Newcomer Grapples Here Tonight Some Who mil Part of One Who Won't Be With Cleveland Al ughtner . Statesman Sports Editor Sodom. Oregon,' Tuosdar Mornings March 24. 1942 "" ' " ' ' f '" ' ' j :' ' ' ' ''-v: sasaasaBaaassM '" ' g-'"1 ' f' " -a "" 1 ' ' 7 ' linn., mnii. ,r.., . ..' "... ..'. . i ' s- ; - .' .:. ' , it : ' .-' :- : . : . '" i.. ? ' ''" r i- K "'-r iA Milt Olsea (left), recent arrival to who will team p with Walter "Sneexie" Achia to do team-match :, battle against "Choke Urn" Georre Kitxmiller and Back Davidson, another new face here, in tonlsat's headliner on Matchmaker. Don Owen's wrestling card at the armory at 8:30. Olsen has the reputa tion of beta one of the swiftest and cleverest light-heavies to come ont of the mid-west. . Meanies vs In Tonight's Team Match at Armory It's action plus on tap for the armory tonight starting at 8:30 p.m., as Matchmaker Don Owen throws the Meanies against the Cleanies in a team match the first one of the thrill packed events for Salem since the return of the colorful grapplers this In answer to a letter appre ciated from W. M. Reid, route 4, Salem Paul McGinnis, the soft-spoken but dangerous sec ond baseman with Spokane in 1940 and shortstop for Vancou ver last season, is now playing for Uncle Sam's team as a mem ber of the army air corps, train ing to be a flying cadet, (the last we heard.) , Paul was "beaned" last sea son by Senator hurler George "Duke" Windsor on June 13, and after suffering from a severe con cussion for about a month, re turned to the Vancouver lineup. : McGinnis was on option from Seattle both in '40 and '41, and we really ? agree with Mr. Reid that he was one of the outstand ing second sackers in Western In ternational history. Paul was al ways dangerous at the plate, 'a good; extra base and clutch hit ter, and could run with anyone in the loop. He still holds the three-base hit r e c o r d for the league, poling out 18 along with our Bucky Harris in 1940. He was an exceedingly smooth performer at the keystone ack- and was Just as effective a pivot man i the Senators Freddie Lanifero last season.; ' Wo ranked him aa being fas the , same : class as Harris ' aad i Charlie Petersen of the Soioas, : and pUyers like Flteher Carl McConnett and Iafieldor Walt Bliss of Yakima, net to aaeattoa . others players good eaoagh to flay doable A ban, bat who ' never got maeh of a try at It. Has Seen Many Incidentally; Mr. Read has been 'watching ballplayers come and ' go for the last fifty Tears saw his first big league came ' 132. (Boston vs. St Louis when the National loop was a twelve dub league.) -,-- 'Li- - : .. - Kelt writes "I saw Mash throw. Duffy ' bet. and - Joe - Qahmu play second base: Since then at that position X have seen " snan ethers attempting to bo : proOelent at that spot. although i I haven't noea shorn an. ' "But I've seen Claude Richer, Biddy McFhee, Napoleon Lajoie, Detroit's Charley Gehringer, Rog- ors Hornsby and many others too . isumerous to mention great ball slayers, true, but all tea abort m comparison to Qukm la one thing. "When K was a matter of neu chalanee with a baaeranaer on Crst basa. a3 aoeated U aLin allhtl toward at mad hose so as to be in position to accept the Cure w. If the runner tried to lictL- AO txtit Qnisra ae played the name spot Jast aa V tie User were spty. XI the ranner tried his steal Qnina ran with aha, took the eatebee Czt Cf i:w tafy Way XW stoat mrm mm tHUt t.etioa, JTlffi, rvTsJ , n( MMeetef warn "fr t mm mid Sfafau html ZTZ2 the northwest from St. Paul, Mlna, 'Cleanies Wrestling I year. Teaming together for the Meanies will be "Choke TEm George Kitxmiller. Portland track driver, and a newcomer Back Davidson, Montana miner, who brings to Salem a repnts tien or being one of the most hated matmen la Montana. They shoald form a well-disliked Against the Meanies will be the Cleanies ever popular Chinaman, Walter "Sneezie" Achiu, Canton, Ohio, and his partner, another newcomer to Salem, Milt Olson, the bouncing Swede from St Paul, Minnsota. Unlike Davidson, Olsen is reputedly one of the deanest, as well as swiftest and cleverest lightheavies to crane out of the Midwest. Achiu provided the biggest up set in years of local wrestling last week when he put forth with one of his best performances to hold the hated Sockeye McDonald to a well-earned draw. That match was one of the best ever seen here. and as soon as McDonald recov ers from his dislocated shoulder, he and Achiu will be rematched. Opening tonight's ceremonies will be a best two of three falls, one hoar limit match between the Hooded Hawk and Speedball Jack Kiser. St. Jehus dock work er. Owen reports that the Hawk asked for this match to start a comeback here he's itching for another crack at Achia. who smashed his long line of vic tories here three weeks ago in another mat upset. Kiser will have' something to say ahoat sach a comeback. The team match is slated for the best two of three falls, one hour limit also. Each team must throw both opponents, regardless of whether or not one is thrown at a time, in order to win a fan. throw la stride asal teacheat while oa the -Within the half -century elapsed since 1892, I have but two second sackers with the same style Quinn had, and' both were en .exhibition right here in Salem. McGinnis was one. and Dwight: Adams the other.' (Adams, ex-Willamette university player under 'Spec Keene m the early 10a, is now coaching at Al bany high school.) . Grounders and Pickups . Add another Fartlaad Beaver to the swoQea list aC "Beavers drawn by the drafT Koine Schefter. dab secretary, was to take his physical la ladnetaseas last week.; Already having aaOed most of the yoatafal talent eat the Bevo ahse. Uncle tarn wont be able to take many aaer of the ver-rtpe Portland pachy donaa aalaas the Craft as limit la nppod ensihsr notch. Seme any that a few of the Beves were tamed down la the last war . . . The 9ams of Brooklyn ftaalhr got another favorite to ink his pact Monday, when Whitlow Wyatt exidemtiy ; decided . that SXeathfar If a a Fa a II had reached his high a rtoorteJ $17,501. Wyatt won tl for the Dodgers last year for sasother reported HUM, and was hold ing at for stn another report ed 23 GV. Wander what the poor people are deta' . . . Easi ness Slanager Coward Kapla annoances that the deal which sends Big Boy Ceber to Port land b now all slgaed. sealed and awaiting delivery of the big left-haaer as soon as he can leave his coaching chores at XiCbanoa high, I Both the Sena tors and Fartlaad have keen ironing eat all the "whereases and "2a the event GuttaT wlIJi were bt!r";J la Coy's sale. Status of King Football, Atherton Will Probably Be Decided by PCCToday - . - - Commissioner Wants to He Stands; Grad Managers, Faculties Put Emphasis on Physical Education ' PORTLAND, March 23-P)-The freshman issue bobbed up in the Pacific Coast conference meeting Monday, but a decision was delayed until joint meeting of conference faculty representa tives and graduate managers Tuesday. ! Commissioner Edwin Atherton said the question of whether Huskies First In Ski Meet; OSC Is Fourth SEATTLE, March 23-ff)-De-spite a last-event rally by Cali fornia, the University of Washing ton Sunday completed successful defense ot its Pacific Coast con ference skiing championship at Paradise valley, ML Rainier na tional park. Russ Morgan, representing Cali fornia, took the downhill run, final event of the three-day annual meeting, , but his points were not enough to overcome the Washing ton lead built up by victories in jumping and slalom and a second place in cross-country. Washington finished the meet with 39S.6 points on the Fis scor ing system. Idaho collected 1S8.7, Washington State 364.7. Oregon Stata. J43.2, California 324.5 and Oregon 200.8. Perrydale Girls Win Polk County Volleyball Title MONMOUTH Perrydale high won the Polk county girls volley? ball tournament held here Friday and Saturday, in which six teams competed, namely: Perrydale, Val- setz. Bethel, Falls City, Rickreall and Monmouth. In the champion ship playoff game Saturday night, the Parry dale team overcame Valsetz late game lead of 30 to 28 to win by a 33 to 30 count for the trophy. Valsetz, runner-up in the tourney, received a new volley ball, while Falls City won third place. " - . . ' ' Well placed ball .serving by Perrydale's Peggy Howe offset the Valsetz lead, and after the losers could not score, volleys by server Helen Cook gave Perrydale its winning margin. Officials picked the following all-start teams: First team Helen Glover. Falls City; Betty Aaer, Klckreall; Jeanette Van Slayea. Perrydale; Ana Tamer, Bethel; Betty Babb and Chag Tamer, Valsets. Second team Betty Wma, Blrkroall; Jeaa Tamer, Bethel; Vlrgtala Wal lace, Valsets; Eraaa Brooks, Fails Oty. and Maxlae Morri son aad Helen Cook, Ferry dale. 75 Turn Out for WSC Football Team PULLMAN. March Z3-U) Coach Babe Hollingbernr said Monday 73 men were turning out fee spring football practice at Washington " State college, the largest turnout since he became head coach fat 1928. HoUingberry recently invited all interested men students to Join the football program for its benefits as a conditioner' for army or aavy Fito Results PROVIDENCE, RL March 13. -JP)-J a c k 1 e Callura, Canadian featherweight champion f r a Hamilton, Ont. floored Ted Chris tie of New York 10 times here Monday night before stopping the Gothamite 37 seconds after the start of the third round in i scheduled 10-round feature. Cal hira scaled 129 with Christie 123. TOLEDO, 0 March 23.-OT Harvey: Dabs, : self -styled hum cane ' from Windsor. OntT w slowed to a breeze Monday night by Carman Notch, - Pittsburgh welterweight, and Dubs lost a 10 round - referee's '. decision. Both fighters : scaled 145 pounds. . .(BALTIMORE, March tXHJPi Joey Maxim,' . Cleveland heavy weight, took a split decision aver Louis Brooks, Wilmington, . DeL, Negro in a fast 10-round fight Monday night Maxim weighed 179, Brooks 181. NSW TOItX March 23.H?) Tami Mauriello, New Vork heavy weight, battered Henry : Cooper, 13, . so severely the Brooklyn scrapper's seconds tossed in the towel . at the " end f the third round. Mauriello we?;hed 1S4. v - Know Just Where 1 to allow first-year men to ctm pete in varsity sports was I dis cussed only lightly, and that no action could be expected at j least until Tuesday. ) Other problems still before the faculty representatives are j revi sion of conference rules to meet wartime conditions and revamping of schedules to make room for games with service teams, j i There has aba been nothing said a boat Conference ComsaJs sloaer Edwin Atherton aad whether or not he is to con tinue as Ugh moral of! the leacae after next December XI. His present three-year contract expires then and he wants the leagae to decide new whether to keep him orlkot, whether to continue his office or not The next conference meeting will be In December and that, he thinks, will be too late to act Atherton disclosed that he had recommended certain economies to the faculty members but 'gave no details beyond saying i that some of them affected his ; own office. "My recommendations were based on good business," he said. "There are a number of places where a little scaling down is in order." ' vj There was no dlscasslon on the army baa of crowds of more than 5099. Instead there was aa obvioas determination not 'to- mention that anwelcomo subject any mere than possible maybe not at an. Conference graduate managers met simultaneously but they too merely discussed their agenda, taking action on no important business. The emphasis was on physical: education rather than on special ized athletics at both sessions. Conference spokesmen made it dear they intended to try to sell the military on the idea that the league has high Intrinsic value as conditioner of large numbers ' of undergraduates. King football, they said, was oat of the throne room for the deration. Two Stanfords on All-Tourney Team KANSAS CTTT. March JUH") The aU-toaraaaseat team of she Western NCAA basketball elim inations as selected : by sports writers: - t Forwards Jim Pollard. Stan ford, aad Chet Palmer. Kioa. ' Ceater Charlie Black, Kan- Oaards George Haaabarg. Colorado, and William ; TftHT Cewdea. Staaford. ; ! Staaford will meet Dart- asenth. eastern NCAA over Keatacky. a the title here next Saturday night Yeah, Joe's Slowing Down He Looks just like Flying Fortress IZ:' FORT DDC NJ Uarca down, as some of the best of you believe, then they should corner Monday, where no prying eyes could get a peek. Becaase the Bomber, . aegia alag ids last three days al work for nls amergearr lelief row ' with A m p 1 e Abe tliaoa hi Madison Semare Garden Friday night was abeai as slew as ; a fiyi&g fortmi sni r Jast at deadly. Ce dished oat meat a gaady hlssdy m a fear-reand workoat with Gearga Fitch. Eddie Elnat and George NlchoUon aad was so smooth doing it that yea felt kind of -eery for Ample vAbe. - The main' attraction of - the 1204th special service unit put on his combination display of depth bombs and anti-aircraft Cre aft er going through a stiff- physical examination which not only pleas ed Uncle T .s army, but actual ly had Lieut Demard Robbins cf the medical corps, gasping hi awe I C- - 1 &&feuzs steefr CzTk k s: ' CAfhicrr tt fiuzv. iy-1ilflN :; I AUPerrte4ptAwaAe Hv' v .' : ; Z -" mark. ri: C IJ- l yj 4 J 11 X Cf oUaID staff. i& vJoM oaJW tl. n'jj1 I 1 iMiTS' V" GAMESLAJTVeAR BUTMA5 fl SZ!C WSCs Cougars Cop College rowit By RUSS NEWLAND CIVIC AUDITORIUM, Sacra mento, Calif, March 23-P) Washington State college success fully defended team honors in bringing in winners in the 120 pound and 175-pound divisions and placing two losers in the fi nals of the Pacific coast intercol legiate boxing championships here Saturday night Slim little Merle Van Noy led the Cougars into the winner's circle when he scored a third roaad technical kaockoat ever fleeter Anton, UCLA. In the 129- It was a bad night for the Wash ington State Hostettlers. Bruce, twin but heavier brother, of By ron, who lost the 127-pound title to Dick Myagawa of San Jose State college via a decision in the bout before, was defeated in the 135-pound division by Charles Townsend of San Jose State. Lanky Veto Berlins, -f oot-SVi-hteh pancher from the Uni versity of Idaho, scored a deci sion aver Frank Mtnini af San Jose State in the heavyweight Bui Wflliame, also of Idaho, outpunched Frank Hewitt Stan ford, to win the 145-pound title. Wes Spiegelberg was the 175 pound winner for WSC, -taking the nod from Carl Atkins, California Aggies. f... Other winners were: 155 pounds Den Hawkins, Oreroa State, decision ever Jer ry Cohen,;: Coots ga. J3S pounds Milt Cnnha, Cal ifornia, decision aver Norman Stebbms. Fresno State. Silverton-Aumsrille Play Practice Game '! SPLVOtTON Coach Gay De Lay's Silver Faxes win open their baseball play la a practice game here Friday afternoon caned for 1 o'clock against the Aanarrille high school team, Soaae af Silverton's teas experi enced players are expected to get far good pr as ilea against the AanarrOe H-(JfyU Joe Louis has slowed the ballyhood boys would have have let him work nut in a dark I at the heavyweight ehamptonshh . Tie's a text -book, he's SO loct fe Ceateaaat aa aeaaeod laiar. -He's abselatofy perfsct aad aev exoepUonany ' nonasi ksasa betrg i Has phymteal syiphaia Joe weighed 211 when! they turned him loose and 208 when the party was ever. He figures on scaling about 2SI Friday night, which is three quarters of a pound lighter than he was - for Buddy Baer in January, but plenty heavy to tear a wall down or a fighter apart:-;' zzz, -fsZ.zz.;z ': : - Joe wta finish np his spar work Taesday aad Wedaesday, then trata ap to New Tark for the efZktal welih-la tie asora ing of the r-L As tussJ, he's making aa prektloa other than that te-J v Lii It c?, "as taca s I ketch lira." w- i . Boxing C By SID FEDEB !-'." CjCFetcna"n Aip-fHB fanes o4 tHft moiMp Church League WiU Merge With Sale of Defense Stamps Tonight Bq TRAVIS CROSS Statesman Sports Writer YMCA sponsored City Major and B church league basketball entries will share in the selling of defense saving stamps tonight when they stage the first in a series of championship hoop con tests on the Leslie Junior high floor beginning at 7:30 o'clock. As originally scheduled, the proceeds of the game were to go to the Naismith Memorial fund in Springfield, Massachusetts, but due to the national emergency the drive was postponed for the dura tion of the war. Fans who have already par chased their daeats will receive a 25 cent "refund" in defense saving stamps and will aetaally be permitted to see these tltle festsfree of charge. Those who Zimmerman, Sommer Lead Oregon Meet PORTLAND, Ore. March 23-(A) Al Zimmerman, Pacific northwest open champion, and Charlie Som mer, both of Portland, Monday entered the finals of the Oregon Professional Golfers association tournament - . Zimmerman defeated ..BIO Brewer, C and S, and Ted Long worth, defending champion, 1 Bp. Sommer eliminated Bobby Ltttoaw. t ap, and Bob McKen drlck, 1 ap en the 19th. .Finals wul be, played next Monday. Training Camps Atbietics AvTiip White Sox in 10 Innings . LOS ANGELES March 23-4P) The Philadelphia Athletics de feated the Chicago White Sox, 7 to 6, Monday hi ten innings. A hurried throw by Murrel Jones, Sox first sacker, - which . Harvey Johnson, rookie . second baseman, failed to handle let Richardson score' the winning run. X Richardson had walked and was sacrificed to second by Pete Suder. Tom Turner, Sox catcher, hit a home run with two mates aboard in the fifth. Bob Johnson hit a home run for the A's m the second. Chicago (A) Philadelphia A .711 9 Appletoa, Wetland, Grove Taracr. Besse, Fowler aad Casti gUa. At Fhw 4 11 (N Diehl, TTaSace (I), Catchiags (9) aad tVambardl, Btasl ): Wcbaor, akeror (7) aad Bewen. Bomber Fri-ht ; Nip Newark 9 SEBRING. Flaw March ti.-iJP) After the Newark Bears of the International league ance got aver their stage-fright in playing, the New York Yankees. ; the minor leaguers outplayed, outbatted and outpitched the world champions Monday. zZZ--. -Z-.- -;.;f However, a six-run outburst id the first inning gave the Yankees margin enough, to chalk up a 9 to S triumph. New York (A v - T t Newark (Int Queen. Gettel (t) and Itosar; Dyrne. Kolcombe (I), Cerheaucr (7) and PiSdea. : V - Title Games have yet to bay their tickets may obtain defense stamps at the box office. , Winners of first . and second round competition in both the Ma jor and B church leagues will participate- Bishop's Clothiers, win ners of the first round, in the Ma jor loop, will meet Coach Paul Cookingham's Willamette univer sity freshmen, second round tit lists, at 830, while Court Street Christian and the Mennonites will tangle in thenighfs curtain raiser. The championship flight is based on a two out of three series. . Gurnee Flesher aad Tom Dry nan have been chosen as offic ials for the tilts, according to Carl Grelder, YMCA physical edaeatioa director. ' Such ex-Salem high ball play ers as Eddie; Salstrom and Joe Bowersox stand out on the Bishop roster, while Weaver, Kelley and Goodman add brilliance to the Bearcub quint Roy Priem and Kenny Selpp spearhead the Christian crusade while Leonard Roth and Welty lead the Mennonite attack. - Salem Skier Wins In Washington Nap Beeeae of 8alem's Santl am Ski dab won the dewahni aad slalom combined champion ships for class B entries of the Faeifie Northwest Ski associa tion at Stevens pass. Wash Sanday. Stevens pass Is near vVeaatehee. K eeane had a com bined score of 121 points for high, aad descended the down hill in 79.9 seconds. Novikoff Hito Grand Slammer Cubs Wilt HOLLYWOOD, Calif. March 29 -A-Lou NovikofTs first inning home run wtih the bases fun started the Chicago Cubs off to a 19 to 4 triumph Monday over Pittsburgh, and snapped the Pi rates seven-game winning streak. Babe Phelps got a' home run for Pittsburgh kr the sixth. . Chicago ,. . . 19 19 1 Pittsburgh 4 t 1 Eaves. Mooty (9) and McCul- lough. Hernandez; SeweU, Ham lin (4), Lanning (7) and Phelps. Cards Sweep Red Series ' ST. " FE'1'i.KSBCKG. ; F 1 a . , Mareh tl.-sVThe St Leais Cardiaabi atade a eleaa sweep af then spring exhibition series with the Cincinnati Beds, ettmbtng oa B a e k y - Walters Monday to wta the third aad flaal game, f to 2. Bert Haas hM a aeeao ran for the Beds, Cincinnati (m " - f I st Louit (N.t;r;,ir; .. .r, u Walters, i Thompson s C71 i and Hemsley, Lakeman (7); Lohrman, Breechen (I) and W. Cooper, ODea (9). Drowns Beet Nats ' In 12 Innings - . - ORLANDO. lisL March tJ.-CPi Four rookie pitchers yielded only live hits to the Washington Sena tors Monday; as. the St Louis Browns won a 12-inning exhibi tion game, 2 to 1. St Louis (A) " ' - 10 - 3 Washington (A) 1 5 - J Iott, Hanning (4), Ferens (7) Pyle (11) and Ferrell, Swift (9) Wilson, HcCuUourh (7). Zinser (11) and Evans. . U tMlAl & IS 1rt 4ot l CKoiCB o tvccea MAu-rtoosw at First kaxe. Me Art. Hi ft fiASAVitC. iH loft CAMKUST SEASON State League " Bans Medford, Klamath Falls ALBANY, March 23-OrV-Trav- el difficultiei caused the Cretan State Baseball league to drop Medford and Klamath Falls from the loop Sunday, leaving Albany, Bend, Eugene and SUverton in the circuit i It also voted a membership to the Portland Firemen team, .and said that it hoped to gain another from either CorvaUis or Iebanon. The league suggested that Med ford and Klamath Falls form a southern division of the State league, and a championship series could be played at the close of the season between the two win ners. ,' ' .Opening games for the present members were announced Eu gene plays at Albany, Portland at SUverton and Bend draws a bye all slated for opening day, June 4. Medwick, Newsom Deal Rumored as Bums Win, 7-2 LAKELAND, FU, March 22 (XP)-The Brooklyn Dodgers de feated the Detroit Tigers, 7 to 2, Monday amid mmors that the National - leagae champions weald send Oatflelder Joe Med wick to the Motor City alae la exchange for holdoat Pitcher Loals (Bobo) Newsom. Newsom, mainstay of the De troit staff in 1949 bat winner of only 12 games while losing 29 last year, has refased to sire a contract because of a salary slash, Medwick virtually has lest his eatfkld berth to Aagle Galaa. outfielders with the Cat- , cage Cabs last season. Brooklyn (N) Til Detroit (A) ,. ;; 2 French, Chipman (7) and Dap per; Trucks, Henshaw (9), era (9) and Tebbetts. Letters, Basketball : Passed Out at Jeff v: JEFFEKSON BasketbaU letters have been issued to the followmg students ot the Jefferson school basketball team: Don Gilmoar, Gary Barna, Jimmie Benderson, Eari Marcum, Robert Bruce, Monte Weddle, Arthur Harris and Rich ard Van Winkle. Yell leader letters Vera award ed to Mattie Lou Pilcher and Bala) Overholser. Song queen letter was awarded to Mkkie Thurston. , Baseball practice baa now atari- ed. Rodney Inghdahl is manages of the team. -The bors are nut ting up a temporary backstop out the southwest corner of the ; field. . Qereland Signs Up 'Comeback' Mel Harder a CLEARWATER, ITm. March 22. H")-The comeback of Mel Har der. 93-year-old pitching veteran. became official Monday when fan was signed to a Cleveland tract ' ,r : lJdftUj: YcaDisciplcf it Chly IZ;:r ;Q Sip Ton Are Invited U Hel? Ett Every Tuesday and fTf Thnrsw 11 UL-l sun. w J W PJ5. fresh Corned O p Ceef flash Wed. i-w 473 (ttUiaT'LaV