i 1 i .4 ' . t r V' ' 9 1 .4- - .1 ( V Ik r t - Terrific I wwwww CatUnc a path f death and destruction thrairli a aeetton f Laean, HL. a fierce temad was a tricky twister, to. Her a aid of a aas was bUwn into splinters and a felled tre ked branches thrown broken windows. Twenty persons were dead in Illinois In the wake of the storm, and pro perty danure la Laea alone was estimated at abeat ,$400,100. j Changes Noted I' In Area of Cantonment SUVER r- Attorney A. K. Ma han, Albany, told of the proced ure - to be pursued if there .was dissatisfaction with the price, paid for property at a meeting of per sons in the cantonment area Mon day. : Several people have -moved from the area the past week in cluding Ralph Kester family, Wes Kester family, Mrs. Rose Carter. The Wells church,' the commun ity hall and the Ray Moras house have, all been "occupied by can tonment workers. - ; " The Sand and Gravel company of - Albany have bought a right of way through the Cracker and Gossler farms" to a large gravel bar in th$ Willamette. E. B. Gobtt is seriously ill in the Dallas hospital. The infection in his hand seems to be about well, but he is suffering with heart trouble now. , ... In payment of a cantonment bet with Ralph Kester, George Dan nen was host at a party Saturday at the Walter Leppin home. : Mrs. Hutoqua Linegar received word Saturday that her son Rus sell will leave for the army March 25. He may get to come home a few days first. The Ralph" Kester family are now living in Monmouth and the Wesley Kesters are living in the former A. K Thomas house on Monmouth street in : Indepen dence. Silver Cliff Qub ; Cancels1 One Meet SILVER CLIFF The Silver ' Cliff Woman's . club has discon x Unued two meetings in a month ana nereaiier win meet omy on the first Tuesday. The April meeting will be at th home of Mrs. Eunice Lais. fficers will be elected and dele gates to the county federation, of clfb convention later in April will be lamed; --- Big Brother Y '. txlle, 11-year-elJ Daniel Lockard (left) stepped np ta Lstinnlshed service medal pLnntdon his brother. Staff "1 L. Lockard, in Washinrton, DC, for the anheeded alarm ' .a t 9 ettctei tha arrreach of planes at Pesrt Harbor, - 7. r:txeta thti lj t.':t"r fithtr, Grorr IX Loclard f :.t, r. .- " ; ' i:-V.. But f rich-Tornado Did This - on To Assist in SILVERTON Mrs! J. W. iiuxmarv LJianff president of the American Legion auxiliary, explained changes made necessary by war conditions in the program of units in her talk Monday before the Delbert Reevea unit 7. Mrs. Zanta nuiion, president, was in cnarge Mrs. . Mclnturff urged a co operative work program for the duration in putting unit, efforts side by side with civilian defense and Red -Cross plans. She sue rested that every unit in the state send a representative group to the state convention at Eugene July 23, 24, and 23. r There will be no Girls State or junior conference this year. The president suggested that the unit continue its meeting through the summer months. Kits for soldiers were suggested as a work project for unit sewing groups. Poppy money, Mrs.. Mclnturff said, was to be used for aid to present ser vice men as well as veterans of the first World war. -. , a Past presidents were Mrs. Lucy Wray, Mrs. A. J. Titus, Mrs. C. J. Towe. Mrs. T. P.. Heidenstrom. Mr. Tjiwia Hal!. Mm. TCrnrtrt T. Starr, Mr. Clifton Dickerron and Mrs. 5.. A. Pitney. , A joint supper meeting with the post in observation of its birthday anniversary and past commander's night was held. A white elephant sale was announced for the first meeting in April. Cantonment Area Gets New Milk Inspector Because of the demand for san itary and milk inspection service in the Medford cantonment area, another representative has been named to that district. He is A Gribskov. now serv ing the state agricultural deDart- ment in th Union, Wallowa and Baker county district He has been connected with the deDart ment lor six years. Gribskov will devote ; his time . exclusively to sanitary work.' 4 ; u Paul t Border, ormerly engaged in creamery work in datskanie, previously was assigned to the Medford district , Got a Medal The Plans es ts Mclnturff, Marshfield, department Station Bought At Rickreall . U By: Lyons : Man LYONS--Fred Elliott has our chased a service station at Rick reall and will move his. family tnere as .soon as: school la but Elliott was formerly employed at the Engdahl grocery and service stauon. . . 3 The Lyons Woman's club held a special meeting Monday after noon to work on cot quilts for tne defense hospital. They will noia an all day meeting today, In the afternoon a speaker will talk on nutrition. Everyone is in vited to attend. 1 ... , Ur ni)'Uiw tr 1 1 moved into the'Donison house, re- cenuy vacated by the Everett Crabtree family. Gesher Is a truck driver for the Van Handle lumber company. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weitman were Mr. and Mrs. Orville Bower Don ald, and Virginia, Salem. Mrs. Bower is a sister of Mrs. Weit man. - r , Cleta Marie Crabtrte u n H n. went a tonsil ectomy Saturday- at the Salem Deaconosc Tiwniti one returned nome Monday. Fred DeVries.-Pratiim Hi.fwt Sunday school superintendent for Marion county, visited the Lyons dunaay scnool Sunday morning. Weekend guests at the Mr. and Mrs,. Ed Spa and Mrs. Anna Kea ton were Mr .and vtrm Ben Thompson and A daughter, oonnie Jean. Emnir Mn Thompson is a sister of Mrs. Spa and daughter of Mrs. Keaton. Mr. and Mrs. Denton Rrnwn Redmond, visited friends In Ly ons Saturday. -The Rrnwn m former residents of Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Lnan4 TVinm. and. Richard and Jimmle, Stay ton, spent Sunday at ihm Vny. - wviuc V4 her parents, Mrand Mrs. Amos Mrs. Wayne Hii-Vmnn .ni children, Salem, are snendinv thf. week at the home of her parents. ixnv ana Mrs. pat Lyons and sis ter and brother-in-law. Mr' m.A Mrs. Wayne Ransom - Church Rites Set at Gervala, rawfidd - FAIRFIELD 'Rev: Jam a. All kin Smith wfti nrafh in Presbyterian church at Fairfield Sunday on "Christ -for the JPres- eni vnsis." airs. Smith will have charge of the morning service at the Gervais PreshvWisn ..i. Christian Endeavor meets at 720 OCIOCK. Feted at Dinner r SILVERTON Dinner ' n,t. at the home of Mr. and Mr. George Kirk, Monday, 'were Mr. and Mrs. George Kleen, Pratum, Mr. and Mrs.' J. F. Huchingson, Carolyn Lee and Jimmie. Antioch, Calif. T . H Leares for Dakota , , LINCOLN Mrs. Harold French, th former Christene Eschenko, is leaving March 21 for Grassy Butte, ND, where she wiU tisit her parents. Her husband is now with th army In Texas. Valloy Evcnb April Marion County Farm- .ts Union ' quarterly convention. rair'eld, startinz 10 o'clock. : V J Defense Proiec OJIIGON STATESMAN. Salam. , . ; Grangers' Novd TALBOT Ankeny grange met with Master J. Q. Farr In the chair. Mrs. George Maria tt, home economics -dub chairman, re ported on the hall work. - - Jake , Gumour and i Louise Johnston g a v agricultural re ports.,: Rex Hartley gave a leg islative report ETCHEN CRAFT Flour 49-lb.;tac)c S1.S4 GOLD MEDAL Flour 4Wb4acfc DRIFTED SNOW UylblMi 49-lb. $1.83 PANCAKE riX)UR. Harvest Blot. Mb. 24c CORN MEAL Mammy Lou YI. Wht 9 lb. 31c SHORTENING, Fluffo Lb. pkg. lie? 4 lbs. 69c SALAD OIL. May Day, Pint 25a Qt 45c WESTAG VANHJJL ImiL &oz. bottle 10c TROCO MARGEBINE 1-lb. pkg. 25c 2-lb. pkg 49c SUNNY BANK MARGERINE 1-lb. pkg. 17 2-lb. 33c NESTLES MORSELS. 7-ox. pkgs. 2 for 25c ORANGE SLICES SWEDISH MINTS MARSHMALLOWS, Fluiat GRAPE NUTS KELLOGG Wheat KrlepUe CREAM OF WHEAT QUAKER OATS, Reg Quick Lge. Pkg. 23c RITZ CRACKERS 1 lb. package 21c PEANUT BUTTER, Beverly ' 6K20Z. 11c SANDWICH SPREAD, Lunch Box ' Pt-25c BED HILL CATSUP HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP LTBBY SWEET PICKLES 12-oz. Jar. ltc KITCHEN BOUQUET 4-oz. bottle 33c HOT SAUCE, Gcffdensld 8-oz can 3 for 11c TOMATO SAUCE. Sunny Dawn No. 2'a 9c TOMATO JUICE. Campbell's 20-oz can 9c HIGHWAY NECTAR 2 12-oz. 15e HIGHWAY PRUN? JUICE 12-oz. can 7 NOB HILL COFFEE 1-lb. bag 23c; 2 lbs. 45e AIRWAY COFFEE Lb. bag 20c; 3-lb. bag 58e CANTERBURY TEA BAGS, 10 s 9ci 25's 19c VALLEY GOLD APRICOTS No. 2Vt can 17a FRUIT COCKTAIL, Hostess Delight 22 23c SUNDOWN FIGS. Kadota VAN CAMP HOMINY COUNTRY HOME CORN. COUNTRY HOME CORN. .TOMATOES. Gardenside KIDNEY BEANS. Joan of Arc. No: 303 10c UBBY CHU CON CARNE Small can ltc , DINTY MOORE BEEF STEW ' UV44b.-ltc MEAT BALLS & GRAVY. Dennisons l'e 25c CHICKEN SPREAD. Penthouse 3V4-ot. 10c FAVORITE MATCHES Ctn. of 6 bbxs ITe FRISKIES DOG rOOD - 4Vi-lb. pkg. 49a KENDALL DOG FOOD . 5-lb. pkg. 15c SUNSVCBT PRUNES usnM 21a - p&tf&fr.. 1 1 Orcran. TAAtrtr Mafrtln YWi. pwmmf A S10 nrize for th hMt virtnr garden grown . by any member will be given. ' ' Mrs. -George Henderson was in charge of the program. Read ings by Mrs. .Edna Reeve and Lawrence' Finlajr were enjoyed. Kitchen committee for April is Mrs. Rex I Hartley and Mrs. George Henderson. . . April v 4 Macleay grange ' will visit ' Ankeny and take : charge 1-lb. cUo bags 14c 1 lb. cello' 19c Lb. ctri. 14c 2 Regular Pkgs. 25c . -Pkg. lie Large Pkg. 24c 14-oz. bottle 11c 1 4-oz, bottle, 2 for 35c : No. 1 can lie IVt can, 2 for ltc Cream, 2's 12c Kernel 2 2's 25c 2M can lie ' Green Giant F2A0 ChojoIstoDci L lie 1T 91 iit evs mm of the meeting. Ankeny grange accepted an Invitation, to! m e t with the Roberts grange May 2L i MACLEAY Mrs! J, Li, Amort and Mrs. Lloyd Keen entertained members of th grange home co nomio dub Tuesday. . S v c r .; The group " voted to' cotiecff books for the soldiers library and to make quilts for charity. Pres ent were Mrs. Harry Martin, ax. .0 0600 cifj-jdi. : b"i few rh (i.f c!u 'at. ye; UiTwwd ;Cdar'j&; eta b u fetf.A Mtard b'sd d J rsittftsl wKh lets cf dt. A dxjlda hh ; r Prices Effectlre Friday to Monday, March 20-23, Indusire Cd.IIiicarcdV 3.iUkr.19c Ersll CtsiiSs rS" Ccilaga Cheeia Intl. rial 0' Cf Mi It it LQIOIIS Sanktst 10c GnAPEFnUIT . . Arizona ''Seedless Juat halre 4 ' V! l and etl.i.-.Lb. AP 0 it? 0 HBflCHEV Y VAM CM.'.? Per! Deans IbttOi No. 100 Cans' Larfe Bars Meat IZ- 37c Ib- 27c 5Msi7c MrsT Harry Martin, Jr, Mrs. ,C Perry, Mrs. Harold Halfman, Mrs. Clara Condit, Mrs. Ed Den ham, Mrs. J. F. d Tekenburg; Mrs. W. Welch, Mrs. C. A. Lynds, Mrs. Tom Burton, Mra. Edith Wflaon, Mrs. .Edward , Tooker, Mrs. 'Albert Mader, Urt. It! M. Magee, Mrs. William Dunigan and the hostesses. . RICKREALL Approximately m mm IQ C AT TTflTT Mtmere CoIambU OlilallUU Camk N. H Can saiiiori "X. c- w 40 C 19c imiCED Cta. Sweet, Juicy Nayels put one In hie lunch box trery dy!..Lb. Fredaee Frlees Effectlre FrL Sat. Only APPLES M """" 6c CALAV0S "" f '"" ,.13c I0IIAI0ES .w2 nJ.29c POTATOES v.v.2S OSc IIET7 FOTATOES n,,U4 u. 6c DDTABAGAS Clean 3 lbs. 10c CADLITLOrffin . owm,aT . . . ell about vitamins terns how .to pr tious meats .atftl 1 an easy, 1 0-lsaon course. Inn today! Send your name, ad dress end 25e to Julie Lee 10-lesaon SSY Sa-PcrhS8aP'-17c2:37c Peas" Egg Dyes 3 25 c Gsrtsri Dahy Fcsis 4 25b Ilehi Daiy FccJs 3 200 ' Redeem Your Rinso, lifebuoy and Swia v v Coapons at Safeway qihco Grcn Corp ; 2 Boxes Friees EffettlTe Fridaj and Satarday Only PAC2 109 attended me grange dinner Friday. A program was given by ' the Salem "Y 4 Gleemen. RonaI4 ; Craven, director, tang an encore. i Hollis Smith, president of th ' Dallas chamber .of - commerce, 4 presented ,Josepli Ilarl&nd with, the bronze plaque for the out agriculture, committee in 1941, with Harland as chairman, U &m CODFISngSL1,. 10c CLAIIS Warrenten N. 1 Caa ALL Mtiqft sutvicr to ' MARKtT CHANttl LATEST nUTDiTIOD . . eateries . . . pre PGG Lcundry Seep Reg. Bars l4har.lS iant Bars far tie IV 1 1 .vS-rsrSiG