The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 18, 1942, Page 6, Image 6

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Saturday Morning. April II. 1142.
Helen Hadley
Her Engagement to
Lt Robert Utter
Today V exciting news concerns the engagement of Miss
Helen Hadley and Lieutenant Robert P. Utter. The announce
ment is being revealed by, the bride-elect's parents, Mr. and
Ijlrs. C. E. Hadley of Tillamook. Lt. Utter is the son of: Dr.
and Mrs. Floyd L. Utter.
The attractive, blonde bride-to-be makes her home in
Salem and is now wearing a
diamond on her left hand. Lt.
Utter arrived this week from
Tort Benning, Georgia, to visit
with his fiance and his parents.
No date has been, set for the
-Miss Hadley is a graduate of
Oregon State college and a mem
ber of Pi Beta Phi sorority. She
is a popular member of the
younger set here and is connect
ed with the secretary of state's
- Lieut. Utter is a graduate of
Willamette university and re
ceived his master's degree from
the University of Southern Cali
fornia. Before leaving for ac-
tive duty with the army he was
personnel director at the unem
ployment compensation commis
sion. .
. He is now a second lieutenant
In the infantry, graduating from
officers' 'training sdiool at For
Benning this month. He has been
ordered to .return to New Jersey
gnd on June 1 will commence
training at Fort Washington at
the adjutant general's school. Lt
Utter will leave for the east by
ear the first part of the week.
Morrisseys to
Be Hosts
Mr. and Mrs. J. . Morrissey
will preside at dinner tonight
for a group of friends. Bouquets
of spring flowers will provide
the decorative note and cards
will be in play during the even
ing. Places will be laid for Mr. and
Mrs. David Cameron, Mr. and
Mrs. Irving Caplinger, Mr. and
Mrs. William Phillips and Mr.
and Mrs. Morrissey.
Miss Ruth Barney of Wardens
vine, West Virginia, now sta
tioned at Fort Lawton, Seattle,
in the Army Nurse corps, arrived
by plane Friday night to spend
the weekend with Miss Lucille
Poole. Miss Barney and Miss
Poole were classmates in post
graduate work in nursing at the
University of Washington last
year. -
Kola Jean Zobel, pupil of Mrs.
Zena Thomas, received the rat
ing of excellent at the state fed
eration of music clubs contest
held in Portland last weekend.
Here's another of the famous
'y o ui heff ecf " ensembles ' b y ,
- Anne Adams Pattern 4030! Just
take that scalloped neckline and
see how feminine it makes you
look! How smoothly the darts
control the bodice fullness! How.
slimming the skirt panels are
front and back." The packet is
. the . finishing touch t" that sub-1
tracts . inches . and - multiplies
wettability. Choose a small print :
and colorful tints choose a con
trast Jacket if you like, X,. .
. Pattern 4030 is available in wo
men's sizes 34, 38, 38, 40, 42, 44,?
49 and 48. Size 36, dress, takes
IVi yards 39 inch fabric. . ' -
sn rrrrxEN cents pius
ONE -CENT to cover cost of
mailing) for this Anne Adams
pattern. 1 Write plainly - SIZE,
NUMBER. . v '.
YOUR role tn the IMS picture -,
is to be thrifty, yet look your
" i smartest and prettiest. Let the
' colorful new Anne Adams Spring .
Pattern Book help you plan a
, sew-and -sara program, with Its
; easily made, promptly available .
patterns for -every age. Trim
tailored modes, gay prints, cot-
, tons, evening gowns, housewear.
- Charming young-world - gradua
tion, school and party clothes, -too.
PLUS several patterns for
defense sewing. Order your copy .
. . , Send your order te ,The. Ore
- r on statesman, pattern jjepan
Golfers Are
Hosts at
Salem women golfers enter
tained with- a Red Cross benefit
at the clubhouse on Friday. A
large group played a round of
golf in the morning and others
joined them for luncheon and
bridge in the afternoon.
Mrs. H. H. Olinger was host
ess for the successful affair and
the club rooms and tables were
festive with bouquets of spirea,
narcissus, primroses and other
spring blooms.
In class A Mrs. R. I. Mac
Laughlin was the winner and
Mrs. Fred Bernard! received the
prize in class B. Honor 9 in
bridge went to Mrs. Ercel Kay,
Mrs. Ralph Hamilton and Mrs.
Clayton Foreman. The prizes
were donated by Mrs. W. L.
Qulnn, Mrs. H. H. Olinger and
Mrs. Ercel Kay.
Attending the affair were Mrs.
W. D. Evans, Mrs. W. L. Quinn,
Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde, "Mrs.
Harry Wiedmer, Mrs. Ercel Kay,
Mrs. Vernon Perry, Mrs. Clay
ton Foreman, Mrs. Harold Olin
ger, Mrs. Robert Joseph, Mrs.
Loring Schmidt, Mrs. Rex
Adolph, Mrs. Robin Day, Mrs.
Fred Bernardi, Mrs. Max Flan
nery, Mrs. Sam Adolph, Mrs.
Howard Hulsey, Mrs. James
McFarland, Mrs. A. S. Hussey,
Mrs. Creighton B. Jones, Mrs.
Edward Roth, Mrs. Rosalie Por
ter, Mrs. Al Petre, Mrs. Kate G.
Bell, Mrs. Glenn Stevens, Mrs.
John Heltzel, Mrs. Frank Zam
ker of Willamette.
Mrs. H. K. Stockwell, Mrs. M.
C. Bristol, Mrs. John H. Thomp
son, Mrs. Ross Coppock, Mrs. R.
I. MacLaughlin, Mrs. Frank Pat
terson, Mrs. M. A. Pekar, Mrs.
James Sears, Mrs. James L.
Cooke, Mrs. Claude M. Johns,
Mrs. Ed Gillingham, Mrs. C. F.
Foulgar, Mrs. L. D. Howell, Mrs.
Otto Schieman, Mrs. H. H. Olin
ger, Mrs. Phebe Anne Mitchell,
Mrs. R. E. Nickens, Mrs. John
Throne, Mrs. Ralph Glover, Mrs.
A. F. Courter, Mrs. C. C. Pow
ell, Monmouth, Mrs. C. Kenneth
Bell, Mrs. Ralph Campbell, Mrs.
William G. Stacey, Mrs. George
WeUer, Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce,
Mrs". Ralph Hamilton, Mrs. Karl
G. Becke and Mrs. John Beakey.
DALLAS At an informal
ceremony Sunday afternoon at
4 o'clock, Miss Evelyn M. Wat
son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William J. Watson, and Kenneth
L. Woods, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Laira V. Woods, were united in
marriage at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Watson. Rev. Ralph P.
Waggoner read the service.
Preceding the ceremony Miss
Mildred Eastman sang "O Prom
ise Me" accompanied by Mrs.
The bride wore a pastel blue
wool suit and matching hat with
snakeskin accessories and a cor
sage of pink rosebuds and white
carnations. She was given in
marriage by her father.
Mrs. Richard P. Smith of Ta
coma, Wash., sister of the bride,
wore a navy blue ensemble with
white accessories and corsage of
gardenias. Robert J. Woods,
brother of the groom, was best
The bride's mother wore a
blue French crepe dress with a
corsage of rosebuds and sweet
peas. The groom's mother wore
a blackand white ensemble and
rosebud corsage.
Following the ceremony, a re
ception was held at the home
of the groom's parents.
Ronald Griffin of Albany
greeted the 75 guests. Mrs. J. A.
Griffin of West Salem poured,
Miss Benjice Grow cut the wed
ding cake, and Mrs. L. F. Dough
ton of Seattle passed the guest
book. Misses Mercel Brown, Na
omi Hayes, Darlene Klaus, and
Louise Scott of Seaside assisted
in serving. Mrs. Richard P.
Smith presided in the gift room,
and Mrs. Robert Griffin of Al
bany had charge of the dining
Mr. and Mrs. Woods are both
Dallas high school graduates.'
Mrs. Woods has been employed
in Seattle and Mr. Woods has
been with Boeing Aircraft com
pany, also in Seattle, following
a week's trip . to r the beaches,
they will be at home at the Louis
'Arms apartments, 1515 Bellevue
avenue, Seattle. - -
renrratnlatiens to Serreant
and Mrs. Robert Keith Powell
(Audrey Shay) on the birth of
a daughter, Audrey Jane, at the
Salem General hospital on
' Thursday, April . 16. The little
girl has been named after her ;
mother and the grandparents are
Mr. and . Mrs. Fred : Shay and
Mr. Keith Powell of Salem.
Technical : Sergeant ' Powell Is
; now attending anti-aircraft offi
cers candidate school at Camp-
Davis, North Carolina.
ilrs. Nerval E. Edwards, Mrs.
Ralph Mapes and Mn, Lawrence
,Brown are motoring to Portland
f or the day.
..'.V IheDCHE J
Pro-America, Marion hotel, can
didates meeting, lp.m.
Three Link club. IOOF hall.
7:19 p. m.. special meeting.
Hal Hibbard camp and auxil
iary. Cherry City hall. S pjn.
White Shrine installation, S p.
m.. Masonic Temple.
American Legion auxiliary.
Legion Home. p. m.
Richmond PTA meeting, school.
7:30 p. m.
Salem Central WCTU. hall, a
Book-a-Month club with Mrs.
C. W. Noble, 57 North Winter
street, dessert luncheon, 1:15
Eastern Star meeting. Masonic
Temple. 1p.m.
January -circle, Jason Lee Me
morial church, calico tea, X to 4
p. m.
American War Mothers. Legion
Home, 10 a. m., covered dish
luncheon, noon.
Women's Union. Congregation
al church, all day meeting, 1
a.m., church parlors, sewing for
Red Cross. ,
Nebraska auxiliary. Mrs. Ear
Hall, 3130 Maple avenue, covered
dish luncheon, 12:30 p.m.
Women's association, Presbyter
Ian church, 1 p. m.. executive
board. 1230 p. m . church parlors.
Town and Gown club, Lausanne
Hall, 2:30 p. m.
Birthdays Feted
At Dinner
Mrs. Walter T. Jenks was host
ess for a smartly arranged din
ner Friday night at her North
Summer street home in compli
ment to the. birthday anniversary
of her husband and Miss Mabel
Covers were placed for Mr.
Jenks, Miss Savage, Mrs. Eliza
beth Savage, Professor and Mrs.
T. S. Roberts and Mrs. W. T.
Jenks. The evening hours were
spent informally.
Kejineth Hill (Minnie Mires)
was feted Thursday afternoon at
the home of her mother, Mrs. W.
V. Mires, when a group of
friends called bringing gifts.
Mrs. Hill, who was married on
Easter day now lives at Port
land. Calling were Mrs. E. A. Beu
gli, Mrs. Lewis Hall, Mrs. Les
ter Elliott, Mrs. Harry Kuch,
-Mrs.- Carrie King, Mrs. Lloyd
Oveross, Mrs. Sam Bailer, Mrs.
L. O. Hadley, Mrs. Hubert El
liott, Mrs. Frank Porter, Mrs.
Josie Mires, Miss Vala Elliott
and Miss Martha Mires.
Judge and Mrs. James Brand
and son, Tom, were among those
attending the performance of
Edward Everett Ho r ton in
"Springtime for Henry" at the
Mayfair theatre in Portland Fri
day night.
Simplest Stitchery
"Cheerio! We bring happiness
straight to your home," say these
adorable little bluebirds that you
can, embroider . on quantities of
linens in no' time at alL Why
not send some to a friend? Pat
tern 289 contains a transfer pat
tern of 10 motifs to 5x11 Inches;
materials" required; ' illustrations
of stitches. . -f -. ."-, .
Send ten cents (plus one cent
to cover cost of mailing) for this
pattern to The Oregon - States-
man, Needlecraft Dept, Salem,
Ore., Write plainly pattern num-
289 ,H lw jL.
ber. your name, and address.
Club to Sponsor
Sewing Glass
The Salem Woman's club is
sponsoring a Red Cross sewing
class and they will be held each
Monday in the basement dining
room of the club. Sewing classes
will be held from 10 a.m. to 4
Mrs. Letha Staate is the in
structor and 'Mrs. Walter Spaul
ding the assistant The first class
will be held this Monday and all
interested persons are welcome
to attend. Anybody having old
sewing machines, which they
wish to loan' or give to the club
for use during the classes, are
asked to contact the instructors.
Class Meets
Mrs. Oscar Cutler entertained
members of - the Pan American
class of the Salem Woman's club
Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Clif
ton Mudd led the discussion on
Latin American heroes and Fifth
Column activities in Argentina
and members participated. Re
freshments were served late in
the afternoon.
Attending were Mrs. J. A.
Whaley, Mrs. W. S. Levens, Mrs.
R. D. Paris, Mrs. George Ailing,
Mrs. E. M. Bumby, Mjrs. Saul
Janz, Mrs. Charles Galloway,
Mrs. Claude Glenn, Mrs. Clifton
Mudd, Mrs. A. L. Skewis, Mrs.
George H. Swift and Mrs. Cutler.
Towns and her daughter, Mrs.
Maurice Stainey of Valsetz, were
co-hostesses at a fiarty honoring
Miss Janet Hallett Thursday
night. Miss Hallett's wedding to
Andrew Totland will be May 16.
Invited were Miss Hallett, Mrs.
Harvey Hallett, Bonnie Hallett, j
Mrs. August Woe Ike, Mrs. Wil
bur Fossholm, Mrs. Julius Moen,
Mrs. Gabriel Herigstad, Mrs.
Paul Herigstad, Mrs. Martin Hol
land, Mrs. Wesley Kindred, Mrs.
John Richard, Jean and Ipis
Richards, Mrs. John Sullivan
and Ruth, Wilma Walker, Mrs.
Oscar Lewis and Frances, Mrs.
Rustad and Ruth, Mrs. William
Schwab and Betty, Mrs. John
Merryman, Mrs. Oliver Totland,
Elsie Wickham.
Mrs. A. Kuienski and Mrs.
Anna Tonning returned to their
home in Tacoma Friday and
were accompanied by Mrs. Nels
Tonning, who will return to Sa
lem on Monday. The visitors
have been guests at the country
home of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Ton
ning. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Young
and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Loder
will be the guests of two for
mer Salem couples, Mr. and Mrs.
John J. Elliott and Mr. and Mrs.
Palmer Macdonald, at the Mult
nomah club dance In Portland
Todays Menu
Let's have a roast cushion
shoulder of lamb with baked
potatoes for Sunday dinner.
Here are weekend specials:
Vegetable salad bowl t
Pimiento dressing
Corned beef hash
Poached eggs
Buttered kale
Baked caramel custard
Commercial cookies
Wilted lettuce
Roast cushion shoulder of lamb
Baked potatoes
, Green beans
Apricot whip
Frozen fruit salad
Liver rolls
Whipped potatoes
Fresh? young spinach
Baked pears with
Chocolate sauce
White cake
j e
1 pound liver -
pound bulk pork sausage
Pepper J
Vi cup water . t . . . .-
Have liver sliced one-fourth
inch thick. Trim away coarse
membrane and cut into pieces
about 3x3 inches. Shape sausage
:f Into small rolls and wrap each
with a slice of liver. Fasten with
a wooden pick. Place in a baking
dish, season and add water. Bake
covered for 43 minutes in a mod
crate oven (350 degrees). Re
move cover : last . 15 minutes to
brown., t
Have a'shoulder of lamb
boned, sew on three sides and
stuff with a well seasoned dress
ing. Sew up 4th side and put in
a 300-degree oven. A How 30
minutes to the- pound for roast
ing. -
McAfees Go
South by
Mrs. William A. , McAfee and
her sons, Milly andT Ward, left
by plane Friday noon for San
Mateo, CalifV where they will
visit with Mrs. McAfee's family
for a week. -
The McAfees will make their
new home in Long Beach, Calif-,
where he will be branch man
ager for Standard Ofl company.
He formerly held a similar po-,
sition for the company in Salem. ;
Mr. McAfee will join his wife
and children in San Mateo next
week and they will fly from
there to Los Angeles. They ex
pect to be in their new home in
Long Beach by the first of May.
Sigma Tau Meji
To Entertain
Sigma Tau fraternity men are
entertaining with their annual
spring party tonight and guests
have been invited to attend the
Monte Carlo club 020. Elaine
Harmes and Leon tine L e b o 1 d
will be check girls. -
Guests will be given defense
books with a ten cent stamp for
programs. Cards and games will
be in play and the total scores
will be added. The winner will
receive five dollars worth of de
fense stamps. ;
Refreshments will be served
in the Marine room and Jack
Glasse is arranging caricatures
of the house members around
the walls. Dick Barton and his
orchestra will play. Chaperones
will be Dr. and Mrs. Egbert S.
Oliver, Dr. and Mrs. Daniel
Schulze and Dr. and Mrs. Rob
ert M. Gatke.
There is a need ef Bed Cross
sewing cutters at the local office
on Tuesday and Wednesday
mornings from 9 to 12 o'clock
and Tuesday afternoon! from 1
to 4 o'clock. All women Interest
ed in cutting are asked to call
Mrs. Glenn Stevenson at 9277.
Coats '
Hosiery -Gloves
Fabrics -Beddings
Notions -
9 Just Quote-Mer
8:3 Gopi Broadcast.
t:O0 Series ef the Week.
-as isews isrevincs.
:2 Sunset Trio.
, t:3-Pied Piper.
I-Newsv , - -'
10:1 Shining Hour. - -
Lud Ghakitt. '
: 1 1 1M American- Lutheran Church.
12.-00 A Song Is Bom. -II
30 Jean Sevillier's Commentary.
1S:45 Isle- of Paradise.
. . 10 Yeung People's Church of Air.
1 -30 Muaie Prom Many Lands.
-1:00 Broadway Band Wagon.
S:13 Church of Christ. -.
; I JO US Navy.
15 Moody Bible- Institute.
S0 Castles in the Air.
"S30 Boy's Town. ,
: - 0 Russ Morgan Orchestra.
4:30 iw -White, 'Orgamsi. .
S0 Old Fashioned Revival.
4)0 Tonight's Headlines. '
:15 Freddy Made Orchestra.
30 Freddy Nagle Orchestra.
SJO Gleb Yellin. . ' ,
7:00 Dinner Dence. -
SILVERTON Betty , Holm
has been elected queen of May
day festivities at the junior high
school. Princesses chosen were
Shirley ' and Sharon Smith,
Jeanne Larson and Ruth Mell
bye. Biss Evans was elected car
dinal; Bob. Zimmerman, Ralph
Steffins, Gene Scott and Darrell
Satem, escorts to princesses.
Betty Vorseth- was chosen gen
eralissimo. The May program will include
visitors day when the rural stu
dents are invited in to inspect
the classes.
Mrs. Roy H. Simmons enter
tained at luncheon Thursday af
ternoon at Miller's Tea Room for
the pleasure of Mrs. Margaret
Callahan, who is visiting here
' from San' Diego, Calif.' Other
guests were Mrs. William Scand
llng, Mrs. T, A. Livesley and
Mrs. Conrad Paulus.
Mrs. Thomas Allport Is arriv
ing from Freemont, Nebraska
-this week to resume her position
at KSLM. Mr. Allport, who is
attending Theological school at
Freemont, will Join, his wife here
in June. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Mey
er will bt hosts to members of
their club at dinner and bridge
tonight at their Belmont street
Jewelry j
- Furnishings
Gift Wares
- Foundations
-glassware :
These schedules are swtted ,
the tespecu staUoaa. Aay , wta
tieas stated sy listeners srs w
changes saada ayttt sUtteaisjarttMvt
notice la tktt swwsfdfer.: k.
7 ae-Sunday-Symphony.-. . s
S 4)0 First Presbyterian Chureh. .
830 Hollywood Spotlight.: v.. .
S:00 News. - - i ..., , , , :
9:15 Sincerely Yours.
1 30 Back Home-Hour. ... ...
1S.-00 News. -' ! ' -'- '
1:1S Dreanitime. - : " ;
kgw NBO-atJNDAf-daa a- - ;c .
4'M Music. ! v .
S -30 War New.
S.-00 Musir. - - '
aa Church U Your Horn. . .
:3 Music and American youth,
t0 Sunday Down South.
- 930 Emma Otero, Singer. .
100 News Digest. ; - --
16:13 Music for Neighbors.
1030 World Is Youra. - . '
11)0 Garden Talks.
ii'.ia fhHro Round fahM. -
110 Bob Becker's Dog Chats.
11:15 H. V. Kaltenbora. -12:30
The Army Hour.
130 Stars of Tomorrow.
2:00 Ports of the Pacific
230 Home rires. , '
1:45 Symphony -of Melody.
3.00 iuiz of Two CiUes.
330 News Headlines ac Hilites.
3:45 Upton Close.
4:00 Jack Benny. J
430 Band Wagon.
S M Charlie McCarthy.
30 One Man's Family.
0 Manhattan Merry -Go-Bound.
S 30 Album of Familiar Music
70 Hour of Charm .
730 Walter WincheU. ' .
7:45 Parker Famuy.
t0 Great GUdersleev.
S 30 Beau Soir Musicale.
90 Carnival , .
930 Log Cabin Farms Orchestra.
10:00 News Flashes.
10:15 Bridge to Dreamland.
11:00 Palace Hotel Orchestra.
1130 War News Roundup.
12:00-2 a. m. Music.
0 News.
S:15 Recital Period.
S 30 Revue tn Miniature.
9.-00 Quiet Hour.
930 Radio City Music HalL
lt 30 Speaking of Clamour.
10:43 J aeav wens, amftn
11 AO Blue Theatre Players.
1130 Show of Yesterday
11 0 Wake ' Up America.
10 National Vespers.
130 In His Steps.
2 AO Hollywood Theatre.
2:30 Music Steelmakers.
SAO Catholic rfwir
S:30 Stars of Today
4 AO Weekly War Journal.
430 Grow a Garden.
4 :45 Excursions n Science.
5 00 Tommy Dorsey.
530 For Your Dancing Mood.
SS Pearson 4c Alien.
C AO Music by White.
630 Clete Roberts Reports.
4:45 Songs oy Dinah score.
70 Good Will Hour
SAO Inner Sanctum Mysteries.
S:30 Jack Benny.
I AO Grandpa ppy and bis Pal,
30 News Headline & Billtes.
9:45 University Explorer.
180 Palladium Ballroom Orchestra.
1030 Quiet Hour.
AOThls Maying World,; . .
-. 4 AO World Today ,
. 9:15 Organ, - - - .
- :J0 Wingr Over' Jordaa.1 .
, S0 West .Coast Church. ... ...
, 939 InviUtloa to Learning. .
90 Wewav - --.C ,;-2- ;':.
1 9:15 Syncopation Piece. . . , , , .
9 J-Salt lo Tanal4V
190 Chorch ct tb Air. ;
i 1030 News;. . - .
t 10:35 What's News at the see.
' il AO News. - , i ;'!
11 J5 Wilson Ames. ,r ....
i 11 30 Columbia Wrtp.. ' " .
isNew,YorB5" Philharrooni.
130 Pause That Refreshes. , t
SAO ramily Hour - -
, iHS William Sturer, News.
, a0 Silver Theatre. "r . - -. :
130 Melody Randw. .
- 4:15 Public Affairs. , .
..439 News. - .
4:45 WiUiam Wallace.
9 A9 World Newwo "
5:45 Knex Manaiag.
3:55 Elmei Davis, News.
SAO Fred Allen. .
7 AO Take It or Leave It
- 730 They Live Forever
' SAO Crime Doctor.
945 Dick Joy. News.
939 Baker theatre Players.
9 AO "What's oa Your Mind."
t30 Heathman.
H AO Five Star rtaal j
19:15 Cosmo Jones. ' 1
1930 Wartime Women.
1436 Air-Flo.
14:45 Marine Corps. . ..
11 AO Manny Strand Orchestra.
1139 Organ.
1135 News. ,
12 AO to SAO a. m. Musle s News.
AO Reviewing SUaa.
930 Central Church of Christ.
95 Voice of the Field. -4:15
Jems of Melody.
930 Owen Cunningham, Hawatt.
9:40-Islie Nichols. Cairo.
930-Orraak CuhcL Australia.
14 AO News.-
14 as Romance ut the HI-Ways.
1430 The Hymn Singer.
19:45 Canary Chorus.
11 AO Safety Songs,
lias Melody.. .
, 1139 Strings In Swingtime.
1145 Hollywood WrJapers.
11 AO The Americas Speak.
1930 News. .
11:45 Repair for Defense.
1 AO Lutheran Hour. ,
. 139 Young People's Church ef Air
1 AO Swedish Ttmpl.
230 Bible Classes.
330 Theatre of the Air.
40 News.
4:15 Rabbi Magnin.
430 Nobody's Childrea.
5.-00 American Forum.
5:45 Around the Clock.
40 Old Fashioned Revival Hour.
7 AO San Qucntin Prison.
730 Keep 'Em Rolling
I AO Hinson Memorial-Church.
SAO News.
9:15 Voice of Propnecy.
9:45 Sunday Serenade.
10:00 Duke Ellington Orchestra.
19:30 News '
ia-4; TmA wms Orchestra.
11 loo Louis Ar)9arong Orchestra.
1130 Johnny RJbhards Orchestra.
wo !
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