Csc. 1 Pags 7 Buying? Sailing? Trading? Let Classified Do It For You lbs iXSGOH STATZS3UUL Safaa. Qragog, Condor Morrdog. April 23. 1SU 0 j 4 CaaMlfUi AdTertkdag Stoteimtrn Classified Ads ' Call 9101 Threw Insertions per Hnt- 13e Six insertiona per Una- 40e On month per line -Sl-23 Minimum chtrje 15c; 1 tt. mln- tanam SSe; tt. mln. 43c No refund. Copy far this peg MMpM un ta 4:30 the evening before publlca ttoa fox. classification Copy re oeived after this time will be run under the hooding "Too : Late to tlr-rtfr" Tlie Ijlil mm tMomM bo flnan eUl responsibility Cor crron Which may appear In advertisements pub lished In lta columns and tn eaaea wbtt this paper la at fault will reprint that part of an edvertiso ancnt in which tbe typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman t em the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves tbe right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad en ad containing Statesman bos number for an ad dress ia for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. Tbe Statesman la not at liberty to dlvulfe tnfor snation aa to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry Notice to Horse Breeders ' Setiitarcd thorourhbred stallion Lawrence M, and the registered Arab lan stallion Stambul, property of the United States Army Remount Service, both proven aires and individuals of superior disposition, conformation & breeding will be available for service to suitable mares. Fee $10 at time of , service. Interested visitors welcome. A. J. Edwards, 1160 Waller St.. Salem. Phone 6682. HORSES MARES MULES LARGE ASSORTMENT of gentle, ahunky, well broke horses and mules aa hand at all times. Lota of mated teams. DISCOUNT for cash. CREDIT riven. No carrying charge. ALL STOCK PRICED to SELL. Guaran teed aa represented. Free delivery. Bar K Stock Ranch. Harry Kueruie. can ton. Ore.. mi. E. of Carlton, 7 mi. W. Of Newberg in West Chehalem Valley, FOR SALE Re. Guernsey bull. wk. old. from heavy producing herd. Tel z-zzsi. SPECIAL price, now hatched-to-or-der May and June chicks. Nelson's poultry Farm, Rt. 4, E. D street. Ph. 8280. BABY CHICKS, popular varieties every week. Also Leenorn cocjere now ready. Ph. 22801, Lee Hatchery. Help Wanted EXPERIENCED egg candler wanted at Northwest Poultry and Dairy Pro ducts CO, 1909 N- Front. WE ARE accenting- applications from men over 43 and women between 22 and 39 to replace men in our sales force who are being called into serv ice. These selected will oe given training. State qualifications in reply, Box 2077, ix 2077, Statesman. MAN or woman to take charge of drapery and curtain Department. Must be experienced. See Mr. Hood, Mont gomery Wards MAN or WOMAN for good local route by well known and long established manufacturing firm. Real opportunity for ambitious person. No experience necessary, no ace nmrc. see - J. h. Thiessen, Marion Hotel, Tuesday. UPHOLSTERERS, refrigerator serv iceman as linoleum layers. H. L. Stiff. Help Wanted Male WANTED MAN WITH GOOD CAT. To build logging roads on contract. ALL SUMMER'S WORK TO RIGHT PARTY. THIS TS AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY TO GET CONNECT ED WITH A LARGE LOGGING OP ERATION. WRITE BOX 2079 CO STATESMAN. TOP AIRCRAFT WAGES PAID FOR QUALIFIED TOOL MA KERS, DIEM AKERS AND JIG BUILDERS. DEFENSE WORKERS NOT SOLI CITED. CALL OR WRITE EMPLOY MENT OFFICE, COLUMBIA AIR CRAFT INDUSTRIES. 912 S. E. MILL ST., PORTLAND. ORE. MAN with Urge disc to disc newly slowed ground. Ph. 21240 BOYS, aged 14-Is. Court 339 N. High. B Sc B Bowling Help Wanted Female . W A N T E D Experienced union wages, 986 S. Coml. waitress. EXPER. WOMAN COOK. Ph. 3033. -THOROUGHLY EXP. maid, general housework, good wages. Phone 7201. CLoworksTTres anUon wages. Jefferson, Oregon. EXP, girl for housework. Ph. 3359. Salesmen Wanted WANTED A local man. past 40, with ear to represent a large corporation In this territory. Direct sales experi ence beneficial, but not necessary. Our men are earning better than $50.00 weekly. See Mr. Brake. Hotel Salem, ell day Sunday and Monday. Situations Wanted GIRLS want housework as care of Children. Ph. 3969, e&t OrtjaonOtatesmaa ADVERTISmO Vestern Advertising - Representatives George D. Close. Ine.' Saa Frandaco Los Angelea Seattle Eaxtern Advertising RepresenUtires Ward-Crtfrfth Company. Ine. Chicago, New York, Detroit r Atiante Entered at tka Postoflce at Salem. Oreaxm, as Second Class Matttr. Pwb Uaned every morning aaecept Monday. vst oJTice XI $ South Commercial , SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mall Subaertptloa Rates tn Advance: Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday: Mo. 4 Cants: 4 Moa. $i00; 1 year 6 ae. sUsewhere 40 cents per mo. or $7J0 lor t rear in advance. Per copy I cents. Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITS or phone tl8) to Salem's eldest, ssrtrst home owned and borne managed finance Institu Uoo. Your financial affairs wtH be discussed and toana mad tn strictest privacy. Toe will be given every alderattoa la the repaying of 1 to IS MONTHS TO REPAY Ton can pay la fun any tune reduce the coat ONLY BORROWER SKINS No ROT H. SIMMONS, MOB, Uc Ma M-152 JIM CLARK. ASST. MGR. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lis. No S-124 134 So. Commercial St Phone 0188 First door south of Ladd Bush bank. Convenient ground Boos location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to r due nejrmeata. Money for new 1 used cars. No delay or red tape. Yoa wui retain possession or ine vcussss 1 TO 14 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 130 South Commercial Street Phono SIM Lie. No M-U2 PRIVATE MONEY to loan on good real estate. CHAS. HUDKINS Sc SON 279 Sta:te St Phone 4444 HA LOANS Mli also ortv Abrams at Ellis, Inc. Masonic Bldg. Situations Wanted DEPENDABLE, caoable lady. House work by hr. or practical nursing. 419 S. (,Ottage. S7W. WANTED TO BUY or lease, small acreage close in. Must have comfort' able buildings. H. T. White, co States TREEWORK. surgery work, mining St cabling. Ph. 6240. trim- GARDENS, any size, plowed and worked down with Ford tree a. ewr GARDEN, any size, plowed, disced. Ford tractor, en. zzso. rree estimate. For Sale Miscellaneous New Mod. Bedroom Sets Closeout Prices $119.50 4 pc. wat set. now -.. 989.30 4 pc. wal. set, now S79.30 4 pc. wai. set, now $69.50 4 pc. wal. set. now S59.50 4 PC. wal. set. now Several High Grade 4200 Bedroom Sets NOW $120 to 140 Cash Terms or Trade We Are Overstocked on Bedroom Suites Very Large Selection Note: We Promise You the Best Deal In Town Be Convinced Nash Furniture Co. 219 N. Commercial St Furniture Priced to Sell New velour dav. Sc chair. $79 up. New bed daveno. $29 up. Large Stock Trade Look! 3 $169.50 mohair dav. Sc chair Close Out Prices. $99. with your old set. These are shocking Values See Them Nash Furniture Co. 211 No Commercial St. USED FURNITURE PRICED TO SELL 29 good used wood ranges. 4 good used dining room sets. Twin bedroom set. See the Above at the Nash Furniture Co. 219 N. Commercial St. GIBSON elec. stove. $85. 1594 N 4th WESTTNGHOUSE automatic Phone 8743. 185 N. 13th. range. GOVERNMENT stopping sale of steel Venetian blinds May 31st. Get yours NOW. only 40c per sq. it., sue instai lation charge. Phone Gevurtz Furni ture 4019 for free estimate CANARIES. Parraketts. hens, singers 1505 Jefferson. Phone 6839. FOR SALE Nine-drawer roll top oak desk and chair. One work bench and one 10-foot counter, all in good condi tion Write I. E. Garrard, 922 S. W. Stark St.. Portland. CONTRACTORS NOTICE 1 Wallace Radial bench saw, one horse motor. F. B. Wilson, 917 Knapp St, Salem. WE BUY. sell St trade in good used furniture. Bright Furniture Store 453 Court St Ph. 5362 CHOICE Koldfish. Complete line of water plants Sc supplies. Pemberton's, 192U s. lztn LAWN MOWER. Good condition. Also dahlia bulbs. 29 S. 14th. 1941 NORGX washer, davenport & chair; dining table, chairs: dresser; chiffonier, $100 cash or by piece. 394 E. Superior. . PLANTS: Tomato 10c dos, cabbage 7c dox., lettuce 9c dx Merrill's Green House. Brooks. Back of school. LIKE NEW, electric range at other household fura. Wardrobe trunk. 991 Roeemont St, W. Salem. WOOD SAW. good tires. Ph. 4731. THE APRON SHOP 47t N. High. Glad bulbs & Boxwood. Fred deVries. Wanter F ornitore F. N. tt GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers Sc furniture dsalfrs will pay you more cash or trod tor furniture At household goods. Wo buy or sell everything. Ph. 4114 CASH FOR used ftuuttiiio 4t house hold goods. R Forgey Ph. T444. Wanted Miscellaneous SMALL thrashing machine. Tel 2-2281. Want qt. goats milk delivered. P. 3486 Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVIC tN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Parts tor Reoatr DR. HARRY 4FMlf,m. DENTIST Adolpb Bide, State a Coaal Ph. 3X11 SPECIALIST to custem batching. River Road Hatchery. 1774 N. River Rd. CLORDIS 179 ens Vl2 r quick - I lVLJS!rL, kl ,Siy ,k Honey to Loan CASH FOB Any Constructive Purpose No loan Js too small tor our con sideration. Repayment schedules ar ranged to fit your Income. For example: YOU filXXIVX YOU PAY MONTHLY $30.00 $ 251 4.19 838 1256 25.13 50.00 100.00 150.00 300.00 Phone, write, or can at the office of Salem's Personal Loan Center. 315 Court St. Salem Phone 4446 State License S-224 M-27S . CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY Foa Gush in a Hurry PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 13 State Street Doors West of Capitol Theatre Ph. Sin License Nos. 8-122 M-155 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. ITH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N. M-IS4 WE LOAN on farm. rastdenCial Jk business piopeity. Will buy mortgages or contracts, bawkins at robchts. INC Realtors. Guardian Building Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 4 Interest W. H. GRABENHORST at CO. REALTORS For Rent Rooms HOTEL MARION Rooms. special wee Kir and monthly rates to perm, guests, Marion Coffee Shop, delicious meals at low prices. LARGE sleep, rm.. good ventilation, heat, employed lady. No liquor, no smoking. 079 N. cottage. SLEEPING room, close In. Ph. 449$. SLEEPING rm., $6 mo. 360 Center. FRONT bedr.. walk, dist 3SS S. Owens VACANCY lor man. 90S Center. SLP RM, near state bldg- Ph. 31449 Room and Board SLEEP ING-Uving room. Ph. 440$. Nice rms. Excel, bd. 330 N. Summer. Strictly 1st class. 650 Marion. T. 6570. VATANCT Board oTiOom, 409 Union GOOD SERVICE. 1144 Center. B630 VACANCY, nice rooms. 219 S. Whiter BETTER BRD & rm. 749 S. Cornl St For Rent Apartments FURN cabin, close In. Ph. FURN. 3-R.. $1$. 2-R . $12. 2-R, pri vate shower bath, $15, its., w washer, gar., frig. ser. 5-R. duplex J$25. 3-R, priv. bath water Sc heat. $29. 173 S. Liberty. ONE or 2 bed rms., fireplace, dining rm, mam floor. 435 N. winter. Attract, ant. Elec. stove, refrlg. Rests. Day, wk.. mo. Adonis, 1549 N. CapttoL NICE turn, apts, Maytag, adults. $19.50 mo. up. (one 4-nn. apt. Very reaa.) 624a N. Capitol St. 3-RM. apt, $10 mo. 280 Center. 4-RM. apt, 2 bedrma. firenL. gar. furnace. Its., h. wat. Ph. $701. 1160 N. 1$ STRATTON apt. S-rm. turn, apt to sublet. Ph. sots or setx NICE 3-rm, $20. 1347 Ferry. P. 9222. 2-RM, $19. 152 S. 13th. P. 5222. FRONT. 1st floor. 3 rms. 89$ S. 12. 4-RM. turn. apt., oil heat adults, a- rm. unfurn. hse. Z73 rt. Zutn. REDECORATED turn, ante, $12.54. $15 and $16. Light water turn. 45 If. Church. Ph. 3217. 1 It 1 rm. apts, steam heat Frigld- aire, garage. 300 N. capitoi . 2 rms., semi-basement apt, nicely turn, pvt. bath. Women only. 1114 Oak. VERY lovely 1st floor, 4-rm. partly turn. apt. 590 union. NICELY turn, heated. 1560 Center, CLEAN, one rm. apt 444 Ferry. 3-R. turn apts, priv. bath, lta, H. wates. washer. Inq. 1234 S. Commercial. FURN. apta, $0-59 up. 1314 8. 13th 3-R.. attrac . close, prt ent 8429. MICZLY FURNISHED large apart- tt wttn porcn room, its & ivjl. CLOSE IN. 441 N. Coma 414 ma LARGE Pullman, mod, priv. bath. rexr, nicexy rurn. saa as m ass u oi rn. arza. , 1 and 2 rm. apt 3054 N. CapttoL 1ST FLOOR, modern. 1411 Court For Rent Houses S-RM. house. $14. 1157 HaO. P. 39 Good 3 B. R, turniahed. close m. szzjo Mod. furnished. 1 B. B. C H. SANDERS 6434 or 21S22 $253 B. R, 1511 S. Liberty. 439 ' 3 bedrooms, mod. S.- W. " H. P. GRANT S3 Court. Ph. 6744 4-RM, $30 t S27J4 (range). 4-R, go. 173 5. Liberty. Foe RenJ Hooses -KM. duplex, base, fireplace. range, 2-car gar close to Forestry bldg. 4e air port ISO S. 25. Ph. 9049, Loia xsurgoyne. gnat j. modern suburban house, dose m. on bus line, fl 99. MYRTON MOORE REAL ESTATE ISO North Commercial suite it FOR RENT S-rm. house. $18. 1137 Hall 10-EM. house. Can be used aa 4 ants. Garden space. 22 miles to can tonment J. M, Bones.-Ph. 4X2, Turner, Ore. v. ,- -,. CUT), new. modern a-rnu $24. 2119 N. Liberty. Inq. 459 Grove St 3- HOUSES. $20. $39. See Thomas E. Cole. 1313 Center. OR LEASE 4 rm. ctrictlT mod. bee. Full basement, autom. hot water heat er, gar, nice large fenced backyard. Can be seen anytime. 1639 Jefferson. 3 RM. house. Stove 4c rugs furnished. 1390 3rd St, W. Salem. WS HAVE TBI PROSPECT IF YOU Want to k. rent see Mr Mr. Goodwin Mr. Mr. Collins with Hawkins as Roberta. LEST your rentals with us. ABRAMS at ELL! US. Inc, Maaonla Bldg. 4-RM. turn dunlex. unfurn duplex. $29. 2140 N. 9th. Ph. 4604. For Rent HOUSE Sc A., rood Bard en snot 280 Fairview Ave. Call at 1700 Oxford St, after 7. End of 14th. 4th house. TRAILER space. 1730 N. Water St MODERN COTTAGES. $4 4t UP Junction Auto Court, So. Commercial. PASTURE, Rt 4. Box 14$. 14 A, mod. hse, gd. soil. elec. P. 7123. Wanted to Rent FURN. R- with light haekpg. privll eges, priv. home by res pons, elderly man. Box 3076. Statesman. For Sale Real Estate 31000 CASH Will buy this 3-r. plastered home, lo cated on paved at, includes gas stove and water heater in xitcnen. si.i. i nm BARGAIN NOW. W. H. GRABENHORST Sc CO, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 GOOD S-room house with unfinished attic, full basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors. At 1938 Hazel. S3850.O0, terms. See Mr. Goodwin at HAWKINS & ROBERTS, INC., Salem. ATTRACTIVE BRICK HOME 6 nice rooms, complete in every way, mahogany finish, beautiful tile bath, finished basement with party r. with fireolace. 2-car caraae. cor. lot. lo cated' at 2190 Center St. For particu lars, see W. H. GRABENHORST 4c CO, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 SOME REAL BARGAINS PH. ART MADS EN. 9580 A 3 bedrm. house on Center St, full basement large cor. tot Needs paint Sc kalsomine 42190 4250 dn. Large 9-room modern bouse, wainng aistance, on I, am, luiomiuc ne firenlace. double aarage $3750 Brand new streamline on n. laurcn. fun basement cherries and garden. $3200 $300 dn, $30.00 montn. 169 WEST LINCOLN ST. Good 4-R. nlastered home, with laree lot bearing fruit and nut trees. 2-car garage. Price $3000 for QUICK SALE. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H. GRABENHORST Sc CO, Realtors 134 S.-Liberty St -Ph. 4131 A HVS hath it Kiwnvnt fur . 62500. part carsh. Hollywood. aul 3939 &at Sun. or eve. LATE MODERN SUBURBAN HOME 4-R.. fireplace, heated with elect ricitv. a-arage. built about one year ago, Price $3250. A. of land, paved rd. located east. W. H. GRABENHORST 4c CO., Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4t3i FOR ALL KINDS OF REAL ESTATE, H C. SHIELDS Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902 Business Cards in this directory en a monthly b a a 1 4 only. Sate: $1.25 per 1 1 a month. Anto Brakes Hike Panek. 279 South CiNtunarcial Batteries WTLLARD batteries, all types 41 woodrow, 394 Church. Ph Bieyeles BICYCLES, New and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott. 147 & Com'cL P. 4514 Chiropractic Physicians a A. Sternberg, 944 M. CapttoL S73L Chimney Sweeps Vacuum rlaaned chtmney. furnace. Root repair. Free estimate. Renneay. r. smo. FlorisU Brelthaupre. 447 Court Phono $149 Funeral Directors TerwiQlger Funeral H Pb, 4924 House Trailers GISSB TRAILERS 474 upJ4 better bit. tower price, skakea. 4th St, Independence. Oro. Fact Lawn Mowers P X. Roach. 4511 Matti-esses SALEM FLUFF KUO ft MATTRESS Co New Ma unc ft weevinev S UUS as wi Tel 4441 Zwtekera. CAPlTOi BEDDING CO Black Sheep of the FcanllY For Sale Real Estate NEW 4 mv 4t nook. hdwd. fire. Nice location, near school St bus, $3150 $20 do, $3 per mo. Ha. modern house. I A fine eard I en soU. Near Hayeaville school. $2600 4254 dn, $27 .50 ner mo. I 3-Rm. house, lft Al some timber. I iotjo. )- on, aio per mo. i u ai a, socaiao itear rraxum, gooa I house and barn. ezeeUent soil, creek.1 fully stocked, immediate -sun. nouse. oouoie niumnma. nase- i n. Iurnc- to state Office otnnmp sjwo ne UB4 DOaanco aw Ln, ,M t...".;.T.. t " I 5Roon bouse, oesemecrt. .furnace I ana ureiuaoe.- v garage J(icti, ef "ZnLJlL? 'CiML 4200 an, $30 per mo. - 1 1T S UI.I. K Bi MM - - - COURT STREET HOME! - dose to state house. One of Salem's best constructed 3 B. R. mod. homea. Lerge mv. at din, oil or wood furnace. neairaxui lot. uouDie gar. C. H. SANDERS 6634 or 21422 V ACRE, 4 rooms and dinette, utility room, nice yard. On bus line and close in. Thia property la priced right I 9 rooms and unfinished UDStalra. to-1 cated in Eagtewood district Party baa I icix lawn ana cut price. I casn. 5-room new house on hill. West Sa- ANOTHER ATTRACTrVE BUY 4 lem. Nice home and worth the money. I room house and basement large lot. -room nouse, :aiem tieignta oiatrsct, furnished. WUI seU on terms. I Income property. 4 apts. and small I nouse. near capuot. uood income ana I uvmg quarters, price reduced for quick CHAS. HUDKINS At SON I 273 state St. Phone 9494 I LOCATED IN CHOICE RESIDENTIAL I Eight blocks north of state house. nice modern a b. R. home, large hy ing at anting, i-nce shoo. Terms. C H. SANDERS OS34 or 21422 HAVE buyer tor 2 bedr. bouse, near I Market, ictn to xist, up to $2000, $000 aown. 2-R. Si bath. new. large lot W. Sa lem. fine loc, 41000. 4304 down. C J. JACKSON 341 State St. Salem. WELL LOCATED, dose In. 9 rms. with fireplace, furnace, nice lot Ga rage ft workshop. Buatneas Zone. $3250. Ph- 7807 day S8 sun or eye. waiter Socolofsky. 1st Natl Bank Bldg. good BUYi 4500 $404 cash, Nice 4-room mod- ern nome. wiui nooa. nwo. uoors, duc, r. ? m. n. ojirtucMs oiua or usi Uberty $3350 cash.. . . . . . B-R. moo, except osmt. urge ot, mi. m.imm Miim h . -- - ilm, .K.rJ.n w T ' a RMS . eloaa in on Center. 42000 rash, if mtM at one. 2 bedrms, large liv. rm. mod. except Mmt . aiaoo saao dn . ais ner mo. n v-r wr t . tl. Weir 466 Center REALTOR Ph. 9411 GOOD rNVESTMXNTI 4950 cash. Small house. 4 yrs. old, cor. lot. streets paved. Will rent for $10 or $12 mo. C H. SANDERS 5838 or 21422 LATE BUILT sub. hse, $2150, $204 dn. 4-R, dose in. $1400. 5-R. ft 2-R. apt. Close in. $4504. Lovely 4-R, 44600. 172 S. Liberty. FOR SALE $2100.404 nriM 2 lots. double tl 600.00 4 rooms, corner lot. garage, $250.0 down, balance $15.00 per month. $2000005 rooms, good location, bsmt, $300 down, baL monthly. $2100.00 Large corner lot 9 rooms, rtilitv Ac hath. $4250.005 rooms, excellent condition, owner iransicrrcu. r. 11. BeU, iteaitor n T-w n n n . 429 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 6121 1JSTEN Just a'avnall payment down and your monthly rent will buy you thia 5-room cottage, large corner tot both streets paved and paid, good "t fiWygW 35? a Duy at saaw. s ftHa-BW VsTatl See Mrs. Ellis with ChUds ft Miller, Realtors. 344 State St. Ph. 9261, MODERN HOUSES $37754495045000 H. P. GRANT, Realtor 529 Court St Ph. 0'' Directory Oil Burner Serrice SKEWIS ft JUDSON PHONE 4141 Painting & Paperliangulg JERRY JOHNSON Pb 4414 Pb. Paints and Lacquers Complete Una NASON terms, R. D. Woodrow N. Church Printing For Sale Timber Land FOR STATIONERY cards pamphlets 44c ACRES. In one body, with mare programs, books or any ktod cl pnnt UM 90,000,000 ft at eld growth timber, ing. can The Statesman PrsnttBg Oo About 94 mi. from Salem. Very tittle pertinent 219 S Cianasei els, late- e build and mostly a cat show, phono 4101 471 Court St. Ph. 4524 Plumbing Acreage REPAIRS ft INSTALLATION SKEWIS ft JUDSON PHONE 4141 PLUMBING. GrpALrepalr wort Craber Bros, 194 8 Liberty Ph. 4544 Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL tCHOOL TREAMLINED OOUBSB Write. Phone or CaB (or Booklet 344 N Capital Transfc U-DRTVE TRUCKS FOR REN1 Blankets gunk 197 & Pb. 9062 rOB LOCAL OR DISTANT staraga. burner oil. oriaosna Portland daily Agent P Fwght inciucnnc cant Transfer Co Pb, 3131 Vacuum Qi Serrice Bil Tm.w tm am. kani An thorixed Hoover aervtoe. We service ail cleaners Hoav Bros po. asa Weil Drmin?' C J. Pugh. 2124 Myitis. Pb, st r. St. Fa st A. WEST. Rt 4. Baa 44 PR frocks to tree Auto pssaia warmei For Sale Real Estate 4304J4 DOWN $304.00 DOWN CREEK PROPERTY s-Koora bom, two large tots, auect water htr. Daad arr basement. wirea for electric range, this home located at 1127 Waller St Priced for auiek sale at only $3000. $300.00 down, bat $25.00 "er month, mc interest. t i n -i. -i ' XVU&U ilealtT UO. 411 Oregon Bldg. Phone 7022 rrr sr man van This Mae la eoin so ho mnht for the price is very low. for such a fine homo, oenoy S-K, new bouse, kg. living room, fin, dmina room, two Mica bed- rooms, modern built-in kitchen, full basement automiuToU heaterThard- wood floor everr room. Venetian hlinds . W eWUW. iubj oova. see war went. JAS. iJ. SKAKS. REALTOR 507 Center Ph. 4442 GOOD INVESTMENTS 7-R. bouse. T blocks of Ladd St Bush bank. Basement 4c good lot. $3000.00. with good terms. . JAS. D SEAKS-O07 Center. Pb, 9442 DISTANT OWNER SAYS SELL HIS SALEM HOME 4 rooms, dosete and bath, basement and earace. well lo cated. east front loC Price only $2199 weu Mcaiea. trice omy szuue . See Childs Sc Miller. Realtors, 344 State street for these and. other good nouse' ouys. A LOVELY mod. 4-r. home aver' looking city. Oil heat adjust to wood. ruu basement, l ml. from city. Pay ment down, sol nxe rent. Ph. Ufoi. NEW home, tour rooms and nook. two bedrooms. Hardwood floors, fire place, oil heat nice utility room. Im mediate possession, see Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS St ROBERTS, INC. Salem. HOME FOR SALS 42200-4-r. plastered home, large lot double garage, N. Salem. 4504 down. 629 Per mo, W. tt. grabekhorst ft CO. Realtors 1 134 S. Liberty St. rn. 4131 1 ON ACCOUNT of being transferred. I must sell my homo in Walnut Park 1 addition. 4 rms, all hardwood floors. 1 ThilinniiMh nuhitfnv vmwwI wtrl eun ...7.77 ,1 ditioned An doors and windows weath- cr stripped, double garage. Price $9794, 1 Phone 936. .JZLZZ; 1 i,.7...V-TTt utm; I fireplace, basement, furnace, double I garage. Price 44500 cash. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors 1 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 I FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR NORTH I SALEM HOME Two or four 1 Lim aaaue uses, auruDO. wwin, I walnuts, fruit and berries, automatic rLT'"V- XZE5l .-T f fireplace, furnace. outside fireplace. chicken houses, small bam. ph. 22754. Exchange Real Estate 4-RM. board ft rooming bouse at Monmouth, Win seU or trade for prop. in or around saiem. F. H. Weir 445 Center REALTOR Ph. 4411 12 RM. hse. Reconditioned for ship yd. workers. $100 income. Irvingtoa dist, Portland. Take small hse. Salem part pmt. Owner, 433 Ferry St FURN houseboat and saualL Con I Hood K1S sider trade for house In Salem. 760 For Salts Farms 44 A- all in cro excent about XJJa Sax buy SSh nik. riJf- 3500, or wffltato part ade. abot .VAcutimb: , cnekM rood bldga, elec . paved hwy. A. oak grove. Small set of buildings. 2 creeks, good bldga, elec.. paved hwy. Price 47500. Will exchange for a small farm. 27 A. about 13 A. cultv. bal. pas ture ft timber, about 2 A, mixed fruit 4-room house, barn. " elec. spring & creek. Price $2400. With 4300 down. bal. tike rent. 0 1 a a mnnA imrA with Lrm limiu i barn, elec. ft water system, paved hwy. ft ous line. A uwu buy run $1800, with $200 down ROSTE1T ft AUULfH, HXV. 110V N. Commercial St 27-ACRE DAIRY FARM CANT BE BEAT All under irrigation planted to Lad- ino clover. Located only 3 miles from downtown Salem. Dandy buildings. barns, milk parlor, silos. Also two houses. Will sell with or without stock ft equipment Must seU at once. Will Rush Realty Co. 411 Oregon Bldg. Phone 7022 PRICED TO SELL! 143 A, 147 cultiv, well drained ft tiled, spring to house. Has bath, furn ace, base, barn. 19 mi. Salem. Price 4W. t.. , 3Auma aaas or aiasa 44 A, 60 A. of nice oak timber. 19 mi. from Salem, easy to get out. good irml.from Salem, fair bldgs, I aln cult, some timber. attSr! 26 A. in cult, some timber, aa yr, stream saaoe. 125 A, zi nu. irom HUDoara, w A. rich bottom, 7-rm. modern :. home. largo farm, all yr. stream. 6104 per A. atoney so Loan at to Loan at 4 MELYIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 722 Court St Pnone 3723 47-ACRE FARM AU rood farm tend, paved rd- elec tricity, old style bug's. 12 miles north A BARGAIN at senm. Terms, sij THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St Pb, 4131 49 ACRES. 74 cult, house, barn. silos, elect. Umber, running water. 00 good road, near store ft schooL The closing of an estate. Thia la a splendid farm. 39 A. an exceHeat Labtah farm. new and modern house. A. dam land. baL alfalfa ft truck garden ing. lk mt. east ec BrooKs. a piaee. a i nome wOTIB WHUe. We also have other very good farms woi s i 017 prosv, 1302 Poaree Bldg. Phones 0474-3734 S ACRES- MILES OUT 9-Room bungalow, bath, alec, water vstem. small bars, aaraae. Fasmlr ercbard. Filberts, Eng. waanum. See I Lesna Bochtel or Mabet mesa am, ati 1 State St, Room 4. ty CCC TOUIvQ Acreage 44 ACRES 34 A. m crops. boL pao- ture. some timber, good buildings. 4 yrs. old. Dandy creek, gravity irriga tion, good soil end dandy setting for a home. Price 44000. Would take house tn town as part. 4-rm house and about one-bait acre. everything growing, n family can use. The place that wiU teed your family. Near boa and schooL Sub, oast Price $2850. See 3. H. Johnson, with T. L. REEDY 224 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 4444 TTMBER TRACT 90 acres of timber, located on paved highway. Price S2100 cash. W. H. GRABENHORST St CO, Realtors 134 S. LUwrty SU ITI.4U1 S A, of rood rich aoU. -r. hse. flre- place. large utility rm. Large front rm. with big wtasdowa. Beautiful lawn St shrubbery, t mi. from city limits. Must seO. Only 44290, May consider rental properties in town. . -. F. H. Weir REALTOR Ph. 9411 t'.L ACRES. 5-rm. house, with or without furniture. Phone 2-1311. FOR .SALE ' 4-acre home with one-acre in bear ing filberts, paved rd- near city, 7-r. plastered home with basement furn ace, fireplace .oak floors, garage. Price $4200. Ternw W. H, ttnAsin UUnaT at VU, neanors 134 S. Liberty St Pb, 4131 EAST SALEM 1U. Acres with elect ft Dressure wa ter, poultry house, suitable for cow. Pa vbig 41854. Terms, . H. P. GRANT, Realtor 424 Court Ph. 6744 SPECIAL good land with a S A. of 4- truit About 8 mi. east of Salem. ITS A GOOD BUY FOR $2909. With $300 down. baL like rent. ROSTEIN ft ADOLPH. INC Ufts N. Commercial St 44 A. N. of Salem, good bldga, $9009. 1 A, fruit, berries ft garden land. N. of Salem 1-r. bouse. Easy terms. H. a SHIELDS Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 4902 tt 4-nn. hse started, terms, 1144 14th. Suburban SUBURBAN HOME S acrea. 4-room bungalow, bath. drilled welL elee water srstem. family orchard, beii lea. carare. barn, ben house. 1H mi. from dty limits, north, near S0&. Bechtei or Meeonam, au State. Room 4. 44200 Terms. Mod suburban 3 B. R. hwd floors, oil furnace, on bus, north. C H. SANDERS 683 Or U03Z Wanted Real Estate HAVE client for 2-bedroom house. north of D St and east of Railroad. Does not have to be new. 6 or room new bouse in south Sa lem. Would like view. Cash deal. CHAS. HUDKINS ft SON 279 State St Phone 4494 IF YOU want to seO your utopei ty ft ethers nave failed try JAS D. SEARS. REALTOR SOT Center Ph. 4442 Business O p portanities GROCERY SALES ARE INCREASING mm FOR ONLY 6250 DOWN Balance at low-rental payments, absentee owner will sell grocery store, land ft bldg, with comfortable living quarters. This includes fixtures (scales. register, counters, eic.) iocaiea w prosperous nome owning community m Salem. Total price $1X50. - : LONG ESTABLISHED GROCERY In excellent location, doing tn excess of $4000 per month, owner leaving, am authorized to disDose of this lm mediately If you are interested in a very profitable business, see me at once . s MYRTON MOORS REAL ESTATE 180 No. Commercial Suite 17 Sub. groe. ft ser. sta, 4725 cash. Auto camp lease at Salem. 172 S. Liberty. Personal WEALTHY gentleman wishes to marry. Alliance. oBx 95. Toledo. Ohio. MEET NEW FRIENDS: Oub Elite Box 71-41 Main PO Los Angeles Cal Cross Word l 1 V. 21 'A 1 12V 2. 2b 'A 54 58 41 4 4 SO 53 54 I YYA VXYA y UORXZONTAL 44 ULersry 1-tather. eompotitkmM S wooden nail 4I "P1, it fruit of blackthorn St past . 51 light brown 52 emanation 53 hurried 54 nattvo metal t5 river la Belgium S crippled Lt aly gUnce 13 paddle 14 gelatin oue laeahy fruit 14 stanuners Itbody f water 20 sewing Unplotnont tl city ta Scotland tt bearenly . sody , tl weep, eotv Ajuwer to 4i trulstrely 3tV troobles tt twice I 53 mottert rock 54 ct of , mating .plea (pLI ; IT irriUta . lS-HB4tt0C . 3 Mr t S IB ft J SI? I ' I ft enEi e yg-g cf u i i Njsr th ttE I rl 5" -t " Uv fere 41-l)und4nt ' imm tlaat For Sale Used Cars 1441 S-door Pontiac driven 7004 roilea. Federal First Lino SafU-Ride Urea in excellent condition. Note, this la not dealer's ad. priced to sell . at 449 Cash. Can 4383. t. FORCED SALE X am going into service. My -equity in isw roru coacn, azsojae casn. suas. motor ft tires es A-l. Phone 22901. 29 MODEL A. 4-door. 9 good Urea. 444. 244 Fainrtew. Ph. 44U. 1944 PONTIAC. 4 4-pass cot. tiros fair. Will trade. Phone 932. 1932 FORD model B pickup. Good fire. i 453 Chemekete Phone T81T 33 DODGE. Good Urea Motor over hauled. Phone 5934. , . 1433 FORD 4-dr. sedan. Good rubber. 499 Chemeketa Phone 7411 194 PLYMOUTH CPE. Motor re conditioned. " 453 Chemeketa Phone 7I1T mTHRYSLraTdT?RTaTaBd mileage 7000 Same as new. fluid drive, etc Ph. 9132 or 6196. For Sale Wood BUY winter wood now and money. Beat old fir. IS- ph. Apte. oM fir, mi N Liberty. MWCODTaXklnds, 58o! OLD FTR. Ph. 3384. AshcrafL DRY WOOD. Ph. Wood Sawing WOOD sawing ft hour work. Pb, 7073. Lost and Found too box WooHrorth'a Sat afternoon. Return to Smart Shop. Reward. .. i LOST Purse at Miller's or Mont- S ornery Wards or on street between, loney, valuable papers and keys. Re ward. Leave at Perry Drug Store. Legal Notice No. 10815 I IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION Probate Department IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF MARGARET P. La FURGY, Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Final Account of Homer H. Smith, Executor of the. estate of Margaret P. LeFurgy, deceased, has been fUed in the Circuit Court of Marion County, Oregon, and that the 12th day of May. 1942, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. ML, at the Courthouse of said County has been appointed by said Court for hearing of objections to said Final Account, at which time any persons Interested in said estate may appear and file objections thereto in writing and contest same. HOMER H. SMITH, Executor of the Estate of Margaret P. Le Furgy,. de ceased. A 8, 12, 19, 26; May S. Lodges SALEM LODGE No. 4. AFJk AM Mon. April 27. MM de gree. 7 J0 Pit .. A p Pacific Lodge No. 54. A.FJc M. M. M. Degree. Wed. April 724 p. m. By order W. M. Puzzle to 'A 14 n 20 'A 22 Tl 20 24 51 40 441 45 14b 48 44 52 35 VCBTICAL 1 European mountain t root vegetable 2 endurable 4 marshal t-nia r d Mnetime grown old 10 ertlllaer f 11 Scottish ' Gaelic IT Uchrymat drop -It masculine name 7 making pig- xt exhauated , like noise 23 plant Juice I pertaining 4ubric4iit , t-4agger "27 father yesterda jra puxxi. Nlobe tSegx 2t fragment i . ' of cloth 21 Usted i 33 -famiiUnt 1 24 dlstrees : --i.i aignat ,ii 40-4Utampt ,H ilwo-wheet f carriages 42 on top . - 43 unaplrate 44 erf ti 43 oUea ttmm 44 wither 4S-4WAtor7, j al aatatlaot Sf v77x VA I WA VA ml I, I J I , I . lr lm lgrvl v i Due. y Klag rsatare Syadicata, lad. 1.09 year tn aayanoo m aianosi mma at