fAGZ frets Tested and Approved for Results ! 1 That's Classified idvertising Tlx OREGON STATESMAN, Satan. Oregon. Saturday Morning. April 18. 1342 aaa ClAsslfled Advertising Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Thre insertion pe'Uns25o Six insertions per Una 40e One month per line ,. sua Minimum charge 23c; S tL mia - imam 25c; tL fain. 45c No refunds. - Caov for this mm- aneeoted tn 930 the evening before publica tion for classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be run vnder the beading 'Too Late to Classify. TbeStatesman iwiimw no finan cial responsibility lor errors which may appear In advertisements pub lished in Its columns and In cases where this paper Is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment tn which the tjpographlca mistake occur. The Statesman raaenrua the right to reject questionable advertising. It further lescrvue the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing Statesman box number for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind ad. Livestoek and Poultry BABY CHICKS. popular varieties I every now i week. Also Leghorn cocxreis ready. Ph. 22861, U Lee Hatchery. Help Wanted UPHOLSTERERS, refrigerator serv iceman A linoleum layers. H. L. Stiff. Help Wanted Male y 2aaNit up,sii' W gar; i Service tt. 9M Edgcwato. WSaem SHINGLER and lather. 23rd and Mar ket streets. TOP AIRCRAFT WAGES PAID FOR QUALIFIED TOOL MAKERS. DIE - MAKERS AND JIG BUILDERS. Only thoroughly experienced men need ap ply. Defense workers not solicited. .'Write or call employment office, Co lumbia Aircraft Industries, BIS S. E. Mill Street, Portland. LINOLEUM layer. Montgomery Wards. See Mr. Swatt, WANTED Exp. man under or over. exempt of draft to take fuu eng. of modern Ser. Sta. Comm. everything urniahed. Investment prof itable but not nee err. Refs. re quired. Interview, 211 Main. Lebanon, Ore.. Sun., l to 9 p. m. TOP WAGES Plenty of overtime I Portland plant on defense work needs machinists over 45 yrs. Of age with .some lathe experience. Box 2053, eo - Statesman. Help Wanted Female WANTED Two waltrereea on every -Saturday evening. Chinese Tea Gar. . ten, 182', N. Commercial St. GOOD HOME or lady whose hus band in tha service. No objection child. Some wages. 1311 N. Liberty. GIRL OR WOMAN for housework tn country. Ph. 9x39 Stayton or write Mrs. Maurice neater, suoumrty, ore. HOUSXKXEPER, mid. Wages. Call 1 to 3 p. m. Hef'klssioo. Salesmen Wanted SALESMAN to sett advertising for local sports publication. Drawing acct. Can be arranged. Write co Box 2008, tati Situations Wanted NEED WORK. Waitress, light nure- tog. snasi Twaaday. snassage or any amy work. Start Rt. J, BOX 7X7. GARDENS, any size, plowed and worked down with Ford tree. P. 9997. GARDEN, any size, plowed, disced. vera Tractor, rn. zzaoa. aree estimate. ' HOUSEWORK. 39e hour. Ph. " 970L For Sale Miscellaneous New Mod. Bedroom Sets Closeout Prices 9119.50 4 pc. wal. set now M0.se 4 pc. wal. set now 979 .M 4 pc. wet set now 79 .$96 see jo 4 pc wax set, now uaao 4 pc. wax set. new Several High Grade 9309 Bedroom Sets Now SI 20 to 3140 1 Csah Terms or Trade We Are Overstocked on Bedroom Suites Very Larxe Selection Mote: We Promise You the Best Deal In Town Be Convinced Nash Furniture Co. j N. Commercial St 1 Rugs Rugs - Several new $49 9x12 all wool rugs. - Several new 17x54 all wool rugs. gxao up at cost. Nash Furniture Co. USED FURNITURE PRICED TO SELL - S good used elec. refrigerators. 4 good used elec. washers. .25 good used wood ranges. 4 good used dining room sets. , Twin bedroom set. , See the Above at the Nash Furniture Co. i 219 N. Commercial St Furniture Priced to Sell New velour dav. A chair. S79 up. Mew bed daveno. 939 up. Lane Stock Trade Look I S 2169.50 mohair dav. at rhair Close Out Price t. 999. with your old set. These at t shocking Values See Them Naih Furniture Co. j 219 No. Commercial St. 4Mesaaerfiaatieaoaat-es FOR SALE Outboard 2-cyL Johnson motor., 14 ft factory built boat, all for S40J00. 1949 B. Coml St. - VEGETABLE end bedding plants. none bht, jay atoms, rtonas. f, . .. . . , . . . ADVERTISINO Western Advertising RepresenUtives George D. Close. Inc. tan Francisco . Los Angeles Seattle ..' intern Advertisinf - RepresenUtives. . " Ward -Griffith Company, tne. Chicago, New York, Detroit ..... Boston, Atlanta - Kntered at the Postoffiee at Salem, urepo, as aecone lias Mtotrr. ruo ttshed even mornme oxeenc Mondau. Buaraass clce 215 South Commercial a tree. " SUBSCRIPTION RATES - Man Subscription Rates m Advance: Jtrithin Oregon: Dally and Sunday. Mo. 9 cents: 4 Mas. 1L0O: 1 year 96.00. llaewhert as cents per mo. or 37.23 tor 1 year In advance. Per copy 1 cents. Mr fJitr umw. va cants Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITS or phone tl68 to Salem's oldest, largest home owned and home managed finance Institu tion. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made tn strictest privacy. Too will be given every aiders Uon tn the repaying of or granting of extensions. 1 to II MONTHS TO RIP AX You can pay la tun any tuae.te reduce the cost - ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers. Loans made est ture or note. - SEX ROT B. SIMMONS. MOB. Lie. No. M-132 JIM CLARK. ASST. MGR. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie. No. S-US 134 So. Commercial St Phone 9169 lint door south of Ladd eV bank. Convenient ground floor location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS RETTNANCXD to re duce navmentn Money for new at used cars No delay or red tape. Ton will retain possession or tne veucie 1 TO M MONTHS J fAI ROY H. SIMMONS . 129 South Commercial Street Phone SIM Lie. No. M-152 rHA LOANS 4tt also prtv Abrams El Us. inc. For Sale Miscellaneous USED SUPERIOR Enameled cast wood range $49.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. J75 N. Liberty St. Ph. 4619 TRAILER HOUSE. 5SS Marion. GAS RANGE. Smooth Top. A-l con dition. 1045 N. Church. USED DRESSER OEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. TO N, Liberty, St 7 v Ph. 4613 9 FT. NORGE refrigerator. Good shape. 60. 490 Shipping. PORC. wd. range. (30. S43S S. Summer USED t-pc. Walnut dining room suite .swi GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 175 N. Liberty St Ph. 4615 MODEL A rear end. galvanized sheet metal used tires. 510 N Front USED National 40-gallon elec. hot water heater. -. 949.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty I St Ph. 461B FACTORY built trailer house. Bar gain If sold this week. B39 N. Liberty, USED OIL BURNER ranee with hot water coil ou tanx included. Bargain. Ph. 3316. USED MONT AG Colonial wood range. sz4.se GEVURTZ, FU KIN 11 UK UU. ITS N. Liberty St Ph. 4615 WALNUT upright piano. $50. Ph. 8249. GOOD 12 -ft. plywood boat 925.00. 130 S. High. USED KIT CHIN ' HEATER, with colt S22.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty St. Ph. 4615 FOR SALE Plants Tomato 10c At... cabbage 7c dr.. lettuce 9c dz. Pepper and other plants soon, at Merrill's Green House. Brooks, Ore. At Brooks school. IVORY bed and dreaser. Pbone 41 FRIGID AIRE, used only I weeks. Owner . In service, moved. P. O. Box 214. Turner. Oregon. THE APRON SHOP 979 N. High. Glad bulbs at Boxwood. Fred deVries. WE BUT. sail at trade m good used furniture. Bright Furniture Store 453 Court St Ph. 5862 Wanted F urniture F. N. GLENN WOODRY, Auc tioneers at furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade for furniture 1 4c household goods. We buy as sell everything. Ph. 5110. CASH FOR used furniture hold goods. & Forgey. Ph. 1444. Wanted-liscellaneons BOARD and room for elderly lady in pi en sent home and surroundings Box 20S Statesmen. PILING timber, stum pace or soanu factured poiea en roll way. Top market price, contact n. w. ueu. mcvornucx Piling and Lumber Co.. P. O. Box 265 or phone 3994. Stayton. Orison. Miscellaneous WILL give good home to young dog that ta to oeutaT wnn cniioren Box 2040, Statesman. Dentil Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SER VIC Of MOST CASKS Bflng or Mall Tour Plates for Repair DR. HARRY BEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State Com'L Ph 2311 SPECIALIST tn custom hatching. River Road Hatchery. 2779 N. River Rd. For Rent Rooms VACANCY for man, 999 Center. Room. Quiet dose In. Phone 9714. CLEAN furn. hskp. rm, : . Ph. 1715 monthly to norm. guests. cntiee I Shop, dej lidous SLEEPING ROOM $2. N. High. SLKKPINO RMS. 99 Ma. 349 Marion. SLP &U, 9tat9 tenga Ph. &44t Room and Board CLOSE Of. 97S N. Cottage. BOARD BOOM. X9S N. 12th. VACANCY Board at room. 499 Union GOOD SERVICE. 1144 Center. VACANCY, nice rooms. US S. Winter BETTER BSD rm. 149 a Com! St For Rent ArjartmenU NICELY furn. heated. 1599 Canter. CLOUDS Money to Loan CASH FOB Any Constructive Purpose No loan Is too small for our con sideration. Repayment schedules ar ranged to fit your income. For example: YOU RECEIVE YOTJ PAT MONTHLY 30.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 300.00 $251 4.19. 838 1256 25.13 Phone, wrtta, or call at the office E alenra Personal .Loan .Center. 315 Court St. Salem Phone 4446 Stats License S-229 M-271 CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY Cash in a See PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 12 State Street Doors West of Capitol Theatre Ph. 2191 License Noa S-122 A M-1S3 Auto Loanf Willamette Credit Co. 9TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUOXUNG , LICENSE N. M-H9 WX LOAN on tana, residential business ftroperty. Will buy mortgsges or contracts. HAWKINS as ROBERTS. INC. Realtors. Guard tan Building. Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real aav Will pay 9 interest . & URABENHORST CO. REALTORS For Rent Apartments 2-R. furn. apt., lights, water. 92.25 par wx. uo uax. rn. azTO. 2-RM. furn.. 212. hot water, washer. garage, zavu iee. rn. was. 2-RM. apt furn. Includes studio couch, water, prev bath, $16. 625 N. Winter. 912 JO. small heated apt 1133 N. 13th. 1 and 3 rm. apto.frefricerator. steam neat, garage, zoos n. capttoi. 2 RMS. Ac Kit. furn. Gr. ft Prtv. ant Wat, Its., washer. 916. 541 MilL 11 rm. mod. furn. 776 N, Com'L FRONT 2 (or morel room. furn. apt., m. bath, zzn state. Ph. 9892. y-RMTiis. 132 3. la. p. am " " FURN. partly furn. 990 Union. SMALL furn. apt for employed wo man, kmc. ret., close in. MO Union. 2RM91347 Ferry! Ph." 9222" 1-RM. nicely turn, front ant.. 919 Light water, washer, phone. ISM State. 2 LARGE FURN. Rooms. Prlv. Bath c saitrance. Garage. Phone 9OB0. VACANCY S-rm. apt, furn. Glen dors Apta. CLEAN, one am. apt 949 Ferry. 3-R. furn ants . nriv. bath, ltm n water, washer. Inq. 1234 S. Commercial. Business Cards la' ibis directory on a snonthry kasls aniy. Bate: $L2S per list saenttt Anto Brakes Mike Panes. 273 South Batteries WDLLARD batteries, all types. R. D. Woodrow. 394 Church. Phone 1609. Bicvelc BICYCLES, New and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott, 147 S. Com'cL P. 4516 Chiropractic ITsicians a A Sternberg. 344 N. Capitol 1731. Chimney Sweeps Vacuum cleaned chimney, furnace. Roof repair, rree estimate. Kennedy. P. 9999. Florist. Breithauprs 447 Court Phone 9195 Fanerm Directors TerwUUger -Ph. House Trailer. GISSB TRAILERS S749 unjgodera. better bit. lower Dries. Braaae. racv 9th St, Independence. Or. Lawn Mowers Machine around. F X. Roach. 4513. Blattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG ft ataTTRESS Co. New Mattresses vid made, rug rwaning ai weaving. w Wilbur las. eu x.ancxera, CAPITOL BEDDING CO Hurry For Rent Apartments FURN. apts, 96-50 up. mi 8. 13th. I B. its. A h. wet. (12 JO. 1935 Center. 2 RMS, $20.00. 1347 Ferry. Ph. 5222. FUR. 4-rm. 2-rm. Pullman. 633 Ferry. USHER apt available. Phone 9757. 2 2-rm. apta. 344 N. Front P. 3529. 3-R, sttrsc. close, pri ent 5825. 2-RM. semi-basement aot. Nicely furn. Pri. bath. Women only. 1119 Oak. NICELY FURNISHED large apart ment with porch room, 175 a 14th. CLOSE IN. 991 N. Com! $19 mo. 3 R, ht wet, lits, heat 939 N. Liberty LARGE Pullman, mod., nriv. bath. refr, nicely furn, $16 at $20. 248 D St rn. a 128. 1 and 2 rm. apt 2054 N. 'CapitoL 1ST FLOOR, modern. 1411 Court 1-RM, housekeeping. 489 N. Liberty 3-R, furn, bath, $20. 280 N. 18th. For RentHouses 6-RM. & sleeping porch. Modern ex cept basement, xzo. inq. uso r ir. 5-RM. aot, 2nd floor, newly dec Ven. blinds, furn. or. unfurn. 715 S. 12th OR LEASE 5 rm. strictly mod. hse Full basement autom. hot water heat er, gar, nice large . fenced backyard. can be seen anytime. 1033 Jefferson. WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU Want to sell, exchange. lease, rent see Mr. Larsen, Mr. Collins or Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins A Roberts. LIST your rentals with us. ABRAMS . A ELLIS. Inc., Masonic Bldg. 2-RM. house, shower, $10. Inq. 666 xnompson Ave. 4-RM. turn duplex, newly decorated. gar, gooa location, on bus. zoo e. Lin coln. 4-RM. furn duplex. f-rm. unfurn. duplex. $25. 2160 N. Sth. Ph. 9609. 6-RM. hse, partly furn, $25.00. House at in s. ljtn. rn. ziea. 4-RM. hse, mod. & clean. P. 4581. For Rent TRAILER space. 1730 N. Water St MODERN COTTAGES. 94 & UD. Junction Auto Court So. Commercial. Wanted to Rent UNFURN. mod. 4 or V rm. house. Not too far from CapitoL Ph. 9297, Capt. Brennan. 3 or 4 rm, furn. house or apt (2 beds), near school and bus. About 920. Give full description. Consider subur ban. Box 2065, Statesman. For Salt; Real Estate OPEN HOUSE! New, modern S-rm. house with oak floor, Venetian blinds, fireplace, un finished upstairs, oil floor furnace, for $3100. You name the terms. Turn north at 3311 Center St or phone 5292. 9 RM. mod. house, furn. 2 lota, fruit. walnut trees. Arranged so pert could rent for $25 mo. $2750 cash. Box 2063, statesman. 9 ROOMS plus attic, in Englewood omnci, asoea lawn, ouauae fireplace. S4WW. o. k. jui lasa 8uto-Ph. mi FOR SALE by owner. $3900 home re- aucea stin xor qutcx sale, mil bi ment, fireplace, wired for elect, range, aiso gas. raone aeoa, FOR SALE or trade for house, a ISO-acre farm, near Salem, 99 acres in crop, good out buildings, near school. inquire or owner, box 2061, statesman $135 equity in kt sell for $60 cash. oaianee si. f none na. 4-R. mod. hse. at 1090 Erbton. hdwd firs, bsmt, $2200. Ph. owner. 22526. Directory Oil Burner Service SXEWIS A JUDSON PHONE 414L Painting & Paperhanging Painting A Decorating Ph. 7952 JERRY JOHNSON Ph 719, Expertsnnd Weeaiiiislile. i n. 4329. Paints and Lacquers Complete One NASON paints Uberal av a. woodrow. 394 n cnurcn Printing FOB STATIONERY, cards pamaleW oroxrsms. books or an kind at mint in, call The Stataeman Prtnttne De partment 219 a Commercial. Tele phone MOL Plumbing REPAIRS A INSTALLATION SKEW IS A JUDSON PHONE 4241 PLUMBING. GENERAL repair Graber Bros, 154 8 Liberty. Ph. 6594 Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write, Phone or Call for Booklet 300 N -Capitol Transfer O-DRTVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets tun. 197 & Liberty Ph. 9062 rOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer storage, burner oil, briquets trucks to Portland dally Agent Pierce Auto Freight mcluding CaUt points. Larmer Transfer co vn. sua, Yacuum Qeaner Service tn your borne An thortxed Hoover sereica. We service alt cleaaers Hogg Bros nt sua WeO Drilling R. r. Sneed. 2503 Brooks St Ph. B A WEST. Rt C BoaM -tk la Unity Thers Is Stremcjui For Sale Real Estate NEW 6 larse rooms with den. fun basement aut oil heat 3 fireplaces. This is really a lovely home. $5700.00 iiui wn aoout smjw per mo, m c hiding taxes at insurance. " New rm. hardwd. firs- inlaid linoleum in kitchen at bath. On Myrtle St, $3150J0-4200 dn, $30 per mo. Mew e rms, A, lots of trees, close to bus A store. $395040 $209 an. $27 JO per mo. s-rm. modem house, i A- fine rar den soil. $2600.00 $400.00 dn, S27J9 per mo. - a rms. as noox. basement fireplace and furnace. 2 -car garage. Very nice district close to erode A jr. hixh school. $3700.00 $200.00 dn, $30.00 per mo. RICH L. RETMANN 19T S. High Street . Ph. 9202 Salem a Largest Home Builder FOR SALE OB KENT A- bus line and school; 3-room house. ul: well end elec. water system. Price $2100 $200 cash, balance monthly. DISTANT OWNER SAYS SELL Hia modern 5-rootn bungalow: it's new and in A-l condition. Priced low at 95900 Worth the money. WHY RENT? You can buy a neat 9 room cottage, modern except base ment; has large corner lot fine gar den all planted. The price Including new ou circulators, eiec not water tank. Venetian blinds. Is Only $2950 $500 will handle the deal. See Mrs. Ellis with ChUds A Miller, Keaitors, 344 state si, ra. semi. 2 BEDRMS, kitchen. Uv. rm. A bath. all on one floor. Only $1600, $250 dn, $15 per mo. . ttooa o-r. nse, su nerwo nrs. in Englewood dist, $4000. F. H. Weir 465 Center REALTOR Ph. 9411 NICE new home on Sunset Ave. Full bsmt, furn, fireplace, H. W. floors. Mi sere, well landscaped. See Mr. Good' win with HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC. Realtors. $2600 New 4 rooms, north. 12500 8 rms.. clean, walk. dist. $22002 houses, one lot, good income. $35006 rms, one acre, east. See Us for farms or all sues Also Exchanges 5 J. H. Johnson with T. L. REEDY Real Estate Oregon Bldg. OR TRADE 5 A, Rickey dist. Hse. A barn. Quick sale. $2350. Ph. 6165. Transferred, must sell new 5-r, W, Sslem. view home, all new district close in. wired for range, elec. w. h, oil heat, many bull tins, small down pay. bal. 929.50 mo. Ph. 6138. Glenn creex Drive. Box 111B. 3 B. Rm home on Laurel Ave, H. W. floors, auto, heat, 200 ft. lot small down tmt.. bal. monthly. See Mr. Good' win with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC, Realtors. Exchange Real Estate LUMBER. shuttle A shake mill for acreage in ctty eustner. write Box 2062 co Statesman. For Sale Farms HOWELL PRAIRIE FARMS 60 acres. 9 miles out all in cultiva tion, 9-room house. 10 acres producing filberts. Land mostly tiled. A fine farm in a fine location. 50 acres Central Howell district All cultivated. 14 acres new land. Contract for 30 acres flax. 15 acres crimson clover. New 9-room modern house. good barn. This farm la producing real Income. 63 acres. Hazel Green District 49 acres cultivated. IS acres pasture and timber. Good buildings. This will make fine strawberry (arm ana tne low price will surprise you. see Mr. uoiuns wun nAniuns ROBERTS. INC Realtors. Acreage SALE OR TRADE $30009 acres, good sou. some fruit A nut trees, house 9-r, electricity, liberal discount for cash. See Louis Bechtel or Mabel Needham, 341 State, Room 4. 3li A, good well water, Mr A. timber. aR good black land, small house, bam. room for 3 cows, dble. garage. 1 mi. from town. Will sell or trade for city reaalence. F. H. Weir 469 Center REALTOR Ph. 9411 t A . Kelzer dist- 1-rm. hse. Extra good garden land, ready to plant. Fruit A berries. Terms nxe rent. H. C. SHIELDS Oreg. Bldg LIST your suburban acreage wnn ABRAMS ft ELLIS. Inc.. Masonic Bldg. Wanted Real Estate 4 or 9 room modern. $2500 to $3900 cash. Prefer owner. Describe fully hnuw. earaee. lot location. Addl 9625 North Kerby Ave, Portland. Ore. Business Opportunities TN V Cti'l'UCNT 19 A. 19 A. fine bearing filberts. Close to Salem. $7500. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 2953 N. Capitol - -1 n nn n n 1 . .- , i-.i nanrBtv fUUna? eta., stock 9750. or inventory. Rent ftxturea. living murten. called for defense, see a. Water St, Silverton, Ore. For Sale Wood ATTENTION I For best wood. Pb, 6963 ASH. MAPLE. OLD GROWTH TOL 12 and 16 tn. 1311 wupeny. DRY WOOD. aR kinds. 9560. OLD ITR. Ph. 3390. Aahcraft DRY WOOD. Ph. 9689. Wood Sawing WOOD sawing ft hour work. Ph. 7079. Lost and Found LOST Yellow model airplane, mile west of Macleay. Ph. ssoz. LOST Table leg about Mar. 20th be tween McMinnvUle ft Salem. Ph. 22556. Personal MEET NEW FRIENDS' Oufe Ctte 71-43, Man PO wos Anxetea cat Lodges Pacific todge No. $0. JUT A AM. E. A. Degree, Wed, April 22. 730 p. m. By order W. M. . i " ti, TUaTS)OTR-JR 4it 1I TwEV GANGS? UP 4-3 .-W It L. r War-Time's Ideal Clothes Practical, Feminine 7 ! ; 1. ' m . , ji , L-HL il; if ! ; ,F-V ?f'7 - - J-1 Left to rlrht, kenr freea frock with white ndBes; htae Ursa drees; velvet trimmed rayesi taaTeta Whether your personal appointment b to see your best beau on furiourh or to meet friend husband home early from hU defense Job, youH want to look, right with a dress which fits war-time's Ideal--something pracUcal but at the urn time enchantlngly feminine; something; basic in atyle and tricked out with some staccato color accent or gay trimming. The first dress, left, U a kelly green rayon crepe with a fitted bodice and waist-hugging girdle. Its simple lines are made dramatic by a frothy raffled trimming on the square neckline, and bracelet length sleeves. The second, center, is comfort able and rmart for daytime and date wear. It is a two-piece with the new torso blouse and pleated skirt of blue rayon crepe. The straight shoulder yoke below the coUarleas neckline la highlighted by a row of stitching. The third model la a velvet trimmed rayon taffeta frock. The heart-shaped neck Une with velvet trimmed and bow-tied yoke establishes this basque bodice dress tn the class of femi nine allure. For "Sale Used Cars 1941 Dodge Luxury Liner Fluid Drive, Plenty of Rubber L0DER BROS. Salem MODEL A sedan. 4 practically new tires ft tubes. Good motor. Must sell, $65.00. 638 Belmont 1933 CHEV. sport coupe, good tires. leather upholstery, excellent motor Pbone 6414 or 5966. 1649 CHEV. four -door sedan, goo4 Phone 7917 rubber A heater. 455 Chemeketa "37 V8 club cpe, actual mileage 5 good ti erty St, Salem. 1939 CHEV. coupe. Rt 4, Box 227. 41 PLY. four-door sedan, low mile age, good rubber, wui traoe. cle 455 emeketa Phone 7917 MUST SELL immediately 39 Ply mouth 4-dr. dot 4 new tires. 330 Gaines. 41 CHEV. 9-pass. cpe. Perfect con dition. 458 Chemeketa Phone 7917 leao FORD convertible coupe. Ph. 4610 or 236 N. Commercial. War Sweater lVemadlna retiuvla . rreaentlny the new wax sweater, showing; how much yam caa be saved by the bare midriff. Tha sweater Is worn by Bernadins Petkovic of Pueblo, Colo. - .s - ' , ' 11 . , " - 1 J-f - x j ' - i- S f , i ( ' -"""? . .. -Cwi&i:-X-i;' . -'--' ... ... ,-1 By CHIC TOUlaQ t rbetv Legal Notice NOTICS OF APPOINTMENT OF ADl!1NISaMTO& NOTICE IS HELXEBY GIVEN that by order of the Circuit Court of the Stats of Oregon for the County of Marlon, Gustav Gaert- ner has been appointed as and for Administrator cum testamento an- nexo of tha estate of Andreas Fromm, deceased. All persons having claims agamst said estate are hereby no tified to present the same to eald administrator at tha office of Rho- ten & Rhoten, Attorneys at Law. 310 Pioneer Trust Building, Sa- sn, Oregon, within six months rom tha date of this notice. Dated this 17th day of March, 042. GUSTAV GAERTNXR, Administrator Cum Testa- Cross Word 12 13 13 14 20 25. 2 31 32 55 1 HO HZ v. 3 HI 'A i1 SO 52 TT sc. 42 1$ 22 2 ' 1srss YA BOKZZONTAL I the heart 4 family of Italian vi olin makers ft small drink 12 high card 13 eXrong winda 14 lyric poem 15 title of a young man IT river mouths If Egyptian fddess 21 Internation al language 22 read metrically 25 auditory organ 27 native metala XI parcel of land 52 tending to intensify 24 Abraham a , birthplace - 25 steal 34 American "author 27 half aa em -2s soaked la 1 viaegar , 1 fruxtur - II conjunction 4 native of a . European ' country 43 lair 44 hver-islands 45 diminutive for Edward 47 sweetsop 49 fictional character 52 blackening with writ ing fluid 57 monkey 58 atamp 50 fistl eggs 51 obscure 3 etrong . ' tastes 82 female sheep Answer to yesterdays puzzle, f atoiwl ia alt IDT c)a vTfct 55"5 tiOlME a ajg LI w 1 IE -Z nTpi 'a a E El LI ' t A j A NITj cp 0 . iPt mlISi" a i He ON" "c aInTsI Ja g A ' OjS T E rtp IB L y gjTfS 1 J t H SLfe E S ? E ?lA 3 T , L 0 T 3 I S I N AS E t RSI MP Z T "Vfip lOO E MS TSj N E 0 N "lA L A f StsC by SUac Peateres Syndicate. laa. - N.5'' I . ..... y : e K7 Legal Notice men to Annexo of the Estate, of ANDREAS FROMM, de ceased. RHOTEN & RHOTEN 310 Pioneer Trust Building Salem, Oregon Attorneys for the Estate. M 2S-A 4-11-lS-aS. Teacher Selected At Middle Grove MIDDLE GROVE Sadie Roth, who has been teaching at Victor Point for three years, has been se cured to teach the lower grades her next year. No one has been secured for the upper grades. The Quest class of the First Evangelical Sunday school met Monday at the horn of Mr. and Mrs. John Cage. Puzzle 16 II is n id 21 2. TT S3 31 1 40 VKITICAL 1 eccentric wheel-part 2 Peruvian plant 2 thing, in law 4 grows old 5 Csechoolo vakian wa tering place diminutive for Albert ' 7 spread for drying f river in Bohemia f toper ' 10 mountain m Crete 11 foot-Uka part IS metal It unfastened 20 perched 22 poor sectioa of a city 12 martne -skeleton 24 near . 25 feeling , contrition 28 New Eng land; stats (abbr.l 2S happerdng; 30 dispatches. 22 electrified particle 32 short bow 25 stream 22 Egyptiaa - sun god ,. 44 beverage . 41 three-toed sloth v 44 inquire) , 45 obligatloo 48 finishes 1 4ft youth - - ; 50 alendes finisl " 81 Jewel , t 02 geological - . age ! . , 84 wrath t5-t this ttelf to to the right 89 Indefinite : v.- artlcla r: aetasteat 29 Bslaetea.' MMIHWi Tl.-fli I, 11 III 1 11 l I I 99 bO a year la adrvanee an v - - ---- - - 1 I .rli eae-w lwaeaa, y "i M adjacent