. 11 -If INS i) w w"V swas r county j '' V J l P Local News Briefs Sell Benefit Ticket Mrs. Glen Seely has been named to head the committee on tale of tickets for the Portland Apollo dub's, benefit concert here Tuesday night at the Salem high school auditorum. As sisting her are Mrs. Clifton Mudd and Mrs. ?ake Fuhrer, Tickets are to be available today at the Spa for the 42-voice concert by . the organization which is now celebrating- its : golden anniver sary. Proceeds from the concert go to Salem's ynited Hospitality association. - Dalton New Officer Charles Edward Dalton, formerly an in su ranee salesman here, Friday night went on duty with the city police force, replacing Max Allen, who is joining the navy. . Taken from the cfvil 1 service eligibility list, Dalton is, to have a 10 pjn. ajn. patrol. Officer .Charles lin and City Poundmaster I a Russell "Slim' Maw have been " """"" A J a ' v m , . nomiea 10 appear xvionaay, April 8, for induction into the army. Lutz florist Ph. 9592 1276 N. Lib Lonrer Week Talked Restora tion of the 48-hour week for men in the Marion county shops and on the road crews was advocated Friday by Commissioner Ralph Girod, in part as a means of mak lng up for the loss of county em ployes who have gone into de tense industries. For about a year county shop and road workmen have been on a 44-hour week. The addition of four hours to their week would give them additional hourly wages and put road work on a full six-day-a-week basis. Two Workers Die There were i two fatalities .due to industrial ac W. ' - 1 i . t . At 1 ciaems m tregon auring me wees ended March 25, the state Indus trial accident commission reported day. The victims were William Earl Boyd, Portland, steam fitter, and John R. Dunn, Timber, choker setter. There were 828 industrial accidents reported to the commis sion during the week. Expected en Campus Tony Traiola, Willamette university sophomore and football lineman, la expected back on the campus soon. He has been convalescing at the home of Vinal Randall, a Wil lamette student, in Cottage Grove after a serious stomach ailment which kept him in the Salem Gen eral hospital for several days. . Savings Insured to $5,000.00 are earning IU at Salem Fed eral. 130 Smith Liberty. '- Oat Ball Melvin Evenden f Idanha, indicted on a charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, posted baa Friday and released from the Marlon Jan. bituary Wlaegar Curtis W". Winegar, late resi dent of route two Turner, at a lo cal hospital, March 25. Husband of Mrs. Ruth Winegar, of Turner; son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wine gar of Coquille; brother of Mrs. Lyle Smith and Miss Helen Wine gsr. both of Portland, Mrs. W. H. Trindle of Salem. Kenneth, of Santa Anna, Calif., Harold, of Co quille, and Leland of Seattle. Fu neral services are to be held Sat urday, March 28, at S pjn., in the Clough-Barrick chapeL Rev. S Raynor Smith will officiate. Con cluding services at Mt. Crest Ab bey mausoleum. MeLacMaa Daniel McLachlan, late resident of Route 1, Salem, at a local hos- ital, Wednesday, March 25. Hus nd of Mrs. Martha McLachlan of Salem, and one sister. Mrs. fary Quay of Los Angeles. Ser vices will be neia saturaay, Hard) 28. at 10:30 ajn- from Clough-Barrick chapel with W. Irvin Williams officiating. Inter ment in City View cemetery. - Hammer .';ri- '"- ? Loree Jeanette Hammer, infant daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Herman C. Hammer, .route six, box 565, Salem, at a Portland hospital Wednesday," March 25. Survived also by a sister, Lois Marie Ham mer of Salem: grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Murray Johnston of White Sulphur Springs, Mont Services will be held Saturday, March 28, at 1:30 pjn. from Clough-Barrick chapel with Dr. Irving A. Fox officiating. ; Con cluding services in City View cemetery. Fri 4 J Wlllowgbby " - ," James Willowgbby, at a local 4iospital at the age of 80 years, V Thursday, March 28. Graveside TKMrvictt will be held at $he I OOF i y cemetery Saturday, March. 28, at - J p.m ' under the ; direction of ' Walker-Howell Funeral ho m e , A Rev. Paul Pettieord officiating. . Hartman . !.... William E. Hartman, at the res idence, 1698 South Liberty, Fri day, March 27. Husband of Eliza beth II.' Hartman. Funeral an nouncements later by Clough Barrick Funeral home. , n 1 1. 1 .TJLam. rjb. Bt.u.vaia, r.i. Dl CHAN LAM v . . Chines -Mrtletaa Ce. 241 Ntrtk uacrtr - 'airf poft'and General dee. co. I r..i f . fjmI mmi tarlaa ie.xi art tif U chart. H - II Irt la Em!at41 Coming Events : March 2S. Z9 Annul Berth west area YMCA eeanell meet ing ta Salem. ' March 1ft Last day far Hay primary candidates to tile. ; April 1 Last day to file state income tax returns. Heosing Sought Negotiations by County Engineer N. C. Hubbs are under way for facilities to house ten men on the county bridge crew who are scheduled within the next two weeks to be gin the task of reconstructing nine bridges on the North Santiam highway between Detroit and Ni agara. A county shop already maintained at Detroit will take care of equipment and supply storage for the six-months job. Ted Kinsey is foreman of the crew. Army Leaves Cleared The Oregon law provides for leaves of absence to public officials and em ployes while serving in the army, navy, or marine corps of the United States, regardless of whether their entry into such ser vice was by reason of enlistment, draft, induction, or an order or assignment to duty as members of the .reserve corps, Attorney General I. H. VanWinkle held here Friday. Get ready now to help in the na tional situation that seems to be growing more critical week by week in government and business offices. Intensive training in the shortest possible time in the use of office machines and in stenog raphy and bookkeeping at the Capital Business College, corner Liberty and Chemeketa streets. Phone 5987. Has No Jurisdiction A justice of the peace does not have juris diction of the crime of receiving stolen property. Attorney Gen eral I. H. VanWinkle held here Friday. The opinion was request ed by District Attorney George L. Dukek, Fossil. Triable cases in the justice courts are restricted to misdemeanors, VanWinkle de dared. File fer Preelaet a Precinct committee candidacies declared at the courthouse Friday included: Democrats Mollis R. McKlnney, route six, Englewood; Frances M Randall and Kenneth L. Randall, route four, Pringle; republicans Nan Lou Thompson, Croisan; John T. Plas, Scotts Mills; Minnie M. Jenks, route eight, Hayesville; E. W. Harland, 2310 Trade street. Salem No. 5; Justina Kildee, 864 Jefferson, Salem No. 8. In Coaaty Jail Roy Burgess, arrested Friday night by Consta ble Earl Adams on a Salem jus tice court warrant charging vio lation of section 28-901 OCLA, spent the night in the county Jail. He is scheduled for arraignment today in affiliation proceedings brought against him in justice court. Eagles: No dance Saturday night. Start City Bridge The Marion county pile driver was moved Friday to location of a bridge to be built for the Salem water de partment connecting Stayton is land with the mainland. County men and equipment will be util ized, at the city's expense, to re place a bridge that wouldn't with stand high water. Kate Jump Abandoned Union Pacific Stages, Inc., operating be tween Portland and Salt Lake City and Spokane, Wash., via Pendle ton, has withdrawn its application for a 10 per cent increase in pas senger fares, Ormond R. Bean, state utilities commissioner, an nounced Friday. Young people, get the type of ed ucation that will fit you in the shortest possible time for efficient service of some kind. Office ma chines play an Important part Enroll now in the Capital Business College, corner Liberty and Che meketa. Phone 5987. - Permits Issued Building per mits were issued Friday to L. G. Vogt to erect a private garage at 1981 Fairgrounds road at an ex penditure of $250; to C. K. Whi'u to wreck a private garage at 1140 South Commercial street, $50, and o Mrs. Us.L. Lehman, repair roof of apartment house, 267 South Church street, $10. Canned Fish ExaminedCanned codfish, turned over to police re cently by a Salem woman who suspected r it contained ground glass, in reality contained struvite crystals, frequently found u such good s and harmless to the eater. the state department of agricul ture has reported. , , Eagles moving to new ; quarters. No dances till further notice. 8tlea From Car A sport jack et, headlight reflector, two head light, bulbs and a steering knob were stolen from his car Thurs day, night as it stood parked in the 400 block on Ferry street, Clinton Blakely has reported to city police. , Dogs Killed Sheriff A. C. Burk has been informed that Gilbert Belknap of Ankeny Bottom has succeeded in tracing two of the dogs that killed sheep in his flock recently and that the canines have been executed. -r C It LEEHAI TEEMS it N. Nason Paints Kelly Tires Tabes WUlard Batteries Slocks Are Complete D I . X tH- D.-T7c:drorc Co. SU N. Church St Thane 1699 The ShipRaided Melvin Mortimer, sen af Mrs. Ruby Mertlmervim Oak street. wm Is with the United States navy air corps aboard a navy ship somewhere In the Pacific, writes that his ship was at tacked by 21 Japanese bombers. Eighteen were believed to have been shot down. Mortimer en listed In the navy in July and this is the first letter received home since December. Service Men Where They Are What They're Doing CHANUTE FIELD, TIL, Mar. 27 Pvt. Virgil E. Trick, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Trick, route three Salem, was graduated recently from the Chanute field branch of the US army air corps technical schools. Jack Causey, soldier station at Fort Stevens, Ore., who was ac cidentally shot last Sunday, is- re ported recovering satisfactorily. He was hit by a .45 automatic bul let from a distance of only 10 feet Although he is not complete ly out of danger, it is believed he will recover fully unless compli cations develop. David H. Dorsey and Edgar S. Hole, both of Dayton; Victor D. Ross, Hubbard; Harold F. Post, Lebanon; Cecil D. Stout, Sheri dan, and Carl A. Norton, Wood burn, are among the 64 potential fliers for the army air corps who were sworn In recently at Port land. They are waiting assign ment to a training center for 30 weeks intensive study and drill in the near future. SCIO Harley Oddie, who was inducted Into the army Monday, has been sent to the Presidio in San Francisco for further exam ination. Several members of the Ditch en family have gone to Camp Rob erts, Calif, to visit Joe Ditchen, who is In training there. Alan Wiesner has been assigned to the signal depot at San Ber nardino, Calif. WOODBURN Bob Renn, until recently a sergeant in the anti tank company from Woodburn, was here Tuesday visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Renn. He Is being transferred to the air corps. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Thomp son, Woodburn, have received a letter from their son, Howard P., sailor on a US submarine operat ing somewhere in the Asiatic VI. VP I5tt" tte January 26, stated he had "been through Plenty," but could not tell about it at present AMITY Richard Lorenzen, son of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lormrm Amity, has enlisted in the US na val reserve in class V2 (M). Ministers Join u IkBBBHBHamamaM, xwwa. aft n Lmmmmmmmk Three Hour Good Friday Rite Calling attention to the religious significance of April 3, Protestant churches of Salem are cooperating for the annual Good iuajr ocivitej w L neia ixom First Evangelical church, Marion In charge of arrangement o-..t n " - . rui reiucoru. cnainnan: itev. Irving A Fox and Rev. H. C. Stov er. Members of the Salem Minis. terial association, with Rev. W. Irvin Williams , in charge, will be in charge of ushering; . V Offering plates wiU be in the foyer of the church to receive the Easter offering for expenses of the three-hour , service. - Soecial Cafe te Open C F. West of Portland has purchased Ben's cafe on South Commercial street and will reopen it Monday morning with Harry Corn as manager. The restaurant will operate under the name. Valley cafe. It has been completely renovated. . Rummage sale Sat. 341 N. ComX Blanks Available F o r m s for persons who wish to apply for exemption either from evacuation or from curfew regulations can be secured at the US employment office, ,710 Ferry street, W. H. BaiUie, manager, announced Fri day. . Bar Associativa Meets Twenty five members of the Marion coun ty Bar association met in routine monthly business Y session Friday noon1 at Schneider's Coffee shop. fires Minor- A general fire alarm sounded at $:C3 Friday morning called city firemen to 220 North 22nd street. "where they found a chimney burning out . , OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Toozfe vs. Hutchinson Case Goes To Jury Todayriday Inactive Activitiei were slack at the Marion county courthouse Fri day aside from completion of testimony and arguments In the case of Tooze vs. Hutchinson, involving a claim for remuneration for care of children. The jury is to return at 9 a.m; for instructions on ine case, a. .... ' CIRCUIT COUaT : National Surety Corp. - vs. Guy H. Smith et al; order, based on stipulation, -for clerk to pay $353.34 deposit to plaintiff. - Clarence S. Emmons, executor of Gust Peterson estate, vs. Albert Barth; answer to amended com plaint; general denial " Lloyd Duniway vs. Olin J. Win ney; application for trial date. ' Industrial accident commission vs. Adam A Shepherd; satisfac tion of judgment for $83.48. PROBATE COURT . Andreas Fromm estate; order appointing - Gustav - Gaertner ' ad ministrator with will annexed, of $500 personal property estate, and naming: Florence Stewart, Evenly Jones and Sam F. Speerstra ap praisers. Violetta M. Burch estate: final decree, P. A. Comstock, executor. Eino Partanen estate; order ap pointing H. William Thielsen guardian and Pauline Cutler, Hazel Ward and Sylvia Cutler ap praisers; appraisal. $180.84 in money. Charles Zielinski estate; order for sale of real property by Charles A. Zielinski, executor: answer of J. F. Ulrich, guardian ad litem for Donald Zielinski, ap proving proposed sale. Walter G. Beutler estate; ap praisal, $1092, all real property, by J. F. Ulrich, Bernice Laue and L. L. Thornton. Sarah F. Busick estate; order approving supplemental and final accounts and directing distribu tion; last account shows $21,873.20 In credits. Es telle Thayer estate; appraisal, $2372.39 in cash and $1500 in household furnishings and effects. by H. V. Compton, Grace Taylor and Margaret Ross. ' MARRIAGE LICENSES Percy G. Swett, 39, laborer, Portland, and Alma M. Trullinger, SB, school teacher, Woodburn. Edward F. FIss, SI, salesman, and Ethel J. Ehrlich, 48, cashier, bot hof Portland. Alvin C. Potter, 21, salesman, 2650 Portland road, and Jeanne E. Walters. 20. telephone ooera tor, 235 North 25th street, both of Salem. . Roy L. Clinton, legal, optome trist, and Clarabelle Bailey, legal, housekeeper, both of 1143 South Ldoerty street, Salem. JUSTICE COURT John E. Kalista; no operator's license; $1 and costs. Ronald A. Nopp; failure to stop; $1 and costs. Acle Frank Johnson; speeding with a bus; declared guilty follow ing trial and fined $23 and costs; filed notice of appeal to circuit court. Raymond J. Ditter; no tail light on trailer; plea of guilty; con tinued to May 27 for sentence and released on own recognizance. Joel H. Coe; unlawfully em ploying a minor; $23 and costs; fine suspended and costs paid. MUNICIPAL COURT Lloyd Emmett Mass; no muf fler; $1. W. G. Getty; permitting dog to run at large S3. Wallace R. Johnson: violation i v uaicc lb. f mini basic rule; $2.50 bail. John Snell; drunk: 10 days, sus pended. James Olson; vagrancy: three months suspended, ordered to leave town. Myrton M. Moore: drunken driving; released under pronerty baiL in Arranging 12 o'clock until 3 p.m., at the and Summer streets. for th annual . ... c Akcr. music win include a soprano solo by Genevieve Scharf and numbers presented by the male quartet of the Presbyterian church. In the group are L. E. Barrick, Wniard Hornschuch, Garland vHollowell and Ralph Scott. The Willamette university music department win also contribute. The schedule is as follows: U to 1J JO p. m. Scripture and prayer, IUt. Herman Macy, Highland Frtenda church. Meditation. Rev. M. A. Getiendancr. American L u t n r an church. .ks ..---.j.,, .. to ujs p. m-Scrlpture and yer.Rer DvlJ U renwtek. Frea lethodist church. U editatkn. Btv. Jo seph Knotta. Leslie Methodist church. ia to IM p. nu Scripture and Gayer. Rev. J. C. Harriaaa, first ethodist , church. MedlUUoa, Itev. Chester Goodman, Church of the United Brethren. 120 to 1. -45 p. m. Scrtptur and prayer. Dr. R. rranklin Thompson, Willamette university. Meditation. Dr. Carl S. Knopf, Willamette university. ! .o V- n--Rev. DUlon W. Mills. South Salem Friend church. Meditation. -Rev. Edward h. Allen. Cal vary Baptist church. " aao to 1J3S p. mv Scripture and prayer. Rev. Xric Johnson, Eranfeus tic Tabernacle. MeditaUon, Rev. Weav er Hen, Church to the Nazarene. 1 .33 to 3 p. m. Scripture and prayer. Adjutant Edward HiU, Salvation Army. Meditation. Rev. Paul P. Petti cord. First Evaneglical church. . aa aa -eaat - SB Tat J e. .ww s-ermaneni 7in 2 &S5.C0 Jlartha'8 Beauty Shop Kreuger'a 4 Corners - Ph. 45S7 Oregon, Saturday Morning, March IS, Hit . Palm Sunday Special Church . Rites ? Mark Holy Week at : Mtl Angel Parish" I ' MT. ANGEL Holy week serv ices begin Sunday morning at Mt Angel when palms are blessed and distributed to . the .congregation before the solemn high mass at 10:30 ajn. j After the solemn high mass at 9 ajn. on Holy Thursday, at which almost . the entire parish will re ceive holy 'communion, no bells will be rung until Saturday morning. Communion will be dis tributed at 6:30 ajn. to those who find it impossible to attend j the community mass. Following the mass there will be adoration of the blessed sacra ment for the rest of the day, all through the night, and until 9 o'clock Good Friday morning, when the mass of the presancti fied will be sung, and the unveil ing and adoration of the cross take place. The Way of the Cross will be said in the church at 2 pjn. Friday, On all three nights, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the Tene brae services will be held at 7:30 p.m. On Saturday morning there will be the blessing of the Easter and baptismal water at 7:30 ajn., fol lowed by high mass at 8:30 ajn. ' The solemn resurrection serv ices with procession and singing by the entire parish will take place at 7:30 pjn. Saturday night Final Sermons On Prayer Set ror Sunday Concluding sermons, in a series of four on "Prayer" will be given by Rev. W. Irvin Williams at the First Presbyterian church Sun day. In the morning Rev. Wil liams wiU speak on the thane 'Prayer and Personality," and the senior choir will sing the anthem "Jerusalem, A" Parker. The vested youth choir of 35 voices, which is directed by Vir ginia Ward Elliott, will make its nrii apearance at a mornine ser vice and will sing the anthem "The Palms" (Faure). Josephine Bross, senior choir soprano, will sing a solo part in the youth choir numoer. A reception for new members wiU be held at the mornirur serv ice. Among those being received wiu oe is young people, members of a six weeks communicants class conducted by Don Douris, youin airector at the church, i In the afternoon the Junior CI wul meet at 4:30 with special mu sic being furnished by a quartet composed of Patsy Elfstrom, Lois nearns, crystal Huntington and Jane Gardner. The high school CE will have a Holy Week candle ugni worship service at 6:30 con ducted by Carolyn Helton mi featuring special music by the Rainbow girls choir composed of asyrue Meier. Betty Hushe. cr. trade Meier, Conine Wade, Ger aldine Schmoker, Margaret Mor- Itz, Evangelyn McKinley and Rosemary Gaiser. Sunday night Rev. Williams will speak on A Way of Prayer" and Vivian Garrison wul tin solo. The service from a until -in wfll be broadcast over KSLMJ Following the niaht service a meeting of the youth council mriii be held and plans made' for par- ucipauon or the church young people in an Easter breaWast mt the church foUowing the sunrise service at ! Belcrest Final plans for attendance at the state Chrsi tian Endeavor convention in Anrfi 23-28 win be made and vouth council officers for the new church year wfll be elected with Jane Patton, retiring nresident. In charge. , '-v.-:. Cast Named for Religious Drama The Burden Bearers" will be presented Sunday night at the Knight Memorial church, 19th and 'Ferry streets." I Characters are Simon of Cy rene, .J, J. Thompson; Mara, his wife, Ethel Thompson; his eons, Douglas Berwick; and BUlIe Schle manr .Ludus, ft Cyrenlan Jew, Harold Melchert: a man wlfh burden, B. F, Adams; Roman sol diers, William Drakeley and Wil liam Parkes. ' ' A mixed auartet "I Was th Tree" (OUara) wfll precede the piay. -:i , - v i Plans Told FT SUNDAY lNTCGHt LECTURE ; ; MARCH, 29, ?:30 P. M. ; ! . Sub; xt: "United States In Prophecy- .-5 : What Does, the Bible Say About It?'1 -,y " Johnson Memorial ChurcK Nor& Summer at Hood Street, tkltzx. C;eon . . lTJX-CO:.3Yott Art hnV.zl . ' " ' -T r w v L Directs Rite 7 Dr. Emory W. Pettieord (above), former pastor of the First Evan relies! church, who wiU speak here nlxhtly, betiiuilng Sunday Pre-Easter Rites Slated at First Evangelical Dr. E. W. Pettieord and Rev, Lee C. Fisher wul hold pre-Easter services, beginning Palm Sunday, March 29, and concluding Easter Sunday. Anril 5. each nieht ex cept Saturday, at 7:30 o'clock at the First . Evangelical church, Marion and Summer streets. Dr. Pettieord was formerly pas tor of the local church. He was for 20 years leading evangelist of the Evangelical church. For the past seven he has been super intendent of the Oregon district of the Oregon-Washington con ference. Dr. Pettieord is a world traveler and has had experience with peoples of all races and re ligious backgrounds. Rev, Fisher is a gospel musician and world traveler. Three years ago he returned from a trip around the world, motion pictures of which wiU be used d urine the meetings. Fisher will be In charge of the enure musical arrange ment of the Easter services. He is an accomplished musician upon the piano and accordion and a hymn composer. Fisher is also a singer and win lead the congre gation. He wul have children's meetings Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons at 4 pjn. Rev. Paul P. Pettieord, minister of the local First Evangelical church, invite the public to this week of special services. Palm Sunday Begins Holy Week Rites Palm Sunday wul be observed at St Vincent de Paul church with the blessinc and distribu tina- of palms at the 7:30 ajn. mass and distribution at both the t and 10:30 services, according to Rev, P. G. Stockhausen, SJ. Confessions will be beard from 7 to t:30 pjn. Wednesday. High mass and nrocession is slated on Holy Thursday at 8:30 ajn. and holy hour devotions will be at 7:20 njn. On Good Friday mass of the pre-sanetified wfll be celebrated at 839 ajn. Stations of the Cross are to be said at 8 and 7:30 pjn. Mass on Saturday wfll be at S30 ajn. with confessions from 1 to 5:30 and 7 to 9 pjn. Easter Sunday-services wfll in clude high mass at 7:30 ajn, mass for the children at 9 o'clock and low mass and benediction at 10:30, according to Father Stock hausen, who is in charge during the absence of the castor. Rev. R. S. Neugebauer. Father Neugebau er is expected home from St Vin cent's hospital in Portland early next week. Sunday School Farley Opens On Under the leadershin of Evan gelist Robert L. Hfflegas, nation-J al representative for Sunday schools for the Assemblies of God In the United States, a Sunday school conferences wiU be held at the Salem Evangelistic taber nacle -(Assembly of God) Thurs day and Friday. - Morning; afternoon and night sessions are scheduled and visit ing pastors from aU parts of Ore gon are to take part In the pro gram, to which Sunday school workers from all churches of Sa lem and the pubUc is invited. . Speakers are to include Erie M. Johnson, Salem, host pastor; At wood Foster, Oregon district sup erintendent; Ivan Ryan, Lebanon pastor; - Cecil Ahalt ' Portland; Rev. Kelsev Prmilnr Hood River: Evangelist- Medora Sogers; Rev. Schmidt; , Rev. Alan Banks, A1- bany; Howard Olsen, Salem; Rev. George Baker, Corvallis, and Mrs. Gutekururt, Turner. , " Thursday Church Services in Salem ASfESICAM LUTHEKAN 1 343 North Church street Rev. M. A, GetzendaBer, DD, pastor. S u m 4. ay ehool. SMS ajn. Morning aervice. It "Youthful Cbriatiana.' Evening aerv ice 130, "The Church.. U ajn. service observing Palia Sunday. .Young peo ple received Into church through con xirmation. BETBIfu BAJTISX ' " North Cottag t at D street. J. T. 01 thotf, DD, pastor. Sunday school. 1:45 am- Arnold Frey, SupC Momina aerv ice 11 o'clock. "Chrtafa Meed of-Ua." Eveninf service 1:45, "Where Are uie Dead?" Prayer and praise service Wednesday evening at 7:45. Cantata rehearsal : Sinday afternoon. -. CALVAIT BATTI5I South Liberty at Miller streets. Rev. Edward U Allen, pastor. Sunday school 1:43 a.m. Edward Schunkc, Sup. Morning service 11 o'clock. Louise Campbell. - China missionary from South will be guest speaker. Young people's croups, 6:30 p.m. Evening service 730. "in AU Thy Ways." Mid week prayer and praise service Wed nesday, 7:30 pjn followed by choir rehearsal. 8:30. - CCUUST LUTHERAN ALC) StaU and 18th streets. T. H. Theuer, BJ3 pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m Otto Gronke. Supt. Morning service 11 o'clock, "With Mary of Bethany We Honor Him." Evening service 730, Good Friday holy communion, "Wul We Pass Him By on His Cross?'' Con firmauon class, Saturday, S ajn. CHtrccB or CHKIST North Cottage and Shipping streets, R. K. ThonuuU, minister. Bible school 10 a.m departraental study. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "An Outstanding Need.'' Evening serv ice S o'clock, "The Fullness of Cod." Young People's meeting, 7:00. COl'KT STKEET CHRISTIAN 17th and Court streets, W. H. "Ly man, pastor. Sunday school t:45 , a.m. Morning service 10:50 o'clock, com munion, "The Cross and the Crown." Christian Endeavor meetings. S M p.m. Evening service 7 30 o'clock. "Salted Down. Midweek service and choir practice Thursday, 7:30 pjn. EMMANUEL MENNONITE Pratum. Daniel J. Unruh, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m., classes lor aU age groups. Homer Welty. Supt. Morning service 11 o'clock, "We Would See Jesus." Offering for the Multno mah school of the blind, Portland. Young people of the church are plan ning a trip to the civilian public serv ice camp, Cascade Locks, and will conduct a service there In the af ternoon. No evening service. Wednes day, 7 -J30. Bible study and prayer meeting, also children's. Senior choir practice, 8:30. Friday, 8, union Good Friday service, Methodist church. ENGLEWOOD UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST 17th and Nebraska avenue. Rev. C. O. Goodman, pastor. Sunday school S:4S a. m. Morning service, 11 o'clock, "Modern Peacemakers." Christian En deavor, 6:30 pjn. Evening service. 730 o'clock, a Palm Sunday service of mu sic sponsored by young people of the church. ' ITRST BAPTIST North Liberty street at Marion. Irv ing A. Fox, DD, pee tor. Sunday school :49 ajn., Fred Broer. Supt. Morning service 11 o'clock. "Christ's Public En try Into Jerusalem." Evening service 730, Louise Campbell, China mission ary. Ordinance of Baptism. Wednes day. 70S pjiu, school of missions. Wed nesday, S pjn guild degrees and spe cial speaker. - FOUR CORNERS BRANCH Auburn schoothouse. Sunday school 1:49 ajn., Leon Lambert. Supt. HAYESVILLE BRANCH Hayesville schoolhouse. Classes for aHages Sunday school .9:43. Dewey FIRST CHRISTIAN , Center aastf Hick streets, guest speak er. Rev. Wattcr Fiscus. Northwest Christian college. Sunday school S30 a jn-- C. X. Lee, Supt. Momiag serv ice 10:49 o'clock, eoasmunkm and wor ship serviee, "Facing Calvary and His Honneaa. ine Beginning ec a weears series or pre-saster services, cnu dten's church, morning worship hour, Evening, aervlcev 73s o'clock. Rev, Fiscus, "Facing Calvary and His Love." 3 umroacx cnoeevor. FIRST CHURCH OF SOD Hosd and Cottar street. Rev. J. T. Lawson, pastor. Sunday school, 9:43 ajn. Text found In Joel. Sri 6, "But God Will Be the Hop of His People:" Ev ening service 730 o'clock. Mrs. H. F. Wilson, Peweaesn. Ont Canada. wiU be the nlaht soeaker. Mrs. Wilson has been doing pioneer evangelistic workj m csnaoa ror many years. FIBST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 13th and Center streets, Rev. Weav er W. Hese, pastor. Sunday school S4S a-m.. MUford Stun. Supt. Morning service 11 o'clock. "Jesus, the King sternal, svsanng amice 73a, wvaa- Young people's groups; S30 pjn. Fred Cash ion, president. Midweek scayi er and praise service Wednesday. T:1S FIRST CONORKOATIONAL Cottage and Marion streets, Robert A. Hutchinson, pastor. Sunday school 9:43 sun. Morning serviee, 11 e'clock. "Adorning tit Doctrine." League of youth, S:4S. Palm Sunday eaaerclass at morning hour. Saci a 111 eat -of Baptism ana reeepuon of meraoers. oust, car olyn Brown and Keith Sherman. ITRST EVANGELICAL Marios at Sunatnac streets, Rev. Paul P. Pettieord. pat or. Sunday 9:46 a. m. Wilson Launer, Supt. Morn tag service 11 o'clock. Dr. E. V. Petti cord, district suDeriatendent and evan gellat speaking. 630 p. m. evangelical roam rauy vna nev. ae sisnar playing, singing and preaching. Eve ning service 730. Dr. Pettieord preach ing. Rev. Lee C. Fisher leading the gospel music . 1 FIRST METHODIST Corner Church and State street. Dr. J. C Harrtsont pastor. Sunday school 9:43 ajn. Morning service 10 o'clock. -wnat anau wa cnoose mm uxc7" Evening service 7:43. Program with heads of the music departments at WiUametta university presenting a IS minute prelude and the " Cathedral choir presenting the Easter cantata. Youth fellowships and University ves pers, 630. ....... FIRST PRESBYTERIAN North Winter and Chemeketa street Irvin Williams, pastor. Donald Douris.' director of religious educa tion. Church nursery. Sunday school 1039. Communicants class S30 sun. J. 3. Fltssimons. Supt. Morning service 1039 o'clock. Junior CE 430 njn. College and business young people, 0. tusn scnooi ana inteimeuiate uc at 630. Organ concert. Prof Maurice W. Brennen, 709-7 30. Evening service 730. Youth council meeting and elec tion of officers following evening. Boy Scouts Monday, 730.-Annual congre gational meeting Monday bv church auditorium, 730. Candlelight com munion serviee Thursday, 730. Sunday school teachers and officers. Thundav. 30. Choir practice Wednesday, 730. FIRST SPIRITUALIST S4S North Commercial itrMt Hant J. Rea keys, pastor. Service 339 and 130. . . 1 . FOURSQUARE GOSPEL : 19th" and Breyman streets. Rev. T. W. Henderson, pastor. Sunday school 9:43 a.m elaaaes for aU ages. 11 ajaui worsmp service, ine MTiais ax a Chrisuan. Evening service 7:43, evan In compliance with government regulations which re quire that pasollne shall not be sold more than 72 honra each week, oar GASOLINE DEPARTMENT WILL OPERATE EACH WEEK DAY FROM 7 A. M. to 7 P. M, AND WILL NOT OPERATE ON SUNDAYS, AH of oar other departments and services will con tinua io.baoperated on a continuous 24 hour) night and 'day; seven days a week basis - as heretofore. FOzYnn DO OLE?? IE MASTER SERVICE STATION , N. Cca. at Center Phone 4164 . Salein, Orejca nvSf- gelistic service, The Tall et Man." Sunday, 0 J9 p. nv. Crusader service, young people "camp fire service.'; Wednesday, 730 ojbl prayer and praise service. Friday, S pjiK. -choir practice, Saturday. 3 pjn children's church. ' : s . . .. ' . , ., - :-FbUER afRTHOniST I' ' !: Comer Market as Winter streets. Da- vid L. Fen wick, pastor. Sunday school :4J ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock, young people's service 7 pjn. Evening service 7:43 o'clock. Midweek prayer 1 and class meetings Wednesday, 7:43 pjn. . ;, ; -y-- u. HIGHLAND FRIENDS , Highland avenue mt Church street. Herman H. Jdacy, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m., Clifton Boss, Supt, . classes for all ages. Morning service 11 o'clock. The Lament Over Jerusalem.' Junior Christian Endeavor. 6 30 p.m sponsored by Mrs. Floyd DeLapp. Young people meet at 030 p.m, for dispensaUonal study class. Evening service 730 o'clock, message by pastor. Midweek : prayer and praise service Thursday, 730. - EMMANUEL BAPTIST Corner of Hazel and Academy Streets. Warren C Hale, pastor. Sun day "school 10 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Rev. W. T. Tapacott brings the message. Evening service 730 o'clock, elders in charge. Prayer meeting 730 o'clock. Thursday, Carrol McDonald In charge. . , JASON LEE METHODIST North Winter at Jefferson streets, S. Raynor Smith, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock, "Do We Cry 'Hosanna' With Overcon fidence?" Evening service 730 o'clock-, illustrated pictures from India, "The Religions of India." Intermediate league 9:30, high school and college leagues 630. KNIGHT MEMORIAL CONGREGATIONAL lBlh and Ferry streets, Howard C. Stover, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m., morning service 11 o'clock. Palm Sun day service. "Written in Greek,' and Latin and Hebrew." -Evening service. 730. Lenten drama. "The Burden Bearers." Young people, 630 pjn. LESLIE METHODIST South Commercial at Myers street. Joseph Knotta, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.. morning service 11 o'clock. "Palms, a Mob and an Earthquake." Baptism and reception of new mem bers. Evening service 730 o'clock, concert by ladies sextet of Monmouth. Sermon subject, "Our Interceder." Young people's groups, 6:30 pjn. Pfayer meeting Thursday, 730 p.m. PILGRIM HOLINESS 979 Market street. Dr. E. P. Dixon, assisted by Rev. Orval C. Keller. Sunday school 9:45 a.m., Frank Schutz in charge. Morning service It o'clock, . Dr. Dixon will preach. Ev ening service 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Orv al C Keller, preaching. "Digging Your Own Eternal Grave." Prayer meeting every Thursday, 7 9 pjn. REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATER DAY SAINTS 17th and Chemeketa street, Sunday school 10 ajn. Morning service II o'clock. Evening service 7:49 o'clock. Zlons league and adults study class Sunday i:49 pjn. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:49 p.m. - ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL Church and Chemeketa streets. Rev. George H. Swift pastor. Sunday school 9:43 ajn., Robert R. Boardman. Supt. Morning service 730 and 11 o'clock. Palm Sunday service. Special music by the choir. Wednesday. 7. 10, holy communion, 730 pJtu, Instructions. Thursday, 7, 10, holy communion, 7:43 p. m, confirmation. Bishop DegweH. Good Friday, the three hours, 13 noon to 3 pjn. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN 16th and A streets. Rev.- H, W. Gross, pastor. Sunday school. 9 a.m sei rices 10 ajn. Services on Holy Thursday at 730 pjn. with holy communion, SALEM EVANGELICAL TABERNACLE Ferry and lata streets, Eric M. John- pastor. Sunday school 9:43 ajn. Easter rally. Morning servtoe 11 o'clock, sermon by Evengelltt Rog ers. S30 pjn., young people's meeting. Buna uuver, leaeer. jcvemng sen 7:4 ecasckx Sen Ices every wight cept Monday at 71 pjn. Evangelist Rogers preaching. SEVENTH DAY ADVENT! ST North Summer at Hood street. N. C. Erntsoa, pastor. Sabbath school 930 ajn- M. T. Madsen, Supt. Morning service 11 o'clock, "Was Jesus Crud fled on Wednesday or Friday." Com munion service following morning ser mon. Special service Sunday, 730 pjn. "The United States In Prophecy, What Does the Bible Say About It?" SOUTH SALEM FRIENDS . South Commercial at Washington street DiDon W. Kills, pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn. Morning service II o'clock. "The Glory of the Criss." Christian Endeavor 6:49 pjn. Evening service 730 o'clock. Mark Schrock. di rector of the CPS camp at Cascade Locks, wiU speak Thursday at S pjn. CHURCH Or JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAT SAINTS 469 North Cottage street Don WaU, Mstaopv Sunday school IS sum. Felwg service 639 e'cJeck. Relief society Tuesday, S pjn. MIA 730 pjn. Tues day. PENTECOSTAL UGHTHOUiut 420 State street O. M. Bade, paster. Sunday sdtool 10 a.m "A Good Name.1' Morning service 11 o'clock. S30, yeunr people's meeting. 730, last service with Rev. Fred Scott of Coch rane. Wise, as guest speaker. 730 pjn. Wednesday. iniDlratiortal aarvice 738 pjn. Friday. Bible study service. 730 Saturday, special service la observa tion ec we oranacea ox communion and footwashlng. SALVATION ARJtfT S41 State street Adjutant E. T. Hill. corps officer. Sunday school 9:45 -ajn. 11 ajn holiness meeting. "What Holi ness Reauires." S o'clock, young nee- ple's meeting, 730 pjn., salvation meeting. "The Wonders of His Love." Young People's meeting at 6. Candle, light service. WESLIYAN METHODIST Corner 13th and Mill atreeta. Lawelt GUger, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m morning service 11 o'clock. WYPS 6:49 pjn. Evening service 730. Teacher's training class Wednesday. 7 pjn. Mid week prayer service Wednesday, S pjn. - . Brings Message Rev. Ralph Hallman, Kent, Wash, wOl bring an evangellstie message Sunday at 3 pjn. at tha Christian Missionary Alliance church. North Fifth at Gaines street, .... , .. TO DASG DISGtlV C? GUILD'S CGID 1 fcpon':3 PAGE ( V. 4 71