The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 21, 1942, Page 6, Image 6

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    ?AGS CEC
UM OSZGOH STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Tuesday Moralngv April 11. It43
Nuptials Are ,
Performed :
At Home"
' Miss LaVaun Gardner, daufh-"1
icf ; of Mr." "and Mrs. John A.
Gardner became the bride of
"Mr. Wesley White, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ray A. White of In
dependence, at a ceremony Sat-
urday night at 830 o'clock at
; the home of the bride's parents
on North River-road.
Members. of both families. at-i
v tended the redding ceremony.
,The bride's sisters, Mrs. J. N.
Brinkley and Mrs. Otto Yun
ker, sang "O Promise Me" and
were acmompanied by . their
niece, Miss Alice Rose. Rev.
Everett Gardner of Portland
read the ceremony for his sister.
The bride wore a blue silk
dress for the ceremony, and
donned a dusty rose coat and
blue hat for going away. She
- wore a corsage of gardenias.
Apple blossoms and lilacs deco-
rated the fireplace, before -which
the ceremony was read.
At. the reception Mrs. Everett
Gardner of Portland cut the
cake and Mrs. F. L. Rose, sister
of the bride, served punch.
The bride . graduated from
Salem high school and the Ore
gon College of Education at
Monmouth. Mr. White Is grad
uate of Salem high school and
, Willamette university. He Is em
ployed at Busicks.
At Parties
Fifty six members of the
Junior Sunday school depart
ment of the First Presbyterian
church attended a party held in
the social hall Friday afternoon.
Don Douris, youth director, sup
ervised the program which in
eluded ping-pong, Chinese
checkers, darts and group
games. Thirty members of the
department, winners in a re
cently completed Sunday school
attendance contest, will be hon
ored at a banquet at the church
Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. Miss
Hazel Snyder is superintendent
of the juniors who have main
tained an average attendance of
70 during the past month.
Those attending the party in
eluded: Mary Jane Hannaman,
Margaret Ann Taylor Dorothy
Ann Rttchey, Gloria Spencer,
Leone Lewis, Lorraine Eckers
ley, Nancy Ringland, Carolyn
Eckersley, Richard Bladom,
Betty Cooley, Gladys Boock,
Frederick and Anita Muir, Eu
nice Jean Miller. Bob Wickay,
Mary Feike, Joan Schwarz,
John Will Williams, Bernice
Kleihege, Marilyn Thompson,
Carolyn Weeks, Donald Ring
land, Barbara Robins, Beldon
Owens, Homer Davenport, Ger
ald and Merry Katherine Bui
Jock, Miller Follis Mayo, Ponna
Runyan, Jane Gardner, Earle
tshleman, Jack Anunsen, Eddie
fcnapp, Bobby Meaney, Robert
Jones, Bonnie Stewart, Richard
Wyatt, Wilbur Bower, Sylvia
McClelland, Marilyn Reay,
Tommy Juza, Dick and Jack
Van Osdol, Lois Kearns, Anne
Forristel, Elaine Stanley, Mar
garet Boock, Lynn Jensen, Pat
ay Fitzsimons, Don Douris, Mr.
nd Mrs. A. R. Kearns, Evelyn,
Ruby and Ellen Kearns.
Presby t e r i a n intermediates
enjoyed a 'Get Acquainted
Party" at the church Saturday.
The 36 present were led in
games by Joan Lochead, social
chairman, and Don Douris,
youth director. Several members
f the group will be among
those going to the state CE con
vention at Eugene this week
end. Mrs. Carl Greider is: super
intendent of the intermediate
gunday school department and
Miss Jane Patton is advisor for
the intermediate CE group.
Those present Saturday in-
eluded: Patty Miller, Mena Jane
Miller, Betty Causey, John Wil
' liams, Albert ; Kearns, Patsy
Pearson, Shirley Nash, Pat Ol
son, Glennis Allen, "eggy Sears,
Barbara K., Smith, George M.
Schwarz, Raymond Boucher,
Jean MacLean, Mary Morgan,
Barbara Smith, Joan and Donna
Lochead,', Leland Hoar,' Patsy
Nickens, Betty Twedt, Joanne
. Adolph, Beverley Kenney, Dick
t Stewart, Lorraine Schmidt, Ro
bert Elfstrom, Virginia Huston,
FJsie John, Richard Barber,
Betty Lou Edwards, Frank Mc
Gee, Doug Carter, Tom Faught,
Don Douris, Gracey. Widdows
nd Patricia Jane Powell.
Mrs. W. ABarnam ef Mon
mouth will bethe instructor at a
Camp Fire guardians training
course to be held each Saturday
beginning May 2 in the basement
f the fireplace room of the First
Presbyterian church. All guard
ians are invited and classes will
be from 1 to 3 o'clock.
Mrs, R. C. Davis Is visiting la
" the east with' her daughter, Miss
Thelma.Davis, and they are'reg
Jstered at the Barbison-Plaza in
. New York cltyj -
; .v.;:,7..
Mr. and . Mrs, ; E. It Kennedy r
entertained inembers . of their
pinochle club Sunday night. ? f'i
Women who suffer pain of tneeulax-
Periods with ninkw ..-r-ZT
due to monthly functional disturb-aacM--aboull
try Lydia K. Flnk
ham'a Vegetable Compound to re-
here such distress. VUda especially
lira e. Frcxz&rs rr.i
Concerts to
Be Given
The Salem Philharmonic or
chestra will present its final con
cert of the current season tonight
at 8:30 o'clock at the high school
auditorium. Conductor Edouard
Hurlimann will lead the orches
tra and guest soloist will be
Mark Daniels, baritone, of Port
land. Mr. Daniels is well known
to music lovers of Salem and la
nationally known for his ac
complishments in opera, concert,
oratorio, and radio.
As special guests of the or
chestra military and naval men
in uniform will be admitted free
of charge.
The program for the concert It
as follows:
Carmen Suite No. 2 . Bizet
Adagio for Strings Barber
Aria: VUion Fugitive, Heriodiada
- - Massenet
Mark Daniels
Sans Macabre Saint-Saena
oequito Danse white
Vocal group (Selected)
Mark Daniels
Night on Bald Mountain Moussorgsky
Farewell Tea at
Mr. William T. McReynolda
was honored at a farewell tea
Sunday afternoon when his un
cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles A. Ratcliff, entertained
at their home on Ratcliff
Drive. Guests called between
3 ant 6 o'clock. Mr. McReynolds
will De inducted into the army
service this week.
Apple blossoms and flowering
shrub decorated the rooms and
the table was covered with a
grass linen cloth and centered
with bleeding hearts flanked by
rose candles in crystal and sil
ver holders. The appointments
were hand painted china from
During the afternoon the
guests viewed the gardens and
blossoms. Assisting Mrs. Rat
cliff in serving was Miss Betty
Jean Lowry, cousin of the honor
guest and Delta Delta Delta at
Oregon State college
Honoring Mr. McRejr.olds
ere Dr. and Mrs. V. A. ttoug-
were ut. ana Mrs. v. A. JCoug
las, Dr. and Mrs. S. B. Iuch-
lin, Miss Mary Laughlin, Miss
Mary Way, Dr. and Mrs. C. A.
Downs, Mr. Hume Downs, Mr.
Warren Downs, Mrs. Luella
Stowe, Dr. and Mrs. D. H.
Schulze, Dean Olive M. Dahl,
Miss Constance Fowler, Mrs.
John H. Carkin, Miss Jean Car
kin, Miss Mary B. Sayles, Miss
Eva Ferree, Mrs. Joseph Silver,
Mrs. Marion Fields, Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Utley, Dr. and Mrs.
Ivan Lovell, Mrs. J. W. Isely,
-Mr. Philip Isely, Mr. Walter T.
Liles, Mr. Paul E. Libby, Mr.
Norman Shaw, Miss Betty Thie
lander, Mr. Edward Strand,
Miss Claudine Gillespie and
Mrs. Alma Gilchrist.
College Couple
An Oregon State college cou
ple, Miss Jaclyn Flynn and Mr.
Edward Allworth, jr., were mar
ried Saturday afternoon at St
Mark's Episcopal church in
Medford at 3 o'clock. The bride
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
D. L. Flynn of Medford and
her husband is the son of Major
and Mrs. E. C. Allworth of Cor
vallis. Miss Mary Elizabeth Shreve of
Salem was the maid of honor
and Mr. Tom 'Hardy of Eugene;
rat man. a reception fol-
lowed the ceremony.
The bride is a Kappa Kappa
umma ai uregon State and her
husband is a member of Kappa
Sigma and will gradate m June.
The AAUW child study class
will meet Wednesday night at
Collins halL room 22. Dr. C. A.
Downs Will discuss "Physical
Changes Make Them That Way."
The meeting will begin at 8
o'clock with the picture "Moving
X-Rays" to be shown by Mrs.
George R. KV Moorhead of the
health department at 7:30
o'clock. She win show "Bobby
. Goes to .School." The meeting
is open to any mother of chil
dren under junior high age.
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Laws will
; entertain members of the - Can
, Do class of the Leslie Methodist
.church Wednesday night at 7:30
o'clock. Mrs. A. W. Metzger will
be the assisting hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Bar-
ber (Dorothy Tupling) are re-'
eeiving congratulations on tha
birth of a son at the Salem Gen-
era! hosnital Mmu!.
era! hospital Monday.
; Miss Marianne Owen, a s(a.
' dent 'at 'the University of Ore
'gon, spent the weekend at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs., JeaoId.Owen. , -
Girl Reserve's
Members of the Parrish 8th
grade Girl Reserves, who won a
free day at camp in the club
membership drive, spent last
Saturday at the Smith Creek
camp in the Silver Creek recre
ational arear. Leaders accom
panying the group were Miss
Lois Robinson, Mrs. Esther Lit
tle and Mrs. Ralph Nohlgren.
Girls attending were: Shirley
LiudahL Donna Liudahl, Lois
Rathjun, Jean Van Scyoc, Joan
Voves, Beverly Kenney, Pat
Powell, Shirley Kinnane, Mar
ine North, Margaret Simpson,
Connie Keller and Mary Cowitz.
At their regular business meet
ing Monday the 'club discussed
plans for a theatre line parry to
be held In the near future.
Members of the Leslie 9th
grade Girl Reserve group will
meet Wednesday to make plans
for their part In the all-YWCA
musical meeting to be held in
May. They will also arrange
what type of meeting they wish
to hold during Music week,
which Is being observed locally
from May 8 to 10.
The Parrish 9th grade Girl
Reserves held a coed dancing
class at their regular meeting
Thursday. On Friday evening
about fifty couples attended the
Kord-Kalico dance sponsored by
this club at the Cherry City
hall. Proceeds are to be spent
buying defense stamps.
The regular meeting of high
school Tri Y Girl Reserves will
be in charge of Alice Faye
Daugherty, camp and confer
ence chairman, on Tuesday In
general study period. A camp
skit will be presented. The Trl
Y nominating committee will
meet this week to plan the slate
of officers of the club for the
ensuing year. Members of TrI-Y
club are making arrangements
for a musical program on Sun
day, May 3, of Music week, to
be presented at the HiUcrest
school for girls.
Otterbein Girls
rp T-J
1 QO. flOSteSSeS
The Otterbein guild girls of
the Englewood United Brethren
church held a silver tea at the
home of Mrs. Bertha Welsh on
Sunday afternoon. Miss Nancy
Bradbury and Miss Mildred
Rothweiler greeted guests at the
door and Mrs. William Pero and
Miss Barbara Lowry poured.
A duet was sung by Miss
Nancy Bradbury and Miss Lola
Koerner and Miss Koerner
played. The tea table was dec
orative with cut glass and sil
ver appointments. The rooms
were lovely with large bouquets
of purple lilacs and yellow dai
sies. Others attending the tea were:
Mrs. C. P. Smith, Mrs. Carrie
Lindsay, Mrs. Florence Buell,
Miss Ruth Hughlett, Miss Cor-'
inne Clifford, Mrs. M. R. Pool,
Miss Lorraine Schmidt; Miss
Charlotte Lowry, Miss Doris
Hill, Miss Marion .Field, Rev.
and Mrs. C. O. Goodman and
Larry, Miss Vivian Hagen, Miss
Betty Hill, Mrs. J. W. Koerner,
Mrs. N. V. Lowry, Miss Doris
Bradbury, Miss Marion Chase,
Mr. Edward Yarnell, Mr. Rich
ard Chase, Mr. Gayle Lowry,
Mr. Ed Olson, Miss Bertha Van
Cleve, Mrs. O. M. Bradbury and
Miss Virginia Hagan of Seattle.
Word has been received from
Byron Randall, recently of the
Art Center staff and now locat
ed in San Francisco, that he has
had an exhibit la the Westwood
book store at Los Angeles. He
has sold several paintings and.
will continue painting in Cali
fornia.' Mr. Handall'i print-making
and life) classes will be In .
charge of ,Halley Johnson, Art
Center, instructor in painting.
Outdoor classes will be featur
ed in the adult and chfldren'i
. departments this summer.
The high school exhibit; made
under the direction of Jean
jvenaau, wnicn naa proven
PPular main gallery attraction
tte Pt week, will remain on
display until Friday, April 24.
"Camnina" .turn k. k. ..v
V " v . luv - DUV
Ject of the Tuesday Art Center
raaio program to be given this
aiternoon : by Carlton Grieber
and Anca Payne of the Salem
YMCA, Tha broadcast will start
Visitor Feted
At Bridge
Luncheon :
- . Mrs. Arch. "A M. Jerman and
, Mrs. James, B. Young presided
at a smartly, appointed lumeheon"
, Monday , afternoon at the form
ers; country place, .The affair
was arranged In honor of Mrs.
Margaret Callahan of San Diegor
who is visiting at the .home oT
her brother-in-law and sister,
' Mr. and Mrs. Winiam Scandling.
" Contract bridge' was In play ?"
- during the afternoon and guests
v were members of the hostesses
.bridge club.-Spring flowers cen
tered the luncheon table. -
Covers were' placel for' Mrs.
Callahan, Mrs. William Scand
ling,. Mrs." John J. Elliott and
Mrs.; Palmer Macdonald of Port
land, Mrs.- Karl G. Becke, Mrs.
Roy H., Simmons, Mrs. T. A. .
Livesley, Mrs. Conrad Paulus,
Mrs. Wayne Loderand the hostesses,-
Mrs. Younf and Mrs.
Miss Scharf Will
Marry in June
Saturday, June 27, has been
chosen for the marriage of Miss
Genevieve Scharf, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scharf, and
Rev. Gerald Jaff e of Union vale.
The news was told at a supper
party Sunday night at the Scharf
The bride-elect attended Sa
lem schools and her fiance, the
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jaffe
of Portland, attended Willam
ette university and Cascade col
lege in Portland. He Is now serv
ing the pastorates In Unionvale
and HopewelL
At the announcement party
covers were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Carlson and Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Chapman of Port
land, Mr. and Mrs. Willard
Hornschuch, Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Gor
don Jaffe, Miss Genevieve
Scharf, Rev. Gerald Jaffe and
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scharf.
St. Anne's Guild
Meets Monday
The home of Mrs. James
Humphrey on Fairmount Hill
was the scene of the monthly
meeting of St. Anne's Guild of
St. Paul's Episcopal church Mon
day afternoon. Plans were made
for a spring rummage sale. The
rooms were festive with bou
quets of lilacs, primroses, dog
wood and apple blossoms.
Tea was served by the host
esses, Mrs. Humphrey. Mrs. Ray
mond Bonesteele, Mrs. Kenneth
Wilson, Mrs. Donald McCargar
and Mrs. Sydney Kromer. Others
attending were Mrs. Bingham
Powell, a special guest, Mrs.
Breyman Boise, Mrs. R. W. Wil
son, jr., Mrs. Bertram Thomson,
Mrs. Howard Wilson, Mrs. Rob
ert Brennen, Mrs. J. H. Merrill,
Mrs. Leslie Burdette, Mrs. Geo.
Weller, Mrs. C. Kenneth Bell,
Mrs. Fred Moxley and Mrs. Wal
ter Kirk.
Third District to
Meet April 30
Annual institute of third dis
trict, Oregon Federation of
Women's clubs will be held on
Thursday, April 30, with mem
bers of the Salem Woman's club
acting as hostesses. "Women in
National Defense" is the theme
of the meeting and Mrs. I. M.
Schannep, third district presi
dent, will preside.
A noon luncheon will be
served to the visiting clubwom
en at the First Congregational
church and reservations should
be made with Mrs. George H.
Swift, 560 Chemeketa street,
phone 5164, by Monday, April 27.
Miss Hattie Bratzel, delegate
to the National Federation of
Women's clubs convention in Fort
Worth, Texas, will be the hon
or guest at a no-host dinner to
night at the Golden Pheasant at
6 o'clock with Junior Woman's
club members acting as host
esses. Arranging the. affair are
Mrs. Delbert Schwaubbauer, Miss
Phyllis Gardner, Miss Maybelle
and Miss Emelyn Frazer.
Salem Ctntrai WCTU, hall. I
BS2k"f"M?ntn club ith Mn.
C- W. Noble. 570 North Winter
street, dessert luncheon, ia
Eastern star meeting. Masonic
Temple, S n. m.
January circle. Jason Lee Me
morial church, calico tea. 1 to 4
P. nv
American War Mothers. Legion
Home. 10 a. m, covered dish
luncheon, noon.
gNO club with Mrs. (heater
emmeU, 768 North Cottage
street, S p. m.
. . AAUW child study class, Collins
hall, room 202, 7:30 p. tn.
Can Do class. Leslie Methodist
church, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Laws,
1680 State street, 730 p, raT
Women's Union, Congregation
al church, all day meeting. 10
church, parlors, sewing tor
ACe?Q CT08S - -
Rail, 2130 Maple avenue, covered
dish luncheorv 13 Jo p.m.
Women's association. Presbyter-
Jn5hurch. I p. executive
xmSUdat cbttrch on
Town and Gown Club, Lausanne
Ball, 230 p. m.
Today-Wed. ' J
Charles Borer
Margaret .
Dick Foran
Leo CarrUlo
Andy Devise
"Bead '
Mrs. O. Frederick Chambers,
Miss Dorothea Steusloff, Mrtv
Claud Steusloff and daughter,
Martha, were among; those mak :
ing up a party at the Mayf air
theatre In - Portland Monday
night to see Vcloz and: Yolando,
ballroom dancers.- In . another
group at the - performance were
Mrf, Frank Shaftr, Mrs. Lawr
ence Brown, "Mrsl Donnell San
ders and Miss Mary White.
Will Be v
Guest ;
Miss Cleo Saueressig, whose3.
marriage, to Mr. Glenn A. Bog'
ers will be an event of Thursday
morning, will be the honor guest
at a luncheon this noon at-the
Argo hotel. Hostesses will be
alumnae of the bride-elect's so
' rority group, Alpha Gamma Del
ta. The honor guest will be pre
sented with a gift and the table
centerpiece will be a bouquet of
spring flowers.
Places will be laid for Miss
Saueresslg, Miss Lillian Hole
chek, Miss- Rosemary' Snyder,
Miss Maxine Klinge, Miss Letha
Glath, Miss Margaret Mullen,
Miss Barbara Westerman, Mrs.
Kenneth McGrath of Woodburn,
Mrs. Frank Lathrop, Mrs. Estill
Brunk, and Mrs. James TurnbulL
Matrons Will
Fete Clubs
This is bridge club week with
several luncheons on the calen
dar. Mrs. Harold Olinger and
Mrs. W. T. Waterman will en
tertain their club at luncheon
at the Marion hotel with bridge
following at the Olinger home
on Mission street.
Mrs. William L, Lidbeck will
preside at a bridge luncheon to
day for her club. Mrs. Dolph
Craig has Invited her club to
cards and a one o'clock lunch
eon this afternoon. Also a club
hostess today will be Mrs. W.
H. Wood, who will preside at
luncheon and bridge. Mrs. Edgar
T. Pierce will be a luncheon
hostess today for her club at her
Fairmount Hill home.
Mrs. Richard Meyer, Mrs.
Harris Lietz and Mrs. C. L.
Newman will honor members of
the Adolynk club at a bridge
luncheon on Wednesday after
noon at the Meyer home on Bel
mont street.
Salem Women at
Miss Helen Yockey, Miss Hel
en Barrett, Mrs. Leila Black and
Dr. Helen Pearce were in Olym
pia over the weekend attending
the northwest district conven
tion, Zonta International. Miss
Yockey was elected district vice
chairman and the next meeting
will be In Corvallis.
At the banquet Saturday night
at the Olympian hotel Mr. J. W.
Priestly of Seattle, author and
Importer, spoke. Mrs. May Moy
ers McElroy of Washington, DC,
International president, was an
honor guest and Mrs. Has el
Tompkins of Montreal, advertis
ing manager for Canadian Pa
cific, was a special guest. The
international convention will be
held In Toronto in June.
Miss Zielinski
Is Honored
Miss Helen Zielinski was
honored on her birthday Mon
day night when Miss Roberta
Jean Yocom entertained at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ray A. Yocom, on North
Summer street.
Cards were in play during the
evening and a late supper was
served by the hostess. Bouquets
of spring blossoms and flowers
decorated the guest rooms.
Honoring Miss Zielinski were
Miss Patricia Lamb, Miss Doro
thy Mott, Miss Dorothy Van
deneynde, Miss Marion Horn,
Miss Janice Nelson, Miss Mar
lorle HflL Miss Edith Moxley,
.Miss Mary .Jane Kestly, Miss
Doris Duffy, Miss Mary Eliza
beth Sisson, Miss Marianne Low
and" Miss Yocom.
The PLE and F club met
met with Mrs. Charles KinzCr
Thursday. Five hundred was
played after a short business
session, prizes going to Mrs.
Chester Hixson and Mrs. W. J.
Feck. Present were Mrs, Laura
Johnson, Mrs. Mary Aplin, Mrs.
W. J. Peck, Mrs. C M. Hixson,
Miss Daisy Hayden, Mrs. Charles
Pannenter, Mrs. Leonard Hixson
and Mrs. Charles Kinzer.
Always I Smash Hits!
Last Times Today! '
: With .
- 2 Jedy Canevs and.
Francis Lederer
PLUS ' " '
--- With .
Ida Lupine and John Garfield
Comedy v
Times: - '
. Faddin' Zl-5:4l-t:et
Fog l5-4:l-7:zS-lt:lJ
Mrs, Howe
onday? ,
.Leonard Howe entertain
ed; with a delightful party' Mon
day bight at her home on Nor
way street for the pleasure of
Mrs. Robert .WorraL A pink and
blue color scheme was used in
the appointments " and pastel
spring flowers provided v the
decorative note. . - V
The. evening was spent In
formally and a shower honored
Mrs. i WorraL A; late supper was
served by. the hostess. ;
Honoring Mrs. Worral were
Mrs. James Smart, Mrs. Walter
worrai, Mrs. Julia Lytle, Mrs.
Gerald Kendall, Mrs. James
Pike, Mrs. Daniel Olin, Mrs.
Lloyd Reilly, Mrs. A. A. Taylor,
Mrs. Chester Fisher, Mrs. Wil
liam C Clare, Mrs. W. P. An
derson, Mrs. ,W. E. White, Mrs.
Frederick Worral of Eugene,
Mrs. Chester Howe of Newport,
Miss Ada Keyes of Vancouver,
Wash., Miss Betty Taylor of In
dependence and Mrs. Leonard
Miss Reeher at
Grand Assembly
During the week of Easter va-
E- n enjoyed by the students of
dental college In Los Ange
MisJ Clvflla Reeher, grand
hope of the state of Oregon, Or
der of Rainbow for Girls, attend
ed the California Rainbow Girls
grand assembly In Fresno. Over
a thousand girls gathered in
Fresno from the 89 assemblies In
California March 30 to April 1.
Miss Reeher officially represent
ed Mary Jacobson, grand worthy
advisor of Oregon, and was hon
ored at a luncheon, grand of
ficers' dinner and breakfast, and
a buffet supper.
On the evening of the formal
installation of the new officers,
Miss Reeher was asked to give
the tribute to the Rainbow flag.
One of the outstanding events of
the three days was the exhibition
drills presented by the girls'
teams and drum corps from six
assemblies. Following this con
tention Miss Reeher traveled to
San Diego, where she spent the
remainder of the week visiting
a college friend, Miss Pat Allard.
Circle Meetings
Are Slated
Circle meetings for the Jason
Lee church for Tuesday and
Wednesday have been an
nounced. January and July cir
cles will hold a calico tea today
from 2 to 4 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. Fred Klaui, 1043 North'
19th street.
February-August circle with
Mrs. Joseph Bartruff, route three
on Wednesday. Cars will leave
from the church at 1 o'clock.
March-September circle will
meet with Mrs. M. W. Ready,
1555 Madison street, Wednesday
at 2 o'clock. April-October cir
cle will meet with Mrs. Herman
Clark, 1625 North Winter street
at 2 o'clock, Wednesday.
May-November circle" meeting
is with Mrs. Richard Erlckson,
1515 North Liberty street at 1:30
o'clock Wednesday and the June
and December circle will meet
at the home of Mrs. Are hie
Brewster, 580 North 21st street,
at 2 o'clock on Wednesday.
Mrs. H. Nelson and son Rob
ert returned to their home la
Seattle, after spending two
weeks at the home of the form
er's mother, Mrs. A. Clifford.
Moost :lS-4d4-l:ji.l:i -
""" '""fill wnw i mtm " I :
V Jo:::i$unon
yV,-TZj 111 DA.'lDA!ltY,Jr. li
- r m. us
V -
We've been at war now about
four months, so far we've suf
fered quite a ' lot we -must
walk to toe
show, "we are:
going to be ra
tioned for su
gar and : our
neighbor's .son
has been called
to service. It
all seems pret
ty hard war
is close to our I " y j
hearts. War Is Lat.ii3t J
terrible. nasme Bre
But the Chi
nese people have been in war
for five years, and death is a
constant companion.
Let's look at this thing so we
can understand what t few
cents mean to a Chinese woman
or child. We are sympathetic We
want to help.
The price of one stick of gum
will feed a starving Chinese
child for a day.
The price of a cup of coffee,
plus the penny gum will provide
the luxury of ether for a major
operation (most operations must
be performed without an an
aesthetic). One couple's, evening at a
show sacrificed, would provide
food and shelter for a month for
one of the 80,000,000 homeless
adult refugees. (It only costs
one dollar In China, to live a
A five dollar bill will disin
fect the wounds of 250 people.
Twenty dollars will adopt a
"Warphan" for a whole year.
And so on, up the scale.
True, we have lots of places
to put our incomes, we have our
own families and charities, and
we must have some pleasures.
But dimes sount up wonderfully,
and this week we will have a
chance to do something with
our dimes and quarters.
A group of Salem women and
merchants are donating time,
energy and sandwiches for a
silver tea for China relief on
Wednesday afternoon at the
Marion hotel. Not a cent will
go toward expenses of the tea,
all will be sent to China for
needed supplies.
All women of Salem and vi
cinity are being invited, to come
and bring some money no mat
ter how little. The party, while
it is planned to be one of the
nicest affairs of the season, is
definitely not for one group it
Is for everyone and Is given for
a cause In which all should be
So put on your best Easter
bonnet, your spring suit and new
shoes and come along. Getting
dressed up and meeting people
1 12th Psy
"To the
Shores e!
Jena . Maureen
Payne J O'Hara
Randolph Scott
Show Timet
1:35-3 :40-itU
Tin se
mm4 m wHo
wfce erevod
I (
so. I
iU lUb m
helps lot, a sflveg. donation
will make some little child to,,
not-so-far-eff China smile log;
month or more.--;'' W
Chilled fruit juice, will begin
the meal that, ends with teocha ?
Fruit juice chilled
Beef, cakes on biscuit
.Country gravy ,
Raw fried potatoes?
- " Green peas'"
Mocha souffle
1 tablespoon granulated gela- ,
: ' f tine. : ..'--v. - : 'i,
1 cups strong coffee
cup milk-- ' -1
egg yolks, beaten
cup sugar " - ;
teaspoon salt r i
1 teaspoon vanilla -
2 egg whites, beaten
14 cup thick cream, whipped
Grated sweet chocolate -Soak
gelatine 5 minutes In
coffee in double boiler. Add "
milk, yolks and half the sugar.
Cook slowly and when thick re
move from heat and cool until
quite thick. Add salt, vanilla,
whites with remaining sugar
beaten in, and cream. Pour into
crumb crust Sprinkle with
sweet chocolate grated over the
top. Chill until stiff.
tar society is planning a bene
fit card party on April 30 with
"BOO and pinochle in play. The
party is open to the public and
the committee In charge of ar
rangements Includes Mrs. Ed
Lambert, Mrs. Joseph Gander
and Mrs. Ed Buchheit.
The first of the series of card
parties was held at the parish
hall Thursday night
Last Times Tonite
Bob Hope in
"Louisiana Purchase
In Technicolor ut'- -C:45-t:35
Torpedo Boat" 8:47
Flos Superman Cartoon
1 Starts Wed. 2 Hits
Alexander KORDA
CempanioB Featore
The( Wildest Nlghf
Toa Ever Did See
TlT By Nlahf
Nancy Kelly
Richard Carlson
MSlVs-l-Jb-li 11
:- u f I njuvvi
2 Prize Hits!
Ill A Gay Musical!
'"Moon Over Miami"
I 'm m In Technicolor
II with
Betty Grable
Don Ameche
Robert Cumin gi
Plus Companion Hit!
Ill The Wilds of Africa!
D ; with
Nancy Kelly V
Walter Brennan -
1 j
! LI.
I mm (i
a i
mi z: over JCSLM,
For Love"
Towot 14-3.-4a-aa.
in n n - :
i - .1