior
high school will hold a "visitor's
morning May 6 when all ninth
graders are to be welcomed. The
affair is sponsored by the soph
omore class with Wally Adams in
charge. An assembly will be held
at 11:30.
Senior girls of Silverton high
were guests at Mt. Angel academy
Grossbeaks Back Again
SILVERTON The Grossbeaks
are again back. at Silverton after
a month's visit elsewhere. Local
bird lovers reported having seen
the birds here in mid-March but
that shortly after that they dis
appeared. This week they were
noted again in the residential parts
of town.
Public verdict
Dr. Painless
Parker Says:
Accepted Credit brings you
dental plates on No-Money-Down
Plan. You have until
next month for your first pay
ment . . . other payments can
be made as you prefer by the
week or month. Enjoy the ex
perience of seeing and wearing
plates before paying.
Transparent Plates
With Old-Fashioned Kind
Call at Dr. Painless Parker's offices and
decide for yourself the advantages of
plates made with gums that match your
own and a clear palate -that reflects sur
rounding mouth tissues. They are lighter
... of more graceful design ... natural in
their coloring time-tested as to balance
and of enduring strength.
Translucent teeth
achieve realistic effects
Science now matches the color and contour of natural
teeth with artificial ones. But because of a new pro
cess, it also reproduces the three-dimensional effect
of your own teeth.- Translucent teeth have a soft
surface lustre, a gentle gleam,-the diffused shading
of your present teeth. They give a more lifelike ap
pearance to dental plates . . make it hard to detect
you are wearing dentures.
Make Your Own
Credit Terms Within
Start visits now, pay - later.
Your -credit can be applied to
family's needs.
TtfeMt SJUenC25
Jt O&er eKices la Ernest, Ptrtlssd, Tecss, Sysissa, TV
1 SecttU, cd la cU be&j Pacific Cms! d:is )P
78 Community Correspondents
Morning, April 26, 1942
Charter Night
Are Chosen
WEST SALEM The Lions club
has set May 20 for charter night
The president, Ludwig Peterson,
appointed the following commit
tees: General chairman, Floyd Rudie;
publicity, F. E. Neely, Waldo Mer
cer and Carl Starts; entertain
ment, Walter Gerth, Glenn Lewis
and Fred Gibson; greetings com
mittee, Guy Newgent, Carl Quis
tad, O. E. Sneider; finance, Earl
Burke, Dr. A. F. Goffrier, L. B.
McClendon; food and arrange
ments, Thomas Dalke, L. L. Slop
er and Robert Forster.
Mayor Guy Newgent will head
the committee to plan for "Know
Your Neighbor" week April 26 to
May 2.
Officer Phil Hathaway arrest
ed Ira Spencer on a bench war
rant Tuesday. Spencer entered a
plea of guilty and was fined $10
and given a 10-day jail sentence.
He was arrested April 11 for va
grancy and drinking on a public
highway, but failed to appear in
police court on the date for which
he was cited.
Docia Boje, Rickreall, was ar
rested for driving an automobile
without an operator's license. She
was fined $10 with the fine sus
pended upon the promise to re
main out of the city in the fu
A John Doe warrant was issued
for the arrest of an identified par
ty who dumped waste and glass
bottles in the city park. Leonard
Jensen made the complaint, R.
Campbell agreed to put up $25
bail for the party pending trial in
justice court.
1 w w" i i. ' k.
for plates
Of All Kinds
Extractions, Filling, In
lays, Crowns, Bridgework
and Plates.- - . -t'
Plates Relined and
Reasonable Prices
PARKER, Dentist
Sec 1 Pag 3
Victory Quilt
Nearly Done
tory V quilt which members of
the Sunshine club are making,
was almost completed at the
quilting and no hostess luncheon
at the home of the past president,
Mrs. Elwood Cooper, Thursday,
The group expects to finish it
Monday, April 27, at a special
meeting at the Cooper home.
Mrs. Ralph Chance, Mrs. A. J.
French and Mrs. Sidney Abrams
assisted Mrs. Cooper. Those pres
ent included Mrs. Walter Evans,
Mrs. Libby Davidson, Mrs. Henry
Davidson and son Fred, Mrs.
Ralph Chance, Mrs. Ted Daum
and Gary, Mrs. Pete Wilmert and
Jerry, Mrs. John Childers, Mrs.
S. D. Crawford, Mrs. A. J. French,
Mrs. A. D. Clark, Mrs. Sidney Ab
rams, Mrs. Elbert Kaepoli, Mrs.
Owen C. Williams and the host-
DV - ,oOPer ,-.eY
r v
j Finest flexible spring steel
Guaranteed rustproof,
chip-proof; etc.
Finished with TWO coals
of bailed enamel,
f Drass geared tilting
Grenard's Reg. 50c Per Sq. Ft
Style for Only
50c Installation
ui "r-
Lyons WSCS Plans
Mother-Daughter j
Banquet for May
LYONS Mrs. Alva Wise and
Mrs. Paul Smith were hostesses
for WSCS at the community
clubhouse Tuesday.
Plans were completed for the
Mother-Daughter banquet at the
Rebekah hall May 12, with the
following committees appointed:
Program, Mrs. Alex Bodeker
and Mrs. Jack Cornforth; dinner,
Mrs. Roy Huber, Mrs. Alex Kui
ken, Mrs, Albert Julian, Mrs. Oral
Toland and Mrs. Tom Owen; dec
orations, Mrs. Ivan Day, Mrs.
Melbern Rambo and Mrs. Art
Anderson; tables, Mrs. Jim Smith,
Mrs. Clyde Bressler, Mrs. Lyle
Kinzer, Mrs. Kathereen Julian,
and Mrs. W. J. Hamilton; public
ity, Mrs. G. Paul Johnston, Mrs.
Robert Fetherston and Mrs. Mar
vin Toland; serving, Mr. Paul
Smith, Mr. Alva Wise, Mr. Albert
Julian, Mr. Ray Nye and Mr.
George Clipfell; waiting on tables,
Stanley Weitman, Robert Corn
forth, Gordon Weitman, Perry
Clipfell, Leland Manning, Donald
Huber and James Nye; dishwash
ing, Mrs. Joe Weitman, Mrs. Jim
Smith, Mrs. Alva Wise, Mrs.
George Huffman and Miss Fannie
Wilson. Mrs. Robert Fetherston
will be in charge of the tickets.
Each mother is invited to attend.
The Wednesday card club held
These Expensive Features:
Automatic Cord stop.
Ilado to order to EXACTLY fit
Charge . . 10c Per Mile Beyond City Limits
their party Wednesday iritfi Mrs.
Norman Garrison and Mrs. Or-
ville Downing as hostess; 500 was
enjoyed with Mrs. Everett Crab-
tree winning high prize, Mrs.
George Huffman low and Mrs.
Earl Miller the traveling prize.
Refreshments were served to Mrs.
Albert Bass, Mrs. Claude Rebhan,
Mrs. Fred Dallas, Mrs. Everett
Crabtree, Mrs. Art Olmstead, Mrs.
Oscar Naue, Mrs. Art Anderson,
Mrs. John Kunkle, Mrs. Pat Ly
ons, Mrs. Earl Miller, Mrs. Mel
bern Rambo, Mrs. George Huff
man and the hostess, Mrs. Garri
son and Mrs. Downing. .
Services Held at
Elliott Prairie
MONITOR Rev. Meyer will
preach today at the Elliott Prairie
church at 10 a.m. Sunday school
will be at 11, and a cooperative
dinner will be held after Sunday
school, at which time Mr. Hausski,
the missionary from China, will
. Mrs. Charles Tyler is in the
Oregon City hospital, where she
has undergone surgery.
Vance Yoder, who was home
recently on furlough, has been
heard from at Philadelphia.
Mrs. Ssan Kurtz is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Minnie Camp, at
L. D. Lenon received a wire
notifying him of the death of his
Washable woven cords and
tapes. j
Patented hang brackets,
enclosed ends.
Removable head for easy
window cleaning.
lieu design facia FREE.
Carries greatest
your individual uindous.
Rifle r Company- -
Meets Monday
At Lebanon
LEBANON A rifle company is
being organized in Lebanon
which, if it is accepted by the
state guard, will be Company A
of the 13th battalion. The. lint
meeting will be in the armory at
eight o'clock, Monday. It is
thought that CoL Ralph CowgUL
head of the state guard, will be
To be accepted as a part of the
state organization the company
must have at least 60 men. While
any who are between the ages of
20 and 60 are eligible it is sug
gested that those who are likely to
be called in the draft should not
enlist in this company as their
withdrawal would be an inter
ruption, i
Three officers will be elected,
captain,, first and second lieuten
ants, seven sergeants and seven
corporals will be appointed. Rob
ert Clarke, Herbert F a 1 1 e r and
Harry Miller are organizing the
uncle, James Bridger Lenor,
White Bird, Idaho, who died at
the home of his son Loren, of
Burns. James Lenon was born at
Fort Bridges, Wyo., when his par
ents were crossing the plains in
1865, and grew up in the Willam
ette valley. The funeral was helT
at White Bird, Idaho.
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