The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 24, 1942, Page 6, Image 6

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    MC2 SEE -
iWedding to
Take. Place;;:
. '. Easter Sunday, 'Ap'iil,.. 5 , has ;
been chosen, lor the', wedding of .;i
Miss, - Elaine Flathers '. and Mr. j
Douglas E.7 Fanner of Fargo,"
i up.. . ;. V ' -
'Announcement of the couple's '
" engagement and : coming mar- i
riage is being told today by the
bride-elect's parents. , Mr; - and
Mrs. Lawrence I. Flathers. Mr J
Farmer Is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. T E. Farmer of Fargo. .
The wedding will take place at ;
the First Nazarene church on '
Easter morning at 8:30 o'clock
-with DT. Weaver Hess officiating.
; Miss Flathers is a graduate of
Salem schools and has been at-
lege at -Nampa,-Idaho: " She re-
turned to Salem Monday to re-
main until after her marriage. '
She Is a member of Delta Phi
sorority on the college campus.
-. Mr. Farmer is also a student at
the Nazarene college and a mem
ber of the Olympian, Athletics.
The couple . will live in Nampa
until Mr. Farmer is called to ac
tive duty. . He is in the air corps
. reserve. v; .
Is Speaker
Women of Rotary met at the
Quelle for a 1 o'clock luncheon
on Monday. The speaker's ta
ble was centered with a bowl of
cala lilies and whit tapers, and
the surrounding tables were
decorated with white bowls of
daffodils, forsythla and yellow
candles. Miss Eleanor Stephens,
state librarian, gave an Interest
ing talk on "Books for Lenten
Reading" and Mrs. J. H. Turn
bull gave an. interesting resume
. on "Nutrition for Defense."
The following guests j were
present: Mrs. Raymond Walsh,
Mrs. Fred Steusloff and mem
bers included Mrs. T. J. Amspo
v Iter, Mrs. George Arbuckle, Mrs.
F. A. Anunsen, Mrs. C P. Bish
op, Mrs. C. A. Downs,' Mrs. Lee
Eyerly, - Mrs. Charles ' Fowler,
Mrs. Hettle Fry, Mrs. Silas Gai
sen, Mrs. Tinkham Gilbert, Mrs.
George Grabenhorst, Mrs. C. E.
Guenther, Mrs. 1 Glee son, Mrs.
Paul Jackson, Mrs. W. T. Jenks,
Mrs. Gardner Knapp, Mrs. Ab
Her -Kline, Mrs." Carl Sumner
Knopf, Mrs. A. A. Lee, Mrs. E.
F. LeGarie, Mrs. F. . Loose,
Mrs. Ivan Lovell, Mrs. A. F.
Marcus, Mrs. H. G. Miller, Mrs.
tvY W. Moore, Mrs. Carl Ostrin,
Mrs. J. C. Perry, Mrs. W. L.
Phillips, Mrs. F. H. Pickens,
Mrs. A. A. Gogers, Mrs. George
- T-' Scott, Mrs. Homer H. Smith,
sr., Mrs. Ivan Stewart, Mrs. Nels
Tonning, Mrs. Ellis VonEshen,
Mrs. Florian VonEshen, and
Mrs. Ray A. Yocom.
Harmony Club
Plays Cards
Members si the Harmony club
entertained their husbands Sat
urday at the Frank NJeswander
borne. Pinochle was in play and
, honors went to Mr. and Mrs.
William McKinney, Mrs. Roy
Shaw and Floyd Beard.- At the
supper hour an attractive birth
day cake centered the serving
f table honoring the birthday of
Mr. Grover. Newman. , Covers
. we placed for 16. The feminine
Members , will be entertained
With a 1 o'clock luncheon Thurs
day at the home of Mrs. David
Chilles. - ,
" rr v .
Mrs. Grace Boric entertained
members of her book club and
guests .were Mrs. Max
letine, Mrs. W. W. ;Cardon,
w. itusn ana Mrs. rneima
The members spent
the first part of the evening at
the HOI Agate shop S and re
turned to the Borigo home for.
refreshments. . - ,-
llaecabees of Capital . lodge
I4D will meet in fraternal
temple Thursday for the regular
business review with Glen New
land presiding. Initiation for
Class of new candidates will bo
followed by entertainment.
Laura Wheeler
Please Baby and
ku;;sery motifs ;
T3;'3 l:r.b, the cat, dog, e!e-
' !v; ;it3 . end "quack f quack"
would like nothing better than
to (' ccirte all ; baby's access
or k T 'is In c-sy stitchcry.
;'-'-:rn Hi ccr.'-.Lns a transfer
"n cf 12 r --'s averasinj
-' r.-r.kriaJs re-
- Editor : J
Miss Peck
Guest ,at
Tl T" y fT
Miss Ruth Peck, who will be
married on Saturday to Mr. -James
Smith, is the incentive for
several parties this week. Miss .
Ruth Melson, one of Miss Peck's
bridesmaids, entertained at a
smartly appointed dinner '."party'
Monday night at Godfrey's in
compliment to the bride-elect
The table centerpiece was of
'pastel spring flowers and bridal
appointments marked places for
the guests. A miscellaneous
shower honored Miss Peck. Y
Covers were placed for Miss :
Peck, Miss Barbara Cassell, Miss
Audrey Winship, Miss Barbara
Williams, Miss Helen Hadley,
Miss Irma Hlert, Miss AnnetU
Schweitzer and Miss Melson.
Mrs. B. F. Read il entertain
ing at a bridal party tonight at '
her home in Corvallis for the
pleasure of Miss Feck. Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Peck and their daugh
ter will motor to Corvallis for
the affair.
Miss Jo Ann Evans of Merced,
Calif., is spending the week in
Salem as the house guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Clifton Mudd and their
son. Bill, who has recently re
turned from Cfiico, Calif. Mr.
Mudd will bo at the home of
his parents until be enters the
Oreoon State
Mothers Meet
Oregon State college mothers
met at the YWCA Monday after
noon for the monthly meeting
with Mrs. John Carkin presiding.
Forty members attended and
during the afternoon an interest
ing travelogue on South America
was presented.
Plans were completed for the
rummage sale to be held April
3 and 4. Members : worked on ,
convalescent robes for the sol
diers. Hostesses at the tea hour
were Mrs. Lloyd Riches, Mrs.
F. A. Doerfler, Mrs. H. C. Wall
ing, Mrs. Tom Hill and Mrs.
Ralph Shephard.
Marion auxiliary of Veterans
of Foreign Wars will start a
homo nutrition class Tuesday
evening at 7:30 In the Willam
ette room of the chamber of
commerce. . Margaret Bay, teach- .
er at Parrish, will be the instruc
tor. This class will be open to
the public and those interested
may phone 21678 or 22562 for
The Little Garden club of Sa
lem' Heights met at the home
of Mrs. Frank Miller Thursday
for a dessert luncheon. Mrs. Al
vin Stewart gave a quiz on
botanical and common names of
, shrubs. Mrs. D. D. Dotson pre
sented each member of the club
with a miniature victory garden!
Mrs. Lyle Castor entertained
the Good Neighbor club at
luncheon recently. Covers were
placed for eight. . Later tables
were made up for pinochle. Hon
ors went to Mrs. Mysta Hen
dricks and Mrs. Stuart Johns.
Mrs. John St. Clair will enter
tain the group in a fortnight. -
Mrs. Sebert Herrall has in
vited members of her sewing
club to her Fairmount Hill home
this afternoon. Tea will be
served by the hostess. 1
Nursery Pets
Are Fun to Do
quired; illustrations of stitches.
Send ten cents (plus one cent
to cover cost of mailing) for this
pattern to The Oregon 'States
man, Needlecraft Dept, Salem,
Ore. Write plainly PATTESN
KU:r:E2, your NAME and AD-
a.fc 4. - 5m ' ' ! , . . .
The IIC12E
- TCESOAT ' ' '
' Women of McCormlck - class,
First Methodist church, Mrs. J. C. "
Harrison. 630 State street, dessert .
luncheoin, 1:30 p.m. . -. ,
AAUW Latin American class, . -YWCA.
730 pjn.
Sons of Veterans and auxiliary. -Mr.
and Mrs.. John Robins, 042 - .
North Liberty, supper, 6:30 p.m.'
Daughters of St Elizabeth, St
Paul's Episcopal church, Mrs.
William Burghardt 1 o'clock ' '
covered 'dish luncheon. . , .'
Executive meeting, Salem Coun- .
cil of Church . Women, S p. m.,
YWCA. ,"i " 1 ' - - "
University of Oregon Mothers, -Mrs.
Ray Yocom. 1155 North Sum
mer street 1 o'clock luncheon.
Women organizations of Tint
Presbyterian - church. meet in -church
parlors, 2 p.m.. executive
board, 12 30 p.m. . -.
Ladies Union, First Congrega
tional church, meet church par- ..
lors, I JO p. ro. v v . - . - ,,
Nebraska auxiliary. Mrs.H. A.
Peterson, 112 Church, Sana?,
covered dish dinner, 1230 p. m. -
Ladies of Knight Manorial
church, silver tea, church par lorf,
2:30 p. m., first aid work con
tinued. V
May Circle, Jason Lee church.
Mrs. John Darniell. 1020 Bunt
Street, 1 30 p. nu
ONO club, with Mrs. Dora Pratt,
1155 North 16th street J p. m.
CKT club with Mrs. Jeas Wall
1569 South Liberty street.
Jason Leefidalis class. no-h
dinner at Oolden Pheasant. . 6
i. m. Dr. Carl Sumner Kno;
PTA Will Honor
Dads Tonight
Englewood PTA will observe
Dad's Night at the school tonight
with the business meeting sched
uled at 8 o'clock with Robert
Jones presiding. The rooms and
pupils' work will be open for
Inspection at 7:30.
A group of boys from the Sa
lem high school music depart
ment will present a group of
vocal numbers under the direc
tio nof Miss Lena Ball Tartar.
Mr. Martin Elle, assistant su
perintendent of state depart
ment of education, will speak on
"The Part the Oregon Schools
Are Taking in the National De
fense Program."
A social hour will follow and
1 the first grade mothers will act
as hostesses. In charge of the
committee are Mrs. James Har
die and Mrs. Jens Svinth.
.. ..
Dakota Club"
Hears Talk
Dakota ladies auxiliary, met
Friday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Herman Kortimeyer. Mrs.
Marie' Flint McCall gave a trav
elogue telling of her trip to Aus
tralia and showed a collection of
souvenirs and curios collected. '
Mrs. A. Copenhaver, Mra. Roy
Riggs and Mrs. R. Hanson as
sisted. General Dakota c 1 u b
meeting will be April t, 6:30
p.m. at WCTU hall.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Elliott
and children, Joan and John, of
Portland, formerly of Salem,
spent the weekend in the capital
as the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Brabier Small and Mrs. . F. A.
The Eastern Star, social after-'
noon club wiU meet today for a
1:15 dessert luncheonemnd after
noon of cards. Mrs. Rex Davis is
chairman. : .".;:... -
Wickersham, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy . Wickersham, and
William Howard Hampton, son
of W. H. Hampton of Jefferson,
were married in Vancouver
" March 12. They' were attended
by Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Hamp
ton. The bride wore a dusty blue
' tailored suit, with pink acces
sories. She carried a bouquet of
camellias. They will make their,
home on Mrs. D. - H. , Looney's
farnv-: J y- ', Jp" ':y . ..
Weekend guests at the home
cf Mr. and Mrs.H. A. Shinn
were their three sons, Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Shinn and small
son ; Raymond, 'v Mr. and Mrs.
Maurice Shinn of Portland and
Alvin Shinn of Mill City.
0 .: :-;. vr: -: t- '--.' "'--i' ":::r-:-S
SILYERTON A snpper party
was given Tuesday night by Mr.
and : Mrs. Ernest Kleeman in
honor of their 13th wedding' an
niversary. Rev. : Gilbert E.
Cayes, who is conducting evan
gelistic services here, was best
man at the wedding and was a
guest Others at the party were
Mrs. Cayes, Rev. and Mrs. Rus
: sell' Myers, 'Betty Myers, Xla
Todd, Juanita Morley and the
Kleemans. Miss Myrna Schroe
der, now of Salem, maid cf hon
- or at the wedding, was unable
to attend.
have received announcements of
the birth of a daughter to Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Phillips (Margie
Inman) at Portland - March 17.
Mrs. Phillips is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Inman, former
residents ef Silverton.
Hostesses . to
ifFete Mrs:: "
i trifidie: '
; 1 Mrs.' vWilliam; H. Trindle, jr
who wasDorothy : Winegar be-
( fore her marriagein.Washington,?
" DC, " on March . 1, will be the
i honor "guest at - a bridal . party
, Wednesday v nighl when ; Missi
' ' Charlotte - Kallander and : her
; mother, Mrs. ' Gerda ; Kallander,
'' entertain at their; Center street
homel . k i
' Games and cards will be in
. play during .the-, evening and a -late
supper wiU be served by thei
-' hostess. Bouquets of spring
. flowers will provide the. decora-t
tive note about the rooms. .
- Honoring Mrs. Trindle ,will be
Mrs. W. W. Winegar of Coquille,;
Mrs. Lyle Smith and Miss Helen :
Winegar of Portland, Mrs. Elmer
Owen of Oregon City, Mrs. Cur
tis Winegar, Mrs.' William .H.,
. Trindle, srn Miss Eleanor and -Miss
Helen Trindle, Mrs. John
Kelly of Portland, Mrs. Richard.
' Maude," Miss Jean Rodgers, Miss
Evelyn ,Berger, Miss Bernice Or-.
wig, 'Miss Pat ia Young, Mrs.i
William Gentzkow, Mrs, Ralphi
Nohlgren, Mrs. Robert Robert
' 'son, Mrs. George Abbott and the-
hostesses. ' ' . i
Scene of .
Mrs. Abner K. Kline, Mrs.!
Charles Fowler and Mrs. Ralph !
.Mitchell are arranging a party
for Friday afternoon at the for-
mer's home on North 5th street
for the pleasure of Mrs. Ransom
Carpenter, who ras Mildred i
Sampson before her marriage in
January. " . -.
Guests have been invited to
' a salad luncheon " and a mis
cellaneous shower will fete the
honor guest A blue and yellow
color scheme will be carried out ;
in the table decorations and'
spring flowers will be used about
the rooms. j
Bidden to honor Mrs. Carpen
ter are Mrs. Homer V. Carpen
ter, Mrs W. A. Sampson, Mrs.'
Robert S. Farrell, Jr, and Mrs.
Frank , Gilbert, Jr. of Portland,
Miss . Martha Carpenter, Mrs.
Frank Mogan, Mrs. Leo C Dean,
Mrs. Lee U. Eyerly, Mrs. -Frank
McCracken, Mrs. E. A. Lee, Mrs.
Joe E. Kennedy, Mrs. B. F.
Schmoker, Mrs. James J. Pan
ton and Mrs. T. O. Russell.
Young WomenS
The young women's mission-;
ary group of the Naiarene
church met at the home of Mr
and Mrs. J. M. Six at Keiser;
Thursday for the last meeting of
the assembly year. Miss Gene
vieve Kurd led devotions, Mur
iel Friesen brought the lesson on
missionary in Africa, and Rev.!
W. Hess conducted election of
Marie Corsey was reelected
president; Esther Reidesel, vice
president; Lydia- Mattson, trea
surer, recording secretary; Ber
nita Aylett corresponding sec
retary; Genevieve Kuni, study;
Lillian Nagel, publicity; Coramae
Hoffer and delegates to the mis
sionary convention,, Lydia Matt-
son and Lillian Nagel. Hostesses
were Ethel Cashion and Marie
Corsey- .' ., .J"
Circles Hold ,
Jason Lee churc h, circles;
scheduled to meet this week, are
as follows:
January-July with Mrs. E. JL
Mundinger, 1185 North. Capitol
street'today at 2 pjn. February
August with Mrs. George Pro,
1915 Maple street, Wednesday at
1:30 "o'clock. March-September'
in the church . Wednesday : at ' 2
o'clock. April-October with. Mrs.
Floyd VokeL 1504 Jefferson,
street, Wednesday at 2 pan.-May-November,
with Mrs., John'
Darnielle, 1020 Hunt street,'
Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. June
December with Mrs. J. L. Bat
dorf, 160 Division street,' Wed
nesday at 2 pjn. I
An event ef this afternoon i
the Mu Phi Epsilon, music hon-i
orary, silver tea at the home of
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Sumner:
Knopf. The interested public isi
invited to call between 3 and 5
. ELDRIEDGE Mrs. James
Phillips t (Bethel Eppers) was!
honored at a shower by her sis
ter, Mrv Vernie Ban yard. Mrs.
Tony Lelack and i Mrs. Jake
Sturgis were assistant hostesses.
, The marriage of Miss Eppers,
i daughter of Mrs. Lou Eppers,
and James Phillips, sod of Mr,
and Mrs. Clyde A.. Phillips, was
solemnized 'last Saturday, at the
Presbyterian church in. Cervais,
Rev, James. Aiken Smith offici
. ated. The couple now reside at
Crazatte, Ore., where Mr. Phil
lips Is a telegraph operator for
ihi Southern Pacific t
To relieve
I User j of
" Tablets
SalTt '
Rom Dropi
ConjS Drop
Try Scs-try-THm" WoBderfnl
- - 'A MARCH BRIDE Mrs. John L Sullivcoi (Frances
Anne Mott) who was quietly married MondayMarch 16,
at the home of Dr. Perry C Hopper In Portland. Sergeant
"and Mrs. Sullivan went east Immediately after the weoV
ding and the bride will remain with her parents, Congress
man and Mrs. James Mott, while her husband is attending
an officer's training school.
Announce Music Competition to Be
Held in Portland Students Enter
. The Oregon Music Teachers'
association . has announced the,"
annual state contests la piano,
violin," voice, and composition to
be held in Portland April 25 and
- 26.' The contests are open to
' students in the grade school, high
school and higher education divi-
sions. . "
The. first place Winners for
piano, violin affd . voice In the
higher divisions will receive an
V appearance with an orchestra.
The , second place winners will
be presented on the presidents'
program, during the annual con
vention of -the association in
. June.., - .
The first place winners in the
contests for. the lower divisions
will be awarded a pubjttc ap-
.peaxance, for which arrange
ments will be announced later.
Mrs. Clifford Moore, state edu-
Miss Kestly
Is Hostess
Miss Mary Jan Kestly, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. . Walter
Kestly, was hostess for a buffet
supper Sunday night at her
apartment at the Glendora for
a group of her friends. Daphne
and roses provided the decora
tive note.
Covers were placed for Miss
Harriet Hawkins, Miss Miriam
r Becke, Miss Beverly McGil
christ, Miss Modjeska Groenig,
Miss Sharon Burnett and Miss
Sharon Burnett and Miss Kestly.
Mrs. Ivaa McClain and daagh-
ter, Mary, spent the ' weekend
wit hher sister, Mrs. Rita Mc
, Collom, of Yachats.
- A hostess this" af terneen will
' be Mrs. Ralph Hamilton, who
'will entertain members of her
club at luncheon and bridge at
her home on Lincoln street
Mrs. T. A. Roberts will pre
side at a bridge luncheon this
afternoon at her North , Winter
street home for members of her
club. , . .
. SWEGLEMrs. Charles E. Sieg
mund was hostess to the women
of the Neighborhood dub. of Gar
den ; road for a no-host luncheon
Friday afternoon.
- Eleven members were present
and two who were active mem
bers a few years ago, Mrs. Paul
Lynch and Katherine Lynch, Sa
lem. . .-,-?y-T
' Week' end guests at the home
Of -Mr. and Mrs. Frank- Ricket
were Jlrs, Rickefs brother,
Charles Fellows and cousin, Clay
ton Fellows, Bandon.
Mrs. Ruth Compton was a guest
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mar
tin Starr for 'several days last
week. i :,:, - r-c:'
Mr. E. G. Siegmund, Longview,
spent last week ' at the home of
his ' son, Charles, and family,
Mr. and Mrs. ? Gerald Kendall
have moved out from Salem into
1 the home of Mr. John Crawford on
Sunnyview avenue.
; Melvia Budick returned to his
home Thursdaypafter astay of
several weeks in the hospital. He
was "injured at; the ,,melof ; the
.ailver thaw .by yolling logs at the
- .- ....
aitar' awMa 1
If yrara cross, restleaa. NERVOUS
uXter hot flasbea. dizelneas cauont
by tbla period tn a woman' life
try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, aladt tipeciailf for
vromen. Hundreds of thousand re
markably b!red. Follow label
( " S' ' j
cation chairman will receive en
tries unta April L t V
Tht annual syllabus examina
, tions and auditions which will
be conducted throughout ""the
state will be held in Salem May
Students taking the examina
tions and auditions will receive
a certificate ' of music together
with the constructive comments
i of an adjudicator. Students in
. terested in the contents, examin
ations and auditions may receive
application blanks by calling
Miss Margaret Hogg, district
education chairman.
Plenty Seeds '
, , . .
rs .;
Islthere a shortage. of4 seeds ;
for Victory gardenst ,This Ques- ;
lion was "a'nswred at a meeting ?
'of 'the Victory garden 'committee
of, the Chicago metropolitan de
fense1 area by James A. Young, :
executive 'secretary pf the Amer-
lean Seed Trade' association in .a
very positive manner.. , 5 v;
"Z fYpu have only to, go to the ;
place where r you usually ;' buy
your garden, seeds In order to
learn that anything you' ask', for ;
is avaiiable,' he.saidi. v'In a great ;
majorfty of cases not even - the
prices have advanced t for .the
; CjuahUties which' are purchased
by home , gardeners.
The. meeting at which this, as
surance, was given by Mr, Young
had . been called bjt- George . T.
Donoghue, who bas been placed
In charge of the .Victory garden -,y half an hour. A dash of cay
campaign f or the office of civil- - if
. ian defense; of .the Chicago met-
. ropplitan defense district,-.which
includes the city rand much ad- r
Joining territory. - - - "
' "The garden seed trade Is ac-'
Customed to carry large reserves .
. of seed,! said Mr. Young. "There
- is always the possibility of ' a .
" crop - failure, and to protect tiie
country from a food shortage In
such event, the trade usually has ',
on hand enough to supply a .one- .
year demand even though none
were grown at, all.
"This , custom, has proved a
seal protection under the condi
tions now prevailing. There were
partial crop , failures in some
things, while for usual sources
of supply for other varieties
, were shut off by war. Without
any assistance from the govern
ment, the seed growers of the
country have made .extraordin
ary efforts- to overcome all han
dicaps, and I take great pride
in reporting that after providing
large quantities of seeds for ex
port to our allies, there wQl be
plenty left to plant Vivtory gar
. dens and grow food for freedom.
". Naturally the normal two-,
year reserves carried by the
trade have been depleted, but
at this time there is no reason to.
fear that ; these will not be re-
plenished from crops' of which
many are already growing. ' -"Seeds
for home gardens, both
on farms and in urban and su
burban areas, have been distrib
uted to or set aside for the man
order houses, seed stores, hard
ware' stores, department stroes,
and other retail outlets through
out the country that customarily
handle seeds. Tina can
-g.-; I' t,
Busy days ahead! Days filled with de
fense work, with training forlqew -duties,
with ail sdrts of aaivities that
result in general wardrobe weax-anoV
tear. You'll oeed plenty of fresh new . '
clothes this Spring. Get them on the ,
j thrifty American Plan by sewing-your
J own with the aid of the new Anne
Adams Pattern Book for Spring, 1942. -
This brilliant book, just of! the press,
r is packed with exactly the right sort of -,
smart yet praaical things. There aire
, trun tailored suits gad dzesscs TTTpli, '
evening gowns for his "on leave" nights'
. cotton frockrin the news . . Ameri-" "
. can-designed prints. Each stjleshcwn
-.vis backed by a simple, economical, pre-
tested pattern, that's quick and conve-
mcci iu orucr
ttttern Deartme);tt 243 VTest Vth Street, XeuYork, tfl Y
Today's Menu -
some ox ,m cannea cneme
j: left .vmm-
k a ... m at - .aw ..
.m-todayjs, salad. -
ii ; i if ? .
, a Jellied, cherry; salad ;t ,
; :' Family style chila-
S -J. Buttered caulifibwerj 3
" " Rhubarb sauce coolies '
- Wr:: :-;z
' - .. . i-'-J; ' -V.
'. : 1- poundichopped beef . r.
pound chopped pork .
-ii-cup diced onions r, ; -t
1 'teaspoon salti--i ' i
'2 tablespoons lat : . :
: 2 cups tomatoes; or tomato
,paste-fp-. : ' ' I '
,; .2 cupr cooked 'fed beans
" 1. teaspoon chili powder -
Brown the beef, ' pork, onions
'in .lard in a deep heavy fry pan.'
'Add the' tomatoes and season.'
Cover .Cook -very slowly one
v hour or more, adding water if
nwpssarv. 'Add twnn and chflf
ilwriCimtfinie to cook slow-
ATftA -
- - : '-". "
-Women Like
Our Cookie
. One of " our readers recently
asxea ior a - recipe ior. noney
cookies, which we gave.: Yester
day she called, saying that she.
had served them at a Legion
function and that they were so
-popular: four women asked her
for the recipe.
We modestly offer It: '
2' cups flour J ;
- 1 teaspoon baking pdwder
1 teaspoon soda
. 1 cup shortening
2 tablespoons milk
1 cup honey
2 cups oatmeal
1 cup chopped raisins
1 cup chopped peanuts
Sift dry ingredients, cream
butter, and honey well, add oat
meal," raisins and peanuts. Then
add tdry ingredients and milk
;Drop on a greased cookie sheet
uaxe at aou aegrees ior zu to 23
minutes. '
verified by inquiry at your usual
source of supply.
Gliilcfe Colds
Ti ReSetrt ISssy Rub on Tims-Proved
Dy nun. - .
-4 1