The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 14, 1942, Page 8, Image 8

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Hit OSEGON STATESMAN. Salem Ogon. Tuoiday Morning. April 14. 1942
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When Walt arrived there. In Aug 1923. his older brother Roy was already in Another genuine DUney drawing the
Lot Angeles, recovering the health he lost in World War I service Roy put his subject, of course, is Leopold Stokow--
- savings behind Walt'c ideas and became the business head of the studio they skL Disney caricatures of visitors have
- established. He (left) has been Walt's rirht-harid man ever ainre Walt has. rrnviril (haratrItlpB rr manv an
two older brothers, One younger sister , animal in his strip and film creations.
fou couldn't fool this child: She
no .Walt Disney CAN draw.
- X WW . weeks . ago x Westbrook
Jr Pegler . departed from his
jisual theme to do the unexpected
p-say a kind word for a fellow
JnortaL Walt Disney, he said, "is
(the author of more gross tonnage
''fit Innocent fun i . . than any
Jther human being who ever
Jived." However, instead of rest
ing his case on fact. Pegler pro
ceeded to refer to DUney as "this
. JUnerican artist who. himself,
probably- could not .draw an ac
ceptable comic strip."
Well, to let Pegler off easily.
' hls was one time he didn't know
What h was talking' about.. For
fisney produces comic strips that
. hundreds of editors consider high
ly acceptable strips that
frighten up newspapers for mil-
- lions of readers daily What doe
Pegler look at in newspapers?
pisney newspaper comic ' stripe
uitedate the movies that won
film most fame among theater
goers. It's true now Disney doesn't -firaw
all of them right down
o the last line; but he COULD
' The Disney Mickey Moust
Newspaper strip goes back t(
iPiC. The Donald Duck strip wa
Started several years later. Dis
ney, jimself, began cartooning is
1919; hundreds of original Dis
gieys are to be found in files y
tliddle Western farm papers
JThey were mostly drawn while
fee was living in Kansas City
bere. in 1920, he chanced to gel
ft job as cartoonist for. a company
producing advertising slides- foi
paovie theaters perhaps tht
fnost fortuitous happening in the
iiistory of cinema art; for it led
pisney to become an animated
Isovie producer His first one, a
febort reel. of Kansas City inci
dents, be produced singlehanded
Xf home. Its success en
f ouraged him to make more:
AndJDisoey went, to Hollywood.
"' 'MI'MmillHHIIIWIW .
" f ' '
Disney-comic strips' spanned tin
-orld before hU movies did.'.
'here is a country now
... iss aot heard et ; Wns throt
) " r- . . ,
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fAnfh : v - ' vr - 1 i if
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ft ?
v ;
r- AA
m .1" - un' ,--?vji5l watt -r-
-. i "
- Of
ney does heavy thinkine about musical themes for
lis Uck.tHe was bora Walter E. Disney. Dec. 5. 1901. in Chicago, son of a buUding contractor who
novad the famjjy to Kansas Oty when Walt was young. He quit high school in the second year to
retim Wo?d War X; but Harvard, Southern California and Yale have given him honorary degrees!
Candid shots of Disney in a stonri
conference, "actingj , sequeacef
for his animators. You can seal
impish Disney aalf-eatieaturM
many or tois pictures. 2 Ha'a
screen voica of Mickey Moi
5. X v
''J " fc.
pisneys great glftsjor pantomime made
rountred In. South Americawhere he
:thm thrt htn TDR and OiiirrMnTH.
jiXijia.iiJi4!ome Is a
- o
u easy sor nun 10 ret alonsr with crowds at rhiMrn tt " ' wiv.At . .. 1:1.. w vti .t l.v.
rouna no was one of the three foreigners beat knaxn mn iibri - m i,nMu....i.. . vi. .v - . .
1M two childreof his .own, daughters named Diana Maria' : resnect of raurW ith tha doeit. He has Annatt . e
Ikt apartment he f Mrs. Disney war Maria
worn around 1923 when aha became
Bounds, of UwtatonT1 IdsXTliTT'Sei'iiJ
" -p2yi or ti2
hiW fcw ; th7rP v , " njnea t respect of gauchos with whom the dock. . He has donated a vast amount of endeavor to produc- Disney studio- the were married h. Tom -vi VL mPwyea "
jambhpgTrench Provincial jmansloa on a bin overlooking his atudfa..fe ba rode tabove) to the Argentine, Uon of cartoons, and animated pictures to aid tl wari pXaS
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