rrv- - .it I ' f : -.-"ir ! ! ! :i. . i -v 'if I j ' f . $ . s " " - 1 "' t,,.-3 m iiH'"- L -r V- ft "7v. J - I W ' ".-j ,- P 'PC of gmaUtaf yndlcaU In Brooklyn, N. Y, which did a 11,000,000 business yearly by paying for police protection, has been charged by two special Kings county grand Juries with Special As sistant Attorney General John H. Amen charging that the yearly protection payoff" was more than $1,000,000. Four lawyers and 49 members of the polio department were named in the presentments, which srere accompanied by movies taken by investigators which showed alleged money payments by gamblers to policemen. The can did camera series above, according to Investigators, shows a "payoff man meeting a policeman outside a bakery. 'y,"- ,0,' WaV''.- ' II Another new nghtlng ship for Uncle Sam, the cruiser Denver. Is Shown being launched at the Camden, N. J, shipyards. The Denver U a sister ship of the cruiser Cleveland, launched several months ago. lS30f tbsld bt l&tsrested fax this pkturt for ths two young lames pictured may ba setting wr hat styto. The ghis, Dorris Kent of Korfolk. Ta Mt, aal fiberry Sbadbune of Boston., wear flowers ta UMir htdr tnetff of hats, taus savus; nitaiil for ae elsewber. SOss Ksat wears two pink roses mounted on a comb trimmed wKb nfflnf. Wa OsMSbarn wean red, wbiU &a Vtn cirnitlnng . 'Xv , mounted on btirpins. V- ST i V"'." if COOD SCOUTS-Thers were smiles an areand when Sm pttf Court Justice Owen Beberts greeted girt scouts at a war bends and stamps caaapalgn la Washinrton. D.C Left m rlghU Seoat al!y Scheiry, 10. ind Scoot Joscphln IZarVnorsi. 10. - 0 0 4-ar- .! .fy!tj.-iiii!jiiii.'",.iw. v -LA-rr r-aNr 1 "v V 5 ' v, ' XSBl Eiil J S 1 .I1I-R. K55f.,.hL?rBriU,n WenT Bspectloa of four eanaoos which ctva EngUneTs EATA Whirlwind two-engined, alga-tailed fighter plane its deadly power.. r 3 'Jin 1 ""C- V si-niriiiii'iiwi ...mil i " I -"-'rT' TTT? ; 'ff r ' it THE FAR HORIZON S "Somewhere In' northwestern Ohio" an aerial photographer with the U-8. Army Air Corps shot this view of Lake St Mary, which looks like a huge Ink blot on the patch work ef neat farm lands. Tea are looking la the direction of Fort Wayne and South Bend, Ind. Celine Ohio, is at upper rUrht. corner of Jake. Phot taken at ZO.OO feet with Infra-red film. LANJINC MJLD AT D A R W I Australians sa, Uutt extenrfv. are. f rr.d. st thio Darwia landing field makes the visits by Jap bombers ineffective; planes still land, take off " - " 1 r ." ..:MV ii'Biw. iu mm WMHMk.mm. mw!' i ? i ' , 1 '':X-: r-v;- -;- :i;:';':i:'-; , ' v :- : ' " r -f :. .. - : V- n ' ' s - - ,V Ail- - ;fx; ., A-' mm St SBk nARMON Kaaon Beteta. adersecretsnr of finuM r Mexico, has been named minis ter to 0.1 front Mexico, to help the two countries ta ceajuaettssi with ambassadors ta Washlngtoa. with special em hhaais on jdef ease effort. NOSE KN EW Tw opposing forces meet at the. nose of luratore BaecabnL basso buffo of the Metropolitan opera, la a Cleveland hotel lobby. And the lUy smell won by aose. He's Veaktar ta a new pipe, the gift of a friend. Or. A. Ibis is Dr. A. Vlshenvsky, head of the surgical department of the Soviet Neurological clinic in Mos cow, who has succeeded In trans planting the nerves from the dead to wounded Red Army men, thus enabling many soldiers, consid ered hopelessly Incapacitated, to return to the front. Dr. Vlshenv sky claims that when nerves, taken from dead bodies, are prop erty treated after removal, they can be preset-red iadeunltal pwi.iw'Wtessiesnjlisis iissiiiiiam ; J r, suassi'e VAV . . x CANDY K I D-AIeil Smith of the movies wears a new middy top dree with a candy flavor the stripes coming up hi char treuse and navy on a white hack ground. Skirt Is knife .pleated. J. Qualters The man who Is photographed al most as much as President Roose velt, Thomas J. Qualters, above, personal bodyguard and constant eompanlon of the V. 8. chief ex tcutivt, hi quitting that post to nter the Army Air Corps as a taptain. May L Qualters, 'former Poly Cross football player, has teen Mr. Roosevelt s bodyguard since 1835. fir lZZ f ' v , 1 r ' i DON'T PICK OM ME I UUIe James Coeske. months old. tells the world not to shove him aroond particularly when that pat ef his. an EacKish huHder. ts staading nearby. The dog Is . . . taascet 'of the saiUtsry police at Fort Sheridan. IU. - - ii Mir 'ia 7s " A 7 O. , - I 1 .HI - wi j i-i J WAR MAY SOON COVER THIS VATERFRONT-Caribea-drawa wasaas cluster alonx the dock, ef tbo' waterfront at Colombo. Ceylon, capital of the strateglcally-loeated Island which lies la the Indian Ocean at the bottom of V-shaped India ,