The OHIGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oreejon. Friday Morning, March 23. 1SU FACE CIVET Child Health Drive Slated . Immunization against smallpox and diphtheria of every child of chool age in Oregon is the goal of a child-health drive to be con ducted throughout the state be-' tween now and the close of Jhe school' year by the state depart ments of health .and education, announced. Thursday by Dr. Fred erick D, Strieker, state health Of ficer. 1 --t:',i .:-: : President . Roosevelt has offi cially proclaimed May :1 . as Na-i tional Child Health day, signaliz ing -.the . importance - of ; child health' as, an .implement of na tional defense in .the. war emerg ency. City and state official. . civic, health and educational lead ers .in all parts of the state have already . signified their . intenUon of . cooperating : actively in . the drive, Dr. Strieker said. - - , ; Glee .Seating- . Change Told ; A charge in the reserved seats for Freshman Glee, to be staged in the Willamette university gym , nasium Saturday night, was an nounced ' Thursday by the glee committee, headed by Jim Glasse. Each class will be given a block, eliminating , students standing in line for hours to acquire reserved seats.; ; v .-. S The seniors have reserved the east balcony; juniors, south bal cony; .-. sophomores, . north main floor; freshmen, south main floor. Alumni seats will again be in the north balcony and faculty and trustees have seats east main floor." .. j Scheduled practices ; are being held daily. - Early . morning and night practices have been elimi nated this year. Truck Pool Predicted PORTLAND, March 19-iJT) Federal truck rationing officials Thursday predicted trucking equipment might be pooled with in a short time. Director Frank E. Landsburg of the Oregon-Washington motor carrier division of the interstate commerce commission said com peting operators might be includ ed in the pool which would em brace logging and agriculaural in dustries. He said the pool, if cre ated, 'would keep all available trucks from becoming idle. , During the first 10 days of the truck rationing program, he said, 950 applications three times the quota number for : the.' district were received. BanSought On Fireworks t i : -s..yf , . ' I , : Cooperation of the public and local authorities in banning the use of fireworks in , Oregon dur- Ing the duration , of Hhtf war was urged by' Gov. Charles A.Sprague - here Thursday. Request that, fireworks be ban ned was received at the execu : tive department in a letter from Maj. Gen.-Kenyon A. Joyce, com- - manding the northwestern sector, r Another request involved pro hibition of flares and lights along , the Oregon beaches. - jt - ; ; Governor Sprague said the lat ter restriction automatically would ' restrict clam -digging to daylight . hourt.- v - . - Clam diggers also are prohibit- ed '. from - loitering . about military ' establishments. - .-. Witness Incident. Receives Ruling .; .A recent incident at Roseburg involving a member of Jehovah's Witnesses ; sect selling . religious literature - and a , student t selling defense bonds nearby, does not provide ground for prosecution of the Jehovah's Witnesses , under the Oregon laws, AttorneV Gen eral I. H. Van Winkle ruled here Thursday. - . 1 f Van Winkle . said "it does : not appear that the conduct was vio lent or that the individuals con cerned uttered . 'fighting words or, words which naturally tend to provoke breaches of the peace." . IMincral Society : ' Formed in Burns i . - -''-. ..." BURNS, March 19 -VP)- The Harney County. Mineral and Min ing society was organized Wed nesday night with 35 charter members and Earl Hagey, associated-in the Juniper ridge tin de velopment, :as temporary chair- tnan. ' - ' ' -. ' . ' ' ' - : The society proposes to "aid de velopment . of nuneral resources in this region. value : 7 IN YUUU f SHOES! II t : ? i 1 7f 1 h Just a few cents will re new that oIJ worn I M.N I .f t. FUED MEYEK Lower LctcI Dn: Xli. rKzr Tin TGli-PEILYA JUIG Sweetened or Unsweetened s 6;for w ... t Absolutely pure. . . Pressed from thi finest tree-ripened grapefruit. Nat ural appetiier . . favorite for break- fast High in Vitamin C, energy giv- - ing vitamin. Non-fattening health drink. ; My-Tt-Fint Sweet er Natural -Crjptfruit Julet, 8c; 95c dx tnd Mtyt Grry Mliit Delhi Kadota Figs No. 1 A At $19 Tin I I Dos. fr4 Mtyvr Crtiry f Mttet My-Te-Fine Diced Occis No. 2 Ac t1-0 Doz rin T $2.05' Case ftU Htytt CrMary ittiimt Vale 5-Si3vo Poas No. 2 Ac $1.05 Dos. Tin Y. $2.05 Case Frmi Mtym Grocer Sttim Chocolato Supreme . - ... 4 - -' . - - ! Serves 10 re 12- f Portions i 2-Iaytr round ; ln . textured butUr cake that will pUase very member of the family, fiihrtr and chocolate mix : ' Icd . with . fudf ieinc aad. topped with sliced almonds. - - Streusel Twist ! Coffct Cake : Mad with rich ' for f ' , Fifth Arenas) C batter. . . w -w Grand heated for breakfast. ; r ' My-Te-Fine Vitamin- . Enriched White Bread - For the health 1 V2.b. laefenae ii?f I3C i yonrself - and . : your family. Tasty and nourish- Prepared Dread Dressing 23rkf. Ready for Instant use witfl flank steaks, baked flh. Tasty and enjoyable. Makes fine gingerbread In Just -a few minutes. : FtU Murm Jary Stitm lit II jC Dromedary Cintr Bread Mix Reg. 17- Makes fine iesttured and tattina gingerbread ft just a few min itesr Staley't , Corn er Cube Gloss Starch 2 l 15' fr4 Mtytr Qrtmrj $$fimm My-Te-Fine Maraschino Cherries, Tasty, 3-ox. 7c j f for 20c Tom and Jtrry Leather Faced Cloves, sturdy, 65c pair; 2 pairs $1.25 My-Te-Fine Cream of Mushroom Soup, Pic. 25c; 98edox. Vale Hot Sauce; Appetizing, tangx, wB-d 8 ox. 31 1 c ; 43c dpz. Ily-Te-Fine Plain or Iodized Sail. Free running, cln. 7 c My-Te-Fine Corn and Vegetable Relish, for sandwiches,. 16-oz. 19c Fred Meyer Small White Beans, finest quality, 2 lbs. 15c R. W. Filter Papers or Silex Cloths, handy, 9cjkg.; I for 25e junket Rennet Tablets, favorite with all, Reg. size, 12c; 2 for 23c My-Te-Fine Penny Matches. Stock up. Carton of 10 8c; 2 for 15c Fred Meyer Large or Small Pearl Tapioca, 2 lbs. 2c , Ny-Te-Fine Slnffed Green Olives, meaty, 11 -oz. bil., 11c; 6 for 65c Ily-Te-Fine Jellies, eight lasty varieties, 8-oz. 15c; 2 for 29c At Fred Meyer Grocery Section French's' , Assorted, Extracts i2e?5'r Oranft Peppermint j Winterf reen Almond Vtl l!llcJ'i 9fTorBi,wL or freM ouL Always unlfonn In strength end flavor. Extra strength foes farther. ; .w "Spring Time Is Cookie Time" NESTLG'S Sbrhl-Svoet " Morsels or Dors 1-9. fktu 25' French's Assorted Food Colors TastelM BUT. .r.tshla onlnrlno. 1 I. -" vwu. cream, ate. . . 9c I for 25. i Armour's Corned Deef S and W B Apple Ire Vt 5 Appetising and healthful. True' pplt flavor. r"fW Mtyn Crtry St!m Delicious, tempting chocolate for those cookies and cakes that pleas your fan lly. A favorite candy for the youngsters. fr4 Mtyw CrMcry $ tttium Heta Wrcestcnhlrt SCUCQ ' EottSe 23 . Ideal - sauee for meats,; fish and game. Tangy and sestfuL fntt Mtyrr Crttttrf . Sactlm 12-oi. Tin 25c 2 for 49c Armour's Treat, 12-oz. tin 32c Armour's Dtviled Meat, . Ws, U 5 for 29c -Armour's Hot Tamales, 1 lb. 20; 2 for 39c Meat dishes that can be served just after heating f of Jiffy-quick meals. FW ttmyr CrMir Mmttimm 3039 ; iteiis At 3030 LOW PIUCES! . Prices Gccd Friday Thru Ilcnday Fifth Avenne PIUIICESS ICE CDEAII Three layers : V a n i 1 1 a , pineapple sherbet arid strawberry- A- vitamin packed, refreshing food serve often.-Made from the finest fruits and flavorings and pare sweet cream ob tainable. The biggest value in town. 1 . . Puked Free la FresUIre I 'MVtSWiStj; Fred r.!oycr - Kitchen Fresh-Mi Id or Jrt Over 87 pure Vegetable oil -and Dike - ;iresh egg yoiJcs nset-Miiairvorea' -n. . ( - with fresh lemon juice. - A treat .to any salad. V ' ; 7 -WVf.; . - - , . - . . ,-..'. - - f- . , fted Meyer h"4'' " " - ... ' .-v Fred Meyer 1 000 ItlinVJ Ore ixing t Fred Meyr$lehdo!, ;Dlk.; qt.;45c; DIki pr; 5o - 1 "V."' Fresh wwp ;V . r""-V ' : spsjed er gtetsi v 4 -'t . sssnt.Batte " . . . . ") Horseridish Mustard, 2 lbs. 15e Honey Crunch, b!k.2UJb.;2I9c " At Fred Meyer Delicatessen Section ' M0U03tWMiM4K4dMAiMMM4Ce4 4 L : . Lr!yer Macaroni n) is. HBAFT ; GRATED ' AI lEHICAIJ CHEESE 4 csnccstlGc f . .: ...... 4 Delicious, Inexpensive and nourishing meal an la ena. Macaroni and cheese has been the favorite ef people for years. Enjoy spaghetti toe at its finest wits spicy. Inviting tomato sauce. - .";", ICflAFT CRATED AM ERICAh4 CHEESE, 4 ounces, 16c r itjrt Ctmy trntimm '- " T7ESS0II OIL 4.-. . y ' l.'.-:- . FcrDelicisss Fresh VegelaLIe Salads fetter Decorated and Nut EGGS c 2 for 75e edividuany boxed. . . Delicious creamy center with assorted Uts and nuts. Hand dipped end decorated. U0 39 FREE!! Mb. broken hard candy, re. 15eu With Van Mlukln mt 1 Ik EXTRA FANCY ' i no- msi. Carts ' lit TtiC f l-lb. HoMjnw. Eaeter Xlrnre www Huiif, rn, Jiacu " with year choice ef either 1-lbT Sturdy Easter chocolate coated Nns;- Carts ilC 2-Laytr Fifth Avenue Chocolates, ?8 .' At Fred Meyer Candy Section - Drnf BMf. Jumbo PoUth Rier, XI ft. r Fred Meyer Club and Peta : to Salad 18c U.SlSe Chipped leef, Ve lb. I7.e : Creen Queen Olivet, lie pi Iraunschweiger, 15c lb. ; Delicatessen Section - Lux or Lilebcoy Bar Soap 70 2 for ; Bring Tear Seep Ceapen - te Cf . I3d CCdl Pnre Cane JIM; ; 5 lbs: 330 10 lbs. 3c Dated Grade A Larga EGGS PiMnry Pancake & Waffle 10 49 0 1 2jCl4 IDozeif doz. ODQ S3e Strictly fresh eggs . every one guaranteed. Grade i Large Eggs 320 Dozen Ilannclh Cheddar Cheese reg. 39c U. 33 C tb. Spread i33c!i-ft. 17c; 2 ,.65c Badger Linbnrger 49 c lb. III. Hope Cheese. 39 c lb. IlUd Cheese 31c lb. At Delicatessen Section ' Fresh Oeu feas From the fertile TaUeys ef the sonny south. Rushed te our store to assure yon vnosnal fresh flavor. .-, lbs. Ifovj IroIaSoes Tender and meaty, for that axsnd com bination, creamed new peas and new potatoes. 3 lbs. !7ci Crisp SPIIIACH A great, health food 50 lb. Fresh Green MilCHOIES ea. S0 TOafc-Typo eELEIlY lge:bon. 100 " ' - At Fred Meyer Fruit and Vegetable' Section Kanplsr's "Ili-Grade Whole s f Small Tender UEIIEDS X Sirloin Beef STEMS li,. LOIII PIG PORK CHOPS . . . each 50 o - 0 Cured Sugar Back Fresh ITonEglPprls ILiver fell Lb.: Deo! Gbcclx Freshly.. Ground ' Pound Thuringcr fHi-Gade,, Kampfer'a Pound Cuts' Sfishs KArMEEl DP3. - In Fred LZsyci Fc:3 SScio Prices Good Friday; Satf V y Sunday and Monday : - ! I i I FOOD EUILDING Dflij-EZS'CCrFni: v ; Fresh flavored, 1 lb. 1U; S lbs. Sc Delightful pick-me-up beverasa. - - My-Te-Fine Orasje -v . r Pekoe Tea TaIiT-wP v " At Fred Meyer Grocery Sectlca J