The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 08, 1942, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tbe OliTGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oroeon. Wednesday Morula April &V 1842
PACS nvs
Local Ngys 'Briefs
'. Shop Alteration Planned A
building certificate tor alteration
of the Parrish school shop build
ing .at, 850 North Capitol street at
an expenditure of $1500, with
work to be done by ..national de
fense training class labor, was is-,
sued,' to school district No. .. 24
Tuesday! A second permit to the
Salem district provides for alter
ation and repairs of the school
and office building at 550 Marion
street at a cost of $500. Other per
mits include: To V. C Balch, re
pair root of dwelling,' ,2145 Uni
versity, $50; T. E. Cole, alter pri
vate garage, 1313 - Center street,
$40; E. W. Kay, alter garage,-1525
Fairmount avenue, $40; C T. Os
, land, reroof dwelling,' 1785 South
12th street, '$50; V. L. Harrison,
repair - dwelling, : 1220 - Center
street, J1000; R. A Wineg, build
porch on dwelling, 1535 Bellevue,
' $45. ; -: ,
Atmoray Clinic, - 254 No. Church.
Mere Runaways Llsted--For
the second successive day, Fair
view home, state school, Tues
day reported , two runaway boys
to police of this area. Richard
Tungate, 14, recently sent to the
institution from Salem, and Ed
ward ; Wayne Rogers, 15, j whose
stepmother lives in Eugene, were
missed at 3:30 p.m. Tungate, four
feet 10 inches tall, weighs 99
pounds, has dark hair and brown
eyes and was wearing a blue
. shirt, blue bibless overalls and
' work shoes. Rogers, weighing 104
pounds, is five feet eight inches
talL has light brown hair and
brown eyes.
For Home Loans see Salem Fed
eral, 130 South Liberty.
Complaints Made George
Potts, sr., Talbot, and Oscar Loe,
Silverton, have made complaints
to the county court that crushed
rock on county roads is damaging
to tires. Complaints of this kind
are mainly due to the difficulty
or impossibility of obtaining new
tires, officials stated, and were
infrequent in times when tires
were easily obtained. The condl
tion will be remedied as far as
possible, they said.
Lutz florist Ph 9592 1278 N. Lib.
$109,396 Distributed Notice of
turnover of $109,396.77 in first
half 1942 taxes to the county
treasurer for distribution was
filed with the county clerk Tues
day by T. J. Brabec, deputy sher
iff in charge of tax collection. In
the "cut," the city of Salem will
receive $14,815.55 and Salem
school district, $35,899.71.
Start Bridge Work The county
bridge crew has started construc
tion of a small bridge on an off
road at the penitentiary annex,
the bridge being on a private state
road and the work being done at
state expense. The crew recent-'
ly completed its work for the city
water commission on a bridge at
the intake of the Salem city water
plant above. Stayton. Orders . for
two new small bridges on the Jef
ferson - Talbot - Ferry road, were
signed Tuesday by the county
court The crew will be trans
ferred to construct or repair nine
bridges on the North? Santiam
highway between Niagara and
Detroit, as soon as lumber is ob
Savings insured to $5,000.00
are earning 3 Mi at Salem Fed-v
eraL 130 South Liberty.
Children Given Care Eight
year-olds headlined activities for
Salem's city first aid staff Tues
day. Dean Holden, 8, of 2493 State
street, sustained a small contu
sion when a rock thrown into the
air by a neighbor boy struck him
on the head.-Kenneth Davis, 8, of
1156 Seventh street, West Salem,
tore a three-inch gash in his
right leg in a falL The wound was
cleaned and the lad was sent to
a doctor for further care. First
aid was given at the station early
Tuesday morning to Ben Bing,
Sheridan, who had cut a vein in
his foot when he dropped a bottle
on it
Woman cook. Restaur, exp. pref.
Steady or part time. Ph. 3347.
Sawyer to Speak "Tom" Saw
yer, national vice commander of
the American Legion, will ad
dress an open meeting of Legion
naires and auxiliary members in
an open meeting scheduled for
May 8, Fred Gahlsdorf, comman
der of Capital post No. 9, said.
An announcement was also made
that the next meeting, April 20,
will be past commanders' night
To Address Hi-Y Mabel P.
Robertson, dean of girls at Salem
high school, will address mem
bers of the Abel Gregg Hi-Y club
at its weekly meeting tonight J.
S. Murray, for 30 years chief clerk
at the Oregon state penitentiary,
will speak to Harrison Elliott club
members on the topic, "The Life
of an Inmate."
Ask Better Road John L. Kuf
ner and seven others signed a
petition filed with the county
court here Tuesday to request
early improvement of Childs ave-
r .:
Racetrack Becomes Alien ' Reception Center z
Whlrlaway and Seabiscnlt would not know Santa Anita bow. Neither would thousands of raee fans who
used to park their ears In the hngo lot, drop In at the clubhouse and then stroll for a look at the
horses. Soon, there will be between 500 and CO! fabricated houses, 20. by 10 feet, ready to accommo
date Japanese evacuees who will be sent first to Santa Anita reception center to await sorting out for
their war-duration homes. Pictured above are the fabricated houses under construction on the spa
cious parking lot in blackground, and in the foreground is the Santa Anita paddock.
I Return for
CIRCUIT COURT I niture and other effects, in ac-!
Trial dates set by Judge "E. M. I cordance with will; report shows
Page: Equity May 4, Ladd it I $1887.96 on hand after paying
Bush vs. Grokett; May C, Edwin claims.
Thomas Hall estate and New York Ida May Ireland estate; final or
Life Insurance Co. vs. O'Brien; der, William O. Ireland, admin
May 7. Damaske vs. Heppner; istrator.
June 3, Eismann vs. Eismann. j Charlotte Brokke estate; report
Law actions May 29, City of Sa- of Halvor C. Brokke, executor, on
Trial Reouired
For Paulson
lem vs. Borcher; June 1-2, John
ston vs. Southern Pacific; June 3,
state vs. Donaldson; June 4, Olson
vs. Kraut; June 8, industrial acci-
sale of real property to Arnold O.
and Ruth Brokke for $6500.
John L. Tucker estate; hearing
set May 11 on final account of
Phillips Sentenced In Port
land early this week a sentence
of one year in Multnomah coun
ty jail was meted out to Donald
Phillips, 29, following a plea of
guilty to i charge of larceny.
t in; . i i i . 4
fiuiiips naa oeen arresiea in iier- l
vals by state police and was ac
cused of having stolen a Portland
city police car. "
Licenses Granted Marriage li
censes were granted Tuesday at
Tacoma to Quinn Warren and
Helen Elizabeth Walker, both of
Foster, and to Earl V. Mannen
and Charlotte R. Ferguson, both
of Hillsboro.
' Meet Scheduled Spring Val
ley community club will meet Fri
day night at the schoolhouse. Miss
Joy Hills and a group of Salem
high school students will provide
the program.
Buy Johns-Manville lifetime roofs.
18 mo. to pay, no down payment
Mathis Bros., 164 S. Com. P. 4642.
restored; Nellie Ilene Byers vs.
Johnnie L.. plaintiffs former
name, Banyard, restored; Lor-
nue in Childs addition. This road Smith vs' Er?es
dent commission vs. Harden; June Mary Dorothy Nichols, executrix,
9-10, Dunaway vs. Winney; June showing $769.54 received, $745.05
11-12. claim of Frank J. Dur- paid out
schmidt vs. industrial accident Clara J. Miller estate; appraisal.
commission: June 15. Emmons vs. $848, by George W. Hubbs, B. F.
Barth; June 17, State vs. Johnson. Terry and Frank E. Hubbs
Divorce decrees signed Tuesday, MARRIAGE LICENSES
with special provisions as noted: Joseph W. Dalgarno, 27, soldier,
Opal Marie Tunison vs. Everest J., and Christine McRae, 22, stenog
Dlaintiff s former name, Wood- gapner, Doin oi rasper, wyo
ings, restored; Mary Cordelia Hes- Richard Thomas Blake, legal,
ter vs. Charles A., plaintiff given engineer, West Salem, and Eve-
custody of four children; Pearl lyn Ann iusau, legal, Salem
McDowell vs. Thomas Franklin, F. Sylvester Cartwright 31, and
plaintiff's former name, Stinger, Patricia Marquart, 29, practical
has been long neglected, the peti
tioners complained.
Parley Held Beginning tonight
a missionary convention will be
held each night through Sunday
at 8 o'clock at the Christian Mis-
plaintiff's former name, Lecking-
ton, restored; Mildred Leona Ho-
ban vs. Thomas H., plaintiff s for
mer name, Brownson, restored;
Michael Gabriel Welton vs. Nola.
Ada McClintic vs. Roy McClin-
nurse, both of Milwaukie, Ore.
Dale LaVerne Shepherd, 20,
aviator, McCleod, Alta., and Mary
Ellen Mills, 1045 Oak street, Sa
Melvin F. Curtis, 44, 'shipyard
laborer, and Martha Bodovinac,
28, attendant both of Portland.
Virgil McMorris; assault when
tic: hearina held on contempt armed with a dangerous weapon;
sionary Alliance church, North charge; defendant given until Ap- s months in jail, with parole on
Fifth and Gaines streets. Mission
aries from different fields will
show slides of their work.
License Plate Taken Clarence
Townsend of 960 Broadway has
reported to police the theft of a
license plate from his car some
time Sunday night as it stood in
a garage at 930 Broadway.
Snbject Set "Why Are These
Things?" is the topic for the
Truth Study class meeting tonight
at 155 South Liberty street. Olive
Stevens is leader.
Club to Meet Townsend club
No. 4 will meet at the Highland
school tonight at 7:30 o'clock. A
speaker will be present
one year's probation, during which
time defendant is not to use in
toxicating liquor, is to violate no
law and is to remain away from
woman who filed charges
Harold A. Holland; violation of
basic rule; $2.50.
Ronald R. Clark; failure to stop;
Gilbert C. Hammond; failure to
stop; $2.50
Ludvig E. Svenwald, 58, late
resident of Rt. 1, passed away in
this city April 3. Survived by
widow, Mary Svenwald; daughter,
Ivy Svenwald; son, Loren Sven
wald of Illinois; brother, Roy
Svenwald of Montana; two sisters,
Mrs. Martha Mundal of Chicago
and Mrs. Gertie Carlson of Spo
kane; and two sisters in Norway.
Funeral services will be .held at
the Rose Lawn funeral home
Wednesday, April 8, at 2 p.m.
Concluding services at Belcrest
Memorial park.
body will be forwarded by the
W. T. Rigdon company Wednes
day, April 8, to Logansport, Ind.,
for services and interment.
In this city, Monday, April 6,
Frank Ashley, aged 73 years, late sition of charge.
resident of 254 North Front street. Hansen & Rowland, Inc., vs. L.
Services will be held in the chapel E. Goodman; application for trial
of tte w. T. Rigdon company date.
Wednesday, April 8, at 3 p. m. State vs. Acle Frank Johnson;
Concluding services in IOOF cem- transcript on appeal from pustice
April 5, John Reynolds, late of
3458 NE Peerless place. Funeral
, services at 2 p.m. Wednesday,
April 8 from Centenary Wilbur
Methodist - church in Portland.
Arrangements in care of Holman
and Lutz Colonial mortuary, NE
14th and Sandy Blvd.
Lyn Rumley, ? 65, - formerly of
Jacksonville, Ore., at a local hos
pital April 5. Survived by widow,
Shipment was made to Medford
for burial by the Terwiiliger-Ed-
wards funeral home.
Powell -
At the ' residence, '515 North
Summer street Tuesday, April 7,
William Powell, - aged 85 years.
Father of Mrs. Leroy Hewlett of
Salem and grandfather of Leroy
Hewlett jr., and Miss Catherine
Irene Siegmund of Salem. The
iiEUonnnoiDs (ps)
IfeBMitoraitotaylrafts. . ...
tot SI run . N.
MiaUy trt4 JUate I V
Vmnlm m4 CmUm 41 1
WltkatfcopiUlmrvUl?. 1
rttiem.S4tU7focrUX f
BUt Catalans wlMblo V
lafacsatim a4 mpUUiaf J 3 -oa
r mlr'.i
gXkoraf Cndtt Tmm AvalfaaJe -
ril 15 to purge self by making re
quired payments.
Ora Ladd vs. Ladd Funeral
home, doing business as Rose
Lawn Funeral home; defense de
murrer overruled.
Mrs. L. E. Shepherd vs. Earl
B. Hatfield; order overruling de
fense motion for dismissal of ap
Hazel Meyers vs. Robert Poin-
dexter and Mrs. J. E. Rowe; de
fense motion to strike and make
more definite sustained. lU'lT A Pi.TAn
Mollie Permann vs. R. C. Beat- X JL ITL VFlYCO
ty; answer.
Valley Credit Service vs.
Traglio; return of Willamette
& Steel Co. on garnishment, show
ing nothing held.
C. V. Bennett vs. Frank Pat
ton; transcript of judgment from
Clatsop county,
Winkenwerder vs. Coca Cola
company; check for $679.50 re
ceived to satisfy judgment made
following jury verdict
State vs. Terry Scanlon; order
by Judge L. H. McMahan giving
defendant credit on year's jail
Bfflt"n" for larceny, for 17 days
spent In custody awaiting dispo-
Bwiron Club Program
Some of the achievements
which resulted in their bo ing
judged one of the four leading
chapters of Future Farmers of
America in the nation were de
scribed by members of the Salem
unit when they presented the pro
gram at the Kiwanis club lunch
eon Tuesday.
Included in the group were Jens
Svinth, adviser; William Zenger,
Leonard Schmaltz, Robert Lang,
John Van Lydegraff, John Jer
man, Wesley Strode, Loren Wie-
derkehr, Emery Alderman, Nor
man Alexander, Doyle saner,
Max Bibby and Roger Leclerc.
Julius Peter Paulson, 29, under
arrest in Portland charged with
the theft of 89 mortgaged chick
ens at his former home in South
Dakota, must return there for
trial, the state supreme court held
here Tuesday.
The court affirmed Circuit
Judge James W. 'Crawford of
Multnomah county, who reject
ed the contention of Paulson's
attorneys that the extradition
papers were faulty.
Paulson, who previously op
erated a farm at Elk Point SD,
was arrested in Portland last Oc
tober. The warrant alleged that
he sold chickens which he mort
gaged ' to . secure payment of a
$100 loan obtained at a bank at
Gov. Charles A. Sprague orig
inally approved the extradition
papers but Paulson later filed a
habeas corpus action which was
financed by a group of Portland
clubwomen. One of these women
deposited $100 In a Portland bank
to satisfy the mortgage but the
South Dakota authorities refused
to drop the charge.
Justice Lusk, In writing
opinion, said the "court
right to Interfere unless
illegality In the proceedings.'
He added that the extradition
papers Involved were regular
and that the petitioner was
"substantially charred with
crime" In the state of South
Other opinions:
State game commission, appel
lant vr. Beaver Portland Cement
company. Appeal from Jackson
county. Suit to enjoin the com
pany from constructing a hydro
electric plant on Rogue river. De
cision by Justice Bailey, in favor
of the company. Circuit Judge
H. D. Norton affirmed.
James T. Cunningham vs. Ore
gon Farmers Institute, appellant
Appeal from Multnomah county.
Action for damages for personal
injury. Opinion by Justice Lusk,
in favor of Cunningham. Circuit
Judge James T. Brand affirmed.
Tires Issued
Use Most of
Week Ration
Major portion, of (he tire ration
for the first week in April was
allocated by Saturday, April 4,
the list of purchase, certificates
granted by- the Salem rationing
board Indicates. ' , '''
' Passenger type tires andor
tubes were allowed to John ' T.
Turner," John ,T." Sizemore, Clif
ford W, Brown .warehouse, Z. C
Brock, . Charles S. Thomas, - De
luxe Milk & Ice Cream company,
Henry Hooks pie r, Dan If UK:
O'ConnelL Salem Supply com
pany, Oregon Hop' Co Inc4 R.' F.
McLoughlin, Charles., A. Warner
and, Salem Baking company. . '-
Certificates for purchase of
truck tires andor tubes went to
Olin Winney, B & C Lumber com
pany, Z. C Brock, . Deluxe Milk
St Ice Cream Company, Dairy Cor
operative association, t Hamman
Stage linse, M: Crouser, Harry L
Pearson, Mrs. R. M. Steward,
Commercial Sand it Gravel com
pany, Salem Fertilizer it By Pro
ducts company.
Passenger recaps and truck re
caps were allowed to Oregon
Pulp & Paper company, John A.
Beckwith, Fred Scharf, Wesley
Webb, Salem Concrete it Pipe
Products ' company, Dairy Co
operative association, Claude Mc-
Kenney, J. Lee Stewart, Glen
Longren, Nova Young, Alsman it
Bramel, Mrs. Mary L. Swingle,
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Clark, Daniel
J. Fry, Daniel B. Kleihege, Ham
man Stage lines, O. R. Clearwa
ter, Arden Farms company.
To John T. Turner, John T.
Sizemore, Charles S. Thomas and
Oregon Hop Co., Inc., went per
mits to purchase obsolete size
Kiwanis Name Salem Committee
April 26 to May 2 was officially designated as 'Know Your
Neighbor" week for all of, Oregon outside of the city of Portland
in a proclamation issued Tuesday by Gov. Charles A. Sprague."
4 In Salem the week's activities Are tinder the sponsorship of
the Kiwanis club, who are ask-1
ing the cooperation' of other ser
vice clubs of the city and civilian
defense organizations in seeing
that this week be the success it
was , in Portland, where such a
plan . was - inaugurated by the
Montavilla Kiwanis club. 1
Because, of , the Increased need
for cooperative effort in home
protection . and civilian 'defense
and because of the restriction on
travel, neighborhood gatherings
are particularly timely now. Gov.
Sprague said In his proclamation.
Block wardens will play an
Important part to - organizing
Junior CC
Sets Conclave
The Oregon state junior cham
ber of commerce convention,
which will be held in Portland
May 1, 2 and 3, will emphasize
the "war effort" activities that
each chapter may promote m its
National President Walter Finke
of Minneapolis, a high admini
strative officer of the state of
Minnesota, will speak on the
breakfast program Sunday morn
ing, May 3.
Don Black of Salem is presi
dent of the state organization.
it find. If " . v TONIGHT
Try pwoaoVa-tro-noLltU)snnnia
swollen rnembranes, (2) soothes irrita
tkn, (3) relieves transient nasal con
gestion... And brings great- yfr'CSi.
er breaming comfort, wiffrt S-
You'll like it! Follow VtSL.
directions in folder. VA-TCO-KOl
the groups and tentative plana ;
call for cooperative dinners,
possibly ea Fllday, threoglMut
the dty.
Included on the Kiwanis club
committee for the project are Ed
ward L. Allen, George Schwen-v
ger, Douglas McKay, W. J. Braun,'
Mayor W. W. Chadwick and T,
Harold Tomlinson..'. -
Teacher to Speak Joy Hills,
head of the social science depart
ment, Salem public schools, will,
address the Rotary club at its
luncheon today. ' " ... .
IH A becnatiful Hand Painted Portrait in a f J
lovely Lethatex folder, complete lit i.
k 'pip') Sw?
sire d
i 520 State St i- Telephone 5722
Hayesvillc Teachers
court on charge of speeding bus Reelected, Pay Up
H. D. Hobbs estate; widow di
rected, following hearing, to turn
In this city, Tuesday, April 7,
Ronald Salter. hopA A nan wnn
of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Salter certain Per01131 property over to
of route two Turner, brother 0f administrator, H. M. Hobbs. ;
Kenneth Wavne Salter of Tumor vreorge ju. nuien esiaw; iuuu
Funeral announcements later b hearing set for May 1L
M. Josephine Shanks guardian
ship; E. A. Daue, T. H. Galloway
and A. W. Knox named apprais
Minnie Spranger estate: semi
annual report of Amo C Spran- j QlflliS
HAYES VILLE All the teach
ers have been reelected witn a
raise in pay.
Mrs. Cleoria Parkes, third and
fourth grade instructor, is teach
ing her ninth year. Mrs. Olive
Potter, fifth and sixth grade
teacher, is in her fifth year. Mrs.
Lillian McKay, primary teacher,
and T. B, McClendon are both
serv j tneir iirst years.
the W. T. Rigdon company.
Herman F. Rittman, at his home
in Eagle Creek, Ore, at the age
of 73 years. Husband of Mrs. Em
ma Rittman, of Eagle Creek, and V
rt iZ. tt.-h L 1. 1 received, $4129.50 paid out
baiem. Services will be held Fn- rf f Willi Rav and Ida M bora March 1. Salem General hwpti
day. April 10. at 2:30 p. m. from I ior wuus Kay ana iaa m. gtmwB-To Mr. and Mr. Harold
the J. P. Finley it Son chapel in
Portland, With concluding serv
ices in Rose City cemetery, Port
Dennv. executors, to make nartial 1 strwn. i7is North lBth street, a aon.
McAfee Promoted
To Long Beach
William A. McAfee, Salem
branch manager for Standard Oil
company of California, received
notice Tuesday of his promotion
to the branch managership at
Long Beach, Calif. He expects to
leave for his new post as soon as
Mrs. McAfee, who has been ill,
is able to travel.
Before coming to Salem 334
years ago, McAiee represented
Standard in Idaho. The local dis
trict, covers Marion and Polk
counties. ;
No Style Restrictions on Men's
' Made-te-Measure Clothes
Until June 1st
Choose from' hundreds of rich
100 virgin wool fabrics, in the
style best suited for your particu
lar shape. A . perfect fit guaran
teed. Short fat thin, long or any
shape made to your individual
Suits Priced from f 32.51 Up
Open Sat Nite Till t O'clock
Joe's Upstairs Clothes Shop
. 443 State St
Entrance Next to Quelle Cafe-
m mm
To Juvenile Court A 14-year-
old boy arrested Tuesday by city
Causey . I police on a vagrancy charge was
Jack Wilson Causey, 24, passedlter In the day boxind over to
away at Ft Stevens April 7. Sur-1 juvenile court by Justice Joseph
vived by father and mother, Mr. I Eel ton on a charge of larceny of
and Mrs." Guy M. causey; three I waxen.
St Helens Ore, Mary Barbara M4 wiy
and Betty Jane . of Salem;, three Pic ttempting to discover
kw.- Tviwi n.- wb broke open a rear door In
George B. Causey 6 -Sand; rPoint KT IT "" cumpanj .tore
a?-" ttaM - -hi. wa., Sunday night or early Mon-
Bobby G. and Billy P. Causey of df oming; no merchandise bas
Salem. . Funeral announcements 1!T "il3J"1
later by Clough-Barrick company.
0V44 1
tea ,
AXL Local No. 2:184
Meets Everv Frl. Ev.
We all believe the other fellow will be responsible if we have
an auto accident - - :.' i,
- . The Jury May Beliee Otherwise 1 .
You need complete automobile' Insurance protection. And it
doesn't cost much. - " .'.'".
. t
... v m.
1 of N-
- ' ; i"
Oregon's Largest Upstate Agency
Ccla end Marsi!U!d .
123 II. Cossierdal Cclera Did 1120
Alt It lake fo get lh
refrtihment It on lc-celd beK! cf
.- . i . "
Coca-Colo, lit lasto has tho flavor cf .
: ' w v; -
rfrehmnf. And It leave you wl.h
.,-- - f J X
. I ..... . 4 t
a pltatant cgr-snst cf fctln
comptttt ly rtfrcshed. tnoy lev-cetd
Coca-Cola. It' !.So ncl f.rrx
Yoo; trust Its rj!Ify
?; X. Cm. X. anl44 Omi Av.
t O'clock , . . 23S N. Com!
Calesa Oregon
.j COSES. ALL! . .