The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 24, 1942, Page 10, Image 10

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    Founding of
Legion Noted
At Banquet
WEST SALEM The 23rd anni
versary of the founding of the
American Legion was observed at
the Thursday : dinner, with 80
Members of the post and auxiliary
present. The James Smart enter'
tainers were special guests.
Mrs. Kaspar Neiger reported to
the auxiliary on the type of books
. wanted for the victory book drive.
Mrs. ' Char lea Adams - and Mrs.
. Karl. Mobley gave reports.
An all-day sewing meeting will
be held at the hall March 27. The
meeting April 2 will feature in
kiation of new members. -
Members of the Women's club
served the weekly dinner for the
lions club Wednesday. Seventeen
members were prsnt and the fol
lowing delegation from the Salem
club: Al Ramseyer, Oscar Olson,
Harry Scott, and Mr Lindsey.
Betty Lou Smith, daughter of
Mr. .and Mrs. Francis Smith, is
recovering from scarletina.
Wanda Hathaway underwent an
appendectomy at the Salem Gen'
eral hospital Wednesday.
. . Calvin Gox of Dallas was ar
7 vested by Officer Parker and fined
$2 in police court for driving an
automobile without a driver's 11
' cense. Cox was granted leniency
as he was accompanied by his
, parent at the time of arrest and
had since procured a permit to
learn to drive.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Northcraft
and daughters moved to Portland,
where he is employed.
Gordon Davis is the new man
ager of the Kingwood Busick
market. He is assisted by his wife.
Davis succeeds Ludwig Peterson,
who resigned.
Victory Gardens
Subject of Talk
At Hayesville
HAYES VILLE Mrs. Chester
Doolittle entertained the Hayes
ville Woman's club at her home
Thursday afternoon. The presi
dent, Mrs. W. Eicholtz, gave (
talk on victory gardens. Mrs. S.
A. Baldwin read an original story.
A flower exchange was enjoyed
after which the members worked
. on lap robes for the Bed Cross.
. To date the club has finished 10
. robes. Luncheon was served by
Mrs. Carl Yogi, Mrs. Barbara
Wells and Mrs. C. W. Garrison.
. . The next meeting is to be
hard times party at Mrs. Vernon
Clark's. Members present were
Mrs. R. Griffin, Mrs. Claud Tal-
. mage, Mrs. Lottie Morrison, Mrs.
... W. Foster, Mrs. Carl Vogl, Mrs.
Viva Hogue, Mrs. Barbara Wells,
Mrs. Earl BedwelL Mrs. Albert
Stettler, Ida Denny, Mrs. Eliza
, beth SiddalL Mrs. C. W. Garri
' son, Mrs. Vernon Clark, Mrs.
Ronald Hall, Mrs. David Greig,
Mrs. Leonard Greig, Mrs. Chester
Doolittle, Mrs. W. Eicholtz. r
Special guests were Mrs. Lyle
C arrow and Mrs. Georgiana An
The following children received
their first year pins in the 4H
health club: Donna Andresen,
. Billie Badeau, Jean Badeau, Vir
ginia Brown, Bob Carrow, Stan
ley Clark, Doris Dierks, Carol
Lindsey, Mary Mowry, Waldo Un-
ruh, Dorothy -Wulfmeyer, Herbert
Newton, Frances Komyate. , .
- In Sewing I pins were given
to Donna Andresen, Jean Badeau,
Doris Dierks and Frances Kom
yate. In Cooking I Virginia
Brown, Carol Lindsey, Mary
, Mowry, and Dorothy Wulfmeyer
received awards." .
Couple Married f
At Vancouver
STAYTON Pat Amos and
Mary - Nuttman - were married in
Vancouver Monday with Rev,
Paul Kunzman reading the cere
mony at the parsonage.
The couple was attended by Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Jones of thi
place. A wedding dinner In Port-
kind followed the ceremony.
Mr, and Mrs. Amos will be
home at the Jones apartments.
Budget Group Named
LEBANON The city council
aamed the budget . committee
follows, Dr., Harold Whelan, Dr.
J. G. GilL J. H. Irvine, D. A.
Reeves, Edward Bohle and James
"I have been cxdled to active duty In the United
States Navy, and wish to thank my friends and pat
rons for their splendid cooperation in the past and
look forward to resuming these associations in the
future" '
Note: . . .
All students with incompleted lessons, paid in ad
vance. please call Tuesday; March 22nd for either
appointments or refunds. - , - . .
; -j , ' I ; Thaalt .yotu':
, r;"- and Armstrong
317 Ccsrt irt
. Sdeau Ort.
Four Corners
man, who has been confined to
his bed for the past five weeks
with inflame -ry rheumatism, is
The H. V. Brown family have
moved to the J. C C -rtnier prop
er on State -treet Mr. 1 Mrs.
Courtnier are moving if Portland
w-sre Courtnier has employment
in the shipyards.
.. Roy Stewart . has been con
fined to his home for the past
wee with a severe cold.
Mrs. Wally Towers, Madras, has
been 'here for several days on
business and visiting her parents,
td Mrs. A. E. Cornning. .
Fred Jackson underwent a
major opera' n at the Deaconess
hospital two weeks ago and has
been mov- back to his home. .
Mrs. Dale Magee and two chil
dren, Aumsville, spent Tuesday
w."h Mrs. Rex Nicholson and Dar
7"-. Helen Waser invited the
4H "ewing club to hold their
meeting at her home.
Mrs. Ernest Walker entertained
at a dinner Wednesday in honor
of Mrs. Howard Robertson of Ray
mond. Wash. Present were -Mrs.
A. D. Williams, Mrs. S. H. Cable,
Mrs. C C. "7alker, Mrs. Palmer
Williams and son Denny, Mrs.
Glen Fisher, Mrs.. Howard Rob
ertson and daughter Barbara Lee,
Mrs. Albert "filler and son An
tt ny. Mrs. Or lan Cable, Ver-
laine Walker arr Mrs. Ernest
Walker. , ,' ,
The Yager family have, moved
into the J. C Courtnier property
on East Turner road. Yager is
employed at the Cottage farm.
Rex Nicholsc- is building a new
house on his property on Market
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Miller and
children returned Wednesday
from Anacortes, Wash., where
Mrs. Miller and children had been
vL-'tinj "ler's mother.
Mrs. Gc. James is spending the
weekend in Poseburg visiting her
Mrs. Cal. DeBau is able to
walk around again after several
mc-ths illness.
Accident Victim
To Be Buried
At Silverton
SILVERTON Funeral services
will be held today at 2 p.m. from
the Ekman funeral home at Sil
verton for George Thomas C rites,
70, who died at the Silverton hos
pital Friday night following an
accident a week ago. Burial will
be at Scotts Mills, where he had
made his home for 30 years.
Survivors are the widow, Caro
line Crites; children, Olive Quail
and Ethel Pownall, Scotts Mills;
Annie Adkins, Bonners Ferry,
Idaho; Nellie Trainer, Alpine,
Calif.; Elmer Crites, Gates;
Charles, Otis; Ruby Walker, Port
land; brothers, S. L. Crites, Inde
pendence; Ed, BuelL Idaho, and
a sister, Minnie Nelson, Kansas.
Stayton League
Honor Guests
LYONS The Lyons Epworth
league members were hostesses
for a party recently, entertaining
the Stayton Epworth league mem
bers. Daisy Weitman was In
charge of the entertainment
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen were
Salem shoppers Tuesday.
Mrs. Anna Keeton, who is mak
Log her home with her daughter
and son-in-law, ,Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Spa, is spending this week at Em
pire : at the home of her other
daughter, Mrs. Ben Thompson,
Constance Bodeker, Oregon
State college, spent Wednesday at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs.' Alex Bodeker. She returned
to Corvallis Thursday and regis
tered as a graduate 'udent for the
spring term. -
Valley Event
April 4 Marion County Farm
ers Union quarterly convention,
MOM. 1. o'clock.
March C 29 Dairymen's " meet,
Corvallis, Benton hotel, 10:30 ajn.
Reports from
Pickets fat front f the shantr commanding the mala eatraace of the
cheer the order of President Roosevelt for government seizure an
railroad brotherhoods have been on strike against the railroad since
WSCS Holds
March Meet
or its March session at the home
of Mrs. J. J. HalL Assisting host
esses included Mrs. carl cook,
Mrs. Jess F. Fikar and Mrs. Mil
ton Gralap. :
Mrs. E. A. Lytle presided and
Mrs. C. H. Breninger led the de
votional services. Group singing
was enjoyed with Mrs. Carl Hu
ber at the piano. Mrs. H. Benja
min gave a report on the sub-district
convention held recently at
Canby. A play was presented with
Mrs. James Linesay, Mrs. Wayne
Linesay,- Mrs. Howard Monnier,
Mrs. R. E. Smith and Mrs. Charles
Jones taking part. - -
Refreshments were served from
an attractive table centered with
an arrangement of yellow spring
flowers guarded by tall tapers.
Mrs. Wallace Jones and Mrs. L.
C. Austin presided at the urns.
Many Members
SILVERTON Mrs. Henrietta
Loe presided as most excellent
chief at Home Temple, Pythian
Sisters, Thursday In the absence
of Mrs. F. J. RoubaL who is ill.
The group voted to send cards
to other members who are also
ill including Mrs. E. R. Adams,
Silverton, and the past grand
chief, Ethel Murphy, who is ill
at Salem. The Orville Loe family.
the children of whom have
whooping cough, will also be re
membered at their Sweet Home
residence. -
Mrs. Loe, who is also president
of the Pythian Sister Altruistic
club, reported that the club had
been very busy assisting needy
families. The members will meet
Wednesday for an all day meet
ing at the home of Mrs. Al Downs
to quilt A no-host luncheon will
be served at noon. At present
quilting lap robes for wheel
chair patients Is occupying the
dub members.
The Pythian Sisters accepted
an invitation to go to Hubbard
April : 7 when the grand chief.
Rose : Haskell, Baker, together
with other grand officers, will be
honored. Refreshments were
served by Mrs. Nada Grinde, Ella
Knight and Emma Kaufman. .
Food Specialist
Holds Session
SCIO Mrs. Kathleen BalL nu
trition specialist of Oregon State
college, assisted by Linn County
Agent F. C Mullen began a series
o leetings on "Food to Keep You
Fit," at Scio high school Thurs
day. ; '' '":i'H::v:';"-;V v '
, The meetings are sponsored by
the county defense council and the
county nutrition council, with Mrs.
Dorothy Carson of the farm se
curity administration assisting.
Move to Fox Valley
FOX , VALLEY - The Robert
Reid family, who have resided at
Lyons for some time, moved re
cently to the Albert Julian farm in
Fox Valley. Reid is employed at
the Julian farm. ,
Mrs. Daisy Johnston accompa
nied G. - P. Johnston to Salem
Wednesday where they visited
Mrs. G. P. Johnston at the hos
pital. '- - - v '
Pupils Give Program
: WOODBURN The pupils of
Lincoln grade school presented
their annual program to the pub
lic in. the high school auditorium
Friday, About all the members o
the first six grades took. part. '
netcrcs Frcra IdaHo
ALBANY Mr. and Mrs. Vera
Jean returned Friday from a visi
w!2i relatives in Idaho.
Wil lamelle-Yal lev ; N:ew
The Statesman's
Salemr Oregon, Tuesday
Railroad Strikers Cheer Verdict
Gets Medal From President
President Roosevelt shook hands
(rirht). newly named ambassador to Russia, after pinning a dis-
tinsnished sovlee medal n bis
to Standley, looked oav ;
Airlio News
AD3LIE Mr. and Mrs. E. D.
Brown and twins were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Kerr, Suver.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hastings ac
companied Mrs. C W. Tarter to
Corvallis, Wednesday. They called
on Nick Tarter, who is ill.
Mr, and Mrs. Glen Hadley, Per
cy and Merle were guests Sunday
of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray McKibben and
Barbara Ann were guests at the
Jesse McKibben home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Womer, Ja-
nie Bevens motored to Pedee Sun
day to see Troy Turner. Turner
returned home from Independence,
where he spent seven months, i
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chaffin
took their baby son to Salem Gen
eral hospital. He Is ill with pneu
monia. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Stadts, Dal
las, Mr. and Mrs. Ott Powell,
Sherwood, were Sunday callers at
the home of Mrs. S. Tater.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee PerceR, Mil-
waukie, Mr. and Mrs.' Paul WU
son, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Whi taker,
Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Whitaker
were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. "H. P. Whitaker.
" : Mrs. : Glen Hadley and Merle
and Mrs. Anna Hadley were Tues
day guests of Mrs. Henry Hewitt,
-' Mrs. Earle Brown was taken to
a hospital in Corvallis Tuesday.
Mrs. O. Whitaker spent the
weekend with her sister, Mrs. Ted
Martin, Ballston. .,;
- Ivan Quick and Alvin Ray spent
Sunday in Dallas with Mr. and
Mrs. Otis Norton and family.
Elany Ask for Tires
STAYTON The Stayton ra
tioning board has 29 truck tire
applications for a quota, of nine
tires on hand and passenger ap
plications follow closely. ;
78 Community Correspondents
Morrdno;, March 24, 1342
TPW nflre4 yards fat Peoria, HL,
doperation ef the railroad. Two
December 19.
with Admiral William H. Standley
chest. Capt. Jack H. Ducu, aid
. -
Grangers' Nows
KEIZER After a cooperative
dinner , Wednesday at the grange
hall a -program was presented.
Taking part were Eleanor Fran
cisco, Hal Razburg, Gloria White,
Ruth and Dorothy McCau.
Fire Takes Farm
House, Aurora
AURORA The Aurora fire de
partment was called to the farm
horn cijir. and Mrs. John Kister,
four miles from Aurora, Saturday
to extinguish a fire In a house
occupied by the farm help, but
arrived too late. The house and
contents were totally destroyed.
H. J. Ziegler is seriously 111 in
the Providence hospital, Portland.
Eugene Manock, who is attend
ing OSC, - Corvallis, . spent the
weekend at the home of his par
ems, Mr- ana Mrs. JN. . Manock.
Conducts Revival '
LIBERTY Teddy Leavitt, pas
tor of the Church of Christ In
EHensburg, Wash, will hold pub
lic revival services at the Church
of Christ in Liberty through Fri
day Of this week at 8 pjn. Leavitt
was formerly state evangelist for
the Churches of Christ. -
Always 2 Smcsh Klirl
j "Vivacious Lady"
with James Stewart
; "lleet Jcia Dos"
1 With Eirtar Stanwyck
!' TdSs
Lady-19 C:45-19:)
Doe-12:59 -4:5-:49 .
Final Rites
WOODBURN F I n a 1. rites for
VI AVft PsmtAti' arK rfiAV a I
Salem hospital Saturday; will be
held. at 10 o'clock this . morning I
from Ringo chapel with interment
at . Belle " Pass! ' cemetery.
Benson, born Febriiar y 11;
882, in Iowa, came to Oregon 13
years ago. Survivors include, the
widow, Lucy, route 1 Woodburn;
three; sons. Robert. Portland: I
Lloyd. Idaho, and Francis.. West
Woodburn; seven daughters, Edna
Nelworth, California; Vivian Wolf
and Clara . Stange, " Broadacres;
Bessie Krebs, West -Woodburn;
Dorothy Rogers, . Eugene; Ruth
and Lucetta, . Woodburn, and 15
grandchildren. " .
Infant Buried
At Woodburn
WOODBURN Funeral services
for Dorothy" Ann Wallace, born
Feb. 3, 1942, at Molalla, who died
rrtr l
will be held at Ringo chapel at J
pjn. today." Interment will be at
Belle Pass! cemetery.
Survivors are, the parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin S. Wallace, two
sisters, Shirley and Helen,; a twin
brother, Ralph, and grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wangerin, Wood-
New Officers
To Be Named
LYONSAt the Parent-Teach
. .
sldent, appointed a nominating
committee, Mrs. Jack Cornforth,
Mrs. Norman Garrison and Mrs.
Lyle Kinzer. Election of officers
will be held at the April meeting.
The refreshment committee was
Mrs. Helen Bauer, Mrs. Fred El
liott and Mrs. Alex Kuiken.
A defense meeting was held at
the Santiam Valley grange hall
with representative from the
state forestry department as
speaker. A meeting of the police
was held Monday with Mr.
Butler from Albany as instructor,
Perrydale Woman
Visits Canada
On Buying Trip
Vermilyea left the first of the
wc iw onusu uuumon to vis i uams, Harvey Kendell, Dean Bun
It at the Dunville Jersey farm and nell and Bettv Tih tMi M-
f" "iurc came.
. "
- -
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Carey were
In Dallas on business Tuesday.
tut. x. -r
Mr. and Mrs., Dick De Jong.
Percy Zumwalt went to Portland
tm i.nw uuuw Vi
uw . uiui utxutaay
vi xraisj joassey.
At a ceremony in Dallas last
Saturday Violet Duffy and Law
rence Macken were married. Mrs.
E. C Stulti and Mr. and Mrs.
Jean Macken, Portland, came up
iur uw weaaing. uacxen is a I
grandson of Mrs. D. L. Keyt of I
this place. They will reside in
Pupils of the school for the deaf
from Salem put on the program
at the community club meeting
Mrs. Godfrey Beck Is In Door
Those taking first aid meet on
Monday .and Thursday. Thirty
Dersons "are tflHnr wicH.
under the direction of Mrs. Laura
Wratt . -
Mrs. Fay Morrison was In Mc-
Mmnvuie Thursday.
La run u?fras Tax
New Flaying
What Every Woman Knows
and Won't Ten
- la -
And 2nd
' Feature
Ailzl - 2Uw til Cartsca
aaaite m a s
Mattison spent Tuesday with her
parents, Mr. ana Mrs. urover
Mattison. Barbara is a student at
osa . ".'..'
Mrs. S. E. Owens and Mrs. M.
E. Mas tenon, Astoria, left Wed
nesday for a week's visit at the
home t of their sister, Mrs. J. J.
Gaithef at Toledo, . V : ' ' !
Dole Pomeroy, who is employed
in -Portland,- spent several days
thii.week witii his family,.
iMrs. Marlow Butler, is visiting
her th Dri ind Mrs.' M. J. But-1
ler for a short tune before joining
Marlowe, who is stationed at ox-
nard,' Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Lyday plan
to move to their new. home on C
street this weekend, i
Mr and lira. Buster Schofield,
Salem, were in town Monday.
John Moyer was taken to the!
Salem General hospital Tuesday.
Darel ' Lewis, brother of Mrs.
Ralph Scran ton, Is living at the I
Scran ton home and working at
the contonment
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Oberson are
the parents of a son born Monday
mgnc at tne t&iem uenerai hos
pitaL - " : ... ,
Mr. anil Mr S W T-nsU a 1
famfly Astoria: spent the - week-
- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
G. S. Wurman MflHftH. w.
terman. who ia taking n
Dean Girard, who is employed
at the Snow Peak Lumber mill
near Detroit, was home several
days this week due to illness.
Mrs. Jack Bradway and Mrs.
E. ML Wunder were in Dallas
Wednesday afternoon on Red
Cross business.' Mrs. Bradway has
taken over the work of Mrs. W.
R. Dale, who has gone to minis.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Noble, Fort
uenxon, Mont, were Tuesday vis-
itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
I Benton, Mont, were Tuesday vis-
T. P. Sharp.
Noble is a brother of
Mrs. Sharp.
Awards Made to
4H Group at
Ankeny School
ANKENY Poster- awards and
Pins were presented to 4H club
I members at the achievement day
program at Ankeny school Thurs
day by Wayne Harding, county
mi agent. Mrs. Willow Evans is
local leader.
Awards included: Vera. BeUrard.
Melvin Williams, Ralph Baldwin,
Esther Kendell, Joe Adams, Abby
wooa, Levera, Lloyd and Nora
Parsons, first vear: Norma Tfr.K
tins, second vear rtifuat rial.
Fish, Wesley Smith, Kenneth Wfl-
Dins: Thelma Maiors. HaroM TCT.
ley and Lyle Lehman, four year
I certificate; Frances Rickert. Ny-
jet. rshelley. Alma IRobins. five
i ;w ceruiicaies, ana James Hen-
I derson, six year certificate.
I Poster awards went to Thelma
Majors, Levera Parsons, Norma
phi ti- tv
I -u- t ivi r
I Ifa Ja Hum T -rV
I jog Wood.
Farmers Union
SILVERTON Marlon county
Farmers Union juniors, headed by
Murray Baker, Salem, held their
by-monthly convention' at the
MWA hall at Silverton Friday
with Bethel and Central Howell
I Farmers Union juniors as hosts.
The Bethel club furnished the
discussion hour and refreshments
while the Central Howell unit
furnished the entertainment. Er-
ma Kuenzi of Central Howell Is
secretary for the group.
Alvin Krug is leader of the Cen- j
I tral Howell Juniors and Mrs.
I D1 Wilson. Salem. leader of
I we r -iei group.
v Jean Blendell
Binnie Barnes
Janet Blair
"3 Girls About
with Rebf. Benchley
"Secrets ef the Lonet
Clrh: t:t5-4:5
Uat 22c
Ptaa Tax
EC3 HO?Z - :
Paillette Goddard
'7oCLIng tut Th
"Cay Me That Town"
Tinrnj SrS ,
1.2 lAX
Marriage of -Lebanon
LEBANON Mrs. William Chas-
tain has announced the marriage
of her: daughter, Juanita Luena,
to Kenneth Bair, son of Mrs.
Bertha Bair of Salem. i !
The -ceremony was 'performed
in the Christian church in Van
couvtf. . Januarr ,21. Friends of
Btdta from , Salem s accompanied
the young couple. ..Mr andMrs.
Bair returned to '-Salem wherf
they will make their home, aa
he is a machinist in the Mason
f Bair waa eraduated from
the Lebanon high school with the
class of 1938. Bair
from . the
Salem high school.
Before her marriage the bride
was guest ; or honor at several
showers. Those , who entertained
for her were Mrs. Clyde Harnett,
Mrs. Horton Tyler, Mrs. Ray
Morton and members of the Fair-
view club. . '
Card Group
I i-i :r i
WOODBURN Mrs. Blaine Mc-
Cord entertained members of the
benefit card dub of St Mary f
I tPcopa vuua mesaay. cnoga
and pinochle were, played with
high scores being held by Mrs.
Walter -Mffler : and ' Mrs. Orval
Attending were Mrs. Maricle.
Mrs. Miller. Mrs. Merle Harwood.
I Mrs. Gerald Smith, Mrs. S. R.
Kallak, Mrs. Wallace' Jones, Mrs.
Burt Wnieford, Mrs. Ray Glatt,
Mrs. Lyman Shorey, Mrs. Clyde
Whitman, Mrs. Kenneth McGrath,
Mrs. Harold . Ticknor, Mrs. Gail
Lansden, Mrs. Fallen, Mrs. John
Hunt an4 the hostess. - . : 1
Mrs. Gail Lansden. will enter
tain April 6.
i-i.. . r! U-
HAYESVILLE Over $23 was
taken in at the jitney supper Fri
day night at the school house. The
girls of Cooking class III netted
$4.50 from their ice cream sale.
At the regular meeting of the
community club following the
supper, E. L. Moor gave a , talk
on victory gardens. Brian Conley,
Marion county defense coordina
tor, spoke. A contest program be
tween the men and women re
sulted in the men winning. How
ever the men agreed to furnish re
freshments at the next meeting.
which was to have been the pen
alty for the iosing side, i
"Boy Defense Bonds"
Ends Tonlte 2 tuts
5 Plus "No Ham
n the Clock'
E Morris
Flos Sopermaa
Starts Wednesday
111: SsTt&f&
Cempanloa Featare
Hash Herbert in "There's
One Bora Every Murate"
Last Times Tonlte
A Thriller
"Faeifle Blackeat"
' Plaa
. Gene Autry In
"Heart ef the Ue
Grande" - -Fins
Ser. Gang Rosters
mmmmw w ,w mm m t n n I v
ll Sttoe Oncers 1
Gtoftf. flepbuml
1 J